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MARCH 2025

Wuhan Records No New COVID-19 Cases, As Italy Reports Most Deaths In Single Day

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Wuhan Records No New COVID-19 Cases, As Italy Reports Most Deaths In Single Day

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In the Chinese province of Hubei and the city of Wuhan, which became the focus of the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19, not a single new case of infection has been detected over the past day. This was reported by the National Health Commission of China.

This happened for the first time since the closure of the region in late January.

In total, 795 cured patients were discharged from hospitals in the province per day. Eight new deaths were recorded (six in Wuhan).

In mainland China, outside of Hubei, no deaths have been recorded since the morning of March 19th. 34 new infections confirmed in other Chinese provinces and autonomous regions.

The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 18th reported that more than 200 thousand people fell ill with coronavirus infection worldwide. 80% of all cases are in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.

As of midday on March 19th, the total number of cases sits at 225,381. Out of them 85,831 have recovered, and 9,276 have ended in death.

China currently has the most deaths, sitting at 3,245, while Italy is catching up with 2,978.

On March 18th, Italy reported 4,207 cases recorded in the previous day, as well as 475 deaths, which made the day with the most reported deaths.

Italy said that 99% of those that died to coronavirus complications had other illnesses.

The average age of those who’ve died from the virus in Italy is 79.5. As of March 17th, 17 people under 50 had died from the disease. All of Italy’s victims under 40 have been males with serious existing medical conditions.

The average life expectancy in Italy sits at 84 years. For females its 86, and for males its 81.9.

The median age in the country is 47.3 years.

Wuhan Records No New COVID-19 Cases, As Italy Reports Most Deaths In Single Day

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Wuhan Records No New COVID-19 Cases, As Italy Reports Most Deaths In Single Day

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In Russia, the number of cases is relatively low. However, the following observation was made regarding a fatal case.

A 79-year-old patient was hospitalized on March 13th. Since March 14th, she was treated in a private clinic, two days later she was transferred to the Infectious Diseases Hospital. The result of the coronavirus test was positive. She received complex intensive care, in connection with increased respiratory failure. In the Infectious Diseases Hospital, she was in an isolated box.

Meanwhile, in France, the UK and the US, the situation is being militarized.

The Pentagon is starting the process of activating Navy hospital ships USNS Mercy (T-AH-19) and USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) as part of the Defense Department’s domestic response to the spreading COVID-19 virus.

“We’ve already given orders to the Navy… to lean forward in terms of getting them ready to deploy,” Secretary of Defense Mark Esper told reporters.

“The big challenge isn’t the availability of these inventories, it’s the medical professionals. All of those doctors and nurses either come from our medical treatment facilities or they come from the reserves, which means civilians,” Esper said.

“What I don’t want to do is take reservists from a hospital where they are needed just to put them on a ship to take them somewhere else where they’re needed.”

The ships will now begin the several days-long process of bringing aboard medical staff and equipment ahead of deploying along the East and West coasts, a defense official confirmed to USNI News on Tuesday afternoon.

Joint Staff surgeon Air Force Brig. Gen. Paul Friedrichs gave more details on how the ships could support civilian hospitals.

“If, for example, a community has a large outbreak and there’s a need for emergency room support or trauma support, a hospital ship is perfectly designed to do that,” Friedrichs told Politico on Monday.

“It’s hard to get the hospital ship to St. Louis, but along the coasts, it is an option to use.”

In France, the A330 MRTT Phoenix “Morphée” was mobilized to potentially airdrop coronavirus patients.

The army mobilized against the fight to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Echoing the words of President Emmanuel Macron who spoke of “war” against the coronavirus March 16th evening in his address to the French, the air force evacuated on March 18th a first group of patients from Mulhouse to relieve the hospitals overloaded with authorities, the authorities have announced.

“In accordance with the decisions of the President of the Republic, the situation requiring it: an Air Force A330 Phoenix takes off this morning from Istres to Mulhouse, in order to evacuate 6 patients with Covid-19 to hospitals Laveran and Saint-Anne armies,” Defense Minister Florence Parly tweeted.

The A330 MRTT “Phoenix” is equipped with the “Morpheus” module (Resuscitation module for patients with high elongation evacuation), which allows the evacuation from the battlefield of wounded individuals requiring resuscitation.

It allows the evacuation of up to 10 seriously injured people over a distance of 12,000 km. The Air Force staff has authorized the use of this kit on the A330 Phoenix. Medical evacuation by air contributes to the rapid treatment of the wounded or sick in the medical facilities on the ground, then to that of their admission to France.

In the UK, more than 10,000 could potentially be put on standby to assist in fighting against the coronavirus spread.

Codenamed Operation Broadshare, the plans are said to have been drawn up a few weeks ago only to be massively changed due to the soaring spread of the virus.

A senior source told Sky News:

“It feels like we’re getting ready for war, but this time at home. This is what the military is good at, we are always planning scenarios and ready to step in to help, however I’ve never known anything like this. There are just so many unknowns.”

The military are planning to use at least 20 per cent of its personnel to fight the virus, with the proposals including how to cope with the breakdown of society.

It appears that none of the countries that are actively tackling the coronavirus have even paid attention to China’s experience.


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Lone Ranger

Finally some good news.


Say what?

All I know the first to be hit with recession are also the first to recover,still the media won’t admit!


I say screw this! I’m taking some vacation time. The roads are clear and it”s time for some spring time hiking. I might fear mountain lions, but at least they are not invisible. :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0d04a922cddad343434e5d334b5a766bd61d7a49495b0bbb2a4f1afe124785a1.jpg


And with all these problems, they don’t forget to continue their lies and psy-ops. 2 nights ago, observing “The Atlantic” I discovered that our dead has now reached hundreds of thousands, the cemeteries in Iran are so full, we now bury corpses in trenches and in the desert. Ayatollah Khamenei is missing (he’s not, he appears almost everyday on TV speaking about the new developments, sorry to spoil it for you, dear Albania uninvited residents) Oh, oh and the government or as they put it, “the regime” is already collapsed!!

Trying to explain why there’s no chaos, no gangs looting and no one stabbing the other for a bottle of water or toilet paper, the Atlantic found a silver lining for other countries: People took law and order in their own hands, proving that you don’t need a government to have an orderly society.

Poor Russians. I can’t imagine how hard it is to dig mass graves in frozen ground as MSM will inevitably move them in that direction as they did with the Chinese and then us. Everybody knows that sun never shines in Russia and it’s always cold and dark, movies don’t lie! Plus Vodka and stuff.

May god shows mercy for the people of Yemen, Syria, Palestinians.and Indians. The first 3 under occupation by invaders and deprived of the basic health and the latter in the midst of a deep civil unrest stirred by it’s own government and sever lack of hygiene.

Lone Ranger

Are you on drugs?


Oh damn! It became obvious isn’t it? I’ve got to dial it down…

Harry Smith

Hey! Stop spreading lies about Russians! Everyone knows that vodka is to expensive for ordinary Russians. So it’s not vodka but samogon (moonshine).


With the price of vodka here,I wish I was in russia,much cheaper x10!


you idiot! your own government warned the people, if they will be so stupid as are now, up to 3.5 million dead cases can be in iran.

thousands of gead people are there. today you can not mask the truth.

St. Augustine

Is The Atlantic in physical print? I need something in case the toilet paper really does run out.



Iran warns virus could kill ‘millions’ in Islamic Republic

Luke Hemmming

My iranian friend told me in iran there is no panic buying or hoarding like in a lot of western countries, Australia been one of those. Western Media spreading fear And hype (Stupid people been reading yahoo news). Most of my work colleagues, no ALL , of my work colleagues agree this hoarding is ridiculous and unnecessary. My iranian friend (lives in Australia) told me a friend of theirs, who lives in Iran, isolated herself and her child over 20 days ago. Never went outdoors. Her hubby would go sometimes to get food. She would sanitize him on return and everything he purchased. She was hospitalised yesterday after fainting and her throat became tight and her breathing restricted. She was diagnosed with coronavirus. She is only 30, healthy with no previous illnesses or family history of disease. Eats healthy and stays fit. Go figure! Veteranstoday published an article suggesting an russian intelligence source has the US using sarin gas in drone flights across Italy and Iran to ‘salt’ the death rates. Italy houses a large U.S. drone base in Sigonella. According to the article sarin gas even in small doses is lethal. Has a incubation period of 2 weeks. Lasts for 3 months in the open and causes the lungs to fail causing pneumonia type symptoms leading to death. Most suspected covid-19 deaths are pneumonia related. Sarin is undetectable. Iran and Italy are been the hardest hit. Plausible and certainly the US has the motive and the resources as well as the incentive to carry out this if it is true. Food for thought. The article has the words ‘slam dunk proof’. I would post a link but for some reason I cannot do so using the current configurations on my phone.


Life in Iran is almost like it was before the illness came, except you see more people with masks and gloves and you see slightly less people outside. Some businesses were hit hard, like gyms and pools and beauty saloons, some less, and some had a boom. Early days we had a shortage on 4 specific items: masks, disposable gloves and medical alcohol and gel. That was it. The shortage of glove is solved, the shortage of masks and alcohol for medical centers is also solved. Many people observe medical advice. The last time I touched something public was a month ago and anything I receive from outside either I disinfect with heat, alcohol or bleach or if I can’t, leave it on a specific place for 15 days and give it as much sun/UV lamp as possible (I am extra careful because of my contact with my father) but many still don’t, and seems many still have no idea what a virus is and how to disinfect. They use salt, baking soda or dishwasher liquid to disinfect vegetables but it has no effect on viruses. That lady might be on this group. I like some of the writers on VT but over the time I learnt not to put emphasis on their site because unfortunately they publish anything and I mean anything. We have good medical experts and also there are many victims of various chemical weapons which need constant care, I’m sure our staff are able to distinguish between a virus and the result of chemical weapons. I don’t know much about Covid19 in Italy except what I read, but big numbers in Iran is because they publish the number as it is and also because many of us still don’t believe how serious it is or think illness and death are for others. I can believe if someone told me that US is spreading the illness in Iran using it’s agents. I see what kind of disinformation their outlets spread in their Persian services. They have shown before they are able to do heinous things but drones? And not only our air defence didn’t see it, Russians and Chinese didn’t see them too? Plus, IFAIK Sarin works instantly and has many symptoms this illness doesn’t have. It has been used on our people before. As I said, VT publishes anything. They have a UFO section and give space to Shrimpy. Re. hording and panic shopping in Oz, the good news is those ar$e#oles won’t be shopping again for a couple of weeks, so you might be able to buy things you need leisurely! Take care.

Peter Jennings

I do hope that the Pentagon, whilst activating Navy hospital ships, informs the isreali regime. We wouldn’t want any accidents.

Western gov’ts are using the opportunity to tune their martial law procedures, restrict travel and scare the population into releasing more of their civil liberties.


Take a look at what China did and what you will be facing in Russia. But your economy being hit hard also by the oil price war will also tank and go down the tank to keep the Soviet and Czarist Russian Empires company in the dustbin of history.

Lone Ranger

Time to insert your Tampax…;) You are bleeding all over the place…


Shut your mouth, your string is showing.


There is not enough proof to say virus even exist. Search about virologist Stefan Lanka


LOL…and the Sun revolves around a 6,000 year old flat Earth, chocolate milk comes from brown cows and you have a brain. But than again you may just be another Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll who hit their Vodka ration too hard.


Whatever floats your boat mate but don’t forget to check the man’s work, who won a trial at the german supreme justice mantaining that there’s no evidence to say that the measels virus exists.


There is not enough proof to say Joaquin even exist. Search about virologist Stefan Lanka


Exaclty, search about his work, doesn’t matter if i exist or not :D It’s also worth reading about about the paradigm of the ‘New Germanic Medicine’ at this time. But of course not in wikipedia

AM Hants

This article from Veteran’s Today, fits in with the above article, plus, it is a decent read.

9/11 Truth, Coronavirus Truth: Zionist Hysteria, MSM Lockdown… https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/03/19/911corona/

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