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Who can be behind the Amesbury incident?

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Who can be behind the Amesbury incident?

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On Saturday, June 30, in the British City Amesbury (12 km from Salisbury) there was an incident which initially seemed to be common and insignificant: with a difference of several hours, Salibury District Hospital admitted a man and a woman: 45-year-old Charlie Rowley and 44 year old Dawn Sturges.  Initial conclusions of doctors indicated that the couple was poisoned by a narcotic substance (heroine or crack cocaine).

However, on July 4, Assistant Commissioner of Specialist Operations Neil Basu announced that Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturges were exposed to the poison agent of the class “Novichok” (the nerve agent Novichok). According to him, this is evidenced by tests, conducted in the laboratory of Porton Down, located nearby. The statement of Neil Basu provoked a series of publications in British and world media, which somehow linked the incident in Amesbury with the case of Skripals and mentioned the possible involvement of Russia. On July 5 British authorities notified the Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) of this incident.

Who can be behind the Amesbury incident?

Dawn Sturgess, 44 and Charles Rowley, 45. Source: FACEBOOK/NICHOLAS RAZZELL

To date, it is unclear if Novichok was actually used in Amesbury, as well as who was responsible for the incident. Representatives of British authorities did not hasten to openly accuse Russia of a targeted attack on British citizens, but later the Minister of Internal Affairs Sajid Javid, came out with a harsh statement once again accusing Russia of attacking Sergei and Yulia Skripal, while saying that Russia already launched a campaign misinforming the public about the incident in Amesbury.

It is worth noting here that there are many contradictions in the statements of representatives of the British authorities. The Security Minister, Ben Wallace and the south west deputy director of Public Health of England, Debbie Stark claimed a low level of danger to the residents of Amesbury and its surrounding areas. At the same time, the representative of Public Health England recommended that everyone who was out in the streets of Amesbury on Friday June 29 to wash their clothes and personal belongings.

A new round of the information campaign devoted to the “Novichok”, and accusations against Russia is unfolding in the midst of an attempt to normalize relations between Russia and the Western countries. Recall that a meeting between the President of Russia and the President of the United States is scheduled for July 16 in Helsinki. Its purpose is to discuss key issues between bilateral relations of Moscow and Washington. Aside from that, Russia is successfully hosting the World Cup. The level of organization of the championship, and the Russian reality, which turned out to be quite different than what was depicted in the western media, has already changed the perception of Russia in the eyes of millions of people around the world. It is also noteworthy that on July 1 Sweden decided not to engage in the previously announced boycott of the Word Cup.

Poisonous substance of the “Novichok” type, which, according to the conclusions of scientists from Porton Down, was allegedly used to poison the couple from Amesbury, and which was previously used in March 2018 on Sergei and Julia Skripal, is covered by the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. All information about this type of poisonous substances comes mainly from the mass media, and the conclusions are based on the book of the American chemist Vila Mirzayanov, whose reliability is questioned.

Current facts on the events surrounding the incident in Amesbury are insufficient to make definite conclusions about who can be behind the act. However, there are several main versions:

  • Dawn Sturges & Charlie Rowley were poisoned by the remnants of the substance used to poison Sergei and Julia Skripal.
  • The crime was committed by Russian Special Services with unclear goals. For example, some kind of operation used to discredit the British Special services.
  • The crime was carried out by the British Special Services with the view to discredit Russia on the eve of talks between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
  • The crime was committed by a third party (another state, a terrorist organization, an individual or a group of individuals) in order to strengthen the divide between Moscow and Washington, destabilize the system of international relations or for personal financial or other interests.
  • There could have been an act of negligence in dealing with dangerous substance of individuals mentioned in points 2-4, at the preparatory stages

Assuming for a moment that Dawn Sturges and Charlie Rowley were actually poisoned by  “Novichok”, it is necessary to evaluate the reliability of different versions using the following criteria: the presence of a goal and motive; availability of appropriate opportunities (financial, organizational, technical). In this case, the version according to which the British couple was poisoned by the remnants of a poisonous substance allegedly used to poison Sergei and Yulia Skripal, seems unlikely because of the inability to preserve its properties by poison agents for 4 months from the time of the Salisbury incident. The version that Dawn Sturges and Charlie Rowley found remnants of the substance used to prepare the attack on the Skripals also fails to withstand any criticism.

Russia along with its special services has the financial, technical and organizational capabilities to carry out such an operation. At the same time, there is no clear purpose and motive. It is difficult to consider this as a desire to discredit British intelligence and counterintelligence. Similarly, it makes no sense that the Russian military and political leadership is pursuing foreign policy, guided by irrational aims and motives, and thereby creating an information campaign which mainly damages Russia’s image amid the upcoming political negotiations with the US and the ongoing World Cup.

The UK, just like Russia, has the appropriate capabilities to conduct the corresponding operation. At the same time, the British leadership is displeased with the upcoming meeting of the Russian and US presidents and the possible normalization of relations between Moscow and Washington. However, it is unlikely that London would choose to discredit Russia by means of carrying out an operation with an attack on its own citizens, or, as with the version about Russia’s involvement, it is necessary to recognize the irrationality of the goals of the London leadership.

The most likely explanation is an involvement of a third party that is not directly evident in the news or bulletins. This party would have the goals and motives for carrying out an operation similar to that which could have happened in Amesbury. This party could be:

  • Individual states that are not interested in improving relations between Russia and the United States (for example Ukraine or the Baltic countries)
  • Terrorist organisations (ISIS, Jabhat al Nusra, etc)
  • Certain representatives of special services acting on their own initiative or acting in the interests of other, non-systemic forces
  • Individuals, transnational cooperation or a network of individuals and interest groups from different countries.

The financial, organizational and technical capabilities of such regional players as Ukraine, although they are limited in comparison with key international players, may theoretically be sufficient to carry out such an operation. This assumption is also true for the version about the involvement of terrorist organizations. However, if we consider this assumption as probable, we should acknowledge the insolvency of the British intelligence services, who failed to identify and prevent such a crime in time, especially in the conditions of increased security measures introduced in the UK after the March incident.

The probability of the action of individual representatives of special services acting on their own initiative is low. However, one can not exclude that such persons could act in the interests of other – non-systemic – forces, for example, a private player, a transnational corporation or a network of players. Opportunities for the implementation of a similar action for a player (players) with adequate financial resources are sufficient. Thus, the purposes and motives can carry both a financial character, and a deeper one, which is hidden from the understanding of the general public.

When analyzing the motives of this whole situation, the main issue is the personality of the victims who have nothing to do with either the Skripals, the international agenda, or big money. Accordingly, the highest probability is that we are dealing with the fifth scenario: with negligence in dealing with the dangerous substance of individuals acting in line with the motives mentioned above i.e. the substance was not used against real targets but was accidentally used against random individuals.

To date, it is not known for sure whether the toxic agent of the class “Novichok” was actually used in the incident in Amesbury. The main sources of information on this topic are representatives of British services involved in the investigation. The emergence of new information, the process of investigation, its completeness and transparency, can have a significant impact on the development of relations between Russia and the West: to strengthen or further undermine confidence between these countries.

The possibilities for independent planning and implementation of such an operation were available to all the players listed above. However, the motives, goals, and also the way to realize possible goals, indicates the presence of a third force, interested not only in the deterioration of relations between Russia and the United States, but in general in deepening the destabilization of the system of international relations.

Further development of events will depend on the actions and statements of the main players involved in the incident. In the event of the implementation of the conflict scenario, Moscow and London will blame each other for carrying out this operation with a view to mutually discredit each other. At the same time, both sides understand the complexity and ambiguity of the situation and its possible consequences: the first statements of the representatives of the two countries can be characterized as cautious, which means that the probability of a de-escalation scenario, as well as the prospect of finding the true customers and executors of the crime, remains.

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Dušan Mirić

Spectre, Dr. No, MI five to Six

Wise Gandalf

Guardians of galaxy.


Culprit is Lunetic Boris Alexander Johnson ,stupid amateur in the Britain goverment !

Israel has sworn to destroy Russia’s image till the say that Russia abandons the Syrian people and turns against Iran. Till Russia U-turns on their current path, Israelis will continue to frame Russia every single month till Russia caves to Jewish demands as Pontius Pilate caved to Jewish demands and allowed the Jews to shed innocent blood. https://dailystormer.name/


The Russian-Israeli relation is fare more complex. Former Soviet Union Jews are about 20% of the Israeli population and emigrated mostly cause the deteriorating economic situation in the ’90s, Russian is the 3th spoken language in Israel.. Watching Russian political shows I was pleased how they see Israel as a normal country, presenting both bright and dark sides. It’s not caricatured like here in the west (eternal victim or total Evil). When it becomes serious you see Netanyahu begging in Moscow, do a little PR (like the may 9th one) and return Home with a big “Niet”. One of the best political satirist in Germany said once: …the underpaid withe popular class has his own inferiority complex but is satisfied to look down on the immigrants. And as you know in Europe we run out of Jews. Erase the anti from u’r nick please, is totally incompatible with your comment and link. Try to differentiate between jews and zionist would be a start. Sadly white-zio-christian-muslim-… suprematist are all faces of the same coin and History is repeating itself again and again. Let the poor kill the poor and the rich get richer: in fact it’s a class war and we’re loosing it. Again.

Joe Kerr

No doubt this complexity also involves some type of 5th column ready to click into gear another false flag job.


“Who can be behind the Amesbury incident?”

The British Government, that’s who. It’s pretty obvious that the UK Government is poisoning its own citizens, but not a peep from the media.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Even Guardian reporter is calling this not Russia and is wondering who, as Porton Down says they can’t be certain even experts couldn’t find a connection, but only to the west.


” … its own citizens” — do you think that anyone in the British intelligence or security apparatus would even blink at the prospect of poisoning two long-tine heroin addicts?


Where is it stated in this article that the couple are addicts?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I have read that they are recovering addicts. Prime candidates for UK propaganda stunts.


Yes, I later read something like that. They were an odd couple to be addicts though I guess there’s no exclusion by income or profession. She was apparently living at a homeless shelter though I was reluctant to assume that meant she was a customer of the shelter as opposed to a resident staff member.

All too bizarre. I’ll wait for further info in this case.


Here is my guess: Whoever chose these two, assuming they were chosen or just two handy victims of something totally unrelated, was an idiot. For one is a former heroin addict on methadone treatment which kills the idea he would want to stick a needle in his arm upon finding a supposed syringe as methadone blocks the effects. And the second was a long term alcoholic who did not take any drugs so her using the syringe is also out. I think Salisbury has a very sloppy drug dealer leaving fentanyl about in this case and May saw it as a happy incident she could use to block media coverage of her Brexit mess.

In the earlier case, I believe the male had asked for a bribe to not discuss his role in creating the Trump dossier and his bribe was delivered to him at the park bench in a red bag since gone missing. The payoff was laced with something which he and his unfortunate female relative both touched knocking them out and allowing the payoff to be taken back by whomever.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The disgusting low-life in the UK government are now picking on the vulnerable and homeless. They really have no shame.


Your average person looking at this is going to ask themselves if there’s a problem at the Porta Down facility that is a threat to area residents.

Joao Alfaiate

Exactly. Is it mire coincidence that both these incidents took place near Porton Down, the UK’s chemical warfare research centre?

AM Hants

Which nations have given up their chemical weapons, but, are first to be blamed? Which nations are building bio-weapon/chemical weapons labs, encircling Russia? 3in Ukraine, plus one in Georgia, not forgetting the US has invested heavily in Porton Down? Now why did the US need Russian DNA, in their labs in Ukraine, plus Georgia?

What is the lifespan of unused Novochok, ready made up? Would it last 4 months? Would a syringe survive 4 months, with novochok contents? How many £millions were spent, cleaning Salisbury? How long did the Forces, Chemical Weapons experts, police and others, spend in Salisbury, sifting through everything? So how come they missed a syringe, two junkies found? Door knobs – with slow release novochok, which only works when ‘May’ needs a diversion from BREXIT. Father and daughter, poisoned by novochok, which allows you to drive into town, go for a drink, followed by a meal, then they went for a walk. Four hours later, after coming into contact with a military, grade, nerve agent, they become ill. How many people did they come into contact with, who were also taken ill? Four months later, just when ‘Remoaner May’ is trying to force through a BREXIT sell out, slow release novochok, pops up. How long did it take, after they took the hit, for it to work? 5 people later, they all live to last another day.

Funny that?

BREXIT Trump & President Putin Russia World Cup England doing well in the World Cup. Westminster, is not bothered by England doing well. They have tried to pull the team, since when they first lost the bid to Russia. Remember, Christopher Steele, who wrote the Trump Dossier, was also involved in the England World Cup Bid, where we lost to Russia. Why are UK intelligence services, so threatened by President Putin meeting with Trump?


“England doing well in the World Cup. Westminster, is not bothered by England doing well. They have tried to pull the team, since when they first lost the bid to Russia. Remember, Christopher Steele, who wrote the Trump Dossier, was also involved in the England World Cup Bid, where we lost to Russia.”

Very good reminder.

AM Hants



Now that England is in the final batch of teams there will be pressure by many of the Great and the Good to be seen cheering on the team in the next game in Russia.

Theresa May and friends do not want to see this of course and will do anything to scupper that :)


Styx – I owed you an answer on this. I am sorry. I wanted to send an informative one. Couldn’t find the links I wanted – got diverted -but I have them now and another good has one just come up on ZH. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-07/skripal-20-heres-10-easy-questions-british-government-must-answer If you look down this below link – also excellent piece – same author as above – you will find his 5 part article -which is pretty comprehensive. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-04/uk-couple-falls-critically-ill-major-incident-miles-away-skripal-poisoning Must apologise for the lack of reply – just couldn’t find the link, couldn’t remember the author then it turned up in the article just above. Em


Yes and remember also that Putin had invited May to Russia to watch England should they make the finals:)


Latest https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-08/woman-exposed-novichok-nerve-agent-has-died Good cover as she betrays Brexit completely…… Who has a motive – May? Who has the means -May = Porton Down?


She’s also ‘irrational’ enough to try something like it – and has the company of others of her ilk.


A lot believe she could indeed. I do.

Anja Boettcher

What do you think is the reason, Styx?

I had the impression that our officials were as well pleased that the German team played desastrous football, so that hardly anybody here wanted to support them.

What do you assume? Were they afraid that too many of us, in Germany and Britain, would visit Russia during the World Cup? That ordinary people’s good experiences with Russian hospitality could make further bashing more difficult?


“ordinary people’s good experiences with Russian hospitality” could never change the minds of the “people” who want to do harm to Russia. They would try to do it no matter what ..

Anja Boettcher

No, these people would of course not change, but their view of the world would meet wider challenges in society.


Anja, go to FR line and see my comment. Disappointing what I read but all these sites (RI, FR, DURAN (antisoviet)) are the same.

Anja Boettcher

You are completely right in your comment, Alberto. Change of social democratic parties to ‘neoliberal’ (brutal Chicago-boys like) capitalism happened under US pressure directly after the competition of systems had finished. Apart from that it has always been known that all left groups and parties were penetrated with CIA and national secret service stooges – all apart from those groups that had GDR ties. The fact that part of the pre-1989 were protected from the east, thus CIA grip had a counterbalancing pole, protected as well independent left groups. This balance came to an end when all that had been financed and supported via the GDR collapsed after 1989.

However, it is simply a lie that ordinary people’s let activity, so activity of the left and antifascist base, was idenitical with the foul shrill show of the US-stooges who try to cepture left labels. Thus this article was a slancer.

However, just because of that I ask myself whether all these allegedly ‘pro-Russian’ websites by US-editors are not set up to poison what they pretend to endorse. They embrace slandering of the SU, but as well all other antifascist activities or socialism as such, defend people who spread most primitive Nazi propaganda, and if you criticise that, cry that this was defending “free speech”, while they turn obnoxious the moment you criticise doubtful articles.

Knowing what the CIA did in western Europe, what they infiltrated and what they were behind, what treason they made people commit, I have the suspicion that something is foul behind these websites.


Anja, I was very disappointed to read Flores comments addressed to you, not only because they are unfair, but because they want a line of discourse that is hot air. He himself states “he is beyond Right/Left”… it is bulshit. I am not going back there. I was truly disappointed. The same I can say about RI, The Duran (the two Anglo/Greeks guys are completyly anticommunist)s. I told you some time ago that I care about the interests of average Russian people, 95% of the population, because in Russia they are enforcing liberal and neoliberal policies. Most Russians would be happy with a quarter of the social benefits and labor conditions of European workers. In these pro-Russia websites they don’t care about the living conditions of the people I am aware of. They are acritical. In addition, I see many racists posts. The article written by the soldier was really bad and Flores made a poor defense of him. Have you tried tThe GreanVille Post? Global Research is also good. As I have your email address, I will send you mine. Good luck.

Anja Boettcher

I know Global Research, but not GreanVille Post.

Let’s exchange on the other points via email.


Ok. We keep in touch. Have you read or heard about Andre VTCHEK? good and honest man. He has a twitter account and you may forward him all your interesting notes/articles. Take care.


I have been away over the weekend and happened to meet a friend of mine with professional links to Porton Down. During a long conversation during which I said that Russia had ample opportunity to kill Scripal whilst he was imprisoned in Russia and that the whole disjointed and conflicting UK account makes little sense.

The answer I received surprised me. It was mooted that a chaotic hit by Russia was the plan all along in order to create great fear amongst the UK population and that the drug addicts must have found or been sold a vial of what was thought to be a ‘ recreation drug of some sort that had been hidden or lost. I replied that little ‘fear’ has been apparent in the UK and that few have any understanding or even interest in the matter.

I rolled my eyes at this comment from a very intelligent and qualified chemist with a long experience in compounds of interest to Porton Down ! Also present was a serving officer with rare skills and a retired officer with private defence contracts.

It seemed to be a ‘narrative’ that might ‘gain legs’ in the dull minds of Westminster. I have had to be a bit vague here obviously :)

AM Hants

Cheers. Must admit, it does make me laugh at how dense, plus, the pure lack of curiousity, there is amongst senior management, scientists plus engineers in Government service. Besides being comical, it is also seriously frightening.


I recited the quotation to them ” It is difficult to make a man understand something when his job depends on him not understanding “.

All of them were silent and sheepish looking then :)

AM Hants

Brilliant quote. So true. Well remembered.


Given their backgrounds perhaps each and every in the presence of the others would have felt it best to sprout the party line to you. Loose lips sink ships, etc.,


Yes, they know I am not a fan of what Britain has done in the last few decades with the USA and others. It was apparent that they did not really believe what they said or remained silent about :)

Talking about ships, recently a British minesweeper was in dry dock for maintenance and when the dock was reflooded the ship failed to rise. This was due to some seacocks being left open :) The engine room was flooded and a lot of damage occurred .

We all laughed about that :)


Which means there is a dope dealer who is either a Russian ‘operative’, or who knows one. Does MI5 have a line on what Russians are running loose in the Midlands?


I have no idea. Most Russians in the UK are dual national Khazars and they tend to congregate around London and the Home Counties.


Will they survive a deadly poisoning again?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Of course, with their organs renewed and looking 10 years younger. Very soon, there will be a long queue to get Novichukked!


They are very expendable :)


Maybe, the further question is will the govt buy their house:)

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Another hoax by the UK gangster “government” that brought us the Novichuk I charade with the Skripals. This is designed to scare the Plebs to stay at home, not pick up anything from the streets and woods and wet their beds at night, expecting another mindless random Russian attack. Meanwhile, the football Plebs will not be tempted to rush to Moscow on Wednesday and see Russia for themselves and support their team in person. The UK elite are really really scared that their LIES are being exposed. BRING ON THE NOVICHUK. CHUK, CHUK, CHUK!!!


But is it having the intended effect? Not from what I read in the Daily Mail comments, both events are predominately viewed with ridicule.


My guess is the story is a complete fabrication drummed up to; obscure the OPCW findings of Syria’s innocence, to further discredit Russia prior to Trump’s visit and subsequent Putin meeting and to give further cover to May’s disaster of a Brexit


And to stop any of the UK elite going to watch the world cup now that the UK team is in the top few teams :)

Even if Theresa and her cabal of losers wanted to go, I would hope that President Putin would deny them visas :)

George Evans

it seems that the general public does not believe a word of the Russian involvement….but one thing guaranteed is that Boris will not go the the World cup…not even sure if May will get a visa….Maybe the R Russians should invite Corbyn instead…


My bet would be on the Ukraine in concert with rogue intel agents, or an alliance between the Ukraine and Syrian resistance mirroring the US alliance with the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to counter the Soviets. Which of course raises another possibility. One thing is certain, these actors care not at all about individual lives. Their purpose is “higher” in which respect they are the same as religious terrorists, with whom, indeed, they see eye-to-eye. They have departed normal human relations and are not of this world, but of their own fictitious word. Some are indeed millenarian Christians.


The current British government is facing a number of contentious issues in the near future – Brexit being foremost among them. At the same time that government is struggling to appear ‘relevent’ on the world stage – looking towards a place at the Syrian settlement table, returning a military force to Afghanistan after ‘withdrawing’ from there two years ago and buttressing eastern Europe against a spurious Russian invasion. All the while there is a palpable aura of applied incompetence around No. 10. The plebes certainly could use a distraction – being “under attack” has ‘focused’ better situations.


Apologies if I’ve missed this in original article… but couldn’t Rowley and/or Sturgess be the original operatives that poisoned Skripal? There was a follow up story about how police have removed 400 or so further items relating to the case… that seems to be inline with this theory right? (i.e. they didn’t remove for decontamination, they said they were removed for evidence… maybe one in the same)

I can’t see why Rowley/Sturgess would pick up a small vile while out walking and think “ooo that’s interesting! Let’s take that home”… Or the original operative (if someone else) I don’t think it’s likely they would’ve left a vile lying around for people to pick up…

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