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MARCH 2025

WikiLeaks Cables Reveal NATO Intended To Cross All Russian Red Lines

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WikiLeaks Cables Reveal NATO Intended To Cross All Russian Red Lines

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Ukraine effectively became a giant military springboard aimed against Moscow. NATO regularly conducted exercises, maintained an extensive presence and even planned to make it permanent with at least several land and naval bases under construction in the country at the time when Russia launched its counteroffensive.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

For nearly a year, the massive Western propaganda machine has been manipulating its audience into believing the “Russia’s unprovoked aggression in Ukraine” narrative. The “reporting” can be crudely boiled down to the following: “On February 24, bloodthirsty Kremlin dictator Putin got up on the wrong side of the bed and decided to attack the nascent beacon of freedom and democracy in Kiev.” This is mandatory in virtually all Western mainstream media and any attempt to even think of questioning it results in immediate “cancellation”. Propagandists posing as “pundits” flooded political talk shows with the task of presenting decades of unrelenting NATO expansion as irrelevant to Russia’s reaction.

However, WikiLeaks, an organization the United States has been trying to shut down for well over a decade, including through the horrendous treatment of its founder Julian Assange, published secret cables showing this narrative couldn’t possibly be further from reality. Data indicates that American officials weren’t only aware of the frustration NATO expansion caused in Moscow, but were even directly told it would result in Russia’s response. And while the US often insists that the current crisis is a result of Vladimir Putin’s alleged desire to “rebuild the Russian Empire”, WikiLeaks reveals that even his predecessor Boris Yeltsin, infamous for his suicidal subservience to Washington DC, warned against NATO expansion.

For approximately three decades, consecutive US administrations were explicitly warned that Ukraine’s NATO membership would be the last straw for Moscow. Numerous Russian officials kept cautioning this would destabilize the deeply divided post-Soviet country. These warnings were made both in public and private, and were reiterated by other NATO members, geopolitical experts, Russian opposition leaders and even some American diplomats, including a US ambassador in Moscow. Yeltsin once told former president Bill Clinton that NATO expansion was “nothing but humiliation for Russia if you proceed”. Clinton, infamous for his aggression on Yugoslavia, ignored the warning and by 1999, less than a decade after the “not an inch to the east” promise was made, most of Eastern Europe was in NATO.

Despite this encroachment, Vladimir Putin still tried to establish closer ties with the political West, ratified START II and even offered to join NATO. America responded with unilateral withdrawal from key arms control treaties and color revolutions in Moscow’s geopolitical backyard. By the mid-2000s, Russia was flanked by two hostile US-backed regimes on its southern and western borders (Georgia and Ukraine). Major NATO members, such as Germany and France, warned this would lead to an inevitable response from Moscow. A WikiLeaks cable dated September 2005 reads:

“[French presidential advisor Maurice] Gourdault-Montagne warned that the question of Ukrainian accession to NATO remained extremely sensitive for Moscow, and concluded that if there remained one potential cause for war in Europe, it was Ukraine. Some in the Russian administration felt we were doing too much in their core zone of interest, and one could wonder whether the Russians might launch a move similar to Prague in 1968, to see what the West would do.”

WikiLeaks further reveals that German officials reiterated similar concerns about Russia’s reaction to NATO expansion into Georgia and Ukraine, particularly the latter, with diplomat Rolf Nikel stating: “While Georgia was ‘just a bug on the skin of the bear,’ Ukraine was inseparably identified with Russia, going back to Vladimir of Kiev in 988.” Another cable dated January 2008 says that “Italy is a strong advocate” for NATO enlargement, “but is concerned about provoking Russia through hurried Georgian integration.” Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere made similar remarks, an April 2008 cable indicates. Despite believing Russia shouldn’t have a saying in NATO, he said that “he understands Russia’s objections to NATO enlargement and that the alliance needs to work to normalize the relationship with Russia.”

In the US, even some high-level government officials made nearly identical assessments. WikiLeaks reveals that these warnings were presented to Washington DC by none other than William Burns himself, former US Ambassador to Russia and the current CIA chief. According to a cable dated March 2007, Burns said: “NATO enlargement and US missile defense deployments in Europe play to the classic Russian fear of encirclement.” Months later, he stated: “Ukraine’s and Georgia’s entry represents an ‘unthinkable’ predicament for Russia and Moscow would cause enough trouble in Georgia and continued political disarray in Ukraine to halt it.” Interestingly, Burns also assessed that closer ties between Russia and China were largely the “by-product of ‘bad’ US policies” and were unsustainable “unless continued NATO enlargement pushed Russia and China even closer together.”

In February 2008, Burns wrote: “Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. Russia would then have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.”

Another cable dated March 2008 stated that “opposing NATO’s enlargement to Ukraine and Georgia, was one of the few security areas where there is almost complete consensus among Russian policymakers, experts and the informed population.” One defense expert stated that “Ukraine was the line of last resort that would complete Russia’s encirclement” and that “its entry into NATO was universally viewed by the Russian political elite as an unfriendly act.” Dozens of other cables make nearly identical assessments of radical changes in Russia’s foreign policy if NATO encroachment were to continue.

However, the vast majority of US officials, regardless of the administration, simply dismissed all warnings, repeatedly describing them as “oft-heard, old, nothing new, largely predictable, familiar litany and rehashing that provided little new substance.” Astonishingly, even the aforementioned Norway’s understanding of Moscow’s objections was labeled as “parroting Russia’s line”. While many German officials warned that the east-west split within Ukraine made the idea of NATO membership “risky” and that it could “break up the country”, US officials insisted this was only temporary and that it would change over time.

And indeed, the political West invested hundreds of billions of dollars in turning Ukraine into a fervently Russophobic country, effectively becoming a giant military springboard aimed against Moscow. NATO regularly conducted exercises, maintained an extensive presence, and even planned to make it permanent with at least several land and naval bases under construction in the country at the time when Russia launched its counteroffensive. In 2019, RAND Corporation, a well-known think tank funded by the Pentagon, published a report which focused on devising strategies for overextending Russia. Part of it reads:

“The Kremlin’s anxieties over a direct military attack on Russia were very real and could drive its leaders to make rash, self-defeating decisions… …Providing more US military equipment and advice to Ukraine could lead Moscow to respond by mounting a new offensive and seizing more Ukrainian territory.”

It’s quite hard to dismiss Moscow’s claims that the Ukrainian crisis is a segment of the comprehensive aggression against Russia when the very institutions funded by the political West itself openly admit that the current events were planned years or even decades ago. And even if the impossible happened and the Eurasian giant decided to surrender and succumb to Western pressure, where does the US-led aggression against the world stop? Or worse yet, how long before a disaster of cataclysmic proportions puts an end to it?


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They use Ukraine as a fifth puppet, but putting the Nazi and Russophobic agenda has taken it another level.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Guys, we like it or not, even if Ukraine is dismantled and sent to the junk pile of History alongside Bolshevism that created it, USA-UK complex will eventually come for Russia’s throat in less than 5 years no matter what. Europe is the only chance to stop the end of the world by joining Russia and kick out USA from the region, otherwise EU will be not only fucked as Victoria Nuland planned but erased.


Yeahhhh… your words…exactly the same as Hitlers… have you realised that?

No Brass Ring for You

Better than Ukraine’s actions and deeds at the behest of the US, which are the same as Hitler’s.


It begs the biggest question “why” Russia would remain as a member of the UN after Maidan 2014 and fiddle about for 8 long years???… The line was drawn then and they should have stirred the pot by announcing why they MUST leave counting the “ways” of the H0$t – https://www.govexec.com/oversight/2018/05/its-not-just-trump-us-has-always-broken-its-treaties-pacts-and-promises/148179/

Still believe it was the single biggest and most critical error they could have made!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt



If people only realized that USA is weak

Captain Hohol

That realization will come quickly once their second civil war begins, their military will, much like their society be ripped in half and many american service members will refuse to fight their own military.

Texas will become it’s own country, it will outright “walk away” from the U.S with all military ordinance and assets that are located within their borders.

Communists and leftists and nonwhite ethnonationalists will all be purged from that state and a non-democratic government will be imposed in the interim so as to prevent subversion by leftists while the civil war is going on.

Trust me when I say, a second american civil war is WAY more possible than a war between Russia and the United States.


It begs the biggest question “why” Russia would remain as a member of the UN after Maidan 2014 and fiddle about for 8 long years???… The line was drawn then and they should have stirred the pot by announcing why they MUST leave counting the “ways” of the H0$t – https://www.govexec.com/oversight/2018/05/its-not-just-trump-us-has-always-broken-its-treaties-pacts-and-promises/148179/ Still believe it was the single biggest and most critical error they could have made!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
AM Hants

Exposure and they have shown how corrupt and irrelevant the UN is. I wonder how much longer the UN has got left?


It’s shelf life would be alot less if or when Russia LEADS by example and EXITS to set up the HQ’s elsewhere

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
AM Hants

Yeah, but, even if the US, City of London and Vatican do go for Russia’s throat, what have they got left to fight with? How many of their Forces, going on vacation to Ukraine have been taken out? How much ammunition have they got to fight Russia and then also funding. Didn’t the US go into default yesterday? The national debt of the US is over $31 trillion. Their GDP Debt is running at around 114%, according to the National Debt Clock, which has not changed for the last couple of years, so could be higher. The UK, GDP debt is running at 82%, according to the National Debt Clock, which has not changed over the past couple of years and again could be higher. The UK National Debt is running at £2,381,799.871,345. Compare that to Russia, whose National Debt is $200,004,138,944 and their GDP Debt is under 20%. Plus, Russia, has more than enough in currency reserves to cover her National Debt. Do believe her currency reserves are around $630,000,000,000 (billion) plus.

AM Hants

Part 2 Then you have the Defence budgets of NATO, US and UK and compare to Russia. The US spends over £750 billion on defence, but, they have nought that can come near Russian weapons and systems. How long has most of their 21st century, new weapons and systems taken to reach active service? Bearing in mind their missile defence system was obsolete, over late arrival, by the time it reached active service. Plus, they have no hypersonic missiles and less ballistics than Russia. The UK spends around the same on Defence as Russia, with the Russian budget decreasing and the UK budget increasing. Yet, the UK cannot even defend the coast from the dinghy tourists. Then look at how much NATO receives for defence and again they have less ballistic weapons, from all members combined than Russia, inferior MDS and no hyper sonics in active service. Look how they are doing in Ukraine at the moment and Russia has not even started fighting yet.

Captain Hohol

Mark my words, the U.S will become embroiled in a civil war that the deep state and their political servants will lose long before they can ever muster anything against Russia.

The U.S will literally be cut in half due to political divisions and there will be no centralized authority to conduct any sort of foreign warfare before any acts of war can be instigated against Russia.

The U.S at present is at a hair trigger’s breadth from descending into full civil conflict and it all hinges upon a democrat government taking the wrong step against constitutionalists to cause a full on civil uprising. January 6th will seem like a joke compared to what will happen if the american people think they’re being dragged into some authoritarian neo-communist nightmare.

Captain Hohol

The EU is fucked, and Germany and France are going to become overwhelmed with non-native immigrants, it is very likely that both countries will fall apart and will be embroiled in violence that will completely overshadow any other threats or utility to any other nations.

The U.K is at very strong risk for the same thing.

In general most people of the EU will cheer on idiotic policies that will result in places such as Germany and France looking like third world hellholes in many places within their borders. They’re of no help to Russia. The EU member states have screwed themselves.

Clement Waine

I wrote a book titled “End Game: The Coming Geopolitical Realignments” in 2007 and published in 2015. The book explains the emerging geopolitical scenarios in great detail. There will be no WW3 until certain aspects of the global realignments come to pass. Russia will prevail in this war. Europe will bifurcate into two parts – Periphery Europe and Euroland. USA and the periphery Europe will merge into a new supranational entity – a reformed North Atlantic Alliance. Russia and the Eurasian nations, including China, India and Iran (possibly) Middle east (minus Israel) and the Levant will consolidate the emergence of the Eurasian supranational entity under the aegis of Eurasian Economic Union, SCO and BRICS. Interesting times ahead.

John wood

The uk came out of the EU to destroy it and link back up with its former colonial empire cousins USA Australia and Canada

Buford T Justice

Russia will not be defeated , either the US and it’s vassals states punch themselves out or the crazy bastards go nuclear . With the US neocon , lunatics like Jon Bolton, we cannot be sure that sanity will prevail.

Last edited 2 years ago by Buford T Justice
AM Hants

City of London, along with Washington DC and the Vatican. All three are squatters, living in host nation, with their own rules, laws and taxes and all three are run by the same morons, who have been following the same script for the past 2,000 years. Remember, Jerusalem was an outpost of the Roman Empire, over 2,000 years ago. The FED reserve was created in 1913, the same year the Tavistock Institute of Human Behaviour was in creation. The latter set up by the Rockerfellers and two Irish Media Barons, who ran the right and left media in Great Britain. Four years later, the IRA were launched and look at the script they ran with?

AM Hants

Part 2

1917, the Russian Revolution, the creation of the IRA and the Balfour Declaration, which led to the creation of Israel. Israel created in the Middle East, the same year that the CIA came to fruition. Ironically the first exercise of the CIA was to provide safe passage to the Nazi and Bolshevik elite, that are running events now, courtesy of their off spring and Mengeles creations.

Same script they use in each and every colour revolution. The Bolsheviks (National Communists), a City of London/Vatican/Washington DC creation together with the Nazi Party (National Socialist Party), another City of London/Vatican/Washington creation.

The Vatican has wanted to take out the Christian Orthodox Religion, since time began. The Nomadic Turkic Tribe, from Caucasia who adopted Christianity, Islam and Judaism, whilst learning Hebrew and who high-jacked the Biblical Jewish Religion.


It’s basically the same strategy that was employed by Britain and her allies in the decades leading to the first world war to conquer Germany. The particulars are, of course, different but the intention seems to be the same, and from the same type of mind (or thinking). And no, that type of mind will not stop, it must be stopped.


It is time for the US and Eu to carefully reevaluate their plan to destroy Russia and visualize the resulting self destruction and then have their leaders voluntarily commit themselves to the nearest mental institution or group home for the mentally retarded whichever is more appropriate.

Isser Harel

Blessed are the Peacemakers -that alone should tell you who’s really behind the countries that used to promote freedom and democracy. Listen to the speech of MLK from April 4,1967. Everything happening now was warned about by this one last biblical prophet. Ironically his last sermon, written out but not given due to his state-sponsored murder, was subtitled America is going to go to hell (if it’s path does continues on aggressive war).

Sissy Nigha

Wow!!! Quoting racist American nigger. What an authority! Gangbang nigha who was not the Martin Luther nor he was a King.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sissy Nigha



A full conflict between europe and russia would result in europe all but dead.

Captain Hohol

France and Germany are falling apart due to various reasons, the one that will put a dagger in the hearts of both countries is migrant unrest. It will result in a general loss of law and order due to both lack of respect on behalf of migrants, and a complete loss of trust by native born of their own government for betraying them.

Neither of those countries will be in any shape to fight a foreign war, and the U.K is not far behind either France or Germany, all three will have wars to fight within their own borders.

John wood

USA have been pushing for Poland to be the new Center of Europe I remember trump talking about old Europe Germany and France and the new Europe led by Poland and the baltics


I like it, we deserve to rule.


I will never fight. Sure that the others will do it while I will be waiting for the result 😁

Sgt. Based

Imagine the global situation if, instead of antagonizing Russia, we had allied with them to contain China.

But Empires don’t share power. They dominate and control.

And Russia was done with western domination after the west raped them all through the 90s.


The United States is the entity that has to be contained, not China. Sgt. Derpster.

Leroy Brown

The proxy war against Russia benefits the Western Ruling Elites and harms the masses. Middle-class America hasn’t given up, but people are afraid because the US government can and will destroy their lives if they mount credible opposition to the Western Ruling Elite, Democrat, RINO, neo-conservative, and neo-liberal ideologies.

The American middle class is beginning to expose the racketeering activities of the Ruling Elites, and they will lose their grip on the American people. We will retake control of the US government, and it will stop meddling in the affairs of Russia, Ukraine, and all other foreign nations. We will disband NATO because it is an obsolete and useless cold war relic. The Unipolar World has ended, and it is time to embark on a new reality.

Leroy Brown

Though the following was written about Stalinist USSR, but it applies to many Americans today.

“The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Captain Hohol

People think that constitutionalist americans are fat and lazy, but you give one of them a gun and tell them that everything about their country is finished and you will awaken a murderer within them.

The U.S couldn’t contain a country with sub 90 IQ sand people with less than a middle school education, those people fought for their religion.

Imagine somebody substantially more intelligent who is fighting out of a murderous hatred for being harried, threatened and condemned by their own government.

The world hasn’t seen anything like that in a long time.

Erik Nielsen

they wanted to keep the constitution and left alone, but putin continued to destroy all us elections and sabotage everything in america. quicksilver in the flint water, burning half of california down, stealing us friendship with saudi and israel, manipulating the gold prices, dumping the dollar, and suddenly the average joe had had it. enough is fogging enough!

Last edited 1 year ago by Erik Nielsen
Wayne Gabler

Norman Bankers have been at war with European Christians since England exiled them for 350 years. The Christian Reformation Wars began then, so did the black plague that came from nowhere, ran 3 1/2 years and was never seen again. YouTube animated history has the data, the narrative needs to be subjected to 21st century fact checking as they leave out the hired armies were paid using profits from the Dutch Slave Trade.


Norman bankers….. XD ! You have forgotten the religious text of the “God’s chosen people”. Deuteronomy was written in 786 BC. Read chapter 15, it explains how to use loans to enslave “non chosen people”. It’s a very ancient club, and I’m not in.

Gerry Bell

Nice to see Wikileaks is still at it, in the loop. Bravo!

AM Hants

What has also fuelled the thrust for taking us into a thermo-nuclear, WWIII, is the dominant NATO members and their use of BOT Farms. If there is any planet left at the end of it all, with anybody left and able to use critical thought, they will realise we tried to take out the planet, on nothing but BOTS talking to themselves and the idiotic humans of the West believing every single word they were spun. Worked in the Iraq War, worked for 9/11 and still working now.


Yeah, pretty much. As it is now, Americans believe these ‘new news’ entities growing in popularity. They are growing by leaps and bounds, spouting what people want to hear, very similar to what politicians do. When one drills down into their associations, guess what you find? The same cadre of owners/masters. Americans are yet dis-infoed beyond belief…including the ‘new truth-tellers’…who are appearing on broadcasters that are owned entities. How’s that for a conundrum? People actually believe that these smaller broadcasters are independent and offer a greater truth. In reality, they are tailored to their preferred listeners paradigm, not to truth. Today’s majority of ‘truth-tellers’ on the air are gatekeepers or L/R propagandists (depending on the target). The goal today is the same as the goals of yesterday…chaos. A more simple tact to see a closer version of the truth is also the same as always…follow the money. Funny that is done only by the ‘fringe press’…and never on TV…regardless the source. Of course, while the ‘truth’ (as one might describe it) is only to be found online, one has to be quite careful of the sugar one swallows. There are many flavors there and one should be wary of those that only promote a narrow paradigm, for today ALL is related. AM Hants in Part2 of comment is absolutely right. When any of this is mentioned, in any context, publicly, are correlations to be drawn? Never…and one can be assured there never will be either.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman
AM Hants

I do find, with the New Truth Tellers, who are controlled opposition, as you explain. What I appreciate is they have to drop a couple of gems, to get the audience hooked in. Sadly, many of them are ego driven, so what they have to tell and sell, is 95% about themselves, and then 5% left to the audience to work out what is and is not of interest.

Willy Van Damme

Thanks for lifting the veil on the secrets of this war. Untill the last Ukranian indeed. And they know they don’t have the slightest change.

John wood

Correct the EU and Russia should be working against the USA hegemony


The same clowns that believe and push the Natostan Pentacon BS concerning the so-called “Russian invasion” of naZi Ukrapland meme are thankfully triple covaid$ death squirted and graphene booooooosted…so this mutton is not going to be on the graZing pasture for too much longer. It is irrelevant what the brainless bovine herd “imagines” down on animal farm, the only thing relevant is the growing mountain of angloZionaZi corpses being piled high for all the world to see as Mother Russia denaZifies not only Ukrapland but indeed all of Natostan in the process. Sure go ahead, Slumville and chuck more of your “high end” overpriced Pentacon garbage on the ongoing dumpster fire that Ukraine is and the bite too big for the Satanic demon to get down its craw.


Last edited 2 years ago by Martillo
WT Baker

Yes in the past year this is true about disinformation and misinformation yet let’s go back further and ask, “who exactly ordered the policy to make Russia submit to the “rules based order” or to destroy Russia in doing so?” Just how long ago was this decided? ?


The US guy‘s comments are still too arrogant but yes, US policies facilitated Russo-Sinic ties. Being in many ways ideal partners and sharing borders, they will follow their own interests but cooperation is highly sustainable. By now, nobody wants to play with the US anymore. EU is pressured and bribed to do so. „Fear of encirclement“, sure but that is actually NATO‘s plan… just as the „cordon sanitaire“ before.

Skidrow Moe

NATO……testing 123…..testing 123


It begs the biggest question “why” Russia would remain as a member of the UN after Maidan 2014 and fiddle about for 8 long years???… The line was drawn then and they should have stirred the pot by announcing why they MUST leave counting the “ways” of the H0$t – https://www.govexec.com/oversight/2018/05/its-not-just-trump-us-has-always-broken-its-treaties-pacts-and-promises/148179/ Still believe it was the single biggest and most critical error they could have made!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

It begs the biggest question “why” Russia would remain as a member of the UN after Maidan 2014 and fiddle about for 8 long years???… The line was drawn then and they should have stirred the pot by announcing why they MUST leave counting the “ways” of the H0$t – https://www.govexec.com/oversight/2018/05/its-not-just-trump-us-has-always-broken-its-treaties-pacts-and-promises/148179/ Still believe it was the single biggest and most critical error they could have made!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
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