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MARCH 2025

Yemeni Houthis Vow To Fight Israeli Plots As Netanyahu Signs Historic Deal With UAE, Bahrain

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The Ansar Allah movement (also known as the Houthis) continues pounding Saudi Arabia with drones and missiles.

Late on September 17, the Yemeni Air Force loyal to the Houthi government struck Abha International Airport in the Saudi province of Asir with Samad 3 combat drones, which can be used as loitering munitions. The Houthis claimed that the strike hit a military section of the airport causing material damage and casualties among Saudi forces.

The military infrastructure in the Abha airport area and southern Saudi Arabia itself has regularly become a target of Houthi missile and drone strikes. Just during the past month, Abha International Airport was targeted by at least 4 drone and missile strikes. The Saudi capital of Riyadh and oil infrastructure in the central part of the Kingdom are also not out of danger. The Houthis demonstrated this several times during the past few years. The most recent strike on Riyadh took place just a few days ago.

The September 17 attack, together with regular strikes on other targets inside the Kingdom, showed that efforts of the Saudi Air Force to destroy missile stockpiles and launching sites in Yemen did not lead to any notable impact.

Saudi proxies fighting the Houthis on the ground are also in a state of retreat. During the past few days, they lost even more positions south of the Marib provincial capital retreating from Najd al-Majmaa, Habisah, Ajam al-Sud and al-Atf.

The Maas Camp west of Marib city still remains in the hands of Saudi-backed forces. However, this stronghold is the last obstacle for the advancing Houthi forces in this part of the province. If the defense of pro-Saudi forces continues to crumble, the Maas Camp will be fully isolated and captured.

In the southern part of Marib province, Houthis and their local allies captured the area of Rahum. Here, the mid-term target of the Houthi advance is the town of Hurayb, located on the administrative border between the provinces of Marib and Shabwah.

It is interesting to note that the Houthi leadership recently declared that it stands against the US-promoted normalization with Israel and reaffirmed its support to Palestine. Abdul-Malik al-Houthi even stated that actions of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain contribute to Israeli plots against Muslim countries. He claimed that Yemen has become the target of the Saudi-led intervention due to Yemen’s alleged resistance to the Israeli agenda in the region.

On September 15, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu officially signed historic peace treaties with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in Washington. The development is a major foreign policy victory for the administration of US President Donald Trump and its Israeli allies. The event was attended by Trump himself who noted that the courage of the Israeli and Arab leaders enabled these countries “to take a major stride toward a future where people of all faiths live together in peace and prosperity.”

On the other hand, the US State Department has already declared that the UAE and Israel could forge an alliance against Iran. Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, key US regional allies, will likely become a part of this effort. Therefore, the announced ‘peace and prosperity’ plan apparently includes a further strengthening of the pressure on Iran and even increases of chances of a potential military action against the republic.

The ongoing normalization campaign also triggered a new escalation in the Gaza Strip, including the exchange of strikes between Palestinian armed groups and Israel, as well as political instability in Bahrain. The population of Bahrain appears to be unhappy with the decision of the country’s leadership.

The modern Middle East could easily be compared with a powder keg that is ready to explode at any moment.

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I suggest the Houthis don’t pick a fight with us, but if the kalbs decide to do it, that will result in their own death. almawt ila alhuthiayn, harq fi aljahim.

Free man

the Houthis decide nothing. The Mullahs regime decides for them. And as I wrote today in response to another report on SF, apparently the Mullahs regime is beginning to justify the future firing of the Houthis missiles towards Israel.

Jim Allen

Oh, bullshit. The Houthis got into this on their own. This thing in Yemen began with the attack on the US Navy guided missile frigate Cole. US Government had started this, then handed off to the Headcutters so they could lose, while US blockaded the port, and went off to destroy another country. Thinking Yemen wouldn’t be a problem for the Headcutters to clean up, and boost weapons sales at the same time. Turns out they’d underestimated the Houthis. By a lot ! Unsurprising, the arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics underestimate everything. Much due to their overestimating themselves, and their capabilities. Their mistaken belief they’re better than everyone else, when they’re not gives them problems with most everything they attempt. That’s why they’ve failed every time they’ve attempted to take control of countries hosting them. Off to a good start, but that fades away fast, arrogance leads to their undoing having convinced themselves their superiority over mere mortals gifts them capabilities they just don’t have. That, and the goyim possess capabilities that go unrecognised, their arrogance prevents them seeing.

Jens Holm

If I go back before I even was born, Even Gamel Abdel Nasser was there and in Syria and Iraq as well.

So where is the fiaco if this is a succes.

Icarus Tanović

Hey man! This War in Yemen started in January 2015!!! and the claimed victory in few weeks. Now, look at this Vietnam. And Yemenis are Viet Kong.

Jim Allen

Wrong. It started when I stated. I bet you think the whole trip in the Middle East started in 2003. Don’t you ? In real life it started a hundred years ago.

Icarus Tanović

I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about open aggression.

Jens Holm

Thats mainly true. They are the wawing tail of a dog or something.

The Baathists in Syria has same position. Assad even think he is commander of the Russian army.


One missle coming from Yemen, and you will see our response Free Man. Ofcourse, the mullahs don’t care if others die.


“regime is beginning to justify the future firing of “Houthis” missiles towards Israel.” Why would Ansar Allah fire missiles on Israel in the middle of the war with Saudi’s? They don’t even have missiles of such range.

If you make accusation than you give the independent source link (Jews are not credible)


I’ve only seen how the Houthis win mercenaries that run away the moment they are being shot at, not against a regular army. You compare Yemeni or other foreign fighters to the IDF? well for a start, we don’t withdraw unless we are given an order to do so, which rarely ever happens. Ask your Hezbollah why they don’t respond, it’s not because they don’t want to. Easier to talk than actually attack us.


An old photo, today Merkavas are much stronger and have an active protection systems against ATGM’s. Even back in 2006 they hit dozens of ATGM’s but only 5 were destroyed beyond repair, and this is one fo them. You don’t destroy our tanks that easily, it’s a 65 tonnes monster and your Hezbollah will find it out the hard way again as Nasrallah is digging his own grave.

Servet Köseoğlu

note that new heavy apc namer..it has a hell of a protection and armour..look at size its giant.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1dbbb166392aef54425697a716a162ec0a845c2820b89c056807875526fe3edf.jpg


Yeah Servet, and it’s just an AFV so our tanks are much stronger. I also like Turkey’s new Altay MBT, I think you can be proud of it.

Servet Köseoğlu

spike nlos anti*tank missle with 25 km range..25 km….when you can take your dogs to awalk..you can programme spike and shoot with fire -forget booomm….lmao.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/052dfc9cec28a9d6fb2e7b9220b2c365215d3d5a3f9c09a45c8bd37948e8acb3.jpg


Yup, proved very useful against Hezbollah and Syrian targets :)


We shall Ali.


Yes, it’s old. Belongs to 2006 humiliating defeat. Hezbollah made a BBQ out of your armour and its smoke reached all over the world.

In addition to all the new shiny things for Merkava, I told you its reverse gear is much much faster than all its forward gear. You’ll be back in no time as soon as you lay eyes on first Hezbollah fighter!

A 65 tonnes behemoth runs on 2 tracks. you tear just one of them and bye bye monster.Now your turn to talk big and threat… GO!


I’ll let Nasrallah start the war, then we can see who talks and who acts Garga. The 2006 farce will not repeat itself, too bad for the Lebanese that means more destruction upon their coutnry thanks to Hezbollah.


You are again repeating Bibi word for word. Houthis are great fighters for their own region, they are defending their land, which gives them an additional moral boost. Don’t poke your nose in their affairs and don’t make an enemy out of them for yourself.

We all know the state of your regime’s military. for more than 40 years it did nothing but killing unarmed women, children and cripples. One time they tried to “teach Khizballa a lesson” with Navy and airforce and armour and artillery (none of which Hezbollah possesses), less than 5000 Hezbollah kick their sorry butts so hard until they left Lebanon running., crying and leaving behind a lot of burnt armour.

Hezbollah will respond when they choose to respond. Right now they play into your beloved PM’s hand o send you to become minced meat. Is that what you want? Thank god Mr. Nasrallah is much smarter than both you and Bibi.


That was not the case Garga, the 2006 war lasted for about one month, out of that month we only used ground forces for the last 10 days because our political leadership (Olmert back then) thought the air force would be enough. However, once 10K IDF troops entered (with another 30K at the border waiting to join the war) we pushed them back to the Litani river and all of their defensive positions and rockets couldn’t help them against our onslaught. That being said, we only used 5% of our firepower not to wipe out entire villages in SL that helped hiding Hezbollah fighters, even though we could have done it during a wartime. Bottom line – it was more of our battle mistakes and mercy rather than Hezbollah’s success. Rest assured it won’t happen again if they provoke a war.

Free man

Ali, the main thing here is your desire to promote another unnecessary war in the Middle East. No country in the Middle East needs more wars, they need peace agreements. Only the mullahs regime interested in more wars in the Middle East.

Free man

Factually, all the time you promote wars on SF and I promote peace. The funny thing is that there is no big difference in our background, the big difference is in what we have done with our lives.

Free man

You guys see the world in clear colors of black and white, you don’t see the shades of gray. I oppose the US wars in the Middle East, I oppose Netanyahu’s policy of no peace with the Palestinians and I oppose the wars of the mullahs regime in the region. From you I am only reading about the terrible things you will do to the Sunnis and the Jews in the area. In reality more and more Arab countries will sign peace agreements with Israel and you will be more and more isolated with your religious wars policies.

Free man

Ali, you can spin it as much as you want. But you guys do not represent Iran, you only represent the totalitarian mullahs regime. A regime based on anger and religious hatred.

Free man

Ali joon, I don’t need your approval to who I am and what I think. I don’t live in the Iran of the Mullahs regime. Where I live no one tells my wife how to dress, not to ride a bike and to cover her hair.

Free man

“Wasn’t trying to diss you i just literally don’t need you to tell me how or what iran should be.” – Fair enough, same here. “Now only and only iranians decide about what we do, how we do and when we do things.” – I agree. I just don’t think the mullahs regime represents what the Iranians want. “the anger and the hatred are results of history.” – I don’t believe in bad energies. They are not good for the psyche and health.

Free man

And why did these blockades have been set on you ? After all, The mullahs regime turned the United States in to its No. 1 enemy . I do not know if all Vietnamese are in love with the US, but Vietnam has learned to put the past aside and live in peace with the US. Why is Iran different ? after all, there was no bloody war between the US and Iran like the war in Vietnam.

Free man

1. You burn US flags, shout death to America in the majlis and call the United States the “Great Satan”. To me it is considered the number one enemy. 2. I really don’t understand what the big quarrel you have to settle with the US. It is again a worldview in the colors of black and white. Either you are an enemy of the US or you become a US military base. Most countries in the world have good relations with the US , without having American bases. 3. I don’t understand your obsession with Israel. Egypt and Jordan, which have fought a number of wars against Israel, have signed a peace agreement with Israel. The Palestinians themselves have signed agreements with Israel. Most Arab countries have good relations with Israel. How Iran, which was Israel’s greatest friend in the region, became Israel’s enemy, far more so than its Arab neighbors. I can tell you that I know quite a few Iranians and Shiite Lebanese who don’t share this obsession of yours. 4. As you wrote, we see things differently by 180 degrees. But can you really look at Iran’s dismal state and say it’s solely the fault of the external enemy. Does your regime have no responsibility for your state? Didn’t these bad energies contribute to turning such a rich country into a country whose majority of its inhabitants are poor?

Free man

” it’s gonna get real ugly” – Could be, but I don’t think so. I really think the Iranian people are tired of sacrificing for purposes they do not believe in. I guess we’ll continue this debate in the future. Keep safe.


Goodluck with that Ali, let’s see how it ends for you.


Ignorant statement, full of bias and stereo typical western entitlement…. 2 world are forming and another cold war is brewing. Iran is part of the China satelite strategic partnership as well as Russia…2 world economic systems will form. This is the best case scenario. All out war in M E is worst case. Nuclear exchange is almost impossible.

Free man

Please enlighten me regarding ” Ignorant ….. bias and stereo typical western entitlement” .


succiona el ano con caca de tu primer ministro bot zionista hijo de la yuta

Jens Holm

I didnt know You name is Anus or is it Janus:)


Yours is definitely Janus…. Janus assHolm.

and Anus is where your mouth should be.


Spanish bastard, watch your mouth.


Zioarab mutant, your mouth eats too much crap.


I already said that in case of a ballistic missile coming from Yemen, we should fire some Jericho III at them to teach them a lesson for the next few centuries. Israel should make it clear to them, that any attack against our land (directed by Iran) will result in their total annihilation.


Then maybe, they shouldn’t provoke us. And why would Russia help Yemen if they attack us first? I didn’t get you.

Servet Köseoğlu

jericho-3 with 4800 km range perfect choice…it will pulvirize whole yemen…


It can reach up to 7000KM, depends on the warhead weight. Iran knows not to mess with us, maybe the Houthis will find it out too.

Servet Köseoğlu

they can only bark and whine in the forums with their delusional narratives..


Ofcourse, they also bark against Turkey but they can’t do anything not in Syria and not in Libya.

Servet Köseoğlu

stupid assholes….israel can send them to stone age anytime..


You too guys, protect your interests.


You are so cute! Always complaining about Iran threatening you and Iranian aggression and attacking you, at the same time boasting that Iran knows better to mess with you.

I want to pull your cheek, I can’t resist anymore….


It’s kinda sad that when I write Iran it means the mullahs, that is what you represent. A country rich of history and culture is now a religious dictatorship that threatens other countries including Israel. If it wasn’t for your leaders then we wouldn’t have any conflict, the UAE and Bahrain did the right call. I stand behind my words, anyone to shoot ballistic missiles over here will face a harsh response. In 1990 Iraq sent Scuds here, we didn’t do anything at first but after few days we prepared our Jericho missiles to launch them back at Baghdad, then Saddam got the message and stopped.


Understood LR, well it might just happen.


Any attack will be the final attack and israel will not exist as it does now. If you think battles will take place and a drawn out war will materialise you’re stupid. Israel will have no time to respond…maybe 2nd strike from subs, that’s all.

Free man

It seems that the mullahs regime wants to fire missiles at Israel from Yemen. This region of the world will be very interesting soon, especially in light of the fact that Israel will soon have bases in the Persian Gulf.

Zaphod Braden

The “DEAL” is —- they are all going to loot America. Israel is “Demanding America GIVE Israel $8BILLION$ in F35 planes” and that is just the start Tell them all to FOAD …. go ahead & kill one another


If Americans are stupid enough and sheep enough, to give away money they need themselves.. … Why would Jews renounce that pleasure to take maximum advantage, like they always did?!

Jim Allen

“Mericans” are more brainwashed than stupid. In any event the Bolsheviks have control of the Government, and the people aren’t going to awaken before this deal is done. We can rest assured that with these planes in it’s inventory IDF will be as extra super dangerous, as it’s always been.


brainwashed = (artificially)stupid “Extra super dangerous” They will continue to be regional power, nothing else.

Jim Allen

US won’t even be that if the Globalists have their way. The plan is to kill off aqbout 280 million people in US by 2025. That will leave about a half million people in the country as subjects of the Globalist One world Government. The agenda calls for a 90% reduction in the world population by 2030. Your country will enjoy this de-population as well. Is your country prepared to resist any better than US ?


People with your smart ass attitude are going on my nerves sometimes. I doubt that you (or people whose bullshit theory you are spreading) know what are the true plans of those super rich. I am not interested in those theories and do not bother me with the bollocks of similar kind ever again. Thank you for your understanding. If not I’ll just block you.

Jim Allen

I really don’t care if you like my smart ass attitude, or not. What I’ve related to you you is fact, it’s not secret, but of course you don’t care about facts, or shit that doesn’t fit your narrative, yet you can’t understand why certain countries don’t do what you think they should do, when you think they should do it. I’ve explained that, but you still don’t get it. I’m thinking you’re just another willfully ignorant troll, that cares only to rant, and rave that countries are up to no damn good, when that’s not true. UN Agenda 21/2030 is posted on the UN Official website. There’s endless videos that spell out exacty what this Globalist agenda really is. I like Deagle’s the best. This is no fucking joke. You can block away all you want to, I’m sure as Hell not making your decisions for you.


Your conspiracy theories have been around for centuries. The one you’re spouting about I heard for 30 yrs…dig a hole dumbass, stick your head in, it’ll protect you from the fall out. Lmfao

Jim Allen

You don’t get to tell me what to do. I’ll say whatever pleases me to say.


You don’t get to tell me what to read ! Because I have no need to read bollocks theories where US population will be reduced 280 millions in 5 years. Go seek medical help and leave me alone!


I think they have China prepeared to have their back when the moment comes


Who does? IsraHell? How so Joaqine?

Any secret agreements behind US backs? If US falls Israel will be alone, they have no friends.


Yes, Israel. There are many signs about this. Might or might not be true, but it seems at least a bit likely. I recommend you to read the comments on the piece about the J 10 here on SF


Joaqine can’t you comprehend that China is arch-enemy of US !?!? If they would ever discover that Israel has any kind of friendly relations with China US would not only stop giving huge military aid worth in billions of dollars every year. But they would also change radically towards privileged status that Israel enjoys from US! What you saying here is just some stupid rumors based on hearsay of conspiracy artists. Impossible to happen ! Israel has so much to lose and so little to gain in such insane operation of switching a sides! Sorry ! I don’t buy it at all!


My name is Joaquín, not Joaqine.

I think you are missing the fact that the US has no self-deretmination and is controlled by zionists. Just look at all those dual passport holders in its parliament.. And then there’s the evidence that the J-10 might have been created with the assistance from Israel


OK Joaquín your name is Joaquín I do not “miss” anything and yes they are controlled by “Zionists” of which huge majority are not Jews but idiotic Christian-Zionists. And they would not be happy at all to see Israel in any kind of nice relations with their enemy China! J-10 is ISRAELI DESIGN (their copy of re-designed F-16, blueprints stolen from US) SOLD to China for shitload of money long time ago when relations between China and US were still GOOD. I am tired of this useless conversation Joaquín


Ok HiaNd, good point about the J 10 selling. As I said before I don’t know wether China could be playing along with Israel or not but I feel a bit suspicios. Have a good night


You as well Joaquin P.S.

Jews in Israel are receiving about 10 billion per year through direct US military aid and many other privileges. They would never change US for China.



I’m aware of that, but in my view the US has its days counted as a superpower, and maybe israelis are planing an alternative in advance


It is not as simple and as easy that countries switch so quickly and easily allegiance and alliance over the night.


Although we are on the same side I tepectfully disagree. You’re leading to extremes. China has used the wests’ financial system to build its influence across the world…genius. Don’t go thinking israel had no part of that. Israil has worked to ruin the US, this is true, but China won’t allow it because it would hurt China as well. There are no friends among thieves just temporary partner.s


False premises ( proposition upon which an argument is based) lead to false conclusion. You are typical deluded ill informed American. I have answered your question mostly in the 1st comment. China – US economies will be decoupled soon and that will hurt both sides but since China is industrial Super Power and US the biggest debtor in the history of the planet…. US will LOSE !


Let’s not be disrespectful and attack each other personally.

Restating your original statement doesn’t make it true, it’s your opinion. I respect that. Imo it’s more complicated then your stated opinion. Both China and Iran have stated that the time of physical wars are over…it means economic war, this we agree. But it’s not a win take all situation. It’s a new cold war this time with China. The world will not decouple from US economically…Impossible!

Simply put, a new world is forming! How it does so is anyone’s guess. The west and USA are not stupid…don’t underestimate your adversary. Know him as you know yourself.

US and israel can not escalate directly. Neither will the other side.


So it is “Impossible!” And that is your explanation?!!

So why the hell I am losing my time with you at all? Good bye and your mighty argument, keep it to yourself please!


Grow up. If I were to go into detail of why its impossible to decouple the 2 economies it would be a book. I suggest you stop being a hard-on with a chip on shoulder. Learn to disagree respectfully. we all have life experiences that differ yet still we are all human. No reason to be arogant, exit the conversation respectfully.


Oh, I am very respectful to myself and know from experience when conversation is useless. So lets “agree to disagree” Was that “respectful” enough? Good bye and do not bother me any more please!!


Although you make yourself feel better by being arrogant and full of contempt for all here, not just those you deem enemies, you look like an asshole, truly. I’ve seen boys like you in many Arab nations and israel. No difference in you and Iron Zion. Both Arab, one jew the other muslim…both full of shit. Inta h’mar


Sorry brother. US economy will not crash. China and Russia but especially China, won’t let it happen. It’s much more complicated. US economy crashing will crash the world as well. It’s not of any interest to destroy US economy, knock it back a notch or 2. US will come into the fold economically or it will go to war depending on who is in power. A direct war between the ultimate powers will not materialize unless the crazies in US push for it. Time will tell.


Sorry brother American, you long time no see news. I don’t agree with you at all.

China and US are in active process of decoupling as we speak.Blocking of 5G and interdiction’s and sanctions of many Chinese high tech firms will backfire and already does. My 2 cents that now US is not ready for war simply because all US strategic missiles are OLD ! But all Russian strategic missiles are brand new or upgraded to the latest tech upgrade and they have hyper-sonic missiles in active service already while US is trying to catch up because essential for “first strike”. By the time they get there and build hyper sonic missiles they’ll be bankrupt like USSR !


What you’ve stated has a chance of playing out. But small. As I’ve stated and we’ve ahreed, economic war, yes, all out direct war, nearly impossible. 5g, lol, sorry friend, the tech exists already that’ll make 5g look like old rotary dial phones. US will lead in the next economy, as will China…not a winner take all situation.


So you keep repeating that Anglo-Saxon bollocks that nobody buys any longer … Good bye!


Lol…you’re a young Arab male, 25 years maybe. And your single minded arrogance is true to your type…ok Saladin, lead us down the path to victory! Lmao if you are the genius you portray yourself as you’d either be in a strong leadership position or assassinated…not here blowing hard bs.


I am Orthodox Slavic pro Russian to the bone and to not give more personal details

I’ll tell you simply; you are wrong about everything as usual! Send another of your stupid comments and I’ll block you.


Lmao…so block me! I was right about the rest, young dumb and full of cum.

Jim Allen

“America” is looted, and has been for quite some time. Those F-35, (the epitome of the sunk cost fallacy) are assembled from components manufactured around the world, by cheap labor, made from materials that may, or may not meet spec., and many of the sub-assemblies have proven unreliable installed in F-22. So, US military spec’d the same unreliable system for F-35 so it can continue to defy being properly repaired. So in addition to being slow, sluggish targets for Russian MiG’s, they often fall out of the sky of their own volition. At least these don’t take their pilots with them when they crash like F-22. That’s a plus. The only enemy these planes can engage are those without an air force, and anti-aircraft defensive systems. An old Luftwaffe Flak Regiment would raise Hell with these junk. It has been demonstrated S-400 radars can indeed pick up these not very stealthy aircraft. Su-30 radars as well. US should do it, no one wants these fugitives from the scrap yard parked on their tarmac. I think they’d be great yard art.

Icarus Tanović

F-35 was downed by S-200, back in the days, but Zionists cover the whole thing up. That was above Syria, and timing for showing force was perfect, as they thought, because Russian DM was in TA just when that happened. And then Israelis corupted dump blame the whole thing on birds that hit the plane.

Jim Allen

Not shot down, damaged, the plane managed to return to base. S-200 isn’t supposed to even see the plane. I recall the incident.t

Icarus Tanović

Who said so? Israeli times? You claim, so all we should believe that. Thanks for whatever.


They have never shot down F-35, but in your poor Slavic deluded mind anything can happen. Back to your Vodka.

Servet Köseoğlu

hahaha….s-200 vs f-35..even in arcade games you cant shoot it…


He’s just another SF idiot.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı blocked that bum..stupid low-level racist…ı mean dont write anything if you dont have confirmed info right?



Icarus Tanović

You two’s are bums. He is low life anatolian dump, and you are moreover a coward.

Now, close your mouth.


Make me close it.

Icarus Tanović

Let’s fight, toe to toe, fist to fist. Now shut your mouth.


Let’s, come here.

Icarus Tanović

Choose neutral ground.


So what if he is slavic, you retarded zioNazi /naZionist piece of shit? You hate Slavs now as well? Lebensraum in Palestine, ghettos, now even slavophobia… you zioNazis are worse than Adolf.

Icarus Tanović

They can’t do shit to Itan because they’re cowards and affraid. Iranian coast, west, east is impenetrable by armour. All that they can do is firing rockets and make some firework amusment park atmosphere.

Jim Allen

US is not impenetrable. Russia has weapons systems that there are no analog, and can easily strike targets inside USA. There’s nothing US can do about it. It’s not a secret Russia has 7 locations selected to destroy should the arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics, completely lose their collective minds, and launch nuclear weapons at Russia, or it’s allies. These weapons systems are stationed within 200 miles of both US coasts. In the event US military launches a nuke as threatened, these locations will be destroyed before the first missile is destroyed by Russian air defenses. Even if launched from Europe. All Western military assets within reach of Russian, and allied forces will be destroyed within hours. The troops surrounding Russia may not be able to cross the border into Russia before those forces become unable to defend themselves. As it is, whenever Russian Spetsnaz does snap drills near the border, these troops flinch. The General commanding these forces complained to Russia about its military training so close. All this is public, Putin announced this information through the media in early 2019.

Zaphod Braden

FAX is FAX — Israel is DEMANDING $8BILLION worth of them ……..

Pave Way IV

I’m all for fewer people trying to kill each other, but ‘historic peace treaty’? Really?

FFS… Someone correct me if I’m wrong here, but the extra-chromosome Gulftard monarchies abandoned the Palestinians a long time ago. Was there some invisible Arab-Israeli war all this time? All I’ve seen is bullshit animosity for show – mostly for the benefit of political leaders on both sides. They have always been co-sodomizers in the Super Iran-Haters Club.

Here’s the historic war as I saw it: “We won’t buy your f’cking dates.” “Then you can’t overfly our country (except to bomb Iranians in Syria)”. Just… wow. Glad that horrific inhumanity has ended […snort!]. Carry on with the now administratively-approved historic co-sodomization. What a WIN for humanity.

Jim Allen

If these two “countries(?)” have the brains God gave an ass, they’ll know they’ve just moved up on the list of countries the Zionist Khazars want destroyed. The City of London is not friendly, the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal that owns most of the world, including 60% of Israel are not friendly. Israel has no friends, or allies, it has a protector that is currently being destroyed along with US Government that has been serving The City of London, exclusively for over a century, after the bankers have drained the country of anything of value. The Globalist’s have moved the industry offshore, and left. What remains is tying up some loose ends, and de-populating the country 81% by 2025 as scheduled under UN Agenda 21/2030 Sustainability Development Guidelines. That the people refuse to accecpt is real, and their beloved Government would do this to them. Military PsyOps, and propaganda are extremely powerful weapons, combined with the indoctrination program that replaced public education for the last three generations, the people are fast asleep. Sad.

Icarus Tanović

They should take care of those headchoppers down the south, look at that black gra part of the map. That would be surprise, at least with 30%power. I know, Marib is the primary target.


Only in your Farsi dreams Ali.

Zaphod Braden

It is a “win” for Israel’s puppet Trump maybe …. but NOT for America OR Peace.. Israel is DEMANDING American Taxpayers GIVE Israel $8BILLION in WAR planes. That is the START. There are all sorts of UNKNOWN deals — for WEAPONS & WAR equipment. America borrows money AT INTEREST from COMMUNIST China to GIVE to SOCIALIST Israel —- that is STUPID. I will give you PEACE in the MidEast in two minutes … Cut off ALL money & weapons – — POOF! PEACE. Israel will suddenly manage to embrace it’s SEMITIC brothers. https://breakingdefense.com/2020/09/israel-seeks-8b-arms-deal-at-white-house-f-35s-v-22s-kc-46s/

Traiano Welcome

Hooray for the Fremen! Down with the House of Netanyahoo Harkonnen

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