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Yemen’s Navy Captures French Vessel Laden with Foreign Mercenaries

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Written by Ahmed Abdulkareem; Originally appeared on Mint Press

Yemen’s Navy, loyal to the Houthi government, captured a French naval vessel, the M/Y Jehol ll, off of the coast of Hodeidah on Saturday, according to statements made by senior military officials to MintPress News. The vessel, which was carrying foreign fighters, was engaged in a military landing operation near the port, according to Houthi officials, who gave no further details.

Mohammed al-Houthi, leader of the Houthi movement, tweeted: “Thanks to the Yemeni Coast Guard in Hodeida, a French or American boat was seized.” He confirmed in a later tweet that a French naval vessel named the M/Y Jehol ll was captured by Yemen’s Coast Guard near Hodeidah.

Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam accused France and Britain of being involved in the recent attack on Hodeidah. Abdulsalam told a local television station on Saturday that “British and French warships are on standby on Yemen’s western coast to launch missile and aerial attacks.”

The French newspaper Le Figaro confirmed that France’s Special Forces are present on the ground in Yemen supporting the ongoing Saudi-led military campaign on Hodeidah. A French military source later confirmed to Reuters that French special forces are operating in Yemen.

On Friday, the French defense ministry said France was studying the possibility of carrying out a mine-sweeping operation to provide access to Hodeidah once Saudi Arabia and the UAE wrap up their military operations

A Houthi military source said in a statement to MintPress that Yemeni forces would target French, or any other foreign military vessel participating in the attack on Hodeidah, adding that “Yemen’s forces can handle any challenge posed by invading forces.”

Meanwhile, UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, is visiting Sana’a to attempt to negotiate a Houthi transfer of the port of Hodeidah to the Saudi-UAE Coalition, a high-ranking government official told MintPress.

Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam noted, “the UN envoy’s measures are only meant to cover up the continuation of the Saudi-led war on Yemen.” Abdulsalam, who has served as the lead negotiator to Kuwait and Geneva over the past two years, stressed that if Griffiths follows his predecessor’s lead, he would fail to find a settlement to the conflict. UN envoys to Yemen have been criticized for having a heavily pro-Saudi bias. In 2017, then-UN Envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, tried to convince the Houthis to cede control of Hodeidah, their only source of imported goods – including food — in exchange for paid salaries.

Despite warnings over the potentially devastating humanitarian consequences, the Saudi-led coalition is trying to capture the port city in what is shaping up to be the biggest battle of the now-three-year-old war, causing an acute shortage of vital supplies and putting millions of Yemenis at risk.

On Saturday, World Food Programme (WFP) director for Yemen, Stephen Anderson, called for a free food flow of goods through the port city, saying “the basic needs of Hodeidah’s civilians are not being satisfied.”

Approximately 500 households have been displaced from their homes in Hodeidahsince June 1, according to the UN, and at least 36 displaced families have lost their livelihoods as their farms were damaged in airstrikes by Saudi-led coalition earlier this month.

Top Photo | A Houthi fighter walks through the Red Sea port of Hodeidah on May 10, 2017. Abdul Jabbar Zeyad | Reuters

Ahmed AbdulKareem is a Yemeni journalist. He covers the war in Yemen for MintPress News as well as local Yemeni media.

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Michał Hunicz

GJ Houthis!

Kire Stojanovski

Kill them all! For each other foreign soldier to be deployed to think twice before going!

j. jaxson

unfortunately, i have to agree with you. its tit for tat now. thats the world we live in. eat or be eaten, beat or be beaten, strike or be stricken.

That Guy

Or be struck*

j. jaxson

done already.

Wise Gandalf

If they kill surrenders, will be categorized as terrorists doing war crimes.

Rex drabble

An eye for an eye,fool.


Well done Houthi brothers. France needs you to show their face so we’ll lynch them


Yemeni, Syrian, Iraqi, AfghanistanI ,Libyan peoples etc etc,are all fighting the same zionist scumbags .Don’t allow them to steal your resources and murder your people without making them pay a price too high to bear.Eventually the people of Europe will wake up to the zionists that are leading their countries to ruin,,Merkel ,macron as good examples.

Gregory Casey

Good to see that the Houthi Government of Yemen’s Navy Has Captured French Ship Laden with Foreign Mercenaries in Waters of Red Sea, Mercenaries coming to Fight With Saudi & UAE Forces with the Intention of Toppling the Houthi Government! Saudis + Emirates + Americans + British + French need to go home and stop interfering in Yemeni Affairs.


” Yemen’s Navy Captures French Vessel Laden with Foreign Mercenaries ” Finally a real good News. Now hang them, so that others shall think twice, before they sell their “skills” to the Saudi Camel-dvng.

You can call me Al

Decapitate them and send then to the nearest French embassy.


Good work, but I did not see the name of the Yemen naval vessel mentioned…is it Varyag?


Your Légion étrangère du Terroristes Landed in Yemen in the wrong Place Again… Monsieur Presidente Empereur de Jupiter et tout le Monde Emmanuelle Macroni du Rothschild XVI…..Can’t your fucken Soldiers Read a fucken Map or WHAT???!!!!

You can call me Al

Lol, directly to the point again.

Tommy Jensen

We used google map. It ended in deep shit.


They should walk the plank, and video it, so the world can see how FUKUS are the greatest criminals on earth.


Problems with this article: . 1) Referring to Houthi rebel ships as “Yemen’s Navy.” 2) Saying that British and French ships are laying in wait to attack the Houthis, paranoid much? 3) Saying that UN efforts are a cover for continued attacks because they propose deals the Houthis aren’t willing to take. 4) Pretty vague about who’s boat they captured even though it should be obvious and a major news explosion, and not saying if it was a military ship and only referring to the occupants as “mercenaries.” In this instance this could mean anything the reader wants it to, almost as if he wants to shift blame onto foreign powers while avoiding direct criticism if proven false. 5) Screw MintPress and everything it stands for. . Why do you keep republishing their nonsense, South Front? You’re only discrediting yourself!

Concrete Mike

They didnt take the deal because it sucked balls.

Ill use language you understand.

That was the worst deal possibly ever. So they said go to hell.


Well yes the FUKUS nations, plus the Saudi/Israeli head choppers, are trying to invade Yemen, to steal. It’s what the FUKUS nations have been doing for a long time, and Israel was born of theft. So what’s wrong with calling the scumbag coalition, scumbags, and the Yemeni people trying to stop the thieving scumbags the Yemeni Navy?


Yemen’s missile defense and navy are allied with the Houthi’s. Most of the missile and Naval capabilities of the Houthi’s are from the allied Yemeni army. That’s why most of the attacks against them are by Saudi, Sudanese and Emirati soldiers and mercs. Yemen’s army is primarily allied with the Houthi’s.

UN proposes one sided deals that are complete garbage.

Kell McBanned

Hahahaha the Hasbara butthurt is real


j. jaxson

French are weirdo’s. i don’t think they have child pornography laws.


Why is it that wherever inhumanity, death and destruction rears it’s ugly face you find Israel, US, UK, France and Saudi Arabia supporting it…

Empire's Frontiers

Conquering is thankless work.


It’s because they are all deceitful, land-grabbing assholes.


everyone please be aware of hasbara trolls trying to undermine the article above. Thr usual disqus ID names like Smaug , Joe Dirt , Velociraptor and many more.

The hasbara tactics consist of – posting ridiculously misinformed view to distract the comment sections and create chaos – sock puppetry game of one hasbara using multiple Disqus ID accounts to support his own posts. – tag teaming of one crude and insulting hasbara behaving like obvious troll and one hasbara pretending to be “wise” and inserting lies and propaganda between sweet words.. – pretend to be anti zionist to garner support and cred – puhsing the narrative of ‘IDF the best military in middle east” propaganda even when it was revealed as a myth during the 2006 lebanon war , where less than 900 hezbollah commandos defeat 30.000 IDF troops supported by air and naval power.

Please note the patterns of hasbara posts as they are easily recognized , even if they change names


Repetitive hyper-anti-semite, esp. pictured posts, may also fall into same category, probably also posted by IDF to bring down credit level of actually creditable sites en toto.


yes. , some of the most anti semite posters in reality hasbara troll trying to gain cred.


I am thinking of one who posts virtually no text but repeated Goebbels type illustrations of jews doing various nasty things, primary school level type of stuff, but think of new reader to South Front seeing those pictures as first impression in comments sections.

Kell McBanned

Oy Vey, im not sure which one you mean but I hope your talking about me lol https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d3872b2623bfdff3eb029689f2c8ebb7fdc3a38a9b52595acb3c4726cbee7ffc.jpg

Kell McBanned


Kell McBanned


Wise Gandalf

‘IDF the best military in middle east

sorry troll, but this is simple fact

a myth during the 2006 lebanon war , where less than 900 hezbollah commandos defeat 30.000 IDF troops supported by air and naval power

IDF won the war, lost 40 tabks from 400, 20 under battle conditions, 1/3 of them destryed by nomb traps under roads.

hezbollah had 10 000 mambers and lost sevral thousand, the taughest core. the il fleet fullfilled all goals, too. from that time hezbollah never had courage to attack IL. you will see in short time, how will be destroyed hezbollah again. of curse, when IL will lose 15 merkavas, you will masturbate on thos fact, not on destroyed hezbollah units :DD


thanks for confirming you just another hasbara troll who tried to push the narrative that IDF ‘won’ the 2006 war.

as i said before , the mark of a HASBARA israeli troll is the denial of IDF weak military capability.

anyone who read western military authors on the wars and the subsequent interviews with IDF soldiers , know the truth that IDF lost the war because it failed to achieve every objective

– Israel want to recover kidnapped soldier = FAIL – IDF want to secure whole lebanon south of litani river and choke hezbollah defense belt = FAIL , IDF cannot even pass 2 mile into lebanon and got embroilled in deadly urban battles in the villages – IAF want to destroy missile launchers to stop hezbollah missile barrages = FAIL , the hezbollah missile barrage never let up even up to the cease fire days. – IDF want to blockade sea routes along lebanese coast = FAIL , the israeli navy ran away because they got hit by anti ship missile killing and wounding many israeli sailors – IDF tried to silence the hezbolah TV station and cut communication from hez HQ to their frontline commanders using their advanced EW airborne platform = FAILED , the hezbollah TV NEVER stop broadcasting even to the ceasefire and the Hezbollah communication never cut since they use underground Fibre Optics instead of radio transmissions.

this hasbara totaly lied about the facts of the war.. at that time , south of litani river , in the defense belt area (called ‘nature preserve’ by israelis) , there’s only 900 hezbollah trained commandos and some local militia). The hezbollah defended the ground with the help of local militias , while Israeli airforce bombed fleeing civilian cars and mark them as hezbollah ‘combatants’

IDF is only a myth , they been propagandized beyond reality that even israeli soldiers believe in their own lies : – Israeli soldiers have no combat experience except doing checkpoints harrasing civilians and doing LIC/COIN against insurgents in occupied territories – Israeli air force pilot have no combat experience except bombing easy undefended targets. Last combat experienced pilots retired already.

the rot set in , inexperienced military arrogantly walking into the enemy’s territory and got blasted hard , examples : – Israeli CH53 Yahshur tried to drop paratroopers behind enemy lines near litani river , prompty got blasted by hez air defense , killing all crew including israeli first female combat death. The troops have to WALK back to israeli border because the commander do not want to send helos to pick them up – a troop of 50 paratroopers biouvaced in a single multistory building , the hez ATGM team shot 2 missiles and demolished the whole building , killing and wounding ALL 50 paratroopers.. – IDF elite units exposed as cowards because they do not want to storm / assault enemy positions , many mutinied (and pardoned later after war).. This is why the IDF reserves got called up , but when their ‘elite’ units cant hack it , what can the unfit reserve unit do except die?

Wise Gandalf

Hasbara is your mother, you son of hundred men! :DDDD


Everyone , please note this person is none other than previously exposed hasbara troll (velociraptor / joe dirt) tasked to disrupt SouthFront comment sections..

This hasbara goal is to create nonsensical post and uninformed/ignorat posts , so much so that people will get distracted from the topic at hand , which is french vessel captured by houtis

Rex drabble

We all have to endure fools at times.They make us ordinary folk appear as very clever.

Lena Jones

Sorry Ganalf but your propaganda DOES NOT WORK! Actually, back in 2006, some 3500 hezb fighters repelled and defeated 34.000 idf soldiers who were supported by israeli air force AND navy! And some 214 israeli merkava tanks were destroyed by hezbollah not 40, mister liar!!!!!!!

You need to stfu already; THE WORLD KNOWS THE IDF ARE COWARDS, ONLY GOOD AT MASS MURDERING UNARMED PALESTINIAN CIVILIANS. The jews have always been paper-tigers – they practice slimy ‘deception’ not armed combat!!!


The world saw how IDF soldiers laughing and joking around while shooting UNARMED civilians in Gaza..

and the whole western media clam up..

anyone still got a brain would notice this disparity..

as for casualties, it is easy to determine hezbollah combat casualties because every hezbollah death in battle field got a martyr funeral. A western observer count there’s less than 150 martyr funeral after the war..

many naive and uninformed people easily believe the israel propaganda , disregarding the fact that IAF bombed civilian targets and count civilian casualties as enemy combatant

Wise Gandalf

I dint make propaganda. Simply wrote facts.

Hezbollah did not repell anything. IDF fillfiled the goals and returned. As i wrote, from that time hezbollah has diarrhoe when think on IL


welcome back mr hasbara , or should i call you ‘velociraptor’ the old hasbara ID that was exposed ?

if you want to change ID and not get exposed again , try posting in different style.. your posting pattern and use of obscenity / expletives betray yourself

Lena Jones

Oh man you are so very brainwashed! Even israel admits defeat in 2006 – NONE of its war objectives were achieved AND they ended up releasing hundreds of kidnapped Lebanese from israeli prisons WITH NO CONDITIONS at end of war lol! Makes one wonder what kinda rocks you’ve got stuffed in your brains, ears and arsehole by your rabbi.


Put the bottle down, you’re wurring your slurds.


thanks for confirming you just another hasbara troll who tried to push the narrative that IDF ‘won’ the 2006 war.

as i said before , the mark of a HASBARA israeli troll is the denial of IDF weak military capability.

Everyone . avoid this hasbara called ‘wise gandalf’ , in fact read Aliester Crooke’s excellent write up on israeli defeat in 2006 , know the truth that IDF lost the war because it failed to achieve every objective

– Israel want to recover kidnapped soldier = FAIL – IDF want to secure whole lebanon south of litani river and choke hezbollah defense belt = FAIL , IDF cannot even pass 2 mile into lebanon and got embroilled in deadly urban battles in the villages – IAF want to destroy missile launchers to stop hezbollah missile barrages = FAIL , the hezbollah missile barrage never let up even up to the cease fire days. – IDF want to blockade sea routes along lebanese coast = FAIL , the israeli navy ran away because they got hit by anti ship missile killing and wounding many israeli sailors – IDF tried to silence the hezbolah TV station and cut communication from hez HQ to their frontline commanders using their advanced EW airborne platform = FAILED , the hezbollah TV NEVER stop broadcasting even to the ceasefire and the Hezbollah communication never cut since they use underground Fibre Optics instead of radio transmissions.

this hasbara totaly lied about the facts of the war.. at that time , south of litani river , in the defense belt area (called ‘nature preserve’ by israelis) , there’s only 900 hezbollah trained commandos and some local militia). The hezbollah defended the ground with the help of local militias , while Israeli airforce bombed fleeing civilian cars and mark them as hezbollah ‘combatants’

IDF is only a myth , they been propagandized beyond reality that even israeli soldiers believe in their own lies : – Israeli soldiers have no combat experience except doing checkpoints harrasing civilians and doing LIC/COIN against insurgents in occupied territories – Israeli air force pilot have no combat experience except bombing easy undefended targets. Last combat experienced pilots retired already.

the rot set in , inexperienced military arrogantly walking into the enemy’s territory and got blasted hard , examples : – Israeli CH53 Yahshur tried to drop paratroopers behind enemy lines near litani river , prompty got blasted by hez air defense , killing all crew including israeli first female combat death. The troops have to WALK back to israeli border because the commander do not want to send helos to pick them up – a troop of 50 paratroopers biouvaced in a single multistory building , the hez ATGM team shot 2 missiles and demolished the whole building , killing and wounding ALL 50 paratroopers.. – IDF elite units exposed as cowards because they do not want to storm / assault enemy positions , many mutinied (and pardoned later after war).. This is why the IDF reserves got called up , but when their ‘elite’ units cant hack it , what can the unfit reserve unit do except die??


I had a tabk once, but it was made in Israel and the wheels fell off.

Kell McBanned

Oh of course


Hisham Saber

The IDF are cowards. Israel is for the taking, should Iran want to. Along with Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. Not even the U.S, France and England can save them, as they themselves are getting an ass whopping in Afghanistan, and Iraq some little time ago.

The IDF could not stand battle lasting for a few days, at best.


By his own words , this hasbara exposed himself. How you ask ? by perpetuating the lie and propaganda that IDF won the battle in lebanon 2006.. It is a recorded fact that even Israeli investigation after the war conclude it was a defeat in Winograd report.

To understand how hezbollah defeat IDF in 2006 , read Mark Perry & Alastair Crooke excellent analyis :

http://www.conflictsforum.org/2006/how-hezbollah-defeated-israel/ http://www.conflictsforum.org/2006/how-hezbollah-defeated-israel-2/ http://www.conflictsforum.org/2006/how-hezbollah-defeated-israel-3/

Gregory Casey

You really must wish you were wise but seeking to rewrite history doesn’t help your efforts and merely reflects a deep rooted arrogance that will, once again be punctured if the IDF go anywhere near Lebanon or, more pertinently, if it seeks to interfere in Syria through launch of attacks on Syrian Arab Army as it retakes its sovereign territory in southern Syria. The fact that you will call on America to help you out won’t help you ‘cos American military not alone has to be landed into Israel but then, has to negotiate the Golan Heights in order to assume battle positions on the N side of the Golan. Far better if Israel were to withdraw its ISIS Forces from S Syria and have them return to Barracks


The obvious mark of a HASBARA israeli troll is the denial of IDF weak military capability.

Everyone . avoid this hasbara called ‘wise gandalf’ , Read Aliester Crooke’s excellent write up on israeli defeat in 2006. IDF lost the war because it failed to achieve every objective

– Israel want to recover kidnapped soldier = FAIL – IDF want to secure whole lebanon south of litani river and choke hezbollah defense belt = FAIL , IDF cannot even pass 2 mile into lebanon and got embroilled in deadly urban battles in the villages – IAF want to destroy missile launchers to stop hezbollah missile barrages = FAIL , the hezbollah missile barrage never let up even up to the cease fire days. – IDF want to blockade sea routes along lebanese coast = FAIL , the israeli navy ran away because they got hit by anti ship missile killing and wounding many israeli sailors – IDF tried to silence the hezbolah TV station and cut communication from hez HQ to their frontline commanders using their advanced EW airborne platform = FAILED , the hezbollah TV NEVER stop broadcasting even to the ceasefire and the Hezbollah communication never cut since they use underground Fibre Optics instead of radio transmissions.

this hasbara totaly lied about the facts of the war.. at that time , south of litani river , in the defense belt area (called ‘nature preserve’ by israelis) , there’s only 900 hezbollah trained commandos and some local militia). The hezbollah defended the ground with the help of local militias , while Israeli airforce bombed fleeing civilian cars and mark them as hezbollah ‘combatants’

IDF is only a myth , they been propagandized beyond reality that even israeli soldiers believe in their own lies : – Israeli soldiers have no combat experience except doing checkpoints harrasing civilians and doing LIC/COIN against insurgents in occupied territories – Israeli air force pilot have no combat experience except bombing easy undefended targets. Last combat experienced pilots retired already.

the rot set in , inexperienced military arrogantly walking into the enemy’s territory and got blasted hard , examples : – Israeli CH53 Yahshur tried to drop paratroopers behind enemy lines near litani river , prompty got blasted by hez air defense , killing all crew including israeli first female combat death. The troops have to WALK back to israeli border because the commander do not want to send helos to pick them up – a troop of 50 paratroopers biouvaced in a single multistory building , the hez ATGM team shot 2 missiles and demolished the whole building , killing and wounding ALL 50 paratroopers.. – IDF elite units exposed as cowards because they do not want to storm / assault enemy positions , many mutinied (and pardoned later after war).. This is why the IDF reserves got called up , but when their ‘elite’ units cant hack it , what can the unfit reserve unit do except die?


IDF military prowess is only a myth , they been propagandized beyond reality that even israeli soldiers believe in their own lies :

– Israeli soldiers have no combat experience except doing checkpoints harrasing civilians and doing LIC/COIN against insurgents in occupied territories – Israeli air force pilot have no combat experience except bombing easy undefended targets. Last combat experienced pilots retired already.

During 2006 war , IDF inexperienced military arrogantly walking into the enemy’s territory and got slapped hard by hezbollah :

– Israeli CH53 Yahshur dropped paratroopers behind enemy lines near litani river , and the helicopter was shotdown by 2 hezbollah fighters , killing all crew including israeli first female combat death. The troops have to WALK back to israeli border because the commander do not want to send helos to pick them up – a troop of 50 paratroopers biouvaced in a single multistory building , the hez ATGM team shot 2 missiles and demolished the whole building , killing and wounding ALL 50 paratroopers.. – IDF elite units exposed as cowards because they do not want to storm / assault enemy positions , many mutinied (and pardoned later after war).. This is why the IDF reserves got called up , but when their ‘elite’ units cant hack it , what can the unfit reserve unit do except die?


“everyone please be aware of hasbara trolls trying to undermine the article above”

Yep. They are SO easy to spot.

fight zionism

probably believe their propaganda that it was captured of can’t use maps

Kell McBanned

Well done lads, keep on burning that midnight oil.


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