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MARCH 2025

World Reacts To Iranian Strikes On US Bases In Iraq

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World Reacts To Iranian Strikes On US Bases In Iraq

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On January 8th, there’s varied responses, following an Iranian missile attack on bases hosting US forces in Iraq.

Notably, Israeli media attempted to fuel some fears, by claiming that Hezbollah would target Israel in the case of a US response to the Iranian attack.

The article by the Jerusalem Post, claimed that the group said it would respond, but then only contains a presumed statement by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

“We in no way consider the Zionist regime (of Israel) to be separate from the criminal US regime in these crimes,” the IRGC warned in a statement. “We warn the Great Satan, the bloodthirsty and arrogant regime of the US, that any new wicked act or further agression (against Iran) will bring about more painful and crushing responses,” stressed the IRGC.

In addition, CNN reported that the IRGC said on its Telegram Channel that it would target Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and Haifa in Israel if Iranian soil was targeted.

There’s been no official statement by Hezbollah on the matter.

The UK, on its part, strongly condemned the attack by Iran, urging it to not to repeat any such actions.

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said he was “concerned” by reports of casualties and the use of ballistic missiles.

“We urge Iran not to repeat these reckless and dangerous attacks, and instead to pursue urgent de-escalation,” he said. “A war in the Middle East would only benefit Daesh [Islamic State] and other terrorist groups.”

British warships, helicopters and several hundred military personnel have been put on standby of 48 hours or less for deployment in or near Iraq, ready to respond as the Iran crisis escalates.

This was announced by British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, and it would happen if British soldiers were killed by Iran or its proxies.

“If British civilians were killed or even military personnel as a result of Iranian or terrorist action, we would look at the response. The response would no doubt be proportionate,” said Wallace.

Two British warships are already stationed near the Gulf, the HMS Montrose and the HMS Defender, which are ready to escort British flagged oil tankers through the strait of Hormuz if required.

In British Parliament, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn asked how the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani was justified under international law.

“From the information and intelligence I have seen it is clear that there is a case for self-defence to be made, about an individual [Suleimani] who had come to Iraq to coordinate murder and attacks on US citizens,” Wallace said.

The UK has deployed approximately 20 military planners to Iraq to help prepare for a range of scenarios, from an escalation of conflict with Iran to a full departure of British forces from the country.

China also responded to the Iranian missile attack. Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told reporters that Beijing has called for restraint by all sides and is in close consultation with the governments involved, including at the United Nations and through China’s embassy in Baghdad.

Geng also accused the U.S. of abusing the rights of people in the region through its military actions.

Germany has condemned the Iranian missile strike at bases in Iraq used by U.S. forces.

Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said the government “rejects this aggression in the sharpest possible terms.”

She told German public broadcaster ARD that “it’s now particularly up to the Iranians not to engage in further escalation.’

Russian member of parliament Vladimir Dzhabarov warned that a conflict between the U.S. and Iran might lead to a nuclear war.

“Reciprocal strikes by the U.S. and Iran may lead to an all-out war in the region,” Dzhabarov said. “If Washington sees that it can’t achieve its goals, there’s a danger of a nuclear war.”

In his view, the UNSC should get involved in the situation, in order to prevent a further escalation in the Middle East.

Japan said that it would do its best to assist governments in easing tensions and avoid a further escalation.

Japanese Chief Cabinet spokesman Yoshihide Suga said that his “government will coordinate with the related governments to collect intelligence while we ensure the safety of Japanese citizens in the region.”

“Japan will also urge all related nations to do their utmost diplomatic effort to improve the relations.”

He said that Japan would deploy a warship to the Persian Gulf to protect its commercial vessels, just in case.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison says all of his country’s troops and diplomatic staff in Iraq are safe, after the missile strikes, but provided no further comment on the strikes.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu will visit Iraq on January 9th within the framework of attempts to reduce the tension between the US and Iran.

In a written statement made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “In the context of our intense diplomatic initiatives to reduce the increasing tension as a result of recent developments in our region, our Minister is expected to make a one-day visit to Iraq on 9 January 2020.” statements were included.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin are to meet on January 8th and it is likely that they will also provide a statement on the situation.


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If I don’t see any footage with the damage, this will be a lost day from my life.

Ashok Varma

Is your life that miserable that you want to see death and destruction?

Free man

The mullahs regime was smart enough not to cause the death or injury of Americans. No one needs a new war in the area.

Arch Bungle

Americans and Israelis are the root of evil in the middle east.


Ignore the cry baby. All the ziotrolls are butt hurt this morning. You should have seen the post by Iron Pussy. He was crying like a baby, basically saying : Just wait…just wait until the US retaliates. Well, we’re all still waiting, hours later…still crickets. All their pissing and moaning is not gonna change what happened last night and that realization is more than their little propagandized brain cell can handle. Oh, the pain…HAHAHA


What a slap it was .. LOL

Sending 22 missiles with less than %50 success for killing the 2nd man of Iran , the most valuable asset Iran had so far.

And propagandists like you trying to present it as a success.


Yeah, a big failure…right. That’s why the US is claiming no one was killed…while there is video of US choppers flying out casualties. Gee, didn’t see those vaunted US AD missiles take anything down. Guess they just didn’t see them coming. No wonder the Saudis are fleeing to Europe, as if they had no defenses. Oh yeah, they don’t…they have Patriot sham defense system, as does the US bases. Now poor ole Trumpster has to lie to the US people. My bad, he’s been doing that on a regular basis.


Do you have any concrete evidence proving the deaths and ‘immense slap’ or are these your assumptions again which you use your ass as the single source.

Moron , he was the most valuable asset to Iran, do you sincerely think that killing a few , even 100 US soldiers cover such a loss ?


Nope, never said it did. That crap came from your mouth. The US will be leaving, much to the consternation of that parasite on the Mediterranean, due to this. There is video of these bases being struck, or is that not evidence they were hit? You, of course, would like everyone to think the vaunted US military survived it all without a scratch. That’s what the US media is saying right now. How stupid would one have to be to believe that. Explain that, since you appear to be one of those that are that stupid.


It is Khameini who talked about the ‘slap’ , your sugar daddy. It is also the iranians who claimed abot US losses so they have the proof of burden. US bases may have been struck but it does not mean that 80 soldiers or even less were killed inside.

The main point is neither 10 nor 100 US soldiers can compensate the death of Qasım Suleimani. Your Iranian boys simply could not dare to give an adequate reply to what US did. They are just showing off.

Free man

You are overestimating him. Iranian television said there were 80 Americans killed. That’s his proof. The mullahs’ sheep don’t have the independent thinking app.


He is a real fanatic or a lousy propagandist , I was about the put a diagnosis, but he disappeared :)

Free man

Be serious. The mullahs regime, and their jihadist militias, won’t do something significant. The Americans killed the hero of the revolution and they killed several Iraqi hills. I wonder if the Ukrainian plane was shot down by accident or on purpose.


Iran refusing to hand the flight recorder to Boeing , so what do you think ?

Free man

I think the Iranians shot down the plane out of panic.


I belive so as well.

Arch Bungle

Why would Iran hand blackboxes over to people who lie about them decade after decade? Iran should hand it over to Russia and China.


Why not to an international committee?


Are you retarded or can’t you fucking read? No one with any sense would hand the box to anyone connected to the west.


If you were not heavily retarded , you could understand that an international comittee can consists of various experts including the ones from China or Russia as well.

You are a bit dull , arent you ?


Really? When were Russia and China or even Maylasia ever given access to the MH17 box? As a matter of fact they never did release that data, did they? Fucked up, didn’t you?


Then request it , and if this is refused tell it to the world so that you can prove that you are not guilty .

So that noone will need primates like you trying to defend them here and there.


Well, you finally got me. What this stupid post means is anyone’s guess. Do you even know what you meant?


Then read it again till you comprehend you paranoid twat, I dont have to explain everything to you over and over.


Just as I thought, even you don’t have a clue what you meant.


Thinking is not one of your abilities, you moron. You just spew the cliches you memorize. Then Iran should ask for an international committee , and request China and Russia to be in it. If refused , Iran can claim that the committe is not neutral. Was it too hard to understand , simpleton?


You and your troll buddy should get a room…where you can tell each other stories until the wee hours.


I am not interested with fantasies of yours , simpleton. This is a political thread , go and try gay chat rooms where you belong.


OOhhh, struck a nerve did I?


You definitely did. Thick people always piss me off.



Probable shrapnel damage on wings

Free man

Let’s say that I hope, for the Iranians sake, that they killed 170 people accidentally and unintentionally.

Ashok Varma

Childish conspiracy theories.


What Iranians will do with the black box of the plane? Why they dont give it to an International comotee to see what really happened?

Free man

They probably know exactly what happened.

Concrete Mike

Because the internarional comittees have now been politicized by USA and chums.

Example MH17, and OPCW.

The so called.international community has lost credibility, as it ignores half the planet or more.

I would.keep it too.

Stop smering lies like.a bonobo smearing shit on the walls please.


So let Iranian try to examine the black box and tell us what they find inside. So that we can believe all because Mr Concrete Mike thinks that they are more reliable then an international committee. Lovely.


Uhhh, Mr Concrete Mike and the rest of the world, you mean. The west already screwed that pooch, dumbass.


The rest of your small world in that single dimension where you are constantly wank , I meant.

Now if you are done , go and wipe your ears


There you go again…wanking must rank high on your things to do.


Thats your field of expertise, after all thats what you have done here so far.


Well, you got me again. Conversing with you is a lot like wanking. Your BS just keeps cumming and cumming.


Getting you is not a big deal simpleton , I can always spot a wanker like you from far away.


God, I hope not. I’m not fond of being ogled by men.


Yeah, because they can be trusted as much as the US and Brit govs…What a boron…


Quit finding excuses just because you have some sympathy against Iranians. Who said to US or British ? I said an international comittee. Which part of it you failed to understand ?

If the plane has real engine malfunction, they are putting everyone at danger who flies with this kind of planes by keeping the black box for theirselves.


What part of ‘you don’t fool us’ do you not understand? You mean the same international group that investigate MH17. Who lied, lied, lied and then never revealed what was on that black box. Only a totally fucked up person would think that Iran would down a plane in their own territory after it just left their airport and boy do you qualify. BTW, what does sympathy against Iranians mean? You got me on that one. What a stupid illiterate fuck.


Everyones wants to fool you, but ofc no one can. Paranoid twat.

Did I ever tell that it was downed on purpose ?


Oh, so now your story is that the inept Iranians accidentally shot it down? Keep them coming, I’m sure you’ll hit on something you can wail about….sooner or later. Much later.


Yes thats exactly what I meant. Looking at their propagandists on net , ie you , it does not come as a surprise to assume that a primate over there pushed the wrong button in panic. I kept it as simple as I could, so that even a simpleton like you could understand.


Ahhh, therein lies the problem…I’m not used to trying to understand simple minded simplistic irrational propaganda. Usually you guys are a bit smarter. Guess all the really good trolls are on mission elsewhere.


I dont fit your standards because I am not a troll, simpleton.

But that does not man that I will swallow every BS you cheap propagandists are trying to push.


What is a boron, you retarded fuck ? Are you memorizing periodic table or what ?

English teacher , my ass.

Free man

It’s a rare coincidence that an airplane falls from the sky just as you’re firing missiles. Yesterday Iran had a particularly bad day. They buried the Revolution Hero, about 50 mourners were killed, fired missiles without hurting one American, and shot down a passenger plane. What a day.


Alright, another phony ‘Iran did it’ scenario. Poor ole butt-hurt trolls, can’t you come up with something better? More like the engine grenaded. Just more ZioMonkey shit throwing…hoping some will stick to the wall.


”More like the engine grenaded” Here we have an aviation expert , a non zionist one who recognizes trolls at the first sight.

Another retraded , single dimensional shallow simpleton.


“Another retarded, single dimensional shallow simpleton” Yes, I fully agree with your self assessment. Sorry for correcting your spelling and punctuation. But, yeah, spotting you boring morons just gets easier and easier.


I am glad you have understood it correctly this time.

LOL, retrarded aviation expert now becomes English teacher.


…and the R-E-T-A-R-D still can’t spell after being corrected. I guess they are right…you just can’t fix stupid.


Never give up your hope Mr. English teacher , look I still have not lost my mine and keep posting trying to fix a primate like you .


HAHA…at least you have your delusions to keep you happy. Have a nice day and try not to get too deep into your delusions. I don’t get paid for this, unlike you. I have real work to do. Since you will be joining the other 73 trolls I have blocked, I won’t be seeing your sun-shiny face any more. Sorry if this cuts your pay back. NOT.


You can block , cry , wank or go fuck yourself. All fine by me. Have a nice day

Ivan Freely

Shot down planes fall near vertically immediately. This plane did not while it was engulfed in flames for some time.

Ashok Varma

Indian TV has shown an engine fire and then an unfortunate crash. It is just an accident.

Arch Bungle

It is a Mossad operation. This is their modus operandi.

Free man

How do you explain the damage to a plane from shrapnel?

Ivan Freely

Lots of spinning metal inside an engine. Time will tell on the cause of the crash.

Ashok Varma

It was an engine fire, you should not be spreading malicious rumors. Respect for the victims RIP.

Free man

So why is the mullahs regime unwilling to allow access to the aircraft? Or send data to Boeing?


Why you blindly defend them although there are many evidences showing that it may not be actually an engine malfunction ?


If you had at least half an operating brain cell, you’d realize that if it were a missile, as you are insinuating, there would be far more damage evident. Everyone here knows that you are just another butt-hurt little cry baby troll, whining because your criminal masters got what was coming to them and now have to leave the ME.


LOL what we have here is a wannabe aviation expert who can tell what kind of heavy damage a misslile. Then tell your Iranian boyfriends to deliver the blackbox so that they will not endanger anyones life if this is really an accident.

I nave no masters and I dont give a damn if US leaves ME or not, but buthurt cringes who can not deal with a simple idea which does not suşt their fanatical fantasies really interes mme a lot.

So simpleton, why dont you take that vast aviation knowledge of yours and cry elsewhere ?



It’s a Boeing, they fall out of the sky more than any other plane, get over it. You’re the one who is the supposed expert, insinuating a missile strike with a few frag strikes visible? What happened, did they forget to load the warhead with frags? You’re so fucking stupid.


Ah ok, it is Boeing, so why give it . They are already falling out of skies.

These frags can be evidence , it may not show something definite but it lead the experts somewhere.

When I say experts I am talking about real ones , not expert wannabe wankers like you.


Fucking ZioTrolls have respect for nothing but death and destruction…and all the lies they can tell leading to such events.

Ashok Varma

Even in India, there have been large pro-Iran demonstrations and condemnation of US terrorist tactics in assassinating the soldier/diplomat general Soleimani who was on a mission of peace.

Saddam Hussein

Based superpower 2020, thank you for supporting Iraq.

Ashok Varma

India was the leader of the non-aligned block and sadly we have Zionist influence now.

Saddam Hussein

True, I hope one day we will see Arabs and Indians working together again against this new jewish influence.

Zionism = EVIL

Indians are far better than the Paki arseholes, who are run by the Wahhabis and Zionists.


You mean the butcher of Musoul and Aleppo, supressor of Iranian protests, sword of persian expansion.


persian expansion? Where did you see that? Star wars 10 movie perhaps? because in reality Iran has not attacked anyone since 1798.


Attacking is not the only of expansion. Why they have IRCG generals in Yemen , Syria, Iraq?

Who is controlling Hezbollah ? Who is controlling Liwa Fatemiyoun in Syria as well as many others , who is controlling Kata’ib Hezbollah in Iraq and eventually Hasdi Shabi ?


Supporting friendly forces is different than expansion. Yemen, Syria, Iraq invited Iranian forces to help fighting US sponsored terorists groups such as ISIL and others or US allies intervention in case of Yemen.

Arch Bungle

Building grassroots distributed assymetric forces through willing cooperation with people oppressed by American imperialism.


Presence of Us imperialism does not mean that there is no iranian expansion.


US imperialism is the reason Iran are invited into places. They are not ‘expanding’, that is a term reserved for the western cabal, who think the world is theirs to do with as they please. They have just been informed differently…and the whole world saw it. Thanks Tramp for MAGA. Fucking fool.


none of them are attacking texas…

Arch Bungle

You are 5000 years behind time. There is no such thing as Persian expansionism. But there is American, Israeli and British expansionism.


. In 2007 he famously sent a text to the US general David Petraeus, saying: “I, Qassem Suleimani, control the policy for Iran with respect to Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza and Afghanistan.”


This was in 2007. Now add Yemen and Syrian on top of these as well.


Cool, it’s about time, huh?


Was this before or after he helped him win in afghanistan and iraq???

Brother Thomas

A Hasbara lieutenant dabbles in creative write.


Screw Jews, and screw paranois conspiracy theory pushers like you. Thank you .


It is only this “expansion” (I would call it strategic depth) that is protecting Iran from military aggression. They don’t have nuclear weapon (strategic mistake on their side) like North Korea, so this is the only thing that keeps their country (barely) from ruins.


did you miss capn amerika? Now hes a dyke parading around in a skirt.. he cant save anyone, not even himself or his appendage which got cut off by his ISIS students..


I recently saw him indeed. He was bombing the most important man of Iran just 2 days after some Mullah told him that he could not do anything.

Now I am watching both of them with great interest like every concerned human being.



Why would Indians demonstrate against its best ally US?

Didn’t Modi’s Hindutva India is US closest ally now? Been the first to join Iran oil sanction and happily sent its poor rusty Navy to Gulf as part of US coalition yeam.

Ashok Varma

India is not a military dictatorship like Pakistan and people are free to demonstrate in democracies. Most Indians do not support Modi’s divisive policies.


In India, Iran and many other countries, people understand that the people and the government can be very different. Western democracies have this delusion that it’s all the same. Well, it is a delusion.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

These countries don’t understand that the war has already started


Just bugger off UK, this has nothing to do with you. Leave now before you get your people caught in the cross-fire. It isn’t worth getting into another pointless war just to keep the US pleased.

jade villaceran

not only that, they may endangered their troops for flase flag pretext


When scar healed, Brits forget the pain & itch for another lap dog duty for US.

UK should be fresh with the humiliating lesson from Iran, for helping US to illegally retain Iran oil tanker, while its own was captured by iran Navy with UK Navy look helplessly in Homtz Straits.


without the pissbucket, a bloat like trump will have to use the closest open faucet instead.. many are willing but no class..

Peter Jennings

As a Brit, i have a message for Defense Secretary Ben Wallace and Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab…..We shouldn’t even be there risking our equipment and personnel. The force that invaded Iraq was illegal, based on proven and long ago exposed lies. Feel free to committ more war crime in the name of the British people, who do not share your enthusiasm, but remember this. Toady blaaar did the same and now cannot walk alone on the streets of Blighty without an armed guard because of being harrassed by the public, who still want him arrested. Think on.


Iran should claim its retaliation is like Trumps said, for peaceful purpose to avoid war. And the world should cheer Iran for its legitimate retaliation under UN charter, and urge US to restraint not to escalate tension.

Chris Chuba

:-) Good one, I get hives whenever I hear the U.S. goon squad repeat that Trump is seeking peace as he keeps performing acts of aggression. He is the peacemaker by simply saying he is the peacemaker. Having flashbacks to Middle School when the bully grabs your arm and says, ‘why are you hitting yourself’. I can’t stand him or Pompeo anymore. Oddly enough, I miss Bolton, at least he served his poison straight up.


Surprisingly Aussie is so tame this time in its often hysteria loud barking for US. Previously in SCS crisis, Oz threatened to sent warships attack China if its resisting US aggression. They must be aware Iran mean business when they are threaten, unlike Chinese.


This is a perfect time for Argentina to steal some sheep and for Iran to wipe out BP in Iraq in response to 1953.


bernvyvy a0814cc162 https://wakelet.com/wake/kk1X3B5Nk7_xLxyol9TKO

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