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MARCH 2025

Youtube Expands Censorship, Blocks SANA And Hezbollah Media Wing In Syria

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Youtube Expands Censorship, Blocks SANA And Hezbollah Media Wing In Syria

Youtube has expanded its efforts to censor alternative sources of the information about the conflict in Syria. Last week, Youtube banned the channel of Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), a Syrian state-run media supporting the Assad government. This week, Youtube banned the channel of the Syrian Military Media, a Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

This censorship campaign is likely a part of the wider attempt to counter the non-mainstream reporting about the conflict. The mainstream media and their corporate sponsors have repeatedly discridited themselves during the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. Thus, the corporations have likely decided that the total censorship is the only way to opress alternative points of view.

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It’s called “Jewtube” for a reason.

John Brown

Yes it is censorship by Israel very obvious. Russia and China need to expand their you tube alternatives rapidly to take advantage of this opportunity.


Yeah I’ve been thinking of this for some time now, Russia needs to come up with an alternative to Jewtube similar to how RT is an alternative to Fox Jews and CNN. It would be huge in terms of waking people up to the truth since Jewtube is heavily suppressed and censored.


Reach out to them SOUTHFRONT start posting their videos here, we must help one another

John Mason

Problem are the DNS Servers that the US controls which gives them the power to shut anything down. What is needed is a Russian/Chinese version of the Internet.


Also Russian/Chinese version of Paypal (and VISA).


Cayman Islands or Republic of China?

Solomon Krupacek

and nowhere will be accepted. it is easy in mind, not in reality.

look at renmimbi, what things had to made china to get it in international valuta basket.

rubel haqs no chance. therefore russian visa system would be accepted only in russia.

George King

Gold & Bitcoin remains international and both seem to be excellent investments but buying gold has its faults, you want the physical stuff only as anything else on the transnational criminal casino paper is and will be useless.

Solomon Krupacek

gold yes, but not for countries. bitcoin … better not

Solomon Krupacek

in these 2 countires there is hard censorship.


like they’d be any different.


Good Idea my friend!


SF hosts videos produced by our team using own server. This allows us to remain independent from Youtube. As to the Military Media and SANA, they haven’t answered to any emails from SF yet.


Hopefully they do, This is the fight of our generation, the censoring of information is the tactic of desperate despotic actors means we are winning keep up the good work SOUTHFRONT.

List of the news sites i visit https://www.rt.com/ https://sputniknews.com/ https://www.infowars.com/ http://www.breitbart.com/ http://dailycaller.com/ http://www.wnd.com/ https://southfront.org/ http://sana.sy/en/ i like Zero Hedge they are usually ahead of the curve


Russia Insider and The Unz Review are also excellent. My own blog is beyond excellent but modesty prevents me from calling attention to it in a crass fashion.


Mission failed then.


Must be. I should be more crass than I already am.


As long as you remain impartial, which most of the commenters are not, you should report what you want and from any source.

Just leave disgusting videos where they belong, in the gutter.

John Mason

Nothing stopping an alternative to YouTube, Russia or China could easily get one operational. Any form of media developed and distributed in the USA should be avoided because they are politically controlled.




thank you, I just did the same

Solomon Krupacek

All countires do this.

Russia forbad tor and vpns, want identify everybody, who enters internet forum.

german parlament accepted law for high (50 million €) penalty to providers for EACH fake news. that means, comes the era, when everybody will be registered.

George King

Kind of like the ” it does not matter who is elected or leads a nation, if you control the money it does not matter”.

So if there is a law and it is Orwellian as this is it is up to those who control the media as to what is fake news. In the case of Germany many news stories claiming Russian interference in elections (without any factual truth) but not mentioning those who do as in the NSA spying and CIA assets in the mainstream media.

By that amount 50 million, the US could be bankrupted into trillions over the period since WWII.


Makes me so mad!!!


Youtube has become a spy chanell it even block Christian preacher channel, reduces the views and does not display correct view. It moves videos out of the publick seaches on youtube so the video has no meaning. Here is a christian preacher who views were around a thousand a day and then suddenly it all blocked and went to fife a day. CNN,YOUTUBE AND GOOGLE ARE ALL THE SAME NOW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFwrl4yK0xQ


China built a great cyber wall. America builds a great cyber wall. Everyone is building a cyber wall. But the truth never dies, it just waits to be found.


As Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation, they should be shut down.

Sana represents a government that is partly also a terrorist organisation, but officially not. They should be left alone.


Shut up kike

George King

Just like a zion shrill hiding behind a nation of name instead of racist ideology exposure! “The only question that really matters: Why?” “Why have we not Known?” https://www.opednews.com/articles/The-only-question-that-re-by-George-King-Co-existence_Death_Fascist_Israel-170410-906.html


His name should be zionnational.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Always a Hasbara troll being nonsensical again with being dishonest go pick on on some Palestinin 6 yr old and steal bike , heard the less cruel ones behave that way .


Everybody is a terrorist organization to someone else. Who has Hezbollah done terrorism to? Google is Zionist.

Real Anti-Racist Action

What about the Jewish ethnic cleansing of indigenous Europeans and Russians? I do believe that the Jewish-Bolsheviks wiped out millions of indigenous Russians during the Red-Marxist war on people. And the Jewish made Holodomor genocided 45,000,000 indigenous Europeans. Now I call Jew a terrorist organisation that is not based on religion or race. Simply the collective known as Jew. https://holodomorinfo.com/

Real Anti-Racist Action

I actually found the proof and the mans name who leads this effort. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJDSQ2hE61Q


Shows Jews do work as a group/cabal. Jews think of themselves as Jews first, as citizens of their host nation a far second. They will even collectively suffer financial loss if it benefits their cause. Jews have to work hard on censorship because they are behind so much criminality. They are basically an ethnic criminal gang. It started off in Khazaria, where they worked as crooked merchants, plying their banking con, making money out of usury, then they started to move out of Khazaria and into Europe, etc, to ply their criminal trade. Like gypsy nomads but with more sophisticated cons than just pickpocketing people.


They cannot keep a country because you need a certain percentage of non-criminal people to keep the state going. Beyond a certain threshold, when you have lots of criminals in a nation, running the government, infiltrating all the top positions in institutions, it’s bound to break down, and be run over by other, less criminally-infiltrated, nations. So, Jews —> wandering tribe. Nation-wrecking nomads moving from one failed society to a healthy one. This is the reason America is in bad economic shape now. Criminals running the businesses, universities, judiciary, law enforcement, schools, etc – the country becomes a lying criminal society.


Education becomes a sham – turns into a program to dumb the people down so that they can be more easily controlled (Jews are always fearful about people waking up to them). Schools teach the children falsehoods, such as the Holocaust (“get them while they’re young”), and universities shut down honest researchers in academia if they research something politically incorrect.

Rot in academia means society cannot compete with other less infiltrated societies that also have less censorship going on; all areas of knowledge in the infiltrated nation, the sciences and humanities, deteriorate in quality.


PC will kill America. America’s strength was its openness. Since the Jews have taken over, and installed their culture of political correctness, AKA cultural Marxism or the liberal disease, the American Empire has started its decline. Do not mistake cultural Marxism with liberalism per se. Liberalism in its normal form is harmless.

The liberal disease, however, is very dangerous to society. Liberal disease says you must believe certain liberal values – these values are decided on by Jews, and benefit them as a group. The liberal disease does not allow dissent. This is the main difference between ordinary liberalism and the liberalism of PC culture. Liberalism has been hijacked by the Jews, so now many liberals are forced to call themselves libertarians, to distinguish themselves from these cultural Marxist fascists, who have criminalized certain thoughts, speech, and opinions.


The courts (dominated by Jews) can decide what thoughts and speech are legal and what are not – conveniently overriding the First Amendment.

Americans like to say they are the freest people in the world, but it didn’t take much for the Jews to take over their freedom – the passage of Hate Crime laws went by with nary a whimper from the American public. The dumbed-down dull-minded masses of America are asleep.

Before they know it, if they continue as they have been doing, they will have full-raging Bolsheviks ruling over them. That’s how it starts, with the camel sticking its nose under the tent.

Americans have almost completely lost their most fundamental freedom – the right to free speech – and it will be completely lost once they start getting hate speech laws, like they do in Britain and Germany.


If the US gets hate speech laws, dissent can be shut down by the Jews. The USA will be no different to the Jewish-controlled USSR, a totalitarian state where “antisemitism”, dissent against the criminal cabal of the Jews, was a crime punishable by death. In a state run by crims, everything is reversed. Lies become the truth, dissent against the criminals becomes a crime, often by execution, criminality is rewarded … a nightmare descends upon the nation.

This is the fate of sheep. Sheep don’t have rights because they’re not intelligent enough, compared to humans. Furthermore, they’re herd animals: sheep follow the crowd, they follow a strong leader, they don’t think too much, they let a leader do the thinking for them. Thus, And sheep can be easily controlled by humans. Sheep just want to graze and feed off the land, leading routine lives.

So they fall prey to the wolf, who thinks and acts almost opposite to the sheep.


Predators are different to herd animals. They don’t live off the land per se, they live off other animals. Predators have to have strategies to hunt, trap and kill their prey. The better the stratagems they develop, the more successful they are as a group, evolutionarily speaking.

This analogy fits the relationship between Jew and Gentile well. Jews are the predatory wolves who look at Gentiles as prey. Gentiles are the sheep who spend their time grazing, not thinking of much else.

One of the most successful strategies of the Jews is to pretend to be sheep. They assume the guise of a sheep and pretend to be one of the crowd. In general, gentiles don’t notice this until it’s too late. They assume everyone is the same as them.


So time and time again, the sheep keep falling victim to the wolves. The wolves have been successful in herding the sheep to wherever they want them. They manipulate the sheep by controlling their ‘leaders’. The sheep will follow the leaders blindly. The wolves get fatter, living off the sheep. Occasionally, as the flocks become less healthy, the wolves move onto better prey, to different hunting grounds.

So, this shows the difference in mentality between nomadic predatory Jews and settled grazing gentiles. Right now, Americans are asleep. They are where the German people were at in the late 18th century, when the Germans accepted Jews into their country and thought the Jewish immigrants were a plus to Germany. Jews lent money to the Germans. It all looked good at first.

The financial strategies are the stage where the Jews set up the gentiles. It is the fattening-up stage. After the lambs have become fat, it’s time to take them to the slaughterhouse.


If the US gets hate speech laws, dissent can be completely shut down by the Jews. The USA will be no different to the Jewish-controlled USSR, a totalitarian state, where “antisemitism”, dissent against the criminal ruling Jewish cabal, was a crime punishable by death. In a state run by crims, everything is reversed. Lies become the truth, dissent against the criminals becomes a crime, often punished by execution, criminality is rewarded … a nightmare descends upon the nation.


Predators are different to herd animals. They live off other animals. Predators have to have strategies to hunt, trap and kill their prey. The better these stratagems are, the more successful they are as a group, evolutionarily speaking.

This analogy fits the relationship between Jew and Gentile well. Jews are the predatory wolves who look at Gentiles as prey. Gentiles are the sheep who spend their time grazing. Pretty mindless.

One of the most successful strategies of the Jews is to pretend to be sheep. In general, gentiles don’t notice wolves have adopted false guises until it’s too late.


So time and time again, the sheep keep falling victim to the wolves. The wolves manipulate the sheep by controlling their ‘leaders’. The sheep will follow the leaders blindly. The wolves get fatter, living off the sheep. Occasionally, as the flocks become less healthy, the wolves move onto better prey, to different hunting grounds.

This is the difference in mentality between nomadic predatory Jews and settled grazing gentiles. Right now, Americans are asleep. They are where the German people were at, pre-Hitler, when the Germans accepted Jews into their country. It looked like a good move at first, but now big cracks are starting to show.


Censorship especially politicized censorship has been continuing apace at Youtube for some time now. In matters of video hosting though it is by no means the only site available. Minds.com is a very good alternative to Youtube and was established with the ethos of promoting non mainstream content producers that have been affected by Youtube’s politicized censorship. Some of the content creators I watch regularly on Youtube have set up parallel accounts on Minds so as to maximize channel outreach and also circumvent some of Youtube’s heavy handed practices.


Vid.me is another site that is popular with YT defectors.


Vid.me videos can’t be embedded like Youtube videos. The owner censors people. A friend of mine got his channel deleted. Had really good political stuff on it. None of the videos contained violence or sex. Also, the site looks strange. Hard to find videos you have watched before. I use it to store videos that have got deleted on Youtube or will likely to be censored elsewhere. Maybe Hezbollah can use archiveorg.com . I am not sure if they would accept Hezbollah vids. I have seen a Hezbollah video on that site. One of my vids about the Holocaust got deleted there – someone must have complained – but other “controversial” videos have been allowed to stay up.


Don’t want to knock people for trying, but Minds.com is hard to navigate and get into. It’s confusing. Just making a site that looks exactly and works exactly like Youtube (but without the censorship) is the way to go. Many have done something similar but they always miss the mark. Either they include censorship, so they do not get the numbers. Or they have strange formats that are hard to understand. The thing with money will come later. When the site gains popularity, the site can monetize. The owner of the site must be a free-thinker. I don’t understand why chan4 people cannot make a site like Youtube. They have the programming skills; they are against censorship.


So much for private enterprise flying the banner of freedom against the black standard of the tyrannical state. The state/corporate sector function as one unit and their aim is the same: they seek to control YOU by imposing their deceptive worldview on you and blocking access to sources of information that challenge it and expose it.

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