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Why Any Political ‘Scientist’ Who Calls U.S. a “Democracy” Is a Fake — NO Scientist

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Why Any Political ‘Scientist’ Who Calls U.S. a “Democracy” Is a Fake — NO Scientist

Storm clouds over the White House in Washington, D.C.

Written by Eric Zuesse

Scientific empirical studies have uniformly proven that the U.S. Government is not a democracy (not a one-person-one-vote operation, nor anything even approximating that) but is instead an aristocracy (a one-dollar-one-vote Government). The U.S. Government represents actually not persons, but instead wealth. Voters go to the polls deceived by propaganda permeating the media, and voters register there their choices that were shaped by the media that are owned either by Democratic Party billionaires, or else by Republican Party billionaires; but, in either case, by billionaires; and, so, American politics is a game that is won by one group of super-rich individuals, against another group of super-rich individuals; and, as the first of these scientific studies found: “The preferences of the average American appear [on the basis of our data] to have only a minuscule, near zero, statistically non-significant, impact upon public policy [the passage, or not, of a law in Congress].” (The source is linked-to in the article that is linked-to there.)

This does not mean that all media in America always lie, but that virtually all American media represent what its controlling owner — an extremely wealthy person — wants the public to believe. In the United States, all extremely wealthy individuals want the public to believe neoconservatism (i.e., that in order for America to win or succeed internationally, other nations, which we call “competitors” or even outright “enemies,” must lose or fail, and so “patriotism” means fighting for “us” to conquer — beat, achieve control over — “them”), and also neoliberalism (i.e., the belief that in domestic matters, the free market, capitalism, is 100% correct; and regulation of firms by the Government — or “socialism” — is 100% wrong). All American billionaires promote neoconservatism (they promote zero-sum games, and denigrate positive-sum games, which are “socialistic”), but whereas all Republican billionaires promote neoliberalism, some Democratic billionaires promote economic regulations that they think will advance their own interests; and, so, some Democratic billionaires are not absolutists for neoliberalism.

Many billionaires are bipartisan — they pick and choose on a candidate-by-candidate basis, depending upon the benefits to be derived from each. But both of the political Parties are serving ONLY billionaires and their many hired lobbyists and other agents.

A recent editorial in the Washington Post (which is owned by the bipartisan centi-billionaire Jeff Bezos) was headlined “A $1.6 billion donation lays bare a broken campaign finance system”, and reported that

One man has donated $1.6 billion to a nonprofit group controlled by a conservative activist who has crusaded, with startling success, to transform the country’s politics. The only reason the public knows about it? An insider tip-off to the New York Times. … Adding insult to injury, donors can also use these nonprofits to reduce taxes — in this instance, to the tune of somewhere around $400 million. … As a result, dutiful everyday taxpayers essentially finance the extravagant expenditures of the privileged few, who use their know-how to avoid their obligations and twist the political landscape. … Mr. Leo defended his gambit by saying it is “high time for the conservative movement to be among the ranks of George Soros, Hansjörg Wyss, Arabella Advisors and other left-wing philanthropists, going toe-to-toe in the fight to defend our constitution and its ideals.” Really, it’s not toe-to-toe but billions-to-billions — and neither side should be proud of that.

America’s billionaires really do choose America’s Presidents, and they do it first by making sure that any Presidential candidate that they reject within a Party won’t be able to win its nomination, and, then, whichever of the Parties’ nominees becomes elected by the public will represent only billionaires and NOT the public. Similarly, winners in Congress are chosen ONLY by the billionaires, NOT, actually, by the public. In fact, the corruption is so complete in America that there even is a scientific study which found that overwhelmingly within state legislatures, the legislators care little, if at all, about what the voters in their district want. The corruption in America permeates throughout, and this means that, throughout, the aristocracy control, and the public don’t, at all. Each Party’s mass is effectively controlled by its billionaires. They ARE the U.S. regime’s “Deep State.” (For examples: the President, Congress, CIA, U.S. military, etc., are their agents — not the American people’s agents. They all represent the aristocracy, not the public. It’s a one-dollar-one-vote Government. That explains the U.S. Government, in reality, not the myth.)

America happens to be a two-party dictatorship, and an important component of the mass-deception is that “democracy” means multi-Party rule, whereas “dictatorship” means one-Party rule. In reality, however, America is rule by the aristocracy, against the public (which it controls). The Parties are mere fronts, for the billionaires.

Any political ‘scientist’ who calls America a “democracy” is either corrupt or idiotic. But America’s billionaires need them, in order to be able to call their “enemy” nations “dictatorships” or “authoritarian regimes” (e.g.: Russia, China, etc., are ‘authoritarian’ ‘regimes’, etc.) such as America itself actually isbecause of them — because they actually do rule here. The con is total, and might therefore be appropriately referred-to as being “totalitarian,” in that sense.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Peter Jennings

True representation of the people, for the people, will return. It’s either that or tyranny and an early death.


US don’t has democracy system but mafiacracy system


The reality is that the USA is a capitalist country, and the highest stage of capitalism is imperialism.

After the cold war and the fall of the Soviet Union, the US saw no one that could stand against them, and that caused decades of invasion/war and stealing by the USA.

The wars just made the military-industrial complex grow stupidly, it is laughable to call the US a democracy when all their presidents get money from those companies. There is ONLY ONE party in the USA, Trump built the wall and Biden is finishing, Trump give more money to the military-industrial complex so is Biden, Trump fuked the middle class, and Biden doing so as well… Biden even giving more money to the police…


There’s some truth in the article, but it’s a superficial, biased, and hypocritical appraisal. The US is somewhat democratic in that the public chooses who to give their money to, and it tends to be those who are best at seducing people with luxury and greed. People just aren’t smart enough to realize that effectively they’re giving their votes to whomever they’re giving their money to, and if they did realize it they’d probably do it anyway. And that’s true all over the world. Zuesse perpetually and intentionally misrepresents ‘capitalism’ as meaning ‘free markets’, and claims the US has both, and then blames those issues for all of the corruption. The US has some capitalism, but far less than most people think, as only individual proprietorships are truly private businesses. Corporations are entities created by the government and given special protection that individuals don’t get, so they are not capitalist; they are Fascist. There has been nothing even resembling free markets in the US for the past 150 years. The US has long been primarily a Fascist system, with representative democracy as a facade. In fact. it is the destruction of free markets, and the destruction of the Constitution, by the massive expansion of government power in partnership with corporations, that has made the US into the monstrosity it is today. And Zuesse is a diehard leftist who thinks government control of everything brings justice and prosperity for all, while at the same time arguing that too much freedom in the US is what’s created all of the ills. Typical leftist idiot double-speak that actually serves the ruling class he claims to be against.


“Corporations are entities created by the government and given special protection that individuals don’t get”

Sure! Microsoft Corporation is an entity created by the US government.

Edgar Zetar

Google, Facebook should I continue,…. they were all Sponsored by USA Goverment and have goverment employees inside them…. its funny to listen USA criticizing CHINA about CCP gets in every Corporation but USA does this secrectly….. a word to remember is Why BIG TECH in USA buyed all Linux Major Distributions in the last Decade (even German Suse Linux was purchased by Goverment)…. so even LINUX today was not free of hidden tools to spy on you…. Welcome to Tech Democracy, where Goverments own you and your device while you pay the bills of the Internet and even the phone…. Goverments should send cellphones has gifts but this is not how system works, right? you have to buy them and pay the bills… lol!

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

“tsarist russia is far more free and just than amerika where corporations rule and robbery and thievery is made official” vissaron belinski

Edgar Zetar

Agree with you David, but the USA system of Goverment is too complex and compels several dimensions to explain in tiny comment boxes….. try not to be Religious so you can see the real picture and not a biassed one.


Correct for the most part but on here you have to write something about the evil jew and americunt to get a thumbs up. You used the word fascist so close but not going to cut it. I would have simply said what every six year old knows….. Its a constitutional republic and not a fuckin democracy !

They might get that. In the end however our people are dumb as hell as you pointed out, but founders were very smart. As they said we will get the government we deserve. Dont pay attention believe in lies and we will get what we deserve. I would say its easier to simply say the US government is nothing more than a group of thieves that are on TV a lot. nothing more.


The US stopped being a democracy when NAZI factions of the Masons working out of the CIA, assassinated JFK.

Edgar Zetar

JFK was assassinated because he was against USA establishment and secret PACT signed during WWI… every time you see a High Profile Murder you should look for…. 1. Establishment *real possition* 2. Internal and External Powers issues 3. Players involved…. check for the Issues with JFK and Dulles Brothers and even with Generals in USA Army…. Eisenhower try to guide JFK not to be killed but JFK wont listen so he must be *ousted*… Cold War was so Big Issue to USA and understand better than URSS that why USA wins cold war thanks to the assasins of JFK….

Southfront resident nigha

Another fake martyr myth. ME FIRST MOVEMENT, eh?

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha
Edgar Zetar

Its call it Dialectic friend , they have to invent reality to Lower Classes… USA Establishment had a Hidden Goverment even before WWI,,,, they only shows what they wanted, the real Rulers are hidden behind the System.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Southfront resident nigha

I believe in MAGYYYYYYK!!!!

And in conjuring reality.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

The constitution was written to avoid the highjicking of politics by money powers but the uniparty and FED enabled bankers to overcome that obstacle.


“the very essence of democracy is advertising”. Anton Chekov “the worst dictatorship is better than the best democracy….1 Russian is worth 20 Finns”. Penti Linkola USA is feudalism without the positive attributes—required by a nation of robots unable to think or feel

Edgar Zetar

helloooo Yuri… poko molo idaho lgbt drunk ass


USA is a dictatorship on base of 2-parties-system. Communism is a dictatorship on base of 1-party-system.


Democracy is only the immediate democracy. Immediate democracy is more than direct democracy. The only one direct democracy is functioning in Switzerland, where in the parilament they have 5 parties. All these parties build together the government. NO OPPOSITION! In the Immediate Democracy do not exist parties. The parties divide the nation!

Last edited 2 years ago by Dr.Eng.Sebestyen
Southfront resident nigha

OK, GROOMER! In Greek, voting and vote counting is the same word.

Democracy by definition is the mob rule by who is doing the vote counting.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

Does anyone still not know that the angloZionaZi empire of shit is poison and must be destroyed for humanity to survive? I am shocked that there are still some of the 5% with functioning brains that imagine otherwise. As for the 90% triple covaid$ squirted it doesn’t matter what that mass of mutton “thinks”, totally irrelevant. (By the way the other 5% obviously are the rats running this experiment).

To Odessa, the road to Slumville, USSA.


Edgar Zetar

Since start of Russian SpecOps in Ukraine in February (check my comments on February and March here on SF)…. I wanted to Russia to take Odessa during Phase 1 so UKI will be landlocked and cannot access to Black Sea anymore… Guess Russian Army lost their opportunity while encircling Kiev a second Front would take Odessa…. then the Ukraine campaign would be peace of cake (and you would save lots of soldiers)…. this UKI issue is a dime for what the WAR is coming in the future… after the second IRAQ invasion from Bush Era I knew a day like this would be coming in future…. USA kicks a lot of asses since years 90s and there will be a day when someone else (Stronger) will kick the USA ass

Barba Papa

Americans are usually the first to point out that their country is not a democracy, but a republic. It’s founding fathers set out from the beginning to make sure it would never be a democracy. At the time the only known example of a democracy was 5th century BC Athens, and that had failed spectacularly. So they created a system of checks and balances to prevent simply majority rule and tyranny by that majority. The electoral college in that sense and giving each 2 state, no matter how small or big, are brilliant to prevent rule of the majority in the dominant center and neglect of the periphery, as we see all over the Western world.

Of course no system is immune to oligarchy. Be it a monarchy, a fascist or communist dictatorship, theocracy or democracy, an elite always forms that ends up subverting the instruments of state to suit their interests and beliefs. And that seeks to pass on power to their offspring into a ruling class. So we get political dynasties like the Kennedy’s, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bushes, the Cheneys, where power and political positions are passed on from one generation to the other, or from husband to wife. All countries experience this. In some the elites are more blatant then others, but it happens there nonetheless.


BC C5 Athens, how did the democracy fail? Women and slaves were not voting so only 25% of the people could vote. Unsure about age boundaries. Muammer Gaddafi had democracy in Libya, a direct democracy. The US UK wanted an opposition party but in a DD, with ancient tribal systems, opposition parties competing for power do not make much sense. They would overturn the entire system. Muammer would lead and present options. as could his people and his people would discuss, discourse and decide. MG could be and WAS over-ruled by his people, however, he was immensely respected.

Edgar Zetar

You will never make feet on earth avoiding Nature. So you never can allow yourself to beign Week, Meek, or stupid, only the Strongest Tribes survives in ancient times… Now we are in POST HISTORY time, historicians thinks we reached the peek of the peek, that we are beyond history; but its because they dont have imagination, they lost creativity and western society lost his impulse and growth after URRS failed.

Marc A.

Parliamentarism is not democracy. It was not and never will be. According to classical state theory, parliamentary systems belong to the oligarchies. And this is exactly what we experience and observe every day.


Parliamentarism is what we have in the UK, it doesn’t work because the elected representatives have to tow the Party Line rather than to serve the national interests but at least the worthless dumbphucks playout their roles and provide soap box entertainment.

In the US Congress everything is geared towards money, you have democrats screaming out from the rafters that the republicans are getting a larger share of the cake. US political corruption is as innocuous as people calling the sky blue, even though US MIC Wars have killed millions globally and lesser countries with the inability to defend themselves, those that don’t qualify as friends of the US regime have been designated to the stone ages.

Last edited 2 years ago by DogFart
Edgar Zetar

Yeaaaaa…. at least somebody else reads definitions and study concepts.

peter mcloughlin

It is empirically true that interest was present in all wars throughout history. It is also empirically true that interest can be established as the motivating force for conflict. This is further strengthened by the evidence to support these statements: the frequency with which people unite with those who don’t share their value, every often against those who do. This is done for power: but power is an illusion. Every empire and civilization in history has perished – no exception. Yet it is the one thing nations fight over: it is the one thing that is leading mankind to WW III. https://patternofhistory.wordpress.com/


Harry S Truman once said, “You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook.”

There is no democracy, everything dances to the tune of money, what you have in addition to plutocracy /aristocracy is Lob-bie’O’cracy (I will ask the publishers of Webster and Oxford to add it in their dictionary)

America is governed by the Lobbyist (the filthy Rich) and the politicians (the Crooked) serve the highest bidder. Honestly, why do ordinary Americans ever bother to vote? They’re never held to account because the populous would rather listen to jingoism than honest talk.

Last edited 2 years ago by DogFart
Southfront resident nigha

Money is not the main culprit. Money is just a tool. Same, like exteme attachment to appearances and propaganda.

Dance is for the control of people. And that is largely achieved through Judicial system. Look at the Supreme Court judges. They literally do dress to look like Wizards. And you “cannot” question them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

Only the dumbest of dumb believe that any western country is a democracy. The thing is they have redefined the meaning of the word. They have defined that the 1 vote per 4 years ritual is democracy. By that definition western countries really are democracies.

Edgar Zetar

This guy Eric Zuesse deleted my comments on their last posts… I just explain him why he is so bad on their appreciation of how the USA System Works…. I can only say Zuesse is spreading Propaganda… look for a definition of Propaganda and then check this again.


Western states aren’t dictatorships but the idea that we are ‘democracies standing up to dictators’ is certainly false. We are something other than a democracy or dictatorship and seemingly worse than either. Dictators at least worry about pleasing their people as Machiavelli required but our governments don’t even do that.

Southfront resident nigha

You are finally starting to understand. Democracy is the worst kind of Tyranny in Political Theory. It is the Tyranny by mobsters.

Any dictatorship is like heaven for people living in Democracy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha
Edgar Zetar

you really hate Democracy, hope they pay you well for hating like Propagandists…… we must get rid of Corporations, Multinationals, and for USA Hegemony, so we could start looking whats good for ourselves again, and yes, if we clean our systems, then Democracy would be the best Goverment… but this would be very difficult to achieve, not even USA can achieved this…. USA loss it while long ago when dedided to take over the World…… but guess a little country could try to take the BULL from the Horn and start it all over again, but first have to clean himself…. so population REVOLUTION is needed as first step to start over again, then a PURGE. (looks like French Revolution has a meaning afterall…. but they loss it after Napoleon again)….

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

Agree on Parts… They created or evolved the System what we call it today Democracy, from a previous modified concept of Republics or call it evolution and then a forward concept post 1990s Liberal Democratics… USA its very clever to avoid mention they forced Dictatorships Worldwide to fight Communist URRS, and after URSS failed they begin Call It Democracy or “Liberal Democracy”…. but they are ELITES who controlled all candidates, all parties, so a People from Bellow, a common People could never get in to High Possitions of Goverments…. so Democries are rulled by Rich People and Elites

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