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Winter Coming To Ukrainian Front: Obstacle For Some, Weapon For Others

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Winter Coming To Ukrainian Front: Obstacle For Some, Weapon For Others

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Winter Coming To Ukrainian Front: Obstacle For Some, Weapon For Others
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Winter Coming To Ukrainian Front: Obstacle For Some, Weapon For Others

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Cold weather is coming to the Ukrainian frontlines. The first snow fell on the battlefield in some areas, while rains continues in others. The deterioration of the weather certainly affects the ongoing hostilities. However, while the Kiev military is trying to justify its defeats in the battle with “bushes and mud,” according to British intelligence; and NATO is hysterically blaming Putin for using frost as a weapon, the Russian military continues to advance through the heavily fortified Ukrainian strongholds in the Donbass.

In recent days, Russian forces have achieved new gains in Avdeevka. They broke through Ukrainian defenses in the industrial zone in the south of the city. Russian fighters took control of new positions near the Yasinovataya-2 station, which the Ukrainian army had been strengthening for years in the Anti-Terrorist Operation against the people of Donbass. Despite the fierce Ukrainian resistance the mop up operation in this area continues.

Russian fighters also retain the military initiative on the northern flank of Avdeevka. Over the past week, the Russian military has expanded its zone of control along and across the railway line, fighting has also approached the outskirts of Novokalinovo. In Avdeevka itself, Russian forces took control of industrial buildings in the ash dump area and entered the territory of the coke and chemical plant. Ukrainian soldiers are forced to hide in the basements of a huge factory, as they did in Azovstal in Mariupol.

After long months of bloody attacks around Bakhmut, the Ukrainian military lost the initiative in this area and finally went on the defensive. Russian troops continue their assault on Kleshcheevka and are advancing on its northern part. Battles for the main stronghold to the northwest of the village is still ongoing. Andreevka again moved into the gray zone. On the northern flank of Bakhmut, Russian forces have taken full control of the territory around the Berkhovka Reservoir and are aimed to cut the strategically important road used by the Ukrainian group in Khromovo.

Last week was marked by attempts of Ukrainian forces to launch attacks near Gorlovka. Several of their assaults were repelled on the western outskirts of the city. Such operations are most likely aimed to force the Russian command to transfer reserves from other areas.

Meanwhile, encounter battles continue in the Zaporozhye region. The Russian military repels Ukrainian assaults and counterattacks. Neither side has any advantage at the moment, but Ukrainian forces do not abandon attempts to break through the Russian defense.

On the eastern bank of the Dnieper, fighting continues at the Ukrainian bridgehead in Krynki. The central part of the village remains under the control of Ukrainian forces, who sometimes expand their zone of control. They advanced slightly to the north but were almost repelled from the forest areas to the south.

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no future for nazi ukraine, coin toss war strategy…


ukraine wants to remain white. anyone against russian imperialism and the kalergi mutt man of the future is a “nazi”. russia wants to make ukraine a mongrelized shithole like kazakhstan.

imgur com 9utrxma mp4

“in moscow, a girl was waiting at a bus stop. a tajik man got attracted to her and showed her his penis

the young lady was indignant and began filming him. the migrant tried to hide, but then again showed her his great dick. towards the end he even tried to hug her.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

you speak of “new khazaria” (the new jerusalem project) but then you accuse russia of “russian imperialism”…

it’s 2023, there is no such thing as “russian imperialism” and if anyone wants to make ukraine a “mongrelized shithole” it is the ukronazis and their western backers, certainly not the russian federation.

please get your facts straight.


one more thing… you should not worry so much about your “bus stop migrant” story.

russia is not the european union or the u.s.a. where pedos reigns supreme and roam freely.

so rest assured that this pervert will rightfully get plenty of hugs in russian jail.

Eric Nazi poko molo

polo molo discarded hillbilly in omaha—the retired dishwasher desperate for attention

Captain Kidd

ukraine wants to remain white …lol. i think about now it just want to remain alive.

then why is it fiddling austin’s joint?

do you know who the “nazis” really were? they were the little store clerks, dish washers and all around losers who wanted to feel important, so they joined the ‘nazi’ party. in short – white trash.

probably a lot like you. what’s your net worth? is it more than a bushel of bananas?

Last edited 11 months ago by Captain Kidd

there are many pictures circulating the web of azov commanders embarcing hasidic jews in ukraine. search “a member of the ‘azov’ brigade embraces his friend—an ultra-orthodox jewish pilgrim—during the celebration of rosh hashanah in uman”


why does a “nazi” emrbaice a jew you ask. well the asnwer is simple: all of the “official” history is a lie. all global events are big theater. the only real strategy happening in the ukraine-russia war is depopulation and war profiteering for the benefit of the new khazaria


exactly. the rabbis yaron reuven daniel glatstein yosef mizrachi tovia singer all preach for the destruction of europe and america.


you need to be sterilized.

en (.) wikipedia (.) org (/) wiki (/) skoptsy

“the skoptsy were a sect within the larger spiritual christianity movement in the russian empire, best known for practising castration of men and the mastectomy of women in accordance with their teachings against sexual lust.

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

en (.) wikipedia (.) org (/) wiki (/) skoptsy

the term is a descriptive one used by the official russian orthodox church.the movement emerged in the late 18th century. it reached the peak of its popularity in the early 20th century, with up to a million members in spite of persecution by the imperial government. despite severe repression under the soviet union, small groups persevered into the 21st century.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

en (.) wikipedia (/) org (/) wiki (/) lgbt_history_in_russia#muscovite_russia

“the austrian royal councilor sigismund von herberstein described in his report rerum moscoviticarum commentarii (notes on muscovite affairs) his observations during his travels in moscow in 1517 and 1526. he stated that homosexuality was present among all social classes.

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

en (.) wikipedia (/) org (/) wiki (/) lgbt_history_in_russia#muscovite_russia

the english poet george turberville who visited moscow in 1568 when ivan iv ruled russia during a bloody phase, was not shocked by the carnage, but about the open homosexuality of the russian peasants. adam olearius also reported that homosexuality among men existed on all levels of society and was not treated as a crime. there are also reports of homosexual relationships between women.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

en (.) wikipedia (.) org (/) wiki (/) snokhachestvo

“in the russian empire, snokhachestvo (russian: снохачество) referred to sexual relations between a pater familias (bolshak) of a russian peasant household (dvor) and his daughter-in-law (snokha) during the minority or absence of his son.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

“with a view to attracting additional workers to the household, marriages in rural russia were frequently contracted when the groom was 6 or 7 years old. during her husband’s minority, the bride often had to tolerate advances of her assertive father-in-law. for example, in the middle of the 19th century in tambov governorate 12-13 year old boys were often married to 16-17 year old girls.


snokachestvo was considered incestuous by the russian orthodox church and unseemly by the obshchina, the rural community. legally it was considered a form of rape and was punished with fifteen to twenty lashes. understandably, cases of snokhachestvo were not publicized and the crime remained latent, making it difficult to assess its true extent in the russian empire.”


yes they do, however i was being impersonated by someone. and i unfairly slandered you without reading your comment.


en (.) wikipedia (.) org (/) wiki (/) socialist_fraternal_kiss

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

we are in 2023 and the russian federation is not the “u.s.s.r.” or “imperial russia”.

Eric Nazi poko molo

yes i am stupid–jews are superior i envy them


yuri, you are impersonating me. that’s how desperate you filthy tajik subhumans are.


here comes the nafo trolls personal fan fiction spam. wow you are winning so hard! not. just shows how desperate pathetic and perverted you are. i pity you.


“…you filthy tajik subhumans are.”

eric, you are using a similar language to nazis & zios…


of course he is. he’s a 100% neo nazi. he is 100% half-witted. probably a subhuman flathead hence the severe blindspot / half wittedness.

Eric Nazi poko molo

polo molo hillbilly packuda pizdet amerikanki insecure feminized


yeah, with a nazi flad in his other arm lol


flad = flag

Eric Nazi poko molo

toothless hillbillies usa—morons devoid of morality

Guy Metdrapedes

is this going to be a legendary winter where russian’s roll all the way across ukraine? been hearing that same fantasy since the war started.


i’m puzzled why russia would need to transfer reserves from other areas on the front line when it has abundant numbers thanks to mobilisation and open volunteers? rotation is one thing, involving greater numbers, but if the numbers are as generous as moscow suggests, why the need for a reshuffle from the front lines?


winter comes–my senility worse my bitterness and inferiority complex obvious–i am so jealous of the superior jews that made me scrub toilet for 53 years now no pension


poko molo substitute for seroquel—southfront


the bitter amerikan hillbilly eric returns to south front—an amusement that belongs in a zoo


is jens holm same as eric or sawyer?

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