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White House Says ‘Response Coming’ To Rocket Attack That Wounded Americans In Iraq

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

The Biden administration is already facing its first significant Iraq crisis following the year-long escalation with pro-Iranian Iraqi paramilitary forces in the country on the heels of Trump’s ordered assassination of IRGC Gen. Qassem Soleimani and militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis on Jan.3 of last year.

The White House now says it has “the right to respond at the time and place of our choosing,” according to the latest statement in response to questions of who was behind a major Monday night rocket attack on an American military base in Iraqi Kurdistan.

White House Says 'Response Coming' To Rocket Attack That Wounded Americans In Iraq

“We’re still working through attribution with our Iraqi partners to determine precise attribution for this attack,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said reporters. In particular Psaki suggested a retaliatory strike is likely coming.

The Monday night attack killed an international contractor and wounded at least one American soldier. Multiple US military contractors were also among the wounded.

Video of one of the rockets impacting near the base:

Some of the details were relayed in international reports as follows:

Fourteen rockets were fired toward Erbil Air Base in Iraq’s Kurdistan region late Monday night, with three hitting the facilities where U.S. troops are based, according to Col. Wayne Marotto, U.S. spokesperson for the U.S.-led coalition to defeat the Islamic State.

One civilian contractor, who was not American, was killed, and nine others were injured, including one U.S. service member and four U.S. civilian contractors, Marotto said Tuesday.

It constitutes the single biggest rocket attack on a US base of the Biden presidency.

While an obscure group called Awliya al-Dam took credit for the attack, US intelligence is said to be closely eyeing Iran-backed militia groups, also after a recent uptick in rocket volleys fired on the US Embassy in Baghdad.

Seeing international reports which pointed the finger at Iran (also based on some statements of Kurdish officials apparently), Iran vehemently denied it was behind the Erbil attack, with Tehran officials calling it “suspicious”.

White House Says 'Response Coming' To Rocket Attack That Wounded Americans In Iraq
Damage to shop across from Erbil base after Monday’s rocket attack, AFP/Getty

“Suspicious attempts to link the Erbil attacks to Iran are condemned,” Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh said according to state-run IRNA. “Iran considers the stability and security of Iraq central to the region and its neighbors, and rejects any attempt that disturbs the peace and order of the country,” he added.


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Serg The Purge

No balls

Adam Prisbit

you think? Wait till you see report of MASSIVE AITSTRYKES against pmu

Kenny Jones ™

That won’t happen again, one time mistake, the pmu are prepared and will target their planes

Adam Prisbit

LOL with what weapons? rpgs and zu23 shit cannon that cant even shoot down helicopter?? HAHA MAKE ME LAUGH MORE

Kenny Jones ™

You’re gonna eat those words, they have hundreds of missiles, to ground and to air

Adam Prisbit

you are going to eat boot of EU little nationalist european nazi


Noooo, AITSTRYKES are coming! Massive FATDYKES will chase the PMU. Run for your lives!!

Seriously, it seems there is an IQ cap for Hasbara new recruits. I suspect their evil plan is to kill us all by laughter.

Ashok Varma

This new hasbara recruit is even sillier than teenage Iron Zion who puts used clothing to extol his martial feats from the basement of mum’s home. This poor chap is trying to hard to get attention and scoring home goals.


Says … the vile Shia apologist


I suppose the US target planners are scouring the papers for news of a forthcoming Wedding party in Iraq.

Adam Prisbit

make me laugh then piece of SHETET.! I throw you into another world with my krav maga judo throw

Great Khan

Hahaha new Jew rat mamtu palushki Hahaha


Frankly, you are a worthless Jew punk.

Arch Bungle

20 years of strikes and the ZioAmericans have achieved nothing but their doom.

Mission Accomplished, huh ?


1 million dead Iraqis …. wasn’t it? lol

In Exile

Biden is too busy purging the Military of racists as soon as that is done he will unleash his crack team of soyboys and lesbians, then you wait and see champ!

Adam Prisbit

Soon the response will be received! and lots of israel haters and antisemte on hear will be ANGRY WITH RAGE!!! I SENSE IT COMING!!

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahaha….Behold the Final Death Throes of USraHell

Ashok Varma

You seem to a be new bottom feeder troll here silly boy. The problem is that prodded by the cowardly Zionists, the US invaded Iraq and destroyed an ancient civilization and now resistance is a natural consequence. US like you Zionists, mostly attacks civilians indiscriminately and that ensures recruitment for the resistance. It is the same story in Afghanistan where the Taliban and other factions control 90% of the country. The only viable option for the US and NATO occupation forces is to leave Iraq or escalate which would entail a massive commitment and further drain of a bankrupt US economy.


An ancient civilization? pmsl

Saadam Hussein ? pmsl

Ashok Varma

You did not pass ENGLISH 101 dear chap. Command basic grammar and distinguish between HEAR and HERE. But you are HARE brainbrained nitwit.


He should take a dekko into India where they still speak English properly.

Great Khan

Hahaha Indian speak Hindlish,,,,,,,,,,,and also mamtu shit on Jew rat face,,,,,for free,,,,haha,,,,Hindu like free shitting freedom,,,,Hahaha


So it’s terminal …. thank god

AND I’m a non-believer … eh?

Adam Prisbit

reason i upvote you is to prove I do not care about your horribe insult that do NOT bother me at all in the slight!!!! I could care less about you mean words antisemitism and vulgar mouth! to the piss off you go!!!

cechas vodobenikov

your senses dulled—too much LSD from CIA

Arch Bungle

Response against who?

Assad must stay

hopefully its “we are leaving iraq now bye!” lol

Potato Man

US ignore Iraqi government request, (US to leave Iraq) but they didn’t so what they are now? occupier, they pay for it, US in Iraq is not welcomed by any-one beside Zion and Kurds (ofc the good old ISIS/Daesh) which want broken Iraq to achieve their goals. If US “response” would be attack on PMUs, the UMP hit them right back with another rocket attack in their yankees asses. I sure as hell don’t feel bad see yankees die at all, I seem what they say and seem what they do in other countries – Neo-Nazi fukers can go fuk themselves for all I care. They have no shame or care to kill civilians as they are the dogs of Zion and they will fight for their masters.

Also, Iraqi PMUs have weapons to the point which made them feel strong/safe to attack Saudis/US, if Wahhabi continue support more Wahhabi Sunnis in Iraq the PMU hit Wahhabi cu-ts in KSA as well….which is something they haven’t done for long time. US bases in Iraq are like pig farm, they move Iraq-Iran would know but Kurds have been covering yankees asses for years – the last attack was important.

Peter Moy

I say the Einsteins and brainiacs in the White House should respond to the power outages in the US. The millions of people without electricity inside their cold homes or in shelters are probably not interested to what is happening in Iraq. Now to more important news: singer Demi Lovato has already had three strokes and a heart attack by age 28 due to a drug overdose and does not want to drive a car anymore. Now that’s an important news story in the great US of A.

Great Khan

Jew rat use all stoopid Amerikan money for war,,,,fat Amerikan kiskmish ,,,,cold no food, hungry but Jew rat sell drug……..


Wow … go figure


Fortunately …

the USA has the ability to do what’s called ‘multi-tasking’ … eh?


The news and programming of the MSM in the UK is as dire as well.Its wall to wall trivia with inbuilt propaganda.

I often flick through about 60 channels and find nothing of substance to look at , until I flick onto RT.

Zaphod Braden

It is a War Crime for the uS to have any troops in Iraq or Syria or Afghanistan. ALL the Bush Family wealth should be distributed to the TROOPS and Civilians who were maimed and crippled in the wars the Bush Family lied America into fighting. The Bush Family has huge investments in “defense” stocks such as the CARLYLE GROUP and the Bush Family was PROFITTING & got RICHer as American Troops bled. Personal Profit was the motive behind pushing the USA into war, not American interests. Then the NEOCON-War Mongers (Cheney, Krauthammer, Kristol, Rice, Rove, Colon Powell), the whole list of those who spread and supported the LIES) should also be stripped. – Their lies are Treason and War Crimes. They murdered millions of Innocents for their own enrichment .


Finished … wipe yourself

Zaphod Braden

Right after I “make ALIYAH” and FLUSH


the response should most likely be directed right at the heart of die juden in palestine who by now are known for a couple of things – war crimes, ethnic cleansing, murder, thievery and land theft a la hitlers lebensraum, operation of death camp Gaza and false flag operations to start war against Iran – no one believes it any longer and the better part of mankind are just tired of the jews and would prefer to see them red listed and then declared extinct – like the dodo-bird for the larf.



cechas vodobenikov

response already observed–kill electricity for millions in Texas amerikan response fearsome


Let’s hope the response is overwhelming …. why bother for the ‘tit for tat’

The vile PMU … are merely the appetizer … eh?

The Future is About to Land …

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