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MARCH 2025

Why Bucha Massacre Was Staged – U.S. Military Analyst

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Why Bucha Massacre Was Staged - U.S. Military Analyst

Scott Ritter is american military analyst

The incident in Bucha caused a strong reaction from the international community. The consequences of the Russian military presence in the city are still being discussed in the world media. Anti-Russian sentiments among Ukrainians rose sharply again after Russian troops left the Kiev region. The Russian side denies the reliability of the information provided by Kiev. They refer to various objective circumstances that rule out the veracity of the crime. American military analyst Scott Ritter also considers the Bucha story to be a staged fake.

The analyst emphasizes that in order to get better understanding of the situation, one need to know that the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine is relatively small in comparison to other military actions previously conducted in the world. As an expert on the U.S. operation in Iraq, he compares the official number of civilian deaths in Iraq and in Ukraine (according to data provided by Kiev). In his comparison,  the rate of casualties among civilians during the Russian operation is 7 times lower than in any modern warfare conducted by the US (comparing to the Iraq campaign, where the count was 1 combatant for 1 non-combatant).

According to his comments, the Russian army had good relations with the local population. The Russian military entered into mutually beneficial relations with civilians.  They exchanged dry rations for dairy products. After the withdrawal of the Russian military, civilians spotted with Russian dry rations were identified as  “collaborators” and were executed without trial. Their bodies were used for the staged “Massacre in Bucha”.

Scott Ritter also points out several important issues. Firstly, most of those killed were wearing white ribbons. The Russian military could not mistake the civilians for Ukrainian saboteurs.

Secondly, Russian dry rations were lying next to many of the dead, which confirms the probable execution of the “collaborators” by the Ukrainians.

Thirdly, those bodies that did not have white ribbons on their forearms had their hands tied with these ribbons. Finally, the corpses that have spent 11 days lying outside on the streets under the temperature above zero would never look that well.

The expert also quotes the material of a Mexican journalist who filmed his report right after Kiev allowed journalists to come to Bucha. His video evidently shows recently killed people.



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Edgar Zetar

What I would tell you if someone says to me most of the best histories and beloved and remembered most myths in mankind are staged and invented to try to get some benefits… I will dismiss you as a crazy guy… Do you ever read what F. Nietzsche had write about the truth and myths? Have you understand what Nietzsche say?







Last edited 2 years ago by Jack



Jack? More like Jack Off 🤢


About that Tank with the V Marking, here is the whole uncut Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0WScHPbaPA

As can be clearly seen here the tank with the marking is not the one that shot, but there are many tanks without marking. Now did Russia use unmarked tanks? Die Russia use captured, unmarked tanks or are they Ukrainian? Be very careful when you see cut videos. Usually it is cut to hide something, question why and what could be hidden. That goes for all Information from any side.


No more land for Kiev from Russia.





Last edited 2 years ago by Jack
jens holm

No one cares for your moronic links you crazy psychopath.

Edgar Zetar

Also Jack loves to show some gay nazi kissing… weird being or he is bullying or playing.


The russian disinformation machinery is capable of creating any story and falsify any evidence. Even the Southfront website is an FSB disinformation enclave. The principle is very simple, the criminal will always tries to deny the wrongdoing and place the blame on somebody else. Russia is a secret police state and they have been subverting many countries for the past 105 years since the Soviet Union was formed. Every single war the USA has fought since WW2 was a result of KGB subversive activities. Now Putin was indignant because the USA has supported the 2014 maidan revolution. Russia has been supporting bloody revolutions for more than a century! Lay off the blame game and hypocrisy. Nobody is buying anymore

Last edited 2 years ago by Disinformation

The Ukronazis are guilty as hell… Kill your own people and blame it on the enemy just for political reasons.. how more detestable can you get. ISIS ain’t got anything on Ukronazis.

Bernard Davis

There is something really sick and creepy at the heart of the Ukraine; no moral boundary they will not cross in their propaganda. Their troops take pictures of dead or captured Russian soldiers which are then collected by an organisation which uses facial recognition software to identify them. The soldiers’ grieving mothers in Russia are located and sent gloating phone messages (with attached pictures and video). Facial recognition technology is now so good that even badly smashed faces can be identified. This is part of ongoing Ukrainian efforts to damage civilian morale in Russia, and IMO shows a calculated sadism incomprehensible to normal people. This is truly Nazism in action – though I doubt that the Wehrmacht or even the Gestapo ever stooped to this kind of shit. My late father was a tank driver in the Great War. following one action he collected personal effects from a number of German dead around his tank. After the war he had severe remorse about the whole business; he managed to write to some of the families of those German soldiers to let them know what had happened and to express his regrets. The idea that he, or any British soldier of that era, would ever have mocked them or gloated over their sons’ deaths in action is so alien to any notion of military honour that it belongs in a different moral universe. A sick, Ukrainian one.

Peter The Ungrateful

“though I doubt that the Wehrmacht or even the Gestapo ever stooped to this kind of shit”

The German Nazis were rather taken aback by the sheer sadism of the Banderaites. It is almost like they wanted to show their “big brother” how they can even trump his atrocities in an attempt to be even more Nazi than the German Nazis.

Looks like that carried over to today.

Karl Wolfe

Yeah, because you get your information from the exact same people that protected Jeffrey Epstein and his worldwide organization for the past 30 years. 🙄


who believes ukrops anyways, zelensky the clown is the source of information ??? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH

Yo momma

Death is waiting for the blind Russian pigs.


Ukrop nazis surrendering in by large numbers lmao. wait, actually they are getting killed by their own lmoaoo.

Blind ukrop supporters like you are the cancer. You are just waste of oxygen


speak for usa dud,ungodly degenerate sodomised mental dysfunctional homosexual creep!


Nobody is bying the Ukrainian lies anymore, Ritter told the truth.


The ukainean disinformation machinery is capable of creating any story and falsify any evidence. Even the CNN website is an USB disinformation enclave. The principle is very simple, the criminal will always tries to deny the wrongdoing and place the blame on somebody else. Ukraine is a secret police state and they have been subverting many countries for the past 8 years since the maidan. Every single war the RF has fought since 2014 was a result of CIA subversive activities. Now Elensky was indignant because the Russia has opposed the 2014 maidan revolution. USA has been supporting bloody revolutions for more than two centuryes! Lay off the blame game and hypocrisy. Nobody is buying anymore.


For NATO the Mariupol offensive is just a two days job, they just bombard the area to butcher all along with innocent hostage civilians to occupy the city while Russia waits to save innocent lives which delays the offensive. We have already seen this in the NATO offensive in the Iraq war and in Raqqa in Syria where NATO butchered hundreds of thousands of hostage civilians. This is the difference between a civilised government like Russia and a terrorist organisation NATO.

Yo momma

lololol. Russian production of antipsychotics must be off the charts!

jens holm

He is no source about Butja.

pens holm

monkey you are the source of infinite stupidity

Last edited 2 years ago by pens holm
jens holm

But i love being stupid and suck a big black cock



Michigan Man

Yes, and what is also very much speaking for itself is that none of the whole hysterical Kremlin poodle fanboys here, did every put forward a list or at least a number of the civilians killed in the mystical 8 years of hellish bombardment of Lugansk and Donesks areas. WHERE ARE THE NUMBERS ??? How many civilians killed in this 8 years ? 500 ? 5000 ? 50000 ? 500000 ? Nobody of all the russian trolls here can give numbers – but they claim it was very bad, high, high numbers of course, but when it come s to the numbers … uaaa .. wait .. no. No numbers. Very convincing these putin fanboys. Just lies, hate, russian propaganda and lots of empty air in their heads.

And then look at what the russian invasion caused in Ukraine ! 3 Mio refugees, at least 30.000 – 50.000 plus dead ukrainians (civilians and soldiers combined) , half the country destroyed etc. etc. And also 15.000-20.000 young russian soldiers KIA. For what ? So it is very clear that Putin is a filthy war-criminal who needs to be executed big time !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

Your the lgbtq filth p00fta,your the degenerate slime that lives without a reason,unlike Putin!

Yo momma

Putin licks the ass of your mothers ox.

Yo momma

I wouldn’t kill the pig….. just remove all 4 appendages, let it heal, the kick around for a few football matches, THEN put it into a wood chipper alive.


From Wiki – The number of confirmed fatalities (deaths) caused by the war was 13,100–13,300 as of the end of January 2021.[26] By the end of September 2021, the UN confirmed 3,393 civilians had been killed in the conflict. 312 of the civilian deaths were foreigners: 298 passengers and crew of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17,[29] 11 Russian journalists,[582] an Italian journalist,[583] one Russian civilian killed in cross-border shelling[584] and a Lithuanian diplomat.[585].

This is almost identical to the OSCE data. Not exactly a hostile US/EU source.


Last edited 2 years ago by ...

It was staged, and it was badly staged. Any serious, objective investigation would debunk this lie in 2 minutes.

Yo momma

Like Russias Army was debunked in 5 weeks?

Peter The Ungrateful

Looks more like the Russian army is debunking the Ukrainian one, which mainly fought a formidable information war. Kudos Ukraine on that front. But they must’ve forgotten to fight on the battlefield in the process. Or, maybe Ukraine had not that good of an army to begin with.

Wars are not won by chest beating, which is a deterrent measure. But once the bluff is called, the chest beater has to actually fight. Looks like Ukraine never got past the chest beating training. No wonder, given that they had NATO instructors who have forgotten how to fight a real enemy instead of goat herders in a third world country, who still beat the shit out of them.

NATO is the staircase joke of history. And Ukraine is the butt of that joke.

Peter Jennings

Maybe you should stay with your momma. She could do your laundry and cook for you.

hans raus

Again this guy? he is not child molester? same Scott Ritter? Russia will pay heavy price for bucha. Killing civilians , raping childs and woman is not something you can hide- just too many ukrainians witnesses. Claims that bucha was staged is like claims that holocaust was staged. Try harder russobots…disgusting russian creatures.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
sod off

eat shit stupid bitch, no one gives a fuck for your retarded crap and who raped you when you was a little girl (probably your entire village)

hans raus

TRiggered russobots? truth hurts?


Hey, Hanzzi Rauzzi didn’t your ancestors nazi raped child, women and gas innocent people ?

You are not one to talk about atrocities


Good point,any nazi turd in my town get hurled out,booted back to hell,if not its brains blown out for being a problematic drug addict who cannot deal with the truth!


Your dildo hurts. You never said anything remotely true or intelligent in your entire shitty loser life.


Nope infact im known to say it as it is and unlike you coward,backed it with my fists too! Triggered,you need heaps of drugs to cope with your denial,pathedic demolalised twistfkd! The thing is i aint even russian,atleast know the better fighters (heteros) when i seen them, which renders all your speculations as cowardly,downright immoral,unethical and pathedic aint that the gods honest truth,problematic cia/soros/nato/isis/lgbtq crossdressers!

Last edited 2 years ago by BUILT TO SURVIVE
Edgar Zetar

Kind of feeling you are some childs and juveniles and some kind of feminist also because you think rape is the worst thing a soldier could do to you before kill you…. watch how Azov crazy insane ukrainians did to poor Russians POW when they surrender.


No poof,you and all your fake bummy chummy democrappa retards are all gonna end in the sewers! your days are numbered,you have nothing left inside you to ever change anything what a dumbed flog!


Again this Nazi troll, boring.

Peter The Ungrateful

True, you cannot hide the crime, but you can blame Russia for your own ones. It’s called win-win. The UkroNaZis killed a bunch of “collaborators” and “saboteurs” and pinned it on the Russians. “Sender Gleiwitz” anyone? hxxps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident

So this is right out of the Nazi playbook: Kill some “Untermenschen” and blame your enemy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

The fall of Russia such a fine historic event


Dream on, ass hole.


You all ready fallen turd,you were born just for that to respresent the fallen and the lame and unjust!

The Truth

Of course it was staged. Only complete idiots can’t see this. Russians were way too tolerant towards ukrainain civilians, endured all kind of provocations, insults, attacks. Even if we imagine that some lunatics killed some random civilians for no reason, they would clean up the place before withdrawing instead of leaving them on the main street knowing dozens of journalists from all over the world will be there next day. It’s absolutely staged by the same psychos who staged Maidan, Ghouta, Racak etc etc. Just ask Cui bono?

Last edited 2 years ago by The Truth

So should we trust an American expert commenting from a safe home, and by no means eyewitnesses and residents who have survived a month of occupation and torture of Russian soldiers? Don’t be ridiculous, please.

Karl Wolfe

Conspiracy Music Guru.


Still your heads up your ass,whats with your fuking dead corpses before brang them out to film eh! (sic cop)

The Saint

Amusing typo. An ‘analist’ is what you find on CNN and the Zelensky regime. Scott Ritter is an ‘analyst’ (and a damn good one of course).


Incompetence as usual. They can’t or won’t even remove these idiotic ukro-trolls

Peter Jennings

In cnn’s case, not for much longer apparently. I am currently waiting for that great day to arrive.


same disgusting swede, dutch, dane, and german SCUMS every article. USA and ISRAEL pets


NATO organisation going to establish terrorist training camps near Ukranian border in Poland where they will train terrorists to attack civilians and create chaos in Ukraine. This is a so dirty plan of NATO terrorist organisation, is it na?

Karl Wolfe

That’s the usual Modus Operandi.

Peter The Ungrateful

They have been doing it for a long time and basically bragging about it. hxxps://mronline.org/2022/04/05/gods-of-war/

“Irregular warfare” is yet again one of NATO’s cynical euphemisms.

Peter Jennings

Poland again eh? It seems the Poles just can’t help themselves. I heard the polish gov’t were looking at part of Ukraine in the same way as erdogan looks at the northern tip of Syria.

Some people can forgive the nazis all too easily it seems.

duke of lilywhite

Scott Ritter is right. This has happened repeatedly in Warfare. During World War II in France, Italy, and especially in Eastern Europe, people identified as collaborators with the Nazis were murdered By Local partisans. And in Vietnam, anyone working with the Americans or the Saigon government was rounded up and killed by the Viet Cong and the Viet Minh. Thus, why would anyone think the same thing wouldn’t happen in Ukraine.

Muhammad your Prophet

I wondered how long would the Putin cockroaches come up with the Bucha staged idiocy. The evidence is everywhere and it’s undisputed. That’s Including the DNA from the raped pregnant women by the filthy Russian rapists.

Karl Wolfe

Why do you slander the name of Muhammad with your lies?


I enjoy wiping my ass with the Koran. The paper is so soft.

Peter The Ungrateful

What evidence, if everyone and their dog contaminated the crime scene? And nothing is undisputed until an *independent* investigation is done. But that won’t happen for several reasons. First, it is not welcome, and second, contaminated crime scene.

The “West” got what they need.

P.S.: DNA is just that. Until you got suspects and can compare their DNA to the evidence, nothing is proven.




Staged Special Operation (disguised as an invasion, that the midget admitted to, and now claims is forced).



That is really pathetic analysis. You probably never saw sattelite images showing dead bodies lying on the street for weeks during the russian occupatio.


Only those where fresh bodies, when Ukrainians filmed them…

Peter Jennings

Isn’t there footage online of nazis in Ukrainian uniform dragging these bodies into postion for the nato photo shoot?

Peter The Ungrateful

Oh, you mean the doctored ones? Because the satellites in questions had not trajectory over that territory at the time in question.


this guy is one of the only people on TV actually telling the truth.

Peter The Ungrateful

Sadly not on TV anymore as it seems. Only people that really go looking for him will get a more sane analysis.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

It would be nice to see the video of the Mexican guy he is referring to on minute 6:30


Why Russia will lose… https://medium.com/@cubedz/why-russia-will-lose-the-war-in-ukraine-6835ab075078

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