A screenshot from the video
Yemeni forces have seized a US-made REMUS 600 autonomous underwater vehicle belonging to the Saudi Navy, according to pro-Houthi sources. The vehicle was seized inside the Yemeni territorial waters in the Red Sea.
The REMUS 600 is often used to detect sea mines and to conduct reconnaissance in coast waters.
I wonder how they found it/ became aware of it.
They can talk to sharks
Dr. Doolittle is a known sympathizer and provides communications with the animals for the Houthis , according to Saudi and US Intelligence working in the area.
I have missed your nonsense Woolpuller… welcome back! :-)
Yup, an Christmas gift from Norway, this thing, submersible drones is Norwegian made.
Stop the video at 1.03 and watch the label, this is already known in Norway, thru our MSM.
Owned by a Norwegian company – Kongsberg Maritime (part of the Kongsberg Group) but made in the US by a subsidiary company – Hydroid Inc. Kongsberg bought Hyrdroid in 2008.
Defense Applications: Area Search Organic Mine Countermeasures Expeditionary Mine Countermeasures Hydrographic Survey Surveillance & Reconnaissance
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Fuck you
Now send to the Iranian Navy to reverse engineer.
In return for anti-aircraft weapons, a fair trade.
Chris – Sounds like a plan!
I am witnessing a Houthi and a VEVAK agent discussing an arms trade.
LOL – Like your emoticon! The Saudi’s are largely incompetent. No wonder they keep on losing critical kit.
On its way already – maybe just the small parts. I’d think that the Iranians pay good money for captured pieces of high-tech and they put the word about.
GB, they’ve (Iran) brought down a Predator drone and reverse engineered it. Nice of the KSA to donate the latest technology to Iran on a plate. If one has a rich but basically incompetent ally to whom one has entrusted the latest US hard and software they will eventually lose intact pieces of high tech kit to your enemy. Unlike the Saudi’s the Iranians are both competent and very smart engineers and they are not Arabs in the strict sense. Furthermore, they are hard working and capable, so the Saudi’s would never be a match for them and are utterly dependent upon foreigners to maintain their economy and train their military. Like it or not, the KSA is a vassal State of Israel and the US and also the weakest link in the chain as it’s increasingly politically unstable. The war in Yemen could precipitate insurrection in the KSA ending the House of Saud permanently.
Send it to all Saudi and USA enemies for reverse engineering. In return ask for long range bolistic missiles and anti aircraft and anti ship misiles plus all type of lethal weapons.
I hope that one day some Palestinians somehow steal some Israeli fighter jets, and fly them to Iran for reverse engineering. If I saw such a thing happening I would be so amazed and happy. But unfortunately, I doubt that such a thing would ever happen.