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Why America Is at War Against China & Russia

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Why America Is at War Against China & Russia

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Written by Eric Zuesse

To boil it all down: it’s because all U.S. billionaires fund the political campaigns ONLY of candidates whose #1 priority (other than becoming elected and re-elected) is for the U.S. Government to increase the size of its empire at this time while its dominance and virtual control over all other countries is declining instead of continuing to increase as had been the case between 1945 and approximately 1995. Only politicians whose top priority is to continue expanding the U.S. empire can become elected. (Other politicians have underfunded campaigns: virtually no chance. Republican U.S. Supreme Court ‘Justices’ ever since 1976 have made corruption legal in U.S. politics, and then Democratic politicians, starting with Bill Clinton, caved-in to that, and have been competing that way — on the basis of corruption — against their Republican opponents, ever since; so that, now, both Parties are about equally corrupt.) That’s why there is this war by the U.S. against China and Russia (corruption controls America). This fact will be documented here, as the explanation for why America is at war against China and Russia. To understand this, requires documenting how the current American system actually functions. It’s not like the ‘history’ books, and the textbooks, say.

For example, according to Forbes magazine on 2 March 2020, when finally tabulating for each one of the Democratic Party candidates, how many billionaires had backed the person, the list was also (except for the self-funded Bloomberg) a ranking of how intensely neoconservative (pro-expanding the U.S. empire) these candidates were and are:

“Here Are The Billionaires Funding The Democratic Presidential Candidates”

  • Biden 66
  • Buttigieg 61
  • Klobucar 33
  • Steyer 13
  • Warren 6
  • Gabbard 3
  • Bloomberg 1 (himself — so he doesn’t belong in this ranking)
  • Sanders 0

No billionaire — none, at all — backs an anti-imperialistic candidate.

U.S. politics is controlled by wealth — the number of dollars that are owned and spent on politics — NOT on the number of voters: America is an aristocracy (of wealth) instead of a democracy (that represents the majority of the public). It’s based on deceit (such as this). (America’s war against China is based on deceit, and so is America’s war against Russia — both of which wars, America’s ‘news’-media lie about.) And so, too, is the widely touted claim that today’s American Government is, itself, a democracy, a lie: a conclusively disproven lie. A democracy is controlled by its majority. America’s Government is anything but that. Only the super-rich control this Government.

On 31 October 2018, three political scientists documented that the wealthiest 1% of the wealthiest 1% of Americans — the wealthiest ten-thousandth of Americans — donate 57.16% of all the money that funds U.S. political campaigns. The “Top 400 Donors” (all of whom are multi-billionaires, not merely billionaires) donate 29.86%, or virtually 30%, of all political money, in the U.S. But, actually: only billionaires (and an occasional mere centi-millionaire) who are among the ten largest donors to U.S. politics in a Presidential-election year, have any real impact in determining whom America’s next President will be. Only those ten ultra-rich Americans do. And, from one Presidential ‘election’ to the next, many of those ten people will be the same both times. All of the other 332 million Americans are their subjects, not any country’s “citizens” (except, perhaps, on passports, etc.). But America isn’t a kingdom; it’s an aristocracy. (Of course, some kingdoms are representing their aristocracy and/or their theocracy, but, in any case, America is an aristocracy.)

Two prior studies, one in 2016, and the first one in 2014, had already demonstrated that, as I headlined about both of them in 2018, “America Is One-Dollar-One-Vote, Not Really One-Person-One Vote.” The breakthrough first study, in 2014, was brilliantly summarized and explained in a 6-minute video here. So: anyone who says that America’s Government is better than other Governments because it is a democracy is either a fool or else a liar. This myth has, by now, become buried so deep that only a second American revolution might be able to resurrect it to some sort of reality again.

Why America Is at War Against China & Russia

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On 29 March 2023, I headlined “ChinUssia Will Likely Become the World’s Dominant Nation”, and documented that whereas China now leads the world in human capital, and Russia overwhelmingly leads the world in physical capital, those two adjoining countries might become one country before the end of the present Century, but that this would pose no threat to America or to any country in the American empire, because both China and Russia are uniting together not on the basis of their existing strengths, but instead because of their deeply shared and mutual commitment to anti-imperialist ideology: the goal of replacing The West’s ideology since the year 1600 — the ideology of global imperialism — by a new world order, in which there will be no empires allowed, and in which the U.N. will instead be amended to become the all-inclusive democratic federal republic that includes and, democratically among nations, determines international laws, for all of the world’s nations. (This was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s dream.) What unites China and Russia more than anything else is their (or its) anti-imperialist ideology.

Already in both China and Russia, the billionaires don’t control the Government but instead are ruled by the Government; nor does any clergy control the Government, but all clerics are instead required to adhere to laws that no clergy has made. Neither country is either an aristocracy (like the U.S. is) nor a theocracy (like such countries as Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, are).

The November 2022 issue of American Affairs Journal contained a very important article, “Assessing the Russian and Chinese Economies Geostrategically”, by Jacques Sapir, professor and director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. Anyone who doubts my hypothesis that The West has been hiding the extent to which China and Russia are already better prepared to lead the world’s future than The West (and especially than America) is, should read it. But what might be even more important to understand is that and how America’s aristocracy have, in fact, been ruling the world ever since 25 July 1945. That was a post-WW-II restoration of the old world order, of empires controlling the world; but, this time, there is only one empire, the American empire. FDR had invented the U.N. to eliminate and replace all empires, but his successor Truman trashed that plan. Truman’s plan for a single world empire encompassed not only NATO and ultimately what became the EU, but the entire “Washington Consensus” that rules internationally today and is based upon the dollar’s being the international reserve currency. This Truman-created ‘new world order’, which actually is the old world order but with America’s aristocracy being on top, is crumbling now.

We are about to enter an actually new world, and it might happen much faster than people today expect — during the lifetimes of individuals who are living today.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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The short answer is Jews


Yes but problem is that Putin has deal with Israel, that is so obvious. If you remember Lavrov said that Hitler was jew, and Putin apologised to Israel. But Lavrov is right, Hitler’s grandmother was raped by jew. Russia is not going to escalate anything with Israel as long Israel keeps away from escalating anything with Russia.

This article has a lot of links for reading, just saying.

Trump was keeping Putin on hold not to start SMO in Ukraine. Trump is best buddy with Israel. Trump is gone. Putin got to his senses that russians must be protected in Ukraine.

America wants WW3 to start and they are pushing down that hill. If they push China into proxy war over Taiwan, WW3 is imminent.

What we are seeing is that world is split into two worlds, BRICS vs NATO. It is question of time when things going to heat up or stop, who overdominates both of this two worlds is going to make last call.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana

All depends how trade business wars are balanced. If China and/or Russia suffer from it, this can lead to imminent WW3. We see that America is crumbling down, and they are desperate to find way to start WW3.


Awwwww inbred faggy muzlim did not get hos dauly Jew jizz up his ass. Feeling lonely and unfulfilled? 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆🖕🇵🇰

Last edited 1 year ago by Chad
Chris Gr

Nobody wants WW3 but the elitists will try to start it in order to avoid a social unrest.


That is what I meant, not ordinary people. But hegemons.


Awwwww inbred fqggy muzlim did not get hos dauly Jew jizz up his ass. Feeling lonely and unfulfilled? 😆😆😆😆😆😆

Last edited 1 year ago by Chad
Chris Gr

Jews are blamed for secret societies. But if you see, our Greek politician was bribed by Qatar not Israel.


Bribed are crisis actors, most of them are raised up as crisis actors, most politicians are these actors.

Chris Gr

Crisis actors yes. But to all sides. We don’t even know if Putin exists or not.


Awwwww inbred fqggy muzlim did not get hos dauly Jew jizz up his ass. Feeling lonely and unfulfilled? 😆😆😆😆😆

Last edited 1 year ago by Chad

They are pretend Jews originating from Eastern Europe.


AMERICA IS AT WAR AGAINST CHINA & RUSSIA to try to stop, unstoppable.


Yeah right. Like your cunt is unstoppable, cuck.


Iba pre jeden jediný dôvod a ten je že darebácky štát USA sú pred bankrotom!!! A tomu sa už nijak nevyhnú!!! Ten ich astronomický dlh sa už totižto nijako nedá platiť. Dokonané jest!!! Ako povedal Ježiš na kríži.


What is this? Some faggot hohol gibberish from Lvov?


It’s Slovak you muppet.

charles zilich

all wars are bankers wars by michael rivero

the russians have defeated the khazars centuries ago because the khazars were drinking the blood of children. the russians forced the khazars to adopt a religion. The other major ingredient of the Khazar Jew heritage is hatred for Christianity, and for the Russian people as the champions of the Christian faith. We Americans who call ourselves Christians have not cared enough to open our eyes to try to save our own country, or to defend our faith. So our land has become the battle-ground of the Christian Russians and their deadly enemies – the Bolsheviks and the Zionists. And like it or not we are caught up in this all-out war. Russia and The Khazars https://prepareforchange.net/2016/08/18/russia-and-the-khazars/

Last edited 1 year ago by charles zilich

Awwwww inbred fqggy muzlim did not get hos dauly Jew jizz up his ass. Feeling lonely and unfulfilled? 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Last edited 1 year ago by Chad
Chris Gr

Eric Zuesse confused kleptocracy with aristocracy.


Author cheers for a one world govt. Author is a moron.


Accurate analysis Now you can conclude the same for Russia and China. Except they are driven by their dictators ego. No race is superior then the other , peace from the Caribbean!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Herald
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