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Yemen’s Houthi Leader Warns Enemies Of Ground Battle

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Yemen’s Houthi Leader Warns Enemies Of Ground Battle

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The leader of the Houthis (Ansar Allah) in Yemen warned his enemies on September 5 that his group would shock them on the ground as it did at sea.

Since the start of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip last October, the Houthis have attacked dozens of Israel-linked ships and others owned by allies of the country in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and even the Mediterranean Sea in support of the Palestinian enclave.

The group also launched hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel. In addition, it shot down seven American-made drones over Yemen and nearby waters.

The United States and the United Kingdom have so far launched hundreds of strikes against Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen in retaliation. Israel also attacked the Red Sea port of al-Hodieda, which is held by the group, last July in response to a deadly drone strike on the city of Tel Aviv. Nevertheless, the Houthis remain undeterred.

In his weekly speech, al-Houthi asserted that his group mobilized “on the basis of Jihad, for God’s sake, and in support of the Palestinian people”, in a frank, clear, and declared confrontation against Israel, the U.S. and UK.

He commended the Yemeni “brave and daring military operations, which pounded the enemy with all its capabilities and without any worries for a greater pursuit.”

The Yemeni leader also declared that the Houthis military operations are still ongoing, with each week having its own outcome of strikes.

“Since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza, we were eager for our people to move in hundreds of thousands to engage directly in the ground battle,” al-Houthi said, adding that “the only challenge between us and direct confrontation with the occupation is the wide geography of Arab regimes conspiring with the Israeli enemy.”

“We hoped they would test us, or seek to get rid of us by opening the road to Gaza, but they did not, and they will never.”

The leader also expanded on the significant outcomes of the Houthis’ operations in the seas, reaching the Mediterranean, noting that the “enemies discuss the Red Sea battle with admittance of defeat and failure, because of their inability to protect Israeli ships.”

He affirmed that the Houthis continue to develop their capabilities, adding that they would “shock the enemy on the ground, as they did in the sea, using technologies unprecedented in history that would help in humiliating it.”

Al-Houthi assured that the Yemenis will spare no effort in doing all they can to champion Palestine, despite their constant feeling of “falling short”, saying “We will continue, and our response is on its way, with a constant path [of confrontation] God willing.”

Recent strikes on Yemen have clearly failed to deter the Houthis or even to degrade their military capabilities. Faced with this failure, Israel, the U.S. and UK could seek options to confront the group, including direct or indirect ground operations in Yemen. The latest warning by al-Houthi indicates that the group is already prepared for such an escalation.


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hoothis are hardcore and have proper moral principles, people like that will win in the end of ends. they keep fighting, keep trying to do the right thing, they don’t give up, and they don’t give in.

Colony Camp Humphrey

you’re 2 faced.


they have their values. they’re subjective. if you had gone to school you’d know the english set the war up with them in the 1800s.


omfg, looks like the therapy was a success, vanya makes good sense again.. welcome back. p.s. pass your therapists number onto anonymous…. he’s in desperate need…


although i do not support their ideology i respect the houthi on the battlefield a lot. there are 300.000 volunteers for their upcoming campaign so we certainly will hear more from them. watch their capabilities in the internet archive: great force of might & tell the king and his imbecile son!


ok what is the ideology of houthis which u dont like can u explain


balls of steel, man, balls of steel. only distance stops them going on a real shlomo hunt. they are not intimidated by amerikunt and uk goy whores. what a contrast to the contemptible grovelling bootlicking rulers of egypt, morocco, jordan, shady wahabia, in bed with the zios and constantly backstabbing the palestinians.


very nice comment :-))))) !!!!!!


it’s very politically correct if you’re an enemy of america s dream if you’re a nazi. reminds me of a story i heard from one of england’s top paparazzi msm appointed photographers. he had the church run shoots for the queen’s pr team and they were only allowed to take snaps from the bushes if her l in the car. one day however after they’d retired to the pub for a pint the security team cane and told them to get back to the church caused the raj was doing a walkabout


he didnt believe them but had to comply sure enough the queen broke protocol and did a bee line starlight to a couple whom she told, “be careful what you wish for ” :then departed. the couple disappeared he tried to find them they had just disappeared


oh tom sawyer where have you been?


eat yer heart out ptn. eat yer heart out pzshkian. al-houthi is a real wartime leader who stands against the zio-west and its middle east lackeys. that’s why the enemy quakes at his words and determined actions against the abhorrent zio-g3nocide.


god you’re naive. unbelievable except from obvious sources


you’re the kid that never played nice with anyone else… always mouthing off your shade and insults… providing nothing useful to the debate but assinine taunts…


if the houthies say god has chosen them who of faith can say he has not


everyone of other faith obviously that’s the intentions of divide ftom within


little anno has neither faith nor sain. he just speakin about his child literature and childish mind. either he’s minor age or minor mind.

Igor Notor

where is isis now not helping brothers? this only confirms that isis was created by mossad and cia to weaken a neighbor to israel…its a sick world.


well your wrong as usual. here the biggest bank was caught laundering millions and millions and allegedly sending it to isis, she’s egyptian, pharoanic, together with horus and seth or set who’s satan, the cops were told to shut their cake holes and the royal commission publicly announced nationally that they refuse to accept any evidence. toyota australia supplied isis with their vehicles. the bank and toyota aren’t jewish or zionists obviously the opposite.


more bullshit derping, shilling for shekles and trolling people with 2 halves more brain than you… reading your commemts is like watching an autistic child smash his head into a wall over and over until the helmet breaks off, and the kid keeps on bashing his head… that’s you…


the houthis already embarrassed saudi arabia & the uae during the war. don’t forget that saudi arabia is a rich country with advanced military technology and it was backed by the us “logistically” during the war: the so called most powerful military in the world —- and they were defeated by the houthis. do you really think that a ground invasion of nato coalition like in afghanistan would make a difference? especially today with the proliferation of drones and guided missiles…


wakey wakey the english set up the house of saud as their accessories for european royalty. so the trinity of biggest petro dollar owners were all royals windsors orange’s and i guess a jester might say lemons.


iran and russia shoud now openly send yemen any help they want, because of military build up of us military presence and because of help an oppresded free country.

this should be an answer to usrael to show them which powderkeg/pandoras box they are about to open.


@gunner impossible, because russia is fully controlled by jewtin and the jews behind him, like chabad lubavitch sect. the date of the attack on ukraine – it was all ordered by them, they are satanists – judaism is the highest form of satanism.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

666 is their favorite number. now look the date jewtin attacked ukr. 24.f.2022 -> 2+4= 6; f=6; 2+0+2+2= 6. result: 666. wake up gunner, russia,usa,eu and even china are fully controlled by world jewry !!! jews are planning, inciting & forcing the people into wars – laughing about the stupid “goyim” killing eac h other on behalf of their jewish masters !

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

only the oil price can be used as the ultimate weapon to force the surrender of the usa zionists. anything else is simply a distraction.


correct owned by the windsors bp, royal oranges dutch shell and the set up house of saud all royals versus democracy commercial warfare


sure spin the story weave the web. like that carol woman who despite being unable to remember if she was raped by trump in a store change room in the 1980s or 1990s somehow is deemed by the courts as having a credible memory of the event.


btw remember those in the know often say, signs and symbols will expose them when the public awaken to their methods of communication. when the public learn to read their secret language.


remember ivan na his first wife deceased from blunt force trauma to her abdominal region after allegedly falling down her stairs, curved stairs that are very hard to fall far on, was catholic melania is catholic. if ivanka were my mother i’d be very suspicious of that story too. esp under the circumstances of every attempt to hurt the family any and every way possible.

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