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Why America’s Nuclear Threat To Russia Now Is Bigger Than The Soviet Nuclear Threat To America Was In The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

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Why America’s Nuclear Threat To Russia Now Is Bigger Than The Soviet Nuclear Threat To America Was In The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

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Written by Eric Zuesse

During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the central issue was how short America’s available reaction-time to a Soviet blitz nuclear attack would be and whether it would be too short for America to respond before America’s leader, JFK, would be able to press the nuclear button and retaliate against such a Soviet nuclear first-strike (from so near a location as Cuba). That time-interval would have been about 30 minutes, and Kennedy told Khrushchev that that would be unacceptably short and so if Khrushchev would go through with his plan to place his missiles in Cuba, then America would preemptively launch our nuclear warheads against the Soviet Union. Khrushchev decided not to do it. WW III was thus averted. But now we’re potentially down to around 5 minutes, in the reverse direction, and almost nobody is even talking about it

The present version of that threat (to the entire world) started in 2010, when U.S. President Barack Obama (who had just won the Nobel Peace Prize for his rhetoric) met privately in the White House with the then newly and democratically elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, who had just been elected by Ukrainians on a platform of continuing into the future the geostrategic neutrality of Russia’s next-door neighbor Ukraine regarding the continuing goal of the U.S. Government to conquer Russia. Yanukovych refused to assist America in that regard, but would also not oppose it; Ukraine would remain neutral. Later that same year, Obama’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met privately with Yanukovych in Kiev, and the result was the same: Ukraine would remain neutral regarding Russia and the United States. Then, in 2011, two agents of the CIA-created Google Corporation, Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen, who happened to be personal friends and associates of Ms. Clinton (plus some of those men’s close associates), met privately with Julian Assange for a ‘friendly’ visit allegedly in order to quote him in their upcoming book, The New Digital Age: Transforming Nations, Businesses, and Our Lives  how to stir up and organize a grass-roots movement online so as to enhance democracy. Only later did Assange recognize that he had divulged to them tips that were subsequently used by the U.S. State Department and CIA to organize the coup that overthrew Yanukovych in February 2014. Assange then headlined in October 2014, “Google Is Not What It Seems”. That’s when Assange noted, “Jared Cohen could be wryly named Google’s ‘director of regime change.’”

This coup (called ’the Maidan revolution’ or “Euromaidan”) started being organized inside the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine by no later than 1 March 2013, but Wikipedia says instead: “Euromaidan started in the night of 21 November 2013 when up to 2,000 protesters gathered at Kiev’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti and began to organize themselves with the help of social networks.” (Nothing was mentioned there about the U.S. Embassy’s having organized them.)

The U.S. Government had also engaged the Gallup polling organization, both before and after the coup, in order to poll Ukrainians, and especially ones who lived in its Crimean independent republic, regarding their views on U.S., Russia, NATO, and the EU; and, generally, Ukrainians were far more pro-Russia than pro-U.S., NATO, or EU, but this was especially the case in Crimea; so, America’s Government knew that Crimeans would be especially resistant. However, this was not really new information. During 2003-2009, only around 20% of Ukrainians had wanted NATO membership, while around 55% opposed it. In 2010, Gallup found that whereas 17% of Ukrainians considered NATO to mean “protection of your country,” 40% said it’s “a threat to your country.” Ukrainians predominantly saw NATO as an enemy, not a friend. But after Obama’s February 2014 Ukrainian coup, “Ukraine’s NATO membership would get 53.4% of the votes, one third of Ukrainians (33.6%) would oppose it. However, afterward, the support averaged around 45% — still over twice as high as had been the case prior to the coup.

In other words: what Obama did was generally successful, it grabbed Ukraine, or most of it, and it changed Ukrainians’ minds regarding America and Russia. But only after the subsequent passage of time did the American neoconservative heart become successfully grafted into the Ukrainian nation so as to make Ukraine a viable place to position U.S. nuclear missiles against Moscow. Furthermore: America’s rulers also needed to do some work upon U.S. public opinion. Not until February of 2014 — the time of Obama’s coup — did more than 15% of the American public have a “very unfavorable” view of Russia. (Right before Russia invaded Ukraine, that figure had already risen to 42%. America’s press — and academia or public-policy ‘experts’ — have been very effective at managing public opinion.)

Back in 2012, when Obama was running for re-election, against Mitt Romney, that figure was still remaining at 11%, where it had been approximately ever since Gallup had started polling on this question in 1989. So, Obama, and the U.S. Congress, and the newsmedia owners who had sold all of those poliiticians to the American public, had a lot of work yet to do after Obama’s re-election in 2012. During that political contest, Obama was aware of this fact, and used it to his own advantage against the overtly hyper-anti-Russian candidate, Romney.

A major reason why the American people re-elected U.S. President Barack Obama, instead of elected a new President Romney, was Romney’s having said of Russia, on 26 March 2012,

Russia, this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe. They — they fight every cause for the world’s worst actors. … Russia is the — the geopolitical foe.

Not just “a” geopolitical foe, but “the” geopolitical foe.” (Wow! In a world with growing jihadist movements, such as Al Qaeda and ISIS?) The prior month, Gallup had polled, and reported that 11% figure; so, Romney was jumping the gun a lot on this, maybe because he was more concerned about fundraising than about appealing to voters. He knew he would need lots of money in order to have even a chance against Obama.

Obama responded to that comment mainly at the re-election campaign’s end, by springing this upon Romney during a debate, on 22 October 2012:

Governor Romney, I’m glad that you recognize that Al Qaida is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia, not Al Qaida; you said Russia. In the 1980s, they’re now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because, you know, the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.

Obama’s campaign had very successfully presented himself as NOT being like Romney (even though he secretly WAS). Lies like this had, in fact, won Obama his 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. But now he won his re-election. He was an astoundingly gifted liar.

Regarding the incident on 26 March 2012, when Obama spoke with Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev at the South Korean “Nuclear Security Summit”, Politifact reported:

In March 2012, at a summit in South Korea, Obama was caught in a “hot mic” incident. Without realizing he could be overheard, Obama told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have more ability to negotiate with the Russians about missile defense after the November election.

“On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved, but it’s important for him [the incoming President Putin] to give me space,” Obama was heard telling Medvedev, apparently referring to incoming Russian president Vladimir Putin.

“Yeah, I understand,” Medvedev replied.

Obama interjected, saying, “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.”

So: Obama was telling Putin there, through Medvedev, that his next Administration would soften its stand on America’s installing in eastern Europe, near and even on Russia’s borders, missiles that are designed to disable Russia’s ability to retaliate against a U.S. nuclear first-strike — the U.S. ABM or anti-ballistic-missile system and the nuclear weapoons that America was designing.

Obama wasn’t lying only to America’s voters; he was shown there privately lying to Putin, by indicating to Medvedev that instead of becoming more aggressive (by his planned ABMs, and super-advanced nuclear fuses) against Russia in a second term, he’d become less aggressive (by negotiating with Putin about these matters — as you can see there, the nub of the issue was George Herbert Walker Bush’s lie to Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990).

Whereas Cuba was around 30 minutes away from nuking Washington DC., Ukraine would be around 5 minutes away from nuking Moscow. No other country is that close to Moscow. This is probably the main reason why, on 24 February 2022, Putin finally decided to invade Ukraine. But even if he wins there, Finland is only 7 minutes away from Moscow. And Finland was one of the Axis powers in Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa invasion against the Soviet Union between 25 June 1941 and 19 September 1944; so, Finland’s rejoining the nazi alliance now would certainly pose an even greater danger to Russians than Cuba’s joining the Soviet alliance posed to Americans in 1962. But this time, the aggressor-nation in the matter is the U.S. and its allies, not Russia, and yet Russia is responding with far less urgency than America had done in 1962. We’re still on borrowed time, borrowed now from Russia.

To all this, a friend has replied to me:

Completely invalid analogy.  Having Russian missiles in Cuba in the early days of ICBM technology was to the USA what having USA missiles in Turkey was to Russia.  The crisis was resolved when both countries agreed to withdraw their missiles. Made sense in those days.  Today, the technology is such that proximity of launch sites to targets is irrelevant.

However, some of America’s top nuclear scientists don’t share that view, at all, but its opposite. They concluded, on 1 March 2017:

The US nuclear forces modernization program has been portrayed to the public as an effort to ensure the reliability and safety of warheads in the US nuclear arsenal, rather than to enhance their military capabilities. In reality, however, that program has implemented revolutionary new technologies that will vastly increase the targeting capability of the US ballistic missile arsenal. This increase in capability is astonishing — boosting the overall killing power of existing US ballistic missile forces by a factor of roughly three — and it creates exactly what one would expect to see, if a nuclear-armed state were planning to have the capacity to fight and win a nuclear war by disarming enemies with a surprise first strike.

Starting in 2006, the predominant American meta-strategy has been called “Nuclear Primacy” — meaning to attain the ability to win a nuclear war — not merely what it had previously been (M.A.D. or “Mutually Assured Destruction”): to prevent one.

Apparently, the latest fashion in U.S. Government and academic thinking, about this ‘competition’, is, first, to dismember Russia. They even sell this goal as embodying America’s “commitment to anti-imperialism.”

Even after the lies that got us to invade Iraq, America’s public seem to have learned no lessons.


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Que sera… sera… что будет, то будет


US and its satellites know the advantages of Russian hypersonics over their museum grade nuke Arms that keeps the US-LED NATO away from the fray. hypersonics are indeed the game-changer in favor of Russia and China.

Thought Criminal

Doesn’t really change anything, a nuclear war would destroy both sides regardless.


no, it actually DOES change things. Hypersonics can be bona fide first strike weapons.


I have always considered the US to be the greatest threat to world peace AND since Iraq, Libya, Syria, I am aware that the UK is a nation of warmongers, butchers of people and pirateers. It was so under Thatcher too but has escalated. The UK are a DRIVING force for wars and I wish our weapons companies would have their share dividends and share values reduced to nothing to thwart this evildoing .

Retired Trolling

Late great Dr. Fidel Castro called the Americans a drug addicted teenager armed with s shotgun, a danger to themselves and everyone else. However, US is getting more desperate as a failed state and its Jew masters hate the goyim anyway and may push the rednecks into a Armageddon.

Colleen Edwards

I earned 💰$6,000 a month ago by the utilization of working on-line best for 5 to 6 hours on my pc and this was perfect to the point that I as I would like to think couldn’t acknowledge as true with sooner than running in this site. Here’s what I do…………>>> 𝙍𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙨𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙧𝙮.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Last edited 2 years ago by Colleen Edwards

They certainly are. Especially when their .gov could sacrifices their own (https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11) to loot everyplace else on the planet that doesn’t trade in it’s w0rthle$$ currency backed by a “gun” which is what happened after 3 buildings 2 planes.

But having said this… Ask yourself why the Russian Federation continues to cow-tow by sustaining it’s membership to the UN after the coup in Ukraine in 2014… the sabotage of it’s government installations.. and the murder of it’s most visible diplomats… after they were invited by the Syrian government to help them rid the illegal invasion and occupation of the U.$.?

“Why” does Russia continue to acquiesce when it has the means to show it’s leadership to the rest of the World that is tired of the MC at the UN Ca$in0 telling everyone else what it can and cannot do???…

“How” is it possible that after all the abuse it’s endured since the “Wall fell” it still has allowed itself to be controlled by the NWO pig sty that demands it’s own energy be purchased exclusively in $USD and is ready to start WWIII if it “doesn’t”?…

Russian men are dying in Ukraine so that… hopefully… “9/11″$ will cease (https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/technical-articles/articles-by-ae911truth/845-nist-confirms-its-building-7-report-is-indefensible-part-1-of-5-the-omitted-web-stiffeners)….So that one day… They will become indefensible!…

And those that promote them will one day be brought to justice!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Living2see troll has aidz

Bullshit! For starters usa has not progressed and infact soviet nukes then are much more powefull than usa nukes of today,whom simply cannot make it past Russian defense,what the fuck is this nazi weekly? Crockshet!


Comments about the article: bla, bla. bla. Soros:bla,bla,bla, Biden: bla.bla,bla. A nice group of impotents dan’t can do nothing,

Hans Holm

But they can fvck your mother.


America’s only hope was that Russia would nuke the key cities and kill as many of the deviants that have taken over this country so that decent people would have a chance to fight back and return this country to some semblance of decency.

But Russia is full of hot air and makes empty threats while eventually capitulating to the homosexual west on just about everything.

mummy tranny

disgusting moron kansas hillbilly should only comment at idiot nazi amerikan site


The biggest mistake by Russia is to allow Maidan to happen. It was 2nd Colored RevoluCIA in Ukraine; the first one was “orange”, second was red from blood: a bloody putsch that overthrew the legal government and replaced them with the worst psychopaths and terrorists owned by CIA.

Jimmu Tenno

Así de estúpppppido es el régimen de Putin


It has been. And Russia might need to re-establish a new government. Akong with that, if Ukraine’s next establushment is friendly towards Russia, it should join CSTO. Aside, CSTO needs to make measures that counter color revolutions effectively. Exposure will work for sure, combined with crowd control (LRAD, water cannon and tear gas).


Considering Ukraine is becoming the waterloo of crooked UK banking empire, it was actually clever to let the Maiden happen.


Crimea , literally catapaulted me out of bed . Hope it wasn’t a prophetical wake up call or we are going into some hard times ahead , if peace is not restored. Russians have long memories and Britain France and Turkey have long histories of sticking their noses into other peoples business.


There are Neocons in Washington that believe the US can survive a nuclear war with Russia, as always neocon are very misinformed and dead wrong


Experience by the ocean! Very funny! Shows how stupid they are!


Interesting links about Google and CIA. Full of interesting names: Jared Cohen, Marty Lev, Robert L. Bernstein, David Rubinstein…

Retired Troll

Hardly interesting, just genocidal Jews intent on destroying the planet.

Eric Zuessse

Are you saying there are no Christians who are principals in this? What is your point, and what is your evidence for it? Or are you a simple hater of all Jews?


the German Jew Adorno observed amerikans more anti-semitic than ordinary Germans of WWII era….”A christian can never hate a Jew; this is one of the advantages of Christianity”. Nicolai Berdayaev


Well, not really. A Jew who does not accept Jesus as Christ is one who has the spirit of Anti-Christ. Not only Jews but Muslims Buddhists etc can exhibit this spirit of denial. Does God love this spirit ? God forbid. The acts real and potential are the fruits that God hates as so do we, or we should. The flesh or person can be loved as is commanded so as to bring that person into the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, the congregation of Jesus Christ. Sin we all do but to deny Him only who can forgive is fraught with condemnation not salvation. Know them by their fruits and follow not their ways.


Jewish antiwar activists were the brains & gusto of the anti Vietnam war movement. Without them that war would have dragged on & on and killed another 50,000 or more Americans and many hundred thousands of toe entirely innocent Asians. I have never had any problems with or about Jewish people in my twenty years of living in Manhattan between Canal Street and 14th Street, Two thirds of my friends and lovers there were Jewish. But as Zionists began to assert its over reaching claims & violent operations in what had been Palestine I was still able to keep good relations with my old friends who are jewish, and some of them are Zionists. We just avoid areas of structural disagreement. And I avoid any criticism of Israeli actions, no matter how loathsome they are to me. I believe their policies and actions are closer to those of the third Reich that persecuted them, than to any liberal enlightenment some claim. It is extremely sad for me to see the ugly face of ethnic cleansing being practiced on the holy land that is sacred to so many. I offer no answers, just profound sadness and grief…..


Schmidt rang alarm bells for me. We have a Schmidt here running the so called electoral commision , his profile pic says it all. Crypto Jew ?, Freemason ? or both even. All I know is , he is a crook and a thief but then again who out there isn’t ?

Peter Jennings

It isn’t hard to see that our present situation on this planet is down to we the people allowing barefaced liars to run for political office. We then expect them to tell the truth to the very people who put them in office! We need to wake up.

If this situation is to change, we the people need to begin vetting procedures on all those who stand for public office. We the people should also fund the campaigns within strict limits and allow no lobbying whatsoever whilst campaigns are running. Media will supply trade price media slots to all parties, paid for by the public purse, negating the need for fundraising amongst shysters who care little of the democratic process.

Our usurped gov’ts are hell bent on controlling everything. We need to take back control of the political process otherwise barefaced liars will lead us from one catastrophe to the next.

Muhammad your Prophet

Because Vladimir Putin is now a known terrorist. He wants to blow himself up with a nuclear vest and murder as many peopke as he can.

mummy tranny

stop sucking ukie hooey ans swallowing amerikan sperm–more brain damage for senile Kansas hillbilly


“amerikans have been liars and b braggarts for 3 centuries” Daniel boorstin “Obama’s job is to lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon


Mr Putin has to make a decision-the USA/UK have him figured out instead of sitting on a horse bare-chested he should really prove that he is a leader that will protect Russia -STOP=the Mr.”nice guy ” let his generals do their stuff -bin “our friends in the West ” -don’t prevaricate -no more “wisdom ” -just—ACT !

Last edited 2 years ago by Donnchadh
mummy tranny

“amerikan parents lie to their children; American children lie to their parents–it is expected”. Geoffrey Gorer this explains why amerikants are damaged, psychologically abused and insecure

Jimmu Tenno

Para mí los rusos desde que destruyeron la URSS y su valor geopólitico dejaron de ser una raza guerrera, finalmente abrí los ojos sobre ese país lleno de miedos y miedosos dónde los traidores de salen con la suya incluso contra su propio pueblo, nada diferente a la elite Ucraniana comprada con cinco mil millones de dólares de la perversa victoria nulanda

Marcelo Rodriguez

Rusia debe apurarse en emplazar bases con armas nucleares e hipersonicas en Cuba,Nicaragua, Venezuela siguiendo el ejemplo de la base que posee este país en Siria. Podría instalar una base aérea en Cuba y una base Naval en Nicaragua, así como emplazar bombarderos estratégicos en Venezuela, esto evitaría que la OTAN siga acumulando bases cerca de la frontera con Rusia ya que sería completamente ineficaz y se podría disuadir de una manera más rápida y precisa a todo el territorio Norteamericano de una destrucción total.


Americans are cowards—their tranny empire is dissolving. anyone that has the misfortune to live in USA knows amerikans are morons—only their Jews and ruling class are intelligent enough to reject a war w Russia—ordinary gringos already impotent pref radioactive burgers living in tents and dying of cancer in 2 more years


“Nuclear primacy” can work with any other nuclear country, but not with Russia. And your governments know about it. everything they say is bluff! Russia has a “Perimeter” system or, as the Americans say, “Dead Hand” Read about this weapon on the Internet! If ours do not catch your bomb, which I strongly doubt, then more than 9000 nuclear bombs will fly to addresses. Remember how your journalists asked Putin if he could actually use nuclear weapons? Putin said Yes, why do we need peace if there is no Russia!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Iren
#1 transgender USA

when emperor gates sodomizes me for 15 roubles he tells me no war with any nuclear power possible since he would lose all his money, mansions, etc—he recommends war with pygmys since US humiliated by taliban


ACTUALLY what happened was that the Soviet Union GOT what they wanted which was for the USA to remove and scrap plans for nuclear weapons in Turkey THAT was the WHOLE POINT of stationing nuclear weapons in Cuba it was to force the USA to AGREE to remove their weapons from Turkey and Soviet Union would NOT station nukes in Cuba. You really should know your history if your going to print such articles Khrushchev NEVER BACKED DOWN he got EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTED which was USA Nuclear weapons out of Turkey. Interesting FACT was that the USA KEPT THIS INFO from the American people in fear it would make Kennedy look weak. These records were unsealed about 10 – 15 years ago and is common knowledge now. = Z =

Ed Theman

Yes, this is what I thought also. They even have a movie about this.


and then nukes could be carried on fighter aircraft so any airfield is a potential launching pad. would like to see the evidence of silo based nukes in Turkey at the time ? maybe that was just Soviet propaganda ?


Southfront , an outstanding piece. Well done Mr Zuesse for writing it.

Well done Southfront for publishing it.


The same could be said about the baltic states. Those willing to escalate the conflict have been inflicting their damage on many countries, bombing innocent civilians. However,there are clear signd that the US is falling. And the most likely way for it to fallis through splitting up based purely on the ideological and political landscapes. Who knows, it could be a split between the conservative repubblic of America (CRA) and the democratic states of America (DSA). Or, it can also baklanize into many smaller countries. This is likely going to take place in the next 50 years. For Russia, they have to form an alliance with China for self preservation and to demilitarize Ukraine. At the same time, the given economic sanctions given by Europe, has largely backfired on them due to an oil crisis emerging. For Russia, this can be another opportunity to sow dissent in Europe and to support dissidents through humanitarian means (likely realizabble through volunteers).

How will the average European respond to such a humanitarian operation, that focuses aiding the dissidents of Europe?

S Balu



Obama, Clinton “take order from down there” (CFR), Zeuss has suspiciously too many insider input, and surprisingly miss the obvious that Russian hatred emits 100% from London that controls the CFR. In other words, that is more BS narrative control. Thats what SF has become.


So nuclear weapons are not being tested in live tests anymore ? Just more virtualization on a PC like the covid etc ? or they don’t exist at all in the state they explain ? That might explain the US conventional arsenal size and the fact that it has been , what , 77 years ago to the last use ? Behind closed doors ,deals done by the blind leaders of the blind , to lie yet again to the people of this planet. More fear mongering perhaps , like covid ? Not that it would matter much as blood spilt by conventional weapons is horrific already. Maybe they had our interests at heart in the hope that war waged to solve issues was too terrible a cost.? Anyway, nice to see some thought provoking stuff from SF.

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