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YPG Attack On Turkish Forces Triggers Turkish Artillery Fire On Syrian Army Positions

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YPG Attack On Turkish Forces Triggers Turkish Artillery Fire On Syrian Army Positions

Image: aa.com.tr

On December 13, a Turkish service member was killed in an attack by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) on a military position in the southern part of the area of Afrin, according to an official statement of the Ministry of Defense of Turkey.

The Turkish Ministry of Defense said that the deadly attack was launched from the town of Tell Rifaat and added that the Turkish military “retaliated to the attack immediately.” Tell Rifaat, which is located south of Afrin, is under the control of the YPG and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). A unit of the Russian Military Police is also deployed in the town.

Syrian pro-government activists said that the Turkish military responded by striking a position of the SAA around Tell Rifaat injuring two Syrian service members. In response to this unjustified attack, the SAA artillery shelled several positions of the Turkish military in the village of Jalbal, north of Tell Rifaat.

The Turkish military will not likely escalate the situation around Afrin because it is currently preparing to launch a military operation in the Kurdish-held area on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River.

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It’s logic, after the de-escalation zones it’s the turn of the illegaly occupied territories by Turkey and United States. Conclusion: mads are those who dream on conquer syrian land… they will not take not even a single inch of syrian soil.

You can call me Al

Apart from a few reciprocal firing, the SAA are just sitting back and watching the inter-terrorist killings occur. They will take it over, when the time is right.

Now allegedly, Turkey are going to take 15,000 pro-Turkish terrorists to the East of the Euphrates, to attack the Kurds – who will that benefit in the NE ?.


Last year, by this season, when the SAA begun the attack in Idlib (and they recovered then a thirth of the de-escalation zone) the Turks attacked Afrin and the Ocalan boys gave it to them. So, this is a déjà vu, but now it’s in the northeast. The Turks will attack and the Ocalan boys will retreat, giving up territory to their ‘awful’ enemy, not to the Syrians, no, that can not be, never. It’s curious, because Ocalan is in a turkish prison.

I doubt that the actual YPG in Afrin don’t has an agreement with the SAA

You can call me Al

“third” … yeah true – now learn to use the tick buttons FFS, up or down.


Okay, I already corrected.

You can call me Al

Nice one mate.

Hold on you down ticked me – you rotten scoundrel.

Have a good weekend.


The turks seem to have lost their bearings,among other things.


Lost their marbles.

You can call me Al

whahaha, I was going to say exactly the same, but much to my despair the Elgin Marbles are Greek.

PS Apologies if you never intended it to be about that, but for me… if only they were Turkish.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Some dumb Kurds just get it wrong, right people to attack but in the wrong spot, the north and just east of the Euphrates are the only spots to attack the Turks, that’s where you get the most bang for your buck and no splashback from being too close. Splashback are good if it happens to the US but it’s not if it happens to the SAA, they might have the SAA gunning for them too if they keep it up.


Turkish bastards you go kill your PKKs and YPGs don’t dare strike and touch the SAA.

Mustafa Mehmet

You fucking cunt they’re hiding behind saa. so saa stop them or we come and stop them,you fucking mother fucker clueless cunt

Promitheas Apollonious

You have no place in syria and you are used as a cannon fodder you will realize it soon enough. It is a saying that when you give the idiot enough rope it will eventually hang itself. This is what will happen to you and yours.

Mustafa Mehmet

apollini what you saying. Same to you to.go and hang yourself typical Greek man you and cristo .You are just like mosquito ?

You can call me Al



You Turks are traitorous whores that sold their souls for greed and power ….. you will be eliminated along with the Kurds (unless they swap sides immanently), ISIS and all so called rebels. Whilst the US weep for their latest loss, they also will be stripped and sent in the dessert for everyone to watch.

Go have a kebab, as it is your own Countrymen you eat.

Christos Pratis

nice one

Mustafa Mehmet

Re cristo you enjoyed re


Good day Mustafa, I think the SAA will attack in Idlib by Christmas.

Mustafa Mehmet

Syrian country they can do what’s right for country.dont sent anymore refugees to our borders anymore.

Mustafa Mehmet

so your friend Iran and Russia and the rest give you new toys to play with? As long as our borders protected .which saa can’t do the job.go and Shawarma or something else ?

You can call me Al

You have been warned as I have spoken. I am indeed a friend of many Countries, whereas the Turks are spat upon by all.

Be proud of your Country my boy, as no-one else gives a rat’s arse.

Mustafa Mehmet

You think we give jack shits?


It looks like a Kurdish provocation to impair relations between Turkey and Syria.

Jan Lavicka

uSS mentally ill puppets like dying for their pedophile masters for fun :)

Promitheas Apollonious

there are no relations between turks and syrians.

Mustafa Mehmet

Government no contact yes .turks got nothing against Syrian people turkey got 4 mil refugees .how many your country have none

Promitheas Apollonious

yes? supporting isis and stealing the syrian oil is that nothing? turks are occupying syrian land and have everything to do with what is been happening to syria. Either get in touch with reality or try and get the facts before making statements as the one you just did.


This does prove what I’ve been saying, as long as the Kurds only kill FSA Orcs the Turks don’t give a fuck. Orcs mean nothing to them. As soon as a Turkish soldier gets killed Turkish artillery immediately opens up. Clearly one Turkish life is worth infinitely more then countless FSA Orcs. Now you know you’re real targets, ladies and gentlemen Kurds, stop wasting time killing Orcs. Kill a thousand of them nothing will change. Kill ten Turks and they might leave Afrin, or at the least don’t invade east of the Euphrates as they have take care of the security situation in Afrin first.

You can call me Al

Sorry Barba, to me that is some wrapped logic, that makes no sense to me and seems to cover all scenarios.

1. As soon as a Turkish soldier gets killed Turkish artillery immediately opens up.

2. Kill ten Turks and they might leave Afrin, or at the least don’t invade east of the Euphrates as they have take care of the security situation in Afrin first.

Did you mean it that way ?.

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