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Who Trained The Increasingly Brutal U.S. Police? It Was Israel

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Who Trained The Increasingly Brutal U.S. Police? It Was Israel

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Over the last several days, the spotlight around the globe is on the US and its increasingly violence-filled response to the protesters (and some violent rioters).

Amnesty International reported something noteworthy, where did most of these police officers that are showing increasing brutality receive their training and, more important, by whom?

Well, look no further than Israel.

Many of them traveled to Israel to receive training, but quite a few Israeli specialists traveled to the US and provided training for police officers in how to apply crowd control.

After all, Israel’s national police, military and intelligence services are experts in crowd control, use of force and surveillance, and quite adept at “respecting Palestinian’s human rights” by carrying out constant violations.

Baltimore law enforcement officials, along with hundreds of others from Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Arizona, Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, North CarolinaGeorgia, Washington state as well as the DC Capitol police have all traveled to Israel for training. Thousands of others have received training from Israeli officials here in the U.S.

Many of these trips were funded by the same people the police are now beating in the streets – the taxpayers.

However, some are privately-funded.

Since 2002, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee’s Project Interchange and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs have paid for police chiefs, assistant chiefs and captains to train in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).

Essentially, the trainings provided first-hand experience in how to deal with crowds and protesting masses by one of the authorities that have received hundreds, if not thousands of accusations of human rights abuses over years of history.

Amnesty International, other human rights organizations and even the U.S. Department of State have cited Israeli police for carrying out extrajudicial executions and other unlawful killings, using ill treatment and torture (even against children), suppression of freedom of expression/association including through government surveillance, and excessive use of force against peaceful protesters.”

The Department of Justice report cited Baltimore police for using aggressive tactics that “escalate encounters and stifle public cooperation.”

In this way, the police would then apply unreasonable force during clashes with protesters over minor disobedience.

The report details how an overall lack of training leads to excessive force being used against those with mental health issues, juveniles and people who present “little or no threat against others,” such as those already restrained.

And this came at a time when Israeli police killed an autistic Palestinian man.

The body of Iyad Halak, 32, was buried late on May 31st.

He was shot dead the day before, reportedly after becoming confused by shouting police and fleeing in a panic to hide among rubbish bins.

Israeli police said in a statement they had spotted a “suspect with a suspicious object that looked like a pistol”.

“They called upon him to stop and began to chase after him on foot, during the chase officers also opened fire at the suspect, who was neutralised,” the statement said.

Warda Abu Hadid, Halak’s caregiver, told Israeli media she had tried to alert police to the fact that he was severely autistic and did not understand their calls.

“He’s disabled, disabled,” she recalled shouting repeatedly, in Hebrew. “Wait a moment, take his ID card, check his ID.”

“Suddenly they fired three bullets at him, in front of my eyes,” she told Channel 13. “I shouted: ‘Don’t shoot him.’ They didn’t listen; they didn’t want to hear.”

After shooting at Halak, the police pointed their guns towards her, she claimed.

“They came up to me, pressed their guns against me and said: ‘Give us the pistol he gave you.’”

Which could remind of how the mother of a black man attempted to save his son’s life back in 2016, when there were calls to the police regarding his outbursts of “rage.” The man is also autistic.

Who Trained The Increasingly Brutal U.S. Police? It Was Israel

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And all of this, both for the US and Israel is reinforced heavily by one thing: lack of accountability.

The Baltimore Police Department has shown “systemic deficiencies” in “accountability structures” and this is not an isolated incident, since Derek Chauvin from Minneapolis had several infractions for which he received little to no punishment, until he ultimately killed the handcuffed George Floyd.

Meanwhile, rioters and protesters in front of the White House forced US President Donald and his aides to hide in a bunker, leaving the building with darkened windows, and refusing any accountability, instead taking authorities’ side and leaving the situation to potentially escalate further.


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Chinese Dog

I always wish for the Indian army to be like the Israelis.Damn, our terrorist problems would surely get solved by the Israeli approach.You commit terrorism, get your house blown up :D

Swift Laggard II

solve your toilet problems first. indians have always wanted to be wannabes

Zionism = EVIL

I don’t think he is an Indian and is just an idiot who craves attention. Indians are victims of Jew and redneck racism as much as the blacks, just look at the Apu character in Simpsons.


And the rats are smarter than the cats, just look at Tom & Jerry


can’t say the same for you.


Ouch that burns

Ashok Varma

He is not an Indian and is just a troll. Indians are in forefront of anti-racism from the days of savage British imperialism which was much like Zionism.


Lol, tell that to the caste system where dark skinned Indians are “untouchable”


Indians have the worst inferiority complex.

Chinese Dog

We will solve it once we remove all the muzlims from india


You are another idiot troll. Should be banned.

Zionism = EVIL

You are not an Indian you little roach and will be banned again so open another account arsewipe :)


This idiot needs to be banned.

Simon Ndiritu

It is explainable how a large country like the US trained in sandy, desert, state-let named Israel. It shows lack of grip of matters or the subservient attitude that the US has adopted towards Israel. If one may ask, How are policing conditions in to countries be similar? who ever assumed that the laws and police culture in the Israel can be replicated successfully in the US?

Zionism = EVIL

Historically Jews have done more damage to western societies than others as they have infiltrated them. The Zionist agenda is a global police state and brutality, but now they want to kill westerners, so their will be massive backlash against Jew cunts, just watch.


Yes it was us, we have alot of experience dealing with rioters on a weekly basis. So what’s your point SF? it just 2 police forces from 2 countries that train together, nothing is wrong with it. You’re just mad because they do a goodjob.

Swift Laggard II

that you are razist. that you are scum


I am a proud Zionist, you can call me racist I don’t care. Fuck with us and we will hunt you down like a rat.

Black Waters

Being proud proud of being a nazi ins’t a good idea.


It’s only in your head, if we were Nazis we would have already wiped out the Palis like they did to the Jews. do you see 6M Palis dead? hardly 20K.

Zionism = EVIL

You are nothing but a teenage Jew cunt.


You are a sick criminal and should be locked up for promoting a genocide.


Am I? tell me, when Iran says that wanna destroy Israel and remove us, is that a call for genocide too?

chris chuba

So when are the Israeli liaisons going to be coming forward to take credit for this program and show which police depts and officers have been trained?

Ashok Varma

You are engaging with a teenage troll.


Ask the U.S police force, it’s their call.


For Palestinians living under military occupation in East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank, the worst excesses of the kind seen in the US recently, are a near everyday occurrence.

In the aftermath of Floyd’s killing, Palestinians were quick to draw parallels between the final images of the man suffering under the knee of the officer, and similar choke holds used by Israel occupation forces.

“Crazy how the same thing happens in Palestine but the world chooses to ignore it,” Arab and Russian media have posted at least a dozen separate images of Israeli soldiers pinning Palestinians to the ground with their knees on their necks or head and choking them, even a handicapped Palestinian teenager.

The Objective

I am surprised. You once claimed to me that you are not a Zionist, and I even developed some respect for you and read your comments with a more open mind. You even claimed to have many Muslim friends in Iraq as you are an Iraqi Jew. Good Lord! A massive catastrophe awaits the Middle East. Reminds me of the Hadith of the Prophet where he said, “one-third will die, one-third will be killed, and one-third will survive” it appears two-thirds of the Middle Eastern population will die largely by Israeli nukes I guess, even though it will assure Israel’s destruction.


I have never claimed I am not a Zionist, I said my origin is Iraqi Jew but that belongs to the past. I don’t have a problem with Israeli Arabs even though they are Muslim, my problem is with the Islamic terrorists shia or sunnis they try to kill Israelis.

The Objective

The so-called “Islamic Terrorists” you complain about are trained, equipped, and financed by your “Israeli/American” governments to justify war on Muslims. It is Islam they target not ISIS/Alqaeda. Only they don’t seem to have the guts to publicly say so.


Objective, Jews and Muslims inside Israel live in mixed cities peacefully. We buy at each others stores, study with each other, work together at hospitals and greet each other happy Ramadan or Happy Passover. That is a true peace between the two religions, which I want to see in our region. ISIS / AQ / Hamas / Hezbollah all wanna use Muslims like you to fight for a lost cause, Jews will stay on this land as Muslims will, Jerusalem is for all 3 religions.

The Objective

Are you saying you still doubt or dispute the fact that ISIS is an America/Israeli creation? I am really surprised cos I believed you sound intelligent and cannot be easily fooled. If you want me to explain why ISIS is a US/Israeli project, I’ll do that. Keep the normal Muslim population out of this. ISIS is anti-Islamic by all standards. Secondly, I want you to recall that the Balfour Declaration aspired for two states – One for Jews (Israel) and the other for Arabs (Palestine) with clearly defined boundaries. Israel began encroaching on Palestinian land after that. The proof is the many UN resolutions that condemn Israel for this. Israel encroached on Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syrian lands. Do you call that peace with the Muslims? They have killed over ten times more Palestinians than Israelis – and don’t forget they are supposedly fighting an unarmed people who do not have an organized Army, Air force or Navy. They have mostly killed protesting Palestinian civilians of all ages male and female. The question is, What has the peace-loving Jewish population done to stop their government’s brutality, genocide, abuses, and plunder of Palestine? The UN is not a Muslim organization, yet they have condemned Israel more times than I care to count, with resolutions that if implemented will severely punish and weaken if not dismantle the state of Israel.


The thing is, both our leadership under Bibi and theirs under Abu Mazen create tensions between the people, which leads to the crises you see now. The Palestinians had more than one chance to get their own state, and they still refused. You can say we need to give them everything we took in 1967, but it’s not realistic today. We offer them now 70% of the West Bank + Gaza + East Jerusalem so it’s best for them to take it so we can end the conflict, but they won’t do it. Then Hamas is using the situation for a Jihad against us, but in the end it’s them who suffer the most. Also, ISIS is not our proxy, we did help them near our border in the Golan to counter Iran and it was a smart move, but after they left we stopped assisting them. If you can explain to me what cooperation Israel and ISIS has on present time, I would love to hear.

The Objective

I am surprised. You once claimed to me that you are not a Zionist, and I even developed some respect for you and read your comments with a more open mind. You even claimed to have many Muslim friends in Iraq as you are an Iraqi Jew. Good Lord! A massive catastrophe awaits the Middle East. Reminds me of the Hadith of the Prophet where he said, “one-third will die, one-third will be killed, and one-third will survive” it appears two-thirds of the Middle Eastern population will die largely by Israeli nukes I guess, even though it will assure Israel’s destruction.

Ashok Varma

He is a attention seeking teenager and makes disgusting comments just to get attention.

Ashok Varma

The UN has declared Zionism as racism.


The UN has declared Ashok as a moron. Does that apply too?

Ashok Varma

You are chit of boy seeking attention. Mummy has gone out again :)


Ashok I’ll let you know when they call me, hopefully next month to deal with your friends.

Ashok Varma

You have no job and live in a world of fantasy. Nothing will happen and you will be laughed off as usual. For a teenager you need to get out and get help.


How do you know from what I make a living? none of your business :) Keep crying Ashoki, you are such a drama queen.

Ashok Varma

Your whole pathetic life in here as a third rate troll who is doing immense damage to Zionists and generating more hatred LOL


Nah, I use the internet to make money. While doing it, I got time for you too Ashoki.

Ashok Varma

You are too stupid to make money even as a hasbarat.



rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are a child molester, you three skinned creep.


He is absolute scum and then you wonder why people hate Jews?

chris chuba

Sound like a troll, because the U.S. police dept is not considered a force of occupation, at least not yet. In the U.S. we should have started with a national program on non-lethal ways to control a prisoner before considering international programs to solve the problem of having 2,000 state municipalities.

Ashok Varma

He is a troll.


Same uncontrolable police in france. They started out using their tactics on poor colored people. Now they use it on everybody and are absolutely not accountable about anything. As is the US, there have been countless videos showing their lies and aggressions but the “justice system” never put any blame on them, only on the victims. And guess what? They’re also trained by israelis! Surprise, surprise.

Ashok Varma

India was peaceful multi-confessional country before the CIA installed an illiterate thug Modi with Zionist support to rip off our economy and now we have problems from Kashmir to Assam with police and army brutality as the Zionist are “training” our military to kill, blind, rape and maim women and children on the Palestine occupation model. Zionism is the greatest threat to humanity as the average American and European citizens are finding out with police brutality and violence.


To be fair the western population had blinders on to Zionist cowardly brutality. Iranian, Turkish and even Serbian media had reported the Zionist tactics years ago and their eventual use on the hand that feeds Zionism.

The knee-on-neck, long a staple of Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine

Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation have long dealt with the kind of brutality being enacted by some US police officers against African-Americans.


I know it’s sexy to onlly complain about cop behavior towards blacks, but they are violating and killing whites too. I have no doubt blacks have it worse because there IS racism in the ranks too, but the problem with aggressive policing? A SHARED problem for all citizens in the US. Once they get the violent phase of things out of their system, I truly hope we can take a stand together to do something about these moron cops. Most municipalities do not need police departments…they could rely on the county sheriff for real crime and otherwise let the citizens of all races live in peace!


This is not a surprise. Amnesty International has warned that hundreds of police departments have been training in Israel alongside military officers, who “have racked up documented human rights violations and brutality for years. This cowardly method of brutality is based on the Palestine occupation model.


Western taxpayers receiving Zionist brutality with their own tax dollars.

Hasbara Hunter

ISISraHell, Murica & London are trying to turn the world into one Gigantic Palestinian P.O.W. Concentration-Camp, including 24/7 Video-Surveillance, RFID-Chips, Extermination-Camps for disobedient Civilians…they have proven in the past couple of Centuries to be KidKilling & Childraping Demons straight from Hell…


Zionism = EVIL

Most of us who live in the real world have been warning about the Zionist cunts turning the whole world into a brutal police state by spreading sheer evil and hate. It is important that Southfront accurate reporting is shared with the average brainwashed dumbass Americunt and western morons who are now the targets of Zionist crimes. Trump is an idiot and pimp for Zionists and the brainwashed Americunt military of losers will now start killing Americas children like their Zionist masters have been doing in Palestine for 70 years.Read my older posts and I warned about this years ago. The global gulag is supposed to be based on the Gaza model, but it will fail as the Jew parasites will face the final blowback.



Hopeful thinking


Even US university students are now waking up. On Twitter, the BDS and Palestinian Solidarity working group within the Democratic Socialists of America wrote: “The police violence happening tonight in American cities is straight out of the IDF playbook. How many times have we seen uprisings in Gaza met w/ a storm of live bullets aimed at children? How many times are Palestinians in the West Bank doused with tear gas and hit with pellets and rubber bullets during a protest? US cops train in Israel are on the same brutal path.


How many people those two organisations have, 5?

Concrete Mike

You scared of socialism? Why? Capitalism has failed, its failing all around the world, while socialist countries are not.

There is more to socialism than you think, i suggest your read Ramin Mazerhi. Cheers!


Why should I be scared of it? I’m living in an ex communist shithole, nothing scares me.


Why? Soviet russia was hell for many people and its Jews that push communism and I wouldn’t trust anything they dream up and we don’t just have two choices capitalism or socialism

fayez chergui

israel: scum of humanity

Ashok Varma

It is far worse than that, the Zionists agenda is global mayhem and savagery as they have done historically. Now the western children are being slaughtered by Zionist cowards tactics.




The US and the planet need to be dejudified so that the planet is Jew free. Israel should be replaced with a unified Palestine.


lol, keep dreaming xD


Jews have been on the run for their crimes and anti social behavior for their entire existence. They’ve been kicked out of Palestine more than once. A UN Convention abolishing Judaism should be enacted and ratified by member nations to create a Jew free planet. Similar to what’s been done with slavery and torture.

“Jewish population centers have shifted tremendously over time, due to the constant streams of Jewish refugees created by expulsions, persecution, and officially sanctioned killing of Jews in various places at various times. In addition, assimilation and forced conversions have also impacted Jewish population sizes throughout Jewish history.”

– Historical Jewish population comparisons –



Even Shakespeare had the Shylock the Jew who wanted a pound of gentile child’s flesh for usury in Merchant of Venice. Luckily Armenia got rid of the Jews during Soviet era, now they have moved to Azerbaijan.


nah better to allow the neighbours to finish them off once and for all and then aim for the embedded/entrenched jewry elsewhere.

S Melanson

I read the article and these questions come to mind. First, when did Israeli training begin and what is the correlation between police brutality and Israeli training?

Iron Zion, are you privy to when this training began and the purpose/goals of such training?

The reason to ask these important questions is because militarization of police has been reported for years now and it is militarization that has been attributed to aggressive police tactics and excessive use of force.

If the problem is to be addressed, the actual causes need to be addressed. I also do not like when issues not related to the topic are thrown in to demonize a targeted group.

For example, I do not see how lack of accountability of police in the US is relevant to Israeli training. Lack of accountability goes back a long time, pre-dating close ties between the US and Israel (post-1967) and is a product of legal statutes that give police officers wide latitude in self defence. The article gives the impression Israeli training is linked to lack of police accountability with the only ‘evidence’ being the claim both Israeli and US police forces are not accountable. Well this can be said for police forces of many many nations and this is unhelpful.

Unless the legal system precedents are upended this problem will continue regardless of Israeli training of police – unless training involves how to game the justice system, but I think the US police forces know the system well and are in no need of outside assistance.

I think an article is needed to discuss the problems in discourse involving Israel and the Jewish people.

If the intent Of discourse is to persuade Jews to change there ways, the arguments themselves need to be persuasive. Throwing out accusations without any evidence and inserting red herrings to disparage Jews is not going to do anything but polarize debate, increasing the divide.

Consider the comment below about eradication of Judaism using the UN! Well this is once again a repeat of the myth: Jewish = Judaism = Zionism. Given the tirades against Zionism, It is a bit ironic that eradicating Judaism will spare most Zionists given the secular nature of political Zionism.

This is why I feel the need to say something and hopefully SF will publish. I have actually written a rough draft of the article and am inviting a few people (4 and at most 6 individuals) to comment on an advanced draft of the article once I have it ready.

I would be honoured if you would be willing to be one of those individuals.


Hey Melanson, I enjoyed reading your comment as it is more neutral rather than what SF claims about the U.S and the Israeli police. I think that you can not compare the two, The U.S police has riots from time to time which they need to deal with appropriate force, in order to stop looting or other vandalism in the streets. The Israeli police is dealing with riots on a daily basis against another people which are not Israeli citizens, so they have more freedom to use force or open fire incase they suspect a Palestinian man is going to stab / shoot Israelis, like in Jerusalem. That’s why it may seem like police brutality, but the risk is much higher here than in the U.S to die from a terror attack so the police has alot of anti-terror training, and unfortunately mistakes happen sometimes like that case with the autistic boy who they thought to be a terrorist with a gun. SF claiming us doing it intentionally is a lie, must of the times you read about our police they do manage to neutralize only the man who came to hurt Israelis, and I give them big respect for that. I don’t see any problem with the police officers from the two states training together to increase experience, that doesn’t mean both forces are brutal just because they do what is expected of them. You can read about the police cooperation here: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/joint-us-israel-police-and-law-enforcement-training


I think people around the world now recognize the danger posed to humanity by the inhumanity of Zionism.


The Jews control of the media to cover up their crimes is becoming obsolete as the internet developes and their efforts to monopolise it fail.


One thing is the methode of so called crowd control, but the “best” part of this is the legislative system the IDF/ISISRAel have regarding this forces us of violence, that, is where the Gorrila in the glass house is, executive branch and the law enforcements have been given charte blanch to do whatever they deem nessesery to protect whatever they claim to protect, yeah, people, huh, when they claim this or that possesed something or anything that could possibly be seen and belived to be an threat, aka an knife, and the never changing, we tought we saw an pussy cat, or gun, yeah, and they get away with everything, since their actions is justifyed by the pretext of protecting them selfs from possible threats, an “briliant” rule, and that have morphed into what we have seen lately in the Imperial banana republic UssA ( the Union of Sociophats, Scumbags and A..holes ).

And even if proven wrong, even is the facts is glearingly obvious about the non existing threat and any kind of profs about this threat, they get away because of the benefit of doubt, again from what anyone of them consdier to be persived as an deadly threat.

But hey, we are just white supremacists and nazis this days for just pointing that out, right, just as the German Jew whom whined on RT, the despicable rotten HertzHog about industrial scale genoice, but of course completely ignored the ISISraelis, like the EUs spectaculare corrupt rotten f…. from sPain, an new hight in hyprocary, and even the Norwegian MSM whines about the pesky anti-semitic Palestinians whom is terrorising the always peacefull Jews, yeah, I am not even exagerating, whom dont want to lie down and die so the peacefull Zioscums couldnt just role in and take the west bank, noughty, noughty Palestinians, its infact unbelvable to read this kind of bullshit in 2020 but like the Banana republic, in Norway the sheeps are more intellegent and like UssA, everything goes.



Sadly, now the US population is at the receiving end of Zionist instigated police brutality like what the Palestinians have had to endure for 70 years with the west turning a blind eye.

Assad must stay

ahahahaah israel is being exposed more and more

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The SS and Israeli army are one and the same thing. The Israelis copied their tactics, and now train US police to be brutal, crazed murderers.

To call them soldiers is a disgrace to real soldiers.

They are murderers who shoot women and children who cannot fight back.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…


of course, the jews in palestine stand for all that is wrong in this world and must thus be eliminated to zero – or to put it another way, the day when the jews are reduced to 0, that is the day the world can cheer and celebrate and look forward to a mutually profitable future. with the jews in the picture it’s just me me me and no future for the rest of us.

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