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Who Is Moscow Shooter? December 19 Attack On FSB Public Office

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On December 19, a gunman opened fire at the FSB (Federal Security Service) public reception office near Lubyanka Square in central Moscow. In the following firefight, he fled the building and continued shooting on the street. Then, he was liquidated by security forces.

This video shows the moment when the terrorist was neutralized:

The terrorist was armed with a Saiga semi-automatic rifle. Media reported that a grenade and an improvised explosive device belonging to the terrorist were seized on the scene.

Who Is Moscow Shooter? December 19 Attack On FSB Public Office

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The terrorist wad identified as a 39-year-old man from Podolsk, the Moscow region – Yevgeny Manyurov. He studied at the Russian Academy of Justice, and was a student of the course at the Higher School of Economics.

The Higher School of Economics is an ill-reputed organization that promotes hardcore pro-Western and pro-liberal views and openly works to instigate anti-government and anti-Russian feelings among its students. Over the past year, the HSE, its teaching staff and students have been involved in multiple scandals over these facts.

Who Is Moscow Shooter? December 19 Attack On FSB Public Office

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Manyurov lived with his mother, and had no wife or children. During the searches in his apartments, security forces reputedly seized 2 Saiga rifles, 2 smooth-bore guns and a nonlethal pistol.

According to Manyurov’s mother, he was unemployed for a notable period. Previously, he worked as a guard in several companies providing security services. Before the December 19 attack, Manyurov practiced at a shooting range for at least three moths. The shooting range trainer said that Mayurov practiced in clothes similar to those, in which he later carried out the terrorist attack.

The reasons behind the attack remains unclear. There are three main versions:

Version 1. Manyurov was a person (with or without psychiatric disorders) motivated for a direct terrorist action by radical neo-liberal propaganda. Over the past years, a hysterical neo-liberal propaganda has been on rise in the Russian media sphere. The aim of this propaganda campaign is to brainwash people and create a radical protest sentiment among members of target groups. Echo of Moscow radio station (mostly funded by state-run oil giant Gazprom), Novaya Gazeta newspaper and Vedomosti newspaper are the headliners of this propaganda campaign in the field of traditional media.

The Higher School of Economics as an organization and its teaching staff also support this campaign. A large part of its staff regularly receives foreign grants from Western pro-globalist NGOs and periodically visits special events in NATO states. Earlier, students and graduates of the Higher School of Economics repeatedly took place in anti-government riots, aggression toward police or publicly supported such actions. A notable part of the economic bloc of the Russian government is graduates of the Higher School of Economics.

The attack took place on the same day with the press-conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin and a day ahead of the Day of an officer of Security Services of the Russian Federation (December 20). An indirect evidence allows supposing that the December 19 attack was coordinated with representatives of the Russian “liberal opposition”. This can be seen by reaction of such corporations like Google, and pro-Western, liberal media outlets.

The Google search page on the day of the attack:

Who Is Moscow Shooter? December 19 Attack On FSB Public Office

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A top comment under the article on the topic released by the website of Echo of Moscow radiostation:

Who Is Moscow Shooter? December 19 Attack On FSB Public Office

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During the first hours after the attack, most of liberal media outlets provided a ‘neutral coverage’ or indirectly supported actions of the terrorist.

Version 2. The mainstream explanation of the attack, which is being promoted by pro-Kremlin media, is that this is a traditional example of the Islamic radical terrorism. Therefore, they try to find traces of ISIS. However, facts in support of this version available now do not hold up against criticism.

  • Somebody allegedly could hear some shouts typical for ISIS members;
  • The mother of Manyurov allegedly told investigators that he spoke with some “Arabs” via phone in “English. He also said that she does not speak English and did not understand the meaning of conversations. Even if such conversations took place, she cannot identify the nationality of the person that participated in conversations with Manyurov.

This version of the radicalism and terrorism is more comfortable for the Kremlin. In this case, the behavior of the terrorist can be explained by a religious zeal of the neophyte and describe the incident as a terrorist attack by a member of ISIS or another radical religious organization. This version will allow to soft accusations against the Russian neo-liberal movement and its bodies and media persons.

Version 3. In one of the ‘analytical pieces’ on the December 19, the Russian-language branch of RT described the attacker as an “Incel” (involuntary celibate) that carried out the attack because of his social and psychological distortions.

Wikipedia (source):

Incels, a portmanteau of “involuntary celibates”, are members of an online subculture who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, a state they describe as inceldom.

Discussions in incel forums are often characterized by resentment, misogyny, misanthropy, self-pity, self-loathing, racism, a sense of entitlement to sex, and the endorsement of violence against sexually active people. The American nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center described the subculture as “part of the online male supremacist ecosystem” that is included in their list of hate groups.

Estimates of the overall size of the community vary greatly. They are considered mostly male and heterosexual, but sources disagree on the subject of ethnic makeup.

At least four mass murders, resulting in 45 deaths, have been committed in North America by men who have either self-identified as incels or who had mentioned incel-related names and writings in their private writings or Internet postings. Incel communities have been criticized by the media and researchers for being misogynistic, encouraging violence, spreading extremist views, and radicalizing their members.

This version cannot be seen as a complex explanation of the incident. The psychological and social deformation of the shooter allows to suppose why this particular person may have fallen under the influence of forces mentioned in Version 1 and Version 2. However, the behavior of the shooter in no way looks like suicidal actions. The December 19 was a pre-planned terrorist attack. The aim of the attack was to deliver a blow to the public image of the government and cause casualties among civilian population.

It is highly likely that the attack had been prepared for a long time – over 3 months (when the terrorist started his active training at the shooting range). It is important to note that during the training he used clothes similar to those used during the attack. The long raincoat allowed him to hide his riffle. When the trainer asked him to change clothes for more free movements, he answered that they were comfortable. So, he clearly imagined conditions in which, he would use his firearm.


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Dick Von Dast'Ard

Gladio style attack… New Zealand in Moscow.

Grey Wolf on T-shirt. (says it all)


Gladio Kiwi attacking Moscow… If you say so Inspector Dick…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Didn’t say that, I said a new Zealand style attack… i.e A Gladio attack.


There are no Gladio formations in Russia. And what is exactly “Gladio type attack”?!

Why would Russian NAZI’s attack at all and specially why would they imitate “Gladio type attack”( if there is such thing called “Gladio type attack”) If you are keen to create some credible scenario try with something that makes sense . Something that one can relate with Russia.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

NATO and ultras: The Turkish story Since 1952, Turkey has been de facto ruled by Gladio, NATO’s secret Germany-headquartered army, a force that has been behind all army-controlled processes and coups in that country. Abdullah Ocalan (1) Подробнее: https://eadaily.com/en/news/2016/05/26/nato-and-ultras-the-turkish-story

Russia versus NATO’s Gladio 2.0: “Turkish Jihad” from China to Syria “Working with the CIA-controlled National Intelligence Organization, the Grey Wolves were also involved in several coup d’etats in Turkey and at least one foreign attempted coup in Azerbaijan in 1995. It was immediately after this 1995 coup that Azerbaijan was ‘opened up’ to Western capital and, in the words of investigative journalist Greg Palast, became the ‘Republic of BP’ (British Petroleum). The Grey Wolves also fought against Russian soldiers as proxy forces for NATO in both Chechen wars, and 15,000 ‘Grey Wolves’ fought on the side of Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh War (1988 – 94) against Armenia (another US proxy war designed to provoke Russia). With their fanatical ‘pan-Turkic’ ideology, the Grey Wolves have, more recently, been put to good CIA use in the farthest reaches of their ‘Turkish empire’. In recent years, the Eastern Turkestan Grey Wolf Party has sprung up in China’s western province of Xinjiang, supposedly in support of the Turkic-speaking Uyghur ethnic minority, some of whom have apparently been encouraged to embrace ‘jihad’. On March 1st, 2014, eight of these Uyghurs hacked 33 people to death at a train station in the southern Chinese city of Kunming. The perpetrators were found with a hand-painted East Turkestan flag and said that they had wanted to go abroad to engage in ‘jihad’, but with no papers to leave China they decided to go on a domestic killing spree instead. In July this year the Thai government stopped over 100 Uyghurs on their way to wage glorious ‘CIA-had’ in Syria (via Turkey), and sent them back to China. The US State Department was very annoyed – so annoyed, in fact, that in August a bomb exploded at a shrine in Bangkok, killing 20 people, mostly ethnic Chinese holiday-makers. The key suspect fled to Turkey. An accomplice to the bomber was arrested and found to be carrying 11 Turkish passports. The bombing is now suspected to have been carried out by the Grey Wolves in retaliation for Thailand’s previous deportation of Uyghur terrorist suspects back to China instead of allowing them to travel to Turkey, and then Syria.” (By Joe Quinn, Global Research, December 03, 2015) Full article: https://www.globalresearch.ca/russia-versus-natos-gladio-2-0-turkish-jihad-from-china-to-syria/5493057


pan-Turkic’ ideology = valid for Turkic origin population = they are all Muslims

Turkic origin population = Turkmen’s, Azeri’s etc. There are many smaller Turkic origin ethnic groups in Russia including Tatars I think

They all have Turkic names


“Grey Wolves” is Turk movement and he is ethic Russian…. Where do you find that logical!?? Just because of T-shirt? And if he had T-shirt of ET you would label him to fight for aliens huh?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

You have a DNA evidence that proves he was ethnically Russian? What details about his father are there? From the above picture he looks like a fat b*stard of a Turk to my eyes.


I can read.

His name is RUSSIAN (Yevgeny) not Muslim his surname is also not Muslim.(I might be wrong about his surname since only Russians can say more on that subject) If I am right only his mother can be a Muslim not his father. Converts (if he is convert to Islam) also accept Muslim names as part of their new religion and new identity ( unless deliberately hiding to be converts) He wasn’t shouting usual “Alah Snack bar” if he was on suicide mission and that is very unusual. To be a Turk or Turkmen it takes a Turk ( Islamic )name .

To me it looks more like he was targeting Putin, Russia (not making attempt of jihad slaughter of Russians) His SYMBOLIC attack on FSB (KGB) the day when Putin talks with journalist’s All this looks like attack on Putin (KGB) and representation of authority and “repression” FSB (KGB)

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Looks to me to be a terrorist attack. Possibly over the war within Syria, (Idlib has known Grey Wolves involvement and they were involved in the shoot down of the Su-24 and the subsequent SAR of the pilots) possibly over something else like the assassination of a Nato protected jihadi commander in Germany.

It is possible the information released about the assailant is ‘managed’ information.

These are my initial thoughts on the incident and yes, they are simply gut instinct.


Listen I have no problem with your theories. Except there is no connection between two. He must be Muslim so that anything like that can stick on him Yevgeny is not Muslim name! It is typical Russian name. As for his surname he might be even Jew, I honestly don’t know exactly. But it is not Muslim for sure. That’s all I know

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Like I said, from the picture he looks a fat b*stard Turk wearing a Grey Wolf pictured T-top.

His target was against a building of state security.

You are assuming the information released to the media is factual regarding the suspect.


Like I said Yevgeny = Russian name not Muslim


I don’t assume anything. It would be totally absurd (impossible) that authorities are giving false name. You have too much imagination. Russia is serious country and they do not joke with things like that Authorities are giving his exact name I’m 100% sure about that.


I can’t believe that FSB will not be able to reach to the bottom of all this and find real motive(s) behind attack… If there are any. These empty speculations are just waste of time to read and good excuse for journalist’s to let go their imagination and create article out of NOTHING. Personally I would love that to be related with subversive activity of Russian liberals against Putin so that they get their ass kicked properly once and for all.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Hmmm, yes I just bet you would just love a harsh crack down upon Russian opposition.

Which of course would serve Washington/London/Tel Aviv interests best.


“Which of course would serve Washington/London/Tel Aviv interests best” Ha, ha, ha ! If that is joke it is very good !!! If it is serious than it is very anti-Russian comment. Globalist liberal opposition + (mostly Jewish ) oligarchs They are the biggest enemies of Russia and Putin today.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Seems to me, you are just attempting to whip up internal Russian trouble with comments designed to promote a crack down on Russian liberals by Russian conservatives. (both Russian liberals and conservatives share a common patriotism for Russia btw)


” liberals and conservatives share a common patriotism for Russia” HA HA HA HA HA! Russian liberals and patriotism ! HA HA HA HA HA! You are very good in jokes! You must do stand up comedy! Or simply your comments are (deliberately?) so ignorant that it hurts!!


There will be no “crack down on Russian liberals” as long as Putin is in power. Simply because Putin is VERY MODERATE centrist.

Rhodium 10

Mental illness!…(lonely man, Incel and full of weapons)…they wanted to “play a shooting game” to release adrenaline and other biochemical substances!.. somehow similar to those who practice risk &extreme activities!

Tommy Jensen

When we Americans don’t do something and act we are criticized, and when we do something and act we are also criticized. Just wanna say we don’t bother about bs, we bother only about America and our freedom!


Fuck you к fake freedom.

AM Hants

Echo of Moscow radio station (mostly funded by state-run oil giant Gazprom), Novaya Gazeta newspaper and Vedomosti newspaper are the headliners of this propaganda campaign in the field of traditional media.

Doesn’t ‘The Voice Of America’ also investheavily in the above?

Time to close down or look closely into the Fifth Column Education Establishments. Give an inch and they take over the nation.

AM Hants

Must admit, I did enjoy reading about the passers by, when it was all unfolding, some were laughing at the FSB armed and crawling past them (not laughing at them, just how they were handling things) and others just shrugged, sidestepped what was happening and got on with their day. Seriously, respect the people of Russia and their unflappable attitude.


Hi AMH. I hope you are well and ready to enjoy the holiday with your family.

People on the street were likely in high spirits and probably didn’t want to believe it was as dangerous as it was. I’m not sure how I would have reacted because any given day you can hear fireworks for multiple reasons. I’m not sure how I would have reacted.

AM Hants

Hi, hope you are well Ruca.

It reminded me of the 70s/80s and living in London. The IRA were out and about, at the time. We would not give them the satisfaction of being frightened and would go on our daily business, normally out of pure spite. There was also a lot of comedy to be had, in a very black way. I remember, one suspect package, in a bin, just outside where I worked, following some headline terrorist act. Well, the bomb squad arrived, blew up the bin, only it was a Chinese take-away. Around the same time, some idiot parked on a double yellow line and left his car. No sign of him, till he arrived after the bomb-squad had demolished it. He had just popped into the bank. You forget about those times, and funnily enough, I was never afraid of how the day would unfold. I used to work in an area the IRA did not like, and also lived in another section, that was on their ‘site seeing’ list. Although it did not bother me at the time, I do believe feelings were suppressed and it is one of the reasons I am vovally following events in Ukraine. I absolutely despise any terrorists who target the civilians first and cannot wear an official uniform, in their course of carnage and destruction.

When you get used to events, you just get on with things, it is more when it is a complete surprise and out of the blue, that emotions set in.


I hope the authorities with shut down HSE forever. Just another NGO in practice.

J Roderet

Unfortunately, Russia still has some very wealthy and traitorous oligarchs from the 1990s that have never been punished. That is the real power behind the neo-liberal fifth-column and its assorted rioters, freaks, and terrorists. They must be crushed for Russia to fully regain its sovereignty.

Ford Fairlane

I noticed that on Twitter and some russian sites comments like “Allahu akbar” appeared quickly as if to push the Version 2 (ISIS) narrative. I found it rather odd.

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