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Widespread Protests And Violence Continue In United States. Trump Designates ANTIFA As Terrorist Organization

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Widespread Protests And Violence Continue In United States. Trump Designates ANTIFA As Terrorist Organization

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Five days after they started in Minneapolis, the widespread protests, riots and brutal police oppression have spread to many parts of the US and show no sign of abating. It is even possible that the incessant criticism and condemnation of China, Venezuela, or anywhere else by the White House, the Congress and the ‘free press’ may be somewhat more subdued for a while as their claims to be the world’s policeman and a beacon for justice, freedom and democracy lie in tatters, perhaps for good this time.

Much of the press coverage is being taken up by US President Donald Trump’s allegations that ‘Antifa’ and the ‘radical left’ is responsible for most of the violence, and structural causes and factors such as the creeping militarization of the police and underlying conditions of extreme poverty and inequality are often neglected.

There are also others claiming that demonstrations are being infiltrated by provocateurs, however, identifying the main culprits as ‘right-wing extremists’, ‘white supremacists’ and/ or companies that are regular contractors with the Pentagon, and even military and police personnel in some instances.

While addressing the structural causes in a comprehensive framework of analysis and debate is imperative if the situation is to improve in the long term, an immediate imperative is the initiation of detailed investigations and evidence-based analysis to determine to what extent the violence and looting in each instance has been due to spontaneous outbursts of mass anger and mob rage; calculated actions, provocation and manipulation by organized groups of whatever persuasion; and/ or brutal measures or counter-measures employed by police, private security forces or the national guard.

A former participant in the conflict in eastern Ukraine on the side of the Kiev regime appeared in the United States:

US President Donald Trump announced Sunday a ‘left-wing group’ he thinks are leading the violence at anti-police brutality protests will be officially labelled as terrorists.

“The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization,” Trump said.

Antifa – short for “anti-fascist” – is the name for loosely affiliated agglomeration of anti-racist groups that have been involved in some violent clashes in recent years. The movement has no unified structure or national leadership.

“The violence and vandalism is being led by Antfa and other radical left-wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses and burning down buildings,” Trump said during remarks at the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida on Saturday.

Attorney General William Barr remarked on Sunday:

“With the rioting that is occurring in many of our cities around the country, the voices of peaceful and legitimate protests have been hijacked by violent radical elements. Groups of outside radicals and agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate, violent, and extremist agenda,” Barr said.

Barr said that in order to “coordinate federal resources with our state and local partners,” he would use the “existing network of 56 regional FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces.”

“The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” Barr said.

The American Civil Liberties Union said Trump did not the power to label domestic terror groups. “Terrorism is an inherently political label, easily abused and misused,” the organization said in a tweet.

Trump’s national security Robert O’Brien told CNN Sunday that the administration planned to “get to the bottom” of Antifa’s role in the protests. And he said the president and Barr want to know what the FBI is doing to “to track and dismantle and surveil and prosecute Antifa.” O’Brien denounced “these Antifa militant radicals who come into our cities and cross state lines.

But some have blamed right-wing extremists and other groups of provocateurs seeking to incite widespread violence and manipulate or discredit the mass demonstrations and protests. A report by Veterans Today states:

“VT has carefully examined video in Detroit, Atlanta and Minneapolis and has found members of organizations, Pentagon contracting firms, present at each protest, handing fire bombs, throwing large rocks, and leading the violence.

We have confirmation from our personnel in Minneapolis, who have their own sources in the police and local FBI.

Working with these contracting firms is a sub-group within the departments, “intelligence” and “counter-terrorism” units, who do surveillance and who were, in every department we looked at, both trained in Israel and overseen on a daily basis by “handlers” either from an Israeli consulate or from the ADL/JDL/JINSA or similar group representing Shin Bet…”

Widespread Protests And Violence Continue In United States. Trump Designates ANTIFA As Terrorist Organization

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Widespread Protests And Violence Continue In United States. Trump Designates ANTIFA As Terrorist Organization

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Widespread Protests And Violence Continue In United States. Trump Designates ANTIFA As Terrorist Organization

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Widespread Protests And Violence Continue In United States. Trump Designates ANTIFA As Terrorist Organization

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Widespread Protests And Violence Continue In United States. Trump Designates ANTIFA As Terrorist Organization

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It could be some time before the full details and dynamics behind the developments are known, and it is quite likely that they will be lost in the barrage of competing claims and narratives. The Attorney-General of Minnesota referred to this in remarks to the press, and the grave dangers involved in making allegations before investigations have been conducted:

“The truth is nobody really knows,” Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison said Sunday on NBC News’ “Meet the Press.”

“What the exact political motivation is is unclear at this point. We need to investigate it,” Ellison said.

He faulted Barr and Trump for focusing on Antifa, rather than addressing the “systemic police abuses in America.”

“So I think the federal government does have a role, but it needs to be constructing a better relationship between cities and the police departments that serve them. And making incendiary comments about who’s to blame here as opposed to actually investigating it isn’t helpful.”

Protests continued Saturday for a fifth straight day in parts of the US in response to the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died in police custody.

The first protests erupted after Floyd, 46, died after Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck during a fatal arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Monday.

Chauvin, 44, was eventually arrested Friday and charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter but that did not quell anger regarding police brutality and violence. Three other police officers, who were involved in Floyd’s death, were fired along with Chauvin but have not been charged.

Protesters are demanding the arrest of the other three officers and justice for Floyd as well as an end to police brutality against blacks.

In the nation’s capital, the focal point was the vicinity of Lafayette Park across from the White House.

Protestors chanted “I can’t breathe,” “Black Lives Matter,” and “No Justice, No Peace,” among others, for a second night in row. Six arrests were made during protests Friday night, according to US Secret Service.

Demonstrators breached security barricades, hurled water bottles at police and shouted slogans against President Donald Trump. The DC National Guard stepped in to assist Park Police and Secret Service. Police used tear gas to push back protestors.

Saturday’s protests spread to California, New York, Texas, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, and Washington states, among others.

National Guard soldiers were activated in some states.

In more than 30 cities including Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta and Seattle, authorities imposed curfews in hopes of quelling violent protests.

In New York City, protesters marched in Harlem and blocked traffic on the highway along Manhattan’s East River, according to multiple reports. New York Police Department reportedly made more than 200 arrests following Friday night’s protests.

Protests spread to some of the US’ most dependable allies on Sunday, with large protests outside the US Embassies in London and Berlin.

On Sunday morning the National Guard were mobilized across 15 states and the District of Columbia to assist law enforcement officers.

Widespread Protests And Violence Continue In United States. Trump Designates ANTIFA As Terrorist Organization

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Floyd’s death has strong parallels to that of Eric Garner, who died during a fatal 2014 arrest in New York, repeatedly pleading with officers, “I can’t breathe.”

The subsequent protests and riots are also reminiscent of the LA Riots of 1992, when several police officers were caught on video bashing Rodney King, who was also unarmed and not resisting arrest.

Widespread Protests And Violence Continue In United States. Trump Designates ANTIFA As Terrorist Organization

Image of Rodney King being bashed by police in Los Angeles in 1992


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Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

There have been pallets of bricks delivered and just left around near where protests are going to happen it is the same recycled tactics of the lat election, just a different excuse

alot of antifa are doing the instigating a lot of the black people in these riots are calling out the troublemakers.

democrats think they can whip up hatred of the police and by association the government and Trump. for votes


The main problem of the any elected president is that his supporters won’t mobilize next time, only fear can motivate them, it makes me smile when I think some people believe Trump is stupid.


It should be pretty easy to find out where these bricks are coming from. Likewise internet chatter linking these mostly white provocateurs.

All this street violence erupting in a coordinated fashion, designating Antifa as a terrorist organization despite they have no leadership structure, code of conduct, platform etc, all reeks of the Reichstag fire.

A lot of players on the field waiting for the whistle to blow.

Karen Bartlett

It is my understanding that the DOJ has been investigating and has determined Antifa is involved.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

And you trust the DOJ?

Would that be because they have done such a great job of stamping out police violence against US citizens?

Seems to me Karen, you are a right wing nutcase, storing weapons at home and threatening to shoot anyone you don’t recognise as one of your own. I wouldn’t want to be a tourist looking for directions with trigger happy loons like you about.


I’d like to know how that determination was reached. In the US at least, Antifa has no organizational structure, no spokespeople, no platform or code of operation.

This has Reichstag fire written all over it, with further elimination of Constitution in the name of securing the nation against the “radical left”.

Traiano Welcome

I knew it! I predicted all this before the first brick was thrown. Every 3 letter government intelligence agency will be running its false flag operations around now. Half the people on the streets burning buildings are state-affiliated provocateurs.


Did you mean Soros-affiliated provocateurs?

Traiano Welcome

I meant a whole range of interests, of which Soros is just one of a multitude. Watch out for dancing Israelis …


Good knee-jerk reaction. There is no difference between the traitors. But, jumping at the Soros thing is exactly what they want. Trump can use this to continue to destroy the country. People act as if Trump is not part of this BS. He is neck deep, as are all the other players. How many ways do people have to show that Trump and Soros are not from different sides? These two are old friends and business partners. This is just good cop, bad cop on a national level. When it comes to police trained in Israel, at the behest of Adelson (who buys more US pols than anyone else combined) backed politicians and police forces, is that all Soros as well? People better figure out that this is still the same scam from the get-go. If not, we will see the destruction of the US, to the advantage of those that want total control. That people are still at the point of believing Trump is a national saviour, is evidence enough that William Casey was and still is right. Is there a common denominator? Yes, people should already know what that is, but you’d never know it by comments…Israel. BTW, there have been false-flags in the US for years…long before Soros. If Trump was really against Soros, why didn’t he out him when Mexico discovered who was really running the caravan op?…that is if Soros was running it. Instead, Trump caved in to the Mexicans, not the other way ’round as Trump would have you believe and the MSM backed up Trump on that. Not that Soros is not a POS, but it’s the mindset they want is what is desired. Did Soros do the Boston Marathon FF? 9/11? WTO riots? Nuke thefts from Minot? Oil pipeline demonstrations? It looks as though the American public will swallow it all again…The GOP should be designated a terrorist org, along with the new Democratic party. Someone show me the difference between them.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

All the rats gather together, before the ship of state sinks zman.

It’s good to see them all show their hand.

Karen Bartlett

If you think these rioters won’t also come after you if they’re not stopped, you’re a fool. Unless you’re one of them, of course, then you’re worse than a fool. You’ve got murder in your heart because you’re poisoned with hatred. That’s demonic.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Read the posts again Karen, stop being such a knob.

Karen Bartlett

I think you called me a “right wing loon” in another comment but I can’t find it. You don’t know me, therefore you don’t know what I am. Calling somebody names or denigrating them (called an ad hominum attack) instead of offering evidence to support your position is the child’s way of argument and shows that you actually can’t defend your claim. As far as being armed, there are many of us Americans who are and if you think we’re loony and trigger-happy, then don’t come to our house with your Antifa bullshit.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I’m not American, Antifa or a house burglar Karen. I am an ex soldier who thinks that having a weapon at home is a sign of weakness. I have kicked shit out of people for sitting on my car, alone and without weapons. Most people I know, wouldn’t think twice about telling a gang outside their home, to fuck off or they would come out and make them move. I’m near 60 now, and I don’t need no armed twat to defend me. I have been to the States a few times, and find it incredible to see fat arsed 40-50 year old cops carrying weapons. I was harassed by a US cop after passing through immigration once, and felt insulted that such a weak, fat arsed guy would speak to me like that, when he and I both knew I would slap him like the coward he was, despite the twat having a weapon.

I see you didn’t read the posts properly still, where I told you to stop being a knob, telling me I have murder in my heart, and all that dopey American shit talk. I said the rats have come out, Soros, Deep State, racists, the lot are involved in your American nightmare.

Pot calling the kettle black there Karen.

Karen Bartlett

Well, somebody is paying the provocateurs to travel to cities to take part in this destruction. Maybe it isn’t Soros, but he has been known to pay Antifa in the past.

Xoli Xoli

Karen dont get confuse.Trump is plain racist.He work with white supremacist and kluxkluxklan.Trump has no interest in black existance.

Karen Bartlett

Where’s your source? This is opinion, often repeated by MSM, (CNN, etc, the liberals) while others (Fox-the supposed conservatives) say exactly the opposite. It’s all manipulation. I don’t trust any politician, but I sure don’t want a liberal SJW in charge now. This not a “revolutionary” movement or another Yellow Jackets movement, which must be/are popular. This is a bunch of criminals looting, burning and thieving. I think they’d be killing if they could.

Assad must stay

truly great comment mister zman, you hit a lot of good points, talked a lot of truth, A+ sir

Jim Allen

You sir, are correct.


When you can’t justify your racism and the consequences brought by it…… Blame the Jew. Nice try but blaming the infamous ((“they”)) won’t distract from the underlying issue, white racism against black ppl.

Karen Bartlett

I thought someone here said that whites were the instigators. Make up your mind. This is a racist statement, anyway. The white population in general did not tell the rioters to start “burning down the house”. That was their decision, their crime.


It’s frustrated black people and a allies turning it up. The idea being that ” if you continue to aid racism in the system by ignoring it we’ll hurt your wallet “. Do you hear us now KAREN (lol). If we can’t all be equally comfortable we will all be equally uncomfortable.

Karen Bartlett

You’re not hurting my wallet. And assuming I’m white, which you are doing, and that I’m “part of the problem” because I’m white, as you assume, is racist. As a matter of fact, I’m American Indian (Shawnee/Cherokee). There is no problem with protests, but this is criminal behavior you’re condoning. And the “allies” turning up are engaging in criminal behavior. That makes them criminals. And there are plenty of blacks who don’t agree with your actions, although they may agree with your feelings of frustration. These actions are criminal, destruction and attacks on police and theft. You’re “preaching hate” and it will backfire on you.How in the world do you think that criminal behavior will make people less racist against the perpetrators? On the contrary, it will set their minds against the criminals.


The lawlessness didn’t begin now , the it begun when cops consistently were getting away with murder while Klansmen in the prosecutor’s office ensured injustice prevailed for decades. Since you didn’t notice seems to me u r more worried for property than racism, unfortunately for you we are more worried about racism’s end game than property.

Karen Bartlett

Your not worried about property because it isn’t your property. The small businesses that are being destroyed have rights, too. You want to punish them because “they didn’t notice” that racism exists and some cops are racists.Where’s the justice in that? How do you know they didn’t notice? Seems to me everybody in the country, including cops, think that the murder of George Floyd was just that-murder. And they want to see justice for it. You don’t want justice-you want revenge and to vent your hatred for whites and your own racism against them. And you want the property without paying for it. That’s just plain theft. And where’s your evidence that Klansmen are in the prosecutor’s office, or that the cop who did the murder is a Klansman? These are just empty words, meant to inflame emotions, not based on evidence.

Jim Allen

Same thing. Soros, and Rothschild are buddies, and the Banking Cabal at The City of London owns everything. US Government is a wholly owned subsidiary of The City of London. Israel is 60% Rothschild owned. The Balfour Declaration, handed the land the King stole from Palestine to Rothschild.

Karen Bartlett

What is your evidence for this statement?

Traiano Welcome

Enough evidence to convince me is provided towards the end of this presentation by TLAV, who begins providing a catalogue of “sightings” of state-affiliated actors by the crowd:


These reports are still coming in, sightings of police, secret service, people who are neither secret service nor police but taking organised action which is neither related to the protests nor the riots directly …

Karen Bartlett

Ok, I will watch this later, I have an appointment to go to and then will comment. I appreciate your providing a source, although I have never watched this YT channel.

Jim Allen

Or, a Civil War, to avoid Revolution. Either way the criminal Banking Cabal benefits from Civil War. Less population to resist, when a revolution is what’s needed. Fighting amongst ourselves is unproductive, and prevents the people from stopping the real threat.

Karen Bartlett

I listened to parts of this but it seems like opinion rather than “news” per se. it’s in their intro: World News “As we see it”.He, imo, doesn’t offer evidence, but opinion, which I’m not interested in. I have my own opinion and don’t need to adopt his. “sightings of police” and “secret service”- what is the source? Somebody just “said” they sighted police/secret service doing this or that.In fact, 60 secret service agents have been injured and numerous cops by these rioters. Maybe it’s the rioters who want to divide us, eh? Most Americans appreciate police, at least when they need them. These rioters do not speak for the American people. And who does he define as “Us” and “them”? Us versus the media, us versus the government? He doesn’t say. But everybody is supposed to believe him.


That truck didn’t drove ‘into protesters’, it wouldn’t have stopped.

James Adams

And somehow the truck driver got arrested not the dozens of people bashing him


For his safety, I hope


Virus’s is the best Discovery for fake news,

nobody can Control the TRUTH (lol)

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

santa caught covid and died christmas this year is cancelled it is very real not a manufactured recession at all and Bill gates is practically an angel


A casual yearly flues are doing COVID-19 more victims

Immunity problems is mostly a food diet problem

The Barbaric US Junkies didn’t have food culture, but a disgusting rapist Junk-Food Culture

“Tell me what do you eat, I will tell you who you are” said Brillat Savarin in the XVIII Century….

Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1 April 1755, Belley, Ain – 2 February 1826, Paris) was a French lawyer and politician, and gained fame as an epicure and gastronome:[1] “Grimod and Brillat-Savarin. Between them, two writers effectively founded the whole genre of the gastronomic essay.”[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Anthelme_Brillat-Savarin

71% Of Military Age Americans Too Sick To Join, Study Says https://www.naturalblaze.com/2018/03/71-percent-military-age-americans-too-sick-join.html

NB: even animals taste what do they eat Cocacola, hamburgers, processed food full poisonous chemicals, Sugar, salt, and hormones, antibiotica US meat consequences is a an overweight, high-blood, diabetes, Cancers is the world worst pandemic !

But already Hippocrates IV BC know healthy food is your health

Your Bill Gates and Melinda are hell mongoloid trashes at the best

“The US went out Barbarism straight into Decadence without to pass by Civilisation” said Georges Clemenceau

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

ukcolumn.org is also a good source of information. patrick hennessey from globalresearch appears on it quite often


Thank’s for the link,

Good sleep and walk, fresh water and fresh air it’s the most important for a healthy long life…

One major problem, it’s for free and wouldn’t be advised ! ! !

Lone Ranger

Fall of the New Roman Empire…


Fall of the New Times Roman


Finally!!!!! :D

All Heil Trebuchet!!!


It sure feels like it Lone Ranger, it sure does feel like it….


It’s been a long time coming. But the repercussions will be felt around the world.


Please don’t offend the Roman Empire, Usa are a sea power, maximum you might compare them with Carthage.

Assad must stay

In a way its karma for the US supporting other protesters and rioters all over the world, but as long as they stay in the cities and don’t come into the suburbs I don’t care lol


I guess the good ol ppl with guns are waiting them there :)

Zionism = EVIL

Guns are totally useless against crowds, just ask the Czar and the Shah. After killing a few people the mob tears you apart.


I summon you ghosts of the Czar and the Shah, did the mob teared you apart, or you were afraid of people with guns that led the mobs?

Yellow-green stinky ghosts whisper: who asks?

Me: a clown that were saying that Italians and Spaniards are genetically alike Iranians who were attacked with covid by Americans…


Yes, it is strange that the public buys the US led riots around the world, which is passed off as dissatisfaction with governments, which the US uses in it’s FP BS. But when it is at home it’s all a different story…extreme polalization…fed by those that can’t see the reality of the ‘big picture’. Their side is right, the other is wrong. Reminds me of people that still believe wrestling is for real.

Assad must stay

Hahahaha yea those people are a lost cause

Zionism = EVIL

Iran took Washington to task on Saturday over the alleged killing of an unarmed black man by a whitepolice officer that sparked protests in the United States over racial injustice.

“Some don’t think #BlackLivesMatter,” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Twitter. “To those of us who do: it is long overdue for the entire world to wage war against racism. Time for a #WorldAgainstRacism.”

“The U.S. government is squandering its citizens’ resources,” Zarif said in a tweet

China mocks Trump as a coward hiding in a bunker while Washington burns.

Assad must stay

yea iran really took them to task, really made them look bad, and i heard that the father or a relative of george floyd talked to trump and he said trump didnt even let him talk at all and it was only like a few minutes lol

Zionism = EVIL

Trump is a racist coward and as I had predicted he will destroy the failed Americunt state. This unraveling goes beyond racism, it is the total failure to provide a basic level of safety net to its hapless population. The Jew cunts have literally bankrupted AmeriKKKa with endless wars and created global hatred. 90% of the demonstrators are young marginalized “white” people, many women among them.


Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi, speaking in English, said, “To the American people, the world has heard your outcry over the State oppression; the world is standing with you.” He continued, “The American regime is pursuing violence and bullying at home and abroad. We are greatly regretful to see, along with people across the world, the [violent] incidences of US police that have recently unfolded. We deeply regret to see [that] the American people who peacefully seek respect and a fair system but are suppressed indiscriminately and met [with the] utmost violence.”

Zionism = EVIL



You will care when they pass new restrictive laws that only punish us. But there is a reason this is not happening in my area. We wouldn’t wait for the cops to defend us.

Assad must stay

where is your area? If you don’t mind me asking


Rural south.

Assad must stay

Oh OK I understand lol

Karen Bartlett

We’re all armed. Would it, in your opinion, e racism to defend your home and loved ones against violent blacks or whites bent on burning you out, stealing your property and perhaps harming your family?

Assad must stay

Absolutely.not, I would kill them all

Harry Smith

Yeah. The neighborhood watch solves the problem! МОЛОN ЛАВЕ! :)

Karen Bartlett

Molon Labe.

Karen Bartlett

Ok. There you have it. Anybody has the right to defend themselves and their family.

Assad must stay

yes aboslutely hondred procent

good american

Funny how people become more peaceful when they don’t want an extra hole in their backside

Karen Bartlett

Yeah, a 9 mil is a good deterent, for sure. So is a shotgun.

Zionism = EVIL

Let me tell you kids something from experience, no amount of weaponry can protect you when from any angry mob, a lot of “kings” found that out from Russia, France to Iran. When there is a systemic failed state, it will collapse as we are witnessing in the racist Americunt shithole where the Jew cunts have destroyed the country with endless wars and plunder.

James Adams

there is a difference between supporting protests in Syria or China. And just so that you don’t say I’m a CIA spy or something I do in the current climate don’t see any viable leaders other than Assad in Syria. The rest are just fundamentalists and the Kurds only make up 10% of the pop.

Karen Bartlett

Well, the protests in Syria and Hong Kong were both instigated by agent provacateurs, in Syria armed snipers started shooting at cops AND protesters during the beginning demonstrations in Dara’a. Both sides thought it was the other, until they figured it out. In Hong Kong, the protesters against China have been feted in the US by such organizations as the Atlantic Council. “Color revolutions” around the globe have been started by NGO’s funded by Soros and his ilk.


Hopefully they will lose control of this MKUltra-style attempt to impose martial law. Civil war in the US can save the world from the US Zioterrorists’ war machine and its machinations to ignite wars on the rest of the planet.


Your hopes won’t come true, regardless of the U.S if we proud and patriotic Zionists decide to do the same to the Palis (which they deserve) then there would be alot of Georges on their side. This is the ME, and Israels don’t back down to anyone.


Hilarious that you say so, because the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine will meet its doom the day the US taxcattle can’t transfer them more military tech and dollars. The Zioterrorist media will be printing “Samson option” everywhere to try to scare the Iranians.


Iran is not our biggest threat, it’s from the inside. We have many traitors here, left wing organizations that get money from the EU and alot of corrupted politicians that weakens us. First we need to clean Israel from them, then we can move on to deal with the Palis and the Iranians. Don’t worry about us, we will be just fine.


Really you are still posting crap here, give it it up key board warrior, your American sugar daddy is on its last legs, scumbag pedophile kike.

Jacob Wohl's Mother

Deal with Iran??? We can’t even deal with a small group of 300 Hezzies on our Northern border. Everytime we go in there we get the crap beaten out of us. Son, have you been pickin’ mushies again?


Jew are the traitor, ungrateful to God and humankind so good luck.

They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal—something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind.


and that’s the day we all, with few exceptions, are waiting for – the world free of jews


Eventually he will be in jail LR, but he is not the issue. We have so many pro Pali gorups inside Israel, some of them also oppose annexing the Jordan Valley which I strongly support. Most Israelis are right wing like me, either Bibi or Gantz, but some are left wing radicals that get money from Europe in order to destabalize my country. It musr end.

Harry Smith

Russian orthodox Jews are far right. Russian Jew Lieberman was the most radical minister of defense of Israel. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avigdor_Lieberman


He mostly barked, he should have wiped out Hamas like he promised.

Harry Smith

Barking is not fighting. ROFL.

Zionism = EVIL

What a stupid Zionist teenage PUNK. This arsehole has multiple trolling accounts and is a total retard who claimed first to be a pilot, then a special forces “soldier” and last time I caught him out he claimed to be a “reservist”. Just a teenage zit faced Jew cunt, talking big as usual.

Harry Smith

There are a lot of orthodox Jews groups in the World. You found the right thing: the orthodox Jews believe that only their moshyah would return them into Israel. So that’s why a lot of them are living outside of Israel. As for orthodox Jews inside of Israel, they are mostly far right. Except some groups living in Jerusalem. The most funny thing is that people like Iron Zion are NOT considered by them as pure Jews, but cannon fodder just to keep the land. Dry branches thrown into the fire.


What do you mean is not considered a pure jew ? he not one of Ashkenaz ?

Harry Smith

Jew is religion not ethnos.

Zionism = EVIL

They are not really Jews, but welfare Jews when they could get free money from western tax payers.


Nah it’s not a specific ethnic group, it’s a mix of Israelis and Arabs organizations. “Peace Now” , “Watch”, “Breaking Silence” and more left wing people that hate their own country.

Zionism = EVIL

He is just a teenage PUNK and never left mommy’s basement


Zionism = EVIL

You have no country you stupid spamming Jew cunt.


Analing<>very Hard

are you in your basement using laptop mum again?

Zionism = EVIL

He is just a stupid Jew cunt teenage PUNK. Lies every day. Basement dweller does not know that Americunt lardass sugar daddy is kaput. On a more serious note, the Zionist cowardly cunts have gone to ground as they know they are in trouble as even China is mega pissed off and Putin is having second thoughts.


Jim Allen

Israeli’s have been defeated once. Without US military protection Israel will not sustain. Countries are coming to understand US military isn’t the big superpower it once was, and it’s capabilities are diminishing. US military doesn’t attack the countries that are well able to defend themselves. Iran is one such country, a strong regional power, that’s built it’s military technology,, and capabilities despite the sanctions, The City of London directed US Government to impose 40 years ago. Iran defeated Iraq in the Cabal directed war 1980-1988, again despite the sanctions. Iran has become highly industrialized, able to manufacture what it needs, using the domestic resources of raw materials in abundance. Developing it’s own technology, with the assistance of the most technologically advanced countries worldwide. Purchasing the best most advanced military hardware available. An S-400 missile defense system was sent to Iran, to compliment S-300, and the rest of the “S” system components, with the latest upgrades. Iran’s own missile defense systems, have been demonstrated in Syria, once in Iraq, and over Iran as well. Proven dependable, and accurate. Shot down a US drone flying 60,000ft that invaded Iranian airspace. Shot down other US drones as well. Iran’s Navy is strong and capable, ground forces as well. It’s air force is small, but the planes are equal to Western aircraft, in fact some of Iran’s air force is US made aircraft. With Iran’s state of the art manufacturing, and machining, and associated processes, it’s able to produce the exotic alloys used in today’s aircraft, a domestic source of replacement parts for it’s US made aircraft. State of the art electronics, weapons systems, etc., will keep these planes up to date. The rest of the military aircraft are Russian made, and have the latest upgrades. Electronics upgrades to MiG-29 removed the only advantage the Western fighters had in defeating the plane. No longer blind at mid to long range, and faster, more agile than Western aircraft, with well trained pilots are a real threat. US made fighters, F-4, F-14, F-15, the latter two are the fighters US Government is begging to buy from any source. While US, and Germany being smart enough to buy 43 MiG-29A, and”B” export models between them to deny Russia’s buying them back to upgrade to Russian Aerospace specifications. Kinda’ funny Russia upgraded a bunch of MiG-29’s for Algeria, which refused them as not being new construction, knowing the planes it agreed to buy were upgraded existing airframes. (more than strong enough to last forever in Russia’s weather) Russia refunded the money, and Russian Aerospace wanted these to play with. Flew them liked them, demanded more. Iran’s air force is at least formidable, able to meet F-16, FA-18 on equal terms, F-35 is a joke. Iran can reach Israel with several of it’s missile defense systems,, while having superior defenses to destroy incoming from Israel, and US Coalition. Your own Yakov Kedmi stated US military cannot defeat Iran in conventional war. What chance does Israel have as a stand alone country ? The nukes Israel has, wouldn’t reach Iran before being shot down, and the use of a nuclear device will bring Russia down on your fat arrogant sociopath heads. The Palestinians deserve nothing from Israel, execpt the lands the Zionist Khazar Atheists, pretending to be God’s Chosen Ones are squatting on returned to them. The Zionist Khazars prosecuted for it’s crimes against humanity, war crimes, usury, and masquerading as something they are not. Israel’s Navy is small, it’s only real assets are the German made “Dolphin Class” D/E submarines, it’s surface Navy will fare no better than US Navy. Iran has some badass allies, that have weapons the West has no analog. Attacking Iraq raises the risk of it’s allies joining the festivities. US cannot defeat Russia either, and stands to lose it’s Naval assets in the region. As well as it’s land bases illegally built in Iraq, Syria, Israel, at the least. Yet here you are, all bluff, and bluster droning on about how Israel will destroy the entire Middle East singlehandedly. As Syria, shoots down 90% of the missiles Israel launches while hiding behind a human shield. Israel knows Syrian air defense forces, will not engage IDF fighters invading Lebanese airspace to launch their pathetic pin prick attacks. As IDF planes are directly over Lebanese, and Syrian villages when launching attacks into Syria. Shot down IDF fighters would fall directly on these villages. IDF will make a mistake, as it has repeatedly made in the past, and Syrian air defense forces will have a clear shot at the planes. Israel can’t really afford to lose these fighters, they’re the best it has, the rest are F-4, F-14, F-15, and F-35, which fall out of the sky regularly on their own, unstealthy, slow, and as nimble as a hammock, not the best planes to send against Iran, Syria, Iraq. Iran, and Syria also enjoy Russian Aerospace defenses. Mainly consisting of Sukhoi fighters. (Su-27 thru Su-35) with some upgraded MiG-29, and MiG-31 tossed in. Sukhoi said his fighters are just supersize MiG-29. Were I you I’d shut up, and make myself invisible, Israel isn’t going to win anything. It’s made itself the second most hated country on earth today. US recently surpassed Israel as the most hated country on earth.


Everythign you wrote means nothing when we will be using our full firepower against Lebanon, Syria and Iran combined. You just have to sit and watch who will win, and you may not have to wait long because a conflict may start next month. As for me, be it Iran, Syria, Palis or any ther shit you wanan call them, I’d protect my country against any of your terrorists. Goodnight.

Jim Allen

Oh, bullshit, if you could do all this shit you say, you’d have done it. Troll.


I don’t make the decisions here, we have a government for that. I do hope they will annex the Jordan Valley as planned, they have men like us willing to fight for it.

Jim Allen

Everything I wrote is fact. I get tired of hearing the bluff and bluster, Israel can’t back up. Your arrogance for no apparent reason is remarkable. It’s also baseless, given everything about Israel, it’s Zionist Khazars. Atheists pretending to be God’s Chosen Ones, squatting on stolen land is all lies.


Then let’s end it here Jim, time will tell who was right.

Jim Allen

I can tell you that you are not right, or correct. See a Mr. Yakov Kedmi, you may be familiar with this gentleman. He is the former head of Israeli intelligence services. A position he held for quite some time. There is no one more qualified to answer your questions on these matters. Unlike most of his fellow countrymen, Mr. Kedmi is refreshingly, straightforward, honest, I can’t say unbiased, but I can say that the little bias he shows from time to time, is what seeps out occasionally in an honorable man, and patriot to his country. I can live with that.

Zionism = EVIL

Thanks largely to the Zionist cunts.

Jacob Wohl's Mother

Son . . . is that you under a fake name? Come home to mama right now. You are going to get the beating of your life you little sh*t

Karen Bartlett

You backed down from the Lebanese, or did you conveniently forget that?

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, most of you are intelligent people and you respond to a teenage Zionist cunt who is lair as well. Last month he told me he was “pilot” and when I caught him out on some technical issues he became a “commando” and this week turned into a “reservist”. The only commando activity he has done is to walk naked and wank in his mom’s basement. Hasbara arseholes have sunk to a new low.


Only after the UN forced us to leave in 2006 (under the Arab League pressure).

Zionism = EVIL

Hush you stupid cunt.

Trap Is Not Gay


Zionism = EVIL

The FACT is that the Jew parasites have destroyed the rednecks and bled the country dry with endless wars for Zionism and plunder of global resources .


Zionism = EVIL

Americunt shithole is a failed state due to systemic racism and addiction to wars, while it ignored the plight at home. Even black officers are minorities are now scared to even join the military.

The Chief Master Sergeant of the US Air Force has pledged to do more to tackle racial injustice and says his greatest fear is one of his black airmen dying “at the hands of a white police officer”.

In a post on Twitter, Kaleth O. Wright said he was “outraged at watching another black man die on television before our very eyes”.

Sgt Wright said it “could happen to me. As shocking as that may sound to some of you” and that racism, discrimination and exclusion “does not care much about position, titles or stature”.

“This, my friends, is my greatest fear, not that I will be killed by a white police officer (believe me my heart starts racing like most other black men in America when I see those blue lights behind me). But that I will wake up to a reportthat one of our black airmen has died at the hands of a white police officer, the US system is racist top down” he said.

Trap Is Not Gay


Everybody knows the USA – and that’s not true.

Chinese Dog

US will rise again and kick Chinese butt :D


dream on – the american nightmare is in place for eternity.

James Adams


Traiano Welcome

Not likely.


Good. Now that they are being called the terrorists that they are then they should start shooting to kill.


Maybe Maduro or Ali Khamenei should troll Pompeo by tweeting we stand with the people of the US!!

Karen Bartlett

Well, the people of the US, even the liberals in these big cities, don’t want the rioters coming to their street, I guarantee.

Wayne Nicholson

Trump can declare whatever he wants but there is no US law defining what ‘domestic terrorism’ is above and beyond the criminal laws already on the books.

IF he makes it law that an organization of US citizens operating on US soil can be declared terrorists then he opens the door for all those right wing, heavily armed militias, the KKK, communist groups, fascist groups, the Seirra club, your mothers book club …. anybody that the party in power wants to call terrorists will be declared terrorists and hunted down with lethal force.

If this becomes law it’s the thin edge of the wedge to despotism.

Karen Bartlett

There are already laws criminalizing riots (two or more people organizing to harm the property of a third-Judge Napolitano) and criminalizing going across State lines to take part in violent protests/rioting. Peaceful protest is legal, violent protesting/rioting is not.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It is also illegal to force your knee into a guys neck until he stops breathing Karen. Or shoot people because you thought they had a gun, when they didn’t have a gun.

If US police stopped acting as judge, jury and executioner, and Americans learned that weapons are for wars, not sorting out family disputes, or shooting people trick or treating at doorways, or because they don’t like Mondays, then maybe your violent death statistics might come down to the levels other evolved societies have.

I sometimes feel like kicking shit out of salespeople who knock on my door selling shit I never asked for, in America they would probably be shot to death! What a crazy country.

Wayne Nicholson

Of course laws are being broken due to looting and rioting. What I commented on is Trump threatening to designate Antifa as ‘domestic terrorists’. There is no such law on US books that allows him to do that.



better if dunny the dunce or trump in daily parlance designated the police a terror organisation and disarmed them back to sticks and cuffs. better for the people living in the american nightmare (used to be the american dream) and better for the communities the police drain of funds to maintain the hyper-weaponized guardian system of surveillance and punitive measures without limits. then the idiot could say he achieved something but as of now, the bungling ass has achieved nothing, except chaos and disorder – just think covid.19 and have a laugh – could he have bungled it more than that, nahhhh.

Diego Sagredo

The Free American Army will fight against Trump-regime!

Jajaja https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4f86e18fb1dfb1d4e5886e7140bafa6957bdcd1a6dc166b2ba810382e1ce4d11.png

James Adams

I’m assuming the FAA area group of middle class neck bearded females?




Burn your mama too, bitch.


Fuck off chickenshit jewboy.

James Adams

Looks like your solution to race problems is more racism. Go to hell !!!


Burn whites and their Jewish masters like you and iron zion, nothing would be better then skinning you fuckers alive.


FUCK you respectively


if they take out the jews in palestine and follow up with the embedded/entrenched jews in the disunited states of A, they are at least a good way on the road towards a world free of the jewry.

if the world would come together on that singular paramount issue the world will be a better place for kids and families but not so much for the warring forces around the world – it would spell p e a c e !!!


Antifa scums are the same shits that also support the Palis, I hope the U.S police shoot and kill them like rats.


Fuck off kike fagot.


I wish it was so easy, demography is killing US slowly slowly


Then fight back.

Trap Is Not Gay

Shut up, kike.

The problem is your kind – not “Antifa” or any of YOUR kind-paid pawns, fool!


My kind will eat you alive, don’t bark at me I am not the Jew you have there in the U.S that can’t fight or protect themselves. We are IDF soldiers, we live to fight and die for Israel if it comes to that, bitch.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So where were ‘your kind” for the previous 2000 years?

Cowards who shoot kids ffs.


There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that hired provocateurs are doing what they do best. Peaceful protest is your right but when many of those protestors decides to steal, set buildings on fire, attack others, then those people are criminals…period! It’s up to the peaceful ones to stop those who are clearly there for another purpose or pay the price as cops will eventually use those criminals and provocateurs as the reason why they will bash your heads in. If you allow them to play, you will lose.

Traiano Welcome

Who is hiring the provocateurs?


In most cases, provocateurs are actually cops but, sometimes, it is political opponents who hires thugs to get what they want.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So the US establishment have as much skin in this game as AntiFa, or Trump.

The CIA wrote the rule book on causing chaos and retraction around the world, this is the chickens coming home to roost Mike.

Me&Myself None

They looters/provocateurs are CIA operators. They are basically creating the case (mens rea), setting the stage to brutalize/murder the peaceful protesters. Next you will hear rumors that some police officers got killed, but they will not show you the bodies nor any personal information about the presumed dead.

Karen Bartlett

There are many cops injured, one at least is in intensive care. The rioters are using “Black Lives Matter” slogans and/or are dressing like Antifa (black clothing and black masks). It is well known that both groups have used violence in the past. White supremacists would not be going against the gov’t and attacking the White House, and you already say that Trump supports white supremacists. Make up your mind. (I wouldn’t doubt, though, that the CIA and other agent provocateurs are involved. It is well known that the Deep State doesn’t like Trump.) This is not a “popular movement” of the people of the United States. This is, imo, an anarchist movement. Not revolutionaries, but anarchists and just plain criminals.

Assad must stay

yes, they are going after all the wrong buildings, just destroying anything and everything they see, that is not a winning solution

Me&Myself None

The deep state (s)elected Trump, why wouldn’t they like him? It doesn’t make sense. These protesters are doing exactly what the US terrorist government usually cheered for when it occurred in other countries that don’t allow them to ransack the resources of their countries.

Karen Bartlett

The Deep State was working for the Dems to not elect Trump (Russiagate was instigated by the Clintons, who’ve been in cahoots with the CIA since the Mena, Arkansas crimes: https://youtu.be/DMvVN8gto3M?t=193 This doesn’t mean I like Trump.He was friends with the Clintons before he ran against H Clinton. He also put a torturer in office and ordered the murder of Gen. Soleimani, the greatest fighter against terrorism in the world. But the Dems want him out and will say and do what they can get away with to meet that objective. I agree with your last sentence, however.

Traiano Welcome

Your use of the term “anarchists” is misplaced. Anarchism is a sophisticated political framework that does not encourage chaos.


Torch the White House and lynch Netanyahoo’s boyfriend hiding inside! That’s my idea of “deal of the century” :D The US police force is at least partially trained by the Israeli special terrorist forces so they should also be held accountable for the police brutality against Americans, in retaliation for that the new US government should cut all support both financial, moral and military for the Israeli regime! Also the Democrats and Republicans are both working for the same caste, they just divided their labor so that Dems would focus on hating Russia while Reps would focus on China and have slightly different paths to achieve the same goals, meanwhile they both agree on trying to destroy smaller countries like Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and any other that would try to exercise their right of sovereignty.


I’m proud we help the U.S police to do their job against left wing anarchists terrorists, I’m sure our SWAT teams have trained them well. Goodjob!


Fuck off pedophile keyboard warrior pant pissing kike, pissing your pants at the end of you Yankee tax paying subsidized sugar daddy, you little fagot.

Traiano Welcome

Remember: What goes around comes around – you can see it in the streets as we speak.

The Wheel turns for everyone, Israel has no exemption from the wheel of Dharma.


Myabe, we shall see.

Traiano Welcome

The Empire’s Sturmtroopers are in the suburbs terrorizing ordinary people:


The USA reveals itself to be the criminal banana republic we always knew it was.

The next clown that tells me America is a democracy is going to get laughed in the face.

John Wallace

People are so free they aren’t even allowed to stand at the door of their own house and the Police wonder why they are so despised. They think they are at war with the citizens in a them or us belief. https://twitter.com/tkerssen/status/1266921821653385225

Karen Bartlett

The US has never been a democracy. It’s was founded as a Republic. The founders didn’t want “majority rule” because they didn’t want the minority to be persecuted, which they saw in former democracies, such as Rome.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Rome was never a democratic state Karen, you are thinking of the city state of Athens.

Those Athenians didn’t offer democracy to their slaves of course, just the rich citizens. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Just like the founding fathers of the US had slaves. But they spoke eloquently about the rights of man, and all that other bollox.

That’s what demockery really is, mocking the masses, who can enjoy the benefits of freedumb as long as they know their place among the more equal people.

Traiano Welcome

Of course we knew that all along but this is the fantasy that Americans have thrown in our face for decades:

“We are Exceptional because we are the World’s Greatest Democracy.” “We are the land of the Free and the Home of the Brave” “We are the Shining Light Upon the Hill” “Your country is an authoritarian regime’ and we reserve the right to overthrow your way of life”

… and so on.

The myth of American democracy has been repeated over and over again and used to create the moral argument (false or otherwise) for justifying American imperialism across the globe.

These events peel back the last veneer on the layers of lies wrapping that illusion. American Government is no better than the jack booted thugs who ruled the Shah’s Iran, Hitler’s Nazi Germany, Stalin’s USSR and any other Police State you care to name.

Luke Hemmming

Seems the person driving a fuel truck into the crowd at Minneapolis was an Ukrainian serviceman that was lived in the US. People questioned how did ge even get onto the highway which was barricaded by police and the highway full of protestors!! He was also a Trump supporter.

Traiano Welcome

Could you point me to some sources ?

Luke Hemmming



“7:11am – At least 30 armed community members are standing guard outside Pistol Annie’s Pawn Shop in Bonney Lake. The shop’s owner, Melissa Denny, says that police told her there was credible information her shop could be targeted by protesters looking for guns and ammunition.”

– Cleanup efforts begin in Seattle, Bellevue in wake of Sunday protests –

Trap Is Not Gay

Jews doing what Jews do best: create chaos, profit and move on.

Swift Laggard II

What if your mother is a jew? Would you still be spewing garbage against Jews? This site is a cauldron of anti semites

Trap Is Not Gay

My mother – and anyone else – never pushed any country into collapse – let alone the whole world.

Xoli Xoli

Trump acts on hearsay stories. Insanity has take over Trump. Because he sees his own citizens as terrorists.

good american

Who is this guy taking the gun away from the rioter? Looks a little like the Craft guys that were at the Boston marathon that time they put down martial law on the city. https://twitter.com/i/status/1266882705909862400

Me&Myself None

For that imbecile Trump, everything is about left or right. Now, I understand why Putin chose him.

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