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Xi Jinping Says China Has To Prepare For War

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Xi Jinping Says China Has To Prepare For War

Chinese military personnel attend a a ceremony for victims on the 75th anniversary of the Nanjing massacre at the Memorial Museum in Nanjing on December 13, 2012. IMAGE: Peter Parks / AFP

China’s President Xi Jinping has ordered the military region responsible for monitoring the South China Sea and Taiwan to pay a special attention to the current situation in the region and boost its capabilities so it can handle any emergency.

“It’s necessary to strengthen the mission … and concentrate preparations for fighting a war,” Xi said during an inspection tour made on October 25 as part of his visit to Guangdong province, according to state broadcaster CCTV. “We need to take all complex situations into consideration and make emergency plans accordingly.”

Xi emphasized that the Southern Theatre Command has had to bear a “heavy military responsibility” in recent years. He stated that the Chinese military has “to step up combat readiness exercises, joint exercises and confrontational exercises to enhance servicemen’s capabilities and preparation for war”.

One of the key missions of the Southern Theatre Command is overseeing the South China Sea, an area where tensions and military activity involving China, the US and other powers have been growing steadily.

Over the past year, the Chinese Navy and Air Force have been involved in multiple ecnounters with the US military in the region. While China claims a major part of the South China Sea as its territorial waters. The US administration challeges these claims sending multiple naval and air patrols in the area. Washington is also boosting its military presence in the region in order to deter the Chinese diplomatic and military expansion.

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Promitheas Apollonious

i wonder how long this moronic dance will be going before all tell the americans and their masters to take a walk or be buried where they stand.


I think Chinese the masters will be thrown first

Promitheas Apollonious

have no idea what you trying to say.

You can call me Al

I even put his sentence in google translate, all I got was USA, USA, USA.


The Chinese communist party along it’s slave owners billionaires will be hanging first.


I want to see Mr. Rothschild and his New York Banksters, Skull & Bones: Bushes, Cheneys, Washington Paedophiles, The Clintons, Wall Street GangBangers, Satanyahoos, Liebermans, Mossad, IDF & Deep Staters Hang, Drawn & Quartered First….oh yeah and by the Way Chop Up the Last Remnants of their Pathetic Headchopping Goatfuckers…


“Wall Street GangBangers” ? is that a porn site?




Yeah starring super stud Lloyd Blankfiend.


I don’t watch gay porn


I have watched the Jewish reaction to the latest mass murder in the US, a pretty common occurrence in the US, but this time it was Jews that were killed. It seems that most Jews are totally unaware of the feelings of the poor who were made poor, by Jewish businessmen, that they actually inflame the hatred against them. How many times does the upcoming purge have to occur, before Jews can learn empathy for those they oppress?


Around 6 million times

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Surely, it would be cheaper for China to dump its US treasury securities in coordination with its numerous allies? Then we call all see how quickly these warriors from the land of the brave run back to their Macs and NRA shootouts.

You can call me Al

Quietly, quietly catch the eagle.


Everything in due time. When Treasury customers start dwindling, time to deliver some knock out counter punches.


China has the financial and industrial resources to engage in a naval arms race with the US and win. US will be hard pressed financially and technologically to compete with the Chinese naval build up, and Russian hypersonic programs, and with the de dollarization effort going on US is heading towards bankruptcy.


Arms race? That’s an American invention, America builds a million tanks, you build 3 nukes. America arms a million men, you give them some anthrax. America already has all it needs to defeat any invader, but America requires constant growth to live, so they make things like weapons that are not needed. America is killing itself, just enjoy the show.


America is not concerned of protecting its own territory, arms races are reminiscent of European powers getting ready for war in the 19th and 20th century. China has the resources to build a larger fleet than the US’s equipped with capable ships and armed with a variety of antiship weapons the US navy does not presses. As Spain dominated the oceans to be supplanted by England…..who was supplanted by the US……to be supplanted by the Chinese/Russian navies.


So now we have Russia and China preparing for War that is being imposed on them by the zionist lunatic neocons. The American people had better wake up very fast,or they will find themselves in the last War they will fight for their zionist bankster scumbag masters.

Promitheas Apollonious

waking up americans it is an impossible task. Or europeans for this matter, as they seem both to be, in a zombie twilight zone.

You can call me Al

Not sure about that. Both / many sides of the political spectrum have awoken, but at the moment, we fight each other. Hopefully there will be a day, when we all unite.

Promitheas Apollonious

none is awaken. the few who are thinking people, always been aware of what is happening. the rest are the same shit4brains as they always have been.


Many many things (weapons) are done in USA in secret, and it is difficult to say that they are slept or awaken. Most of the time they are more than awaken.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes secret weapons any other myths you want to share with us? as for been awaken we see them in real life as well the condition they are into. For awaken people they do very terrible I can only imagine if they was not, where they be.


That’s because the elite and the MSM use ‘social justice issues’ to divide us. Because while we are busy fighting over gender free toilets and old statues we don’t notice what the elite is selling out our countries.

Christian Gains

Drogba, the simplest truth is that WE ALREADY ARE at war, on several fronts…AND! “We the American People…”; do NOT LIKE it!

BUT, FRANKLY & HONESTLY we’ve earned these problems by electing radical fools who seek they’re “PRECIOUSsssss”, [as Gulumm, in “Lord of the Rings”]…They’re “preciousssss” that brings them POWER & CONTROL….(what ALL tyrannies crave)!

BUT! We’ve AWAKENED…which the fools do NOT KNOW what to about!!

They’re TRYING THO..(note our Southern border)…PAY ATTENTION to it…it WON’T be pretty…BUT!

“WE the People…”; intend to remedy things quickly…we’ve loosed a “MAD Dog” …the “WARRIOR MONK”… “I come in peace…I bring no artillery, BUT! Don’t fuck with me….I’ll KILL YOU ALL!” [ Gen. Mattis’s promise to insurgents in Iraq…and he kept it! ] …

Ilya Grushevskiy

I wonder how many would be willing to pick up a gun though, without some sexified false flag like a secret thermonuking of some major enlightenment city.. these people talk a lot, and are content to benefit from other’s misery, but they won’t walk the walk imo. Plus the West doesn’t have enough money for anything more than the rocket fuel for their ICBMs! (And that is scary!)


The American people are destined to die, it’s natural selection. When you lose the basic instinct of self preservation, nature will remove you one way or another. The same applies to most of Europe.


If we are able to keep alive, this could last a lot of time. I was still very young (55 years ago) when I heard that USA will be broken due its external debt….., and looks it is still the first power in the world thanks to central bank printing dollars machine.

Empire's Frontiers

If it wants to claim the whole South China Sea, wrap up the civil war with the ROC, exact revenge on the Japanese, and subordinate the Indians over the next 50 years, yes indeed China must prepare for war.

You can call me Al

I think you may find that India either sits back and watch, attacks Pakistan only or actually sides with Russia and China. Just my view.

Empire's Frontiers

They may sit back and watch, that would be very Indian of them.

But I expect the Chinese will work to actively subordinate the other billion-mouth population inhabiting their continent.

Ivan Freely

There will be no revenge on the Japanese. Sure there will be hot heads flapping their jaws but that’s about it.

Empire's Frontiers

The Japanese had better hope not.

Ivan Freely

FYI: China and Japan Ink Major Agreements as Historic Hostility Gives Way to Win-Win Cooperation



The US thinks that they all almighty when they actually is a huge empty shell that has lots of floating coffins that are only useful vs little small countries.

Vs China ins SCS, those would be sunk …very quickly. No land forces , no country can win a war and how the heck can US even dream of winning anything?

War starts , China will rule Asia, Russia Europe , Iran and allies ME, US ONLY In America …. that’s how it WW3 would end if they did not destroy the earth.

Nigel Maund

There seems little doubt left in my mind that by 2025 China will make a move to take back Taiwan. They’ll have the force projection and capability to do it, and, moreover, the strategic advantage over the US. Already, they can control the South China Sea. Conflict looks inevitable or the US will have to back down with consequent enormous loss of Prestige and International standing.

Tudor Miron

I’m not sure that by 2025 USA as we knew it will still be in place.


China will take Taiwan with sweet money, like the rest of the world. The US talks free enterprise, but China practices it. More millionares in 25 years of market economy, than all of Europe and America combined.

Hide Behind

What is the primary duty of all nations leaderships? Is it not to protect its peoples and their identity from foreign oppressors? One can argue that and over forms they are governed by, levels of tyrrany of less or more, but it is important that the imdividual has a national identity, their internal problems are for them to solve, not a foreign power. There is a term, Americanized which means culture of, white supremacy, a culture once introduced means acceptance by a nations leadership “OR ELSE”! One can look at the UN body and what does one see but a group of a nations trying to be clones of American Eurocentrism. Most invited this invasion, not so much to reinforce their national identit and improve the living standards of their peoples but to increase the wealth of leaders, and in doing so became no different than the foreigners. They dress the same, speak by adopting first and foremost another language, become a part of foreign nations financial system, a system that no matter how much it impoverishes their nations vast majority, that leadership and its bureaucracy remain in wealth. Once under financial tyrrany they invite foreign military, a military not of protection of its identity but that as force projection of foreign interest. There are tacyics of war without gunfire, and in over 130 nations today it is American/Eurocentric bases that control their national military in order for international financial interest. Until those nations rid themselves of this conquest they will not truly have a national identity. They must begin to recogize this type of warfare upon them, but do not expect the Natoonal leadership or their domestic supporters who flourish under Americanization to be the ones to restore that cultural identity, it has to come from the masses instead. All nations must prepare for war being foisted upon them by primarily American Militarization but their partnership with white EuroCentric and US financial interest. China and Russia along with N. Korea, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Syrian peoples recognize the dangers to their identity by this Eurocentric driven force, and are fighting back by increasing both their sovereign military and by economic growth for their peoples as a whole, in partnership with each other. Those lacky UN nations under sway of foreign powers must surely be changed but not just them alone, for without a masdsive understanding of the destruction caused by Eurocentric peoples themselves, those smaller nations fighting for own national identity, will face a war of real weapons being used against them. So yes; “Prepare for war, but hope for peace.”

Promitheas Apollonious

“There is a term, Americanized which means culture of, white supremacy“

No kid americanized means a culture of morons perverts and prescription drug addicts, who dont know where their ass from second base is. A culture that is 100% educated from holywood and TV reality games and ……………….

Hide Behind

And you described to a T, just what the peoples of foreign nations become under Eurocentri/American powers become. Tourist from Eurocentric nations care not of foreign ideals or cultural roots they just want entertainment, and cannot travel without cell phones, tablets with internet of you tube , movies and ability for selfies. They expect that their wishes should be served, much like a child crying for candy. The leaders of lesser nations travel to American and European luxury places that indulge their fantacies, no different than what wealthier than thou american and europeans do when traveling abroad. Many poorer, and richest as well, nations expect and provide for the hedonistic desires of the most base natures. To say that games on internet and americanized styles of entertainment are limited to just American youths, just where the f have you been living. The false superiority of so many educated that only live and converse with others of same ilk, is no more than snobbery by mental masturbators wearing blinders. Decadence and amorality is not limited to borders of US.

Promitheas Apollonious

Kid dont put words in my mouth and stop using what ever you using. I just corrected you in the stupidity you said that americaniozed is white

Hide Behind

All the blame is placed upon US for destruction of natoonal identity, but lets also look deep into what is called the European Union. The European Union is a non elected financial institution that even has Great Britain quivering like a hound dog trying to s..t out a peach seed as they try to leave it. For the interest of financial stability the member nations introduced the Euro, a previously non existant form of currency; a currency that eliminates national borders. So that today that governing body decides what each nations currency is worth in comparison to Euros and Dollar $. But the monetary destruction of botders was not enough to wipe out all remnants of peoples still wanting some form of national identity, and that threatens the NWO powers of centralized financial power. So how to rid the last remnants of nationality, throw borders wide open to tens of millions of culturally diverse peoples, all with no f’n understanding that one cannot have a Germany, a France, Italy; A Norway without A Norwegian, France without French, Italy without Italians, Germanany without Germans, and all the other nations of europe being in same boat. A good argument can be made that european peoples brought this onslaught upon themselves, they traded a false peace and artificial identity by selling out identity for comfort. That the bad guys in Europe are the ones who seek cultural identity, (“Hate Speach)”, are so few just goes to show how they became unimportant , worthless even unto themselves.

Promitheas Apollonious

when you create a sewer with the scum of the earth all put together in eventually it will overfill and spread is stink and pollution around the world.


China ask Russia for a Couple of Kh-47M2 Kinzhals… that’ll do some Damage to the AngloZioNazi Carrier Strike Groups… sink’m in seconds…and they will back off… their Warriors are LGBT-Pussies in a Uniform…

Ivan Freely

No need. They already have the DF-21 (IIRC).


Trump and his cocksucking generals are gonna get America in the worst possible catastrophe ANY nation has ever experienced… get rid of these idiots America or wake up like Germany did after WW2….

R Trojson

China attacks the US because the US rejects a $700B annual trade imbalance and forced technology transfer? That will do wonders for Chinese trade. As far as China destroying reefs to build military bases in the middle of the ocean against international law. Just one more loser action by China. China is doomed.

Tudor Miron

I have to say that this Trojson guy is entertaining :) He’s posts work well for a good lough. Welcome to Krupachec, DutchNational, Jens Holm etc super ligue. They need all the help they can get.


AFAIK there has been many US military participants stoking for war with China within 5-15 years a bit differing depending on opinions, for the following reasons.

China is the engine driving Eurasian integration through EEU, SCO, OBOR etc. These are based on mutual respect and fair trade unlike the alternative Washington has practiced so far and are offering for the future. Many countries are starting to use their own currencies in bilateral trade (incompetent and non-diplomatic, arrogant hubris from Washington doesn’t certainly act to counter this), which inevitably leads to further US displacement in the area and as their currency loses relevancy the military power goes down as well.

There is also a shift in sea trade routes from the Indian Ocean to the Arctic Ocean between major Chinese and European ports, which saves shipping companies thousands of miles on the one way trip. This makes the worlds largest navy, the most important US advantage by far, gradually more irrelevant.

Most South East Asian countries also do not approve US warmongering with China and instead choose to live and trade with China. Most South East Asian countries also choose not to recognize an independent Taiwan. These are the major factors pissing off the nuts in Washington.

Now, as a direct result of this, China is expanding their navy at a more rapid pace compared to USA with completely comparable destroyers and submarines which pushes the boundaries of sea control further away from the Chinese coast.

Robert McMaster

Gee, did Xi just wake up to reality or something? Wow. The Chinese are big bloviators But Always Back Down. They have no actually, practical military experience, can’t make a decent aircraft engine in 50 years, have as many nuclear bombs as Isreal. Really great at engineering as long as the military doesn’t figure. They have lots of money and could offer Russia serious dough it needs for well designed hardware. But no, China stumbles along piecemeal at B grade. The Americans know China will always blow hard and then wilt.

Ivan Freely

Regarding their engines, the WS-10 is already in service. The WS-20 is expected to be certified by 2019 (IIRC). No idea on the WS-15.

Robert McMaster

Good point. But they take far too long, these are not proven and there should be more in the pipeline.


The Republicans want a war with China, The Democrats want a war with Russia. Americans vote for these people, and so are responsible for their crimes. The sane world has to make a stand against these mutants, you can’t appease evil.

Ivan Freely

So, the Chinese army got rid of the neck ties in their uniforms? Good decision; never liked neck ties.

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