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MARCH 2025

Will Stoltenberg Ever Understand China Not Colluding With – Or Bowing To – A Hegemonic Clique?

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Will Stoltenberg Ever Understand China Not Colluding With – Or Bowing To – A Hegemonic Clique?

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Originally published by Global Times

When the big brother of a gang grows old and drowsy and struggles to hang on to power, he looks for more enemies to prove the gang still has a purpose.

It is happening that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization – under US control – decided to more vocally antagonize a country as far afield as China.

Pretending not to hear China’s repeated statements of not taking sides in the NATO-provoked Ukraine conflict, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Thursday that China’s refusal to condemn Russia for “invading” Ukraine, as well as its “questioning the right of nations to choose their own path,” is a “serious challenge” to the military alliance.

NATO is making another attempt to drag China into the conflict between Russia on one side and Ukraine and NATO on the other.

Perhaps Stoltenberg should first learn to respect China’s path of refusing to collude with – or bowing to – any military and hegemonic organization.

NATO is a US-Europe military organization that aims to resolve security problems on that continent. But China, as an Asian country, has never interfered in any conflict in Europe, nor is it supposed to. It makes no sense for NATO to make China bear its problem – or get punished.

China has also never questioned other countries’ right to “choose their own path,” because China doesn’t interfere in their internal affairs. NATO, through its outdated Cold War lens, is hyping up China as an evil force and forcing European countries to take sides.

Why does NATO care so much about whether China condemns Russia or not? It wants to portray China as an “accomplice to Russian crimes,” making it easier to unite members in the alliance, which had already slid into disorientation after the disappearance of its prime enemy, the former Soviet Union.

Regardless of China’ intention of staying clear of the NATO’s mess, it is clear that China is on the way to becoming NATO’s next targeted enemy as the country is not likely to follow this military organization.

The recently concluded NATO foreign ministers meeting invited the US’ Asia-Pacific partners Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea, clearly aiming to encircle China. Stoltenberg said that NATO will for the first time consider China in its new defense strategy which will be finalized in June.

The US is trying to use its own growing concerns about the partnership between Beijing and Moscow and Beijing’s rapid rise to manipulate its allies, especially those in Europe, to believe that China needs to be dealt with in every possible way.

Stoltenberg’s words indicate that NATO is an alliance based on not only geography, but more importantly, on politics and values. This is a very dangerous signal of a serious challenge confronting global peace and stability. It is NATO that keeps on antagonizing anyone that even think differently with it.

The increasingly greedy NATO has extended its tentacles to regions and nations outside Europe and beyond the Atlantic. It seems to be discontented with being just a defense organization in Europe and has an ambition that is not openly stated, which is to go global.

In this process, NATO will try to gain more influence in the political decision making across the global community. It will possibly engage more directly in the affairs of the Asia-Pacific region and exert more presence there. The US’ alliance in the Asia-Pacific region, including AUKUS and Quad, will likely work closely with NATO. Eventually, the goal is to form one enormous US-led power mechanism, under which all of the West’s “rivals” are targets.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian commented on Thursday that NATO was “born out of the Cold War and should have long become a past tense.” Perhaps it is only to stay alive and stay relevant in the current world for NATO, an organization that should have entered museums, to grow increasingly aggressive and target neutral countries. The sooner the doomsday of this military alliance arrives, the sooner peace and stability can be achieved in the world.

The article was compiled based on an interview with Lü Xiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.


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hans raus

russia is in panic mode with their propaganda. China is for money and they are pragmatic. US/EU economy is worth much,much more than poor russian economy. Sooner or later china will abondon russia completly in order to not risk relations with west.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

China appreciate every business. Small and big. If China push Russia under the bus, then China will be pushed under the same bus. And China knows that for sure


You don’t seem to understand that the article was from a Chinese journal. China literally owns USA, through owning loads of the latter’s government debt and all investments into, it is USA that has to bow to China, not the other way around. Should China start to trade extensively in yuan, well, then USA is truly and utterly fucked. USA has been on the decline for more than 20 yrs, and as all empires before it, will vanish. We are witnessing it unfolding. The scary thing is that, unlike the not so great any longer Britain, USA is not likely to fade away quietly. This is also what we are witnessing in this hysteria. In reality the couldn’t care less for Ukraine, it’s just a way to try to stay afloat a little way longer.


stupid hillbilly…USA greatest nation debt and wealth income disparities all nation excepting a few African 2 latin amerikan nations—us sodomized by taliban…lgbt panic in your trailer park


The US will have sold Little Britain and Weimar EU well down the river before the Chinese and Russians will no longer need each other. It’s only the WASPs that need others to fight wars, and they are running out of victims to do their fighting for them.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

Western economies are financial ponzi schemes.

Tommy Jensen

We Americans and Europeans are victims. We are innocents.

ron west

When you say that “US/EU economy is worth much much more than poor russian economy” what is it you mean exactly? How is it that being able to create “money ” by typing digits into a computer terminal makes your economy worth more? Just the opposite is true in fact. This only works as long as the economies who actually produce products and commodities are willing to accept your (worthless) computer created “money”. Look at the big picture and think about what you’re seeing happen now. A big portion of the world, including the biggest product and commodity producers are saying “enough” ! We refuse to be controlled by your worthless, fake money any longer. You think China will abandon Russia? China will do whats good for China. Look at NATO ( which is supposed to be the NORTH ATLANTIC treaty organization ) now threatening China. The US pouring weapons into their asian pacific lackeys. I’m sure China will happily go along with whatever US / NATO orders them to do. // sarc// ( in case it wasn’t clear)


Currently, China is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Which the West ought to leave it as it is, a fence sitter.

Pushing China to make a stand against Russia isn’t going to cut it. And it’s not dumb to know it’s next on a top three hit list after Russia and before Iran.

Unless the Western coalition wants this to happen to solidify control of their own respective nations, by justifying a global war against the evil three?!


Shut UP …. Nazi Sissy.,COCKSUCKER.

Last edited 2 years ago by Skull322
Norm Snutts

Sadly the education system in many western liberal countries produces under performing thinkers and over performing thespians. Who ever teams up with china is most powerful. Russia and china are trusted allies. As victims and targets of cold war mentality their bond is stronger than US EU or UK. Remember when under armed rice farmers drove weaponised imperialists out of vietnam?, or when dirt poor starving farmers drove imperialists out of Afghanistan? They were helped quietly by russia and china. In a way Im imtrigued that nato is picking a fight with a real military, a deadly military, a nuclear armed military, a hypersonic missile military. china is hypersonic too.


NATO was able to crush Russian territorial ambitions and Eurasian expansionism without firing a single shot. Had NATO been harsher on Russia after Georgia and Crimea, it might have deterred Putin. But NATO played this very smartly. They let Russia believe their own propaganda. They allowed Putin to drown in his own hubris and narcissism. While constantly building up the defence in eastern Europe, and making consistent technological advancements in defensive weaponry. Of course, Putin has taken the Ukrainian bait in full. By attacking Ukraine, he has fully antagonized it’s population, and the populations of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Moldova and eastern European Union countries. Not only these populations distrust and fear Russia, but there is fervent Russophobia and hatred growing among these populations. The envisioned Eurasian union project is no longer achievable by peaceful means for at least two generations. If Russia wants to impose itself by force by attacking all these countries, it will slide on a path of unavoidable self destruction. The war in Ukraine has already proven to be unwinnable. The Russian army is exhausted after less than two months of heavy fighting. The intensity of the battles mean that Russia needs to constantly fight in order to maintain the small territorial gains. Putin has destroyed everything good that was achieved in three decades of Russian post Soviet history. Will he get fired or will he get a promotion to heaven? Remains to be seen


Piece of shit nazi. Any sympathy for Ukraine disappeared when Ukrainian nazis started playing false flag games and killing it’s own people to score propaganda points. Bandera is burning in hell and his modern day disciples will join him there for eternity. You think you’re so clever! Everybody is fooled! Real war crimes leave a stench that never goes away. The truth will come out.


stupid hillbilly liar in san fagcisco….your delusions can be treated by sodomy from lgbt social worker

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

Everything you said is complete bullshit.


Inbreeding is a horrible thing.


Russian army are cruising… why would they need to hurry things along?

Worst case they have to vaporise the ennemy with nukes. No big deal really…

And now on a personal note… you truly have a screw and its interesting to observe but now I wonder, are you even a real person or just a programmed bot? your attempts at critical thinking is embarrassing and concerning.


Russia won’t use nukes. Russian military doctrine does not take a limited nuclear strike into consideration. It’s against their fundamental nuclear doctrine. In Russia’s view one nuclear strike means that end of the world. That’s why Putin’s nuclear threats are just a major international bluff. Nobody believes him anyway.


“pass me that sh*t” (Don’t be a menace)

Norm Snutts

Russia used less than 10% of its military to remove 80% of Ukraines. Putin is a good man, but now you have put him in war mode, Russia will follow. The hate for nazis in russia is real. There is a disaster for ukraine as nato and eu throw ukr under a tank.


No country or group should be courting China to be on its side, China is a back stabbing snake. Soviet Union helped China to build its industry but at the pivot point for USSR, China chose to attack it over a small island. USA also helped China enter WTO, after that China just waged economic war on USA and released Wuhan virus.


an incompetent racist—alabamy nazi


Oh, really? Chinese were told to get off public buses by drivers in Moscow in the early days of pandemic, thats not racist?


submissive feminine Scandinavian nearly as pathetic as murikan nazi

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

The west is collectively suicidal and wants to bring the rest of the world down with them.


Sadly true. We’re done in, doomed. Sodom and Gomorra, know what I mean?

ron west

Leave and don’t look back, unless you want to turned into a pillar of salt.

Tommy Jensen

So far we have dollares in our pockets and wallets, and you have crumbs and drums. Thats reality and you know it!


Cocaine has a bad effect on the brain. And the western elites are high on cocaine and God’s only knows what other shit.

Gipsy god

Well said

Gorgeous George

Stoltenberg is a spokesman, nothing else. Hence it is irrelevant what his understanding and opinions are. NATO policies are not made by European stooges.

Tommy Jensen

Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. China cant be neutral and letting the terrorists terrorize the free and civilised world creating refugees and behind the curtains making bucks out of our misery. All the refugees we have in West is China’s fault because the Chinese refused to do something about it. China was sitting on the fence on their thumbs happy for all the problems America got in our country, exploiting American freedom to pick up dollares from our wallets when we were busy creating peace. That is the reality, and you know it!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Tommy Jensen

Stoltenberg is using very basic, low level, wedge politics – trying to stir division between Russia and China – the intent is to try and separate and isolate them both in face of NATO. Russia and China can easily see this low end politicking for what it is – it sure ‘aint their first rodeo.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens
Tommy Jensen

If China says that we will just do the opposite…………………………LOL. What China should do now, is to send an application for a Nato membership where they beg to be a part of the free and civilised world. If China refuse to do that, they are the terrorists because they refuse peace and want war! China wants chaos, riots, destabilization, regime operations, and rainbow revolutions in our Western communities because they are allergic to our freedom!

Last edited 2 years ago by Tommy Jensen
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