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MARCH 2025

Why Russia’s Ukrainian Campaign Is Failing

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Why Russia’s Ukrainian Campaign Is Failing

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Written by Eric Zuesse

One can’t evaluate whether Putin’s campaign in Ukraine is succeeding without first knowing what its OBJECTIVES were.

In order to be able to understand what Putin’s (and, actually, virtually all of Russia’s) objectives were at the start of the current Ukrainian war (the war that started on 24 February 2022), the historical build-up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (on that date) needs first to be not only known, but truthfully understood (since we are here discussing motivations, and those are shown ONLY by what people actually say and do — which is the actual history of the matter). Here that is:

On 15 December 2021, Reuters bannered “Russia hands proposals to U.S. on security guarantees”, which were demands (Putin’s “red lines” — the most prominent of which was for Ukraine never to become a member of America’s anti-Russian military alliance, NATO, because that would enable U.S. forces along Russia’s very border there to threaten on Russia’s border an invasion of Russia). On December 17th International Business Times headlined “EU threatens Russia sanctions as NATO backs Ukraine”, and reported that NATO and almost all of the EU rejected Russia’s demands. NATO’s chief emphasized Russia would have no say, whatsoever, on whether or not Ukraine becomes a NATO member. Russia’s RT News then headlined on December 20th, “Russia promises ‘military response’ to any further NATO expansion.” Then, on the 26th, it was a “‘life-and-death’ issue for Russia”. (Western ‘news’-media hid that major newsinstead of published it.) Germany’s Die Welt even published on December 29th the EU’s V.P. and Foreign Policy chief arguing against Russia’s demands of limiting NATO, by saying “We are not in the post-war period. There are some European states that are not Nato allies.” (He was saying that for peace in Europe, all of its nations must be in the anti-Russian alliance.) On 7 January 2022, AP headlined “US, NATO rule out halt to expansion, reject Russian demands”. This was only two days before scheduled ‘negotiations’ between Russia and U.S. were scheduled to start on January 10th, and with NATO on the 12th, regarding Russia’s “demands.” The ‘negotiations’ turned out to be very brief, because both America and NATO refused to so much as even just consider Russia’s demand that NATO not ever accept Ukraine as a member. On 10 January 2022, RT headlined “US tells Russia NATO won’t stop expanding”, and reported that “US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman has told reporters that Russia’s proposed limit on the expansion of NATO further into Eastern Europe is a ‘non-starter.’” Then, on February 24th, Sputnik News bannered “Putin Authorises Special Military Operation in Donbass”, and presented Putin’s speech explaining its purposes: preventing inclusion of Ukraine in NATO, protecting Donbass residents against any possible all-out invasion by Ukraine, and killing Ukraine’s nazi battalions, such as Azov. Putin said “Those who aspire to global dominance have publicly designated Russia as their enemy. They did so with impunity.” But no longer. On March 2nd. Mark Sleboda’s keen analysis described the coming consequences — the new world in which all of us are now living (regardless of which side wins this war).

However, the situation for Russia has unfortunately turned out to be even worse than that, as I argued in my April 11th article, “Putin Fell Into Biden’s Trap”:

By Russia’s invading Ukraine before Ukraine invaded its breakaway former Donbass region (which the U.S. and its NATO anti-Russian alliance had for years been training, arming, and preparing, Ukraine to do), Russia thereby became the international ‘villain’ in this war (simply by being the first of the two to invade, and, so, widely considered to be ‘the aggressor’ in it), and, thereby, scared so many people in the nearby neutralist countries, into wanting their own Government to join the anti-Russian alliance ‘for safety’s sake’ against a Russian invasion such as Russia had just done to Ukraine, even though (and few of these people probably even had thought much about this) by doing that, their own land will then become among the ones against which Russia’s missiles and nuclear weapons will become targeted against (and are not now being targeted against). It’s an invitation, in other words, to their own becoming direct targets in the U.S.-planned World War III, which the U.S. Government (ever since at least 2006) has been planning to ‘win’ — and no longer for the U.S., like Russia, to be using its nuclear weapons only in order to PREVENT a global nuclear war from ever breaking out.

The connection which that invasion of Ukraine had to The West’s united repudiation of Russia’s life-or-death national-security demands (which had been presented to Biden and to NATO on 15 December 2021) was being hidden from Western publics — not being reported to them and honestly explained to them — and, so, Western publics (or at least those of them that trust their own nation’s government and its master, America’s government) aren’t even considering Russia’s life-or-death concerns in this epoch-making series of events that we’re all experiencing. The publics are, instead, being treated as mere pawns to be deceived so that they’ll support what ‘our’ government and ‘our side’ in this emerging WW III are doing — which is for nuclear-armed Russia to have only two possible realistic options: either to allow us (the billionaires who control the governments in the U.S. and in its vassal nations) to control Russia; or, else, for Russia to ultimately become conquered by us (our billionaires) militarily (via America’s ‘winning’ a WW III, which nuclear war would virtually destroy the entire planet).

After Russia demanded NATO to shrink, The West started what seems likely to be an intensified expansion of NATO:

On April 2nd, RT headlined “Finland can join NATO without referendum – president”. On April 7th, Reuters bannered “Prospect of Finland, Sweden joining NATO discussed at Brussels meeting: State Dept. official”. On April 8th, CNN headlined “US readies for long-term European security ramp-up after Russia’s invasion”, and opened: “The top US military general this week endorsed creating permanent US bases in Eastern Europe as a response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine.” On April 9th, CNN bannered “Finland and Sweden could soon join NATO, prompted by Russian war in Ukraine”, and opened: “Finland and Sweden could soon join NATO, moves that would likely infuriate Moscow and that officials say would further underscore Russia’s strategic error in invading Ukraine.”

Also on April 9th, Britain’s Telegraph bannered “Jens Stoltenberg: We need a beefed-up Nato to face down threats to European security”, and reported: “In an interview with The Telegraph, the 63-year-old says he is preparing for that ‘reinforcement to be turned into a fundamental ‘reset’ of the alliance, which was born out of the 1949 North Atlantic Treaty between the US, Canada and European nations. … He adds: ‘It is also of concern that we see that Russia and China are working more and more closely together. This is something that matters for our security.’” He was saying that for Russia and China to be “working more and more closely together” threatens NATO countries, but that for NATO countries to be in an actual military alliance against Russia is NOT a threat to Russians; and that, therefore, NATO must henceforth target not only Russia but also China, as the two primary nations to be ultimately conquered — though NATO has no aggressive intent, and is never an aggressor, not against Russia nor against any other country. The following day, Russia’s RT News headlined (much more honestly), “NATO to station permanent force in east – Stoltenberg”, and reported that, “‘We have now asked our military commanders to provide options for what we call a reset, a more longer-term adaptation of NATO,’ he said, adding that the decisions on the matter are expected at the bloc’s summit in Madrid, Spain in June. ‘This is part of the reset which we have to make, which is to move from tripwire deterrence to something which is more about deterrence by denial or [of] defense. This is already in process.’ Stoltenberg said last month that the bloc had 40,000 troops ‘under direct command,’ mostly in Eastern Europe. The group’s individual members are supplying Kiev with weapons, ranging from anti-tank and anti-aircraft missile systems to tanks and armored fighting vehicles.’” But, Stoltenberg has always said, “NATO is not a threat to Russia.” How much contempt, against the public, must such a person, who says such a thing, in such circumstances, and with such a long history backing it up — all of which has been to the exact contrary of that person’s statement — have? However much it is, that’s how much contempt of the public he has. The blatancy of his lying is shocking.

Further indication that Putin blundered badly to have preemptively invaded Ukraine, instead of waiting for Ukraine to invade Donbass first, became clear when The Times of London bannered, on April 11th, “Putin ‘purges’ 150 FSB agents in response to Russia’s botched war with Ukraine”, and reported that

A “Stalinist” mass purge of Russian secret intelligence is under way after more than 100 agents were removed from their jobs and the head of the department responsible for Ukraine was sent to prison.

In a sign of President Putin’s fury over the failures of the invasion, about 150 Federal Security Bureau (FSB) officers have been dismissed, including some who have been arrested.

All of those ousted were employees of the Fifth Service, a division set up in 1998, when Putin was director of the FSB to carry out operations in the countries of the former Soviet Union with the aim of keeping them within Russia’s orbit.

FSB officers carried out searches at more than 20 addresses around Moscow of colleagues suspected of being in contact with journalists

The service’s former chief, Sergei Beseda, 68, has been sent to Lefortovo prison in Moscow after he was placed under house arrest last month. The prison was used by the NKVD, the KGB’s predecessor, for interrogation and torture during Stalin’s Great Purge of the 1930s.

The FSB purge was reported by Christo Grozev, executive director of Bellingcat, the investigative organisation that unmasked the two Salisbury poisoners in 2018. He did not reveal the source of his information.

The officer had been dismissed for “reporting false information to the Kremlin about the real situation in Ukraine before the invasion”, he said.

“I can say that although a significant number of them have not been arrested they will no longer work for the FSB,” Grozev told Popular Politics, a YouTube channel about Russian current affairs.

However, doing that (removing those individuals from Russia’s intelligence service) will not undo the damage, which has already been done to the prospects for a peaceful future for Russians, after the current hot war in Ukraine. NATO — that self-described purely ‘defensive’ military alliance against whatever countries America’s billionaires collectively decide to become the next ones to be placed upon their regime’s chopping-block, to carve up, carve out, and consume — is now booming as never before, and its expansion seems now to have been greatly accelerated, instead of ended and reversed, as Putin (and virtually all Russians) had been demanding — and as the entire would ought to have been demanding ever since the Soviet Union ended in 1991.

Barack Obama said it best, on 28 May 2014, addressing America’s future military elite shortly after his successful February 2014 coup had grabbed control over Ukraine and turned it sharply and suddenly against Russia:

The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come. … Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums. … It will be your generation’s task to respond to this new world.

All OTHER countries are “dispensable.” NATO has proven that U.S. view, many times: Only America’s billionaires matter. Even their own subjects — America’s ‘citizens’ — don’t (but are instead “dispensable,” in Obama’s lingo).

On 13 March 2021, I headined “Why It’s Especially Necessary to End NATO Now”, and wrote that:

The way that WW III would start is that Ukraine would become more heavily armed by the U.S. and then would invade both Donbass and Crimea, Russia would then attack Ukraine for doing that, and the U.S. would then launch a blitz-attack against Moscow from Ukraine, and, simultaneously, launch against all other command-and-control targets in Russia, so that before those have become hit, Russia would already have been decapitated.

The United States Government is fortunately not obliged to allow Ukraine into NATO and has many ways to prevent it from joining NATO. Some of these ways wouldn’t at all embarrass the U.S. Government, and the reason for this is that if any one NATO-member nation refuses to okay Ukraine as becoming a member, then Ukraine won’t become a member, and the scenario that has been described [“Ukraine would become more heavily armed by the U.S. and then would invade both Donbass and Crimea, Russia would then attack Ukraine for doing this, and the U.S. would then launch a blitz-attack against Moscow from Ukraine, and, simultaneously launch against all other command-and-control targets in Russia, so that before those have become hit, Russia would already have been decapitated.”] won’t then happen. The U.S. Government has enormous clout with each existing NATO member-nation, because NATO was created by the North Atlantic Treaty (also called the “Washington Treaty”) in Washington, DC, on 4 April 1949, at a conference that was chaired by U.S. diplomat Theodore Achiles, who subsequently retired to become a Director of the Atlantic Council, which also is in Washington, and which is the PR arm of NATO. The U.S. Government could easily get at least one NATO-member country to say no to Ukraine’s joining. However, if U.S. President Biden announces that the U.S. endorses NATO-membership for Ukraine, then that’s, in itself, virtually a U.S. declaration of war against Russia, and Russia might not wait for it to be made official before responding to it — blitz-invading the U.S. and its allies.

According to Achilles’s account of the creation of NATO:

The NATO spirit was born in that Working Group. Derick Hoyer-Millar, the British Minister, started it. One day he made a proposal which was obviously nonsense. Several of us told him so in no uncertain terms, and a much better formulation emerged from the discussion. Derick said, and I quote, “Those are my instructions. All right, I’ll tell the foreign office I made my pitch, was shot down and try to get them changed.” He did. From then on we all followed the same system. If our instructions were sound, and agreement could be reached, fine. If not, we worked out something we all, or most of us, considered sound, and whoever had the instructions undertook to get them changed. It always worked, although sometimes it took time. That spirit has continued to this day, I believe, although the size to which NATO has grown makes it far less easy. Two years later we began in London to put the “O” on the NAT by creating the organization. Some of the members of the delegations had been members of the Working Group, some had not. 

Was that the beginning of the end of the world? Perhaps Biden will decide whether it is, or not.

Apparently, Biden has, by now, decided (like all other U.S. governments ever since Harry S. Truman’s in 1945) to go all the way — to expand NATO, and for it to conquer ultimately not only Russia, but also China (and any other country that resists U.S. demands — all of the other “dispensable” nations).

Russia’s Ukraine campaign is failing because Putin invaded prematurely. He didn’t wait Biden out and hold his fire until after Biden’s Ukrainian stooge (Zelensky) had first launched his blitz-attack against Donbass. If Putin had been the second to strike, instead of the first, then the Finns etc. would be far less likely now be in the grip of the fear that so stupidly has turned them (and Swedes and perhaps others) against Russia, and NATO would be far less likely now to be racing forward to expand, as it currently is. That premature invasion has thus produced exactly the opposite of its intended and declared purpose. It could end the world, because of NATO’s voraciousness (which reflects mainly the U.S. regime’s voraciousness — plus its stooges’ psychopathy and stupidity tolerating that voraciousness).

In other words:  if what Putin did is going to expedite instead of prevent NATO’s expansion up to Russia’s very borders, then his war in Ukraine will not only not have won, but it will spectacularly have lost — it will have hurt (decreased) the safety of the Russian people, instead of increased it. And THIS is the reason WHY his having PREEMPTIVELY invaded Ukraine (on February 24th) appears now to have been a spectacularly wrong thing for him to have done. (Prior to February 24th, I had been expecting him to wait-out Biden. I was stunned that he did not, but I was hoping that his judgment on this crucial matter was better than mine. I now am concluding, very reluctantly and sadly, that I seem to have been right and he seems to have been wrong. I find my having been right about this matter to be very depressing, because it means a far likelier ultimate success of the neocons’ project, and maybe even of there ultimately being a WW III.)

The only possible way that I can envision out of this disaster now would be for Putin to publicly make an offer to all nations’ leaders: “If you do not want America’s billionaires, who control the U.S. Government, to come to replace the U.N. as being the sole and exclusive final source and authority and regarding what is  international law, then Russia and its allies will guarantee that your nation will not be targets, ever, but instead will democratically become allies building together toward a new and more lasting global era of peace and of mutually beneficial economic development, and we will all, together, be committed to eliminating nuclear weapons in ALL nations; and, so, Russia is now inviting leaders from throughout the world to meet with us in Moscow at a global conference to begin the process to replace the current depressing trend toward global control by U.S. billionaires (the U.S. Government), and to instead together build further upon the existing U.N., in order for the world to come to achieve, for all nations, the U.N. as the global democracy of nations that America’s anti-fascist champion, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had intended, for the U.N., that he invented and named, to become — to complete the job that he had so nobly started, before America became itself a fascist nation, as it tragically did soon after his death (a democracy-in-name-only, when America’s billionaires took it over).”

Putin now needs to step his performance up to a higher level, addressing the global public, no longer merely the Russian public. The battlers in this war are not Putin versus Zelensky, but Putin versus Biden, and, at the present moment, Biden is winning. Biden (like the recent U.S. Presidents before him) represents America’s billionaires, and Putin represents, and speaks only to, the Russian public. If Putin can’t become widely recognized to also represent the interests of the global public — to build together a future world in which there will no longer be any international empires — then Biden’s team will win, and the entire world will lose. That is how stark the current stakes have become, in today’s geopolitics. An all-encompassing U.S. global empire won’t be able to be achieved without a WW III, which must be prevented, no matter what. And that is a global imperative — not merely a Russian one.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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G2 man

Simple answer, poor leadership, bad intel and fighting whole of NATO all alone. Russia even failed to call up reserves or bomb the Nazi nest of Kiev.


Before this is all over you will see Zelenski’s corpse being dragged through the streets and most likely some NATO elements being nuked

G2 man

I have a feeling you are right. The US warmongers and their NATO poodles are pushing Russia too far and it will be forced to fight for its survival and will take the US and all of Europe with it. These dumb hubris laden bastards have no respect for humanity as the destruction of Iraq and Arab world amply demonstrated. They are using the Jew pervert clown Zelensky as a pawn to destroy Russia, but the opposite will happen. A small group of greedy evil Jews and racist NAZI WASPS are hell bent on a global war and the destruction of humanity. 1% control 99% of the wealth and they will hide in NBC bunkers and let the brainwashed western morons die.

Pamfil Military Academy

Do you know that this fake jews have ALL antiatomic bunkers and rations for 50 years ? That’s exactly what they want. Only theirs bloodline of parasite maniac satanic creatures to rule after the Earth.

Mark Johnson

yeah they get a radiactive wasteland. Congrats leeches


Not a great deal exactly given the genetic disorders with the Ashkenazi.

Bob - Enough

Inbreeding will be their downfall and I hope sooner rather than later.

Bob - Enough

Was going to pick you up, but noticed you did say “Fake Jews” … yes = spot on.

helene matz

strange bedfellows arent they the izrahelli special forces were alongside azov and fighting the civilians in maidan,kolomoisky the zionist oligarch put zelensky in the role,its like a peculiar life meets art etc.apparently zio organisations in the west think that there are good nazis ie theirs and bad nazis,the fact is that the only good nazis are dead nazis-


Don’t you know Zionists are Nazis – Zionazis in fact!


I have LONG thought that the Nazis and Ashkenazi are linked.

Bob - Enough

No not strange at all. 1 many are the same blood line, 2. How did the “State of Israel” come about and why ? and 3. Look back at the ancestors of this current crop of Zionists and you will always find links back to the Nazis or other extremists.


But if we look at it from the bright side. Russia now has the chance to give all of Nato a beating the like of which this demonic beast never has experienced before. This can be achieved “simply” by conquering, not just Donbass and the South, but all of Ukraine. There isn’t a no-fly zone in place, and there never will be. This means that Russia has one great advantage. Add to this the fact that Russia together with Belorussia has a border which, with the exception of the one in the west, almost encircles the entire country, which means that they can attack the evil Nato led forces of Ukraine from almost any direction, at any time. And with new forces brought in under, hopefully, competent leaders who are prepared to wage the way it is meant to be fought — Hardcore! — there can only be one outcome. In other words this war is still very much Russias to lose. Also keep in mind that Russia has some very powerful allies, who will help them if need be. Good news for the brave and noble soldiers from Rus.


Putin is so weak he will surrender russia before that, if the russian people is really inteligent you should be protesting and topling him for his stupidity, putin must go, so to russia can advance. putin is your enemy, putin is worse than NATO


All the nukes won’t destroy the planet, because the jet streams carry the fallout so far, and the people that are left will build over their bunkers and years later an archaeology dig started to find what happened. But to their surprise they will find that these Elites killed each other.


“Denazification” is a thinly veiled euphemism for imperial expansion and genocide. It is rather a desperate attempt to rebuild the Soviet Union and recover Russia’s lost human potential. This isn’t very different from the Soviet Union during WWII, only that Russia is much weaker and waning.







So no, neither Ukraine nor the US, EU or NATO are “Nazis”. Only the Azov are “Nazis”.

This younger guy on the other hand with the malfunction mic is a “Nazi”: https://odysee.com/@historyreviewed:7/Afghanistan_iraq_the_raw_truth_from_a_white_american_soldier-1:6

David Irving_ Nuremburg – The high-grade Lynching Party: https://odysee.com/@DiesIrae:3/David-Irving_-Nuremburg—War-by-Other-Means-1989:a








Dispelling lies that Hitler had Ashkenazi (Jewish) and Sub-Saharan African DNA.




Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

I enjoyed reading your long posting above. Hitler is a very fascinating subject, and the lies told about him are plentiful. There is much we can learn from him and his life.


That is wishful thinking. In my 58 years I have never seen retribution come to these zioliberal NWO faggots.

This is just more of the good cop bad cop dog and pony show to make all of us expect to see something that isn’t going to happen but will keep us hopeful and non active.

Slightly depressed

Yes since NATO using targeting info from planes in NATO airspace and NATO missiles just sunk the Russian cruiser its a matter of when not if Russia will use nukes


I fear you are correct.

Tito Bintaro

NATO being nuked? When, please? Just an empty threat from a frustrated Russkie. Go back to sleep, Ivan, NATO is laughing at you right now for your stupid incomperence. The army that couldn’t shoot straight. N U K E D. Forget about it, loser …

the end

I have read this garbage. Eric, either someone threatened you or bought you. This is your life long chunk of pig excrement legacy. If Russia had not intervened, those western Nazis would grow only more willing to slowly circle the Russian wagon and chunk by chunk eating it off. So keep you shit to your self, moron.

Bobby Bucher

I am completely in support of Russia and believe peace in the world depends on their victory in Ukraine. That said, author is not wrong in his premise. Russia is failing.

Yamil Perez

In Disney movies. Russia is winning.


how so? casualties are produce of any war. What counts are the objectives: Vietnam lost more people on its war, but won accomplishing its objectives: to kick out the US from the country and take the whole south. As long as I can see, the objectives of Russia are being fulfilled. The “invasion” crap and “territory control” all are msm narratives, mirroring its own doings on other countries.

Yamil Perez

Nah, you just dont pay attention and keep drinking the Kool-Aid. UAF as a combined arms force is gone.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez
G2 man

I am on a restricted diet and don’t drink Kool-Aid, but do try to be objective which gives some trolls indigestion.

Yamil Perez

You are as objective as the white house press briefing. Better luck next time UKROBOT.


LOL! Pathetic excuses! RU is not yet fighting vs Nato.

Nato only help in training and intelligence. Some Nato members deliver weapon aid as that is legal thing to do. Also non-Nato countries send aid to Ukraine.


This article is based on Bellingcat’s info. Bellingcat is a well known disinfo poster. Its probably the first time you have heard his name. Again i tell people, refer to the war map. its your most simple window to reality. Remember when Russia had 2 days of food and 3 days of fuel? Where did that disinfo come from? ;) Sun Tzu: “appear weak when you are strong but strong when you are weak” “When you are far let the enemy believe you are near, when you are near allow the enemy to think you are far”. Learn the art of war. Why do u think they used blow up dummy tanks in WW2? Learn the art of war!


Bellingcat is British Mi6 and a well known intelligence propaganda op disguised as impartial military analysis… it is the equivalent of the ahem, syrian observatory for human rights which of course championed the white helmets and created pabulum for prole feed… so make of it what you will.


You perhaps have not noticed, but Russia fought the Mongols, the Poles, The Livonians, the Germans (twice!) and Napoleon, as well as Italy France and England in the Crimea “All Alone” too.

Fighting the Fourth Reich (AKA NATO) ‘all alone’ too is going remarkably well.

Scott Ritter was banned for opining that, I paraphrase: ‘This Russian campaign will go into the military textbooks as one of the greatest tactical and strategic campaigns in the history of warfare.’

He was kicked off YouTube and everything else for saying that. Until the coming, final victory of Russian arms, no better proof exists that his statement was true.


They will eventually. Unlike what Zeusse says, Russia is (at least partly) allowing itself to “lose” (why else would they pull out from massive gains in the North?) in order to avoid civilian damage and to gain the moral upper ground more clearly.

I can concur that Russia may have got intel problems (else Maidan would have never happened, Minsk would have not be signed) but they are taking good care of the propaganda war via facts (after all “lies have short legs”, Spanish saying). Their ultimate goal is to awaken Ukrainians (as they were to some extent in 2014 before eight years of Maidan ultra-nationalist propaganda and police state) into a double reality check: (1) NATO is abusing them and is relatively useless as “ally” (or rather tyrannical overlord) and (2) no matter what, Ukraine has to be friendly to Russia, Russia can’t afford a hostile Ukraine.

In fact the stated plans of Maidanists for this announced war all go around Russian economy collapsing (fat chance, they fell on their feet very well already and it’s the Western economy which is imploding instead, and just wait till the non-paying gas customers get the valve shut) and replacing Putin by someone else (who?, the only large opposition force is the Communist Party, which hate NATO even more than Putin and his liberal-conservatives do). With this in mind, the war may be solved (at worst) next winter, when I’m sure if Ukraine is still not complying, will see its energy supply shut (and nope: the USA can’t replace that, no matter what).

It’s also a pressure game on the EU (which has to accept its own dependency on Russian gas supplies, so far stable but maybe not in the near future) and on the very US financial supremacy. I read hours ago that pan-EU inflation is above 8%, most of it because of energy speculation. It can and will get worse because inter-month figures are above 1%. This causes uprisings: people won’t bear eternally to suffer extreme poverty conditions and there’s a rapidly growing segment in such situation. Putin is clearly not pro-communism at all but he’s exploiting the class war for sure (even if he does by accident he still does).

The real war is not so much in Ukraine but in the EU’s stability and in the global financial system. By pushing Russia too far the USA miscalculated and misfired.


Yup, years of appeasing Israel, not building stronger bonds with Iran, has born fruit for Putin-yahoo! It wasn’t 12D chess… it was checkers!



Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

El que el Rublo sea moneda de intercambio en 3/4 partes del planeta es un triunfo . Aceptar al dólar fue el gran error de la URSS

The Saint

I respectfully suggest that Southfront stop regurgitating Eric Zuesse articles. Apart from being misguided on a number of fronts, they are almost unreadable due to the excessive use of italics and red bolded text.


I concur. They are still maybe useful for discussion and rethinking but the guy is very clearly short-sighted. And indeed the excesses of typography are cumbersome to read.


Spectacularly bad article. Completely focused on west and its thoughts or opinions (11% of the world population) and bullshit claim and prediction that Putin had to wait until Ukraine invades Donbass to have a different outcome.

Fact is, nobody cares if Sweden or Finland joins the NATO, in total they have less population than London. Nothing will change in military terms since Estonia is in NATO since years (already close enough to St. Petersburg) and Northern fleet is next to Finland.

Putin is failing because he does not use enough force to finish the war. Period.

G2 man

Largely true, but Putin surrounded himself with sycophants who failed to provide an accurate military or political picture of the Russian capability and NATO designs in Ukraine. You also correctly point out that Russia failed to use ordinate amount of force required. Such a vast operation against NATO occupied Ukraine needed at least a million soldiers and total freedom to operate. Unfortunately, now Russia itself will be targeted and unless it goes on total war footing it is in mortal danger. The first step should be to make the Kiev Nazi puppet regime pay a heavy price as a deterrent Kiev should be turned to dust.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

They’ll never do this because they hope for ‘diplomatic solution’. That irritating coward Peskov constantly repeating how Putin and Zelenskys meeting is possible. Of course, that’s total bullshit. There will be no diplomatic solution, Americans will not allow this unless their ukro puppets are totally defeated.

G2 man

The idiot Peskov and the delusional Lavrov sycophant also keeps calling the NATO murderers “partners” as they keep in killing Russians. It is complete madness on Russia’s part.

Johny cash

Them fuckers. I dnt blame them thou i blame putin for using these fools so fuck putin hes the leader for how long. All this mess and embarassment and incompetence lay squarely on his desk!!!!!

Johny cash

Such embarrassment makes slavs look like a underclass to anglo saxons ngl. Ones a sophisticated killer the other is brainless corrupt to the point bothing works brute

Russian ship, what are you sinking?


“Recruiter of the year” award

Quit Drugs

Retard finally learned how to post pictures. Great.


anybody else noticed the SS tie in Stolterberg?

Peter Jennings

The author of the piece begins with a report from Reuters. Not a good start IMO. To be fair, President Putin has only responded to a call for help from the people of Donbass who don’t want a US/nato yolk as a necklace. At the same time the Russian President is most obviously sending a warning to antagonists in the west, and is clearing up US and nato chemical weapons on the Russian border.

There is no failure.


I hate to correct you, Patrick, but the fact is that London does not have a larger population than Sweden and Finland combined, as Greater London has a population of 9.4 million people. The combined population of Sweden and Finland is 16 million. Quite a big difference to what you stated.

And saying that nobody cares if Sweden and Finland were to join Nato is also not true, not least from a Russian perspective, as both countries will, if they join Nato, be regarded as unfriendly countries to Russia.

In RT yesterday, Medvedev also declared that both countries would be added to the list of “officially registered adversaries” were they to become Nato members. He then had a warning regarding the Baltic Sea : “The non-nuclear status of the Baltic region will be out of question in this case. The balance [of power] should be preserved, adding that” Russia had not even considered such an option until now.”

So you see it is a very serious decision that these to Nordic countries have to make. It will change everything for everybody in the region.


Mostly agree with you. Although I don’t think Russia is failing True the campaign might take longer than most hoped/expected… Russia for some reason was fighting with brakes on, sparing the big guns mostly, looks like they are planning to change that though. Despite that results were still fine: they not only stopped NATO s offence, they gained back territory, caused much damage to the enemy etc. Also economically what is happening now is going to be very good for Russia on the long term (not so good for the West though). And all this stupid Ukro trolls who claim the opposite, who are you taking us for? We are well informed and knowledge is power.


What a load of nonsense. The two Salisbury poisoners? CCTV footage shows them arriving in Salisbury on a bus AFTER the Skripals had already been poisoned. LOAD OF CRAP

Johny cash

Loyalty aside has this not jus been a complete shit show frm russias side from rhe get go


Bus ?? ……. you mean train surely.


This whole article is garbage.


“Putin now needs to step his performance up to a higher level, addressing the global public, no longer merely the Russian public.”

The reason Russia had to use its military in the first place is that it in no way can compete with the propagandamachine of the US empire. So this is a poorly thought out suggestion that is going nowhere.


Biden doesn’t know what day it is , much less know how to defeat Putin


Hold out your hand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU6OwHIayco

Joe Bidens Dementia

Hahaha Joe Biden my favorite comedian! Much better clown than Zelensky

Arzt Injektion

SF = CIA. No one should be surprised.


I suspect this for quite some time tbh… the devil has many faces.

Last edited 2 years ago by ....
Yamil Perez

Remember when the site went down fir days a month or so ago? Probably that was the part when they highjacked it.


It seems that any news outlet still available in the U.S. is a front.

We are constantly being manipulated.


This is the 3rd defeatist article today.

Instead of removing moronic ukro-trolls, Southfront joined their narrative, lamenting and spreading defeatism for no particular reason.

Yamil Perez

Its not South front but a look a like. Original southfront was killed a month ago.

G2 man

When did diverse opinion and objective reporting become propaganda? Most rational people respect SF for its independence and integrity and don’t want it to become a Jew MSN that censors even a iota of truth.

Yamil Perez

You are mixing up the real southfrint with this faximile. The real one died. You gave away yourself when you said copium. Better luck next time UKROBOT.


Said the Putin-troll 😂 if you want constant pro Putin propaganda go create a fan site groupie 🤣


Interesting article and, I believe, correct on many points; however, even an expanded NATO is militarily weak and underfunded. While Biden may want to expand the US role, he has no support for direct military aid, and support for financial aid to Ukraine is waning. Further, to expand US involvement, he will have to go to Congress where his support will be limited, and I believe any Biden case for military involvement will fail. If Putin’s objectives are as stated, and if Ukraine’s efforts to strike Russian territory continue to be contained, I think Russia will bring this to a close in weeks — perhaps by May 6.


Can’t even tell the Truth on this comment section. Happy Easter SouthFront. Wishing you well in your endeavors for fair and unbiased coverage of this war that should have happened 8 years ago protecting the Eastern Donbas but instead chose to procrastinate instead.




Seems Russia is doing well. The article above proves this fact. The next time I see the authors name, “Eric Zuesse” I will save my time and skip his fake reports.

Last edited 2 years ago by Fergi
Battle of Tsushima

This invasion of Ukraine goes against the interests of Putin and advances European and American International interests. In fact putin invasion not only has polarized Ukraine against Russia, it has polarized the world against autocracy. The previous state of global affairs was a cold war situation, where Russian agents were free to travel the West and leverage their influence to advance the Russian political subversion war tactics. The West has suddenly been awakened by the sound of Russian bombs striking everywhere in Ukraine. The threat of an attack on European soil feels more real now than it ever did in the past 80 years. Thanks to Putin, the situation is clearly divided between friends and enemies, and because Russia is a country and no longer a union like before 1989, it is much simpler to single out as a unitary enemy. Problem is that Putin was fighting a hybrid war against the West using Soviet tactics. Those tactics are outdated and no longer in line with the international situation. And those tactics didn’t stop the Soviet Union from collapsing. What Russia needs to do is a rethink in strategy and a change in government. It is at a point of existential crisis, without a remedy. Every single assumption Russia had about the West, Ukraine the world and itself has proven to be false. But that’s the problem when one stops looking for the truth

Z for zis iz madnezz

«putin invasion not only has polarized Ukraine against Russia, it has polarized the world against autocracy» – right, that’s why sanctions against Russia are coming just from the governments that represent 13% of the World: USA and its vassals. – and that’s why Europe is now buying more gas from USA and more oil from Saudi Arabia, in the name of “peace” and “democracy”. Right… What have you been smoking?

Yamil Perez

Is it failing? Most the Ukrainian military infrastructure is gone. Factories gone. Fuel gone. Weapon caches gone. UAf is sending 16-18year old to the front now. UAF lost probably between 30-60,000 troops. It will be shocking once finally confirmed.

Ghost of Moskva

Time to snap out of your wet dream, like SF did.

Yamil Perez

Keep crying ukrobot. You lost the war.


Keep repeating the fantasy until you’re blue in the face 😂🙈

Bobby Bucher

Is this true though? I have yet to see bombing as opposed to missile strikes. It would appear as if Russia still does not have air supremacy, and by now, they certainly should if those statements are true. Also, no fuel = no ability to fight a war. I doubt Russia has depleted UKR ability to fuel as they are still able to move around freely. Also, why does complete control of Mariupol delay the entire war? If Russia cannot field enough force to fight more than one city at a time, against an as you say depleted enemy, what is going on? Remember the cauldron they were talking about for over a month in Donbass? Why are re-enforcement by UKR going there? Hardly sounds like an encirclement to me. Considering where they were last month, the fact those troops have not been eliminated from combat one way or another after a month is inconceivable.

Yamil Perez

Ukraine isn’t moving. They dug in. Russia has air supremacy over Ukraine. Dont kid yourself.

Bobby Bucher

Not using air power at a fraction of capability though. Long range missiles are limited in quantity, bombing is the clear rational strategy, yet, not being used. Why?


Because Ukros have so much manpads, so low flying bombing is dangerous. High flying bombing is not particularly effective and Ukros still posses some long range Air defenses.

That’s stupid

You’re looking at one side only. Russia will have those losses as well if this war keeps up. The Russian public will be outraged.

hans raus

Kremlin won finland and sweden in NATO. Darwin award goes to…………mr.putin

Yamil Perez

They aren’t genocidal hohols. So nobody cares.


Russia coming out and making grand pronouncements about its intentions to establish a new world order of coequal nations would do nothing. Most US vassals like being vassals. Nothing can sway them except for the collapse of the US, which may be approaching faster than most of them are expecting. The US cannot fund its empire, yet every nation joining NATO now only seeks to parasitize US power without contributing a damn thing. With allies like that, who needs enemies?

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Ciatrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗


Your IQ is draining 😂

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺


No estoy deacuerdo, el que Rusia haya atacado antes o despues de la decision de ucrania no cambia el hecho que finlandia y suecia esten presionados por usa a pertenecer a la Otan, eso ya lo definio usa quiera finlandia, suecia o no. El paso del kremlin a esta agresion que inevitablemente se apróxima talvez deba hacer un muro nuclear entre la frontera ucrania polonia para aislarla a esta y dejar un mensaje claro a suecia y finlandia. El circo mediatico que genere a estas alturas ya no importará. Los hechos definen.


This article is a joke, and wrong on so many levels. Russia should just rebuild their tactical nuclear forces to the level of USSR. Also should quit NPT and start selling nukes to some interesting individual states, on a pretext of protection against US threats. Then we would see if US/West are willing to make a deal.


The problem is that Russia is confused, in one way it wants to be an equal, but in another it wants to act as an Unequal – it seems to lack courage and commitment to stand eyeball to eyeball as an equal. If the US was facing military supplies against it, it would act, knowing it would escalate all the way if necessary to follow through. But Russia never supplies against the US when at war, and allows supply against it by the US when it is at war – Russia conforms to the order, the rules that the US is creating. The very rules base order Russia is trying to break. Russia acts as a performing Gladiator before the US in its ‘colosseum’. Russia says it wants to break the world order, well that won’t happen while it submits to that order. Russia needs show courage and say all supplies will be attacked wherever, regardless that it is in NATO or not, and be prepared to back that up with a nuclear ‘lever’ wherever it goes. Until it does that it will always be a performing bear within a cage created for it, and which it submits to – really a mouse!

Last edited 2 years ago by RealityOfWar
Yamil Perez

Lay off the LSD. Its bad for you.


I think its DNS – Diplomatic Note Sent, which is what Russia sent to the US to warn them of unpredictable consequences supplying weapons. So I reckon Russia might just be getting some courage, and the US might just need think if Ukraine is an existential problem for them.

Jean Paul France

Totally agree.


Ignore the Yamil troll. Your post is intelligent and on point!


I’m sorry but Eric Zuesse’s article is so deeply flawed that it just beggars belief. Cherry picking western sources many of which have no basis in fact, like purges of FSB officers and Mr. Zuesse’s strident fact free belief that Russia should have waited for thousands of Russians speaking Ukrainiians to join the other 14,000 to be slaughtered before reacting are just two examples of how deluded Mr. Zuesse is. He also holds to the belief that Finland and Sweden joining NATO is somehow some game changing event. It is not. I cite an article from Larry Johnson on a speech made 4 years ago by Dr. Philip Karber, a former U.S. Marine and founder of the Potomac Foundation, briefing West Point cadets in April 2018 on the war in the Donbas and Russian capabilities. It clearly highlights in stark terms the delusion of the American military and the harsh reality of Russian military capabilities. Fortunately Andrei Raevski (i.e. The Saker) was nice enough to summarise Karber’s key points:

1. Russia has the most advanced and dense, data-linked air defense on earth. 2. In a war against Russia, U.S. army cannot expect much air assistance for at least the first several weeks. Even stealth aircraft will not be of much use because of the distance they must fly in order to reach targets in Ukraine and/or Russia. 3. Russian EW (electronic warfare) is much more advanced and more ‘combat-ized’ than in the U.S. RF utilizes it in combat squads whereas U.S. barely has any and only at the divisional level 4. Russian EW shuts down all communications in huge areas along the front, no cellphones, military radios etc. They break GPS links with drones, making them useless and can even fry the fuses on artillery shells midflight. 5. U.S. army produces 10x the frequency emissions of a Ukrainian brigade, which would make it extremely visible to all sorts of Russian EW, drones, advanced weapons. 6. Russia has far more artillery than U.S. and far greater variety of munition types.

I highlight that this speech was made BEFORE Putin’s famous speech on the rollout of not only hypersonic weapons but additions to Russia’s air defences systems to counter hypersonic weapons (i.e. S-500 and S-550). Mr. Zuesse is deluded to believe that adding Sweden and Finland to NATO is going to make one iota of a difference to the military balance. Hypersonic missiles in those countries will not reach Moscow but it is guaranteed that hypersonic missiles (i.e. Kinzal, Zircon, etc) from Russia can more easily reach those countries and simplifies them being able to reach the US (if the Russians choose to launch hypersonic missiles from Russia as well as from submarines). He is also deluded if he believes that Russia is failing. It is doing exactly what it said that it was going to do in the timeframe needed to minimise lost of civilian lives in Ukraine. Note, it is rather pointless to take Kiev while leaving ten of thousands of rabid Neo nazis to reorganise themselves along with NATO help. Maybe he should read many of the articles on this site or talk to someone like Colonel Douglas MacGregor or Scott Ritter before looking to push his narrative. He would at least be better informed before he seeks to push out such flawed narratives.

May I also suggest that Mr. Zuesse do a bit of research to understand a bit more about the military capabilities of Russia and NATO by reading the books of Andrei Martyanov (i.e. Losing Military Supremacy, The Revolution in Military Affairs) before he continues pontificating on subjects that he is blithely unaware of.

Last edited 2 years ago by JayTe

Zuesse changes his opinion every day.


Spot on. Finland and Sweden joining NATO is irrelevant. NATO is already in Norway and Estonia, Russia is already threatened from the N-W so Finland and Sweden make no difference (unlike Ukraine).

Also, Finland and Sweden joining NATO would happen no matter what, both countries are sickly russophobic and totally woke. More pro-NATO than most Americans.

Jean Luc

Russia did the right thing at the right time. Waiting for the enemy to attack first and gain momentum is a very bad policy we could witness it during WWII in both France and the USSR. Whole article feels like it was written by Sullivan and Co.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jean Luc
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