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White House Sent Multiple Threats to the Kremlin Via Backchannels

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White House Sent Multiple Threats to the Kremlin Via Backchannels

A Yars intercontinental ballistic missile is launched from an airfield during military drills on Feb. 19, 2022. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service/AP)

Russia recently said it could use nukes to defend its territory

Written by Kyle Anzalone. Originally published on AntiWar

The Joe Biden administration has sent several warnings to Russia via backchannels regarding the possible use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine, the Washington Post reports. The White House’s messages to Russia have been intentionally nondescript to foster uncertainty in Moscow about what the US would do if Russia deployed its ultimate weapon.

The White House has sent the message several times since the war in Ukraine started, according to the US officials who spoke with the Post. The White House’s communications with the Kremlin have been intentionally vague.

The Biden administration believes these nonspecific threats will deter Russia through “strategic ambiguity.” “Strategic ambiguity” is an intentionally unclear policy that causes the enemy not to act out of fear it could cross a red line without knowing it.

For nearly 50 years, the US maintained a policy of “strategic ambiguity” toward Taiwan. By refusing to commit to defending the island, Washington has deterred Taipei from declaring independence. At the same time, suggesting it could defend Taiwan has deterred China from acting more aggressively against the island.

However, Biden has taken steps towards abandoning “strategic ambiguity” towards Taiwan. Since taking office, Biden has said he would go to war for Taipei four times.

President Vladimir Putin warned on Monday that he could order a nuclear strike to defend Russian territory. Putin’s threat was Moscow’s most direct warning it could deploy nukes. “If the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will without doubt use all available means to protect Russia and our people – this is not a bluff,” Putin said.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev appeared to expand this nuclear umbrella to Ukrainian territories Moscow plans to annex. The Kremlin planned a series of referendums in areas of Ukraine under its control. If the vote goes as expected, those regions will request entrance into Russia, which Moscow will accept.

The Post says it is unclear if the White House reissued the threat after Putin’s statement this week. In January, Moscow and Washington reaffirmed the statement, “nuclear war can never be won, and must never be fought.”

Kyle Anzalone is the opinion editor of Antiwar.com, news editor of the Libertarian Institute, and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.


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The US stands to lose the most in a full blown nuclear exchange. =P

Last edited 2 years ago by none

The entire world will be destroyed when a full blown nuclear war starts. Suicide for both partys.

Karl Pomeroy

We all stand to lose every living species on earth.

Vlad from Romania

Tardigrades, scorpions, roaches and a lot of bacteriae will survive and thrive. Just do it!


yeah. there’s alot of fat here


Russia should just take it from whence it comes……

Mohale Thoka

But why post such drivel? The US is in no position to threaten the RF. Anyway we know the Russian doctrine on the use of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. You give credence to hogwash coming from Washington that the RF threatened to use nuclear weapons, while those of us who listened to President Putin’s address know he did no such thing. Come on.


Exactly. If they wanted to threaten Russia they would do it publicly not by using “backchannels”. Backchannels are used to de-escalate not to escalate. Total bullshit.

Last edited 2 years ago by MickeyMouse
Arch Bungle

It’s Psyops leaked from the western press …

Washington DCorruption

The Joe Biden administration sent shit. The brainWashington Post fantasy stories.


WashPost = toilet papers owned by Bezos

Berlin Hausfrau

Can you send us your old toilet paper, um I mean Washington Posts? Please?


Problem is in the US a senile geriatric lunatic who needs help to put his own pyjamas on has his finger on the button.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cromwell
Joe Bidens Dementia

Joe has his finger in his butt (thinking it’s his grandniece). Senile fool does not control anything, not even his bladder 😀


in his “backchannel” :D


Zionist mafia runs the show


The Jerusalem Post: Zelensky is the most influential Jew of the Year 2022.

“Our brightest star!”


Last edited 2 years ago by ...
Berlin Hausfrau

Those jews are meshugenah.

Karl Pomeroy

The jews tend to be deeply negative thinkers. They have no belief in life after death, and have not found a savior. My kindergarten in New York was at a nearly all-Jewish elementary school. The teacher stressed on day one how bad the world was, how terrible and brutal life was. I, at five, raised my hand and said the world could be good, that nothing had to be bad. The teacher then engaged the entire class to laugh at me. I knew I was right. But that is their nature.


There are probably no Jews in Heaven, so that is another reason to not fear death.

Karl Pomeroy

Screamingly funny.

Karl Pomeroy

My original comment had a second sentence that expressed gratitude for the post, and reCAPTCHA censored the comment. When I deleted that sentence, the comment went through. Hm. (Will this comment go through? I’m censored a lot lately here.)


The president has been contradicted enough now for everyone to know he and previous presidents DON’T have their finger on the slightest thing of importance. The US is run by its many secret police agencies.


“If the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will without doubt use all available means to protect Russia and our people – this is not a bluff.”

This sentence, doesn’t contain the word “nuclear”. As usual the West – including the author above – is fabricating statements.

Berlin Hausfrau

Basically, it’s the same as ‘all options are on the table’, what the meshugenah yanks always say.


If the Russians use nuclear bombs , then we will make sure the Russians will come to hell with us. The world will come to an end.

King Charles III

Faggotriko9211 you little shit can only send yourself to hell when you hang yourself in that basement. Do it soon, do it now, your ‘life’ is hell already….

Kevin douglas

Not true USA has more specific power which is not known to russia or anyone else. What the USA more credible is that they destroyed with intelligence weopon support for ukraine. If russia cannot without nuclear it is embarassing for the Kremlin. Yes! America stands with peae loving Russian and sovereign Ukraine. This clear cut message. Warning! America will never forsake human beings that are threatened by kremlin as long as it is in Eorope. Only Europe does America care!!


Who said anything about using Nuclear weapons in Ukraine? They would be more strategically used elsewhere….


agree, IF nukes are used they will not be aimed at NAZI UKRAINE but instead they will be HITTING the USA FIRST AND FOREMOST (no longer will the USA be safe from WAR on their home soil) and EUROPE as well as others, Russia won’t use against NAZI Ukraine but they WILL TARGET THE WESTERN GOVERNMENTS HOSTILE to Russia for SURE =Z=-

Dick Von D'Astard

Soon as the 170,000 sq km that Zelenskyy has promised Vanguard, Blackstone and BlackRock are rendered nugatory, the United States led West shall have little remaining interest left with Ukraine.

WT Baker

the White House derelicts are deflecting; they are freaked out as Kiev has no chance whatsoever for military victory. Kiev citizens must be on verge of revolt. The City of London-Wall Street-EU financial cabal closer to final collapse each day.


Putin dermo, traitor, must bomb Headquarters in Kiev


Don’t worry Biden and USA as if Russia use their NUKES they won’t be against Ukraine they WILL BE LANDING ON YOUR FRONT LAWNS USA these are FACTS the USA can no longer be safe from WAR, Russia is meaning YOU USA and EUROPE are the ones they will fire them at and turn your countries to ash and yes Russia will be hit as well BUT RUSSIA HAS NOTHING TO LOSE THEY ARE ALREADY AT THE POINT OF NO RETURN FOR THEM by the USA and EUROPE trying to use Ukraine as a hosting site for your nukes that close to Moscow that you will use them to attack Russia if Russia had not stepped up and stopped you as they are now.

So the NUKES WILL FIRE but they will be aimed and landing ON YOUR LAND not UKRAINES. =Z=

Karl Pomeroy

Where do you live, Kymsheba?


Karl I live in Scotland but I am prepared to die if it puts the evil US Empire permanently out of action — the US Government has given its top aviation company a contract to TRY to design and build equivalents to Russia’s hypersonic glide missiles so officially they haven’t been able to equal Russia and cant stop those missiles flattening the USA/UK.

NATO meeting in Germany ( secret ) – September 14 th — agreed with Liz Truss ( UK ) to a FIRST Strike policy.

jens holm

Ooops, you dipshit slipped.


There’s no winner in nuclear war. Both sides must Stop nuclear war threats


Just nuke kiev quickly, nato wont know what to do

When diplomacy fails, smack 'em in the mouth

Bean brain Borrell will then start yacking again about ‘finding a diplomatic solution acceptable to both sides’, but then adding ‘one side is ok too. We’re flexible.’


The time has come for Russia to demand China get off the fence and start doing something. What kind of ally watches the Western World gang up on an ally? Even Iran contributes to the cause. China just floats boats in the water when the real play in millions of troops WEST by land. That would stun the world and end this silly war.


Funny how US tries to dictates rules of Nuclear weapons use while its attacking Russia via proxy. Russia is an independent supper power that will dictate its own rules of war and if US NATO don’t like it then they can pack up and leave or prepare for war on multiple fronts were proxy participants are located.

Uncircumcised Jew

We run the show

Karl Pomeroy

If people in Europe need furniture to burn this winter, there’s plenty of it in the Rothschilds’ castles.

Karl Pomeroy

You poor slobs believe life is a terrible thing.

t s

FORMOSA is an interesting legal topic of treaties of the past, such as the terms of settlement of WW2


Hey numbnuts, take your crisis actor of a fake president and go jump off of a goddamned bridge somewhere.

Arch Bungle

The diversity hires at the White House must never have heard of M.A.D …

Karl Pomeroy

The Washington Post always lies. Therefore this is not true. Clearly, this is the message WAPO wants to send, not the US government. It is meaningless.


There is strategic ambiguity also in talking about the US. The US commercial structure masquerading as a democratic government is in fact owned by the Britisih Crown Corporation and governed by Maritime Law. UK would be a more approproate term but not really correct either.


I really wish the West and everyone else for that matter drops any reference to Biden been responsible for anything to do with this conflict Russia vs Ukraine and China vs Taiwan because Biden is asleep at the wheel. It is his advisors and other departments that are making the decisions for him. He just nods his head and points to random things. 😂

Kev not Kiev

WaPo is a rag suitable for lining pet cages to catch the pee annd pooh. Whitehouse threats only count against unarmed peaceful protesters. If those protestors had nuclear weapons, they would have nuked DC, LA, NY, Israel, Switzerland, London, the Vatican and Vennise; where these Rothschild Zionists are infecting the rest of the human populations with CRT and other forms of post modernist bullshit from their child rape playgrounds. Plz, Russian, nuke the globalists, don’t forget the clowns in Brussels, NATO HQ and Atlanic council.

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