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MARCH 2025

YouTube Censors Viral Video Of California Doctors Criticizing “Stay-At-Home” Order

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Written by Paul Joseph Watson; Originally appeared at Summit News

YouTube has censored a viral video in which two doctors criticized the logic of whether California’s stay-at-home coronavirus order is necessary.

The video, which had racked up over 5 million views, featured Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, co-owners of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, Calif.

In the clip, Erickson asserts that there is only a “0.03 chance of dying from COVID in the state of California,” prompting him to ask, “Does that necessitate sheltering in place? Does that necessitate shutting down medical systems? Does that necessitate people being out of work?”

YouTube Censors Viral Video Of California Doctors Criticizing "Stay-At-Home" Order

Erickson also asked why fatalities were being counted as COVID-19 deaths when other ailments were actually more to blame.

“When someone dies in this country right now, they’re not talking about the high blood pressure, the diabetes, the stroke. They’re saying ‘Did they die from COVID?’” Erickson said. “We’ve been to hundreds of autopsies. You don’t talk about one thing, you talk about comorbidities. ER doctors now [say] ‘It’s interesting when I’m writing about my death report, I’m being pressured to add COVID. Why is that?”

The video was deleted late last night for “violating YouTube’s terms of service.”

YouTube Censors Viral Video Of California Doctors Criticizing "Stay-At-Home" Order

Earlier this month, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki told CNN that the company would ban any video content that contradicted World Health Organization recommendations.

However, Wojcicki suggested that this would mainly be focused on banning information about fake cures, not questioning of government policy.

The video platform has also set about banning any content that claims 5G cell towers are linked to the coronavirus outbreak.

During an appearance on Fox News last night, Dr. Erickson pointed to Sweden, which didn’t impose any drastic lockdown measures, but now has achieved herd immunity against coronavirus.

“And if you look at their numbers: 200 deaths per million compared to ours, [which is] about the same. Italy’s [is] about 400 per million and Spain is about 400 per million, so we are looking at this going, ‘OK, they took a completely different approach and their results are basically the same,’” said Erickson.

Another version of the original video that YouTube deleted appears below.

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Bobby Twoshoes

That alternate didn’t last long… Disqus doesn’t want you to see it either but there is a copy at Bitchute just go there and add video/u5LagTrnHltz to the base url.

Bobby Twoshoes

That alternate didn’t last long and the spam filter is brutal you can see a mirror at Bitchute video/u5LagTrnHltz

Bobby Twoshoes

That alternate didn’t last long… you can see a mirror at Bitchute video/u5LagTrnHltz when they take the following down.


Zionism = EVIL



“Microsoft Israel Development Center (ILDC) is one of Microsoft’s most strategic global centers that develops life-changing, world-shifting products, right here in Israel.”



Thanks Youtube – you just proved that you’re carrying out orders from someone upstream. Just like the hasbara trolls on here

Zionism = EVIL

Youtube is owned by JEW ROTTEN CUNTS like Mark Zuckerberg, do you really think they would allow free speech?


“Susan Diane Wojcicki (/wʊˈtʃɪtski/ wuu-CHITS-kee[2]; born July 5, 1968) is an American technology executive. She has been the CEO of YouTube since February 2014.[3][4]

Wojcicki was involved in the founding of Google, and became Google’s first marketing manager in 1999. She later led the company’s online advertising business and was put in charge of Google’s original video service. After observing the success of YouTube, Wojcicki proposed the acquisition of YouTube by Google in 2006. …

Susan Diane Wojcicki was born on July 5, 1968 to Esther Wojcicki, an educator of Russian-Jewish descent”

– Susan Wojcicki –



Wait, two urgent care doctors are experts now, and have seen “hundreds of autopsies”?

Hospitals have been reporting this since the pandemic started – most people die of cardiac or renal failure…directly resulting from the infection stressing their system.

Like saying “the bullet didn’t kill him, he died from the hole it made”

Zionism = EVIL

90% of people who died of Pimpeovirus are over the age of 70 years and most have died of pre-existing conditions as I wrote 6 weeks ago. This is the second biggest scam after holohoax and “six million” deaths. This whole circus has a more insidious Jew agenda.


Most people would have died without the virus. Which makes being infected with it at death a non issue.


We’re all going to die one way or another. To say the attrition rate would stay the same and covid infection essentially meaningless is to pretend places like NYC and Detroit aren’t really being overrun with dead bodies. Also, the infection rate among caregivers is far higher than the flu, and the mortality rate among them likewise many times higher than seasonal flu – and consider flu numbers are wildly overestimated with many (unlike covid infection) not even serum verified.

From the get-go one of the notable things about covid has been its ability to make pre-existing conditions far worse. Hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease and obesity all increase your risk. That covers a lot of the population outside of the very young.

I’m not saying I 100% agree with the “stay at home” policy, I don’t. But in the absence of adequate testing and contact tracing we in the US at least are stuck with medieval responses or increased rate of infection spread. The lack of adequate testing is the primary driver of this BS response. Many of us have not only already had it, but could be donating blood rich with antibodies that could be saving additional lives and reducing overall anxiety/overreaction. Instead we live in ignorance while the govt runs up even more unpayable debt.

Foregone conclusion that we will probably all get it, but whether there is room in the ICU should we have a bad reaction is something we can maybe control. Not to mention a slot if we should have burst appendix or vehicle crash.

Final thought, “Urgent Care” is one of the biggest new medical insurance scams to come down the pike, am not about to trust some yahoos who don’t even work in a clinical setting much of the time. Of course they would like more people out and about getting sick…and coming to their struggling office where they’ll be billed 1000s for having temp taken and administration of ibuprofen before being referred to the ED.


Do you have credible proof that the virus kills more medical personnel than the flu? Or do you believe the lying Jew media hysteria porn? The Italians reevaluated their “coronavirus deaths” which are defined as anyone who dies with the virus as a “coronavirus death”. And determined that 88% of them died from the preexisting condition and would have died with or without the virus.

The US, Italian, German and Spanish governments all publically admit that everyone who dies with the virus is classified as a virus death. If you die of a gunshot wound, car accident, heart attack, etc. and test positive for the virus your death is classified as a virus death. The entire virus disaster is a huge scam.

If you’re interested in what type of scam your government is running. Send them an email like this and see what type of response you get. My experience is no reply.

Dear ———————- Health Department,

1 – Are your coronavirus death statistics including everyone who dies with the coronavirus as is commonly being done in many places? As I’ve illustrated in the reference material provided below with source links.

2 – Or are they only for people who’ve actually died of the coronavirus as a causal factor of death?

3 – If they are of everyone who has died with the coronavirus, do you have statistics differentiating who died of the coronavirus as a causal factor of death similar to what the Italian Ministry of Health Science Advisor has provided in the reference material below?

4 – Is a list of names of the people who’ve been listed as coronavirus deaths in ——————— available?

5 – Are the death certificates of the people who are being counted as coronavirus deaths in ———————– available so that they can be examined to determine what the causal factors of death for these people actually consisted of?

Thank You,

—————- —————-

– Dr. Birx Confirms Anyone Who Dies WITH Coronavirus, Regardless of Any Underlying Health Condition, is Being Counted as a COVID-19 Death –


“The President of the German Robert Koch Institute confirmed on March 20, 2020 that test-positive deceased people are counted as “corona deaths” regardless of the real cause of death: “We consider someone with a corona virus infection to be a corona death … said the RKI President when asked a journalist (see video below).

According to experts, the number of deaths is severely relativized, since the patients die in many cases from their previous illnesses and not from the virus. Data from Italy show that over 99% of the deceased had one or more chronic medical conditions, including cancer and heart problems, and only 12% mentioned the coronavirus on the death certificate as a cofactor.”

– RKI relativizes “corona deaths” –


“I want to stress that they have died having coronavirus, not because of it”, the head of the country’s Civil Protection Department, Angelo Borrelli said at a briefing.”

– Italy’s COVID-19 Death Toll Surges by 627 to 4,032 Over Past 24 Hours – Health Official –


“Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities.

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus. …

“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three,” he says.”

– Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy?

The country’s high death toll is due to an ageing population, overstretched health system and the way fatalities are reported –


“Spanish Minister of Health Salvador Illa stated that every dead person, that tested positively to SARS-CoV-2, is considered as a SARS-CoV-2 death.”




I do not have anything from peer reviewed sources, in fact just about everything you read espousing any viewpoint should be viewed with suspicion.

That said, if covid fatalities are counted the same way as flu (which is basically what you’re saying), then it is still at least 5 times as deadly. And as I mentioned earlier, many flu deaths are NOT verified by culture- they are estimated. Admittedly it means the vast teeming horde of humanity has nothing to fear, but covid is still very dangerous.

This is from interview with a Swiss Dr, early April:

“About 8% of caregivers also acquire influenza as part of an “ordinary” influenza, but no one dies from it. In COVID-19, 25% to 30% of caregivers are infected and this is associated with significant mortality. Dozens of doctors and nurses who have cared for COVID-19 patients have died of the same infection. In addition: if there were supposedly 1600 influenza deaths in Switzerland in a year, we are talking about 1600 deaths over 12 months –without preventive measures. With COVID-19, however, there were 600 deaths in 1 (!) Month, despite massive countermeasures. ”

The entire thing is a pretty good read:



The US states with republican governors that didn’t lock down have the lowest deaths per million and the states with democratic governors that did lock down have the highest deaths per million. The difference is how you classify a coronavirus death. The democratic governors classify a coronavirus death as someone who dies with the virus, not of it. The republican governors classify coronavirus deaths as someone who dies of it. Which is a big difference when only one in ten who die with it die of it.

Doctors die of the flu:

– Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. David Taylor dies from influenza –


Dozens of US healthcare workers die of occupational infections every year:


– Occupational Deaths among Healthcare Workers –



Like I said, you can’t trust any of these sources 100%. Repub governors have incentive to underreport so they can “open up” and kick people off of unemployment.

Many countries don’t report covid deaths accurately as they don’t have means to test or verify, and have substandard HC infrastructure in the first place. Results have come in from initial random testing in my state (NY) 12% average show antibodies, average downstate brings that up, the rest of the state is at approx 2%. Infection rate in gen pop is far lower than seasonal flu at this point. As a rough number, 10% of those infected wind up in hospital, 1% fatality rate. Seasonal flu doesn’t come anywhere near those rates. Believe what you will, as the data comes in, just running numbers for those hospitalized and verified by culture compared to those asymptomatic and verified producing antibodies demonstrates to my satisfaction this thing is no hoax.


You’re an irrational liar misrepresenting and misinterpreting the data. A 12% infection rate isn’t below the flu. 10% of those infected don’t end up in the hospital. And the death rate isn’t any higher than the flu.

Republican governors want the lockdown lifted so people don’t lose their jobs and go on unemployment. And so that people on unemployment can return to work and get off of it. Not so that they are unemployed without benifits.

The virus overreaction is a massive scam that is completely unjustified by an infectious disease that is no worse than the seasonal flu and is far down the list of causes of death. The economic damage being done is starving far more people to death on this planet than are dying from this disease. The Lying Jew media and Zionists running this criminal insanity belong in jail.


And then there are facts, which don’t give a shit about your politics. I live in a metro area of about 500,000 persons. 2% = 10,000 possibly infected with 10% of that needing hospitalization, 1% of those will not recover. This estimate is almost exactly what the health dept numbers are reporting out of the four county hospital system that makes up this region. While states like Mississippi now have to walk back their grand reopening due to spikes in infection rates, places that have more stringent measures are seeing leveling off and decline. Maybe Mississippi has been paid off by Ziobanking cabal to impoverish their own citizens.

Since you are only going to disregard info that conflicts with your emotional world view any further discussion is pointless. That said, your assertion that this is no worse than the flu is just plain incorrect – you are wrong.

“The coronavirus has spread rapidly in the US, and the number of deaths has grown exponentially along with it. From April 9 to 15, at least 13,613 people died from COVID-19, compared with 9,801 the week before. For comparison, 12,451 people died on average per week from heart diseases and 11,521 people died per week from cancer in 2018. Fewer than 800 people died from car crashes in any week that year. Even bad flu seasons, like the 2017-18 season, in which an estimated 61,000 Americans were killed — including 7,119 by the flu or pneumonia in a single week — didn’t claim lives as quickly as COVID-19 did last week. “


What is it about everyone that dies with the virus is classified as a virus death, even when 90% of them die of the preexisting conditions, that you don’t understand? The virus is a scam. Your “statistics” are fraud.


90% of the planet has almost no virus deaths. 90% of the “coronavirus deaths” are coming out of western Europe and the US who are known to be engaged in massive fraud. Switzerland is part of Europe. How is it that medical workers in 90% of the planet aren’t dying of the virus? Probably because 90% of the medical worker’s “coronavirus deaths” in Europe and the US are from other causes.

Zionism = EVIL

Jew rotten cunts trying to stifle any rational discussion. That is why it is essential to support independent free media like Southfront etc. The Zionist agenda is a compliant world with a muzzle (mask) on the face and microchip up every goyims arse.


I have the video downloaded from youtube if the video in in the comments by Bobby Twoshoes is been removed the one that he post link of it, If someone want’s to see it I have it downloaded the whole 1h video.


The virus quick to kill those with previous illnesses but the things is most of america is diabetics or fighting with some kind of Illness,that’s one of the reason why the shutdown is neccessary. Even those who healthy might have to be hospitalized if come in contact with the virus in due time .


Are you stupid, ignorant or do you get paid to spam these threads with lies?


I said everything that these doctors are saying a month or two ago. I’m trained, certified and licensed to move NBC hazmat, bloodborne pathogens, tissue, organ and blood. And moved a lot of it for the Red Cross and medical facilities driving taxi 20 to 25 years ago. The smell of a morgue is something that you never forget.

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