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MARCH 2025

World Is In Crisis To Which Russia Had Been Preparing

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World Is In Crisis To Which Russia Had Been Preparing

Vladimir Putin

In early, 2020 the world entered a new global crisis. The new round of economic turbulence coincided with the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19), which started in China and rapidly expanded across the globe. So, mainstream media outlets rushed to explain the crisis developments with the pandemic impact. However, in fact, the global economic crisis has been forecasted by experts for a long time and has reasonable grounds: from the disbalance of the global economy and contradictions among key oil producers to the growing tensions between influential players in the key regions around the world. Saudi Arabia’s ongoing offensive on the oil market is a logical result of these developments.

The coronavirus crisis worked as a trigger revealing the truth behind the lies and propaganda of the mainstream media and the global establishment. The reality broke into pieces the myth about the so-called ‘Euro-Atlantic solidarity’, demonstrated the almost zero-level effectiveness of the European Union bureaucracy and once again showcased that countries selling their sovereignty for some theoretical financial and diplomatic support of the Big Brother should not expect something good during crises.

The world sole superpower, the United States, appeared to be prepared for the economic turbulence, mostly thanks to actions of the Trump administration. At the same time, the U.S. faced significant problems with containing the COVID-19 pandemic and its readiness for such threats are much lower than those of China and even Russia. The United Kingdom revealed itself as another country surprisingly unprepared for the global meltdown. The situation in Italy, Spain and other southern and eastern European states needs no comments. They experience a lack of food and drugs supplies, while their governments failed to prepare and adopt the needed anti-epidemic measures before it became too late. Germany is probably among a few European states that has been prepared for the crisis at least on the level of Russia.

The irony of the situation is that Russia’s stability (in comparison with other states) has become a result of the actions of the so-called collective West. Just 10 years ago, it was importing grain, a large part of food products. It lacked some key technologies in the production of medical supplies. For Russian companies, it was just cheaper and easier to act this way than develop own capabilities in the field. However, the increasing sanction pressure forced the Russians to invest into own national industry and economy thus preparing the state to the upcoming crisis.

If one takes a look at the current situation in Russia in the medical sphere and with food supplies, he would find that the country is passing through crisis without any notable problems. Even the short panic amid the collapse of the European healthcare and the creation of the COVID-19 crisis zone in Italy and a Western-run fake news campaign in Russian social media did not lead to even a short and slight crisis in big cities.

World Is In Crisis To Which Russia Had Been Preparing

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As of March 20, Russia’s National Wealth Fund (NWF) had assets worth US$151.35 billion, or about 9 percent of Russia’s gross domestic product. The NWF allows Russia to have a security zone of 5-6 years even with oil prices at the level of ~$20 a barrel. It’s hard to imagine that Saudi Arabia, which caused the oil prices crisis by own actions, could pass the same period without a large-scale crisis with such prices. Furthermore, the NWF is operated by the Russian government, not by private persons with own interests. Even taking into account some level of management issues and corruption, the NWF would give the Kremlin to protect key economic spheres and keep the social stability in the country.

The crisis also fueled the ongoing structural economic changes around the world. Economic activities are becoming more and more digitalized. People are forced to work remotely. The importance of the modern IT and media technologies are growing even further. Corporations and governments already started exploiting these trends. Some experts even suggest that in many cases the coronavirus crisis is being fueled artificially in order to push the world in a right direction. Others argue that this is a logical succession of events.

In any case, the ongoing crisis became an important turning point for the current international system revealing the truth behind the global myths, lies and whitewashing. The states that invested in their independence and national economies despite the foreign pressure reap the benefit of their efforts. At the same time, the states that sold their independence and became puppets of the global elites faced expected consequences.


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Ice Pajeet

Good article


LOL…let’s see what you say in a couple of weeks when the Pandemic takes off in Russia which will be already headed for near economic collapse due to the oil price war.


Still in 5th grade are we?


You are such a fool and you can’t help but let all the world know about it.

Ricky Miller

You refuse to calculate basic statistical tables, again. Russia has sold oil at more than $11-12 above budget needs since January. They have break even contracts until June as today’s mid $20’s contacts are for delivery and payment in June. Russia has currency and precious metals reserves to cover the budget for years. You are paid to spout nonsense hatred of Russia and refuse to accept realities.

General Hummus

top !

russia has loaded on gold… metals… forex….

US on debt and toilet paper…..

jackie321 has no idea what’s coming…… LOL

General Hummus


u sound like a stupid ‘American…….

Russia is ready…… loads of gold and forex…..

what have u got…… other than toilet paper….. and twinkies????

what’s going to hit the US….. will make u want to move to SUDAN……

LOL !!!

Harry Smith

Jake sounds like stupid South-Eastern troll working for expired MRE.

General Hummus

true that…. and a very stupid one that is……


oh man its gonna fall off if you keep abusing it so much

Ricky Miller

Your two weeks are off to a terrible start, for you. The NeoCon mouthpiece the New York Times has an article out today examining the resilience of the Russian economy. Conclusions? Sanctions toughened Russia’s economy to outside pressures, Russia has overwhelming food security and ridiculous volumes of currency reserves. That’s the NYT, not SF. Coronavirus? Russia has mid 50’s new cases and fewer in total than the U.S. has just in new cases. Israel has twice as many cases as Russia. Denmark has more than twice as many and is growing new victims at triple Russia’s rate. Sure hope Jens is OK, he’s been awful quiet for awhile. Same time tomorrow? 13 to go…

David Parker

The Corona hoax is to cover the collapse of the central banks. Everytime a government forces the use of pieces of paper as money, collapse is inevitable. The central banks exist to create paper currency out of thin air and use that paper to hoard real money – gold, silver, and other precious metals – that cannot be counterfeited.

Simplekindof Man

With you. It’s a perfect “coincidence” -cover up and covid is the smoke screen.


Were the financial world elite simply waiting for such a Pandemic to hide the demise of their debt fuelled economies or is the Pandemic created and paid for by financial elite ?

That is the trillion dollar question :)




A Kindly Old Englishman also considers this ‘pandemic’ as cover for a global financial reset. Most deaths are likely amongst the chronically ill elderly and compromised others. The SARS virus had a 10% mortality rate, spread over seventeen countries and yet an absence of social dislocation, or business shutdowns. One considers what one is told and comes to the conclusion that there is ‘Something rotten in the State of Denmark’ politicians being intent upon blaming it upon the Queen of Corona.

Harry Smith

I hope kindly old Englishman pardon me for arguing with him, but at my point the situation was different. The financial crisis had to strike in 2018 when the first massive fall of markets occurred. But a really interesting thing happened: big corporations use special automation software for stock trading which reacts more quickly for the market changes than an ordinary man. In 2018 they understood that these bots can be used to manipulate the markets. You know, if the bots take a falling stock and start to sell it to each other with a higher price every time they make the deal, then this stock starts to grow. So what we were witnessing last 2 years is a bot’s circus making people to believe in magic. The Tesla stocks are the most evident action of this circus. As for covid-19 the bots can stop storm, but they can’t stop a tsunami. When China closed the trade it started the financial tsunami big corporations can’t hold. It’s not because China is so powerful, but because Central banks inflated the world economy with the money they were printing since 2008.


There is definitely is something rotten in the state of denmark anywhere that can produce someone like Jen’s Holm must be a very strange place

Ziønist šhill

Yea Alex Jones, it’s a global mass conspiracy and the Chinese and Italians are all in on it hahaha


Who do you think controls the Italian government? I will give you a hint its the same people that control all western governments

David Parker

I do not follow Alex Jones, the Chinese were blindsided by their air pollution and elderly in poor health, and ditto for the worst air pollution in Europe being in northern Italy and the thousands of elderly in poor health there alone with Chinese workers in textile mills there.

Wayne Nicholson

At the moment it’s irrelevant. There are not even a fraction enough respirologists or trained ICU nurses in the world to deal with the tsunami of severely ill Covid-19 patients expected. You can build ventalitors in a matter of days but it takes years to train a respirologist or ICU nurse.

Beyond that there are very few hospital room built with the negative air pressure needed to keep covid-19 from spreading throughout the hospital affecting hospitals full of very sick patients and healthcare professionals.

That 1-3% of elderly sick people we know are going to die are goners …. that’s a given. What we are trying to prevent is all the cancer patients, diabetics, morbidly obese heart attack and stroke victims, mothers and accident victims who will also die if this is allowed to run rampent through hospitals and it’s these deaths we are trying to avoid with social distancing and isolation ….. we’re not putting the fire out but creating fire breaks to give us time to be able to treat patients with the people we have.

So fight the war today and argue over who started it and why once the war is won.


what do you know, hitler had a plan.. little did we know it would take so long to bring forth from hiding.. Must have had a lot of stuff to go through when they shipped all the notes back from berlin.


In Australia we have only 1000 ICU bed in the whole country…20% of those infected need Oxygen without it they die…

David Parker

The hospitals are empty. I was the only patient in two large hospitals on the days I was scheduled for some tests. There were plenty of cops roaming around the empty hospitals however.

Wayne Nicholson

So that’s what you’re seeing huh?

I assume you are doctor, nurse or some other professional capable of determining what a hospital under the stress of a highly communicable airborne viral epidemic looks like.

If not I hope you realize that Covid-19 is an airborne pathogen and a hard physical barrier …. including air handling systems …. has to be maintained between sections of hospitals dealing with the virus and other patients and if you DID happen to see any activity around Covid-19 in the section where you were being tested it means the healthcare system has failed and the virus is out of control and spreading throughout the hospital. AND that you likely have the virus.

I’ve been seeing something completely different. My wife’s company provides consulting and training for healthcare professionals in hospitals all over Canada. She has extensive contact with the doctors, nurses and administrators providing care to Covid-19 patients across the country.

In the big urban centers they are at risk of being overrun with Covid-19 patients …. in other parts of the country they have few to no patients. In Montreal area they lost control of the virus in long term care facilities and the army had to be called in.

Now this is the kicker ….. We are only four months into a pandemic that will likely be with us for years. So far 3 million are positively confirmed to have been infected. This virus, if left unchecked will infect between 30% and 70% of the world population …. that’s between 2 and 5 billion people. If you think this will be over and done with by the summer you are seriously deluded.


yep absolutely astounding that the world/EU, after years of talk about pending pandemics, is so ill-prepared to set counter-measures into play to stop the corona-virus/pandemic spreading with no restraints. so lots of talk and no viable program to conquer the covid-19 which is threatening the health of the european population and so on and all efforts by he authorities are aimed at the corporations to the tune of billions.


The bulk of the Russian population is in Europe and will be hit just as hard as the rest of Europe. Just give it a couple of weeks.

Daniel Miller

you do realise that Russia was infected before the EU right? yet its the EU whom is getting gobbled up and not Russia.

Ricky Miller

He doesn’t care about facts. He just hates on Russia. The Russians could save the world during some future food shortage and he’d bitch about the substandard boxes that the Russians shipped the food in. He hates Russia for the same reason that all Western mass consumptive war pigs hate Russia; it’s both different and outside of their control.

Tudor Miron

Well said.


Right you hit the nail tight on the head,you should try to open up the taupe shop:

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

The USA will soon make a 100% recovery, Israel is working diligently on a VACCINE and US drug-makers are cranking out LOTS of malaria drugs! We’re only 8-10 months away from a vaccine but in the meantime prescription drugs will be issued to ALL sufferers of coronavirus to a 100% successful recovery rate! :D

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

Meanwhile Russkies Rubble still the lowest valued currency in the world! Sanctions have destroyed them just like with Venezuela and Iran! :D

Daniel Miller

you do realise that Japan has a very low currency value yet they are the 3rd largest econemy in the world.


Debt is debt,No future wealth,Russian economy is stronger 100% gold backed:


During a global economic downturn, everyone will suffer. But those who have a sound foundation in societal terms will outlive the crisis conditions and recover well and fully. EU and USA are built on rotten societal foundations.

Ricky Miller

And the Norwegian Kroner has been hit harder by percentage than the Ruble. Not that factual details matter to the hate Russia crowd.

Bobo Voxar

Norvegian state fond lost 30% .. they lost 2 y of state budget in week…

General Hummus

woospsie !!

hooked nose Avi didn’t know that…..

he can only exuberate his talmudic DNA shit …. in wishing others BAD and MISERY


Your inferior breeding is the cause of your ignorance,which is only rivaled by the level of your stupidity:


Death to the Oded Yinon Plan!


Oded Yinon was right, we need more land to expand. I say either the Palis sign a peace deal or be deported back to their desert Arab peninsula, then annexing the West Bank completely. Arabs will never get our land.

Tudor Miron

Keep digging your grave. This time we may not come to rescue from those oven’s.


The only ones to be put in ovens will be the Arabs this time.

Tudor Miron

“History doesn’t teach anyone. It simply punishes those who didn’t learn”(c)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Lets deport your lot, back to the deserts of Arabia, from where you were transported to Egypt as slaves.


You can have Texas. Please go there.

General Hummus


tell me something….. how did jews who migrated to Palestine suddenly become geopoliticians and military men???….. they didn’t….. everything was taught to them by their BRITISH masters……

Oded Yinon….. was another stupid idiot…… ‘ his ‘ PLAN ……. was truly another BRITISH plan …..

in the end….. u will die like the Arabs…… stupid idiot.


“We need more land to expand.” You realise you sound like Hitler?


Then maybe our enemies shouldn’t test us in a full war, we all know they will lose more lands and then cry we took it from them.


You can have Texas or the Moon

General Hummus

never was YINON’s ‘ PLAN ‘ ……. always BRITISH …..

AM Hants

Sanctions strengthened Russia. Hence they are self dependent. Able to feed their people, whilst being number one exporter of wheat. Whilst, with a moderate defence budget, around the same as the UK. Yet, the 11 time zone nation, has weapons and systems, that make all that NATO and the ‘5 eye’ nations, have between them, obsolete.

Bill Wilson

Russia is fucked by having a vast interior that lacks roads, railroads and airports. The Chinese could rush into Siberia and take it over in no time flat.

Ricky Miller

Except that the terrain is crazy unforgiving. The distances involved are staggering and Russia has six times the nuclear warhead arsenal. The roads and rail run West-East 3 times the volume of the South-North corridor, and so logistically favors a Russian defense. China could accomplish her goals better by leasing resources from Siberia, and does.

Bill Wilson

That’s why Russia is at a disadvantage. All of the east – west roads and railroads run thru rough terrain close to the southern border. Those lines of communication can be rendered useless by the destruction of a few select bridges. The Chinese wouldn’t be worried about nuclear retaliation if they made a move.

Ricky Miller

Study a map and get back to reality sir. I have a detailed Atlas right here. The Southern Russian border runs along a frontier with Kazakhstan and Mongolia for nearly all it’s expanse. There is a small section of contact in the Altai Mountains but that region is desolate with nearly no major South to North arteries. It’s not until one reaches 100+ kilometers East of the Onion River that Russia and China begin sharing a passable border, and it is well defended. Don’t quit your day job and run off to armchair general anytime soon.


Bill your neighbour is moving your back garden fence to benefit themselves while you are too busy here.


China could overwhelm any of her neighbours and as been able to do that for centuries. The Chinese are more intelligent than that.

AM Hants

Guess you never watched the Russian world Cup or nknow nought about the infrastructure put in place to support the millions that flocked to Russia, to be part of it.

Brand new airports, highways and small towns, restored or created. Train services, that could happily support the millions travelling to the venues. The hospitality provided to the most impressive, happy, ‘feel good’ world Cup.

The infrastructure programme still being implemented. Over in the UK, we still rely on infrastructure from when the Romans invaded and the 19th century upgrade.

Crimea Airport and Kerch Strait Bridge, which was designed, built and in active service, within 5 years of ‘go ahead’, so comes to mind.

Together with the fact Russia can feed her people, with plenty to spare on the export market. GM free, to boot. How many nations dealing with the Corona Virus can say the same?


A bridge! LOL That is just too too funny. Oh and look, an airport! You Russians are so advanced!

GM free? LOL Is Russia harvesting Ancient Grains? If the answer in no then they are not GM free.

Gee, Russia hosted a World Cup. Feel good? In Russia? LOL A circus clown doesn’t “feel good” in Russia.

Ralph London

SIX eyes.

AM Hants

Graeae sisters in duplicate, with number 6 running the show.

Ralph London

‘Graeae sisters’?


Are you aware that you have a face that makes people want to slap it

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

yeah antisemites you mean? screw them

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well think about it, the oil price goes down but the exchange rate for what it is traded in ($) is going up. (the floating ruble is a bonus, commodities are priced in $) This is the perfect butt fuck for the Yanks!

Bill Wilson

The ruble has been depreciating since the start of the oil price war. The USD to Ruble exchange rate was 1:52 when it started and is now 1:66.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Which is all the sweeter as Russia get’s $ for it’s oil export. (it could convert more rubles or euros with it in exchange)

Ricky Miller

All oil producing states that float currency are seeing currency devaluation. Russia’s trade with the U.S. is minimal and Russia makes 70% of what she consumes, so a currency devaluation isn’t going to effect the average Russian. This Ruble devaluation is just a side effect of the oil price collapse; it’s not some kind of magic bullet that’s going to do Russia in.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I don’t think you understand international trade using the dollar as the currency in commodity trading Bob.

Wayne Nicholson

1. Russia imports little …. it’s under sanction and is nothing but a “gas station” according to US politician. If Russia trades internally why does it’s value to the UDS mean anything to the Russian economy?

2. The USA is in the midst of a financial crisis and the world is heading into crisis and depression. The USD is rising because of demand not the strength of the US economy. Margins are being called, capital is vanishing by the trillions a day investors need every nickel of liquidity they can scrape together. THAT’s why the USD is rising. That and countries are hunkering down and making sure they have reserve currency in hand.

We’ll talk again 6 months down the road when the stock market collapse moves into the debt crisis and consumer demand crisis and we’ll see how the ol USD is faring then OK.

General Hummus

so its true…. hooked nose jews orgasm when others suffer….


Only when the ones like you who deserve it suffer and hopefully shake a lot of hands, AH.

General Hummus

NAH…. just something i keep seeing with the hooked nose talmudic turds…. they orgasm when others suffer….. regardless who it is…..


Go shake some more hands, AH.

General Hummus

retard… u already said that… dafuk u mean??…….

are u alluding to the hands jobs u give to men in the talmudic ghetto ??

Lone Ranger

Try again Shlomo :)


China has the vaccine creep,your professionalism is rendered null and void here try the gaybar!

Bill Wilson

The only thing the Chinese have is an appetite for anything that moves.

Bobo Voxar

moves except cars,flies except planes and swims except submarines :-)

Raptar Driver

Vaccines don’t work, junk science.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

really? is that why few get measles, smallpox or H1N1 anymore? You realized those diseases would have kept on killing millions if not for vaccines?

Raptar Driver

Ignorance is bliss? You do realize that all those diseases were on the way out do to natural cycles and the vaccines are given credit? More junk science from your pretend ethnicity

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

another antisemite whose full of poop

Raptar Driver

More misdirection. All Caucasians are Semites, from Shem.

Bobo Voxar

malaria is caused by parasite… covid19 is VIRUS… si antimalaricum works like prayer against a tank…

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

look up the drug everyone’s talking about called hydroxy, forgot the other part but it works!

Bobo Voxar

get corona and test it… good luck

Wayne Nicholson

i”n the meantime prescription drugs will be issued to ALL sufferers of coronavirus to a 100% successful recovery rate! :D”

if that’s the case please explain how 227 have died in the USA already …. and this is before the virus even kicks into gear.

When this virus hits the obese, cancer ridden, coronary disease ridden, diabetic south and middle America it’s going to have a feast.

And then there’s Florida.

here’s the map so you can track it in real time https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html?fbclid=IwAR2ma-6Gx27jZ-lu4boUPo8gLx5GcJ6RnTk8M3r8bDQM5ON5nBbHQZqH6js#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6


LOL recovery from a relatively minor illness that only takes elderly sick people. I swear the entire western world has gone insane.


If you missed it, AH, China closed down its economy to get the Pandemic under control. It worked, at least for now. I hope your loves in the Kremlin are as stupid and suicidal as you.

Ricky Miller

When a virus first enters the human population from it’s vector it is more virulent than the mutated editions that come later, after passing through human hosts to other humans. China’s lock downs were necessary to keep the medical systems from being overloaded, especially during that dangerous initial period. But some of the restrictions happening now are absurd, over the top, panic. In the end car accidents will kill five or more times the number of people who die from this pandemic but no one is out there walling people off away from their cars, under color of law. People who are in an at risk group and those who are symptomatic should be isolated. Travel between countries should be slowed but all measures beyond that are disruptive, hysterical and superfluous. Oh, and stupid. Did I mention stupid?

Tudor Miron

Ricky, I respect your opinion and position. But I would suggest to simply look at the results. It was simple redistribution of wealth. Again – look at the final results, don’t buy into media campaign. Look at coronavirus death tall numbers. Compare them to death tall from “normal” well known diseases. Than look at how structure of wealth ownership in China changed during last couple of months.

Ricky Miller

OK. I’ll look into it from that perspective. I don’t see all the angles and I miss a lot all the time. Thanks brother.


Have fun basking in fear, you pathetic little cunt! I’ll be laughing at your self-induced anxiety.

Tudor Miron

At the very start of that madness I posted here that koronavirus while its real is simply insignificant – simple as that. It is far less significant than simple flu etc – way way way more people are constantly dieing from well known illness and nobody is panicking about it because this numbers are “normal”. At the same time grandiose media campaign is very significant and its results are a great example of what is called “unstructured governing”. Loronavirus operation is multifaceted in terms that it achieves many objectives at the same time. One of those = deflating of economical inflation bubble. As always it happens at expense of small and medium businesses – those will die. When I say medium this means the size of Toyota corporation which are small comparing to truly large corporations. But those that will go broke are simply “grass on the buttle field” for those who initiated this operation. It is amusing to see how people buy into this mighty advertisement campaign. Wake up sheeple! :)

General Hummus


hooked nose talmudic turd….

>>> US is on edge of economic meltdown…..

>>> cuba and china had solution to COVID19 before PISSRAEL…..

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

get lost with you’re antisemitic attempts at insults, I’m not even offended or hurt in the slightest

General Hummus

‘ I’m not even offended or hurt in the slightest ‘

ROFLLLL !!! ya talmudic turd…. I can tell…


LOL…come back in two weeks and crow. Russia will be in a Pandemic panic and crisis like other countries. Whether on the Italy trajectory is still to be seen. Your economy will be in free fall from this and the oil price war. The Ruble will take a dive off a cliff. Your interest rates will skyrocket. You will have a budget deficit that makes the US seem in great shape. Your export revenues will dry up. You will go from one of the higher death rates in the world to near the top if not the top. Your relatively short life expectancy will fall even further into the realm of Subsaharan Africa. When the US steps in doo doo, the Great and Glorious Russia takes a wild dive down the latrine. But take heart. Your past dead glories of the Soviet and Czarist Russian Empires will be there to welcome you with open arms and kisses on both cheeks. No need for social distancing where you are going, Igor.

René Artois

Ok. 2 weeks later. I`ll be there.


See you low iq facist kweers are too dumb to understand about abonimnation,so lies won’t cut it! EUGEDDON HERE WE COME:

Start praying creep you may very well end up in the park,drinking soured wine,no place to go:

Daniel Miller

I do realise you are an active troll and you lach any logic but look at things realistecly i am pro western i live in a NATO nation but i am a realistic person and evrything you just said is so wrong its actually funny to read. let me dismantle your whole argument with 5 points 1.Russia still has active industry unlike the EU and oil reperesents less then 20% of Russia’s GDP and if the Ruble losses some of its value that is not really that mutch of a conserne if anything its good for exports the lower your national currency is the better for trade. 2.Intrest raits are controled by the Russian bank and they have obviousely risen them just like all nations have. 3.Russia’s debt to GDP is lower then the Swiss debt to GDP even in a crisis situation its impossible to reach the level of debt the US and Japan have. 4.The average life expectancy in Russia is only 5 yeras lower then that of the United states so i dont see your point. 5.You sound very butthurt you dont seem pro western you just seem sad and angry you display a pattern its almost as if you got a trmatic experiance by a Russian or has something to do with Russia witch as traumatised you.


1.Russia still has an active industry unlike the EU… Lol why should anyone read the rest?

AM Hants

Because, unlike you, we have informed opinions and actually bother checking out the facts.

Russian energy, used to make up 16% of their GDP Budget, back in 2014. Believe it is less than 10% now.

Russia Number 1, grain exporter. GM free bonus.

Russia is an exporter nation, after seeing to the needs of their people. US is an import nation, unable to see to the needs of their people, without relying on imports.

Russia top 10 binary exports:

Mineral fuels, including oils.

Iron and steel.

Gems and precious metals.

Machinery, including computers.





Electrical machinery


Other top experts, coal, processed petroleum oils, petroleum gases, crude oil and not forgetting defense manufacturing products and the list goes on.


“Because, unlike you, we have informed opinions” :))) Just look at your list again…

Industrialised countries like Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Germany etc export mostly finite products, like cars, medicine… while the less industrialised ones export mainly raw materials like wood, minerals, cereals, oil etc. Germany cars+medicine exports value more than total Russian exports including oil and gas. And that’s only 1/3 of Germany exports.

AM Hants

So riddle me this, excluding the GDP debt those nations carry, how come Russia beats them in the economy table?

Remember, Russia overtook Germany and is now in 5th place. Don’t believe Japan, Sweden and Switzerland were in the top 4 economies and apologies if wrong.


Russia 5th place at what kind of ‘economy table’? Links?

Ricky Miller

Size of economy adjusted by purchasing power parity. It’s sort of a measure of the actual amount of goods and services produced by an economy, whereas GDP is a measure that weighs how much that production is worth or valued by international markets. For example, a Russian wine maker from Krasnodar can grow and bottle 100,000 bottles of wine and at US$5 per bottle they add $500,000 to Russia’s GDP. But a boutique French or Napa valley winemaker can bottle half that and sell it at $21 a bottle because of brand recognition and add U.S. $1,050,000 to GDP, even though they actually produce less wine and fewer glass bottles. In terms of actual production measurements across broad economic sectors Russia is now 5th.


So in your terms a Russian wine is as goid as a French wine….hmm ok. Quantity over quality.

Ricky Miller

I don’t know. I’m steadily destroying my Liver with Napa Valley Cabernets and have only had two bottles of Russian wine and that more than a decade ago. I don’t remember being especially impressed but it was OK. I’d say maybe right down the middle of my wine memories. But I also had more than one glass of crazy awesome French wine by reputation that was good but not worth the $70 I paid for a label. Way overpriced. Anyway, I was making an argument about how things are marketed and valued through demand and that international currency exchange value isn’t indicative at all of actual production output. Another example: Saudi Arabia is getting ready to buy four American frigates for $2.2 billion. For that amount Russia could sell them between six and seven Admiral Gorshkov class frigates.

AM Hants

Russia overtakes Germany to become Europe’s largest economy… http://Www.unz.com


Russia overtakes Germany to become Europe’s largest economy… wwe. Reddit. com

Russia overtake Germany as No. 5 economy by 2020: PWC – Bloomberg… http://www.bloomberg.com


LOL OMG Hants, I didn’t know that this was a comedy routine. LOL This is hilarious. )))) Do you really think the world needs so much salted cucumbers? What else do they produce for the ordinary consumer?

AM Hants

Laugh all you wish.


Economy! LOL Russia! LOL


Those are not links to articles but to publications. Bloomberg.com? Wtf moron

AM Hants

Darling, I am on a social media site, not writing a thesis.

Remind me, but what publications focus on economy trends, stating nations trending, on that particular day?


You just said that Russia is number 5 in ‘economic tables’ and I asked you for a source link not a thesis.


Yes, you need to apologize because you are very wrong. Russia doesn’t even lead the BRICS.

AM Hants

Riddle me this, but, how many nations make up the BRICS? Guess you assume Brazil leads BRICS. owing to their position in the anocrym?


Where’s the apology?


LOL…Russia overtook Germany only in terms of Zucchini GDP, NOT Real GDP. Japan is third, below China with the US solidly at the top. To find Russia, skip all the way down among the likes of Canada, South Korea, Australia and that other has-been empire, Spain.


Try this again, Igor:

LOL…you mean that one or two year blip in the PPP GDP estimates? You have to be kidding! Is it April First already? First take a look at where they show Russia is in the future. Oh, look. Down below those real superpowers, Egypt and Indonesia. Hey, who knows? Maybe after that, below Luxembourg. Now for your edification. PPP GDP treats zucchinis as just as important to national economic power as, say, iPhones. So for a very short time, Russia will be moving up a bit in terms of zucchinis until it falls below Indonesia and its cheaper zucchinis. But in this real world of real GDP, Russia is about between 11th and 13th depending on whose stats you use. Right there not much above that other has-been empire, Spain. And do note that my one US State of California, if a seperate country, would actually be the 5th on the list, almost twice as large of an economy as the Russia. Hey, even Texas and New York have greater real GDP’s than your Russia. Who knows how much further down the list the Russia will fall given the oil price war and their failure to deal honestly and realistically with the Pandemic? Oh, and if the Dems win in November, the draconian sanctions that will be coming their way in retribution. Woe is them…

Ricky Miller

Good job.

John Vishnevskaya

Love your posts Jake. You make about as much sense as 10 packs of toilet paper for a baby using diapers !

AM Hants

Love ’10 packs of toilet paper for a baby using diapers’.


Can i ask you why you consider yourself pro western because i can’t think of that much to be proud of these days if you live in a western countries as our governments have disgraced us on the world stage

Daniel Miller

We still have our values and traditions our culture and technology wealth and power sometimes its missused but who hasent made mistakes in history?


And ruble losing value is less disadvantage today since Russia is self sufficient in more fields than ever before, largely thanks due to the western sanctions.

Ricky Miller

OK Beetlejuice. Russia is calm about it, you’re the one hysterical. See you in two weeks. Bye till then?


:))) What a retarded comment from a stupid troll.. In one month there will probably not be enough money to pay you for your trolling on internet :) you will have to start actually working..

Lone Ranger

Thats a lot of crying and projecting Jake… Oy oy…


Nope, Coronavirus is a scam by western media and a total flop in terms of being an actual threat. Russians are not hysterical cowards like most Westerners; they’ll be fine because they will not tank their own economy out of unreasonable fear, as we have done. I’m frankly embarrassed at this point.


Zicorporations have been inflating the global casino bubble economy incessantly since 1945. The covid 19 pestilence is their way to cover up their criminal record while they consolidate their desired terrorist world order. China collaborated plenty with them as they invested in China’s economic “reforms”. Western “humanitarians” took over 2 months to react to what China was facing, now they’re saying “let people die” just like that.


Gutless wonders don’t wanna admit russia is the true superpower,just because russia don’t need to be?


I don’t think the Russians want to be a superpower the just want to an independent state


I see your point Roland, and in part I think that’s true. On the other hand Russia sits on huge amounts of minerals, metals, rare earth, gas and oil. Maybe it doesn’t desire become a superpower, but such destiny is written in the stars.


I think the fact that Russia has a lot minerals gas and oil is one of the reasons they pushing this global warming shit so hard – to curb Russia’s rise and also i do think that if Russia was the only world superpower the world the world would be a better place but what if they did become a super power and then the government changed hands to like the same people that run our governments then we would be back to square one that’s why it’s probably better if there are no superpowers in this world

Harry Smith

The multi polar world you are saying about. :)

Harry Smith

Being Russian can support Roland’s words about superpower. I don want Russia to be the sole superpower as USA was since 1992 up to 9/11. For more profound explanation please google for Putin’s speech about the bear and it’s wood.


What’s truly puzzling is what will happen after Putin’s leave… will the same oligarchs play dirty again as they did during the ’80s/’90s? Is the new russian PM truly following Putin’s way of reasoning? Hope so…

Harry Smith

You never can’t understand Russia with formal logic. The power prevails over the property more than 1000 years in Russia. While in the West money means power. And those people are oligarchs only because they are allowed to be oligarchs. 90s were the time when oligarchs were forming. Those who got the property and freely subordinated to the Kremlin are still oligarchs. Those who considered themselves powerful enough to play their own game – lost their property or/and lives. As for Putin he is not genius, but compromise of different groups of Russian ruling elites. Of course after Putin it will be the confrontation between groups, but the irony is that Western elites showed off their faces and Russian elites understand now that only strong and independent Russia can guarantee their wealth and power. But your question is really comprehensive and can’t be answered even by several comments.

Panthera Pardus

The situation in Italy, Spain and other southern and eastern European states needs no comments. They experience a lack of food and drugs supplies,

This is very stupid sentence and it brings down the Level of the whole Website. I am Italian and I know from all my relatives and Friends that there are no issue (negative) with Food at all , supply chain is working

May I suggest that you revide or delete this article.

Laurent Parodi

Guarda che in Italia non sono solo rose e fiori. Non abbiamo abbastanza posti letto ne abbastanza mascherine. Il sistema sanitario nazionale sta crollando. Siamo il paese con piu morti al mondo. Questo virus sta mostrando tutto il male che ha fatto la politica adottata da monti nel 2011. Tagliare le spese pubbliche ha rovinato la sanità e le infrastrutture pubbliche. Cibo ne abbiamo ancora per carità. Ma sul resto è meglio stendere un velo pietoso.

AM Hants

Good luck. Did like reading about the people going out on their balconies and creating their own patriotic festivities, including playing the National anthem. Over in the UK, the people have also been abused by their Governments. Yet. Unlike the Italians coming together, we appear to be fighting over loo rolls in the shopping aisles.

Take care and stay safe.


What is the go with people fighting over toilet paper it’s hardly a necessity of life i mean was it even used at all 120 years ago and in some countries it is still not widely used anyway whenever i run out of toilet paper i rip the pages out of a book i do not like it’s one of those self help books and it makes me glad to finally put it to good use

AM Hants

Haha, nice to know self help books come in handy. Cannot get my head around toilet rolls, being the ‘must have’ necessity or why people need to fight over them. I must admit being happy to find some in the corner shop, before I ran out and only took one pack. However, worse case scenario, there are loads of ways to get round lack of them, with or without self help books, which I have collecting cobwebs.


Yea i dont think that any of those self help books have actually helped a single person on the planet

AM Hants

They did when the s*it was going down, haha.

Have a few that I never bothered opening.


If you are reading Russian social media, Russians are freaking out. The government is only now beginning to enact counter-measures. WHO suspects Russia is sending it faked data. The Belorussian President has said that there is an endemic in Russia. In normal times, Russia has a horrible public health system. We are all hoping that the Russian government protects its people.

Tudor Miron

Do you hope that someone believes in this nonsense? :) I suspect that you’re on of those that try to get their 30 shekels by spreading fake news over social media. “President of Belorussia has said” Lol.


Google it, Tudor! Google it right this second. And then in the following seconds, I expect your apology. Google it!

Tudor Miron

I don’t have to google anything to know what’s going on in my country. Yes, lots of paid trolls are trying to spread panic and fake news in social media. You’re one of them. The fact that there a imbeciles trying to spread lies in social media (most are typing from Ukraine) doesn’t change the actual facts on the ground. Apologies? To such an imbecile? Lol.


So, you admit that you are a liar?

Tudor Miron

Stop projecting your wet dreams, imbecile. This is not funny nor entertaining.


A weak liar. lol Now that’s funny.

Tudor Miron

Lier trying to blame others of his own sins… you learn old zio tricks but that would not help you, imbecile. Now, quote what you claim to be a lie in my post. Otherwise shut your mouth – that double tongue is well visible and this doesn’t help your case.


There is no worse man than a liar man. A weak liar man. LOL That’s you!

Tudor Miron

Creature, I feel sorry for you.


Because you know very well that Lukashenko said this. LOL Weak man.

Tudor Miron

Yes, I know that traitor Lukashenko said this. I wasn’t arguing about that. I was laughing at you trying to say that Lukashenko’s words worth anything. Now, get lost ukro troll :) Go pay your gas bills.


Only a weasel lies about what he was lying about. LOL I’m not Ukrainian. But the Japanese people respect Ukraine. No nation respects or trusts Russia.

Tudor Miron

Imbecile, if you claim that I lie than point exactly to my word or phrase where I lied. Quote it. I don’t believe that you’re from Japan but even if you are – respect of Japanese people means very little because they have no self respect. Being a victim of US nuclear bomb attack and occupied by US forces since than and still leaking US boots and you guys seem to enjoy it.


Japan is a modern country. We don’t build a bridge or grow wheat and then brag about it as if it were some marvel of science. Russians. A simple people.

Maninder Singh Batra

Like how Japan countered Fukushima?


I missed your point.


That is NOT the only thing you missed.

Maninder Singh Batra

Yes ,I understand Geisha .


Sorry? I missed your point, dummy.

Tudor Miron

Enough of your mental diarrhea. You blamed me that I lied. Quote it from my above post or stick your tongue where it belongs – your own ass and than keep quiet. Simple people . Lol


Your kind are known as the “easy” people. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge …. say no more …..


Well, whatever. It did also keep you AH’s from taking half of Japan. Most anything is worth that, Comrade Igor.


Great time to pay gas bills as the price has fallen and keeps falling as Russia most sell it below cost…as Putz Putin the Poisoner and his RF fall. Bye bye…


Definitive studies have been recently done that prove over 80% of the lying trolls on social media are Russian operatives working for a Vodka ration, some Kopecks and a draft deferment. Just like you, Igor.


I believe the Kremlin will be reopening the Siberian Gulags to handle the problem. And then when the RF falls, all those folk will become Chinese. Problem solved!


It is not so far fetched. One woman escaped quarantine. They had to drag her back. Tatarstan and Buryatia might use the crisis to make the move. By giving Crimea the right to “self-determine” its fate, the Russians have given the republics a nonviolent, democratic tool to withdraw from Russia.


Not while Putin is in power. Matters not what the law or constitution says. Especially any region with a significant Russian population, he will use military force to retain. And if he can’t hold it all, he will kill a great many to keep the Russian areas. Putin is trying to make himself Czar for life as absolute ruler of a new Russian Empire. He can’t afford to let ANY regions go, especially the Russian areas. The RF breakup will likely not be as clean as that of the Soviet Union as long as Putin is in charge, I think.


Yes. And Europe and the Yanks will not be as willing to provide assistance.


It sure won’t be from the US if the Dems have any say in the matter and Putin is still in power. The Dems still hold the House and if lucky will take the rest in November. Well, that is if we have an election and Trump doesn’t play Putin and make himself God-Emperor for life. };o)


Oh, how horrible. I read that it’s possible that they will make Trump resign so Pence can take over. Is there any truth to that?

John Wallace

Of course not.


Anything is possible. But somethings are highly unlikely. And some things are near impossible. At this time, there is near zero chance that they will get Trump out of the White House except feet first. He feels so close to his goal of authoritarian power, he would not give it up and would call on his minions to support him. And would they ever. It is more likely that Trump would replace Pence than the other way around. He may even now pick another VP for his second term. Oence is looking too presidential. It will take an Act of God to get him out without a military coup which particularly given the situation we are facing is near impossible. My bigger concern is him not leaving by using emergency powers to cancel the election if he thinks Biden might beat him. Or not accepting the results if there is an election and just staying. And it is not at all clear that the politics of this crisis which looks to us as so negative for Trump won’t actually help him win. I am not at all optimistic. Still, we are in totally unknown and extremely chaotic waters and most anything can happen by November. Hey, he’s in a high risk demographic and could get the worst version of the Coronavirus.

John Wallace

Trump has health problems so Pence is to take over temporarily .or as long as it takes. That should make Americans feel better.


“God-Emperor for life”. Seems that you may be a ‘Dune’ series fan Jake. Regarding your November elections, I still consider Trump to be the likely winner and the House may become Republican as well since the Dimocrats seem unable, unwilling to get their act together. But……as is said, “ There’s many a slip twixt the cup and the lip”, and so nothing yet is written in stone.

Regarding your ongoing hatred of mother Russia and President Putin. It’s a sterile occupation, you’re eating yourself up to no avail. Russia is secure in her borders and economy, just having overtaken Germany, and does have the comfort of WMD accompanied with a global reach. Calm down, breathe deeply and you will feel the better for it.

AM Hants

Darling, the whole world is freaking out. UK, we are having police dealing with fighting in the aisles over toilet roll. Tourist industry completely shut down, just like most nations.


Yes, but in Japan, UK, Germany, and other nations, the governments are providing accurate information, recommendations, and directions. The Russian government is ignoring the situation. The test kits that the Russians are using are 10 times less sensitive than the ones in the USA. That means the tests are giving false negatives to infected people. These people then go back home and to work. From experience, Russians know that they are being lied to but don’t know what to do. While it’s true that thee Russian people have caused so much suffering and sorrow in Ukraine, no one wishes them to be thee victims of their immoral and incompetent government.

cechas vodobenikov

sociologists observe “self help” is peculiar to the USA where dependence on others is considered weakness—which of course precludes the possibility of love in the USA…”the crystallization of love is impossible in the USA” Stendahl


Hey since you seem to be from Russia can i ask you if you know what role Freemasonry or its associated groups play in your country because the situation in the west is dire these gangs are out of control


Toilet paper is barbaric anyways. See: bidet sprayers


And your worthless Putz Putin Rubles will come in handy.


The Russians don’t fight over toilet paper. They have more than enough worthless Putz Putin Rubles on hand to do the job if they run out.

Lone Ranger

They can pay their bills and food and have a job. Unlike most Americans nowdays. You sound like Adolf in the reichsbunker ordering imaginary troops around :) The U.S. Empire is finished. It’s a historical moment. Buy some more toilet paper, you will need it…

cechas vodobenikov

obviously amerikans r full of feces—in Russia there is little anxiety and hoarding–except a slight uptick in purchases of kasha…an amerikan academic in Moscow recently described amerikans as “money worshipping hyperactive morons”

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So Italy has no problem with getting face masks, ventilators, gloves, testing kits and enough ICU beds to cater for its population?

May I suggest, you stop cherry picking the article while your country is in deep s hit without the paddles to protect its citizens. Italy is part of the EU, and while the food is there now, there is no guarantee that the just in time transportation and distribution chains don’t break down with the mass unemployment caused by the economic crash and the spread of the virus.

So Italy has no problem with getting face masks, ventilators, gloves, testing kits and enough ICU beds to cater for its population?

what did I write? there are no issue (negative) with Food at all , supply chain is working

May I suggest, you stop cherry picking the article while your country is in deep s hit without the paddles to protect its citizens. Italy is part of the EU, and while the food is there now, there is no guarantee that the just in time transportation and distribution chains don’t break down with the mass unemployment caused by the economic crash and the spread of the virus.

the average age of the dead in Italy is 81 (indeed,, eighty – one ) and 2 out of 3 were suffering of pre-existing condition – there are enough adults in working age able to Sustain the supply chain, an economical Crisis is for sure possible but the event of Food scarcity is impossible


rightiswrong rightiswrong

400 plus per million deaths in Italy, against 56 per million in China!

The range of victims across the EU include large amounts of medical staff, and they are not pensioners. You cherrypicking the elderly is pure nonsense, the incidence of younger victims is growing all the more in the fortnight or so since the EU admitted it was spreading here.


Get ready for the same in your own back yard, Igor.

Lone Ranger

Wishful thinking Schlomo…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It is in my backyard you, Jake the Jewhadi prick, the EU is the worst zone for now, at least until the US start getting proper testing gear. I can only imagine how much COVID is in Israel, the place is full of it, brought to you by your hospitalised brethren in ISIS, HA fucking Ha.


The ones in the US military that died due to vaping were the cream of the crop.. So yes it does affect younger generations as well. But while there is a percentage for them, for the elderly its certain..

Lone Ranger

Those were probably part of the bioweapon program or simple Guiana pigs. Google unethical Human Experimentation in the U.S.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Over 40% of new cases are recorded on people from 30 to 55.

It started off with the weak, as they claimed AIDS only affected gays!

you are truly spreading Panic and misinformation, the data per age Groups are provided by the Italian Government https://notizie.virgilio.it/chi-sono-pazienti-rischio-morte-coronavirus-eta-sesso-sintomi-terapia-1308904 you can use a translator of your choice,: younger is 31, older is 103 (male and female) the average age is then given separated for men and women 79/82

I cut and paste a relevant part

36 deaths (so 1.1%) out of 3200 was for age below 50 and the 9 between 31 and 39 had all pre-existing condition

Solo in 36 dei 3.200 casi di morte legata al nuovo coronavirus (l’1,1%), i pazienti avevano un’età inferiore ai 50 anni. Di questi 9 avevano tra i 31 e i 39 anni, 8 uomini e una donna. Tutti e 7 i casi under-30 di cui si hanno informazioni cliniche avevano patologie pregresse, di tipo cardiovascolare, renale, psichiatrico, e diabete e obesità.


rightiswrong rightiswrong

You can post official posts all you want, the facts are plain to see.

It is not just the aged, you lie openly about the age groups. The WHO have warned the younger people that they are at risk also. As for the economic crash which is a fact, how does the EU, already flush with QE, provide cash to replace the shut down economy? Where will Airlines get the cash to pay for thousands of 200 million dollar aircraft sat idly by? How many cars have VW sold today? How much cheap petrol has been sold today? The world is in lockdown, no income being spent on the different economies, where are the taxes coming from to pay for your propaganda? By printing more?

You are spreading the same message the Eurocrats have been telling us ever since the bankers crashed the world economy back in 2008, just carry on, the obscenely well paid mandarins will get us out of it. Only a fucking clown would believe that shit.


Certainly an error, there is no need to add to the panic.

Raptar Driver

When will people realize that all governments are gangsters that we give power to by our cooperation?


Cringeworthy Article with fallacy upon fallacy that became blatant cringeworthy


So curious to look at all these fallacies listed and motivated one after the other.

You know what? Just the fact russia has piled 2300 tons of gold, with the gold volatility and a delta up to 6€/gr in the last 6 months made russia potentially earn 13.8 billions of euros (15 bln of dollars) without even touching a printing press in the Central bank.

Stay tuned, cause in the next quarter what’s gonna happen will be MASSIVE whatever it will be!


This place has gone to the dogs. This is the time you will see me around this forgotten corner on the internet. 95% of the posters here are filithy low IQ indians on top of everything. It kinda of lost it’s sense of everything. I need to continue my journey to a greener pastures

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Green Mile perhaps!


I like this platform there are no moderators to curb free speech and you can learn a lot from the comment section here also you made no specific complaint you just called everyone retards without explaining why


And the US has more than 4 times the gold of Russian. Try to keep up.

Lone Ranger

Only on paper. In reality it’s lead and tungsten rods. Most the U.S. gold are in Chinese vaults now. Around 36,000tons in total. Gold back Yuan and IMF credits are coming… Oy oy…


LOL…sure, Igor. And you have personally counted and tested all the claimed Russian gold? Thought not. You keep getting more entertaining all the time as your tinfoil hat gets tighter and tighter.

Lone Ranger

Russian state was never caught with fake gold. Contrary to the U.S… Oy oy…

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans r fake people—observed by many —“the cult of sincerity”. David Riesman “amerikans aren’t sincere–its a performance”. or “the cult of friendliness” Christopher Lasch “amerikans r only friendly when they want something” …Arlie Hochchild described amerikans as fake, so does Geoffrey Gorer “nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded w a fine coat of fraud. amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans–they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul Fussell

Lone Ranger

Sadly I have to agree. I had pretty bad experience with them sofar. Not impressed at all. Stay safe bro. Keep spreading the word.


LOL…mostly you Russkies will be spreading the Coronavirus among yourselves. Enjoy! Bye bye…

Lone Ranger

You spelled Americants wrong tho. Bye.


LOL…And you have counted and checked all that supposed Russian gold yourself, Igor? Thought not. But you look so cute in your tinfoil hat.

Lone Ranger

Tell the UK, France and Germany about that… They did find funny gold they got from the U.S. Russia has a perfect trackrecord sofar. Bye.

cechas vodobenikov

only 2 nations mine more gold each year than Russia…in the US they buy Russian diamonds, platinum, oil etc–the US exports nearly nothing, except imperialism–per U of Mich professor Juan Cole, US is the most corrupt nation on earth; they spend more on their military each year per Cole, than the next 14 largest military nations combined—expected in collapsing empire w a 23 trillion$ debt Cheers!

Lone Ranger

Indeed. U.S. has been highjacked by banksters and the nazis. Thry run the banks, CIA, military, and the military industrial complex. Operation paperclip wasnt such a good idea after all. It was profecied that out of Russia will come hope. I belive that this is true. Russia was put on Earth for a reason. They are the protectors of Humanity. God Bless.

cechas vodobenikov

finally u r correct–Ft Knox is filled w tin “Amerika is a culture of stupidity”. Arthur Schlesinger Jr…u r 1 more proof


Audited last time in 1974. Try to stay up-dated.

cechas vodobenikov

the US govt refuses to permit independent auditors to inspect their Ft Knox sawdust “amerikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. Daniel boorstin “obamas job is to lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon


Actually, US Secretary of Treasury checked up on FK gold in 2017. He tweeted “Gold is safe, I saw it!”. AHAHAHAHA


I’ve been saying for a couple of years now that i want to move to Russia Iran or even Syria as their governments do not seem to be controlled by the forces of evil what a lot of people don’t realise is that those of us that live in the west are at the mercy of these psycopathic devil worshippers as they have full control over our governments. In other words we are fucked.


Please, please go and collect your Darwin Award. PLEASE…


Preparing how to hide the truth. And thus Glorious Mother Russia is on its way to becoming another Italy. Bye bye Putz Putin the Poisoner and his RF.

Lone Ranger

Take your meds Shlomo ;)


LOL…that’s my line around here. Try to be original.

cechas vodobenikov

interesting that amerikans r so anxious and insecure that they consume more marijuana, cocaine, heroin, meth, hallucinogens per capita than civilized peoples and in the past decade they have consumed more than 89% of the legal psychotropics and 66% of all anti-depressants on the planet…..an extremely backward, cultureless people that can neither feel or think…expected in an empire verging on collapse

Lone Ranger

True. I read those stats as well. Brainwashing and drugs go hand in hand.

cechas vodobenikov

Jacki is hilarious—suicide declining in Russia—USA dramatically increasing; life expectancy increasing Russia—USA declining…USA highest crime rate on earth; Russia has halved its incarcerated population in the past 15 years (USA incarcerates more per capita than any nation on earth—as Durkheim wrote, “only in the least developed societies is punishment wide a severe”…USA=most rapes per capita; Russia: rapes rare…murder is only significant in the non ethnic Russian regions—highest in the Mongol Buddhist regions: buriyat, Tuva, Kalmikiya… to be fair, amerikan obesity is world class, as is their fear of death—well documented by Christopher Lasch (the culture of narcissism)

Lone Ranger

He is the best example of cold war brainwashing. Cant accept anything less than USA#1, Russia baaaad. Typical sheep. Will probably end up like adolf in his bunker, ordering imaginary troops around dreaming about victory. The wicked flee when non pursue…

cechas vodobenikov

as the parsonian sociologist Philip Slater wrote: “amerikans love big because they feel so small”. jokie would benefit from some psychotherapy or perhaps a cocktail of seroquel and prozac—the poor under socialized “it” seems depressed

Lone Ranger

Indeed. But I have a feeling he is already taking Strong meds. I wish him to get better.


Well, you Russkies just go for the civilized binging and the civilized early deaths it causes and the civilized high murder rate it generates and the civilized high suicide rate it creates…and so you civilized Russkies go civilly to your early civilized graves. Oh, such a civilized people! But your coming collapse will be anything but civilized. Bye bye…

cechas vodobenikov

is little Jackie yearning for attention? “the banality of amerika: the radical absence of culture”. J Baudrilliard LOL

Luke Hemmming

Amazes me how in western MSM twists the story that somehow Russia is solely responsible for making the price of oil tank when it was Saudi Arabia that decided to increase production and discounted the price of its oil not Russia. Of course the dumbed down sheeple bought this BS story. Phucktards like jake and the gang.

Luke Hemmming

Hahaha phuck off jake you dickhead

Bill Wilson

Russia is responsible by refusing to reduce their oil production. If they did, then they’d be making more money even though they’d be exporting less.

Luke Hemmming

Yes but it was SA that increased production and discounted the price. If SA did not do this then the market would not have tanked. That’s what happens when you cut off the nose to spite the face. So it’s SA fault not Russia.

Harry Smith

Russia refused to continue the OPEC+ treaty because USA put sanctions on the biggest Russian oil exporter – Rosneft. So even if Russia would support the reduction it will lose the same amount of money as it loosing now. That’s why the decision was pure logic: if you want us to lose our money because of your stupidity, let’s make you lose control on your markets. Russia wins in any case. If Trump will understand that the idea of sanctioning industry which is crucial for the global economy – was an enormous stupidity, he will stop all the sanctions. If Washington’s elites are dumb enough not to understand the obvious things, well, the fracking option will be zeroed for the USA economy. As for the Saudis, they don’t have any other option than sell oil at any price they can, because 80% of their budget consists of oil revenues.

Ricky Miller

Russia has the right to produce and sell what she wants. It’s called the free market. They are unwilling to cut production under any agreement that US shale benefits from but does not take part in. It’s a long term perspective.

Jens Holm

There is no economic crisis and Putins are not prepared for low oilårices at all, so they now sell all they can for almost nothing.

Its correct there is turbolence. Thats no crisis.

Lone Ranger

Wrong. Sorry Jen’s…

Jens Holm

There is no need of oil. Saudis has made some war for raising prices and others now are giving us cheep oil. The result is cheep oil or all.

The crusis is in the oil business only. The only real crisis is we delay going away from fossils. It the wame worry I have for Nordstream too. It will delay the change to the change or partly change for producing by wind and solar electricity and ll the needed changes for the neeed of the fossils.

Im not worried for Russians and the deoendesy, but very much of the little smog we have is from Poland and south of us – mainly by coal.

I lived in Copenhagen with smog. Sulhur acid was “Should You TV antanna be secures againt HSO4”.

And no Russia and others might not sell their extra and very cheep oil and keep their income level. Putin has – as fx Erdogan – told people to be loyal even the incomes for fx pension is lowered a lot.

That declining in wellfare.

Lone Ranger

Currently fossils and nuclear cant be replaced. If yiu would phase out oil, gas and coal 4 billion people would due within a year. Thats that. Also its not only an oil crisis but a debt crisis, U.S. has $23.5trill in National debt and another $170trillion in the derivative bubble. Thats more worth than the U.S. and everything in it. And now the bubble popped. Its the end of the U.S. Empire.


LOL…sure, Igor.

Lone Ranger

Not according to fact based reality… Have fun…


Coronavirus is a scam by fearmongering media in the west. Sadly the hysteria over this non-pandemic, total flop of a virus, has infected SouthFront, too.

cechas vodobenikov

in the “amerikan culture of stupidity”. Arthur Shlesinger Jr –where people r unable to make connections or think dialectically (Tocqueville, Gorer, Sennet, Lakoff, etc), these idiots believe any ruling class ideology they r trained to believe “there is no independence of mind or any real freedom of debate in amerika”. Tocqueville. gorer wrote that Russians naturally think dialectically…as gorer wrote, “amerikans only comprehend discreet disconnected facts” “since the masses r eager to believe something, nothing is so easy as to arrange facts for their benefit”. Talleyrand of course the amerikans r full of feces—they now hoard toilet paper…and being insecure paranoid people guns saustralia and UK do people now hoard TP…sales have increased dramatically only in Australia/Uk in Netherlands people r purchasing marijuana–long queues in Russia there is nearly no hysteria–5-7% r purchasing more kasha in Canada they r witnessing spikes in the purchase of maple syrup the self doubting fascist amerikan empire is now near collapse—obvious for those aware of history or sociology…”amerikans r not educated to think historically or sociologically”. Morris Berman amerikans r so stupid they believe their professors—Hofstadter described amerikan academics as “technicians that serve power that have a thin understanding of everything”. obvious for those that have attended graduate school in the USA…these over-conformist semi-automatons” Riesman, will never reform their decaying empire–again indisputable for those that have read Putnam

cechas vodobenikov

http://www.sott.net/article/431130 all fake US media claims their pathetic no health care system cannot address the virus—in amerika martial law means quarantine and a capitalist butcher is an entrepreneur….such people cannot govern themselves–they require an oligarchy Russia is so well prepared that we r sending medical workers to Italy to assist them. the benevolent empire increases sanctions on Venezuela, Iran, etc…amerikans r truly a generous ,,,degenerate people

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