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MARCH 2025

Why Putin Says Russia Could Adopt US-Style Preemptive Strike Doctrine

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Why Putin Says Russia Could Adopt US-Style Preemptive Strike Doctrine

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The political West’s propaganda machine cherry-picked Vladimir Putin’s statements in order to misrepresent them as supposed “saber-rattling” while ignoring the pure logic behind his words.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

On December 9, the Associated Press reported that President Vladimir Putin stated Russia could adopt a US-style concept of “preemptive strikes”, stressing that Moscow is in possession of advanced weapons to conduct such operations.

“We are just thinking about it. They weren’t shy to openly talk about it during the past years,” Putin said at an EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) summit in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

The statement clearly applies to the United States and its foreign policy framework, including the so-called “preemptive strikes” concept. The program, called PGS (Prompt Global Strike), is a US attempt to develop a capability that enables it to attack enemy strategic targets with precision-guided weapons anywhere in the world within just one hour.

“Speaking about a disarming strike, maybe it’s worth thinking about adopting the ideas developed by our US counterparts, their ideas of ensuring their security,” Putin added, noting that such strikes are intended to knock out command facilities.

Putin also stated that Russia is already in possession of hypersonic weapons suitable for carrying out such operations, while the US still hasn’t deployed its own equivalents. The Russian president also added that Moscow has long-range cruise missiles that surpass US analogs, most likely referring to the state-of-the-art scramjet-powered “Zircon” hypersonic cruise missile. Putin noted that Russia’s long-range weapons would certainly be conventional PGMs (precision-guided munitions), while the US never ruled out the possibility of the first use of thermonuclear weapons.

“If the potential adversary believes that it can use the theory of a preemptive strike and we don’t, it makes us think about the threats posed by such ideas in other countries’ defensive posture,” the Russian president said.

The political West’s massive mainstream propaganda machine cherry-picked Vladimir Putin’s statements in order to misrepresent them as supposed “saber-rattling” while ignoring the pure logic behind his words. As per usual, Putin pointed out the glaringly obvious hypocrisy of the US political establishment, which quite clearly thinks it’s “indispensable” and “unique” in the sense that Americans are the only ones who have the right to attack others with impunity while they watch helplessly or simply turn a blind eye to the blatant US aggression against the world.

Why Putin Says Russia Could Adopt US-Style Preemptive Strike Doctrine

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With Russia having actual conventional military capabilities to implement such a “preemptive strike” foreign policy framework almost instantly (unlike the US), Putin warned that if everyone behaved the way America does, the world would certainly become an extremely dangerous place. To make his point even stronger, it could be argued that Moscow would certainly have more reasons to implement such policies than the US itself. Unlike America, which has dozens of vassals and satellite states, Russia doesn’t exert such “soft power” influence over other countries, including its neighbors. On the contrary, the political West even tried to stage coups against Moscow’s close partners such as Belarus and Kazakhstan, forcing Russia to come to both countries’ rescue in recent months and years.

Needless to say, never again would the Eurasian giant tolerate the instalment of hostile puppet regimes so close to its borders. Russia’s leadership is well aware of the mistakes it made by ever trusting any promises given by the political West. After the 2014 NATO-backed coup which brought Neo-Nazis to power in Kiev, Moscow decided to never again allow such occurrences from happening in its geopolitical backyard. In this regard, Putin’s remarks are twofold. First, as previously mentioned, they expose the sheer hypocrisy of the political West, and second, they show that it would certainly come in handy for Russia to use its overwhelming “hard power” to prevent the establishment of anti-Russian regimes so close to its borders. Had Moscow deployed its version of PGS against the Neo-Nazi junta back in 2014, it wouldn’t even have the current problem in Ukraine.

However, the political West keeps insisting that Putin’s remarks are a “clear sign that Russia is planning to use nuclear weapons”, although he specifically stated that Moscow’s potential PGS-style program would include only conventional weapons. For months, the troubled Biden administration has been parroting the accusations that Russia is supposedly planning to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine. The US has been spinning the narrative on virtually every statement by Putin, claiming alleged “nuclear saber-rattling”. The premise is usually based on Russia’s official strategic military doctrine that gives Moscow the right to use thermonuclear weapons in response to a WMD (weapons of mass destruction) or a large-scale conventional attack.

In reality, Putin never mentioned anything about the Eurasian giant’s thermonuclear deterrence. The statements were clearly his critique of the US PGS concept, which Russia has been warning about for years, especially as the weapons used within the framework of such a program would be effectively indiscernible from regular ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles). Precisely this could lead to uncontrollable escalation, as other superpowers would not be able to confirm if the weapon in question is conventional or nuclear-armed. For instance, US PGS missiles spotted by Russian and/or Chinese early warning systems might prompt both (Eur)Asian giants to respond with nuclear-tipped weapons, leading to a world-ending conflict.

Why Putin Says Russia Could Adopt US-Style Preemptive Strike Doctrine

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Russia’s response to the PGS program could be instantaneous if the Kremlin ever decides to proceed with it. With the Mach 12-capable “Kinzhal” air-launched hypersonic missile carried by modified MiG-31K/I interceptors and Tu-22M3 long-range bombers, the Mach 28-capable “Avangard” HGV (hypersonic glide vehicle) deployed on various ICBMs and the Mach 9-capable scramjet-powered “Zircon” hypersonic cruise missile deployed on naval (both submarines and surface ships) and (soon) on land platforms, Russia is the only country on the planet with the capability to immediately implement its own PGS-style program.

And yet, the Eurasian giant still refrains from going ahead with such plans, although its justification for this would hold much better than that of the US.


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Ghost of Moscow

I guess this is the only card the Russians have, seeing that no one fears them anymore after their Piss Poor Performance in Ukraine!

Mexican American 🇲🇽



Right. Since most Nazis get support from Putin, death to Russia 😆😆😆


Go sell oranges you assheadist.


100k terminated Ukro Nazis see it otherwise.


putin cant even fight a Borderland, so he wants to escalate.





‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Putin needs to take a good look at the winter offensive, as the Ukrainians neither make or plan their offensives. Those planning these offensives are NATO commanders scattered across Nazi territory.

Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Send some missiles to Sweden and Finland before they become NATO members.

Ghost of Moscow

After observing the War in Ukraine and seeing Russia’s Piss Poor Performance throughout I’m going to let you answer do you really think the Cowardly Russians would do that and I mean really?

abu lahabs corpse smelled so bad, they had to hire jewish slaves to push the carcass with sticks outside of Mecca.

Zionist Slaves of America

If Putin were to preemptively attack NATO. Ukraine’s nuclear powerplants, the Dneprostroi Dam and other such things would be destroyed first just to show resolve.

End Ukraine once and for all!

Just end Ukraine and Ukronazis. Kill them all. Male, female, transgenders, whatever… Ukronazis must be exterminated like the vermin they are.


What the Satanists call transgender is either male or female, or theoretically (in cases of extreme genetic mutation) sexless, hermaphrodites.

USA is the worst human farm

Who cares?!

Just kill the nazis!

End Ukraine once and for all!

At least use FOABs against this war crime that is Ukraine.


Putin’s message very clear . It is “if you send Patriots to the Ukraine this will be a war reason. We will no more tolerate it”

EU must not be USA slave

The demented morons that lead NATOhas sent enough already since 2014 to be a war. Tolerance for USA murderous maneuvers since 2014 has lead to this. The Maidan violent coup should have been crushed by Spetsnaz from the beginning, all those involved slaughtered and their heads sent to Washington.

Ghost of Moscow

But to bad the Coup wasn’t crushed in the Beginning, the Incompetent Russians allowed the Nazi Ukrainian Government Eight Years to build up their Military Strength before invading. And when they finally do invade they go in with one arm tied behind their back and then wonder why they are Losing!


The western media will make an excuse claiming Russia attacked Ukraine and their population would have vote for yet another intervention. This time, the scamdemic instigated by these criminal oligarchs caused the people to find out about the lies and exposed the western organization weaknesses in plain sight. I

Ghost of Moscow

You mean the same message he sent about any attack on the Crimean Bridge, or what about any attacks on Russian Soil did Putin carry out his threats about that? Or how about the time when the Americans sent their Navy Seals to blow up the Nord-Stream Pipeline did Putin respond? Now they are sending Patriot missiles!

Modern day Russians are the biggest Pussies to ever walk the Planet, they are nothing like their ancestors in WW2! Today Modern-day Russians Coward in Fear of their Enemies, if only their ancestors could see what they become, they would be totally ashamed!


Germany invaded ukraina fully in 28 days at WW2, Russia so far passed 280 days and more still no success 😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣

Last edited 2 years ago by HISTORY LESSON


Good decision

Send a missile to Sweden before it is joining to the NATO

Ghost of Moscow

The Incompetent Russians can’t even send a Missile to Kiev yet alone bombing Sweden which would really make the World hate Russia!


Sweden would easily fk Russia. Look at how russian amateur soldiers are getting annihilated day after day in Ukraine against a much weaker opponent 😆😆😆


Just another BOT !

EU must not be USA slave

The Ukronazis must be butchered and hanged by their intestines on Maidan square.

The horrors done by this mentally insane gang of thugs rivals the deeds of SS Dirlewanger which patches they wear with pride.

Ghost of Moscow

I don’t disagree but Russia would have to Win the War first, but since they won’t sadly the only people that will be hanging by their Intestines will be Russians! And I hate to say that….

Last edited 2 years ago by Ghost of Moscow

You seriously need to learn how to use the English language correctly before posting more comments. Your English is so bad I get the feeling that everyone thinks you’re supporting Russia.

USA is the worst human farm

I am sure he is a Putin fan.

He might sleep under a Russian flag and dream of TOS-1A in action.



In the event of imminent nuclear warfare (which may or may not occur, regardless of efforts to prevent this outcome), those who employ a first strike will be in a significantly better position than those limited to a retaliatory response. While the prevention of a nuclear war remains a priority, it would be advisable for Russia and China to be adequately prepared for this unwanted but likely approaching situation. Note: The conclusion of a world war (as is unfolding) in a nuclear era is self-evident. This does not translate to human extinction but would (will) eclipse all previous wars. As the US-NATO-allied bloc are seeking to attain nuclear primacy (overcoming mutually assured destruction through multi-layered multi-phase ABM architecture), so would it be prudent for the military commands of Russia and China to jointly seek this objective (or as close to this concept as possible) as a matter of priority. US-NATO-allied bloc escalations have a logic outcome.


It is worth noting as part of preparations for potential/probable direct stages of war against Russia and later China, the US-NATO-allied bloc are covertly expanding a nuclear weapons sharing program. This process involves allied nations acquiring US military assets with nuclear weapon delivery potential. Even Australia (that is involved in allied operations in Ukraine) is integrated into this program. In addition to increasing the presence of US military-missile architecture (including facilitating the regional operation of US nuclear bombers with plans to host US naval strike groups and US-UK nuclear attack class submarines), Australia has already procured US missile systems allowing the use of nuclear-capable missiles (Mk-41 VLS/Mk-14 Tomahawk cruise missile launch canisters, etc.). It would be prudent for the military commands of Russia and China to jointly adjust their operational planning (involving their conventional and strategic forces) accordingly.


In the context of US-NATO-allied bloc wars progressing to a developing US-NATO bloc engineered conflict against Russia (US-NATO-allied bloc supported Ukrainian regime war escalations against the ethnically Russian populations of the LDNR intended to trigger the Russian response to create ‘another Afghanistan’ for Russia ) and soon China (the US replicating the Ukraine format in relation to Taiwan, with the DPRK, Iran, Serbia, etc. also subject to targeting), if a large-scale direct war is assessed as inevitable and imminent, a coordinated response by the military commands of Russia and China would be more effective. Indeed, it will likely be necessary as what is gradually unfolding is no less than a world war scenario (this time in a nuclear era).


It is stupid oligarch friend Putin is always running around promising not to fight back. Obviously Russian doesn’t qualify for trillions of dollars in Rothschild loot, they need nukes to compete with Babylon and infinity deficit spending.


Russia is a we@k th!rd world country, the US the only world power. In the West, people think about the time after Putin, they simply don’t give a fuck about this laugh@ble wann@be d!ctator 😆😆😆


If NATO places nukes right next to your doorstep, and are willing to use them in a ‘decapitation’ strike (as hard as that be) on Russia, would I blame you?

Take for instance, India. Theirs is still (as far as I know) adopting a ‘no-strike-first’ policy when it’s comes to its nukes. But how long can such a policy work when world geopolitics is changing around you?


Zelensky the god of Guns. Export american Guns to south america Gerillas. He is so richy rich. Also sending rockets to african countries. And eats millions dolars. War is good for him. Good Jobs.


When you’re dealing with NWO globalists, you have to think of first strike options, they don’t care about human life, only about their “Full spectrum domination” agenda. They must be stopped!

Paul Citro

I keep looking at the horizon and wondering if I will see a mushroom cloud. Humanity’s future is looking very dark.


Je confirme Morts aux Nazis, L’OTAN ,les Anglais et surtout les Yankees , alors nous pourrons tous vivres en PAIX.

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