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MARCH 2025

Why the EU Could End Within a Year

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Why the EU Could End Within a Year

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Written by Eric Zuesse

Germany, which has been high-and-mighty within the European Union and has imposed austerity against weaker European economies such as in Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal, is now demanding that other EU member nations bail Germans out of what will soon inevitably be an energy-emergency that results from Germany’s having complied with America’s demand to not only join with America’s sanctions against Russia, but to even terminate Germany’s Nord Stream 2 Russian gas pipeline that was supposed to be increasing — instead of (as now will be the case) decreasing — Russia’s natural-gas supplies to Europe. Germany was, until recently, the industrial motor of the EU, and therefore has the most to lose from reduced and far costlier energy-supplies; but this has now happened, and will escalate in the coming winter. As those energy supplies get reduced, energy prices will rise, then soar, and Germany’s economy will get crushed. Germany’s leaders (like in the other EU nations) complied with the American anti-Russia sanctions demands (which are based on faked ‘information’); and, as a result, the German public will soon be freezing, even while Germany will be spending astronomically higher prices for energy than it had previously been paying. The plunging energy supplies from Russia will be replaced by increased supplies from other countries (including America) whose energy is far costlier than Russia’s; and only a small fraction of those reduced supplies from Russia will be able to be replaced at all. Something will have to give, probably the EU itself, because the resultant rapidly escalating internal hostilities between EU nations — especially between Germany and the nations that it now expects to bail it out of this crisis — could blow the EU itself irrevocably apart.

This will be happening at the same time when the EU — which was extremely committed to reducing or even eliminating both nuclear and fossil fuels and especially coal — is suddenly rushing to increase greatly its use of those non-green fuel-sources, and when European voters who had placed those people into power will not like seeing their leaders turn 180 degrees now into the opposite direction, toward global warming. Previously unanticipated new questions will inevitably become raised. Furthermore, the transitions back to fossil fuels can’t even possibly be done as fast as Europe’s leaders are promising; and, as a consequence, not only will Europeans be chilling-out and shivering during this coming winter, but their leaders will have a lot of explaining to do that can’t be explained except by admitting that they had been wrong — terribly wrong and unprepared — and this undeniable fact will cause political chaos, as the mutual recriminations about their multiple failures will embitter Europeans about the entire EU project, the project of creating one single incomprehensibly bureaucratic U.S.-satellite European mega-nation, the “European Union,” that is composed of virtually all European nations. Nostalgia about the past, of beautiful independent European nations, and bitterness about the future, of “north versus south” (etc.) in Europe, will take over, weakening the EU’s fabric, and bringing into question the entire post-WW-II cross-Atlantic alliance (subservience, actually to the Russia-hating U.S. Government), both America’s NATO and its political twin, the U.S.-dominated EU and its thousands of American servants in Brussels.

The most-recent comprehensive evaluation of the energy-needs of the EU nations is the September 2008 “Europe’s Dependence on Russian Natural Gas: Perspectives and Recommendations for a Long-term Strategy” by Richard J. Anderson of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, funded by the U.S. and German Governments. It made clear that the lowest cost and fastest-growing fuel in Europe (unless EU countries would institute polices to change this, which didn’t occur) was pipelined natural gas from Russia, and that this was especially so regarding electricity-production, industrial uses, and chemical feedstocks for plastics etc. That’s what has happened — Russian dominance of Europe’s energy-supplies (and industrial supplies) — and, as-of 2008, the countries that were the most dependent upon cheap Russian pipelined natural gas were (see this image there): Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Turkey, Austria, Czechia, Greece, Finland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

Presumably, those are the nations that will be especially “chilling out” this coming winter, in order to continue America’s political domination over Europe. The supposed moral imperative that has supposedly triggered this “chilling-out” is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 as being Russia’s inevitable ultimate response to America’s coup grabbing of Ukraine in February 2014 and NATO’s insulting-to-Russia insistence that this U.S.-made new Russia-hating Ukrainian regime has a sovereign right to place American missiles on Russia’s border only a mere five-minute striking-distance to nuking Moscow — that’s the EU’s supposed moral-imperative reason to turn Russia (Europe’s cheapest energy-supplier) off as being a supplier of energy to Europe. But, as a result of turning off Russia’s energy-spigots in Europe, the EU itself might become destroyed, and a mere has-been economically, culturally, industrially, and otherwise, just so that Europe will remain as being vassal-nations to America (its “dispensable” nations, like all the rest are), instead of to become what it always should have been, and naturally would have been — the radiant glory of the world’s largest continent: Eurasia, a Europe that includes Russia, instead of that endangers Russia. The glory of Europe is done for, finished as what it was, and the only real question now is how fast? Oh — and WHY? Why did Europe’s leaders do this? That will be the real EU-killer question.

The Europe that was, is gone — killed by the regime in Washington DC, using its many hired agents in Europe, and their hired guns in NATO.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s next book (soon to be published) will be AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change. It’s about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Germany reports —-ZERO growth and needs “bailed out ” by other nations- Latvia is buying Russia gas—via third parties – I remember reading about the USA destroying EU competition long before Russia invaded Ukraine– they were laughing about it -all planned .


Mark my words… you will see OPEC become a “middleman” in petroleum distribution in the future.


IS has been planning to destroys Russia Ukraine EU and China, even EU because EU is competitor of US’s trade.

FSB stooges

Good luck to the IS then. 😂😂🤭

FSB stooges

I would rather live in Germany with its zero growth economy, than in the down spiralling Russian economy.

Living standards in Germany are far better anyway.


You are not paying attention to reality


Stockholm Syndrome or bipolar psychiatric disease.. One or both mental illness had struck EU. What a shame!


Well. I’m a finn and I can guarantee that Finland is mentioned in this article too lightly. We are not big users of natural gas and that does not play noticeable part of our energy consumption. There may be some minor issues, but I can’t see anything serious right now.


Unless of course you support ( Vihreat) going ECO/Green energy as Finland is importing USA LPG- FRACKED gas are you okay with that and at a high price ?- as per Gasum


From petroleum articles I have read, you are correct but look at the supplier/resale side. You neighbor Norway revisited their supplier/resale activities because of Germany’s resale to other EU countries for a profit and are not happy with their findings. They referred to the EU activities as “corrupt business practices”.


per sources Finns. consume more energy per capita than al EU nations—reliant on burning wood, coal from Russia Poland, gas from Russia—inflation now nearly as bad as USA INCREASING monthly—Finland must purchase Germany, is nearly 50% dependent on Russian gas; inflated prices will produce a teleological effect across EU–unemployment, industrial decompensation, more inflation. Panic is already observed in France, Belgium, Germany Austria, UK—small nations w less diversified economies more vulnerable–who will subsidize Portugal Ireland, Greece, Baltics, Romania, Slovakia, etc?

Anti capitalist

Fascist capitalist feudalist paedophilic Finland will be enlighten soon with powerful Divine Light plus Heat in order to warmth the cold hearts of the paedophilic “civilised” nazi’s ! Amen

FSB stooges

Is this propaganda piece about Putin’s wet dream to split apart the EU? Laughable.


EU is splitting itself apart

FSB stooges

*yawn* 😴


Putin/Russia doesn’t have a thing to do with this calamity.

FSB stooges

In fact it has everything to do with it, your denial won’t change that and only confirms the very position.


moron hillbilly—-your LGBT dictatorship is dead “the banality of amerika—the radical absence of culture”. J Baudrilliard I agree –we can easily manipulate you hillbillies—“amerikans are the living refutation off the cartesian cogito ergo sum. amerikans are yet they do not think. the amerikant mind puerile and primitive lacks characteristic form is therefore open to any standardization”. Julius Evola

FSB stooges

Didn’t you take your meds? 🤪

Whatever you are writing, it only shows what’s going on in your mind. That’s all.

Let me guess, you already consumed Cheapfront propaganda before the war, which is why you are showing lasting effects already.

May the judgement angels have mercy with your poor soul.

moron stooge social worker in topeka

“amerikans especially males are troubled w a basic insecurity inadequately disguised by their bragging and boasting, amerikants are insatiable for reassurance”. Geoffrey Gorer Yuri’s truth very upsetting for stupid amerikant

Anti capitalist

Shut up your fascist capitalist feudalist paedophilic and genocidal dirty mouth u anglo saxon MAGGOT!


US has been planning to destroy Russia Ukraine EU and China, even EU because EU is US ‘s trade competitor.

FSB stooges

US is about superiority, not about imperialism like Russia right now again.

Thus the US is seeking dominance over weak allies, not their destruction like Russia.

Worst for Russia, it’s not only not working out, it backfires and can only blame itself for it.

Oh wait, they blame the defenders to defend themselves. 😂🤭


taliban superior to u nazi lgbt hillbillies😂😂😂😂

FSB stooges

Who are you talking about? My leader is the most capable leader in existence, who you are not even aware about. So far my leaders plan is working out flawlessly.

Unlike the plans from Russia, the USA and others, who will perish like any other empire before. 🤷


US has been planning to destroys Russia Ukraine EU and China even EU because EU is competitor of US’s trade.

FSB stooges

Are you always copy & pasting the same disproven nonsense again?

Well, happens with people not having any real argument. 🤷


This should be pinned, and one year from now SF should prove their article worthy of their claims, then become a leading trustworthy news website, or not


Its not a staitment. Izs an opinion, its not future predicting.


The truth is US has been killing million of innocent peoples in the Middle East.

FSB stooges

Does that justify to kill more millions of people?

FSB stooges

nazi stooge humilited by Russian victory in ukraine—me slurp sperm for 10 ruble in topeka

FSB stooges

The answer is already “not”.

Southfront voicing Kremlins mad fantasies, as if that would be something new. 😂🤭🙄

FSB stooges

“only in. amerika is the father vestigial—the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine” Geoffrey gorer

Recomendation 1

Cut their Natural Gaz and let them collapse european economies one by one


German leadership painted themselves into an energy corner and it is time they got themselves out of their self inflicted crisis.

FSB stooges

They will, especially without Russia.


We’ll see if this German govt is still in place by winter……

FSB stooges

Yep, it will. The Germans are not as stupid as the Russian leadership hopes. Neither the EU.

It might get tough for them within the next two years, but then Russia’s leverage will be gone forever.

USA#1 stooge moron

how many times you sodomized by taliban? us loser anglos cannot compete w Russia or China except in lgbt sperm swallowing

NATO can end within 1 year

NATO can end within 1 year. Not even one of the 30 NATO members countries would dare send a brave army to feel the meat grinder waiting in Ukraine. NATO all cowering in fear like a prey running away from the predator.

FSB stooges

You are trying to turn Nato’s biggest advantage into a weakness?



“Not even one of the 30 NATO members countries would dare send a brave army to feel the meat grinder waiting in Ukraine.” This is somewhat wrong statement. Correct statement would be that “Not even one of the 30 NATO member GOVERNMENTS would dare to send brave army…” as they simply know that people of their countries would protest, insurrect and not at all give support for the wars of those governments remotely controlled from Washington, London and Switzerland. Europe had enought wars. However, if they find the proper and right cause and if Russia played role of villain (which currently it does not) “meat grinder of “just” NATO would destroy Russia into oblivion, no matter for their nukes (there is always solution for any technical problem). People in EU know that what their governments do is very wrong and only that, I emphasize ONLY THAT is the true Russian strength, a perception of citizens of EU that EU is corrupt, occult oligarchy who work against interests of a common man. For those who so far had different opinion, 2 and half years of COVID terror went off as an wake up signal. Perception of actual events is a weapon far stronger than any nukes or armies.

NATO can end within 1 year

if Germany still contunious giving heawy weapons to ukraine (tank, missiles etc. ) will Russia stop their natural gas at winter and germans will stay at cold?

FSB stooges

Russia obviously is happy with its role as aggressor and bully, thus yes.

It will be a wake-up call for Europe to get rid of Russian energy supplies asap.

The moment India and China restocked themselves sales there will already fall drastically, as current purchases are meant for filling up the storages. Especially China will lower its dependency on Russian energy supplies, as they cannot afford to lose the western markets.

The beginning recession is a massive issue for the Chinese economy too, which it knows that Russia is to blame for.

European countries will pull the plug on Russian energy supplies after two years latest.

After that Russia finally turns into NK2 and will become China’s pet. 🤷

I’m really sorry for the Russians, they truly deserve a better leadership.

Stooge social worker

return to lgbt clinic soon—taliban sodomized you—your delusions may cause more damage to rectum when your pimp rents you to tranny in topeka


“amerikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries; amerikans live in a thicket of illusions..” Daniel Boorstin


India will keep buying Russian oil. They refine it, mark up the price significantly and resell it to morons in Europe. China will most likely keep buying too because they will simply transfer the oil to hide it’s origins than mark it up and resell it to morons in Europe. Easy money.

Why would China or India help the US destroy or hurt Russia? They know if the US succeed their countries are next. They may be ignorant of real history in the west but China and India remember who’s the bully and threat to their lives.

Last edited 2 years ago by MHC

Doing what you say would turn Europe into heap of electronically and medically controled slaves of European Occult oligarchy who gave us advent of LGBT, climate change scam, destruction of industry, destruction of European middle class, political correctnes, utmost corruption and govenrment of mediocre politicos responsible for actually nothing. And let’s not forget, lockdowns and medical tyranny. Who would fight Russia or say, North Koreain the name of such “values”?

Azz kicker

You will own nothing and be happy all sounds like part of the WEF’s great plan! Claude Schwab as stated he is expecting a much angrier world around December this must be due to fuel and food shortages so is Putin just another pupet playing his part the people from all countries are being played towards our own demise!!

Anti capitalist

Delete the fascist capitalist feudalist paedophilic and genocidal anglo khazarian SATANIC MAFIA and the World will be Paradise!!! Amen


We have LNG and coal in great abundance. Coal fired steam generators can go on line to feed the electrical grid relatively easily.

It is too bad Putin made this strategic error and cost his people the best market available for their gas, but it will all shake out after a few uncomfortable years.


Comments are hilarious. I’m 48 years old. I’ve spent my entire life watching the weak men of the US and Europe destroy themselves and sit by. Now we turn on each other for the short memory. Same leadership in power all of my life. This was so easy to see that some of us were called conspiracy theorists way back in college when you told us everything was fine. Thanks for what you’ve allowed to be done to my children. I will sit by and watch as you keel over from the vaccines you all so willingly lined up for. If we’re all going down, I’m reassured that you’re first.

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