Written by Tim Kirby; Originally appeared on strategic-culture.org
It sure is a good thing that the Russians decided some ten years ago to fund a massive multi-lingual news network. It is also good that the Russian independent media pulls ten times their weight. Otherwise the fact that “poor backwards corrupt” Bearistan is now the one sending medical supplies to the U.S. would probably have been ignored.
A good example in the spin behind the story comes when we compare Fox’s and the Guardian’s take on it. They both ran very surprisingly neutral sounding headlines. “Russia sending plane filled with medical equipment to U.S. amid coronavirus pandemic“ and “Coronavirus: Russia sends plane full of medical supplies to U.S.” respectively. Although, the devil lies in the details of The Guardian’s subhead…
“Critics likely to claim Moscow will exploit goodwill gesture as public relations coup”.
This is a very odd statement to make as a news organization, for this is a vague prediction rather than news. Speculation about the future of the economy or an election cycle makes perfect sense, but trying to guess what opinions could be, makes it seem like the Guardian is trying to convince the reader of what they should be. And just who exactly are these critics and why do they matter? Movies have movie critics. Music has music critics. Does international humanitarian aid have its own form of critics? If so that would be by far the most boring content on YouTube.
The only real concrete criticism in the article came from a quoted Tweet from a member of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace…
“Hopefully someone will tell Trump that he’s playing right into a propaganda ploy”
Foreign Policy mirrored this attitude with their article…
“Beware of Bad Samaritans – China and Russia are sending medical aid to Italy and other coronavirus-stricken countries, but their motives aren’t so altruistic.”
Not surprisingly Russophobia’s shining light on a hill The Washington Post went with the headline…
“Trump called Russia’s coronavirus aid to the U.S. ‘very nice.’ Putin may use it as a propaganda coup.”
So ultimately as we sift through the Mainstream Media and their pundits’ reactions, we don’t see the old style Russia collusion narrative, but instead a new sort of warning to an ignorant orange skinned Trump about a “ploy” by Putin. After all, Russia’s willingness to help Italy deal with the Coronavirus situation in their country has allowed many impressive photos of Russian military transport and men seemingly moving about the boot-shaped peninsula freely. Other than for some sort of international military parade, it is hard to imagine Russia being able to get their “polite people” to do cooperative work deep in the historical heartland of NATO. But, the Coronavirus situation is a crisis, and any crisis can open up doors for change thought impossible just weeks before.
It must also be noted that the materials being delivered from Russia are commercial products produced within the countries that others could order/buy. The days of the Soviet Union are long gone and the supplies that Washington will receive come from Russia’s private sector but delivered on a government airplane.
Photo: This particular image of Russo-Italian cooperation quickly became iconic across the Russian internet. You can probably guess why.
Perhaps the Mainstream Media and punditry in the U.S. have become spooked by what is happening in Italy and subconsciously fear it could spread to America. This fear is probably doubled in the minds of those who are still convinced that Trump is a Manchurian candidate.
The likelihood of Russian green men being needed to “help out” on American soil is something we will probably never see in our lifetimes. And if you care about America’s national sovereignty you should hope it never happen at any point in the future. But what the punditry/geopolitics wonks really fear is that not only has Russia become an “unshuttable” countervoice in news media but Moscow is starting to take a segment of the humanitarian aid game that they will never give back.
Normally it is the exclusive unwritten right of the USA/West to be the ones to conduct Marshall Plans and send out all sorts of humanitarian aid with or without strings attached. In fact this is such a large part of U.S. foreign policy that we cannot forget that there is an entire official branch of the government that deals solely with it – USAID.
Photo: Washington decided to send humanitarian aid to Georgia right after their 2008 conflict with Russia. Is this pure philanthropy? And does Russia have the right to send aid to America’s unfavored nations?
In fact USAID is a very serious state organ and is funded to almost half of what the Russians pay for their entire military budget. The panicked punditry who are flipping out over Russian aid coming to America are probably afraid that the Russians can do more with less funding like they have done in the news media – budget-wise RT is completely outgunned and yet it is a smashing success that influences narratives even in the West.
There is one other factor that is creating a strong backlash from the mainstream punditry regarding assistance coming from Moscow – pure racism. The U.S. has used foreign aid and assistance to win favor (i.e. as propaganda “ploys”) for decades and this is perfectly reasonable. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the U.S. using its wealth to buy influence and positive views from across the world. This seems like a normal and natural thing to do that America just happens to be better at doing than pretty much anyone else. Good for America!
But, when Russians or the Chinese (or anyone Washington doesn’t like) tries to do exactly the same thing, now it is unacceptable. The logic looks something like “The Russians are sending humanitarian aid? It must be a ploy! They are inherently evil after all.” And this friends is the very definition of racism. Perhaps the geopolitics boys are just tweeting their basic primal fears that some other tribe is stomping on their territory.
What we are seeing in the Mainstream Media’s/Punditry’s reaction to Russian aid being sent to America:
They fear that Russia may shatter the virtual monopoly on foreign aid giving that the U.S./West possesses, in the same way they did in terms of news media.
The #Russiagate narrative is shifting from Trump being a Manchurian Candidate for Moscow to him being duped by Putin’s “ploys”. This leads one to believe #Russiagate may finally have died.
Automatically assuming that Russians providing foreign humanitarian aid is an evil scheme while the U.S. always does so altruistically is pure backwater hillbilly bigotry.
Fox and conservative media are less spooked and actually display tweets from the Russian side. This is another drop of evidence in the bucket, that for the near future the America Left will hate Russia and the American Right will hate China.
Russia was able to get their gesture into the public/media consciousness in the United States. Something that would have been unthinkable a decade ago.
let the US idiots die from corona.. they dont deserve any help from outside as the super duper superiority supremacy world power
just the ones in power responsible for all this mess, not innocent like me :(
It will be better for the world if everyone in America drops dead the good and bad they all contribute to the economy that brings death and misery to the entire world. And I have family in America and I’m saying this.
That is not nice and makes you no better than those who are inflicting so much hatred, division and destruction, around the world. There is good and bad in every nation, religion, culture, gender, class or whatever group we fall into.
nice You mean how the US and it’s citizens bomb starve kill steal from other nations that’s very nice in your head AM hants isn’t it.
Every single citizen?
Yes don’t they all contribute to the economy of the US.
Like I said you are no better. Bigotry comes with many labels.
you could beat around the bush all you want But I’m saying it like it is. Hopefully when this entire thing is settled and done and the world wants to move on from the past And peace is brought to mankind I hope I would have perished by then. I don’t see myself ever forgetting about the past. So it’s better for me to perish if it means this world will witness peace.
you could beat around the bush all you want But I’m saying it like it is. Hopefully when this entire thing is settled and done and the world wants to move on from the past And peace is brought to mankind I hope I would have perished by then. I don’t see myself ever forgetting about the past. So it’s better for me to perish if it means this world will witness peace.
Shia man- Most Americans dont support the acts of “our” government waging war abroad.
Collective punishment of entire populations is what zionists do.
I am American and am not begging for help from anyone, even “my” own government. But it would be a good thing if Russia would send some help to my country, and make it as visible as possible. It would help build feelings of goodwill among Americans to counteract the ceaseless barrage of agitprop from the US establishment.
Do you think its worth writing a letter to Boris J, asking him to proudly show us all where and how the multi million pounds of UK state funded training of the circa 200 White Helmets ‘1st Responder heroes’ are currently assisting ‘ our ‘ NHS, AM?
We rescued them via Israel soon after the Douma liberation by the SAA :) About half went to Canada and half to the UK.
OMG, can you imagine being nursed in a 4,000 bed, open ward (or is it 2), with 3,999 other patients with Corona Virus and noticing your nurse/doctor featured in a White Helmet video?
Would love to know how many White Helmets have been erased and how many have survived. No doubt down Finsbury Mosque, recruiting the next batch.
no thats not fair, many in america are against all this and did nothing to contribute to it
Are you sure about that? when buy items or pay your bills or your taxes your contributing to the US killing machine. There is a lot of people in the Middle East if not all who think like you oh the poor American citizens they are innocent it’s their government that is bad. I’m probably the only person in the world who doesn’t agree with this statement the way I see it is they are just as bad as their government They all have blood on their hands like their government they contributed to starving nations just like their government.
Are you sure about that? when buy items or pay your bills or your taxes your contributing to the US killing machine. There is a lot of people in the Middle East if not all who think like you oh the poor American citizens they are innocent it’s their government that is bad. I’m probably the only person in the world who doesn’t agree with this statement the way I see it is they are just as bad as their government They all have blood on their hands like their government they contributed to starving nations just like their government.
they have to or the government comes and threatens them, its not like they have a choice how their taxes are spent, i dont like it either
So cower down in fear is the answer as long as I’m living good to hell with the world. I don’t see the US citizen contributing to peace if it makes you feel better majority of people around the world are cowards scared to sacrifice for the greater good of this world its actually very few who pick up arms and fight they don’t even amount to 1% of the population most likely not even half of that while the rest of the sheep cower down in fear of their rulers I’m sorry but I can’t respect that. It’s your life live it as you please I don’t wish to change what’s in you at the end of the day it’s just my opinion my thoughts it’s the way I process life.
Shia man- Americans have no choice but to buy things, pay taxes, and contribute to the economy, even in a small way.
You offer no option to the average American, but to give up their homes and lives and leave the country as a refugee.
That’s not a rational position, it’s an ultimatum.
I am with you, my friend. Let’s not mix ordinary Americans with Washington elites.
I would suggest that you look for some place to stay outside of US. Changes (very unpleasant) are coming to US even more rapidly than expected. It could be too late sooner rather than later.
I can go to canada and a few other countries with relatives but I would miss my home and family and way of life here too much lol
Not the fault of the people. Just your average, human being.
dont mind shia man, he just want ordinary american to hate themselves because of what their government are doing, he just using reverse psychology
Cheers and not bothered by him. Can understand where he is coming from, but, generic hate does not move us forward.
The way the U.S is heading, they will be happy with help from anyone even their dreamt up enemies. The U.S is done and heading for the dust bin of history LOL.
Only if it gets overrun by third world migrants and forever loses the white majority, either way there’s good reason to have faith in salvaging America and restoring it to a prosperous country. People like to point out America’s problems, the main problem is that living standards aren’t bad. The over abundance of materialism means it will be harder to convince the people in Europe and North America to agree to a revolution.
Vigilante Intelligence (Johnny Gat) is biased about quite a number of things, though he’s correct concerning much of the west having more free speech than Russia or China, and Putin being pro-Israel.
Love watching the videos of the Russian specialists at work in Italy. Makes you feel clean and safe.
Why has the Austrian Foreign Minister claimed that Russia lied, regards tha aid it sent to Italy?
Would love to see Russia do the in America, just for pure comedy value. Yet, realistically, you could see the Americans arresting the Russian experts, for a variety of made up reasons.
Doesn’t USAID finance the NED NGO, that exists to implement regime change?
Doesn’t Soros and his many NGOs receive $billions from USAID?
Is the Austrian Foreign Minister one of many politicians funded/sponsored by Soros?
Is the Austrian Foreign Minister a member of Integrity Initiatives Foreign Branch?
Well done Russia and good luck.
yeah until they annex you and become Crimea 2.0, you dumb schmuck
Darling, have you heard of self detetmination/will of the people?
The US became independent from Great Britain on 4 July 1776, owing to self determination..
The UK, left the EU owing to self determination.
Scotland lost their bid for independence from the United Kingdom, when self determination supported sticking with the UK.
NATO invaded Kosovo, courtesy of self determination/will of the people.
The UN Charter is based on self detetmination/will of the people. Ironically, when Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt met up in Yalta, Crimea, Russia, back in 1944. Meeting up to de-nazify Europe, demilitarise Germany and set up the United Nations based on self detetmination/will of the people.
Did the people of Crimea get a choice, when Krushchev, the Ukrainian, who was the leader of the Soviet Communist Party, back in 1954, took Crimea from Russia? During a 10 minute lunch meeting, between 13 out of 27 members of the Senate?
Didn’t both the US and the UK warn Ukraine, back in 1994, that if they did not invest in Crimea and the people, then Crimea would return to Russia?
In fact in 1994, didn’t the people of Crimea, once again vote to go home to Russia? Ukraine, once again said no.
Just like in 1992, following the fall of the Soviet Union. This led to the Autonomous Independent Republic of Crimea.
Again, in 2014 over 80% of the electorate voted, with over 90% wishing to return home to Russia.
What did the people of Crimea get, besides a major rise in pensions and social benefits? $millions spent in investment, including industrial projects, infrastructure, including the airport and Kerch Strait Bridge.
Happy bunnies over in Crimea, post 2014, aren’t they?
Wonder why Crimea were relieved to go home to Russia?
E41 – Neo Nazis NATO’s Gladio army in Ukraine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ3jQR8C-dQ
The truthseeker ngo documents plan Ukraine war… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2u3_JVvme0
holy crap the noses on those 2 to the right i didn’t know vitali klitschko was jewish, massive honker nose? but yasenuk is a 100% rocket nose
Sick humans.
Darling, have you heard of self detetmination/will of the people?
The US became independent from Great Britain on 4 July 1776, owing to self determination.. The UK, left the EU owing to self determination.
Scotland lost their bid for independence from the United Kingdom, when self determination supported sticking with the UK.
NATO invaded Kosovo, courtesy of self determination/will of the people.
The UN Charter is based on self detetmination/will of the people. Ironically, when Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt met up in Yalta, Crimea, Russia, back in 1944, when they met to de-nazify Europe, demilitarised Germany and set up the United Nations based on self detetmination/will of the people.
Did the people of Crimea get a choice, when Krushchev, the Ukrainian, who was the leader of the Soviet Communist Party, back in 1954, took Crimea from Russia. During a 10 minute lunch meeting, between 13 out of 27 members of the Senate?
Didn’t both the US and the UK warn Ukraine, back in 1994, that if they did not invest in Crimea and the people, then Crimea would return to Russia? In fact in 1994, didn’t the people of Crimea, once again vote to go home to Russia?
jacob wohl just go away already not accomplishing anything except your own upvotes and from iron dickhead, azriel nosekowitz
They are afraid because it may just show to the people that ‘a gas station masquerading as a country’ can do better on health than the richest nation, which spends 1/5th of its GDP on medicine.
Good point
To make this point, bringing up USAID like you did is a necessity and often overlooked. We always do what we accuse Russia of doing. We don’t even try to hide our manipulation of USAID by channeling Venezuelan aid through Guaido or now, only providing aid to Hadi controlled areas of Yemen.
The FOX news show, ‘Shannon Bream’ had one of those snarky takes on Russian aid to Italy, she quoted one ‘local source claiming the Russian supplies were defective [an operative?] and stated how NATO aid was being ignored’. Yep that is the extent, just enough to plant seeds of doubt to the mind numbed bots who watch and believe FOX news, that’s all it takes.
People are worried since the Rusty Russkies ALWAYS have ulterior motives. They NEVER do anything good for no reason. They probably planned on annexing Italy, but scrapped that plan after being defenseless against the strong Italian NATO army. They also planned on trying to annex JFK airport as a bargaining chip with sanctions, however the US police that surrounded the plane armed with assault rifles quickly changed their minds!
Russkie military would be completely destroyed by US police, let alone the US military. Last time 600 Russkie special forces tried capturing a US controlled syrian oil refinery that was less than 1000 yards away from them, and before they got even HALF WAY, 400 russkies were annihilated by pin point airstrikes and strafing runs from Apache gunships, AC-130’s, F-15s, AC-130’s, HIMARS artillery, 155mm howitzers, and MQ-9 reaper strikes. They had to beg the Kurds for a ceasefire so they could retrieve the hundreds dead and wounded, and haul away all the destroyed vehicles to hide th evidence!
Whose stronger? 600 Spetsnaz or 30 US special forces? Battle of Kusham answered that very well.
I can’t wait to see more US Airforce thermal footage of that battle. All they released was the destruction of a Russkie T-72 tank and destroying a Russkie artillery piece. They definitely have more clips of the whoop ass they unleashed on those poor russkies, including Apache gunship/AC-130 FLIR footage, and lots more. I’m sure they’ll release it sometime.
2 kosher clowns communicating with eachother! oh wait, it’s just Jacob Wohl with 2 accounts talking to himself. what a sad loser. By the way, your new blonde hair makes you look kinda retarded lol