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MARCH 2025

Which Side Is Aggressor In War In Ukraine?

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Which Side Is Aggressor In War In Ukraine?

Written by Eric Zuesse

According to Ukraine’s Government, Russia’s 24 February 2022 invasion of Ukraine was entirely unprovoked, not at all responding to a threat that Ukraine was posing to Russia’s national security.

According to Russia’s Government, this invasion was a result of Ukraine’s seeking NATO membership — membership in America’s anti-Russian NATO military alliance, which America kept as being a military alliance against Russia and against countries that are friendly toward Russia, even after America had repeatedly promised to Russia in 1990 that it would not do that (and on the basis of which American promise the Soviet Union and its communism and its Warsaw Pact military alliance against America all terminated in 1991).

The reason why Ukraine was extremely of national-security concern to Russia after the successful U.S. coup in Ukraine in 2014 and installation there of a rabidly anti-Russian government by the United States — which unquestionably was a coup there, and which the EU knew nothing about until it was already over, so that this was clearly a U.S. coup, and had actually been in the planning stages by the U.S. Government ever since at least June of 2011 (but EU officials didn’t even care about that) — is this:

Ukraine is just a 5-minute missile-flying-time away from Moscow, and is therefore the Russia-bordering nation that would pose the biggest danger to Russia if added to NATO. During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, America had threatened to initiate nuclear war against the Soviet Union if the Soviet Union would position its nuclear missiles in Cuba, 1,131 miles from Washington DC, which would today be about 10 minutes away from blitz-nuking Washington but was 15 minutes away in 1962. (Ukraine, by contrast, is only 353 miles away from Moscow.) Consequently, Ukraine’s joining NATO would be MUCH more dangerous today to Russia than the U.S.S.R.’s placing its missiles in Cuba would have been to the U.S. in 1962. And, yet, America was right in 1962 to threaten nuclear war over that, but nonetheless expects and demands that Russia will allow Ukraine into NATO, and that Russia will enable Moscow to be nuked by America within only 5 minutes. What sense does that U.S. demand make? Clearly, America is heading for conquest against Russia. Russia refuses to allow it. That is the real issue in this war.

In other words: the actual aggressor in the war in Ukraine — which began by America’s 2014 coup there, NOT by Russia’s 24 February 2022 response to it — is America, not Russia. All else is mere lies. The documentation is here, and there is lots more of it. The links that are supplied in this brief article are merely some of the evidence, but a lot more exists as well, and ALL of it is consistent with — and helps further to explain — the evidence that is presented (linked-to) here. Some of it, for example, is public admissions by lower-level participants in the coup, who subsequently spoke to investigative journalists in the hope of finding out more about the operation in which they had been hired to perform only subordinate roles. None of that type of evidence is being cited (linked-to) here, because “confessions” are far inferior in reliability, as compared to the types of evidence that has been linked-to here.

And here is a timeline of early stages of this war in 2014, as it developed soon after America’s coup in Kiev. And this is an article about how the U.S. regime was even planning to grab Russia’s largest naval base, which is in Crimea (which had briefly been a part of Ukraine), and to transform that Russian naval base (which it has been ever since 1783) into a new U.S. naval base. (It’s the only part of Obama’s plan for Ukraine that was blocked.)

So, clearly, America is the aggressor here; Russia is the defender, and Ukraine is merely the battlefield on which Russian forces and America’s weapons and proxy forces (Ukrainians) encounter one-another. It’s the opening battlefield of WW III, between America (and its vassal-nations) versus Russia (and its allies). All else is merely lies, about the entire matter.

Of course, there are also journalists (and news-editors) who simply are fooled by the lies that they see or hear from others. For example, on July 17th, I posted a reader-comment at the article of a writer of that type, pointing this type of falsehood out:

Your phrase “Europe struggles to contain a belligerent Russia” blows away your credibility. It’s as-if you had commented there that America was “belligerent” in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis for threatening WW III if the Soviet Union were to position its nuclear missiles in Cuba, which then was a 30-minute missile-flying time away from nuking Washington DC [it was actually 15 minutes — 1,131 miles — away]; but, this time, U.S. missiles would instead be in Ukraine a mere 5-minute missile-flying-time away from nuking Moscow. That would be intolerable. Russia is “belligerent”? The U.S. regime and its EU-NATO vassal-nations are belligerent to claim they’ve got a RIGHT to position their ground-based missiles THAT close to the Kremlin [only 353 miles away]. Your saying such a thing as “Europe struggles to contain a belligerent Russia” utterly destroys your credibility, it is so counterfactual.

Unfortunately, lots of that sort of “news” and “news-commentary” articles are published in U.S.-and allied news-media — and sometimes even in independent news-media (such as that one was). Falsehoods which are so blatant ought to exclude from being published any article that includes even one such blatantly false assertion. To make an assertion which is so blatantly false is damning against its writer, and discredits the publisher, too, even though such instances are common. In free media that are online-only (such as that one was), fact-checking of any sort might be too costly; and, so, factual errors there might be excusable — but not in paid media (where such errors are, if anything, even more commonly found).

NOTE: This commentary had been offered on a paying exclusive basis to each one of the U.S., UK, and Canadian, mainstream national newsmedia and major newspapers, and was rejected by each one, and is therefore now being made available to all English-language media, to publish without charge.


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Well here is another article not worth the time. We all know who the aggressor is.

Peppe il Sicario

In fact, I wipe my a$$ with this non-article.


I wipe my ass, daily, with all the ridiculous MSM that you read.


West Came to Global Preeminence Through Robbery of Other Peoples, Has No Model of the Future: President Putin in meeting with Iranian leadership.

US is stealing Syrian oil daily to fund wars and terrorism.


Did you read the article? It is a letter being sent to all the major news outlets of the West, which has been rejected for publishing by the Western bought and paid for MSM.

This is a warning to the Western powers that history will record them as the aggressors, don’t be blaming Russia for wiping away Western Europe. We all do know who the warmongers are, so it is good to call them out before destroying them.


Lol Sweden and Norway?

Ukraine was not invaded because of nato, it was invaded to steal the land

hillbilly nebraska lgbt moderator

you swallow kyum pygmy sperm also –me like ukie sperm the best

hillbilly nebraska lgbt moderator

we lgbt amerikan submissive—we need sodomy by lesbians that r most masculine in USA

The Official Hacker Of South-Front

Seriously deep down i think all of you faggots that post about Gay People in every comment, probally wants to be sodomized yourselves, this might be a shock for you Pro Putin Hacks, but not every one in America is GAY wow shock i know!!


“only in amerika is the father vestigial: the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine”. Geoffrey gorer😂😂😂😂

hunter bidé lab pork !

seems like you already change sex and be sodomize by the pedos !!!!! but its alright because you been hacked by a global monkey !!!!

Michel LeBlanc

Gays are harmless, but your still a peice of shit.


Thay caused grave harm to themselfs,just like that piece of shit,regardless of 31 genders! The least of the harm is done by they whom kept their sex lifes private,far away from kids.


Go fk yourself sic cheep poof,we don’t need you nor your gates aids wef kind,fuk off perverts! Raised two kids proper,ain’t my problem ,impotent lieing waste of oxygen lazy fk,grow a set dud!


That’s not what your President said when he appointed a Trannie as an Admiral.

He said government must reflect the people of the US of America. Take up your beef with him, Bidet.


That be the roids,champ,legal roids particularly in usa shemale/hybrid socca team.

Last edited 2 years ago by FOSSILS BURNS PATHOGENS DEAD:

Try a Ukie Nazi with all the big tattoos. I bet you will be very satisfied, with the results.


amerikant loser traumatized—Russia dominates and makes the rules—not inferior immoral anglo racists

The Official Hacker Of South-Front

No correction The Great United States of America is Dominating, but maybe your Country one day will Rule the World, but Russia might have to wait its Turn once America goes away, then China will take its place!

official lgbt hillbilly from nebraska

traumatized inferior sodomized lgbt very traumatized by superior Russian Yuri…us lgbt morons have been exposed as obese ugly cowards by Russia. we moron hillbillies cannot defeat pygmys–nobody can defeat Russia w most advanced nukes in existence


For hillbilly kweer,thats a pretty smart comment yes!Preventative means beat gates cures!

Yuri is gay

Voulez vous couchez Avec moi ce soir 😘

Muhammad your Prophet

Now it’s an invasion. I thought it was a special moronic operation. I guess they could only repeat that same idiocy for so long before the entire Russian government ended up sounding like the bunch of demented fucking idiots they are.


Hey, if you got a problem with people fighting back against the private banking cartel’s evil proxy army, then join the evil proxy army and put you ass in a hole where Russian artillery will clean out your potty mouth for good.

Natalie Biden was 13

Well said. But I doubt Jens will go to the front.. hes too coward for that.

Muhammad your Prophet

I’m sure you must the bravest terrorist cockroach in the world, right?

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

I’ m sure you must be the biggest idiot in the world, right?

Muhammad your Prophet

He’s the cowardly brave terrorist heroically murdering innocent civilians with artillery from long distance, right?


He is competing and got hard competition with Liz Truss and Ursula Van Crazy. Who, will win? That race is a real roller-coaster.


Jens is 60 year old supposedly Danish cupcake queer. I doubt it any of these trolls can fight. US defeated military is short of 30,000 LGBTQ recruits.


It wont,the gimp never had sak to defend itself at school,let alone deal with the truth as the man!

Ashok Varma

Dear demented chap, you are getting more vulgar and profane as the Ukrainian Nazis lose badly every day. It also shows how IQ trolls with basically no education are being hired by hasbara and British troll farms. JAI RUS!

Muhammad your Prophet

Dear demented chap, why the fuck are British demented freaks like you always sucking Vladimir Putin’s dick? Go visit a fucking castle in England and stay there.



Sure thing idiot of the year:

Muhammad your Prophet

And that’s exactly why you’re a terrorist freak like the demented Ayatollah who invaded Syria just to steal a bunch of ancient Quran manuscripts from the museum in Aleppo. He’s another terrorist demented freak just like Vladimir Putin. Terrorists minds think alike.

Retired Troll

Russia is about to capture the second largest power plant in Ukraine and then its is lights out in Kiev.

British military intelligence said on Thursday that Russian forces are closing in on Ukraine’s second biggest power plant at Vuhlehirska, 50 km (31 miles) north-east of Donetsk and their advance units are withing 15 km of the sprawling plant.

“Russia is prioritizing the capture of critical national infrastructure, such as power plants,” the British ministry, which is basically controlling the retreating Ukrainian forces, said in a regular bulletin.

It said taking the power plant, a Soviet-era coal-fired facility,was part of Russia’s wider momentum as it steadily advances towards the key cities of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk in eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainians are trying to stall the Russian advance by blowing up the main bridge on the Dnipro by targeting it with US supplied Himars. However, Russian combat engineers have managed to construct a floating pontoon near the damaged bridge to move their armor across.

Muhammad your Prophet

The shitty Russian army can’t even Snake Island, you fucking delusional lunatic.

Stephan Williams

I can smell the stench of fear and desperation on you from here, MuhamMAD MAN. heh heh heh

I sometimes wonder what happens to evil vermin like you when you’re ultimately discredited in the eyes of even your brain dead supporters…

It won’t be long now.


I’ d say rather he’s the asshole of the year.


Central banks, the private FED reserve banksters, ROTHSCHILD! They started this war using their thralls in Washington…


every war is financed by jews. Even the crusades in mediaval time were financed by the jews to get privileges. Adolf Hitler was a creation from the zionist banksters. Remember “man of the year ” the cover from TIME magazine !!! The day he found be an instrument, he attact his masters and they put him a knife in the back. If only he won the war, we were now driving 200 km/h at 5 cent /liter. There would be no invasion of refugies from the south, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon will be holyday hotspots. Rotshild thanks his fortune to Napoleon.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

On a more positive note the evil Jew cocaine addicted arse bandit Zelensky is running out of money (massive default on Eurobonds happening), experienced soldiers, military hardware and friends. How we laugh at the results of the nigger faggot Obama’s revolutionary coup in Ukrainistan!


South america just gave the napoleon midget mk11, a virual signal of the middle finger too,thats gold!


The title of this article was meant to appeal to the western media but the author is not “well up ” in the US/UK/EU total ban on anything pro-Russia. It MUST be realised we are at WAR ! and unlike Churchill who said they allowed German propaganda because quote- “we have the moral high ground”- now in 2022 the west KNOWS it doesn’t-it lies its head off -unceasingly.

L du Plessis

The US Nato alliance is the agressor through Ukraine.


and also total losers.


End the debate,who drew first blood? 30 law enforcement officers murdered by askenazi snipers: FIXED! Turn the fkn page.

Stephan Williams

You’re right. The Israelis were reportedly the snipers on the roofs murdering civilians and policemen. Of course that piece of information has been stuffed down the memory hole.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

Why does everyone seem to forget it was the United States that was the initiator of the Cuban missile crisis in 1962? The Soviet Union was responding to the placement of Jupiter missiles in Turkey.


I have no question why Russia intervened, I ask why it didn’t intervene sooner? Why Russia didn’t intervene immediately and forced Yanukovich to crush Maidan like Luka did? Yanukovich was a godsend after failure of the first coloured revolution but Russia allowed Maidan to happen (busy with f***** Sochi OG). Why Russia did not intervene back in 2014. during the first Ukro offensive, when DPR/LPR controlled large areas (Slavyansk/Kramatorsk included)? Or after their second offensive when they were exhausted? Or why not intervene in 2020. the west was obsessed with covid and trump was in the white house? If waited so long then wait a bit longer, wait Ukro to attack first. Let them bled on Donetsk defenses then just deliver coup de grace. Instead Putin gave them 3 months to prepare, fail to produce a decent casus belli, and the entire plan was overly ambitious and unrealistic for allocated resources: no reason to go to Kiev instead to focus on the south only.

Last edited 2 years ago by Marius
Hostage (Raptar) Driver

At the beginning of the special operation Putin acknowledged that he had waited too long to act. Russia is purposely using only a fraction of it’s force, keeping it’s best troops in reserve to respond to overt NATO aggression


In fairness, it must be said that Cuban missiles were also a retaliatory move. The United States deployed nuclear missiles in Turkey against the USSR, in response, the USSR deployed in Cuba against the United States. When the Americans removed their ruckers, the Russians removed theirs.

Incisive One

> According to Russia’s Government, this invasion was a result of Ukraine’s seeking NATO membership — membership in America’s anti-Russian NATO military alliance

No. The trigger was the build-up of Ukie troops on the border of DPR & LPR, for a major offensive. If that was lost, Crimea would be lost. So the UN Charter/Article 51 declaration was to stop the genocide in the Donbass, and protect Crimea.


Belarus President says that “DE-FACTO ” Belarus recognises Crimea-Lugansk-Donetsk -no need to make it official as they will help them if needed.CIA Director-William Burns -contrary to media reports President Putin is –TOO HEALTHY ! Budapest want to purchase an additional-700 million cubic meters of NATURAL gas – not worried about EU.


In the Cuban missle crisis the USA came to an agreement with the USSR, they didn’t invade Cuba and Cuba aligned with the USSR. A agreement for no missles in Ukraine was possible. The USA did invade Iraq for oil though, I quess Russia is after Ukraines gas and farm land. Typical agrresor imperialist!

Paul martin

The anti Putin/Russia newsmedia is so very disturbing! I live in New Zealand and try to maintain an open view. The US &UK media are particularly appalling, no no contrary views presented at all, or otherwise suppressed. Their are generally 2 sides to a story!! This follows the covid vaccine saga where anti vaccine people were completely ostracized even here in N Z.

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