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MARCH 2025

World Health Organization Declares Coronavirus Global Pandemic, EU Braces For Spike In Infected

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World Health Organization Declares Coronavirus Global Pandemic, EU Braces For Spike In Infected

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On March 11th, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global pandemic.

This is the first time since the swine flu was categorized as such back in mid-2009.

Italy is still the country suffering the most from the virus, with a spike in deaths and newly discovered cases on March 11th.

2,313 new cases and 196 new deaths in Italy. About 600 new cases, however, can be ascribed to the previous day’s delay in reporting.

In a televised address to the nation, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said all shops would be closed except for supermarkets, food stores and chemists and companies must close all non-essential departments.

“Thank you to all Italians who make sacrifices. We are proving to be a great nation,” Conte said in the nine-minute broadcast.

“We will only be able to see the effects of this great effort in a couple of weeks,” he said, referring to the daily bulletins announcing the number of new cases and fatalities.

“The country needs responsibility from all of us, the responsibility of 60 million Italians that are making small and large sacrifices every day,” Conte said.

Currently, the active cases in Italy are rapidly catching up to those in China, with Italy being approximately 30 to 40 days behind.

World Health Organization Declares Coronavirus Global Pandemic, EU Braces For Spike In Infected

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Germany and France are approximately 9 days behind Italy, while Spain and the US are about 11 days behind.

World Health Organization Declares Coronavirus Global Pandemic, EU Braces For Spike In Infected

Graph by Euvie Ivanova. Click to see full-size image

The rapid spread in Italy, and potentially the incoming rapid spread in other European countries could simply be explained with a lack of preparation by the countries that had no experience in dealing with SARS, back in 2002-3 or with MERS, between 2012-17.

The United States suspended all travel from Europe for 30 days, with the exclusion of the UK.

Trump had said earlier: “I am fully prepared to use the full power of the Federal Government to deal with our current challenge of the CoronaVirus!”

Pence: “All the insurance companies […] have agreed to waive all copays on coronavirus testing, and extend coverage for coronavirus treatment in all of their benefit plans.”

Currently, China still has the most active cases, but also the most recovered individuals. It is trailed by Italy, Iran and South Korea. Seoul has managed to contain the rapid spread and the high levels of deaths seen in Italy by widespread testing and preemptive measures.

Europe, as a whole, and Italy, in particular appear to have failed to take any precautionary measures on time, and the full scale of that will be seen in the following days, as the incubation period of the coronavirus passes.

Currently, it is still possible and, also, necessary to reduce the rate of spread of the virus, and reduce the load on the local healthcare and economic systems all at once. A tidal wave is preferable to a tsunami. This is called “flattening the curve.”

All of this takes place amid chaos in the oil markets, as Saudi Aramco announced that it would boost oil production to 13 million barrels a day. It said that it would flood the market with 12.3 million barrels per day starting from April 2020.


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98% of the virus deaths in Italy are for people over 60. The average age is 81. Approximately 90% of the population is younger than 60.


World Health Organisation under direction from NWO will over the coming days invoke Medical Marshall Law. Probably starting with Italy. This will mean we will be obliged to take whatever medication they decide to give us. On another thread here I attached a link to the Last American Vagabond, who exposes where the breakout began, that it is probably a manufactured bio-weapon or at least has been interfered with. It is a two and a half hours long. If you want to know what is really happening I suggest you watch all of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnXAyj31hTA

Peter Jennings

The virus has a US patent, so it’s possible.

Assad must stay

the whole world has gone insane lol

cechas vodobenikov

is this hysteria justified? Cases in Chia r now rare. it seems only 3 nations r heavily impacted: Iran, S Korea, Italy

Wahid Algiers

Chinese are not telling the truth, like turks, kurds, jews.


They are actually. They made some mistakes in the beginning but now they publish recovery statistics too which are very promising. Only west doesn’t want to listen because it’s more profitable for some to keep the panic going, and the forthcoming economic recession/collapse can be blamed on it.


Not justified. It’s a flu.

Peter Jennings

Ebola, AIDS, SARS, MERS, Swine flu, H1N1, Coronavirus. There seems to be a pattern forming here.

The WHO and the UN are out to kill you otherwise they would have put a stop on mutating deadly viruses some time ago. Whatever checks these so-called health organasations have already, they are clearly woefully inadequate to the point that their constant failures constitute a neglect of duty.


The Coronavirus has been where I’m at in the US almost as long as China. It was first detected here 3 or 4 weeks after first being detected in China. And 2 weeks before it was detected in Italy and 4 weeks before it was detected in Iran.

If it was going to run through the population here like it has in China, Italy and Iran. It would have done so already. During that time I’ve given 1,000 rides to medical workers, old people and other customers to most of the places that it’s known to exist here many times. If I’ve been exposed to and contracted it. I don’t have any symptoms and feel fine. Maybe I’ve developed immunity to it.

Some populations are evidently more vulnerable than others. I don’t know why.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

Christine Lagarde: “Old people live too long and this is a risk to the world economy.”


WHO declares a global pandemic in bullshit! I agree.

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