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MARCH 2025

YPG Claims That 11 Turkish-backed Militants Were Killed In Two Fresh Attacks In Afrin

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YPG Claims That 11 Turkish-backed Militants Were Killed In Two Fresh Attacks In Afrin

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On December 3, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) released a statement claiming that 11 Turkish-backed militants had been killed by the group in two fresh attacks in the Syrian area of Afrin.

On December 2, a YPG unit attacked a Jaysh al-Islam patrol in the village of Dermishmishe, near Afrin city. 5 Jaysh al-Islam members were reportedly killed and 3 others were wounded in the attack. Their vehicle was also destroyed.

On the same day, the YPG carried out an operation in the town of Jinderese. YPG fighters destroyed a military vehicle stationed at the headquarters of Ahrar al-Sham. 6 Turkish-backed militants were killed and 8 others were wounded, according to the YPG report.

The YPG carries out operations against Turkey-led forces in Afrin on a constant basis. A previous attack took place on November 30 when the YPG killed 3 members of Faylaq al-Majd and wounded 2 others near the village of Heyama.

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I wonder if one of these groups are led by Dutchnational. Since he did disappear from this site. :)

Promitheas Apollonious

He did not just change name and avatar.


Even under a new name, I have not spotted his style of posting on this site. I think when the Kurds where crushed in Afrin, so was he.

Promitheas Apollonious

he was not a kurd, but a paid troll.


Aye, he was very triumphant in the early days of that invasion, as it appeared that the YPG was still holding its own. Once they started to collapse it was like he crawled into a hole and never came out again.

Concrete Mike

Another event that crushed him was when iraq took back kirkuk.

That was his apogee of nonsense, he claimed something like peshmerga will destroy iraqi army with air support from israel.


(((dutchnational))) was kike


That seems to be quite common, Americans and Jews seem to be most likely to hide their nationalities, I guess it’s shame?


Cowardice + ingrained Jewish behavior of deception.


And I wonder where they are getting their logistic support. Curious that here we don’t ear about ‘SDF’, only ‘YPJ’. By the way, ‘Rojava’ isn’t their name for the three kurdish cantons in Syria?

Concrete Mike


They write the same, pattern of posting is the same. Although solomon called him a gaul last nighy, wich i thought was odd.


Anti-Syrian kurds and anti-Syrian turks can’t stop killing each other …. priceless.


In this case, in Afrin, it’s impossible that the kurds don’t have the SAA support.


Dear friends Y.P.G. we admire you for your militancy and your courage to fight against a “Turkish state” blood system to create your own state that you have the right to. We here in Cyprus have Turkey holding 40% of the territory of Cyprus since 1974. Because we want to unite Cyprus we try through the talks to find a common constituent with the Turkish Cypriots in order to survive. But Turkey is intransigent and wants it all. She is the good kid of the Europe of NATO and the USA. With Russia she plays double face because she can not do otherwise, at one point she will show her face either with NATO or with the Dardanelles. That is why your victory against the Turkish constitution will help us to regain our lost Cyprus. We wish you every success in the military and diplomatic field against Turkey.May God bless the Y.P.G fighters.

Promitheas Apollonious

you really are out of place and time beside been a complete ignorant of facts that happen in Cyprus and if you are a cypriot then I do feel pity for you, not to say what I really think of you, reading what you wrote.

kurds was the first wave of invasion army in cyprus and the ones who committed the worst atrocities against the cypriots, who been catch in the occupied areas. Learn you history stooge and dont be such a disgrace to your kind.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If what you say is true, and I just had a quick look and couldn’t find out, why are the Kurds and the Cypriots such good political partners now, no one else seems to be as close as the Cypriots and the Kurds are, that’s what I just found out when I tried to find anything at all about the Kurds committing atrocities in Cyprus. The Turks also kicked out the Greek military Junta and installed a democratic government, the Greeks were guilty of committing more atrocities than the Turks were, as hard as it is to believe, but nothing about the Kurds committing the atrocities, not to say that you’re wrong, but I couldn’t find out anything about it. He looks as if he actually lived through the invasion, 50 or 60 yo judging by the picture, he would have been old enough to remember everything.

Promitheas Apollonious

You have no idea what you talking about so I will not bother to shot the breeze with you. How I know? I fight in Cyprus in 74. I dont know where you find what you quoting here not I really care.

I guess you also dont know that 40% of the kurds in turkey vote for ertogan also right?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“You have no idea what you talking about so I will not bother to shot the breeze with you. How I know? I fight in Cyprus in 74. I dont know where you find what you quoting here not I really care.” The internet buddy you know that amazingly large trove of all sorts of info that’s easily accessible to anyone. So instead of enlightening me with some facts you tell me just trust you, you were there, but everything else you said and I checked was BS, why should I trust what you say this time, I think the other guy sounds less like a chimp than you do, until I find out otherwise, I’ll go by what he said.

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont want to enlighten you with any facts for several reasons and one of them is because I did not speak to you, but to the idiot I answered to. He was killing kurds in turkey as well and that did not stop them voting for him and I think been internet educated as you said and believing what you read and I am sure you did not check the sources you been reading or bother to cross reference them what that make you? The father of chips? Though I am sure they are smarter than you the primates.

Now take a walk while I am still in good mood.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You don’t want to enlighten me because you CAN’T, and don’t want to appear stupid if you try to. You criticized the other guys post but don’t like me criticizing yours, what makes you so special hey? You weren’t replying to him either, you were criticizing his post, which is exactly the same thing I did to yours, lying CHIMP, but only he’s allowed to be criticized bu you, you can’t be criticized by me, sound very unfair. I actually didn’t criticize your post, I just said I couldn’t find anything to confirm what you said, but I could find a lot of things to confirm what he did, and that’s enough to get you upset hey, F off you arrogant chimp, don’t criticize anybody at all if you can’t take being criticized yourself, that’s the sort of arrogance I expect from the elitist that run our world, do you want to rule the world too do you, make your word the new law, not with me you can’t CHIMP.

Promitheas Apollonious

assuming as you do shows the extent of your ignorance and stupidity kid.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m 55 old man so I’ll show some respect to my seniors, I didn’t criticize you or say you were wrong or lying in my original post, please re read it, I only said I couldn’t find out anything about what you said and was curious, I actually hoped you might even link me an article or 2 so I could inform myself a little better, I didn’t realize the SF commentators could be so fickle and easily offended, I only get offended if someone’s rude to me, not if they don’t agree or just plain appear to be stupid, I at least try and be polite and helpful. Being my senior and brought before this LGBTQI era of bad manners took over, I would have thought you would have been brought up the same way too. Now I’m still waiting for proof of what you say and all I get is “assuming as you do shows the extent of your ignorance and stupidity kid”, that’s not very enlightening, I already know that, I’m just waiting for you to educate me so I do know, but you won’t even try, just say I’m ignorant for not just trusting you. But I think I’m being smart not trusting you, at least I could verify everything the other guy said, but I couldn’t verify the one thing you did, that says it all for me.

Promitheas Apollonious

and then you sound like a 2 year old. Obviously age has not bring any wisdom in you. Calling me chip you did not criticize me and insult me?

58 year old kid yes you are. Only an idiot with very short thinking span will ask prove of a war that happened 44 years ago as to who participate in it and who did not.

The rest you say not even worth giving you more attention that what I already have now as I say take a walk in peace while I am still in a good mood. And try get educated. Knowledge is only good if you acquire it yourself and I dont mouth feed any one or care too.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No I’m just a simple man that needs some help from time to time understanding certain things that I have no knowledge of, I hoped you might help but now I see your totally unable to. You’re full of shit buddy, fight in the war my arse, everything else you’ve said you won’t back up with one bit of evidence, no copy and paste, no links, no nothing, and you think I believe you when you say you fought in the war, more likely you hid in the pig sty to avoid it, you’re just a lying moronic chimpanzee, that the only truth I’ve discovered from you, and I’ll bet my life you’re a homosexual as well, please confirm or deny, that way I’ll get to call you a liar again if you say you’re not. Go have a banana.

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont want to deprive your family from their main source of food supplies kid.

And is one thing I agree with you. You are a simple single cell primate.

Mustafa Mehmet

hah ha You Fight in Cyprus ? You was running hundred miles an hour to Scape from mücahit you was shitting yourself .remember karpasi famagusta Highway rd .i was watching you running away

Jens Holm

Before You can enligth any thing, where You are, it would be a great help to install electricity and internet.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m not sure if you’re really stupid or just can’t speak English very well, how about your next post you write in your own language and tell me what it is so I can translate it, that way I’ll be able to better tell just how really stupid you are. What about you link me some articles about the ‘Kurdish atrocities committed against the Greeks during the invasion of Cyprus, he can’t maybe you can. This is what Promitheus Apollonios wrote and I think is bullshit, you show me how he’s right and the other guy is wrong, prove it MORON. Show me something, anything.

you really are out of place and time beside been a complete ignorant of facts that happen in Cyprus and if you are a cypriot then I do feel pity for you, not to say what I really think of you, reading what you wrote. kurds was the first wave of invasion army in cyprus and the ones who committed the worst atrocities against the cypriots, who been catch in the occupied areas. Learn you history stooge and dont be such a disgrace to your kind.

Go on Moron link the evidence that supports this chimps claims, he’s refusing to because he doesn’t want to, which is another way of saying I can’t please leave me alone. If he can’t act like a man and put his money where his mouth is, why don’t you, you half witted MORONIC chimp. The way you morons drag down any intellectual conversation in this forum proves one thing to me, You’re all the Israeli stooges working to lower the standard of discussion and debate, and yet you blame everyone else for it everytime someone opposes your BS narratives. You’ve all lowered the standard of intelligent conversation on SF, it was never this bad years ago, too many Israeli agents working here and calling everyone else Israeli agents, the pot always calls the kettle black, but I’m about to expose the lot of you MORONS for what you all are. I think I;m smarter than any of you stupid LGBTQI chimps.

Jens Holm

I can do the same with numbers.

More then 50% did not vote on AKP/Erdogan.

1% voted for PKK.

10% voted for the very moderate kurds givins 7 million in age to vote and by that representing children too.

And you right away jailed all their PMs as well as replaced their local town majors. You even made many kurds not able to vorte. Hardly none could make voting observations, so You could put bananas in for the banana party if You would.

Those 40% mainly do not represent Kurds at all. The main part is well integrated Turks, whích onece had a Grandfather and Mother being Kurds. ………………………………………………………………………………………….

You have exact the same for Turkmen in Syria. You even are tryed to be learned, they are 1,2 millions. THEY WERE.

Many many has emmigrated to the Turkish cities by agriculture is a poor way of livingthere and many many are integrated as Syrians and dont feel Turkish anymore in generation not even speaking Turkish.

So Turkmens(apart from the warthing) are 700.000. The rest is WAS. We also have herard from Your nationist there, that Kurds has stolen their land.

Kurds has bought land to probatly normal prices. Thats not stealing in most part of the world.

And Kurds add as flies and rats. Well You all do. Actually most of the world is more populated then ever. Nothing strange in Kurds dominating areas Turkmen has left and kurds has “overpopulated” that too.

Look at istanbull. Were do all those come from ? Its incading greeks, regaining armenians, jews, assyrians or what ?


It looks like you haven’t done a proper search …or…. wait. Could it be that you are serving someone’s agenda?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And did you do some research, I asked for more facts, can you provide them, if you can’t and want to add something don’t, it makes you look just as stupid as this other very arrogant chimp, that only like to criticize everybody else’s posts but gets upset when anyone questions his, and then instead of backing it up with facts, just grunts like a stupid chimpanzee, that’s the same thing you did when you posted me with nothing but a criticism.


Ha ha ha. Instead of throwing insults and accusations broaden up your research. I am not here to educate you.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re not here to educate anyone, that’s obvious, in the 3 posts you’ve already sent me all you did was was say “we’re right and you’re wrong” Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and post some relevant links or copy and paste something to confirm your mates arcertions, instead of just grunting like a chimp the same way he did. I don’t think it’s because you don’t want to, I think it’s because you can’t, after all you’ve just wasted the time it took to post me 3 messages, it’s not like you’ve got anything better to do. C’mon I dare you too, it would make you look really smart and me really stupid. I’d do it to you in a heartbeat if I could, but sadly as I said in my first post, I couldn’t find anything, I didn’t say it wasn’t correct or there was no info at all concerning the accusation your mate made, or that he’d just made it up, just that I couldn’t find anything at all to confirm it. But that always seems to be enough to get the chimps squealing. Go have a banana and relax, read an LGBTQI article or two, they deal in the same sort a fantasies you do and also hate criticism, they also like to make assertions with no evidence to back them up, just trust us seems to be all they can say when questioned, just like you and your mate did, that’s what you really should be reading, fantasy LGBTQI magazines, while you eat your bananas.


Unlike you I am not paid in shekels for hooking someone into discussion to promote the masters’ propaganda. The less you speak the less you expose yourself. I hope this will also help you. Now, get lost with your blubbering or get informed.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If you haven’t noticed I’m totally anti LGBTQI, and the Zionist Israelis are the biggest proponents of the LGBTQI agenda around, why would you think for even one second I’m pro Zionist Israeli, they’ve spread the disease around the word like a pox ridden whore, you have to be joking don’t you. To all the anti Zionist Hebrew people I apologize, I’m not a Jew hater, just totally anti Zionist, I actually love the old written laws and prefer them to the Christian ones I was brought up with. The Jews may be responsible for a lot of things as you assert, but they’re not responsible for fact you’re really stupid, you’re to blame for that. I’m still waiting for you to inform me and this is your fourth post, maybe I’ll get lucky on the fifth one.

Jens Holm

Very funny…. And kurds invaded Cyprus for Turks because of that ??

Jens Holm

It confirms, what I wrote above and specify it. YOU DONT CARE AT ALL ABOUT FACTS.

It make no sense to compare with Afrin and even put in Kurdish invaders. People dont buy bread, fi they know its full of stones unless they put it in water for days removing the stines and are starving very much.

At least You could improve Your lies putting in some smaller islands, oil or something.

Jens Holm

You dont know anything about facts about it. So You should read about it. Alll i open and well descriebed.

The other version seemes more obvios: You dont care a drachmar ot lira about, but prefare throwing dirt from from both ends.

You INVITED Turks free entrence to Cyprus by treating You OWN local turkish inhabitants very very bad.

Doing like that is not even a turkish invension. As dane our Goverment did exact the same in 1864 systematicly treating our semi-germans bad. The lack of respect did it.

We gave Preussen very good reasons to invande. They took double up and in 1920 we got half of it back by voting about it.

And before Your nationalistic crap danes were very proud as helpers for Greece and had even delievred a relative sensible King. Now we gave You are very Young and maybee too Young Queen and we by that also gave Your prestighe and friendship.

Now Greece is not even is a Kingdom anymore and Your King is a retired car salesman not even in Greece. Hard to be a wife to that part of it too.

You hardly listened to Your own Archbishop Macharios. Not even that – before and after.

Jens Holm

I dont think he know what research is about that at all. He might even not know, what research is.

All about the coup in Athen incl. the King and Queen reseigning in his world probatly was made by Turks too.

They hate each others like siblings close to each others. The difference is the rest of the world by strange reasons try to keep both alive. Hard now being confirmed by DNA as well.

Jens Holm

Kurds used secret swimming wests, sell them too, and make Syrians and half of Africa to cross M.E. Sea :)

Jens Holm

Haha kurds are verywhere in Your infected world. I thought it was jews invading supported by Kemal in a coffin with wheels :)


Guy, you are defending to Syria what the Turks have done in Cyprus, and worst, because the Kurds in Syria are much less, amoung the population, than the Turks in Cyprus.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

40% of his own people absolutely hate Erdogan now, his economy is failing and he has no REAL friends, if he loses in Syria he’ll become even less popular, and lose not just his power, he may lose his life, you may have a new Turkish leader to deal with in a year or two, I’m sure whoever he or she is, they’ll be much easier to deal with.

Mustafa Mehmet

your Eoka bastard was killing they Massacre innocent Turkish woman and the children don’t give me all this sad story Turkish Cypriot don’t want live with you Never gone Happened wake up and smell the coffee

Jens Holm

Cyprus is mainly Your own fault. You (and the Junta) treated the turks there VERY bad. By thats You got the VERY bad result, You are in ven today.

Thats very well descriebet, so stop that. After WW1 Cyprus became a Brittish taken posession NOT af GREEK or TURKISH.

Cyprioric is, which live and lived there. Your own fanatics added with the military Juntas claimed Eonisis total vertical against all common sense.

You also ignored what happend in Izmir and the Region being no learners.

So even Turks should not have invaded and sended emmigrants in – Its Your own fault. OWN.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Only Turkish proxies being killed by the Kurds now, not Turkish soldiers anymore, I don’t think so, not unless they’re staying right away from the action. Up until a few months ago we had reports every now and again about Turkish troops being attacked and killed, but not lately, the last thing I managed to find was that it was nearly up to 100 dead Turkish soldiers and climbing. This figure covered all Turkish casualties in Syria, accidental, sickness, fighting, and was data from the very first incursion until 2 or 3 months ago, wiki says 76 Turkish troops KIA, last one 27 march, but none since, WHY, 8 months with no deaths. Is it because they’re right at the back lines staying out of harms way, maybe, but we all know that won’t stop the Kurds, they’ll hit them from behind enemy lines, so why no Turkish deaths since march, a stroke of good luck perhaps, I don’t think so, I know what this probably means, the exact opposite. What I think is actually happening is that Erdogan has issued a blackout for Turkish casualty figures, I think the figure of 76 has probably doubled or tripled since march and he doesn’t want the Turkish public to know about it, or anyone else. Get ready for some major leaks of new unadulterated Turkish casualty figures soon, I haven’t heard anything about it yet, but it’s bound to be on the cards, there’s a lot of people in Turkey that would willingly leak that data, I’m waiting now.

You can call me Al

It is strange, but not surprising that there seems to be a news blackout or what I can find is news propaganda saying the Syrians and Russians killed 99% of all medical staff. The truth will come out one day.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

We may all be dead before that happens, it might be something our children or grandchildren find out, if history is anything to go by, hopefully not.


It looks like your search is limited to what your boss is telling you. That explains it. You shall be ignored.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well you know you can easily copy and paste any relevant info you have to back up your mates claims, so you can both enlighten me very easily if you wanted to, don’t you want to enlighten me, I’m still waiting but I can’t wait forever, eventually I’ll have to make the assumption your both full of crap. My boss is my own conscience, whos yours.

Mustafa Mehmet

Go and cross the road busses ? coming jump

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s me driving the bus you stupid chimp, get off the road before I run you over.

Mustafa Mehmet

You riding my d,,,k again you can spin to .enjoy ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LGBTQI shows it’s ugly face, your not just a chimp, you’re a weird LGBTQI chimp, go play with your own revolting banana, the only thing I’d like to do with it is chop it off and stick it in your foul mouth to shut you up. Go put on that dress and lipstick like you’ve always wanted to, chimps always look funny dressed that way, you might get lucky and find some other sick weirdo that thinks you look good with lipstick and a dress on.

Mustafa Mehmet

you are 1 dirty filthy cockroaches. brainless idiot just go and jump Front of .fast train

Concrete Mike

This guy like goats more than anything.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Only male goats though.

R Trojson

How can Kurds be the bad guys in this instance. They are defending their own land in Kurdish dominated areas. They are defending their own women and children from Turkish atrocities. Kurds are fighting terrorists brought into their own land by their enemy Erdogan.

Any of us here would do the same if our enemy brought terrorists to occupy our land and persecute our women and children. Tell Erdogan’s terrorist occupiers to go back to where they came from or fight to the death.


You are a pathetic troll. Trying to make people believe you give a shit about the population of Syria. Your words are quite hollow, and only meant to deceive.

R Trojson

What in the world did I say to deserve that response? You on the other hand are in favor of Erdogan relocating terrorists to persecute the locals. Then when the locals punch back you condemn them. By any measure you are the troll bent on destroying Syria.


The YPG, which is the main component of the SDF, is a recognized terrorist organization. That’s who the Turks are after. You’re the one shilling for war and partition as part of your evil cult’s Yinon plan of perpetual turmoil.

Jens Holm

SDF is no recocnized terroristorganisation. But You have supporters for it. ISIS think they are, Hesbollah do and of course Turks. And thats it.

R Trojson

So a man standing on his own land in Syria and defending his wife and children from foreigners (Turks) and Turkey’s terrorists is branded a terrorist by you. You are pitiful and a prime example of why this Syrian war has no end in sight.

Wonder if some of those other militias branded by Assad as terrorists were just ordinary men standing in their own villages defending their women and children?

Contrast that with Totalitarian Dictator Assad who is held up by Russia and Iran to slaughter 500,000 of in his own country and turn it over to Shia control.


Your Orwellian 1984 double speak doesn’t change the fact that the Syrian war is a complete fabrication waged by outside Jew affiliated actors against Syria. Or that the Turks are going after the Kurdish terrorists in northern Syria who have been killing Turks for a long time.

Jens Holm

That doesnt matter any trolls. This is not even about him.

It could be about 500.000 deas, 12 mio. not in their homes, 100.000 with one leg and many places being destryed for good and bad reasons.

When has Afrin had arabic or turkman majority or even big minority. NEVER. In the ther hand You only have traditions for running things from above in fear and bajonets.

And freedom helped by others collapsing the Ottomans and not because of Yourself(only) You in several ways make You worse them them just makin desposies runned as primitive Emirates by dictators.

Who liberated You. Others did.

Who made Your life more safe. Westerns took up he world and distributed it. You did not.

And today. Even many are living on a carpet of oil and gas, You are not even able to make cheep plastic buckets to Yourself.

And did we westerns and china do that too. Jews ?

Social structures are from ancient times. Even handling You military forces is before germans in WW2. I germans has had ressources like Yours, Damuskus(Berlin) has won back all, as well as Turks hadly has crossed Your borders.

Its about being raised. The best option for You would be to hire in local kurds and Israelians in the top. They know devellopment by innovation as well as central as local porogress by infrastructure and influence adding brains of the sensible kind to the porridge of Yours.


The Kurds are considered the bad guys here because they sold their soul to the US to be their proxy force against Assad, thus earning their hatred here from the Assad-/Russophiles and America haters. Which I must confess am kinda too. I don’t hate the Kurds though, I do think they are deeply stupid for letting themselves become the expendable footsoldiers of the Americans, as they will be tossed aside once they are no longer needed.

Jens Holm

Kurds has sold nothing. You all sold them and made them into an excuse for everything. They did not even participate in the uprise.

If Kurds had, Assads hardly was a Russian base in Latakia.


Assad and the Russians didn’t sell them out, they sold themselves out. I’ll give them that around 2014-15 they had to sell themselves to the Yanks, as they were isolated from the Syrian Government by virtue of ISIS territory in between them. But the Kurds and Assad never had any problems with each other and never fought each other. They even supported each other in Aleppo and Afrin. That changed when they sold themselves to the US. The US used them to capture the Tabqa dam and shot down a SyAF SU-22 attacking ISIS in that area. Was the taking of the East Syrian oil fields not an act of war against the Syrian government?

It didn’t have to be after the Syrian government managed to reconnect to Kurdish controlled territory, they could have stayed on friendly terms as they had before, enjoying autonomy. But the US had whispered sweet nothings into their ears about Kurdish statehood. And like any guy trying to woo a girl to sleep with him, those turned out to be lies. When the time comes for the US to chose between the Kurds and Turkey they will be thrown by the wayside. And then the Kurds better hope that Damascus won’t remember their betrayal.

R Trojson

What choice did Kurds have? Extermination at the hands of Turkey? Persecution with the heavy boot of Assad on their necks.

Suspect Kurds are good fighters because they have been genocided and persecuted for hundreds of years. They know they are fighting for their very existence. They stand with the US because that is their only hope since Assad refuses to give them any respect.


Originally the Kurds had no options, as like I said, Afrin aside, where they did cooperate with Assad, most of them were in territory that was separated from Assad’s. So they had to turn to the Americans. That changed in early 2017 when Assad’s forces linked up to them. They no longer had to whore themselves out to the US. And yet they continued to do so. When the SAA made a rapid advance towards Deir Ezzor the Kurds and the US were taken by surprise and as a result they let ISIS go from Raqqa so the Kurds could redeploy and grab the East Syrian oil fields. This is not the act people fighting for their existence, this was geo political strategy created from Washington.

Assad gave them plenty of respect and he and the Russians played no small part in keeping Afrin safe from Turkish designs. But the Kurds now thought themselves untouchable. Big Uncle America was going to keep them safe from now till forever. Well, Big Uncle America did not keep them safe when Assad and Russia withdrew their protection from Afrin and the Turks came in. And Big Uncle America is not doing much to keep the Turks from doing more. Because Big Uncle America is not really interested in the Kurdish heartlands along the Turkish border, because Big Uncle America doesn’t need those parts to keep their hands on what’s really important, Eastern Syria, where the oil fields are and the supply lines to Assad from Iran. And when push comes to shove Big Uncle America will chose Turkey over the Kurds. And then they’ll be all alone again. Their arrogance has already cost them Afrin. Time for them to wake up and see if their old relationship with Assad can be rekindled before its too late.

R Trojson

So Assad let Erdogan take Afrin and 10% of what is left of Syria just to spite the Kurds. That Assad is a real strategist. Do you think Erdogan will keep Assad around after he takes Damascus?


Well, before the US backed Kurds became his biggest problem Erdogan did try to take Damascus. Currently that no longer seems to be his priority. And I doubt that Assad has much to say about it, as Putin calls the shots in that regard. And trying to drive a giant wedge between the US and Turkey seems to be a favorite passtime of Putin.

The point remains though, if the Kurds had not sold themselves body, mind and soul to the Americans and taken Syrian territory Afrin would still be Kurdish. And since the US is currently busy trying to recruit 40.000 Arabs in SDF territory as a new kind of army it would appear they’ve trying to build a force that can take over from the YPG once the US no longer needs them and throws them by the wayside, for Erdogan to swoop in and finish them off.

And then the Assadophiles here will laugh and rejoice at their misfortune. And then only afterwards lament that Turkey now holds way too much Syrian territory.


Sigh, and still the Kurds waste valuable resources and manpower trying to kill mere Orcs. The lands of Mordor are boundless and teeming with Orcs, it’s like trying to attack the ocean with a sword. Pointless. What they should be doing is kill Nazgul. One dead Turkish soldier is worth more then a thousand FSA Orcs. I know in conventional warfare quantity is a quality of its own, but in unconventional war quality matters. Better 1 attack that kills a Turkish soldier then a 100 attacks aimed at FSA Orcs.


If the Nazgul don’t retreat, their time to die will come.


TheCyprus problem by James Ker-Lindsay HOW DID THE TURKISH INVASION HAPPEN? Sampson’s appointment as the head of the Greek military backed administration in Cyprus left many observers with little doubt that a declaration of enosis was imminent. The Turkish government started planning its response. Bulent Ecevit, the Turkish prime minister, flew to London to see if Britain would be willing to intervene jointly under the terms of the Treaty of Guarantee. The British government declined, arguing that it was ill prepared for such a major action. Ecevit therefore decided that the Turkish armed forces would have to act on their own. He ordered a full-scale invasion of the island. Just after 6 o’clock in the morning, on 20 July 1974, Turkish fighter planes began bombing strategic locations near Nicosia, and paratroops were dropped along the Kyrenia mountain range. An hour later, the first boatloads of Turkish soldiers landed on the northern shores of the island. Working in conjunction with the Turkish Cypriot militias, they attempted to establish a corridor linking the coast with the Turkish Cypriot suburbs of Nicosia, in the centre of the island. Putting up stiff resistance, the Greek Cypriot National Guard managed to slow their advance. However, they could not stop it. Within two days, the Turkish Army had managed to establish a meagre, but nevertheless secure, foothold on the island. Internationally, the invasion prompted a strong response. Both the United States and Britain issued statements condemning Turkey’s actions but harshly criticising the Greek military administration for precipitating the crisis. At the United Nations, the Security Council passed a resolution calling for the immediate end of foreign military intervention and the withdrawal of all forces other than those covered by the relevant treaties. Meanwhile, the successful Turkish invasion led to turmoil in Athens. WHAT WERE THE EFFECTS OF THE INVASION ON THE TWO COMMUNITIES? The invasion and division of the island had a profound effect on both communities. But for the Greek Cypriots the effects were particularly catastrophic. The Turkish military operation left thousands dead or wounded and many more missing. (In recent years the UN Committee for Missing Persons has worked to identify the remains of many who went missing, but more than a thousand have yet to be accounted for.) In addition, many Greek Cypriots—those living along the entire north coast; along the Karpas peninsula; and in Varosha, the predominantly Greek Cypriot region of the eastern port city of Famagusta—were forced to leave their homes. In total, approximately 160,000 people were displaced.


AN ANSWER to Promitheas Apollonious The Cyprus conspiracy by Brendan O’ Mallay From dawn on 20 July, as Turkish aircraft bombed Greek-Cypriot forces, more than 30 Turkish troopships and landing craft, protected by destroyers, offloaded 6000 troops, along with tanks and trucks, at Kyrenia. Hundreds of paratroops were dropped around Nicosia and in the mountains between the capital and Kyrenia. Ecevit announced that he had sent the troops into Cyprus for peace not war, that the aim was not to invade Cyprus but to end an invasion. In Cyprus, Denktash said the landing was a limited action, directed against the Greek junta, not Greek Cypriots. Sampson had made scant military preparations to repel the Turks. It was as if he didn’t expect them to come in. The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, controlled by his regime, had told the public that the rumours of an invasion were irresponsible, and that they need not worry. The Cyprus Secret Service was in disarray, since many of its members, including its leader, had gone into hiding to avoid being captured by the coupists. National Guard camps in the area had all been moved to Nicosia, Limassol and Paphos, for operations against pro- Makarios forces. Only on 19 July did Sampson begin to move tanks and troops north to face the Turks. Then, in a desperate attempt to muster defences, he freed 10,000 loyalists arrested by his men. After bitter fighting with Greek-Cypriot forces, the Turkish paratroops joined up with Turkish-Cypriot fighters guarding the fortress of St Hilarion and the 650-man Turkish contingent based just north of the capital, in an attempt to secure the Kyrenia-Nicosia road. AKEL, the communist movement, claimed that Greek Cypriots had been betrayed by the Greek National Guard, because when radar screens showed the Turks approaching, some officers called for defence plans to be put into action, but no measures were taken. (these are to see that Turkey NATO and US is the enemy of Cyprus and not the Kurds)

Jens Holm

Very good and relative short version of the military part.

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