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MARCH 2025

Woman From Azovstal: Ukraine As A State Is Dead For Me

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“ukraine” is a fake state. now also a failed state.


Not a state anymore either.


Ukraine is a state, Russia is an empire. The US is an empire too. Empires are anti-nationalist by necessity, real nationalism is ethno-nationalism; it is detrimental to holding any empire together.


Territorial national state entitities are neo colonial.


They are independent, whereas empires that are standing or fell are multiethnic.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack
jens holm

Thats why I prefare EU. We after all has voted for rules we know about, as well as we now even as small fo have elected voices.

There are problems here too, but we are kilometers better in most things.

We actually was helped to it by USA, which we also knew also did it for own purpose. They also reformed West Germany away from Nazisme as well as divided it into almost own states.


Or used to be independent. This idea they are all one people isn’t true, not in history and not at present.

Something else:

How Close Are Chinese & Jewish Communities in the US? https://youtu.be/y3JsY10Tk2w

jens holm

Its difficult to compare.

The USA citicans almost all has come from places, where they were not accepted and many had a life.

By that they are organized in ways You seemes not to be ware of. They dont have so much state as You assume.

They also has states, which in many important things are alllowed to decide themself. Thats a good thing but also a bad one.

Its very visible in election systems, in covid, death penalty and even methods, in guns and now again in abortions.

Its also in when the states was made and who the main emmigrants were and are.

Here the chinese as well as jewes were the lowest and in many states hardly had any rights. By that it makes sense they help each orther.

Racisme in USA is not only black and white. Its a part in many places and in many leveks in many ways. Its even in the laws for many states.

USA had collapsed if rump has power as Trump hought he had. He was no builder. The USA networking was more then a buffer in this.

jens holm

For the new ones it was Hitler replaced with Stalin. USSR collapsed too. They forgot keep by including and devellopment.


“Empires are anti-nationalist”. Oh really? Russian empire was nationalist, so was the German empire, Japanese empire, even the French empire. So your definition(s) are quite wrong.


Russian empire was semi-nationalist, pan-Slavism rewrote history or became misunderstood to justify endless territory expansion. This started with the Bulgarian empire, transferred to the Kievan Rus and eastwards from there.


Nonsense. Bulgarian empire has nothing to do with ‘Kievan Rus’.

jens holm

Thats right. And if any go back that far it makes sense to use Ruthenians as old group again and kind of repair form there.

Thats impossiple but I do feel kind of inspired.

I have the same for Syria. About 1856 there is a map. It has exact the same maps as the borders by war is today.

Raqqa province was a little bigger then the SDF of today. The Aleppo province was their own. Those Vilaurts or sansack could be small states, because they by nature are units.

Turks by that also should give those 2 and also northern Iraq land.

They have had prblems there since 1923 and still dont get it.


The original Bulgarian Empire wasn’t Slavic. The Bulgars were a Turkic people who came to the Balkans and settled among the South Slavs. They fought successfully against the Byzantine Empire with help from the Slavs, but later agreed to convert to Christianity. Eventually they lost their own language and spoke a Slavic language, but their first empire was actually called a “Khanate” – “Bulgarian Khanate” as they weren’t considered a Slavic people then. The Slavs around them were likely Bulgarized while the Bulgars intermixed and became Slavicized, especially after their conversion to Christianity and then speaking a Slavic language.

jens holm

I think You are too long back in time and in the wrtong place too. Bulgars after that was defeated by the khazars. After that there were tatars and Kosacs.

The Moskva Russians then took the Kosacs and later on reduced the Ottoman and their Tatars.

Its true Russia by Moskva and St Petersburg toók the last Bulgars as a nation.

But almost all of that is far away from Ukraine. The most important player anytime is Poland, which reetook the socalled West Ukraine from the Ukras as well as Russia by the Red army.

They were the reason Stalin build a defence line from Murmansk buý Kiev all the way to Odessa.

die severla 100 years Bulgars was an important part of the Ottomans and even today a kind of cousin to the Turks.


Empires are all nationalistic until they must become internationalist to keep their borders, leading to mixing and gradual decay before the founders die out and mixed with those who they originally conquered..

jens holm

You are right unless You do something about it.

As one example You can equalize by sekular improvements, where all are in the same fair systems for devellopments.

By that religion becomes more a private matter. Here You also can hire people after qualifications instead of familly relations, which often is a very visible improvement.

And if You go intern in a coutry You can coolthings down by including all. Thats why we have equal right between genders. We also by laws has accepted sexual minorities unless they dont harm others.

We let criminals vote and most with menthl problems as well. We also include immigrants can vore for local elections and become elected into the local parlaments as important persons.

It seemes to be quite succesfull. Focus in herasments is reduced. Its the socalled normal ones, which are the herassers.

Its very much in classes and economy. We try to give equal possibilities. By that You can climb or as weell as deroute but not because of money and family support.

By the lasst part we certainly are united because we see the result for all is a high GDP and reward by wellfare

jens holm

Yes. Sovejet even created their own ovjet human ideal and worked hard for it.


you can simplify these things too much, the east ward expansion of a huge military alliance that is controlled by the only real military, economic and poltical superpower in the world today, is the reason the destabilizing of this region took place and the inevitable war that followed, its been known about for decades all the way back to the peaceful break up of the warsaw pact and ussr, that if the usa/west continued to expand this would happen if not in ukraine, then they would have attemtped to take down russia through another enterprise


You Chechen terrorists slicing a Ukrainian soldier’s throat:



The Soviet Union had done the same, Russia still tries to follow in its footsteps where it can get away with it.


The Jews are the true supremacists, they are everything they claim the National Socialists were. Nationalism for one’s people is conflated as “supremacy”. Only whites are forbidden to have nationalism of our own. https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2021/01/06/imperialism-and-colonialism-white-guilt-and-historic-non-white-conquests-of-european-territories/

jens holm

The main problems are You are kept as uneducated dummies and even support it.

Educated people are the frontrunners and if they are not there, there will be no innovation creating jobs and wellfare.

Most people are keepers in Denmark too. But the forntrunners being well educated kind by that makes well paid jobs and raise the livingstandards.

Its very easy to understand. If we are not well paid, we cannot buy the stuff they and we produce.

We also has taxsystemes with high tax. By that the ones with high income pay a lot of tax.

Thats the equalizers here in the short version.

jens holm

Its a nice link preforming well. But its also very biased and outdated.

Some might try to make some DNA maps like this.

jens holm

Thats barking mad crap of the worst crap. What the F… is it You want to keep and will remain kept in the stinking USSR hemisphere.

What did USSR do for Europe. They replaced Hitler with Stalin.

You eemes only to know about us by Your own made propaganda. Itys terrible any can learn to accept that kind of crap.

Her you even blame us for it. We as EU even took over many parts of the USSR collapse. Now you even blme us for it.

Right here Your president do his best to make Ukriane join nato even we has said NO NO NO WA NO WAY.

That goes for Nato as well. No matter what USSR and Russia only has Nato as something with bow and arrow in England.

But You had so many states all the way to west of Berlin. How do you think we felt looking at Your propganda visions with 1000s of tanks crossing Elbe and the Rhein.


What about the French Empire under Napoleon, was it multinational and anti-nationalist ? France was a nation-state before and after the Emperor. It is still despite its rapidly changing demography.


Their colonial holdings were overseas, though were already mixed with Latin seed. It was not until the 1910s when they stationed black foreign legion in France and Germany had the racial mixing took hold.


Speaking of Napoleonic France under Napoleon I, not Napoleon III, with no significant colonial holdings and their non-existent reverse demographic impact, your thesis does not hold. The second sentence is just confusing.


There must be a fortress Europa that is ethno-nationalist to every European country and devoid of decadent jewish influences, Russia must become a European ethno-state for Slavs and separate from the Asians. America must split up into separate countries.

As for Napoleon, most people in Europe lived in their own countries and were more or less living in the same areas their forebears had resided for thousands of years.

It is forgotten that Napoleon was opposed for challenging Europe’s old monarchal structure, all of his wars were either reactionary or preventative.

jens holm

I see no jews in this.

Porc halal

Fuckraine is a fake state, a bunch of other states stolen territories combined artificialy in a so called one “national state” … from a multinational state , the nazist/fascist fuckrainian regime, promoting ethnic genocide / cleansing, wanted to transform Fuckraine in a “ one state, one nation” (i.e. Fuckrainian nation) type of state …


Rabbi: Kyiv Mayor is [Probably] Jewish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSRzueTVX8o

jens holm

I dont see the relevancy


“Some call it Communism – I call it Judaism.” Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

jens holm

Very old newspaper. Are You raised by eating that kind of random stuff. Maybe Yiu has added some pravdas and isvestias too:)


No matter the outcome of this war, it will destroy Russian stability and throw Europe into another state of war.

The people on their periphery now dislike them even more and those within their orbit who rebel will be imprisoned or murdered. They are a perverse parody of the USSR, their mistakes are as bad as their stereotypes.

I guess you can say that is their karma, none of this should be taken lightly. Most of the blood lust comes not from actual Russians themselves, but from their racial minorities and all the countries they have sided with under their Communist strategy of overthrowing every non-Communist government on the face of the planet.

The USA does the same ever since they fell to Trotskyite neocons, both are controlled by Jewish supremacists.

Besides ignoring the civilian victims on the Ukrainian side, there are videos of “Russian” soldiers committing atrocities too. This site and all its bots will inevitably ignore it and will even justify it.

Due to the 1941-45 war and Bolshevik tyranny, Russians are kept in a state of perpetual fear. Their government is not very different from their Soviet predecessors, it is cynical with little regard for human life.

The black and browns perceive Russia as their saviour, when in reality they are no better. Arguably they are worse in certain areas.


Blah Blah Blah —- nobody is buying your propagandic bullshit, ashclown.

uKRAPiStan was warned …. and now is receiving it’s due discipline.



because you are a mindless savage that pounces at any chance to satisfy your psychopathic urges


LOL…. I was taught to behave like that here in New York.

Need a hankie, sub human beast of burden ?


The dumbest thing about you is how depriving you of attention fixes the problem in a heart beat. Why don’t you take my advice and treat me similarly?

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

Brooklyn and Manhattan have many jews indeed.


Jews played a critical role in the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the subsequent creation and management of the People’s Republic of China https://jewishcontributions.com/infotables/communist-china/


It is the Ukrainians and the mercenaries fighting on their sign which are showing sadism and blood lust. They have the videos of torturing the Russian POWs and civilians, they have the videos of abusing the corpses, they have the videos making threats and their officials have called for things such as castrating and torturing the Russian POWs. They are also the ones who keep firing missiles into the purely civilians, non military areas of the Donbass.

jens holm

Russia just will go back to be ignored as a poor inland state. Some there might change that. If it collpse again I see several states.

Russia of today has no central structure for any kinds of progress in devellopments. The local states today dont compensate for that. They do in USA having problems about ti as well.


New youtube video: Was Rothschild a Soviet agent? https://t.me/marxxist/1743

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

In 1942, Sir Mark Oliphant, a leading British physicist was shocked when a messenger delivered a part from his new radar technology with a warning from MI-5 Security Inspector Victor Rothschild to “tighten up your security.” A few days earlier Rothschild had visited Oliphant’s Birmingham University lab, quizzed him on his research, and pocketed the three-inch diameter magnetron.

Baron Rothschild was himself a Soviet agent. Before returning the magnetron, he had transmitted detailed drawings to Moscow, a fact later confirmed by his KGB handlers.

Oliphant related this story in 1994 to Roland Perry, the Australian author of The Fifth Man (1994, Sedgwick and Jackson, 475 pp). Between 1935 and 1963, the Soviet Union knew all of Britain’s military and scientific secrets thanks to “The Cambridge Five” a spy ring that operated in M1-5, MI-6 and the Foreign Office. Western intelligence agencies were rendered ineffective and Allied secrets, including the design of the atomic bomb, were stolen.

The traitors were Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt. But there is a natural reluctance to admit that “the Fifth Man” was Nathaniel Meyer Victor Rothschild (1910-1990), the Third Baron Rothschild, the British head of the world’s richest banking dynasty, which controls the Bank of England.

In 1993, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, six retired KGB Colonels in Moscow confirmed Rothschild’s identity to Roland Perry. Col. Yuri Modin, the spy ring’s handler, went on the record.

Perry writes: “According to …Modin, Rothschild was the key to most of the Cambridge ring’s penetration of British intelligence. ‘He had the contacts,’ Modin noted. ‘He was able to introduce Burgess, Blunt and others to important figures in Intelligence such as Stewart Menzies, Dick White and Robert Vansittart in the Foreign Office…who controlled Mi-6.” (p.89)

Rothschild studied Zoology at Cambridge where Anthony Blunt recruited him for the KGB about 1936. (Blunt later said it was Rothschild who recruited him, which makes more sense.) Rothschild later joined MI-5 and was in charge of counter sabotage. He instructed the military on how to recognize and defuse bombs. Rothschild was a personal friend of Winston Churchill. Perry writes:

“The two socialized often during the war years. Rothschild used his wealth and position to invite the prime minister to private parties. His entree to the wartime leader, plus access to all the key intelligence information, every major weapons development and his command of counter-sabotage operations in Britain, made Rothschild a secretly powerful figure during the war years…The result was that Stalin knew as much as Churchill about vital information, often before the British High Command was informed.”

Joe Biden

“Baron Rothschild was himself a Soviet agent.” hahahaha I like a good conspiracy theory but shit is just laughable hahahaha


soros, musk, bezos and bill gates are kgb agents 🤣😀😀


Soros is a Communist accelerationist, he openly promoted Karl Marx. They support the accelerated corruption of finance capitalism in accordance with the Marxist dialectical view of history.

jens holm

Nothing is wrong about Karl Marx.

It was how the readers used it. Here we still use: How Satan read the Bible.

Proletars didnt take over anything i Russia/USSR.

A new upperclass took over. Knowledge even was punished and low paid. The Human being just dont have that nature.


Queen Elizabeth, Adolf Hitler, Ronald Reagan and Mickey Mouse – all KGB agents!

According to this mental patient Jack-Off.


Oh look, it’s Yuri the clown!


No it’s not “Yuri” you crazy faggot imbecile. I’m sure you’re obsessed with sucking Yuri’s dick like a gay whore that you are, but you are wrong as always, barking at the wrong tree as always you stupid crazy bitch escaped from some mental asylum.

Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther

keep in mind I type [redacted] since I cannot delete my comments.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

Are you that desperate to expose the obvious fact I commented under that username? Or the fact you go out of your way to impersonate people because you are too weak and insignificant to stop them in their tracks?

No different to your insignificant desert demon whose hominid followers would never have taken over had it not been for the weaknesses that came to bare when comfort became far too widespread for the ruling elite, and quite recently the public at large.

Judges 1:19 “And YHWH was with Judah; and he drove out the inhabitants of the mountain; but he could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.”

jens holm

Hans Gunther is no a spoiler. Thats not samme thing as loving his programmes and funny stuff.

He has made a few very good stunts, where airbags was a must. I hope for more. I have seatbelt too.


Russian media openly promotes dying in a nuclear war. Who belongs in the fucking straitjacket you queer!? I know full well you will hide behind your computer screen, never confront me in real life. You impersonate people, while behaving like a cynical sociopath that cannot behave in a civilized manner. Someone who only understands rough treatment like any other barbarian.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

You of course dumb bitch… your idiotic hallucinations and endless crazy drivel only prove your countless mental diseases you dumb pile of fag shit. Confront you little pussy gay cockcucker? Bwahaha you are hiding in your basement you insane loser reject moron, there you’ll die from fear in your tears and piss. Just leave you address, not likely I’m going to some shithole in Arizona but who knows.. perhaps I’ll visit your basement and bury you alive in 1 seconds, crush your empty skull while you are begging for mercy…

Barbarian? Inbred mutant your mother only understand rough treatment, 1000 niggers fuck her ever day while you are crying under her bed dreaming about Hitler. Pathetic little cunt. I piss on you. I shit directly on your tongue. And you’ll say “thanks master”!

Swallow it and keep screaming crazy gay bitch.

Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther

The Jewish Oblast in Russia borders China and has a rainbow flag.



Virtually everything you said about Hitler is a psychobabble projection of your affinity for Communism. The Stolkholm Syndrome is unparalleled, no wonder Israel gets away with kidnapping young east European women in Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and Egypt. They funnel them into sex slavery and when their youth fades they cut them into up into ribbons and sell their organs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack


Meeting face to face would be utmost fatal for you. You would not like it, your Israeli citizenship will not save you. Your greatest joy in life is to bedevil everyone and thing that’s good and wholesome, you aim for the total inversion of the natural order and to blot out the sky so no sunlight shall shed on the earth again for all of time.


You sound like the guys in the basement of that steel plant in Mariupol, it isn’t working out so great for them. The difference is they’re actually fighting, even jens holm could subdue you blindfolded. Instead of defending yourself you’d just start screeching about the Jews.

jens holm

Thanks. I will tell my mother next time at the graveyard. She once upon a time ago loved cactuses.


F*ck your ambiguity.

jens holm

It was Minnie Mouse – I think.


Except you cannot refute me.

Rothschild to help sanctioned Russian billionaire Deripaska to sell stake in company https://www.rt.com/business/428625-rothschild-help-deripaska-stake/


https://t.me/thuletide/2242 – Xi Jinping is a World Economic Forum “Agenda Contributor” – CCP is working with UN to build Smart Cities throughout Eurasia and implement Agenda 21 via Belt and Road imperialism – CCP is close ally of Israel, with whom they collaborate to spy and steal American tech – Xi Jingping’s right hand man prayed for reconstruction of Third Temple – CCP in bed with Jewish international finance, including BlackRock – CCP was even originally co-founded by Bolshevik Jews – China shills transgenderism to little kids worldwide on CCP-sanctioned Tiktok


https://t.me/thuletide/2243?single – Rothschild Group: Our Services In Greater China. – Asia Times: Wall Street bulls charge into China’s opening markets.


Jewish financers in western Europe and Wall Street, NY financed the Bolshevik revolutions that transpired in Russia, Austro-Hungary and Germany. http://www.wearswar.com/2018/12/24/expanded-wearswar-review-of-joseph-w-benderskys-book-the-jewish-threat-the-irony-of-declassified-u-s-intelligence-dossiers-antisemitism-in-the-military/


If you understand that Jews are in complete alignment with one another, you would know Rothschild is on the same page as Roman Abramovich, Chief Rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt, and Chabad leader Berel Lazar.

jens holm

I wont offend dogs comparing them with You and Your supporter


My guess is you are one of those blacks that leech onto anything that is destructive and vile, no matter how foreign the conflict is. They do not care about it, they only want an excuse to to B.L.M.—Burn, Loot and Murder.



Excellent liars and sheer psychopaths. He’s right about the US military, I do not like it either. However you only tend to view everything from the perspective of two extremes, both of which are false and do not cut to the heart of the matter. At least this guy gets it: https://youtu.be/zvmuRIqx3UA



Last edited 2 years ago by Jack



Russia and Ukraine are contaminated with Mongoloid and Semitic admixture among certain elements of their population. They both have psychopaths in their midst, America and China have very similar problems.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

And and yet I STILL love the smell of burnt uKRAPian in the morning !


I am sure you devilish cannibals find their flesh tastes better than your fellow blacks you cut open and burn alive over a fire in Africa.


raving madman


the man of the year award will not be going to any internet troll, especially not one of azov/nazi mindset. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSz0Tqzn7yU


Classic slavian whore who starts bullshitting when she cant take rectally Cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant on daily basis.But she is right Ukraine is in war so hard to find stuff.


your mother was a whore and so are you

Davy Crockett

Ukraine’s future is partition at the Dnieper. Slava DPR and LPR. Urra!

And then, after that, wait and watch as Poland moves to occupy and take its claimed ‘lost provinces’ in western Ukraine.

jens holm

Sure and the next capitol for Ruthenia all the way to Vladisvostok will be Kiev too.


how would you get this on youtube ? or would they take it right back down again ?




I said a couple of times that Ukraine is a fake state. It’s good that the people of the region realized this.

jens holm

Sure. 36 million is wrong there.

hunter bidé lab pork !

Ukra clown in cocaine is a failed state !!! the ukra clown cocaine is the chanceler of the eu digital lgbts w covaids from rockfeller and rostcinkens !!!!


The birds are pretty loud.

jens holm

Putin use pigions as internet connections.

jens holm

Pathetic reading some here. First USSR & Co moves Ukraine west crossing the old border in languages and religion.

Next they added 100% Russians in the east being a state in the Ukra State.

Now they dont accept, what they have decided themself.


Brave lady, telling the truth to the reporters about what really took place in the bunker. Must have been a nightmare to be a prisoner down there with those monsters for over 6 weeks. Nothing but respect for her…


She’s now pregnant….


I’m reading the Azov Bats were trying to take the women hostages to pound town on a daily basis.


Person here thinks they vote in a democratic European Union? Even I’m not from Europe and know you are ruled by unelected people. Like the rest in the West we are controlled by fascist oligarchy controlled regimes. With the WEF, Davos and other organizations controlling politician’s, media, what we are aloud to say, to inject in our bodies. They control what we eat, to what’s in it and control where we are allowed to go etc…


Ukraine should never have been a “State” this is globalist bankers mischief.


Ukraine is a colony of the US, it’s lost it’s statehood since 2014 after the coup d’état. The new state of Novorossiya will be born once the conflict is over and western Ukraine will become part of Poland and Hungary. I say here’s my middle finger to Biden.

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