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MARCH 2025

XQ-58A Valkyrie Unmanned Fighter Jet Completes First Flight Test (Video)

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XQ-58A Valkyrie Unmanned Fighter Jet Completes First Flight Test (Video)


On March 5, the XQ58-A Valkyrie unmanned fighter jet completed its first test flight at Yuma Proving Grounds in Arizona, the US Air Force said in a statement and video released March 6. The test lasted 76 minutes.

“This joint effort falls within the Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) Low Cost Attritable Aircraft Technology (LCAAT) portfolio, which has the objective to break the escalating cost trajectory of tactically relevant aircraft,” the statement says. “The objectives of the LCAAT initiative include designing and building UAS faster by developing better design tools, and maturing and leveraging commercial manufacturing processes to reduce build time and cost.”

The XQ58-A Valkyrie reportedly travels at high subsonic speeds and took 2.5 years from contract award to develop. There will be a total of five tests, which focus on functionality, aerodynamic performance, as well as launch and recovery.

The XQ58-A Valkyrie is designed to fly alongside manned fighter jets and navigate autonomously. It hasan estimated unit cost of between $2 million and $3 million.


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It’s an unusual-looking cruise missile with the same overall dimensions (~7m length and 6m wing span) and US pricing standards. The manufacturer says it can carry 250kg or ordnance “internally or on it’s single hard-point”. You see, the stealthy approach (saw edging, top air intake, exhaust, etc) was necessary after all.

Also good luck performing any high AoA maneuver with this “fighter”, but I bet it will perform alright for dropping phosphorus bombs on civilians’ heads.


That’s all the US Chair Force will get to do anyway. No way it would ever get to fight the Russians or Chinese in actual conflict, as those have nuclear weapons. And the Chair Force doesn’t want to get nuked in return.


lol arm chair pilots desperately trying to bash this new American weapon! get over it you poor peasants where ever you are from; America leads always!


… from behind.


Never mate. We got weapon systems beyond your wildest dreams! Lol


I’ve never dreamed about weapons. Lol. My dreams however do come true and I can not wait to see the world clean from war mongering semi-humans.


It’s a figure of speech, go figure! ?


LOL. It;a a matter of facts.


No it’s not. We are looking at an American UCAV not some Russian or Chinese junk ;)


Is this why the pentagon and your mic is in panic mode?


They aren’t mate. Only ones panicking today are the ruskies and the Chinese haha!


Because you say so? Thanks for the joke.


Because they don’t have this level of tech yet hahah


Oh yes, they are not on the same level. Their level is much higher already.


Nope keep telling yourself that. By the way, where are from ?


Hell aviv.


Israel !? You are from Israel and you talk bad about America ???


I speak the truth about america.


While living in a country that owes a lot to it.




Then maybe go after your own politicians to become less reliant on American help?


No, why? We are happy with your fools.


Then what’s the problem ?


We want more from america.


Then it’s your problem not ours




America will fix america! And its happening now!

2019 and 2020 are going to be the best years of ur life if this is ur dream!

BUT america will stay on top!

Good news is, America will become allies with Russia after 2020! Im talking about being very close allies! Like England and America are now!

WATCH the shift start to occur this year!



I remember reading some of your predictions in December and watched… and basically nothing came to light . There was some noise in usa about some crimes committed by some politicians but … as we know … we are still in the same spot, regretfully. I don’t see a problem regarding RF being an ally of usa however I see this as “mission impossible” given the present state of mind of the americans. I feel for these people as much as I feel for every suffering creature but let’s face it: americans (like the Europeans) have been poisoned physically and mentally. It’s not irreversible, just a tough and time-consuming treatment. If you hope that RF will turn its back on China to become an ally of usa-I do not see this coming. If usa suddenly gets fixed by americans, then wow. Amen to that. Let’s see. The good news would be to see the world clean from lobbyists and their masters.


Wow, so u waited 2 and a half months? lol! Can u wait 2 more weeks??? Got popcorn??

This America vs America started in 2014! its ramping up now! remember this word “DECLAS” which means to “Declassify”!

i have something i could show u to get u excited…. get ur juices flowing! Information is being leaked with some damning proof of what is not only coming but is actually happening and has happened!

Do u think killing the New World Order takes 2.5 months? Really?

This is being done LEGALLY now that the good guys have the executive office!

To make this seem more real let me give u an example!

When putin came to power he was implanted by the FSB as a supposed oligrach puppet (since the russian jewish elites wanted a strong man figure to replace the weaker drunk and old yeltsin)

Putin did the same thing the JFK did! Got himself into power (with the help of the good guy intelligence services) and fucked the elites who brought him in and endorsed him via the media!

Russia also had a civil war in that time with some of the military attacking their parliament with Tanks!

Putin brought Russia back from being sold off!

Trump is doing the same! its the deep state vs the deep state buts its the white hats vs the black hats!

White hats are winning! The media is all the black hats have left!


This month, big news!

2 more weeks… just wait!


I got tired of waiting yet I have not lost faith. I can only wish the best to Trump if he is really working on it. Most of the times it looks like he is just their room service boy. I have been waiting not for 2 months but ever since Trump’s inauguration, aware that this is the most difficult issue at hand for Trump. Obviously, something is taking place behind the curtains.


do u want something to pep u up a little more? Ask me for it and ill give it to u!


Ok, yes, please,


OK….. first treat for u is John McCain

McCain tore his RIGHT right Achilles tendon! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a6c78158c56768e45db4438384025c6881bfd3cedaf85e8c03842f8b742b667c.png

McCain then swaps his ankle boot to his left foot! WHY?? Does that make sense to u?


So why was he REALLY wearing it?

“Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Thursday clarified that his walking boot is on his right foot, adding that he switched it to his left to “give it a break.”

McCain caused confusion when he posted a photo from his daughter Meghan’s wedding in which his walking boot was on his left foot. He had previously been seen wearing it on his right foot after he suffered a minor tear in his right Achilles tendon. ”

ref: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/361682-mccain-explains-why-his-boot-was-on-a-different-foot

ARE U WITH ME SO FAR? recap…. McCain was wearing an ankle brace on his right foot for an Achilles tendon tare! But swapped it to his left foot to “give it a break”.


Why is hillary wearing an ankle brace at the same time as mcCain? Coincidence? possibly it is, but then let me add another…. Clinton’s daughter wearing an ankle brace at the same time too!



Someone predicts McCains death down to the exact minute 30 days prior! But McCain died of natural causes (brain cancer). How could someone know the exact date and time of his death?

Eastern Standard Time https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fa7a01c23ad08483d113641aa56fe2bcc82a429b01dfb54a1b5b55fd6572fa77.png

McCain dies in his Family home at 4:28pm

Eastern Time is 2 hours a head of Mountain Standard Time



U with me?

If McCains death was predicted, then would it portray a PLANNED DEATH?

Was McCain under trial for high Treason at Military Tribunals as a Foreign Combatant? Was his death by Brain Cancer or was that a part of the cover for the execution? His crimes were so bad, they could not be told! I know what his crimes were!

Here is john mcains last interview the day before he died! Does he look like he is dying of brain Cancer? https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2018/08/26/sen-john-mccain-last-interview-arizona-republic-azcentral/1101693002/

Why did they give him a state funeral? the same reason Hitler gave Rommel a state funeral!

What was the Clinton foundation up to? What was the McCain institute up to? Who are their partners and Donors? Rothschilds?




The “Wall” that Trump wants to build is not just about illegal aliens! its about Drug Cartels FUNDING the deep state politicians, human trafficking (which is the major funding of the worlds elites). The wall stops all of this! the wall kills the deep state!

Clinton and McCain’s institutions were trafficking humans for profit! Just like most organisations who claim to be “helping” they are actually doing the opposite!

McCain and Clinton were controlling other politicians with their funding and criminal contacts! Thats why they were so powerfull!

A left democrat and a right neo con! total control!

Try to understand what is happening! They are being tried in military tribunals as foreign combatants! Secrecy is done due to the risk of civil unrest and potential civil war in the USA!

i have much more to prove! This is enough for now!

but before i go ask urself this question, why would the younger, handsome, perfectly groomed, leader of the republican party Paul Ryan decide to retire from politics? He was literally groomed to be the next President! So why retire?

Here is why!



Do u see what i see?


So you are claiming Mc Cain (a known “deep state” member) has been secretly tried and executed by other members of the “deep state” (Trump) and Paul Ryan and Clinton family are to follow? Sounds to good to be true and the saying goes: “if it sounds to good to be true,…” If your scenario doesn’t materialize, it none the less has proven an intresting read, to say the least! Regards


Paul Ryan no. Just had to step down. We will wait and see on Clinton’s. But McCain was executed! Even as I write this it sounds crazy, but a lot of proof has come forward.

Clinton might be entering the news within the next 7 to 10 days days in reference to her crimes. Uranium 1, emails, paid for a spy campaign against trump, into foundation etc.

Watch the MSM divert attention with Michael Jackson social, R. Kelly etc etc


So Mc Cain going public on MSM, saying he has a brain tumor and doesn’t have long to live… That’s between his “conviction” and his “execution”? Correct me , if i am wrong I still don’t follow the ankle brace story…;.


We dont know for sure of McCain’s indictment because it was a military tribunal and arrest by military police! What we do know is that McCains “brain Cancer” was a ploy to “not remember certain things” (a commonly used tactic) due to illness! Also is bought time for time off as a senator for his proceedings!

I want to make this point, if mcCain tore his Achilles heel on his right leg and swapped his ankle brace to his left to “give it a break”, why even swap it to a healthy foot? the left wasnt injured at all. Why not “give it a break” by taking the ankle brace off and not putting it on any foot!

Why would u impede ur movement even greater by taking the brace off the injured foot and putting the brace on the healthy foot thus making mobility even worse (because u are now bracing the healthy foot)

U have to really think about this!


long story short, they had ankle tags on them! those ones under criminal proceedings wear! GPS located! They all had them! Worn under the foot brace!


The Clintons will announce they are “sick” very soon! Just like john McCain did!



…Do u see me now??

“Former Defense Intelligence Officer Pleads Guilty to Attempted Espionage Ron Rockwell Hansen, 58, a resident of Syracuse, Utah, and a former Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) officer, pleaded guilty today in the District of Utah in connection with his attempted transmission of national defense information to the People’s Republic of China. Sentencing is set for Sept. 24, 2019. ” https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-defense-intelligence-officer-pleads-guilty-attempted-espionage


Why should we have faith in what you have to say? Yawn….


Because i can prove the things i am talking about! For example…. if i could prove someones death 30 days earlier down to the exact minute, would u say that this persons death was of natural causes or was planned? What if i had PROOF along with other things to prove it even more!

Counter Yawn!


Yeah, but you don’t, can’t, and won’t…..


check the new post! i replied to 1691

enjoy :)


Nice. You led me on a wild goose chase. I’ll remember that.


u didnt see it or u didnt like it? its an awesome post if u can understand it! Really fucking awesome! Nobody has the balls to counter it either!


It was a waste of time for anybody that reads it. Nobody can be bothered countering it.


yet, i have replies to it that are asking for more info!

Looks like u have no clue what people think! Very soon, i get to post MORe info that proves what i have said in the past! Then i get to screen shot my past comments and RUB THEM IN YOUR FACE!

Then ull need to come up with another smart ass comment to keep ur pride! im just gonna keep on winning and ure just going to have to keep getting used to it!

i have a ton of this shit! Remember my name! Tell your friends about me!


Take your medication.


reading = knowledge!



i have to agree with u! This advances the US a lot! Making these so cheap means that the USA can have 126 of the drones to every 1 F-22!

i can imagine that these drones can be not only controlled from satellites etc but also from nearby F-35 and F-22 aircraft! i also imagine that they can act alone using AI.

Everyone is a little butt hurt! im a realist!

i support russia and syria but i love TRUMP! :)

This is a serious fucking weapon!

And these idiots who say iran will copy, this aircraft needs more than just being able to fly, it needs advanced networking etc! Plus its the manufacturing (not labour) that makes them so cheap! So even if these other nations tried, they wouldnt be able to produce as cheap, as fast or as advanced!

i agree the USA leads the way!

The only nation who comes close is Russia but they are usually 10 years behind! However Russia does tend to make it better by studying the flaws the US has in its first gen example! But then the USA just usually makes a Version 2, 3 4 etc!

its pretty cool to be honest! Now we just gotta hope america stays free!


America is not free.


CONSTITUTIONALLY THEY ARE! If they arnt free, then what ever is keeping them caged is illegal!

Where as China cages its people legally, lawfully and willingly!

Theres a big difference! They still cant get US citizens guns! they are trying but the fail!


Leave China out of the picture. Irrelevant. We are talking about america. It’s illegal all right but how do you get america free from the claws of the big 5 and their 300 club?


When people wake up!

Daniel Miller

Not only that but it also seems to bot have a propper afterburing chamber.


Iran’s reverse-engineered version soon in eastern markets !


Iran cant even make its own aircraft unless its a copy! Nor can china (j-10 = SU-27) U cant reverse engineer the manufacturing process!

This is not a paper machete aircraft!

Its got AI, advanced networking, satellite integration, controllable by advanced computers aboard other stealth aircraft etc etc!

Why do u think russia sells the USA its RD-180 rocket engines? Because the engine CANNOT be reverse engineered! u cannot reverse engineer a secret manufacturing process! The Tech isnt in the plane! its in its manufacturing!

Things arnt made by hand anymore!

Anyway, the things that do get copied are leaked to iran by the USA! Hillary Clinton was one of those people who leaked such info! This has ended! She will be in the news very soon!



It looks good for target practice.

You can call me Al

I think that is exactly what it is for, take the bullets for the F-35s.


So they are to the F-35 what Chaos Cultists are to Chaos Space Marines? Meatshields?

Must be nice as an F-35 pilot to know you have this huge ass SAM sponge flying next to you.


Quite possible. I’ve read that the “stealth” myth has been busted. No one knows when will the Russians stop escorting planes and start real-life-target-practice.


It will happen when the RF ruling class loses their addiction to USD.


They own luxury apartments with nice views at Central Park in NY


think about it…. a f-22 costs $380 million these cost $3 million

that means 126 of these for every 1 F-22


Also i am sure they can: Operate alone using AI be controlled by an F-22 or F-35 controlled from AWACS or Satellite links hard to copy because its the manufacturing that makes them cheap not labour!

Remember, all iran could come up with was a copy of the US f-4 and F-5 made in the 1950’s!

This raises the stakes by a long shot!


Just to explain the unwarranted bias on this site….

If this was Russia’s newest drone, ud all be drooling at the mouth and saying awesome things about the aircraft and what it could be used for! We all know Jako would be literally jacking off to it and making up more BS than what is actually reported!

But since this is a US aircraft, everyone is saying “iran will copy, target practice, EW will kill it, bla bla bla”!

When will people finally become realists on this site?

Sure u can hate america all u want, but when they make new things or cool shit, say so! u can even say “damn, this could be a real threat”


u remind me of Democrats and Republicans just hating on each other for no good reasons!

Just acknowledge something and move on because u all sound like little bitches!

Russia makes cool shit too!

If Russia made the PAK-DA ud all be sucking each others dicks and u fucking know it!

So pull ur heads in! Can we get some real conversations happening on this site or u just gonna sit there with ur Syrian, Iran, China, Russia tighty whities on and kick ur legs up in the air with your pom pom’s and just cheer lead (OR BITCH) like a bunch of fuckin teenage girls!

REALISTS….. where the fuck are u??


It didn’t dawn on you that it is not black &white, Russians vs Americans etc. It is a new killing machine, for God’s sake. How can a normal person get excited about it? Be grateful the world is full of REALISTS who do not fall in that trap .


Hey i didnt say i like killing machines! But we can agree they exist and in some respects protect us! if it wasnt for advanced ‘killing machines” Indonesia would have invaded Australia a long time a go! Therefore id be dead or a slave!

But my point was this…. look at the comments on Russia’s new nuclear submarine, then look at the comments on the new US unmanned fighter! U will understand what i mean!


Re: your point. You are looking in the wrong direction. Most people have come to realize that america is importing “democracy” to countries that don’t want it. I am not going to tell you that by “sheer coincidence” those countries have oil and don’t have rothschild’s banks . You get the picture? So how could a “REALIST” or just a normal human look and praise the tools that americans use to eliminate competition, steal, colonize, kill ? Do I have to go on? The Russians have abused or invaded no one. Do not come back with ” annexed”. No nonsense, no propaganda. Thanks.


Dont forget that Russia was formerly the head of the Soviet Union! So to say that russia has invaded nobody is insane! Did they not invade Afghanistan? Did they not invade Poland? Have they not invaded a numerous amount of countries in the past to form Eastern Soviet block? If Russia didnt invade anyone then how in the fuck did they control half of the worlds land mass????

u should be careful as to what u write!

America is an empire and empires invade! Japan invaded, Soviets invaded, Uk invaded, Persians invaded, mongols, romans, ottomans, french, germans, austro-hungarians, vikings, portugese, spanish etc etc etc

my personal opinions on venezuela…. A decade a go Hugo Chavez took a loan from the IMF against his own countries oil supplies based on the price of oil at that particular time $140/barrel! But lets not forget that before he did that he had to get all the oil in Venz under govt control!

So he forcefully took al the oil from private corporations away and gave it “to the people”!

Once he did that, he then took out the loan from the IMF!

As u know, oil prices decreased greatly! From $140 per barrel down to $28 per barrel!

So in the last 4 years Venez socialised economy went down the tubes because of what Hugo Chavez did!

Now Maduro is in charge and so what does he do? He televises his Banquets of him and Celebrities he paid for to come to his party paid by the tax payers! American Celebs that cost a fortune! This angered his people!

People were starving and this asshole was spending money like a saudi king rather than fixing the economy and he was televising to the nation!

So in time Venez has a choice…. a choice FOR A PROBLEM THAT THEY CREATED!!!

The choices are…. 1.pay back their loans (they cant) 2.Be rescued by China and owned by china 3.Be rescued by the USA and be owned by the USA!

The USA does not need to invade! it is just positioning itself to the the new debtor of Venez instead of China being its new Debtor!

USA wont invade!

As for empires, China isnt an emire but it wants to be!

China cant, wont and doesnt fight in any wars (including Syria) because they are pussies! So of course the USA will conquer Venez!

Thats reality my friend! USA empire (reality) Venez collapsed economy (reality) China or USA to be new owners of Venez (reality) China are pussies (reality)

put that in ur pipe and smoke it!


You displayed the mentality of your great- gtreat-great grandfather. Shame. It is 21st century. With such mentality you shall get what you deserve, no less. WAIT!


i literally gave u a history lesson of facts! *How venez got into debt *Why *what the new President has been doing *And the possible outcomes for Venez!

And ur reply comment was 2 lines!!

u cant dispute anything i wrote? i bet u didnt even know how Venez got into its situtation in the first place!

If u want to counter me, give me counter points! Otherwise im just gonna assume u got butt hurt and had no come back!


Regretfully you are beyond help. Those are not history lessons or facts. Those are brainwashing points. You have no knowledge of history. You are parroting an agenda.I do not want to waste my time with your type. I do not want to pay respect and discuss anything with you. Don’t flatter yourself: there’s no way that you and your kind could affect me. You nicely exposed your level. Good job.:)


What a cowards way out! u want me to give u info on a few topics, i give it to u… then ur reply is ZERO except for “whatever”!

You dont have to agree with me, but u are too lazy, scared or dumb to respond with counter points! This is a FORUM where people DISCUSS!

Your efforts are pathetic! Next time ill remember that 1691 has got fuck all to offer!

u were a bigger waste of my time then u think i was of urs!

So whatever u think of me, times it by 10 in return!

i give u x20 info and u give me -50 counter info!

Which makes me wonder, why the fuck are u even here if u dont participate in discussion! Especially on subjects u think u know better! u cant even belittle me which makes me think, u know fuck all!

if i caught someone knowing FUCK ALL,,,, id nail them to the fucking wall! But you….. you aint got shit which makes me also think, u dont know shit!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x