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Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront’s Channel

Support SouthFront

Dear friends!

Thanks to to your invaluable support, Youtube removed a “Community Guidelines strike” (MORE HERE) from SouthFront’s channel and restored our video “The Battle for Mosul: Concept Versus Reality” (LINK).

Most likely SouthFront temporarily received the Community Guidelines strike because of a false flagging by some project ill-wishers.
Our appeal and your public support proved the video did not violated “Youtube Community Guidelines”.

Thank you all!

With the removal of the Community Guidelines strike, SouthFront restored its ability to host live streams. The next live stream will take place on Saturday (August 19).

Southfront is a public project that is operating only on your donations. We do not receive any funding from corporations or governments.
The number of content, which the project is able to produce, depends on your donations.

Please, support our work:


Account: southfront@list.ru

Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel

Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel

Tinypass (Piano)

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You can subscribe for a monthly donation of $15 (or any another amount) OR make one time donation by clicking buttons below

Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel

Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel


Donate via SouthFront’s Patreon account (click here)



Sincerely yours,

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence Team

If you have technical problems with making donation, please, write to info@southfront.org to get detailed help.

P.S. How to donate via Tinypass (Piano):

1) One time donation

Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's ChannelYoutube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel

2) Monthly subscription

Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel

Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel

Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel

Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel

Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel

Youtube Removed Strike From SouthFront's Channel

Support SouthFront


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Keith Smith

wish i had money, only way i can support is by recommending you guys

Bloody Bill

Congrats, South Front. Lucky you. Don’t forget there are thousand of us out there that do not have the weight and influence you do and have been silenced. Keep up the great work.


The Empire falls back. Common sense prevails.


I didnt see anything worth flagging wtf… maybe us govt has an algorythm that automatically flags videos hundreds of times until a video is taken down. OR, simply that youtube allows the govt to decide which videos to silence. Just like apple DID unlock the phone for the fbi…. Not that that was a bad thing but they lie like a mother fucker and said a “3rd party” hacked into it… its all bullshit

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