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Why U.S. Is Committed to Conquering Russia Before It Conquers China

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Why U.S. Is Committed to Conquering Russia Before It Conquers China

Medea Benjamin

Written by Eric Zuesse

On November 13th, Medea Benjamin and Nicholas J.L. Davies headlined “CONGRESSIONAL AMENDMENT OPENS FLOODGATES FOR WAR PROFITEERS AND A MAJOR GROUND WAR ON RUSSIA” and reported that a bipartisan “amendment sailed through the Armed Services Committee in mid-October and, if it becomes law [which it almost certainly and overwhelmingly will, since it’s backed by America’s military-industrial complex, which also funds the careers of members of Congress], the Department of Defense will be allowed to lock in multi-year contracts and award non-competitive contracts to arms manufacturers for Ukraine-related weapons.” It continued: “Looking at the weapons list, military analyst and retired Marine Colonel Mark Cancian noted: ‘This isn’t replacing what we’ve given [Ukraine]. It’s building stockpiles for a major ground war [with Russia] in the future. This is not the list you would use for China. For China we’d have a very different list.’

IN OTHER WORDS: the U.S. Congress is going to pass legislation to open the floodgates for weapons specifically to defeat Russia in Ukraine, and NOT for weapons to defeat China in Taiwan. Think about that, for just a moment:

The U.S. public had had favorable pre-war attitudes to both China and Russia until U.S. President Barack Obama’s Administration overthrew and replaced the democratically elected President of Ukraine in 2014 (in a coup that was hidden behind anti-corruption popular demonstrations that had been organized starting in 2011 by the U.S. CIA and Department of State and with the donations by U.S.-and-allied billionaires). Its ‘news’-media afterward engineered the U.S. public increasingly to support regime-change against both Russia and China, so that, by now, both China and Russia are viewed by the public as being enemies of America, which had not been the case prior to 2014 (Obama’s Ukraine coup). Whereas in 2012, Gallup found Americans rated Russia 51% “Favorable” 42% “Unfavorable”, that became, by 2022, 15% “Favorable” and 85% “Unfavorable” — all due to the rampant lying in the major media (such as Britain’s Guardian, very popular among Democratic Party voters, headlining on 12 November 2022, “Biden and Xi condemn Russian nuclear threats”, which is such a baldfaced lie that any intelligent reader who so much as just looks at what the article actually says finds easily that it is no such thing, because Xi isn’t quoted there as saying ANYTHING against Russia, (and, actually, though the U.S. has threatened first-use of nuclear weapons — and has policy to allow that — Russia never has, but instead has a detailed policy AGAINST doing so.) (Most of the lies in U.S. media, however, aren’t quite so blatant as that.) And, furthermore, Gallup in 2018 found that Americans rated China 53% “Favorable” and 45% “Unfavorable”, but by 2022 that became 20% “Favorable” and 79% “Unfavorable” — not due to anything that China had done, but ONLY to the U.S. regime’s media (which might as well be owned by Lockheed Martin etc.).

The U.S. Government has been very careful NOT to make public whether it intends to overthrow and replace Russia’s Government first, or China’s Government first. What is the U.S. regime’s actual strategy? You can’t find it in their publications. (That is another sign of the Government’s being a dictatorship, no democracy. Obviously, the Government is controlled by its aristocracy, behind the scenes, and their ‘news’-media and academics follow through on this, to deceive the mass-public, in such a ‘democracy’. This is why, after 2014, there has been such a stunning rise in the percentage of Americans who consider Russia and China to be enemies.)

On November 12th, I explained the rationale why the U.S. Government is planning to conquer Russia before it conquers China.

We will learn it not as-if America were a democracy — in which the majority of its public are its rulers — but instead by the actual actions by this regime: such as this bill, which soon will pass in Congress and be signed into law by the regime’s President. And what this action, by the U.S. regime will tell us, unmistakably, is that the regime’s plan is to overthrow and replace Putin before it overthrows and replaces Xi.

The U.S. regime hides behind a ‘democratic’ facade because its leaders are constantly changing, they’re all just agents for America’s aristocracy, its billionaires, and are interchangeable, but that has happened also in many other dictatorships throughout history; and, so, a dictatorship isn’t identified by its ‘leader’ but instead by its Deep State, which always is a class of people, the nation’s aristocracy, which is identifiable NOT by mere titles (President, Senator, Lord, Duke, etc.) but by its top wealth-class or “billionaires,” who fund its winning politicians’ careers and pull the strings behind the scenes, to control their Government. (It’s their Government — NOT ours. We are its subjects — not its citizens.) A mere title of ‘Nobility’ is nothing; if a country is an aristocracy, the cash (not the public) is everything. It hires the agents to do its will. That’s what makes it an “aristocracy.” The words (“Sir,” “Lord,” “Duke,” etc.) don’t.

What the Jack Reed and Jim Imhoff bill in Congress (soon to be law) clearly indicates is that the regime’s strategy is to conquer Russia before it conquers China.

In a previous article (the one on November 12th), I have supplied more detail behind this strategy, explaining WHY the conquest of Russia must come BEFORE the conquest of China, in order for the U.S. regime to stand much likelihood of conquering EITHER nation.

China’s leaders know this. Therefore, if a Russian victory against America in the battlefields of Ukraine gets into any very serious trouble, China will need to make unambiguously clear that it will support Russia to the hilt, to the end, no matter what; and, then, in that case, the WW III that Obama began in 2014 would reach the precipice of possibly becoming a global nuclear war, because, then, the U.S. regime will have to choose whether to follow through on its plan to initiate a global nuclear war in order to preserve its global dominance and continue growing to completion its all-encompassing worldwide empire.

It’s all based on the (post-FDR) U.S. regime’s nazism, which mirrors that of Ukraine. But it was started by America on 25 July 1945, by Harry S. Truman, upon the advice of his hero, General Dwight Eisenhower, and with the passionate support by Winston Churchill. They took up Hitler’s fallen banner, but in an English version that Cecil Rhodes had been the first to come up with, in 1877.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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NATO article 5 enslaves treaty signers to job of cannon fodder for America’s empire in this scheme ,can anyone remember WW1 when such idiocy prevailed.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Nobody forces them to fight. Any state can simply deny involvement. Even get out of NATO. Are there any sanctions for that?! 🤣 Just resume to humanitarian actions or whatever they see fit.


Madrid Summit Declaration issued by NATO Heads of State and Government (2022)

29 Jun. 2022 and decisions among Allies. Our commitment to the Washington Treaty, including Article 5, is iron-clad. In this radically changed security environment, this Summit marks a milestone in strengthening our Alliance and accelerating its adaptation. We


they succeeded in pissing off the russians and the russians are not having it and now there is going to be hell to pay

Ghost of Moscow

USA is a Shithole but if they are kicking the Russian Army ass then what does that make the Russian Military huh?


Winter approaches… And the Bear do love his winters!…

The best news of all if you’re either an American volunteer or merc as “lamb to the slaughter”, you will have only a note in your memory not “if” but “when” you become road kill over there that simply says “On “Holiday”!… Cause there isn’t enough money to feed you https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/u-s-army-recommends-food-stamps-for-soldiers-struggling-with-inflation/article_34e15302-3048-11ed-9730-97264b6694d5.htm … or bury you in a flag draped coffin with a salute at Dover AFB!… Cause thats what illegal war($) of choice do to your money and your worth in the eyes of a Western banker that owns you!

Welcome to your hard core drug induced med-icated reality 21 years post the 9/11 “pipe dream”!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Aunt Polly

Key word is IF. No sign it will ever happen.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

AndNATO is dead already. 😅

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

BECAUSE USA IS ALREADY ON THE WAY OF BECOMING PART OF CHINA! 🤣 USA has become a total surveillance and conformity society, soon they will be Chinese colony.

The Objective

Hi all, I would love to start a sincere conversation with Russians on this forum. I’ve thought that Muslims allying with Russia would be much better for global peace. America is the biggest threat to Russia and Muslims.

Erdogan and Putin are getting along fine. Erdogan will even allow Russia to deploy an air defense blanket to protect the nuclear power plant being built in Turkey. Both made mistakes (Russia killing thousands in Syria + Turkish troops, while Turkey supplied TB2s to Ukraine). But these shouldn’t prevent good relations against the American threat, which is a grave danger for both.

What do you think of the future of Turkey/Russia cooperation? Why does Russia support the American dictators and puppets in the Muslim world when Russia knows these regimes are the ones protecting the U.S petrodollar system? Besides, there are more Muslims in Russia by GDP than U.S. and U.K. combined. I know how much Russians hate Sultan Erdogan, but he isn’t the one killing Russian soldiers in Ukraine. America is.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Objective

I am not Russian but I will give a short opinion. I think Erdogan made a big mistake messing up in Syria for literally no reason and until he fixes that mistake it’s impossible for true alliance to be possible.

Aunt Polly

The Kurds messed up even worse- by siding with the US against Syria. When will they ever learn?

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Taking down Russia means also making Europe miserable, bankrupt, destroyed. Two birds with one stone.

China is an entire different beast: who USA can use against China? India or Pakistan? Or maybe Australia? Japan or South Korea would rather stay out of trouble. Sea carriers alone are not enough… China also no. about 2 billions… while not happy at all under Communist rule, they would not be happy to become USA serfs either.


Russia NUKE it if you have to!… Because you know if they had the means to do it to you the first time after the Kursk and Pristina and then of course the Maidan coup in 2014 they would have done it by now…

And at the very least show some modicum of self respect and lack of betrayal to the rule of law by vacating the Ca$in0 at 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA. and be a genuine leader with an announcement that you will be opening that “clubhouse” with all of the prior bells and whistles only that the new MC will ensure that the existing international treatise signed apply to ALL it’s member most importantly the host!…

You should have done this 8 years ago, but most regrettably you can’t go back now!


Guess which “adversary” has the largest stockpile of physical PM, oil and gas!????

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Shows what psychotic animals the collective west are,they are insane enough to think they can beat Russia,although i don’t know how they plan on doing that when they don’t have the balls for a head to head showdown.


spending more might not really help the situation, just sayin’.


Those are Jews Lobby who control world


USSA is a paper cockroach as opposed to a paper tiger. The idea of a real war against Russia or China or indeed both is more demented cracked crack pipe ravings from Slumville, USSA. The rout in rump Ukrapland not to mention in Afghanistan is the end of the angloZionaZi empire of shit that has terroriZed small, defenseless countries for centuries, until Vietnam kicked the shit out of Pentacon and co. It’s over and USSA’s next war will be with itself.


Good luck with that. Follow the footsteps of Napoleon and Adolf Hitler. But this time raise the stakes to about 12 000 nuclear warheads combined from both sides.

Edgar Zetar

The Best Russia could do since the start of Ukraine War is to finish off quickly and take all the east and south of Ukraine land only leave the west and the cities of West Kiev and Lviv. Russia soft hand and awful strategy in Ukraine only gives USA all the leverage to keep using Ukraine against Russia and leave the door open to USA to do what they want against Russia. Russia should take all the land in Ukraine, move out the civilians who wanted to be Ukrainian to the west and build a border wall in the south and use the river from north to south…

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Andy Warhol

Western powers are run by global fm for purpose of depopulation.

EU must not be USA slave

Enslavement and degeneration, not depopulation. They want submissive sheeple in large nombers and breeding on fast forward, dead of work at 40…

Last edited 2 years ago by EU must not be USA slave
Edgar Zetar

Russia is the weakest foe so USA think it can take Russia first the construct USA Military Bases in Russia Far East to contain China in the North, then will be a lot easier to force China to yield to USA HEGEMON. Imagine that USA goes first on China, then all International Commerce would collapse, also it will be very trouble to USA allies (SouthKorea, Japan, Taiwan) to defend against a Huge Army and Navy like China… … also China could ask for help to Russia and Russia would do a mess in the Atlantic Ocean… … USA like this Ukraine War, if USA succeds then Ukraine would be symbol of democracy fight against tyranny… … in the west almost everyone is brainwashed and receive Propaganda every day for at least 2 hours… … and yes USA Eagles want to eat some Russian bears for lunch

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
EU must not be USA slave

Nazy democracy… not even a retard like Goëbbels could dream.such an absurdity.


Medea Benjamin is phony peace activist. She misleads the movement only against Republicans never against Democrats. BIG PHONY whose only purpose is to diffuse the peace movement .

Tommy Jensen

When Moscow has been taken, we start a land war against China.

L du Plessis

The US is going to be destroyed by Russia & China & NK simeltaniously.

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