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MARCH 2025

“Wrath for Ghouta”: Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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On March 14, militants launched a large-scale attack against the Syrina Arab Army (SAA) in northern Hama. According to pro-militant sources, they already captured the village of al-Hamamiyat and entered the village of Karnaz, which was also allegedly captured.

According to a statement released by militants, the operation is entitled “Wrath of Ghouta” and inolves forces of nine different armed factions. The goal fo the attack is to indirectly assist militant groups operating in Eastern Ghouta to resist the pressure from the SAA.

"Wrath for Ghouta": Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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According to local sources, the militant attack aims to exploit that the Syrian military has redeployed a notable part of its best units for the  operation in Eastern Ghouta.

Fierce clashes are ongoing.

Photos of militants and their military equipment involved in “Wrath of Ghouta:

"Wrath for Ghouta": Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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"Wrath for Ghouta": Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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"Wrath for Ghouta": Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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"Wrath for Ghouta": Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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"Wrath for Ghouta": Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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"Wrath for Ghouta": Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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"Wrath for Ghouta": Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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"Wrath for Ghouta": Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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"Wrath for Ghouta": Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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"Wrath for Ghouta": Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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"Wrath for Ghouta": Militants Launch Large Attack Against Syrian Army In Northern Hama (Videos, Photos, Map)

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Zainab Ali

short lived victory for sure – the zio satanic terrorists will be sent to perm hell in due time

John Whitehot


what victory?

entering a village is no victory if you then lose most of your army to enemy firepower.

jihadists have entered kamikaze mode, this will only quicken their destruction.


I read there’s a promise of supporting strikes from the US so they may gamble their all to break encirclements.

John Whitehot

a promise from the US these days is worth less than dog droppings.

but we’ll see.


where did you read this?


Break out to where? This is just intended as diversion to try and divert SAA attention off smashing East Ghouta militants.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The attack was short lived as these JTS and multiple factions along with HTS was also involved , dozens dead and the SAA made a tactical retreat and kept fire control on the region and reclaimed it hours later.

John Whitehot

most people seem not to get that it’s normal to retreat when defending against heavy odds.

the important thing is to do it orderly and without conceding significant losses.

tactical reserves are meant for this reason too and in this case, i’m sure that 1) the SAA knew in advance of the “offensive” and 2)that there was a sizable reserve ready to counter the jihadist move.

In this way the jihadist lost much more and the SAA much less than if the SAA would put up a “not a step back defence” in first place.

Modern war is dynamic, propaganda tries to use memes that are in vogue since it was static.


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Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Many attack the NDF s poorly trained and as bad fighters , but it was two NDF units that had been there,and helped recaptured those positions with good fire support.

Moursal Admaj

u iranians are so sectarians in islam then christians or others what’s ur problems?

jerry hamilton

Shows you just how resourceful the CIA / mossad are.

John Whitehot

so resourceful.

they can’t win anything so they send their jihadist pets to be massacred.

because in the end, any offensive operation, to have any importance, must be large enough.

If it’s large enough, it’s detected well before by reconaissance and intelligence means.

And if it’s detected, there is a plan to destroy it with maximum effect.


I hope so.

Branko Timarac

Then USAtan and Israhell try protect their head chopping proxies via UNSC resolutions!!!

Promitheas Apollonious

when they finish with ghuta they take them back along with the rest.

Nigel Maund

All funded by the stinking Yanks and their Israeli mates, no doubt! These are the proxy armies all funded by US taxpayer largess for the benefit of the NWO Cabal.

Joe Doe

There to many packets and this complicate SAA situation. After East GHOUTA, I would clean Dumyr and East Qalamun region the same time


inbetween south ghouta.


Where does that armoured car come from? Us or euro- made?


Emirate Arab.


It looks a bit like a South African Mastiff,


Ukranian made I think.


Look at these stupid sunnis. They are stupid gangsters who are helping USA to enslave the world. Level them. Carpet bomb.


Clash still ongoing but the heaviest column of their forces seems to be already obliterated.


These guys massing and no bombs landing on their heads, what the heck is going on here?????

John Whitehot

how about waiting a few minutes?

at least give time to the planes and other assets to reach their targets


Maybe they want them more exposed and further from their rat holes.


So, Putin, do you still think that Trump is your friend ??? XD. Trump happened to be worst than the ones before.

But, maybe Putin is the little doll of Trump. That’s why Putin loves Trump mini-dick and says “Oh thanks CIA to prevent a terrorist attack in Syria. Kisses to my beloved boyfriend Trump and to CIA”. XD

John Whitehot

you’re a fucking degenerate


“Oh, please, sent some flowers to the CIA. They have prevented a terrorist attack in Russia”. XD.

People like you are making us wasting a lot of time and losing the war with such weak people. Attack Ukraine but no “I’m scared of WW3”. Now, Ukraine is in NATO.

I stop listening to people like. Your are weakening us by delaying the moment to fight USA.

John Whitehot

if you weren’t a perverted hypocrite you’d buy a rifle and go fight yourself for whatever reason you believe in (starting WW3, it appears).

Instead you’re here posting delirious text walls trying to convince Christians that they should exterminate theirselves while zionists celebrate.


I don’t see any Christians. Maybe you are scared that UK will be annihated. But, terrorists must die whoever they are. I don’t collaborate with terrorists.

John Whitehot

“Maybe you are scared that UK will be annihated”

I’m trembling for my british firends. rattle-rattle-rattle.


You must be because UK have no chance against Russia just like Europe.

John Whitehot

and you must be bugged, because if there is something i’m NOT, that’s british.


So, sacrify Europe. Like Nuland said “Fuck EU!!”. XD.

Europeans like to be slaves.

John Whitehot

yawn yawn.

strange that you tell everybody to sacrifice besides israel. no wait, that’s not strange at all.


It’s the opposite. It is strange that you tell that every country in the world must sacrifice for israel because to save the american terrorists. So, the blood of Syrians, Libyans, Ukrainians, Afghan …. are the cost to save USA from being nuked.

And israel is nothing. Destroying USA will destroy israel as well.


This “Serious” guy is a delusional 13 year old kid. Just casually goes around talking about “nuking” countries.

What a pathetic, degenerate piece of shit. Lives in the comfort of some shithole basement with his mother, doesn’t achieve a god damn thing in his pathetic life, but has an “opinion” on just about every single complex issue facing the world, the complexity and nuances of which are completely above his intelligence level or ability to comprehend.


If you were not a perverted hypocritical, you will fight your own terrorist government instead of letting UK bombing everybody int the world.

he said Christians. XD. I say TERRORISTS.

John Whitehot


I’m not a brit, thanks to God almighty.

you simpleton.


So these are the moderate opposition to the syrian government… I wonder if anyone would vote for them in an election…


Russian Manpads and what looks like a T 72 clattering along in the video while we have a T 55 on the back of a lorry which looks like it came straight out of an overhaul centre. I also note yellow arm bands which I have always understood to be Hezbollah fighters.

John Whitehot

It wouldn’t be surprising if they post pics of the Hezbollah or al-Quds fighters claiming that they are their own.

Probably they are at the point they can’t even show their rag-asses out of shame.


SAA, al-Quds, and Hezbollah all show their faces, but the jihadists usually cover theirs, so I think you might be right.


they cover their faces ‘cos some of them are Israeli, US, UK special forces!


what about the Russian made kamov vehicle…?were did they find it?

Richard M

Tanks R Us? :-}


The Turks supplied a Ukranian manufactured APC that is very similar to the one in the photo. The Ukranian company has a partner company from the US Coalition as I remember. Turkey uses these vehicles in their own army.


Ukrainians are well known for copying Russian designs….better that the Chinese in this


“Ooh-aah Hebollah, sing ooh-aah Hezbollah.”

Politolog Externista

also, many T-72 and T-55 tanks could come from former warsaw pact storage places, because those tanks are generally phased out, they usually went to help ukrainian regime, I am pretty sure many were supplied through Turkey also.


Excellent! The more they group up the easier they are to bomb.

Steinar Crew

they are gathering in the open field ! wtf !? this is perfect time for Russian Air Force to clear them up ! But where are they.. :(

John Whitehot

perhaps they learnt from Israel to make platoons look like battalions, like in the 1973 war?

sadly for them it’s 2018.


Where were the sunnis when Americans dropped nuclear weapons and chemical weapons in civilians in Iraq ????

Did you heard “wrath for Iraq” ??? XD. No. Gulf states where holding american bases to bomb the iraqi civilians.

Sunnis are stupid shit and the less they are the better it is.

China and Russia, the so-called “world saviors” found that everything was fine. XD.


And this is why noone takes “Serious” seriously. Americans dropped nuclear and chemical weapons on civilians in Iraq?

And plus, you type like a fucking 13 year old piece of shit kid.


They did. Obviously, you didn’t see that on TV.


No obviously you’re a retard who hasn’t taken his meds. That’s obviously the most important observation.

Everything from broad sweeping generalizations such as “Sunnis want this, sunnis want that” to “why doesn’t _____ nuke the US” and other infantile childish garbage, followed by “XD”, like a typical 13 year old degenerate kid who’s still being breastfed by his heroin addicted mother.


The retarded are the Americans with their followers. If truth hurts you, it’s not my problem.


Most of your posts are cringeworthy garbage, regardless of what I think of Americans. Nothing a pathetic low life piece of garbage like you says can ever “hurt” anyone.

You’re an absolute embarrassment even for whatever sides of any conflict that you support. Just a cringeworthy autistic kid off his meds sputtering nonsense left and right because he thinks his uninformed opinions are worth any more than dogshit.


I talk about facts, you talk about extra-facts garbages.

Try my solution : nuke USA. Your solutions don’t work unless killing more people every day.


You don’t talk about facts, you talk out of your ass about casually starting world war 3 and ending civilization. You don’t have any “solutions” either. Your only solution is to go straighten out your life, clean your room, and see a psychiatrist to renew your medication. Solutions to complex world problems are diligently worked on by competent, intellectual, and capable men, not by degenerate pre-pubescent anime-loving autistic kids like yourself.


My solution is well studed. Nuking USA is the only solution.


A better solution would be for you to go jump off a bridge, so noone has to listen to your nonsense. The world would be a better place without you in it. I bet even your parents agree.


Why are you arguing like US dictators ? XD.


Why are you such an incompetent, delusional, borderline retarded piece of shit?

Is it because you got dropped on your head as a child? Or is it because of your genetics? Or is it because your mother raised you in a ghetto hostel while taking smegma laced dicks for a living and shooting up heroin? Either way, I suspect it runs in the family.


It’s because you are stupid to think so. That’s all. You are the problem not me.


It’s not what I “think”, its a quite obvious observation, as many others here have noticed, you’re a delusional moron. Humanity wouldn’t last a few minutes with incompetent morons like yourself in power. You’re just a leech on society’s resources. But it’s even worse than that, you’re not just a leech, but a parasite who should’ve been aborted. I bet your family members would agree.


Only truth hurts. So, keep telling garbarges. You are only hurting yourself.


The truth is that you’re a retard with lots of opinions but zero value, and its obvious to anyone reading. How does that “hurt” me? It just makes me embarrassed that someone like you is in the same species as me. You’re a leech on society, that’s the truth. The world would be a better place without you, and I bet it makes you angry and resentful knowing that.


You are a hamster. So, we are not the same species. XD.


My nickname may be hamster, but you’re the only real rodent here.


Also, will you say that Americans didn’t spread chemical “orange agent” in Vietnam ? XD.


Again, you are a retard as is 90% of what you say.


Level the useful idiots : USA, Europe, sunnis. Time to play big.


Play big, earn big. Don’t play, loose.

Richard M

Hahaha! Stupid Orcs. Bomb the snot out of them!

That Guy

God damn, that T-55 in the second image looks neat AF. It looks like it came straight out of an overhaul workshop. The paint is good, and nothing looks broken, and also not much rust.

Politolog Externista

they could come from storage, repaired, overhauled by the likes of Czech company Excalibur Army, which did help Ukrainian army with their-overhauled T-72s. After entering NATO, US empire demanded military spending be cut, so most equipment went to storage and was sold-out for very cheap. There are lots of spare tanks for cheap to use in american wars.

leon mc pilibin

looks like a lot of new zionist equipment ,,they really are desperate to save their beach head in DAMASCUS,but they will fail,,


This may be a deconfliction zone that hasn’t seen hostilities in a while.

Joe Dirt

a lot of dirt bag countries COPY USA military equipment. This is not “Zionist” equipment you low IQ fool. :D :D :D


The Turks are still in the supply chain, notice the Turkish troop carrier in the second photo.


And Turkey found out the teleportation?

Eskandar Black

this will be over before the relevant media had a chance to spin it.


Where are Russian helicopters and planes ? Isn’t it obvious that these terrorists can be destroyed just with a couple of bomb and a single helicopter ?


the pilots had wodka-wednesday.


Because Russian aircraft cannot be flying everywhere, over every 100 square meter area, in every location, all the time, with their eyes in every direction. God I am so sick of these incompetent immature armchair generals sitting around on this website who think they know a fucking thing about how war is conducted. Finding a random set of armored vehicles, or even a column of them, and a few dozen screaming jihadists in pickup trucks is actually really hard when you’re talking about trying to scan out hundreds of kilometers of terrain. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, and unless theres direct on the ground intel pinpointing the exact location of this gathering, the likelyhood of finding it just by chance observation from the air is relatively slim.

So stop with the “why arent russians bombing?” and “isnt it obvious they can be eliminated with just a few bombs” nonsense. No, its not “obvious” you dumbfuck. Idlib, northern Hama and Western Aleppo are still fairly expansive tracts of land. If you were flying in a passenger aircraft at a reasonably high, safe altitude, you could be looking directly at this group of terrorists and their column of vehicles and probably not even notice them. When you are flying at high altitude, even a relatively large column of jihadist vehicles is very difficult to spot without prior intelligence telling you where to zoom in and look.

Real life war is not a fucking video game and you comments are just plain bullshit and youre simply talking out of your ass.


You have not idea what a satellite with a good software can do, and yes they are capable of finding a needle in a straw. In addition, even this is failed, there are drons, or the ground troops can inform (via radio, or cell phone, or whatever) about the attack or attack coming. Your observation is not acceptable.


No, YOUR observation is not acceptable. You’re sitting there in the comfort of your own home, thousands of kilometers away from a fucking warzone and pretending like you know a damn thing about war, and making “observations” based on some fucking youtube video put out by militants and then going off criticizing the way the Russian of Syrian militaries are conducting their operations.

You’re an incompetent piece of shit, you know absolutely nothing about spy satellite technology, the capabilities of drones, or what ground troops are stationed where, or where any particular unit of jihadists is stationed where.

Again, there are plenty of ways of ways to track and observe any given gathering of jihadists, but this can only be done if you know where to look. If you don’t know where to look, then there’s nothing to bomb. If it were possible to keep track of every gathering of a dozen headchoppers and few armored vehicles/pickup trucks, the war would’ve been over in less than 2 months after the Russians intervened.

Again, you’re a completely incompetent, clueless piece of shit who has never been in a warzone and has absolutely NO clue what he is talking about. All you have are flamboyant opinions and criticisms on issues you have absolutely zero knowledge of.

Seriously, shut the fuck up, you’re embarassing yourself.


Do not worry, I have not problem with your observations, but for sure you would never be hired by any spy center or intelligent agency. No more discussion about nonsense.


I did not claim any intent to be hired by any “spy center” or “intelligent agency”. Again, that’s just a garbage deflection and a pathetic attempt to deflect the fact that you have absolutely zero grounds for criticizing the Russian or Syrian militaries of not taking some “obvious” course of action based on some video and photographs taken from god knows where and posted on a militant website.

If it was “obvious” where this particular gathering of militants was taking place at the exact moment it was being filmed and photographed, then obviously they would’ve been bombed at that moment.

However, OBVIOUSLY their location was not known at the time and claiming anything to the contrary without evidence from the comfort of your own piss stained couch because you saw a few photographs just shows everyone here how delusional you are.

Brad Isherwood

https://thaimilitaryandasianregion.wordpress.com/2016/08/07/mi-35m-hind-e-attack-helicopters-russia/ http://spioenkop.blogspot.ca/2015/02/who-upgraded-syrias-mi-17s.html

Looked around for info on Syria’s MI 24 hinds for upgrades. IMO,…Syria’s military has needed dozens more Mi 24/25 and most definitely night/thermal targeting. Another question is why Iran did not send in with IRGC…Iranian built SeaCobra with Iranian built TOW https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IAIO_Toufan.


The SAA have completely retaken the town of Al-Hamamiyat and most of Kernaz from the Turkish backed terrorists. According to the latest update from AMN sources. It is believed the joined up terrorists have suffered significant losses in their show boating attack and that 2 of their senior commanders have also perished.


Beautiful country in the photos. I hope that one day, in the future, I can visit it. Being an American means that it probably would not be safe though. I’m just curious, which groups are attacking the Syrian gov. forces? This article did not say.


Its a shame that your country is responsible for destroying much of Syria and Iraq Peaky. Such places will be dangerous for Americans long after you are gone. There is a hatred for what the USA has done in many countries of the globe, including Japan.

Joe Dirt

Your opinion does not represent “many countries of the globe, including Japa


In the islands where the main US bases are located there are regular demonstrations against the US presence due to the pollution and attacks by US service personnel on the Japanese civilians.

Would you want any occupying army in your country that had used nuclear weapons against your forefathers less than a century ago Joe ?

Joe Dirt



It is you that is ‘shouting’ like a drunkard Joe, not me. :)

I have a vision of you with a bottle of cheap cider in a brown paper bag and slumped on a park bench. :)

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