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You Shall Not Pass: Iraqi Fighters Attack Two US Supply Convoys With IEDs

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You Shall Not Pass: Iraqi Fighters Attack Two US Supply Convoys With IEDs

Comparative size of the armored HMMWV and the M-ATV. The ubiquitous “Hummer” was never meant to be an armored car, and hundreds were destroyed by IEDs in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

On February 25, two convoys transporting supplies and equipment for the US-led coalition were attacked in central Iraq.

The first convoy came under attack while passing in the province of Babylon. The second was attacked in the district of Yusufiya near the capital Baghdad. Both convoys were targeted with improvised explosive devices.

Iraqi sources didn’t report any casualties as a result of both attacks. The recent attacks on US-led coalition convoys in Iraq appear to be meant to inflict material losses only.

These were the 27th and 28th supply convoys of the US-led coalition to be attacked in Iraq in the last nine weeks. Newly-formed Iraqi armed groups supporting Iran claimed responsibility for most of the recent attacks.

The recent wave of attacks on the US-led coalition in Iraq is meant as a response to the assassination of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy-Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units, and Iran’s Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani.

The declared purpose of the attacks is to push US forces out from Iraq. This will not likely happen anytime soon. The US and its NATO allies are currently preparing to expand their mission in the country.



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the iraqis are right of course to work towards a complete expulsion of the disunited states of explicit morons from iraq – they need more ied:s and a government that can execute the will of the iraqi people and not just the will of the explicit morons who anyway are bought and paid by the jews and thus is just executing the will of the jews in palestine – the jews in palestine must be moved or be put on the red list of endangered species and when they are extinct no one will miss them when peace and tranquility has engulfed the middle east.

Just Me

The people in the region are fed up with US murderous occupation and oil theft and the attacks will only increase. A recent poll in the region showed that US is hated even in Arab Wahhabi puppet regimes of Jordan, Morocco and even Saudi Arabia by the common people. Iraq which has suffered the most from US and NATO murderous occupation had 93% anti-American sentiment, equally across all sections with the exception of the treacherous Kurds. Iraq’s wealth has been looted and the country impoverished with its whole infrastructure destroyed. US and NATO are stealing Iraqi and Syrian oil to fund terrorism and regional destabilization.


Attacks against US convoys should exact material and human life, otherwise the attacks become meaningless.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Is the lack of explosives to make large enough IED bombs.

Just Me

No, at this stage the attacks are lukewarm until the Iran-US nuclear negotiations are complete. If there is lack of progress then the US will face the mother of all IEDs.


I do not think the militias are short of explosives.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

The Americans learned it during the Vietnam War. There were major protests against the war and the many dead who were brought home. The protests led to the United States ending the Vietnam War. Today, 25% are Americans and the rest are from Allied countries. It spreads the loss figures across several countries.

Just Me

Also Vietnam was a united nation with a martial history and organized resistance supported by USSR and China. Iraq is pretty much divided and being looted on a daily basis. The Arabs unfortunately, have a history of being occupied by western powers, much like the Indians and lack nationalism. Most of the Arab states are imperialist creation of the 19th and 20th century. The Wahhabi shitholes like UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and even Saudi Arabia are barely a 100 years old. UAE was created in 1971 and is still a British colony.


V good

Assad must stay


Jens Holm

If true it will be exiting to see what BIden and Co will do.


Speaking of shitheads, The US is illegally occupying Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and countless other countries. They will get what they deserve while you quietly transition to a fake gender.

Jens Holm

Haha. A kind of.

Jens Holm

Thats not against american troops but the light armed logistics.


Usa are known to kill their own people as a pretext to enter into war (why most dangerous) Not because they can fight like hell,as often mistunderstood and as per usual pay the collaborators to hit on their merchandise,eg vietnam,if it fails,repeat same old boring notion,never give up repeat, untill the excuse is nullified,this is why iraq is a fkd up nation,next to bring nato too?

Sounds like another covert cia/eu-epp/nato ops eg libya,Hezboilla + iran are not saviours but rather cia assets,like it or lump it,anyone who can’t see through the smokescreen is not of intelligence,but rather the other covert asset of cia’s,nuff fkn said!Iran needs to harden the fk up like israel too!

Will they or will they persist to covertly support,the zionist cia/nwo/fascist pinks,instead? Isn’t it about time we look at more what’s going on,without the low iq bots ranting otherwise? Freedom is to express the more feasable option,every maggot would kill for usa dolla if protected!

David Price

Why would Iran fight for Afghanistan? Iran is a beautiful oasis surrounded by scabby Countries lacking in honour. Iran is in a defensive posture,it doesn’t seek all out War.its a Country that is secure with its place in the World. I think you ask to much of Iran The US is a fucking leech on humanity. It’s an ugly black distorted ego effects the pple of the middle East while they spawn untruths and bile from its mouth about Democracy! That’s the problem the War pigs and the rats that push it not the US public I’ve no problem with them

David Price

I call out the monarchs of Arabia allowing US troops and government policymakers run there affairs

Icarus Tanović

Use them tulipan mortars, ffs! Already! It is time.

David Price

Lol I agree with you totally, I can sense youre frustration to,which made me laugh

Icarus Tanović

Those Russian giants would teach them Americans a lesson or two.

Icarus Tanović

Use tulipans mortars to attack green zone, for dear God’s sake.


now that the disunited states of unusual morons has taken it on themselves to attack installations in Syria, the gloves should be off and Iran be free to reply in the same mode – the quickest is an all out attack on the embassy the morons keep in the green zone and make a repeat of the Benghazi and successful killing of the moron’s ambassador there plus a few of special forces making up security. those fuckers are far far from home and before the cavalry can come to save the occupiers the attack is over and the morons dead as in door nail.

Arch Bungle

No casualties. Dead sheep are not counted as “casualties”.

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