The White Helmet network showing primary funding sources and James Le Mesurier connections back to deep state (Image: UK Column)
The White Helmets have kidnapped 44 children in Idlib to use in a staged chemical weapons attack in the militant-held part of this Syrian province, Syrian Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Walid Muallem stated following talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov.
“Behind the creation of the pseudo-organization the White Helmets, are the British special services: they sponsor them, they lead them. They were behind the organization of those fabricated scenarios for the use of chemical weapons and now they are preparing such a development of the situation with the use of chemical weapons in Idlib,” Muallem said.
The minister also emphasized that the Syrian military does not possess such weapons and there is no need for the Syrian army to use any kind of such weapons to defeat terrorists in the country.
“We are in the last step to put an end the crisis in our country and liberate our entire territory from terrorism,” he noted. “The US, UK and France are not happy with the failure of their plot in Syria, so they want to attack it from outside the UN Security Council in order to foil the political process, offer assistance to Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization and prolong the crisis. Therefore, we have the legitimate right to defend ourselves and the aggressor States will bear the disastrous consequences due to their aggression.”
Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry warned that Idlib militants and the White Helments assisted by foreign intelligence are preparing to stage a chemical attack in Idlib province to accuse the Syrian government and create a pretext for a US-led missile strike on government factilities in Syria. The US military has already prepared a strike force to attack the country.
It’s Show-Time Folks …….. within the coming 24 to 36 hours ……… Friday is the best time of all for purposes of gaining a captive audience of fools in London Paris & Washington going into the weekend and, in America, going into Labor Day weekend: Media will be overwhelmed with all of the usual suspects calling for immediate bombing of Syria and is military infrastructure and this on the eve of Russia commencing the exercises of its Fleet currently in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ivanka will, no doubt tell Daddy that he must do something immediately to punish the awful people in charge of Syria ……… forgetting entirely the fact that everything that is about to happen has been telegraphed to all in the West by both Syrian and Russian Military and Media outlets. It’s time to hang on to your hats Folks!
This is being shown to the world as fact, and yet the American dumb ass sheep will fall for the trap when they set off one of their patented “chemical weapons” false flags?
I used to have faith in my neighbors to the south of me (I live in Canada) but once again they are too brainwashed and propagandized for their own good..
“They”, ahem. And ALL THOSE hosers up north are so much better. LOL Don’t make things worse by generalizing plz. The fact is that WE are a minority and WE are not limited to one country. Just as THEY are not. Peace.
I lost faith in my country the day Reagan was elected. I knew then we were toast. To this day there are those that still think Ronnie was great, that’s how F’ed we are. Just don’t ask great at what though. Then the whole cavalcade of usurpers and phonies followed. The people bought it all, even though we had to know better. Hell, just the lingo used by the cabal was a dead giveaway…homeland security?…patriot act? Names that dared anyone to resist their creation. Yet no one knew any better? No, we just didn’t want to know, or worse, knew and didn’t care… although the majority are those that are truly brain dead and believe it’s all real. Yeah, the vast majority will be surprised when the SHTF for real, not these put-up facades. Fortunately, there is room for blame to go around. Not one western country is innocent, not one tried to stop these crimes, not one has jumped ship (Spain left Iraq though)…even non-NATO European countries have climbed aboard. If terminal war does not end this crap, a massive economic reset will have to. Neither will be at all pleasant, but either is more desirable than the status quo…at least for the world at large. Here in the US, I imagine it will be pure hell and our turn at the regime change bat. But hey, we (collectively) asked for it.
I feel for you as they are exactly my thoughts on my own UK government, I think it is worse for us in the UK, as we blindly follow the US into illegal, pathetic and deadly wars.
I’m no fan of Reagan either but at least he tried to normalize relations, establish trust between the USA and USSR. For that one very important matter, I respect him immensely.
Reagan was probably the best puppet money could buy. That’s about the best thing I could say about him. As for his relations with Russia…do you remember the ‘push the nuke button’ moment?, ‘trust, but verify’ and the spend them into the ground? When it comes to relations, it was Gorbachev that made that happen, not Reagan. I can’t even bring myself to name every thing he did to the US…from health to spending…he started our big slide downhill. BTW, Reagan always said that his claim to fame was that he caused the USSR to collapse by outspending them. In actuality, USSR was already broke by 1974, as was admitted by Gorbachev. Afghanistan was about a pipeline to save USSR economy, we fixed that.
Since Reagan was elected you knew the US was toast? Good lord buddy. For nearly 40 years you’ve been in this state of mental hell and anger waiting for the collapse of western civilization? Well, the US isn’t toast yet, and I don’t believe they’ll be toast in your lifetime. How does someone stay living in a country they despise?
No, buddy, I didn’t say I despised my country (you said that), I said I lost faith in it…as in the direction we were headed. I’ve seen the writing on the wall for that long. I’m not stupid enough to forfeit my mental health worrying about fools that are too blind to see what is happening. But I did make myself self-sufficient and debt-free. America IS toast, you are obviously NOT an American or you would know better. If you are an American, then you are one of those many here refer to as ‘stupid Americans’. Every year, corporate rule tightens it’s grip, reducing America for Americans to America the Corporate host. You sound like a westerner. If so, how do you reconcile what your country does as it licks the boots of US oligarchs and slaughters innocents? How do you continue to support these actions by your country? If your country is in bed with the western criminals and you have no problem with that, what does that say about you?
you don’t despise the US???? Holy shit, the stuff you say is a whole lot more than “losing faith”. A whole lot more. But it’s only my impression. So you say otherwise. That’s fine.
I’m self sufficient and debt free as well. Western opportunity has offered that to me and I’ve taken advantage of it. How do I feel about the slaughtering of innocents? As appalled as anyone else. Maybe not as much as I should. Which is why I visit this site. To expand my horizons. I wade through deep pools of conspiracy, speculation, ignorance, and quite frankly, utter bullshit. Also some truth. But I determine for myself what’s true and what’s BS.
Mainly I like to get perspective from different kinds of people. You’re an American who lost faith in his country 40 years ago. If I lost faith in my country I’d leave if I had the opportunity. yet you managed to use that country to make an apparently good life and possibly raise a family? What does that say about you? I think it sums up a lot of Americans. It’s a great country to live in. So much so that everyone just sort of ignores its faults. Except for the ranting on a forum. Talk is cheap. What do you actually DO about it?
You know, I don’t know where you come from, but I can tell you are a self absorbed A-hole that apparently likes to start shit. You remind me of a hasbara troll named daeshbag…you sound a lot like him. I admit to what my country has been guilty of and it does sicken me, because I love my country, not because I hate it.. You apparently love the west and all it provided you with and maybe haven’t got a problem with what they have done to the world, as long as you got yours, huh? As you said, ‘maybe you should be more appalled’…dude, if you have wonder about that, that says a lot. Since telling the truth, no matter what, seems to be a problem for you, you must be an Israeli. Thankfully here, unlike on AMN, one can block total A-holes and not have to put up with trolls. After re-reading your post and others from your alter-ego, I know you are the same person. The same smug pro-west is wonderful line of shit gave you away, as well as the west gave me opportunity BS that you’ve used before. When you get your next identity, try to do better with your dialog…it’s easily recognized. If you see velociraptor or solomonk or any of your other buddies, tell them I said FO. BTW you get to join the other 9 on my block list.
lmao. You don’t need to block me dude. If you’re done with the conversation just say so. I’ll stop with the questions. And the last half of your paragraph is flat out wrong. I’m only me, with my set of experiences and opinions like anyone else.
Poor useless non nato countries joined because they whored themselves out eg Bulgaria ,Georgia etc
There going to get us all killed for fucks sake!!!
The average american is less educated and aware of the world than the proverbial third -worlder!
Meanwhile, it is worth everyone’s while to watch & listen to this and then to go to Already Happened on Twitter @M3t4_tr0n ……… It seems that NATO Base in SE Italy is on full high alert throughout today on the piece on YouTube while very strange happenings at the US Base at Al-Tanff in SE Syria
Ah they Finally got the Message that the Shit is gonna Hit the Fan…. GoOOD! IsraHell your Days are Numbered… Iran, Hezbollah, Syria Push the KidKilling IDF into the Mediterranean…they are Cowards….Don’t let them intimidate you…they are only Used to Fight & Kill Stone-Throwing Kids….Go Hard & Brutal on’m… Russian Nukes are in Place…just in case… IsraHell will commit Samson-Option-Seppuku….IsraHellis if you want to stay alive for a little while… better start Running
it is not going to happen, Israel will not be attacked by Russia soon….nor by any other country, all the neighbors of israel don’t stand any change, be rational…
Hey Matt how are you Doin’? No Russia only placed a couple of Nukes in Syria just in case….the Plan is to attack Iran ???… with Jidiots, Jihadiots & Ameritards
I am ok, and you? The plan to attack Iran is an old plan…..in my view it will remain just a plan, the USA regime is full off shit, but this one is just too complicated, even for them… Lets hope the Turks will participate in bringing back Idlib under Assad control and without too much bloodshed. After that, i hope Assad can make peacefull arrangements with the Kurds and the others in the east…..
If the Kurds Dump the Americans…. Talking will become a lot easier…the Americans don’t care about the Kurds they have shown that in the past…Kurds could have been Heroes…they just betted on the wrong Horse
i don’t agree, if they dump the americans, they will be surrounded by enemies. Unfortunately, there are no horses for the kurds to bet on, only enemies that deny them their right to have self rule…. 25 million people that share a common culture without self rule is RIDICULOUS
They should thank the Western Countries for Drawing the Borders…and forgetting theirs…Kurds Have chosen to Work with IsraHell and thus are not trusted by any of the other surrounding Countries
Well, the Qajar dynasty, nor the Osman empire were totaly innocent in this matter…. Its too simple to only blame Europe for this
Europe has had all the chances to change things in the course of History….now I can say it was never their intention to change things…. they Loved the Imperalistic Status Quo
Sure, just like the two empires i mentioned or any other empire in history. The difference between Europe and the other Empires was the technological advantage that we had and still have. Why? Because we are not stuck with stupid religions and traditions. Don’t misunderstand me, i am against empires. But one have to see the reality here. If the Ottomans or the Chinese empire would have had a more liberal stance towards science, world history could have been very diferent
Our Science has Destroyed Earth…. that is my personal opinion… We could have used our Science to Beatify the World, but Failed Big Time to do so…
you might be right…
Well that is the point! The ottomans did nothing. Some nations touch anything and turn it into Gold. The ottomans touched gold and turned it to ordure!
wich nation excactly turned something into gold????
They shouldn’t have taken a leading role in the Armenian Genocide 100 years ago. Their savagery throughout that Genocide, doing Turkey’s dirty work for them has cursed the entire Kurdish People ever since …….. and rightly so! I have little if any sympathy for them: the primary Kurdish population center is in Turkey and if they want Independence from Turkey then it is Turkey they should fight ……. not those in Countries adjacent to them who gave them shelter from the Ottomans and following the break-up of that Empire.
At first the did NOT take a LEADING role in the genocide, they were helping the turks.
If for that reason they should be cursed still, it would mean that the polish, hungarian, dutch, croat, ukrainian, french and others are all cursed since WW2
You don’t know the kurdish history, that is obvious, but if you knew that they were living in the ME (Turkey, Iraq and Syria for at least 1000 years) mayebe you would react differently
“At first the(y) did NOT take a Leading role in the genocided, they were helping the turks ………” What in hell is that supposed to mean?? You mean that FIRST: they helped the Turks with the Genocide and SECOND: they liked murdering Armenians so much that they asserted a FULL ROLE in murdering tens of thousands of Armenians and FULLY PARTOOK in the Genocide ……… Remembering that at all times, this was a Genocide directed towards defenseless Armenian Christians by Islamic hate-filled warriors, both Turk & Kurd. YES ……. the Kurds were the Crusaders in the Turk’s murderous annihilation of Armenians and the Kurds were Santa’s willing little helpers Live with this stain on Kurds for all of Eternity.
Bullshit, there was a group of armenians WITH weapons that tried to build an Armenian nation, the genocide was a reaction on that. Most kurds were no christians, so they chose the turkish side, makes sense? to me it does
To build an Armenian Nation? There has been an Armenian Nation since the dawn of Man’s time on the Planet!! The genocide was no reaction to Christian Armenians asserting their independence from and suffering under the Ottoman Islamic Turks but rather, a planned and despicable attack on an almost entirely unarmed People by murderous hordes of Kurdish Islamists. Kurds have done well over the course of the past Century to portray themselves as underdogs and put upon by the Turks but when Judgement Day comes ’round, God will not forget the savagery displayed towards the Armenian People by the Turks & Kurds together. The only thing that makes sense to me is that the Kurds are despicable whingers …… back-stabbing and never trustworthy in any circumstance. Their perfidy 100 years ago is mirrored now by their throwing-in their lot with American Saudi & Israeli plans to fragment Syria. Their actions against Assyrian Christians over the past few days in shutting and locking Christian Churches and Schools in NE Syria and clearing Assyrian Christians from their Church & School under threat of guns and violence does not surprise me at all, History teaches us that Kurds cannot be trusted. At all. Ever.
your history is not my history…..
Why should the kurds have “self rule”?! They are Syrians: that IS their nationality. Full stop.
Would we let the Mormons have “self rule”? No and for good reason. Same applies to Syria.
Well, i disagree and I hope that soon the mormons will aply for self rule (wich is a ridiculous comparison, mormons are americans, they speak english and are no natives but descendants of immigrants like most americans). It is time that the USA will fall apart! The world had enough of this fucked up empire…
Let’s just break up ALL Western countries, why don’t we? And while we’re at it, if you own any land or property, why do you give it to your precious kurds yourself.
Lets start with the bigger ones, they will have less corruption, less treat to orhers and more democracy
Let’s start with YOUR country first.
I don’t have a country, i am anti nationalist…. so go ahead, i don’t care
If you’re ok with NOT having a country, then indeed so are the kurds. What’s good for the gander and goose and all that. And btw, not ALL Syrian kurds want a kurdistan, only the violent militant ones and they’re a minority. They have a measure of power currently because evil America and israel are supplying them with weapons, air cover and intelligence data. The Syrian kurds who remain loyal to the Syrian nation are in TOTAL disagreement with you and Identitarian-political view – and they are the MAJORITY!
Listen, i live in a pretty free place where i can speak any language i want, practice any religion or non religious philosofy i want, consume whatever i like, write and speak whatever i want All this is NOT the case in the ME, don’t forget that!!!!
So, where did you find the WISHDOM, to declare that the mayority wants the things that you think they want? How many Syrian kurds did you actualy meet??
The place you describe sounds just like the Lebanon, actually – so you can put that in yer pipe and inhale! The Lebanon has democracy and more freedom of speech than the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Canada and Australia combined. Why? Because in the Lebanon, you can criticize the government, the party AND the jews without getting thrown in jail for it. In the Lebanon you can think the holocaust happened or it was a hoax and no one gives a shit. Just you try having a different perspective on the holocaust that’s contrary to the jewish narrative in the above-mentioned ‘western’ democracies! You’ll get thrown in jail and tarred for life for that, buddy! The stupid west is gagged by the evil jews and yet the west keeps telling everyone else in the world that the west has more ‘freedom’ than the rest LOL!
And as regards the kurds – evidently you were sleeping when Iraqi kurds voted NOT to have a state in Iraq! You were probably also drunk-trashed when kurdish civil and worker unions in Syria declared that they want to remain Syrian and not be part of any kind of ill-gotten ‘kurdistan’! And as it happens, I have actually broken bread with kurds on numerous occasions: my kid has a kurdish friend at school and both our families occasionally socialize. You can put THAT where the sun don’t shine while you “inhale”!
you are nuts and a stupid racist, piss off
You’re a truth-hating, anti-gentile snowflake – go cry into your glass of milk then go fuck yourself asshole!
Truth hating? You are mentaly ill…. I posted several articles about the referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan, even the Iranians and the Turks aknowledged that the mayority voted for independence, silly cow! And you don’t understand the difference between a jew and a zionist, so to me you are a stupid whitetrash american piece of shit.
Go back and re-read my comment asshole! Clearly your agenda is that of dividing up other people’s nations you mothering fucking colonialist pig! And if that is NOT racism itself, I don’t know what is! Go take your pompous dicky monarchy and shove it! It’s hilarious that you still bow to a ‘queen’ yet you call your country a democracy! You’re a fucking brainwashed slimy-limey living on a midget damp and skanky island. LOL you’re so goddam brainwashed by the jewy media and you don’t even know it! Pompous cunt!
HAHA, i am not english, and if i could rewrite history, i would have had ALL the monarchies given the french solution….
What a liar! Dude you’ve been using limey expressions left, right and center. LOL fucking liar! Go suck your queen’s toes, little minion!
I am using both limey and american expressions, the 2 main sources for learning english you twat :)))) Everyone speaks english where i am from….
Fucking lying freak! Go swindle someone else who’s dumber than you – oh wait, you’re splayed at the bottom of the ladder, little lying prick of a man! Even if you’re from Oz, Canada or NZ, you’re still under the boot of the queen and her jew bankers lol! Go liberate yourself first before you tell others to do the same. In any case, you’re definitely a fucking lying Brit lol!
I am not, stupid
Je bent zo dom als de reet van een varken
Je bent net zo stom als de drol van het varken.
HAHAHAHA!!!! maar welk varken? Het varken dat Lena Jones heet?
Als ik het varken ben, dan ben je de stront waarin ik speel, klootzak!
Dus je bent gewoon een kaaskop? helemaal geen yankeedoodle bimbobitch?
Awel, ge kunt natuurlijk ook een belg zijn, heheh
Talvez você pode falar varios idiomas? então, o que você acha sobre o situação política no Brasil?
The kurds have been living in that area for more then a 1000 years at least, you don’t make any sense. Syria is a colonial creation, like Iraq. It is time to draw a Kurdish nation on the map..
I think it is time for a New Middle East…. Cooperation…. and the Jewish King of Wahhabistan should be Toppled in a Coup…One Big Middle East… working together instead of Chopping Eachother’s Heads and sending VBIEDs into market Places
He is far from jewish, i wish he was. The local population would have a much better life….
Sorry Merijn, but these sites have a dark (anti jew) political agenda, i thought you were smarter Wahhabism is just an offspring of islam, nothing more
I use my own intelligence to get to the truth…I am not Anti-Jewish… I hate ZioNazis….and a part of the Freemasons is deeply involved too…a Whole New World opened up when I left Western MSM….I’m not a Hater… I’m just prepared for an eventual War & Know who the Enemy will be…. which is not a stupid thing these days…
Hate is never a good adviser to start with. In the second sentence you say, you are not a hater and i believe you are a good person, but you might try to see things a little bit more with nuances. The story about the saudis is rubbish, and the free masons that pull ALL the strings is another rubbish story. Sure there are powerful people that make nasty plans and try to rule the planet, but don’t forget that those people also fight for power, all of those sociopaths want more and more, so in the end NOBODY pulls ALL the strings.
You have to give these folks a name…try to capture it in Language…Crypto-Believers & Imposters is what they are…The time is there for some big changes… Globally…which makes it a very interesting Time…so I keep on banging at their Gates…
Hopefully the will soon be out of oil, no matter if they are crypto jews or not, they are assholes the weak part of the story is that in the eighteenth century oil was not an issue, so why would the english want to control a huge desert?
Syria is actually Greater Syria that the wicked West has already divided up into ‘Syria/Lebanon/Palestine/Jordan’. And YOU wanna break up Greater Syria further for the sake of the kurds? LOL! It’s YOU who do not know what you’re talking about. Modern Kurds have long been citizens of Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran. Kurds, historically, are a Persian nomadic tribe that spread from there across into Turkey, Iraq and Syria – and you wanna give a third of Syria (rich in oil, agriculture and water) to the traditionally nomadic Kurds? It’s actually YOU who makes no sense here.
Syria BELONGS TO SYRIANS: be they kurd, alawite, sunni, shia, christian or Syrian jew. Syria belongs to ALL Syrians. It’s as simple as that.
Bravo. Lena. I would date you!
America right? Most americans don’t even know their own history. Maybe you are an exception, but it doesn’t look like it. Your kurdish history analysis sucks big time. They speak an Iranian language. Iranian peoples, including the kurds were living in the area long before the Arabs and the Turks. Yes there was a Greek invasion, but that wasn’t a big group, only the ruling elite were Greek. Lets get one thing straight, it is not I that want to break up any country, but for world peace it would be much better to have a lot of small scale local rule, that can all be part of bigger entities. When did I say that the kurds should have a third of Syria????
Again an idiot that make false presumptions…
Oh dear me, such a fail at history you are. The Arabs have ALWAYS lived in the Levant, otherwise known as Greater Syria. In fact, Damascus is the oldest, continuously-inhabited city in the world, clocking at some 10.000+ years old – and Damascus, as we all know, was established and built by the Levant Arabs. NOT the kurd!!!!!!!
You need to go and argue your silly point with thousands of historians, dear, not with me.
No way, those people were syriacs, not arabs. You mix up things here. Read about the islamic conquest and the arabisation of the levant and learn something….
Go ahead,give them a portion (small )of the turkish state.
i wish i could ;)) and north of iraq
Kurds are immigrants to Syria as well and they did not appreciate or respect that! Come to think of it a notable proportion of moslem immigrants to Western countries behave similarly.
not true, kurds were there first. most people in syria that call themselves arabs are actualy descendants of arabized kurds or arabized syriacs about the immigrants, humans are immigrants and or emigrants, i have a very different view on humanity
Primarily in Turkey and northern Iraq
They do not deserve it. They can wait two thousand years like the khazarian askenazis did.
No they are cutthroats as they always were. Many are in isis/fsa and most voted for Erdogan in Turkey! Even the commie ones in Ypg which i consider the best of the lot have now shut down churches and abuse the christians east of the Euphates ie land us gave them
The key problem for the US, is that Saudi Arabia is running out of oil. The US economy needs that constant flow of dollars. The US has to find a replacement for Saudi Arabia, unless the Saudis are victorious in Yemen. I doubt the US would invade Iran, but they would bomb it to death, just to help the Saudis in Yemen. All wars are about money, and the US needs money real bad.
you are right, it is an empire in decline….
That would be ideal! russia can carry the nukes to any country making them defacto nuclear powers. Bomb Syria with nukes and see the radioctive cloud and rain fall on israel. Where do predom windw of israel come from this time of year? Prob south? No good .
The horrifc thing is that many of these kids if not all are going to be killed to pin in on Assad – nothing whips up the outrage more than a dead child
That is why I am saying that Trump, May and Macron all are child butchers. They have the same legacy as their former leaderships.
The citizens of the USA and UK vote for these murderers and therefore are also criminals. To be fair to the French, they tried to get rid of the old criminals, but Macron was a Manchurian candidate.
No, most people believe the Mass Media and are educated in schools with lies…
why would you blindly believe this?
Because we know the cw attacks in syria are either fake or it was the militants like in ghouta 2013.
You have no evidence, none to prove syria ever used CW.
Also as Florian said earlier, using CW in your own country is idiotic and counter productive. Syrians aint stupid, if they were then douche bag daddy ( your cousin i hear) would be “president”.
Why do you blindly beleive what terrorists say? Why do you blindly beleive the us gov? Oh we dont spy on anyone they said…. Bullshit.
Get off your ivory tower you arrogant prick.
why you make all these stupid presumtions, simple mind….
I do not support any party in this dirty mess
Ive seen you here before, nice try. You claim you dont support anyone. Thats good cover to be an agent provocateur, just stir the pot and watch.
You have a rich imagination….
Whats wrong with that???
This is the typical defense of liars and hypocrites. Pretend everyone is evil and that you support no one, in order to hide the truly evil side.
Bla bla bla blablablabla
That is your problem. In your effort to be so neutral you turn a blind eye to egregious abuses. Man up! You see the evdence. Take a side!
my side is with peace, not with violence listen to the dalai lama, or not, again its your choice
Well theres two ways to fake an attack – you just pretend & no one dies, produce some fake video etc or you actually use gas & kill people to blame someone else. I hope if there is a fake attack its just a psyop & no one dies.
I hope they won’t fake a chemical attack…
Why would cows like Bolton and western countries start “warning about CW” by Assad when all logic says that is impossible.
It’s only silly people start to create an excuse that make it going to happen and Russia has all the network to know all these before hand as these needs lots of people to create a false flag.
The “forewarnings” are already giveaways and looks like you love those kids killed to give excuse for a couple of hundred useless crusie to damage or kill people fighting terrorists .
another idiot that makes wild assumptions….
Maybe because the USA has a track record for mass murder, and seems to specialize in killing children Secretary of State Albright admitted killing 500,000 children in Iraq. Once a child killer, always a child killer.
Every empire kills people, including children
Yes, but only sickos want an empire. See where your head is at, you think that one group of people(empire) oppressing other groups of people is a natural thing to do.
COME ON!!! even you make assumptions?!?!?!
See wher my head is???? this is human history, wake up!
So that makes it ok.. It should just be accepted right?
You are vacuous or a vampire. No two ways about it.
Blood thirsty bitch who .get this ..only found out she wasJewish after her rise to the top and her evil deeds.?! same as gen Wesley Clark of Kosovo .
Fuuny how Jews only find out they are Jews ONLY oncet they are in positions of power.
IsraHell, U.S.A. U.K., France & NATO are Numero Uno in Killing Kids….they don’t care it’s just sum Collateral Damage here & there….
Yeah, sure…like Assad never kills children…dream on
so silly and stupid . Assad the great to have defeated you all and all those countries.
Defeated me? Silly boy….i am not part of this fight
To kill children in error is a terrible thing, to kill children for propaganda purposes and to steal oil as the US did in Iraq and Syria is evil beyond words.
All powerhungry leaders are, and yes since WW2 the USA became the most evil empire
The West has Killed Hundreds of Millions of People in the last 150 years…. Assad didn’t… the West has Created Headchoppers…. they even chopped the Heads of 4 year old Girls (one of the Reasons I’m in here)…to make Snuff-Movies for Rothschild…… this Evil should be Crushed… for Once & fo r ALL
There is a difference between collateral damage as the SAA fights back to clear the Wahhabi infestation and the murder of children by those Jihadists to create blatant false-flag atrocities as an excuse for Western intervention.
You should be ASHAMED of yourself.
Matt is a zio shill or useful leftie idiot. I am a Progressive and even I detest useful Leftie idiots!
It is you guys that are idiots, hahahaha!!! Most stories on this site are very biased and serve the russian agenda, so who are the usefull fools here
A real progressive doesn’t need to swear to make his point….
Ashamed for what? Just because i don’t believe a statement of a Syrian minister, that has all the political reasons to make this statement???
Are you infantile or what?
You’re such an icking fudiot… I’m surprised you can tie your shoes without assistance.
I doubt he has killed them wantonly!
well, that is your choice…
https://youtu.be/zwQvinmry5U https://youtu.be/DPgOnD0n9uw https://disobedientmedia.com/2017/01/us-supported-syrian-white-helmets-involved-with-war-crimes-committed-by-rebel-groups/
In the UK & The U.S. they Kidnap Kids to Ritually Abuse & Kill them….The Pile of SHIT YOU ARE IN is getting BIGGER by the day Western Psychopaths….
World changed already and it’s ongoing. This “white scum” and their western handlers will soon have to pay for their crimes against humanity.
The so-called “White Helmets” need to be treated like any other terrorist organization.
So very shameful and disgusting .
44 hostages. Where do white helmets congregate? reconnaissance should check places with electrical power/utilities. What satellites were used before to transmit data? What accounts were used to transmit data? IP addresses? If the children are still alive, they’d be eating/pooping everyday. Someone is bound to observe something. If they are dead, the autopsy/cadaver will pinpoint the time and cause of death, as well as other conditions. Perhaps feints of a rescue can be made. All digital conversations in the area should be monitored and recordings made for contingent release.
The justification can not be classified, not when it takes the world to war. Damn the assets or the secret technology. Evidence must be clear and without bias.
For all you British and Americans who read this, understand that your Government kills these and other children in your name.
For you Americans, you have elections in November, if you vote for either the Democrats, or the Republicans, you are actively supporting them in their crimes, you will be accessories to murder, and I hope that some day you will pay for your crime. If you are Christian, you are damning your soul by supporting these monsters, and your vote for them, encourages them to kill more children.
Please for the love of God, vote, but vote for anybody other than the Democrats or Republicans.
Gleiwitz radio station 31 August 1939 anyone?
Very true!