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MARCH 2025

Winter May Be Armenian Last Hope To Stop Azerbaijani Attack

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The battle for Shusha will end in 24 hours, Artsrun Hovhannisyan, a representative of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia, said on November 8, vowing that the town will remain Armenian.

Earlier today, Azerbaijani President, Ilham Aliyev, announced that his troops had captured Shusha, the second largest town in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Armenian officials, however, insist that Shusha is still in the hands of local defense forces. Hovhannisyan said that combat-ready reservists were deployed in the town. The reservists underwent a short training course before deployment.

Hovhannisyan highlighted that the clashes continue in the town of Martuni. Armenian forces repelled several Azerbaijani attacks on the town in the last few days.

Azerbaijani troops sustained heavy material and human losses around Martuni, but so did Armenian forces. According to the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, the Armenian 2nd and 3rd Motorized Rifle Regiments sustained heavy losses in artillery strikes on November 8.

Armenian forces also inflicted heavy losses on Azerbaijani troops in the district of Berdzor, where heavy clashes have been ongoing for a while now.

In his statement, Hovhannisyan, said Armenian losses in Nagorno-Karabakh decreased after the first fifteen days of the battle, which started on September 27.

“We became technically better and stronger; we were able to neutralize the technological advantage of the adversary. And after all, we fight at home, we know the area much better,” Hovhannisyan said, “We are fighting at home, our losses are not critical in comparison with the losses of the opponent who does not know the terrain.”

The Armenian MoD representative concluded his statement by saying “Winter is coming,” noting that Azerbaijan has a bitter logistics experience from the 1993-94 war.

Despite the assurances of Armenian officials, civilians in Nagorno-Karabakh are losing hope, while Azerbaijani forces are advancing deeper in the region.

After more than a month of fierce fighting, Azerbaijan will probably need to reinforce its troops in Nagorno-Karabakh to fight in winter conditions. This may be the only chance for Armenian forces to launch a counter-attack.


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Arman Melkonyan

The TURKISH LIRA is the most worthless currency in the world!



You prostitutes, perverts, non-religious jackals …. Your men fuck their daughters, brothers look at their sisters … You have no honor, no zeal … You are hiding in the face of the prostitute Anahit, the depraved Kardashian, the immoral Anna. Who are you ??? Dogs looking at the hands of the Russians …


Sounds like you have a lot of personal problems. Could be the fact that since you mom was such a whore you don’t know who your dad is.

You have no honor is the truth as your entire nations is nothing but a lie. Azeribaboonistan on existed since 1918. What kind of country is this? It is not a country just a Turkified region of Iran. It belongs to Iran and all your toorks have to go back to Mongolia.

Dogs, and Pigs are eating Azeri scum as we speak. Our pigs have gotten real fat! Thank you for feeding our pigs!

Bye bye toork!

Mustafa Mehmet


Arman Melkonyan

Turks are raping their own children SYSTEMATICALLY in their religious and educational institutions. ENSAR VAKFI, right? You depraved Muslim dog. Here it is for you in your beast’s language: https://www.evrensel.net/haber/276287/cocuk-istismari-ensar-vakfi-ve-hukumet-politikasi






Answering you means falling to your level …. I don’t have the pain to answer you anymore, I live my victory with great joy … And you have already started to break each other … May God make your end even worse! Amen!

Random Dude

Considering that Armenians are recycling the old videos, they don’t have much of new accomplishments. Shusha is gone, no fake news will bring it back, get over it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uJau5Z0oTQ


Not old new! Same location different date. Again idiots try to take the same hill and again they retreat to you it’s the same. In reality it is the same you are 100 percent right! They keep coming and retreating in the same location…LOL


Random Dude

Your comment just now sounded so Armenian:))))) Defeating an Armenian is easy, getting them accept it is hard. No wonder why history is treating you rough. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d2d12f1765050b05ddbf8b8647de7aa4a59a3910428827fd6c2e02425c851b1.jpg


You should remember history very well yourself. Maybe that is why you need so much help this time. Turks, Jihadi scum, Pakis, Libyans, Talaban, ISIS did I forget anyone? And even with all this help you suck!

What retards to take a picture someplace else and make claims on Shushi. Here is a perfect example. Billions spent on PR and they still don’t know what they are doing.

This is as close to Shushi as they got…LOL



Random Dude


Random Dude

Yes you forgot the Italian Mafia, Japanese Yakuza, Australian Aboriginals, Avengers, Tom&Jerry. Even Justice League joined and couldn’t achieve anything, and unfortunately Shusha is still under Armenian control as well as Hadrut, Armenia even took over Ganja. Armenian soldier is a brave soldier, unstoppable terminator:)))))

John Brown

After more than a month of fierce fighting, Azerbaijani forces will likely need reinforcements and rest during the winter?? Is this supposed to be a joke?

Azer have a 3 to 1 advantage which is probably 5 to 1 now with the attrition of Armenian forces due to Azer air power.

Come on South Front keep it real


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ccd9a8fa5c7f14dbb3c741b870adfd7b621f0d7562ed5b89147e479c7773e00a.jpg Yea South Front keep it real! Show us more fake photo’s of Shushi and claim that the baboons have taken it….LOL

Oh what glorious baboons! :-))))))))))))))))

cechas vodobenikov

just as amerikans had advantage in Vietnam, Afghanistan–losing both

Random Dude

who else got asskicked in Afghanistan?… Hmmmmmm…

John Brown

The most effective weapons in the Azer arsenal are Pashinyan and the rest of the Soros coup leaders. They got ride of all the best Armenian generals intelligence officers etc. totally sabotaged the army and air force.

If the USSA had the leadership of the Taliban and North Vietnam betraying their own solders the USSA would have won both of those wars as easily as Azer is winning this one..

You go Pashinyan hero of Azerbaijan? I hear they have cleared the way for Azer to take Yerevan and they will all get medals from Azerbaijan..


Operation Görbagör2020 has started!

Our Persian friends should understand the name!

Welcome to hell!


Words from Alexander Boroday, the first prime minister of the self-proclaimed DPR,

““I watched Aliyev’s interview in which he talks about his successes in the war. I’m a man behind him who has two wars, I’m surprised. What success can we talk about?

Since when is the use of chemical weapons, the bombing of a church and a maternity hospital, shooting in a hospital, the brutal murder of prisoners and old people a success? Maybe for the Turks and Azerbaijanis, committing war crimes is already a success?

One should be ashamed of such successes, not rejoice at them. Should you decide whether it is an army or a terrorist group? “

Mustafa Mehmet

You crazy idiot

Random Dude

his anger is equivalent to losses his country is facing every day. Thats his coping mechanism.


Azerbaijani soldiers raising their flag on Castle in Shusha city… https://youtu.be/GGNvRMhH5UI


LOL that is not Shushi you IDIOT!


Like I have said they are desperate, they even raise the flag in a toilet bowl…LOL

Arman Melkonyan

Damn, how do they make it stick in there?

Especially after you flush?



Arman Melkonyan

Thanks for enlightening me brother ;o)


If not Shushi Castle then prove it…bloody-idiot..hahahahaha!!!


Moron of a high order I already posted a picture but you are a blind toork… This is not what Shushi Castle looks like you stupid Jihadi hiding in England?


russian orthodox church in azerbaycan celebrated liberation of shusha today…thank you… https://twitter.com/Caucasuswar/status/1325453789424463873


They hold the gun to the Priest’s head again!


you hope so but its not:))……azerbaycan is a secular country unlike fascist armenia…

Random Dude

Living in mono-ethnic, mono-religious country, they don’t understand how is it possible to have a solidarity across people of different ethnicity and religion/irreligion


It was a big holiday. So this is a new level of stupid :))


still butthurt because of your russian genes?…ukrop:))


It just shows the low level of both naratives. At least I have genes instead of kebap :)


your country is a popular destination here…cheap ukrop whores:))..btw what is that day of angels thing?…tell me and be useful for once in your meaningless lifetime…


Yes, that day. Looking at the tweet at first I thought it’s trolling but looking again at your bitter comments I realized it’s just plain stupid. And no, I’m not Ukrainian but looking at Hryvnia – Lira graph, again you have good reasons to be butthurt :)


not so much important…it may be celebration or not…russia has been more or less helpful to azerbaycan by remaining neutral in this conflict…thanks to them…so why are people calling you ukrop?…do you like pretending to be so?..tell me your nationality dont be a coward please…


Since I just told you I’m not Ukrainian and you keep asking me if I like to pretend to be one, I won’t go on that level. Ohh my just looked over the Euro – Lira graph, looks like Allah is not Turkish today :) buy as many kebaps you can. If I’d be Erdogan I’d start to fire people and sell gold from the national reserve.

cechas vodobenikov

bacon=amerikan fake want to be ukrop—only 3 nations voted to oppose condemnation of nazi symbolisms in 3rd plenary session UN–2014: USA/Ukraine/Canada


whores/prostitutes are best turks can get and fck , sad truth . What i have seen in EU is that Russian , Ukrainian and girls from belorus see turks as people with low sexual market value and girls 4/10 or higher ignore turks and similar nations. They prefer white caucasoids which mean higher status , being in short /long relationship with turk mean low status and girl will be socialy rejected what is worst scenario for every women . it has been scientifically proven. Being white in every place in the world is blessing. take REDPILL ;)

Great Khan

hahahhaa NAZI boy very angry mamtu today….looooser……


just pure facts my ape friend ;)

cechas vodobenikov

your females all prefer blacks…LOL


only 310 and below , no other option to choose so they take lowest status male ;)

Arman Melkonyan

Says the hasbara Jewish supporter and apologist of the genocidal Azeris.

There were hundreds of thousands of Armenians in Azerbaijan until the Azeris started torturing and killing them in 1988.

You are saying that Armenians should have stayed in Azerbaijan and get slaughtered in the name of multiculturalism.

What a piece of shit you are.

May the universe visit a calamity on you.

Great Khan

hahahahha you curse like Great Khan’s oldest wife….no teeth now….

Random Dude

Why r u so angry at me? Your anger will not change anything in Karabakh. Im just a messenger of truth. If truth hurts you, that your problem:)))

Arman Melkonyan

Secularism has nothing to do with particular political regimes, ignorant lying Muslim.

boris yeltsin

Azerbaijan is run by a table thumping, attention seeking dictator who squanders oil revenue on flashy money laundering hotels and gold plated airports while his subjects live in derelict Soviet-era apartment blocks.

Great Khan

You big horseshit mamtu….Erministan Kaputen….Great Khan say so….hahhahaha

Great Khan



Wow I can’t believe you posted that. Some fat ugly fat chick with a shitty song…LOL

Thank you for doing this, you saved Armenia a lot of money. We don’t need to do propaganda any more you are doing all the work for us…ROFLMAO


Great Khan

hahahah beutiuful women of Erministan…



Fake they are all Azeri women from Sikimistan!


lol you idiot today is a big orthodox day ..ita the day of angels…thas why the bells are ringing in all arthodox countries,,,IDIOOOOOOOTTT!!

Great Khan

Soory winter no help Erministan looser, they Kaputenheimer,,,,,must leave Karabakh,,,,Azeri brother very STRONK!


dude i dont understant what are you typing…go learn how to communicate with humans and then come back from mordor

Great Khan



baby baby baby uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


Great Khan

Great Khan not like gay Canadian boy mamtu…..hahahhahaha



Great Khan

Why all fat AmeriKKKan and European men become gay? woman become man…hahaha man don’t know right hole ,,,,,,,hahahhaa


your country is next on our list , soon you will see our democracy and you become biggest gayman on the planet

Great Khan

hahha Great Khan always happy…but not interest in gay…that reserved for Euro sheman…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea5cd65fa22442d1d41c77cc3cdd6c33ba59a76c60d97f688301f92d56ef64d6.jpg


stop with your gay shit…go have fun with the goats elsewere


“Nowhere in the world have so many Bayraktars been shot down as we have:”

Artsrun Hovhannisyan



So far I have seen less than 10 TB-2 shot down by Artsakh.

Random Dude

Is it too soon to claim genocide? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5d09ba2e24fd8633222ecc9662db2ca3820db7383a560ad79b26cce36515d053.jpg

Arman Melkonyan


Great Khan

same picture evry day…..you no shame……

Arman Melkonyan

The same ugly face on your head everyday.

You no shame?

Random Dude

Genocideee!!!!!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d2d12f1765050b05ddbf8b8647de7aa4a59a3910428827fd6c2e02425c851b1.jpg

Arman Melkonyan


Random Dude

What about this one? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/85dfc3304fcb23280581e42cb1992d26cbf18416404396dd0a74261f033c5c78.jpg


Hopefully Shushi’s fall is just more Azeri propaganda and the Armenians can hold on. Both sides have lied in this war, although the Azeris are worse at it. We’ll find out who is lying in the coming days.

What strikes me as odd is that there are yet no verifiable photos to back up the claim that Shushi has fallen. Also, how can the Azeris maintain such a long salient towards the capital? Shouldn’t they be at high risk of hit and run attacks on their flanks?

It would be a disaster if the tens of thousands of residents in Shushi and Stepkanert we’re to lose their homes to the Azeri invasion.

Le Gros Roger

A reasonable comment without slurs and conspiracy theories? Pretty rare on Southfront


Sadly yes, there are many angry and troll posts during active hostilities. The Azeri invasion certainly pisses me off, but I always try to avoid resorting to such language. You never know who’s reading this after all, doxing is a real thing unfortunately.

Jihadi Colin

This is the same Armenian fantasy that decided Azerbaijan had learnt nothing from the 1988-94 war so would attack in predictable directions with predictable tactics and be predictably defeated by Armenian forces who were still equipped and deployed as though it were 1994. Once again they’ll be in for a shock when they discover that the Azeris are also aware that winter is coming and have made preparations accordingly.

If Armenia admits it’s committing reservists to Shush(a/i) it’s acknowledging that it cannot or does not want to send regular troops there. Hardly a sign of confidence or imminent victory for that matter.

John Brown

The most effective weapons in the Azer arsenal are Pashinyan and the rest of the Soros coup leaders. They got ride of all the best Armenian generals intelligence officers etc. totally sabotaged the army and air force.

If the USSA had the leadership of the Taliban and North Vietnam betraying their own solders the USSA would have won both of those wars as easily as Azer is winning this one..You go Pashinyan hero of Azerbaijan!!! I hear they have cleared the way for Azer to take Yerevan and they will all get medals from Azerbaijan.

Jens Holm

3000 milimeters for many countries and moskitos in first class conditions would be very good for many. countries toi.

The only solution might be we send more weapons and when they all have killed each other others can take over.

Do those people deserve anything? 25 years of no negosiation and as I read it from the outside Armenians in front for that and now revenge.


Does this mean that Armenian ground forces are deployed in Artsahk in addition to Artsahk ground forces?

“In his statement, Hovhannisyan, said Armenian losses in Nagorno-Karabakh decreased after the first fifteen days of the battle, which started on September 27.

“We became technically better and stronger; we were able to neutralize the technological advantage of the adversary. And after all, we fight at home, we know the area much better,” Hovhannisyan said, “We are fighting at home, our losses are not critical in comparison with the losses of the opponent who does not know the terrain.””


More proof that the U.N. is not what it makes itself out to be. And who makes up the U.N.????

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