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MARCH 2025

White House Says Iran Is Preparing To Supply Russia With Hundreds Of Drones

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White House Says Iran Is Preparing To Supply Russia With Hundreds Of Drones

Illustrative image.

Iran is preparing to provide Russia with several hundred drones, including some with combat capabilities, US national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters on July 11.

Sullivan made the announcement during an afternoon briefing at the White House. The adviser said that the US has information that shows Iran is preparing to train Russian forces to use these drones, adding that delivers will begin at some point this month.

“It’s unclear whether Iran has delivered any of these UAVs to Russia already,” Sullivan said. “This is just one example of how Russia is looking to countries like Iran for capabilities that … have been used before we got the ceasefire in place in Yemen to attack Saudi Arabia.”

Sullivan went on to stress that the US will continue to support Ukraine in the face of Russia’s ongoing special military operation.

When asked about Sullivan’s statement, Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani neither confirmed nor denied it.

“The history of cooperation between Iran and Russia in the field of some modern technologies dates back to before the war in Ukraine,” Kanaani was cited as saying by semi-official Mehr news agency. “There has been no particular development in this regard recently.”

Despite being the subject of strict sanctions, Iran made rapid advancements in drone technologies in the last few years. Today, the country is one of the world leaders in this field.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to visit Iran on July 19 to meet with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Ebrahim Raisi. Many Western observers speculated that Putin will discuss the alleged drone deal during the visit. Nevertheless, the Kremlin dismissed these speculations on July 13.

The Russian military operates thousands of drones which were developed and produced in Russia. Yet, it can for sure benefit from Iran’s well-established drone industry.

What types of Iranian drones Russia may be interested in remains unclear. The Russian military may be in the look for large quantities of some of Iran’s cheaper drones, like the Ababil-2, to use them as decoys to test and deplete Ukrainian air defenses. It may be also interested in some of Iran’s more advanced suicide drones, like the Shahed-136 that can hit targets more than 2,000 kilometers away with pinpoint accuracy. Another possibility is that Russia is looking for a technology transfer deal.

The claims made by Sullivan could be true. However, they may be also fabrications meant to mount more pressure on Iran. Washington was not satisfied with the last round of talks with Tehran on the revival of the 2015 nuclear agreement.


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Zionism is Cancer

Iran wouldn’t do this as this technology would then end up in zionist hands not long after. This is just another red herring to implicate Iran by the Zionist order.

Peppe il Sicario

Doesn’t matter cause Iran has been supplying the Houthis and Hezbollah with their drone tech for years. Who gives a Jew rat’s ass what Jew swine is able to do with captured tech. They can’t reverse engineer shit anyways.

G2 man

Iran is constantly adapting its military technology and has captured enough US and Zionist equipment to reverse engineer and improve it. Iranian drones blasted the Saudi oil infrastructure despite it being guarded by the US THAAD, Patriots and other most “modern” equipment, which all failed to even detect, let alone intercept a single Iranian drone.


Come on, we already did. We cooperate in production (and improvement) of a few types of UCAVs with Russia, the most known one being the Orion. I might have pointed out a few months ago about our cooperation in a few fields.

And Russia won’t transfer technology and secrets to Izzies. Have you seen any Russian tech or design in the Zionists’ missiles, airplanes (they copied Mirage and F-16 for their unsuccessful attempts to build an airplane), air defence, anti-armour, artillery or torpedoes?

But direct sales of Iranian drones to Russia? I believe it when I see it. I still remember the first week of Russia’s SMO in the Ukraine, the Americans said Russia haven’t got any more artillery rounds and missiles and China is selling/supplying them the stuff. Word of advice: Never ever accept anything coming from an American government employee specially about other countries ever!

Last edited 2 years ago by Garga
Muhammad your Prophet

Terrorist lunatics like Vladimir Putin and Ayatollah Khamenei share a genocidal bond. They both want to murder as many innocent civilians as the can. It makes sense that Putin will run to the terrorist mullah freaks in his moment of desperation.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

I don’t see a problem with that. Let them kill as many people as they want as long as it suits their agenda. I don’t mind a dead Nazi anyway, even less if that Nazi is Catholic. The time has come for the Slavic peoples to pass through Europe and take revenge for all the genocides that the Europeans committed against the Slavs.

Muhammad your Prophet

That’s exactly why you’re a terrorist cockroach. Because you’re very nonchalant about how many peopke you’d love to murder. No different than a Nazi piece of shit. You can hail Vladimir Putin or Adolf Hitler. They’re both one and the same. You’re phony talk about Nazis is only your excuse.

Ashok Varma

You silly fool, keep on pushing the same childish trolling nonsense. The Nazis live in Kiev and Russia is doing the world a favor by destroying the bastards. JAI RUS! ZINDABAD IRAN!

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Without innocent civilians, no war.

Dick Von D'Astard

Absolutely none of The United States business what Russia and Iran does with regards weapons transfers.

G2 man

Iranian simply does not give a damn about what US thinks, it has been sanctioned till the cows come home and there is nothing the US criminals or NATO eunuchs can do.


The absolute brass-necked total hypocrisy of the USA makes it the worlds top liar -thief-Terrorist and killer of 50 Million world citizens ( including long term deaths from US wars ) since WW2- “white man ( Whitehouse ) speak with forked tongue ” American Native Indians got it right a long time ago.


in fact I thought that the allies of Russia like Iran for example would help with the drones, with this help Russia would have had more air power but also in reconnaissance and defensive which would have avoided several bloody attacks from ukraine


China should also provide the DPR with some heavy defense systems as well, so that they can prevent the shelling from the nazi side.

G2 man

China lacks the big balls of the Persians and is still scared of losing western business and financial ties. Also the PLA is untested in war and the Chinese are too cautious to challenge the US thugs. Iranians easily defeated the US in the region by asymmetrical warfare and like to keep the cowardly Americans simmering in hot water and can ramp up operations in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon anytime. The American cowards who attack small nations are shitting bricks as NATO is failing in Ukraine and they don’t want another losing war with Iran which is 1.64 million sq kms, 3 times the size of Ukraine and can destroy NATO by simply bogging it down. The Persians tend to fight long wars for ever. There is a good book on Persians at war for 3 millennium and how they even destroyed the arrogant overconfident Romans and took Emperor Valerian as a slave.

Iran’s tactics are strategic patience and to suck in its enemies and learn from their mistakes. The Zionist child killers attacking chicken farms in Syria or killing sleeping families will not alter the outcome in the region. Iranians also understand Russian psyche, which is similar to theirs and know that RUSSIA CAN NOT BE DEFEATED. China needs to grow a pair too.


The American wet dream was well translated in the interview of former Polish President Lech Walesa (who received 30 million dollars at the time to destabilize the USSR). mon According to him, Russia must be debt and what remains must be a country with less than 50 million inhabitants. Russia finally woke up and looked into the eyes of the real US objective.Russia is big, strong, united and powerful. Pull the teeth out of those who want to destroy you. The wheel of history does not stop.


That’s awesome that other countries are willing to help Russia. Currently the Ukranians are using the HIMARS to attack Russian air defenses that are / were causing havoc for the Ukranian drones. Russia really needs to step up the pace or the HIMARS are going to pick its forces apart. I used a map overlay and in order to put the Donbas cities out of range, Russia will need to take a swath of land that stretches from Kharkiv , Dnipro and Odessa , pitter-patter, lets get at’er Russia.

Florian Geyer

Russia will need to liberate ALL of Ukieland, as only then can NATO supplies be classed as Sponsors of Terrorism by smuggling weapons to de facto Ukie terrorists.

The LGBTQ, et al, forces would then be forced to stick their own heads above the parapet if they want to destroy Russia.

Slava Rossiya.


Unfortunately, these are nothing but the White/Satan House complete fantasies and dirty lies as usual. Russia should have imported bunch of dozens from China before the war tho.


Find those himars and get them blasted up


There is not a word of truth in this article! All america’s guess. The truth is that Russia has always helped and is helping Iran with military technology. I will give one example. Remember how 15 years ago the Iranians landed the latest American stealth drone for that time? So this is what the Rissians did, with their electronic technologies, they put them on the territory of Iran. Iran also had a Panzer C 1. NATO members even shouted about it that Iran could not do it, they don’t have such technologists, Russia did it!


At the moment Russia has some problems with UAV, all sizes. Iran could help Russia to get large amounts of UAV-s…fast


Is that what America said?

Catalog of Russian military drones! A day is not enough for you to read and study everything!


Last edited 2 years ago by Iren

It’s what DPR conscripts in Kherson had said, along with the fact they had no night-vision goggles or communication devices.

G2 man

Russia will also benefit from the Iranian “strategic patience” doctrine, which is much like a death of thousand cuts. Remember, it was the late great General Soleimani who convinced President Putin that US sponsored alCIAda and ISIS terrorists can be defeated in Syria and they were. Iran has been advising Russia to use firepower and robust approach in Ukraine.

Iranians understand western cowardice and child-like attention span better than anyone, have faced and defeated the US for decades. The US losers and its NATO lapdogs are facing a very cold winter and will lose interest in Ukraine soon, the western public is already fed up. All Russia has to do is to keep battering the AFU Nazis and start targeting the political and military chain of command. Eliminating the mad barking Jew clown Zelensky will take out the propaganda factor from NATO and destroying the infrastructure also makes it very difficult to supply weaponry and becomes expensive. That is the why Iranian backed militias keep on blowing up US and NATO occupation forces supply convoys in Iraq.

Fuck IsraHell

Russian drones are not good enough. Simple said, Iranian ones are far superior. But I also believe this news is BS as Iran wouldn’t directly sell their drones, though may give advice to the Russians.

sf fakenews

nonsense repeated by idiots

Suk Me Kok

By the White house: total idiots and dirty liars from Washington and you are their moronic bitch. Not just brainless but also blind.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Well done JewSA, combining your top two “bogeymen” in to one horseshit press release, tossers!

G2 man

Zionist drones, IDF advisers and weapons are killing Russians in Ukraine, so Russia is now strengthening its ties with Iran and there is scale military technology transfer going on that will alter global military balance. Iran and Russia graduate the highest numbers of engineers and hard science graduates a mega scientific exchange going on with thousands of scientists and students in each others countries. The US and NATO have fucked themselves by making eternal enemies of Persians and Russians.


Catalog of Russian military drones! A day is not enough for you to read and study everything!


Last edited 2 years ago by Iren
Fuck IsraHell

Why are you offended lol

AM Hants

What business is it of the US?

Florian Geyer

Hi AM.

As we know, the US tries to piss on everyone’s property :)


“Washington was not satisfied with the last round of talks with Tehran on the revival of the 2015 nuclear agreement.” Uhh, not quite…it has been pronounced DEAD. This has been coming for some time and only those who believed it was a ‘for real’ effort in the first place thought it had a chance. It never did, it was never going to, period. Israel still runs the US FP, as it has for decades. This story from the US is likely just that, a story. Although there is nothing wrong if Russia decided to purchase drones from Iran, it is very unlikely that there is a need for it in the first place. I sincerely doubt that Iran possesses superior production than Russia. But, for arguments sake, say they are. What exactly is the Pentagram bitching about? Since the US has now completely ditched the JCPOA (which they said was coming to fruition just recently), the go-to is continued demonizing of Iran. The implication, of course, will be that they are violating, once again, sanctions…and if not, they soon will be. This opens the door for serious attacks on Iran…political, economic and military. Just as US allies Turkey and Israel have stepped up their games in Syria, so too will they in regard to Iran…although Turkeys contribution will be through operations in Syria. Israel, of course, can be used overtly and openly using the usual bullshit. Is this the beginning of yet another front? Depending on the amount of weapons that the Houthi’s have been able to amass from Iran, they will help shape the outcome of any conflict. Seems the US/Israel have discovered the method of supply Iran has been using and now that avenue may not be reliable any longer. But, going by the fact that the Houthis have not attacked either rat bastard (KSA,UAE)for the past several months, I suspect that they have a pretty good store of weapons…which will be very important if the US/Israel pull the trigger. It seems that shit is fixing to get a lot more serious.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman
LGBT gender conversion clinic

jens claims she is trannyJulius ebola; Sawyer claims penis removal cured her senility; midgelad nazi claims that 35 year career as janitor in peoria Walmart qualifies her to be tranny prostitute in hollywood


Remember when during the Obama occupation of the presidency Iran commandeered one of the premier US drones and landed and captured it? Them in the most Obama of audacities Bummer asked for it back.

Seymour Undies

Iran can ship those weapons (and others) over the Caspian sea, outside the tentacles of corrupt western meddling.


North Korea has Russians’ back. North Korea has one of the strongest militaries in the world.


Maybe Russia could find someone who will trade drones for slightly used oligarch yachts. Then finally all that oligarch loot would be doing some good.

Cheryl Sanchez

Jake sullivan wants to scare the Saudis into hating Iran more so, he invents this story about “drones”, whish he knows it’s all lies cause Iran is under sanctions??


LOL! Shitty drones from Iran, ammunition from NortKorea, military food rations from China. And the military collect voluntary donations to try to fight … but all goods end up in black market.

Wakey Wakey

Sullivan just wants to kill the JCPOA.

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