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MARCH 2025

Worst Fighting I Have Ever Experienced: Foreign Militants On Battles In Ukraine (Video 18+)

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Worst Fighting I Have Ever Experienced: Foreign Militants On Battles In Ukraine (Video 18+)

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Another video from foreign mercenaries fighting in Ukraine was shared online. The video shows the efforts of the Ukrainian and foreign fighters to resist Russian forces and artillery. Chaos in the retreating groups is seen on the video, as well as losses and injuries among the personnel. The exact location of their deployment was not revealed, however, some of them were identified.

According to The Telegraph, the fighting took place in woodland north of Kharkiv.

The son of Helen Grant, a member of the British Parliament from the Tory Party, Ben Grant, a 30-year-old former Royal Marine, was seen on the video. He arrived in Ukraine in March. Ben Grant attempted to help his injured comrade, former Grenadier Guardsman Dean Arthur who was injured by a landmine during an intense firefight. The two Britons were with a team of around 15 foreign volunteers who have been supporting Ukrainian forces, The Telegraph reported.

Ben Grant also shared another video showing the destruction of a Russian transporter vehicle with a NLAW anti-tank missile.


The main characters of the videos were interviewed by The Telegraph in an attempt to glorify their courage shown in the struggle on foreign territory for a foreign state.

Worst Fighting I Have Ever Experienced: Foreign Militants On Battles In Ukraine (Video 18+)

Ben Grant

Mr Grant, a veteran of Afghanistan, said the fighting was worse than any he had previously experienced.

“He told The Telegraph that his 15-strong unit, made up of British and American volunteers and two Ukrainian translators, had been preparing for an assault on a Russian-held target near Kharkiv when they were ambushed.

He said: “I think we must have been spotted by drones beforehand and they had set up their lines… so as we went in the mass firefight broke out where you see [in the video] what we saw.

“We were walking in single file as the contact happened, Deano was at the end of my team, when he went to take a knee… we were shooting, getting our heads down and shooting them. I was terrified but driven to complete my most important goal, which at the time was getting him and my team out of the danger.

“What was so scary was being so limited by trying to carry someone, when I can’t pull my weapon up, while there are attack helicopters overhead and tanks firing through the woods. It was unreal – I’ve never experienced anything like that in my life.”

He said the mine – thought to have been remote-controlled – went off near Mr Arthur, “which has blown half of his leg off”, adding: “Trying to do this [first aid] mid-firefight while there are Russians shooting over us and around us is just so difficult.”

Worst Fighting I Have Ever Experienced: Foreign Militants On Battles In Ukraine (Video 18+)

Dean Arthur

The wounded Mr Arthur, 42, from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, said: “All I remember is we got contacted, we advanced at the contact. Let out an RPG [rocket propelled grenade] at the positions. A few seconds later I was on the ground.

“One of the guys came to me straight away, put a tourniquet on. It was excruciating pain, with rounds incoming. Mortars, artillery, all that was coming in. I remember the guys grabbing me, saying: ‘Let’s go, let’s go’. We met a medic, he patched me up. Shot of morphine.

“You’ve seen the footage, you can hear rounds coming. I don’t remember much, it’s in and out. I remember being put on a stretcher the last kilometre. They got me out, man, they got me out.

“This type of stuff, this type of camaraderie is only forged in these situations. If the coin was flipped, it was one of those guys, I would have got them out.  I was a real lucky boy at the end of the day.  So many guys didn’t come back that day.”

Despite media attempts to represent the adventures of foreign fighters on the Ukrainian front lines as an example of their courage and fighting spirit, the footage and their own comments clearly demonstrate that Ukrainian units and foreign mercenaries are retreating from their positions under pressure from Russian forces. The decision not to fight at close range with the forces led by Russia is rather a good option for foreign fighters, since if they are taken hostage, foreign mercenaries may face the death penalty in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics.

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Why is this video ’18+’? Just soldiers shooting an RPG, nothing else. No injuries shown, no fatalities. Guess they use the ’18+’ as click bait :-/ The Brits are such pompous asses, what an insufferable lot.


You only want 18+? Sadistic coward.


These britbongs right here, are the perfect example of why the west will never win any real war. As soon as they realize that they have to do more than take selfies for instagram, they start crying and go home. Those that are still alive and not in POW camps, are back home drinking their Starbucks coffee, watching netflix and are getting encouraged by their twitter followers for “doing the latest thing”. In 6 months from now they’ll be heroes once again, for getting another booster.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sunny

they are basically drunks without combat spirit. only russians are real soldoers here.

Elohim Kosher Bar

Hang the mercs and Tsar Bomba the jewish bankers.


Track these mercs mofos with drones and blast them right away. That’s why they came to Easter Ukraine in the first place.


Pompous asses is to put it mildly. Barbarians, thieves, thugs, pirates, murderers, primo zio dick suckers, neocolonizers and ugly teeth bastards gives a fuller picture of their civilization for the last 500 years.

Florian Geyer

The moral being, If you fancy the life of a Western Mercenary, it’s safer to fight women and children in Africa.


Where do i see them retreat? I see only video of LAW attack?


There is longer version of that atgm video and its matador not law

Also the main video they talking about with the injured guy and of the article’s main screenshot is not linked here. It says ‘Mr grant shared another video’ clearly showing there are 2 separate videos

The Little Sultan

you can watch it on bitcute. the vehicle they hit turns and opens fire on them. you can clearly hear the american asshole saying. “its turning to face us” ..then a BTR gun open up, then “fall back”..


Hey, I lost a leg but it was fun…Idiot


Run! Run! Your fucking bastards! You have not fight in real wars, and I see that. All you can is to fight fake-wars. Go home, or get fried by the tos2.


Mercenaries are killers for hired. They torture and kill anyone – men, woman, children for the money.


Not nlaw but matador atgm

Also i think thats a bmp that it hit


I love the smell of a fried UK-US soldier in the morning!


Ben grant and his mercenarie friends are nothing more than Criminals. I hope Ben grant and his fellow mercenaries are captured and put on trial for war Crimes in the LDPR. The British media glorify grans exploits but like the others who have already been captured his day will also come! These mercenaries are the scum that floats on top of the ses-pit vermin they exploit the Ukraine conflict for their own ends. And care Not for Ukraine or her people. Personally I would like to see Ben grant swing from a rope for his Crimes maybe one day justice will catch up with him and his kind. SLAVA RUSSIA…….

Thought Criminal

What war crimes exactly?


Participating in a foreign war as a mercinary, volunteer, whatever, you are not covered by the Geneva convention like the regular armies are. You can, and will be charged for murder or whatever you did

Thought Criminal

Does the same apply to Wagner mercs?


Shutup pussy.

Thought Criminal

What an informative reply, thanks


If the Wagner Group was participating in a war of which is “foreign”, then yes. However, you realize the Wagner Group is a RUSSIAN paramilitary organization (PMC), and that Russia is involved with the conflict directly which means Wagner participants are not foreigners? Does Thought Criminal refer to you trying to steal other individuals dumb ideas or just to the fact that you have no ability to think and spew so much silliness that it’s criminal? Hows that for an informative reply. You’re welcome!

Thought Criminal

Alright then, no need to get rude, I’m simply asking questions. In that case, what about the Russian, American, Spanish etc. Volunteers that participated in the 2014 Donbas conflict on the side of the separatists, do you also think they’re criminals and deserved the death penalty for example? Or what about the thousands of supposed Syrians that Russia claimed had volunteered to fight in Ukraine?

Last edited 2 years ago by Thought Criminal

The Russians and all of them get treated without Geneva convention protocols. Let me remind you that Russia is not targeting civis.


Fair questions.

It’s clearly hypocritical to vilify one set of mercenaries, because they aren’t real soldiers (as if killing another human being because the government told you to is somehow morally acceptable), but not the other set just because they are on your side.


Britain jails its citizens who helped the Kurdish, but does not want to handle the ones with ISIS, Canada encourages its ukrop citizens to be as militant as they want but also charges canadians who fought for kurds, America send John walker to jail for 20 yrs for being a talibanner but will not talk about the CIA agent Mike Spahn who was “Interrogating” him and his 300 revolting compadres. Spain has charged citizens for fighting in Donbass,

Texas would be charged if he returned to the USA for his portion of combat wingnutz from xiangjing or where ever the uigar nutters come from have turned up in Syria. how do controlled communists manage to get out of a state the USA says is in full genocide to fight in wars elsewhere?

so the real answer is you can fight in foreign wars, but you need to fight for the right team, or stay put when done. only return to the winning side.

Last edited 2 years ago by BanderiteLivesDon'tMatter
Pamfil Military Academy

Yes, if they are proved guilty of war crimes and of course, if they’re caught. If not guilty, they are able to get prison sentences. We can’t make any difference because in that way you discredit your (good) intentions totally.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Hey, does it mean that Azov is also protected by Geneva?


Yes, It does !


no, as they just followed blackwaters legal shuffle and hire themselves to governments as contracted trainers and advisors, avoiding merc status


being a mercenary is illegal on all continents by UN and ICC


Agree and thumbs up.

Carl Bunker

Lets get this straight: The only criminals in Ukraine are the Russians and surely not he volunteers that the ukraine gouvernment explicitly asked for.


Are you saying that all invaders are criminals? So how many countries did YOUR COUNTRY illegally invade? How many country is your country illegally occupying right now without UN mandate? And how much do you know about history of Ukraine and Russia?

There’s a saying in the East: If you’re lack of knowledge, try to keep your mouth shut. But you’re not only stupid, you’re a hypocrite who has an evil agenda as well.


“Did”?!? They are STILL invading two countries I can think off illegally Iraq – told the usa to fuck off home years ago, numb bastards wont move Syria- Never invited, invaded, stealing oil, natural resources and killing civilian Syrians. but what can you expect from backstabbing thieves who idolize faggots


prostujte si události od majdanu 2014 po 24 únor 2022 a hned budete vědět kdo je zločinec .


Good for them.

Makes me laugh all the twitter msm guzzling zombies portraying them as ‘volunteers fighting for freedom with no pay’ when they are paid and trained NATO war veteran mercenaries split up into small units so as to be passed off as volunteers


faggots are used to shooting some un armed opium farmers in afgan .. and havnt seen a real firefight…

the mlrs will make short work of them


He was so worried that his boyfriend might die!


Any foreign fighter caught helping the Ukro-Nazis should be executed on the spot by the Russian/LLR/DPR military.


and elevate them to martyr status?

Joseph Day

Just another casualty. Nothing to see here, move along


nah send them on permanent de mining missions … then rebuild the citys they helped destroy, then maybe the gulags


if they are mercs it is legal to run field executions without trial, if in ukrop uniform, they must be interrogated and then tried before execution. out of uniform is spy, shot on spot no questioning necessary.


Mercenary scum. The most vile creatures on Earth. See you soon on Intel Slava Z. I’ll enjoy seeing pictures of your dead bodies.

Peppe il Sicario

Intel Slava Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!


British and Yank pussycats. Most are LGBT pansies !


OMG – I thought this was a family show :)


Do not treat them as lawful combatants if captured.


Helen Grant and her son should both be sent before a war crimes tribunal for treason…

That aside it’s another chapter of Charge of the Light Brigades II as the lessons by the half breed fuck weren’t learned the first time!

How does it feel you Limey Anglo-Zi0ni$t cunt(s) to relive what your great great great grandfather(s) went through before they died at the end of Russian cannons?…

Welcome to the wonderful World of the “eyes being bigger than the stomach” and your serving yourselves up as the “main course” yet again on a Russian dinner table!

A pity you and your “ass buddies” flunked out of history?! No wonder you went into the military!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

… No wonder you went into the military!!!… 21st Century Angl0-Zi0ni$t “military”!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Tony Lizzerri

The British and American fighters are terrorists, plain and simple. I do pray that they get blown to bits very soon.


I’m American and I agree 100%! TEAM PUTIN for the win!


Russians too


Mr. Artur will be begging for disability benefits and living off the dole for the rest of his life.


Death penalty for foreign mercenaries!


It isn’t Britain’s fight so those two muppets shouldn’t have been there.

Joseph Day

Britain thinks its a superpower


Yeah, the ghost of an empire gone just won’t go away.


Those scumbag mercenaries will hopefully soon be captured and given the proper punishment for their crimes. Willingly taking part in a war that doesn’t concern them at all is something they will regret bitterly once they are caught, probably for the rest of their lives, if they are caught alive that is. They are nothing but blood thirsty butchers killing Russians and bragging about it in the video for all to see. The English have always enjoyed blood sports, like fox hunting, and now they have taken it to the next level, by killing Russians, and probably civilians as well, instead of foxes. And it is all just fun for them. I call it Evil!


And so it should be … death sentence to any mercenary, They are not soldiers but rather soldiers of fortune and fame. One hour trial and then march them out to a firing squad the same day, no right of appeal.


The BTR-80 withstood the two hits. Was not destroyed.

Icarus Tanović

Fat paid fucks, also this one is clearly a Wahhabi fat piece of pork.


This is a very important question. Who is paying these guys? What is their work when they are not in Ukraine?

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