Written by Damir Nazarov
While pro-Turkish proxies from among the Syrians are failing in their hopes of breaking through the defenses of the Tishreen Dam, Ankara is becoming concerned about the sudden French and American activity. Paris already pointed out at the end of last year the need to protect the Kurds of Syria and its readiness to increase its activity within the framework of the international coalition program “to fight ISIS.” There are rumors that France may even replace the Americans if Trump announces his withdrawal from Syria.
Immediately after the pro-Kurdish statements from Paris, Hakan Fidan angrily condemned the French, thereby demonstrating the deep concern of the Turks about the foreign policy activity of the Europeans in “Rojava”. Apart from France, the most pro-Kurdish position among EU countries is dominated by the Germans and to a lesser extent the British. Berlin also regularly expresses “concern” about the Kurds, demanding “protection of the main minority” in Syria.
The clash between the Turks and key EU countries is driven not only by geopolitical aspirations, but also by control over hydrocarbons.
It is no secret that the Kurdish branch of the PKK has seized vast territories in northeastern Syria in order to control the oil fields. Kurdish oil smuggling suits influential allies in the West, so the French are rushing to “protect the SDF” from any threat. The Europeans need alternative sources of hydrocarbon supplies to the Russians, so Paris and Berlin are ready to take temporary risks until the EU completely switches to green energy.
Another battlefield between Turkey and France is the Alawite areas of Latakia, where the local population is asking for international protection from the incessant crimes of Tahrir al-Sham militants. Hakan Fidan also spoke here about the Turks’ readiness to “protect the Alawites” (that is, Ankara recognizes that the HTS are still the same radical sectarians as before), however, for now the introduction of the Turkish military corps into Latakia remains at the level of rumors, although it cannot be ruled out.
The hydrocarbon issue dominates the agenda of the competing powers here too, since the Levantine Basin, which stretches from the western coast of Palestine and Lebanon to western Latakia in Syria, contains large gas reserves. In turn, it is important for the Turks to personally control Syria’s hydrocarbons, which will allow the implementation of the “international gas hub” project to begin.
But the problems for the Turks were not limited to international diplomacy, where the PKK Kurds formed a powerful lobby. Another problem of a more local nature was the conflicts within the pro-Turkish “national army” in Syria. The successes of the SDF on the battlefield caused internal strife within the SNA, a drop in morale and even interethnic disagreements between the Turkomans and Arabs. This was to be expected, because by the will of the Turks, the Turkomans minority occupied all the official positions in the management of factions within the SNA, therefore the Arab majority became indignant, which resulted in local conflicts. There were also discords within the Turkomans, and for Ankara this is doubly unpleasant, since the “Hamza Division” and the “Suleyman Shah Brigade” enjoy the personal support of Devlet Bahceli, Erdogan’s main ally.
Seeing the political initiative leaving Turkey, the SDF is launching a counter-offensive. International visits by officials of the “Kurdish autonomy” are intended to provide not just military and political support for the PKK, but also to pave the way for the creation of, if not a state, then an autonomy within a federal Syria.
The situation in Syria is deteriorating, the new regime in Damascus is at a crossroads, on the one hand, Erdogan demands to attack the SDF, but on the other hand, the Syrian al-Qaeda understands that such attacks will lead to Ahmed al-Sharaa’s efforts to break out of isolation being in vain. The PKK in Syria understands all this very well and takes advantage of Tahrir al-Sham’s indecisiveness and Erdogan’s caution, who understands that in the event of a new intervention against the Kurds, Turkey may receive a portion of sanctions.
the deepstate are aipac lackeys and france, uk, germany are spineless deepstate lackeys. why else would these eurohuren countries support the genocidal kurdish scum who committed the first genocide of christians in modern history.
the 1st persecution of christians was done by the roman empire under the emperors nero, decius, diocletian… in 303, diocletian started a general persecution of christians. those who refused to abandon their religion were burned alive. the word “martyr” comes from the koine word “mártys”, which means “witness” or “testimony” for jesus. martyrdom is a jewish concept of self sacrifice for god.
cause the virgin mary and joseph and jesus are all jewish.
yes imo they were a sadistic society where sadism was normalised eg a fun family day out on saturn worship day, saturday, was for mum and dad to take the kids to the colosseum for exciting fights to the death by hunky gladiators and fascinating christians being tied to wooden planks, smeared in blood being mauled on by nervous lions.
the streets were lined with people crucified everyday and for extra glamour they had “roman candles” for hot summer night garden parties. that is humans tied to stakes greased up and set alight as torches. it was all delightfully amusing fun.
yeah sure douchbag, bringing up some shit that happened more than a century ago which we didn’t even orchestrate it and only a small percentage of kurds took part. if kurds are so bad for christians then why they all flee to the kurdish regions. they are free to go to arab regions and see how they are treated there.
“christians are the most persecuted on earth” pope benedict. and he meant including secretly. by disguise. different methods. not say a obvious inquisition for example, but in disguise. imo
the kurds are the whores of the middle east. hopefully erdogan will wipe them out and do everybody a failure.
history always repeats. and you’re confusing christians and catholics. “i’m not a christian and i’m not a jew” madonna. ” they in there hate jesus and christians” pope emeritus beneduct of the vatican.
and the pope is the moral authority for rule of law there is no higher position on this planet that’s the top.
this is far from over, unfortunately it is looking like a partition of syria is inevitable, as there seems to be no cohesion force left in the country
not going to happen. once us troops leave. jolani-hts unite all of syria and turn it into a totalitarian, sunni-islamic state more dangerous and unpredictable than assad’s secular regime. the jordan king will be the next to be ousted.
hmmmm quite a thought
possible won’t make any difference really it will still be controlled by the same sources imo. different hats that’s all.
the mess makers have a policy. theyre not happy until your not happy.
quite likely perversity. benevolent philanthropy in layers of convoluted frustrations. imo
horrible article: the sdf did not liberate ne syria “to control the oilfields” (that’s just biased imperialist/campist propaganda) but to eradicate daesh. sdf will be betrayed by trump in the next few weeks: he just promised to pull out “thousands” of troops in syria (and they only have some 2000). they will not surrender anyhow.
sounds like the nato coalition decides minorities in the middle east live die.
yes under the viel of so called “intelligence” agencies and experts. the corporation of bankers makes sure they collect thier paychecks and bonuses. but the governments fund the ngo’s that pay these folks at the taxpayer expense. quite a pile of international snake oil scams. the public name = coalition
you’ll find an awful lot of them trained at some stage for the priesthood.
it’s because the whole world is deceived. it’s that simple really they’re all manipulated so fit example one country thinks that whatever mess another’s in is their own daily because they collectively allowed it .absolute rubbish “rationality ” like that .the whole world’s in a mess because collectively the flock became sheep .imo .
erdogan sa to skúša hrať na všetky strany a chce sedieť na viacerých stoličkách súčasne. ale to sa nedá!!! môže sa mu stať, že nakoniec padne riťou na zem. mysleniu zdar!!!
if i could be a fly on the wall in all the meetings the banker / state / warmongers have my wealth in stocks would grow 1000% a month.
just follow pelosi there’s a website for investors who want gauranteed huge profits called tracking nancy pelosi.
yes and a whole lot more too. trump is starting a revolution well he isn’t starting it but he’s bringing it out of their closets. in a way.
eg appendix 5 – the jesuits and the french revolution post author:bruce telfer post published:december 20, 2022 you tube.
and trumps georgetown graduate along with at least 3 of his kids. the jesuits are known as the teachers despite really being a military order, not an ecclesiastical. spanish society
btw trumps also apparently just now stopping funding to american catholic charities .apparently he’s really upsetting the catholic bishops ,you know all the old school types that pope francis disapproves of .the unenlightened .and god bless him pope francis has just announced that scrolling on the internet causes ” brain rot ” .
ymca .layers. his theme song .did you see the movie ? preceded the aids epidemic i believe from memory. .
europe in syria – why. it seems turkey has every right to be there but europe – not so much unless you are a gerentophil who has lost control of the country where he is pretending to be the president!
did anyone seriously think that installing headchopper-in-a-suit jewlani in damascus was going to bring any peace or stability in syria? turks, jews, jewsa, kurds, iran, frogs, throatslitters from 100 countries, all fighting like rats in a sack and turning the place into a three ring circus. any actual syrians involved will be told to go home and mind their own business.