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YouTube Is Censoring SF’s Year End Analytical Video “Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021”

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YouTube is censoring SouthFront’s new 30-minute long video “Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021“. This video summarizes military and political trends around the world in 2020 and how they will shape the situation in 2021.

Less than 12 hours after the release, this video was placed behind an age restriction because it “may be inappropriate for some users”. The age-restriction clearly impacts a possible reach of the video because it does not allow people without YouTube accounts to watch it.

YouTube Is Censoring SF's Year End Analytical Video "Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021"

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SouthFront immidiately appealed this age restriction. Our analytical video “Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021” includes no “graphic content”, does not violate YouTube’s Community Guidelines  and was made solely for informational purposes.

The video violates no YouTube Community Guidelines, but despite this, a manual decision was made to age-restrict the video in order to limit its possible reach of the audience.

In 2020, SouthFront already became a target of multiple sophisticated attacks and the wide-scale censorship campaign. SouthFront’s accounts on all main mainstream platforms were blocked and sharing of links to southfront.org on Facebook and Instagram was banned. (MORE HERE)

The manual decision to censor SouthFront’s recent analytical video is the visual example of the ongoing censorship against independent media waged by global corporations. It indicates that sophisticated attacks aimed at censoring SouthFront or even damaging its website will continue and further.



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YouTube Is Censoring SF's Year End Analytical Video "Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021"

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YouTube Is Censoring SF's Year End Analytical Video "Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021"

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YouTube Is Censoring SF's Year End Analytical Video "Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021"


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YouTube Is Censoring SF's Year End Analytical Video "Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021"

YouTube Is Censoring SF's Year End Analytical Video "Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021" YouTube Is Censoring SF's Year End Analytical Video "Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021" YouTube Is Censoring SF's Year End Analytical Video "Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021" YouTube Is Censoring SF's Year End Analytical Video "Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021" YouTube Is Censoring SF's Year End Analytical Video "Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021"


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YouTube Is Censoring SF's Year End Analytical Video "Military And Political Trends Of 2020 That Will Shape 2021"

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence Team

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Fog of War

There are other platforms besides JewTube. Its time to expand your horizons South Front.

Lazy Gamer

What is the next best platform?

Fog of War

Look up ” alternatives to youtube ” in a search engine. Heres a list to start you off.



Instagram, Fakebook , total censorship and total control https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhSX7IzHkrE

Jens Holm

No they dont. They have millions and milions of writers and readers.

You forget so many things can be debatet in muslim sites. Human rights are Haram. Good and equal education for all is Haram. You even work haed rto make them more illiterate then Yourself. Building structures which makes sense for Syria and Iran as well as partly Turkey is Haram. Govermental censur by Your own countries are Haram. Why some black tent dress dont protect muslim woman against rapoe as well as Allah is Haram.

I also wonder why You descriebe pigs more like Yourself then pigs are here.

Its also Haram to learn how westerns actually are. You have to believe what Your Goverments construct. When I write here tellig You how a small country like mine works – Im told Im lying about it even I can see my home and has windows and You can see a lot of news and Youtubes. Sure most things in Denmark in News is danish, but its no secret.

Its the same for Your deep dark state. Most things You dont know are public knowledge in mine and many other countries. You can find it in Danish on Internet as well as at Our public libraries. And why. Its because we all has freedom based on we are teached to be responsible persons from birth and secrets ut no dark state created by Yourself.

I see muslims at Our beaches here too. Gender again: Boys and Young polite maxcho men running around in only small trouser smillig to the white girls. And in the sand I see Young muslim women kept in dark too be kept for sale.

At the same time especially women cant see museum pictures millions of others has seen them as well as soem has paid a lot of money, so we can see them for few money.

And a lot more

cechas vodobenikov

Jenny girl educated in meth cooking school “facebook is a US intelligence agency masquerading as a social media site”. E Snowden LSD jens confused FB employs 10,000 censors…zuky paid millions to install prez Harris and senile rodent Biden to represent USA regime

Jens Holm

If people like You decided, there would be no internet and people with such ideas was shot.

If Rusians, arabs and chinese decided what to be there, I would not use it at all.

Somuch is forbidden and so much is lies and bised crap of the worst kinds, for the main base is free speach and there are too many Russian and Muslims Harams.

So I add whats very good and fight, what I find is bad by making fx my Goverment alert for better protection and use, what I can myself.

Internet is like the rest. There are criminals and most people are not like that. But we do Our best by information, constitution, parlaments which actually debate and find solution, police, courts and we raise people into civil coutage becaúse people has rights and sometimes forget, they are responsible too.

I know the censure well. Some muslim shoud decide accoding to something there. NO WAY. Putin should come with the input here and most people should obey and ælove in poor daccas by potatpes and an egg now and then. NO WAY.

For thats the results and they are no made by som Internet sides. They were there long time before that. The only difference is that in those days Your kind attacked newpapers and Our TV instead.

So who are the real deciders? Its leaders around the world, where I after all prefare the ones, where the pepople has had a choise and can see Trump after all was a mistake.

If it was Saddam, Gadaffi, Assad, Mubarrak or the Pope of Qaum, they will stay there until they ran ouit of guns and had not edieas for making even more fear.

So we do work for better control, but we will never take away things just because someone like You dont like it.

Make Your own media – well Your Leaders try even harder then Ours. Go away. You are just users and hostile ones should go back to theuiir own already made very dark state.

Biden is no senile and Harris so far is a very experienced well estimated one.


Frankly, Southfront is punching way above its weight and has become an absolute well deserved pain in the Jew media ass. They are squealing like not so kosher swine stuck with truthful pike in the butt. Also shows the power of independent media and the reasons the Bilderberg parasites want to censor it.


Jens Holm

I think SF is quite sober about Jews.

Its typical “Frank and dishonest” it now seemes bad Israel takes well care of its population by vaccination. The Russian second class probatly is much better then what Your kind has for health and hospitals, because You hardly produce more then You did in the good old days of Muhammed.

Yeeerh right. Their alternative probatly was to send You contraseption, so UN, Unicef , Turks and many others should feed Your population addings. hat would have given them many + + in UN and the whole world. They need that too.

cechas vodobenikov

dinky insecure uses cheese for vaccine—2 large vaccines so dangerous US govt must exempt from lawsuits. …and only 62% effective per US trials… Russian vaccine unnecessary—no allergic reactions–92-95% effective jens use LSD for vaccine—now believes heroin in aalborg treats his syphillus

Jens Holm

Those 62% are not trials at all but step one. Step two should give more then 90%. I dont remember the accurat number but more then 90%.

Russians should be worried. The Neaderthat vaccine has been tested at hens only. They all get an extra leg, which is very good food, but the hends run so fast, that none of them has been catched yet unless they are shot.

They have vaccinated all hens to test all. 92% got that extra le´g right away and some few got it after 14 days, so every farmer with hens know are equipped with Kalishnikovs.

Old farmers are helped by the army as an extra part of the health care system.

There are good results in Argentina. When so many people gets an extra leg they save fuel for cars and bustickets. Argentine was the Russian main testfield for humans.

Tommy Jensen

Go and get your shots Jens.

Jens Holm

Im not in first or second line to get vaccine and its dripping into the country. So I cant get vaccine. The line for it is not even made.

You might like it would be april 01 named as fools day:)

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

are you going to take the vaccine just wondering how stupid you really are.

Jens Holm

People should not blame others for having an expensive healthcare system just because they dont like those others are lazybums or deny it to their own. .

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you didnt answer my question

Jens Holm

Its routine for us here in Denmarl to take all relevant vaccines – for free.

I will get mail for day and time by Gov, which probatly will be in april.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

LOL. enjoy

Ashok Varma

Any independent media that values veracity is a liability and a threat to the MSM fake news peddlers.

Jens Holm

I agree.




Some videos probably should be age restricted. Like this one showing the horrors of war. And what’s in store for humanity if a bioterror attack by the criminally insane JWO Jews, Zionists and their collaborators. Plunges our planet into widespread war and anarchy.








Where the fact and fiction separates in this secret space program material I don’t know. I watched it for information gathering purposes.

Tommy Jensen

You are probably 1/8 Jew as Hitler :-D. Some problems with these Space journeys: How and why do humans deal with the Van Allen radiation belt which can penetrate 10mm lead and dissolve any life? Why would humans fool around in the upper thermosphere in 2000C heat? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/609cf8404b39b74caf5427f44be0404fe017dbdb6fc61fea3d507acd89aaedb6.png

Ryan Glantz

2 words – electro-magnetic force-field




Dr. Greer knows that there are bad ETs. My view is that they’re offset by good ETs who prevent our planet from being overrun. But that they’re here and causing problems. And are probably involved in the scamdemic and Jew World Order global Yinon plan/Samson plan mass genocide/omnicide project that is currently underway to enslave and destroy our civilization and species.

Alex Jones says that there approximately 6,000 globalists who run this planet. My fact checking shows that they’re overwhelmingly Jews and Zionists. He says that they’re planning a bioweapon attack to advance their geocie/omnicide plan that is in an advanced stage of implementation.

The JWO economic and bio terrorists need to be identified, located and mitigated before they advance their nefarious plans. Judaism needs to be outlawed and abolished worldwide so that our planet becomes Jew free.

Tommy Jensen

A banker CEO from Belgium says they are 8000 a cult around BIS. The bank system can see everything, all money transfers to and from anyone and anywhere.


https://www.hangthebankers.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/bilderberg-chart.jpg https://hangthebankers.com/this-chart-shows-the-bilderberg-groups-connection-to-everything-in-the-world/


This is a Bilderberg group graphic showing the connections of the people involved. Probably 90 to 95% of them are Jews and Zionists.

Jens Holm

Much as if You are hard connedted to CIA Yourself by using internet and windows75

Jens Holm

Reading only abiout 1/3 again Isee at least 2 completly lies:

1) The aorplane was admittet to be in Iran and at Teheran 2) The version about USA being in Iraq is totaly biased in the worrst.

I allow me to add Nato teachers and specialist for improving the Iraqi forces as well as fighting ISIS was ASKED IN BY THE BAGDADS are not mentioned even they were bombarded with ballistics as We are are USA.

I allow me to add rhe American witdraw or wanting it is hard forced by Iran and Iranian propaganda and makes no sense for normal shiits in Iraq at all.

And one more thing. When we as well as USA comes in, wqe are not some mob resultof overpopulation as we see the Iranians and others are. We has a lot of tech and a lot of logistics, so we cant move in and out as if we ordered some PIZZA. You are iddiots.

As I see it, this is not about censur and 18 years old BUT bringing lies as well as very well selected bias supporting it.

cechas vodobenikov

jens LSD dose over adjusted for rodent–must be reduced for insect 100% Iraq legislature demands full withdrawal USA and obsequious colonial slaves–danes, Canadians, etc as jens sees many unicorns, ghosts, gremlins in dane village where pizza is considered exotic cuisine

Jens Holm

Normally there is a contract which is both ways.

And I agree in we never shoild be there. They deserve to be their own and a part of Iran.

Not a single danish kroners should be wasted there. Even ISIS will sell us oil.


This video can be watched by clicking on the link below the screenshot.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/76d63844f7ba145a541bdfc0daf2f81c77639e917fd583c6ad2a3216214d7d35.jpg https://banned.video/watch?id=5ff0ee0870e608257de2a8ad


Twitter is blocking SouthFront completely. I could not even post a reference

Ford Fairlane

Stop supporting Youtube and start using some other platform?

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