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Will We See Hashad Al-Shaabi In Somalia?

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Will We See Hashad Al-Shaabi In Somalia?

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Written by Damir Nazarov

The last UN Summit in New York, thanks to the friends of Palestine, was largely devoted to discussing the genocide in Gaza staged by the Zionists. However, behind the scenes, the main topic was a series of meetings that mark positive signals within the Islamic World, which promises good news for the Palestinians.

Two landmark meetings took place on the sidelines of the UN, first Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani met with Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia Hamza Abdi Barre, and then a day later al-Sudani had a warm conversation with Erdogan. What do these meetings mean? Turkey invites Iran to broader cooperation, where Somalia is chosen as the new assembly point.

Somalia has long been chosen by Turkey to expand its military and political influence. Behind Turkish ambitions is China with its Silk Road project. Somalia has long been chosen by Turkey to expand its military and political influence. Behind Turkish ambitions is China with its Silk Road project. Turkey’s military base in Somalia allows China to control the sea routes and secure the shipping of countries in a strategic alliance with The Celestial Empire.

What does Iran have to do with it? The fact is that Muhammad al-Sudani is a figure of compromise from Iran and the United States to maintain the stabilization of Iraq, but Iranian opinion plays a decisive role on who will be the prime minister of the Iraqi republic. Accordingly, any foreign policy activity of the Iraqi Prime Minister has been coordinated with Tehran in advance. With regard to Iraq’s interaction with Turkey, positive signals are coming from Iran in many ways. Although there are a number of small problems associated with populism on the part of some leaders of the resistance factions (Asaib al-Haq, Kataeb Hezbollah), which strengthen anti-Turkish sentiments and in recent months have launched a campaign to undermine the prime minister’s chair of Muhammad al-Sudani. In general, Tehran is aware of what is happening and does not want to escalate the situation. The Iranians understand that any conflict situation inside Iraq, and especially Iraqis with Turks, can prevent the establishment of railways, highways and ports through Iraq to Turkey, which is part of the Silk Road.

As for Somalia, the dialogue on strengthening bilateral relations between Iraq and the main country of the Horn of Africa is in some way intended to expand cooperation between Ankara and Tehran. After all, any military-technical aspects between Iraq and other countries mean the presence of pro-Iranian elements from Iraq. Therefore, do not be surprised if you hear that Hashad al-Shaabi forces were seen in the Federal Republic of Somalia, which were created by the IRGC forces back in 2013 under the first name Hashad al-Difa. The Popular Mobilization Forces are the same institution of Iraqi security as the official army and the federal police. Members of Hashad al-Shaabi were seen on an “internship” in Egypt and collaborate with Turkey, thereby demonstrating a desire for international cooperation. Thus, any conclusion of agreements on common security and military cooperation will mean that PMU representatives will travel to Somalia to train local security agencies.

Iran’s role on the Silk Road is beyond doubt, but isolation from the outside world is still at a high level, and the new president of the Islamic Republic is ready to solve this problem. From Beijing’s point of view, mutual understanding, even through intermediaries, should pave the way for more comprehensive cooperation between the main components of the Silk Road, and for the Ummah(Islamic World), such progress in key countries opens up new opportunities to solve accumulated problems.

Distrust of Turkey remains within Iran and Iraq, largely due to Turkey’s membership in NATO. For the conservative circles of the Islamic Republic and the factions of the resistance of Iraq, the argument about Turkey’s “peculiar membership” in the Western Atlantic military alliance, which allows Ankara to pursue an independent policy, seems insufficient. But on the other hand, the efforts of Erdogan and his party to eliminate Kemalism through an “internal revolution” have a positive effect on most of the Iranian establishment.

Of course, all barriers to the establishment of the Silk Road will be eliminated, the whole question is, “how soon will they be eliminated?”


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Jewish pimp

i am stupid turk, and i like rapes, shoot dogs, disco dansing, and ping pong.

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