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MARCH 2025

YPG Declares Full Control Over Eastern Deir Ezzor Countryside During Meeting With Russian Officers

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YPG Declares Full Control Over Eastern Deir Ezzor Countryside During Meeting With Russian Officers

On Sunday, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) announced in an official statement that was read by its spokesman Nori Mahmoud that the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have fully liberated the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside from ISIS.

The YPG also thanked the US-led coalition and the Russian Army for supporting its military operation against ISIS in Deir Ezzor governorate.

“After heroic resistance by the People Protection Units in cooperation with the Arabic clans of the region, and having eliminated the terror of Daesh [ISIS], the countryside of Deir ez-Zor east of the Euphrates has fully been liberated supported by the Russian forces in Syria and the US-led global coalition,” The YPG official statement said.

In the same time, Sîpan Hemo the leader of the YPG met with high ranking officers of the Russian Armed Forces, including the commander of the Russian Hmeimim airbase. During the meeting, Hemo called the US and Russian to be the guarantors of any future “peaceful democratic” political solution in Syria.

“We also call the world powers, especially the United States and the Russian Federation to be guarantors of the peaceful and democratic solutions in the Syrian future and the protection of the liberated areas till our people recover and reach the self-defense level,” Hemo said during the meeting.

The YPG leader also announced that the YPG is ready to establish a joint operation room with its partners (a hint to Russia and US) in order to eliminate ISIS threat completely.

“We declare our readiness to form joint operation rooms with our partners in the war against IS to increase the momentum of this coordination and eliminate this terror completely,” Hemo said.

Kurdish news outlets didn’t report any statement by the Russian officers. However, many sources described the meeting as “positives”.

The recent months have witnessed an increase of tension between the SDF and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). The tension reached a dangerous level when the SDF captured the strategic Omar oil fields in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside. Many hostile statements were made by the both sides.

While the Russian-YPG meeting will ease the tension between the YPG and the SAA for sure, it is highly unlikely that it will solve the problems between the sides. It’s not likely that the YPG is not ready to give up on any of its recent gains. Another reason is that the Damascus government view the YPG relationship with the US as a threat to Syria.

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Poor Syrians. Betryaed by Russia, Syrians, kurds, …. Only Iran is syrians friends.

Daniel Castro

Stop being such drama queen!

So, russians actually took the time to go there and meet kurds, what do you expect? Do you want more war? There are people’s lives at stake here, an judging by the ammouth of suport the kurds have from the zionists it would be a war far worse than fighting ISIS, if russian can manage to make the jurds negotiate and retreat to their areas offering them some advantages it would be much better than wasting some 200.000 more syrian lives in a war USA and Israel so desesperately want to happen.


Come on. Syrians kurds are 2% of the population. They have grabbed half of Syria. Where are the weapons for the SAA ????

When you don’t have good allies, it’s difficult to keep what you have.


They have grabbed big part of Syria only because US – ISIS agreement. Therefore SAA with heavy armanent had more slow advance in compare to SDF with light armananent.


Russia didn’t give modern weapons to Syria. Syrians sunnis are just a bunch of garbage that destriyed their countries because they are shit. kurds are f…. traitors.

So, a lot of very bad moves that led to this mess.


T-90A, BTR-82A, for example, is not modern weapons?


After the war begin. I talk about S-300, S-400. Su-35, … Why israel have F-35 ???

A lot of bad moves.


F-35 that has been destroyed by Syrian S-200?))) Syria has pilots trained for new SUs?


It was not destroyed by S200’s Lex , it was destroyed by a Stork that intercepted it :)


If Syria will have S-400, all Israel jets will grounded. That will act of war. Do you have new war? Russia takes into account all interest in area.


Act of war or act of peace ?????


Blocking of another country jets is act of war.


It’s an act of peace !!!!! So, if Russia is building S-400, it’s an act of war towards USA !!!! XD


S-400 built for defence of Russian jets and air base to avoid any misconceptions from US friends)


So it’s an act of peace. If you block israel jet in ground, they can’t terrorise the syrian people.

Solomon Krupacek

syria had already in he past modrn weapons. despite them lost wars. also lost mig-25 so, taht israel took it. from that time russians never gave them first class technology.


First class technology needs first class local staff. Is it possible during real war?

Solomon Krupacek

look, syria, egypt had russian weapons, also teachers. but arabs are simply fool. You can see this in all their countries.


All these coutries (+Lybia) are subject to aggression from West and its middle-east allies.Weapons is not sufficient and not only mean for protection. Arab spring has been directed from outside.

Solomon Krupacek

i wrote about past. 1960-1980.


The US F35 is a liability Serious.

Solomon Krupacek

30-40 years old weapons.


BUT weapons that have kept working in the harsh conditions of desert warfare with minimal maintenance facilities , whilst the fancy US weapons have not.

Solomon Krupacek



They worked though and the demise of the US/Israeli proxy terrorists is proof of that. I have often used AK47’s and 74’s and I can assure you that in mud, sand and snow they give confidence that they will work. Many Western assault rifles to not give such confidence in those conditions.

Solomon Krupacek

Ak is another category. it is resistent weapon, but not precise.

i am talking about old vehicles now.


How old do you think the AK 47 design is Solomon ? As for the T55’s, the German Leopard tanks of the Turkish army were destroyed easily and the Houthis in Yemen have destroyed many modern US tanks.

An advantage of older Russian equipment is that it takes less training to operate , especially in artillery and armoured units where the manpower is often not familiar with new technology. The Syrian National Defence Forces are in this category. Its better to have an old tank that works and is easy to maintain than no tank at all.

Solomon Krupacek

fuck your mither! i am talkijng aboput shitty tanks, stick your ak in your asshole!


Exactly. On of main requrements from India, for example, was maintanable in real operations. Main Engine ca be replaced in field for some hours.

Gregory Louis

The T-90 is a 40 year weapon even though it was developed in the 90’s that’s news to me if you say that then M1 Abrams in general should be about 100 is that right? Even skipping over other tech Russia has given them shit look at the ISIS Hunters gear that itself is modern equipment let alone ATGM’s, tanks, and rifles

Solomon Krupacek

cretino, t-90is almost 30, btr85 almost40. understiood, basstardo?

Gregory Louis

When was the A model produced and exported…..?

Gregory Louis

That doesn’t make it capable in modern terms lol wtf…like the Hind helicopter…look at old it is and it’s still the best gunship in the world


T-90C (export type of T-90A) manufactured from 2001 for India to against T-80 got Pakistan from Ukraine. BTR-82A is manufacturing from 2013. Both are deep modernized vehicle (it is normal for military industry). When start of producing US M1 was? Why Germany modernizes its Leopard (“old” vehicle)?


Leonard1 or Leonardo?



Solomon Krupacek

modenized, modernized… but sill olda base. the t-90 was never par excellant category.


US M1 is better? Especially against very old Soviet grenade launcher RPG-7, that destroys it at side easily! After that US M1s never advanced without marine corps support in Iraq.

Solomon Krupacek

the 2nd and 3rd generations are better. and the question of armor is only one technical feature. there are dozens of parameters, and the complex view is good.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/844d6db4aa7b5c0501e1c72c60c6d01c9a7c489ef699e8e7ca4a8764c69a68a8.jpg You mean that technical features as in Iraq (photo with sandbags on sides)?

Daniel Castro


They have military control of the eastern bank, that’s the reality, if they can hold this is a completely different subject. Russians want to cut a deal to avoid more bloodshed, you don’t know how would this deal work, and neither do I, so stop whining.


At last the voice of reason Daniel. Well said.

I suspect that the ‘nay sayers’ here all secretly hope for a US/Israeli victory in Syria and this article has flushed them out properly.

The aim of the US was to control the Iraqi Border crossing on the Euphrates . The US failed and this was largely due to the SAA not being bogged down on the Eastern banks .

The Kurds will soon accept the reality that the forces against Kurdish sovereignty are too powerful and with Turkey in the middle, long term suicide.


Syrians, get rid of turds. They are not Syrians and will create a lot of trouble. Arabs with Arabs, kurds with kurds.


YPG wants “démocracy” but who voted for you ??? XD.

Get rid of these scums ASAP.


Elections, second turn, were held yesterday. Over 16 parties participated. Regional elections soon. No parties were forbidden, unlike the fake Baath elections.


Elections is rigged. Can a pro-palestinian US president be elected ??? XD.

I know very well about these fake election precesses. First, get ird of opposition, second make “elections” with chosen candidates. XD.

And yes, one party was forbidden : the baath party. XD.

Fake elections, fake democracy.


Is there any REAL democracy on this planet?


Americans have corrupted everyone and have destroyed democracy.

Christopher Simpson

Democracy alone is no solution, and can in it’s possible knee-jerk perfection also be undesirable. As the greek philosophers of the state realised a few thousand years ago, their is always a mixture of state power holding forms – oligarchy for example, is as alive and kicking as way back then, and with Trump the American voters got a fair bit of plutocracylplutocracyl into the bargain. In the background unbeknown to many of those demonstrating their ballot held power, there is a “security” and surveillance industry with push button battlefield holocaust technology in its wings . This crazy military rule o’er many states and o’er geopolitics is seemingly undemocratic and manifests its wide reach in the as yet undeclared Empire of Pentagonia, whose real decision makers sit almost in the shadows.


I do not agree and do believe democracy can be possible in small countries. Big countries should split up into smaller, better governed entities


Correct description of Baath elections.

Were kurdish parties taking part in Baath elections? Was PYD allowed? The Syriac parties?


kurds are not syrians. Theu are just refugees from Iran.

Wagner schmit

You are not Syrian just a retard troll claming shit from mommy basement.

Deo Cass

The majority Arab indigenous inhabitants of the US/Kurdish invaded and occupied areas who were ethncally cleansed from their homes and cities were not allowed to vote. Nor did the Baath party, the Syroan Communist part, the Syrian Patriotic Front party, being all forbidden from taking part in the US pseudo elections. Only Western colonial foreign Kurdish settlers and invaders and ISIS family members turned SDF were allowed to vote. The vote was a compete farce. On the contrary the vote held in the government controlled regions where 65% of native Syrian’s live was supervised by independent foreign election monitors from 50 countries including the US and tbe UK and declared fraud free. The resilts were conforned with the Baath party winning the elections by 65% and the opposition parties garnering 35% of the vote. However a unity government was formed which is tge one we have in Damascus today.


Assad has 70% approval in Syria. CIA says that it was a big problem that Assad was supported by his people.


If YPG are real syrians ask them for the golan height.


There is no election or “democracy”. Syrians must retake their lands from thieves.


After the “democracy”, americans and israelis take ovber the medias and who can be elected.

There is no democracy. Syrians vote for Assad and ask him to retake the stolen lands.

Frank Behrens

Yeah, and Assad was so nice to vote for them, so that no Syrian ever as to bother how , when and were they have to make their cross on the ballots. That´s what I call public service at it´s best ! Thumps up..


How’s the weather in Tel-Aviv, Shlomo?

Frank Behrens

yawwwnn..getting tiresome. The next would-be-rigthy using a german name..

All right, Mr. Right: not so mature answer: hey, ask your mother, she´s there in her kittchen making matze-balle. more mature answer: err, use google? https://www.accuweather.com/en/il/tel-aviv/215854/weather-forecast/215854

And trust me…I am not that shlomo often.


Want to place a bet when the children of Assad start to get high positions?

Frank Behrens

UUuh, depends on which age you are an adult under syrian laws? So my guess would be around the age of 18. But might be, that the civil war changed such habits…

Deo Cass

The betrayal of the Syrian government by Russia is now confirmed. Russia did not carry out airstrikes on the Easrern banks of the Euphrates river to help the Syrian government forces but to aid the illegal foreign Kurdish invasion and occupation forces according to a back stabbing plan behind the Syrian government’s back to hand over 35% of Syrian sovereign land and 80% of Syria’s oil, gas and water resources to its Western colonial imperialist “partners” in return for some behind the scenes promise that Crimea would be recognized as part of Russia. Russia has lost all honour and respect and deserves to lose Southern Ukrain and Crimea for betraying Syria and bargaining with the Zionist enemy Syria’s sovereign territory. Long gone are the days when the Soviet Union used to stand up to its allies and defend them from Western Colonial imperialist aggressions. Now we have Russia, another miserable Western vassal state pretending to be principled and independent while in fact being another miserable croney of the international bankster mafia organization.


Exactly. No way Russia can win like that. After loosing all his friends, Russia will remain alone and be a piece of cake for USA.

Deo Cass

Probably it already is and is playing the role of the victim in this hollywood drama.


Hollywood drama with real deads.

Deo Cass

Exactly. Its greatest loss was China. China was leaning steadily towards Russia and hope was on the horzon for humanity that a Sino/Russian alliance could be formed to contain the US/Zionist tyranny. But then came the US aggression on Syria by the US while Chinese president Chi was in the US. Russia did nothing in that occation sending a clear nessage to President Chi that he was forging an alliance with a spinless power. From then on China started abstaining from any Russian secutity council vote instead of voting with Russia as before.


Nonsense. The only ‘spineless’ reaction there was chinese. They did almost nothing to help Syria. It’s beyond idiocy to blame Russia for Chinese cowardice.


China cares hoots about Israël and Palestinians. And right they are.


US has Indigestion from desire only above cake.


Syria will retake their entire territory with or without Russia. You forgotten another two of their ally which is Iran and Iraq and common interest with Turkey. Iran wouldn’t be moving it’s muscle sure but arms supplies and technical advisor would helped them. Furthermore Iraq wouldn’t be an enemy that US would want to have again else they shred whatever credibility if they still had any. Sign of crumbling domestic economy and military overstretch as well as their increasing blunder in geopolitical realm is very real by the time.

You can call me Al


Solomon Krupacek

like golan


“With or without Russia”,, sorry but without Russia, now Syria wouldn’t exist anymore.

But times are good: CHINA wants to send Special Forces near the Russians “to fight against Uigurs in ISIS”. Yeah, sure.. To have after that something to say and to show IRAN that they are together with the Russians IF the “Big-Bang”, “The Super-Bowl” comes. (Special Forces, accompanied by Chinese Navy, 6th generation Stealth- fighters, missiles-systems… “just a small group” :-)))) The 3 israeli F-35 are as good as shot-down…… And the Chinese are known to shoot on everything that doesn’t look like the official ALLIES: in this case Syrian Army, Russians, Iranians, Hezbollah and some Iraki fractions. The rest, including USA, YPG, Turkey, “Free CIA Army” and all the fake-rebels there… shall take care, not to point a weapon on the Chinese :-))


In such scenario Russia would only be responsible to fend off US direct intervention against Assad forces. Sure they’d label the irregular militia loyalist as Iran proxy but their support in the region would keep shrinking while the axis of resistance get more solidified and coordinated as well as battle hardened. They’d think such quagmire can’t be worse than Afghanistan. They are wrong.

Solomon Krupacek

china OFFICIALLY denies, thstthex seng troops on syria

You can call me Al

The US warned the Russians that if they venture into the East = war….but please wait and watch. Keep the faith.


A bit over the top, don’t you think ?

Frank Behrens

Russia is not vassal of the West. It is, like the all states, a vassel to the allmighty Dark Society (which controls the , via the Zionists and Rothschilds (mere puppets), the international finance industry).


It is called – Realpolitik…

Jonathan Cohen


Langaniso Mhlobo

Bucking back stabbing Russian that is why their delayed operation against ISIS until SDF and ISIS took over Omar oil field.Russia recorded escaping ISIS from AlBukamal but never hit them.

Russian are having oil shares with Kurds in Syria and Irak.Never trust Putin and Lavrov.Let fat buck Trump screw them.

You can call me Al

Idiot. The operations are carried out by the SDF, not the YDF; this is all BS……..watch them retreat back home shortly.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Hi son is there no elders at your house go call your parent idiot rubbish.

Gregory Louis

That entire statement made no sense 1. Russian Strategic Bombers made bombing runs around that city daily for a long time, even before the operation commenced 2. Even if ISIS retreated from that city where could they go more desert i don’t understand wtf you’re on about 3. How would Russia have oil shares with someone whos not even their ally, who’s also in the same governate be benefical 4. SDF made deal with ISIS to take those oil fields which is why clashes where not observed their Case in point previous reply stands you are an IDIOT

Langaniso Mhlobo

Opportunist never let go any chance go ahead thinking I will insult you as a senior citizen. Sorry keep your devilish unreasonable talks knowing nothing of war but terrorising,looting and hit and run.

Gregory Louis

I guess you can’t read cause I already debunked you as a crazed lunatic who only spouts nonsense

Langaniso Mhlobo

I don’t argue with imperialist rubbish children of NATO and USA.Go and create wzr and tribal division.Foolish child thing albino skin safes you or make you special.

Gregory Louis

First off I wasn’t born in the USA or in a NATO country…second I’m black….third I’m Haitian so idk art you’re on about…fourth once AGAIN you proves me right in that you just spew nonsense

Langaniso Mhlobo

Tsunami refugee begging on the street corners.Surviving from hard in tax money of white people.Bloody drug dealer.

Gregory Louis

So first I’m a white pigskin then I’m a refugee lol the retardation is strong in this one ?…..and who’s saying I live in a white country…you know why cause I don’t

Langaniso Mhlobo

Black people belong to Africa.The rest went abroad through slavery or are illegal immigrants refugees through coups.Come home to Africa and get a big tree and make Ness. The worst racist people are black people if their start learning white languages their start oppressing fellow blacks.If their marry a white lady their belief their white and start money laundering.The bible says there is no light in darkness.

By the way what happened to your president.Wait until you are invited to a discussions don’t jump in like a big hungry fly.Comeback and rebuild Africa.Leave white people Arabs and Muslims in peace.Even the water doesnt Want you in Haiti.

What are you doing there or are you on campaign of blacks matters to be recognized as full illegal imigrant on loan by Trump.My son Africa has lot of tree’s come back home.

Gregory Louis

You dont even know history we have been independent since 1804 slavery wasn’t ended in America till 1865, when we declared indepdence France wanted it’s gold back so our economy was put at a standstill plus we had numerous embargoes on us which is why the Germans in ww1 used our ports, the US also invaded us in the early 1900s later till this day they’ve done everything in their power to halt our country from the 1994 coup staged by the US to spreading diseases and stealing our products…dude don’t discuss a topic on Southfront you have no knowledge on lol go back to Africa why so our leaders who advance us like Gadaffhi are killed by a mob made by Europeans ok kid

Langaniso Mhlobo

Haiti existence generated from blacks who were dumped there after resisting their boses.

Human rights inputs have help blackS to know their rights.This organisation were formed by whites,Indians,Muslims and Arabs to help blacks.

Bottom line is as long as you black man you are African.Evacuate white mens land peacefully my black fly.Fly back to our trees in Africa.Or are you asylum seeker.

We need manpower in Africa come back home my grant son.Knowing and learning English doesn’t mean run away to white countries. Stop lying there is no single city which us blacks have built.But we have served as labourers yes.

Gregory Louis

Once again you dont know History that land belonged to Native people who already lived there us and them had an alliance of sorts before there population was completely wiped clean by the diseases whites carried over, and we speak French btw I’m also plentiful in others such as German as well. “no single city which us blacks have built” but yet Haiti bulit dozens of cities themselves even if there aren’t the best out there we built them wtf are you on about there’s a 1% “white” population in Haiti so yea and we owned the whole island 40 years before the D.R. split from us, we as a people and Africans have a different mindset too we where revolutionaries the only country I can think of is Ethiopia we where the second independent Black nation in the New World we helped Colombia, Venezuela, Chile etc. gain their independence as well and as a stated previously learn history before you say shit on SouthFront you’ll seem less ignorant

Langaniso Mhlobo

If you blame the white man for your existence there then I will agree.Because all the blacks who came to know their right through human rights organizations were dump on Island’s to starve to death.But yet again whites,Indians, Arabs and Muslims start forming help forming human rights organizations to help black slaves.

Stop spreading fabricated propaganda.We blacks doesn’t have a army to rescue or protect other country.The only tool that we have is to talk,write negotiate to bring other opposing or opposite part to sense.Stopping blaming our black failure on whites.Don’t bite the hand which is feeding you.

After we blacks gain independence in various countries like in your case which were can’t reverse our black leaders start building mansions for them and family instead of helping the very same one’s who voted them.African countries like Ethopia and Eritrea,people are starving vultures are eating starving people.

What happened to the money which Americans,Europeans,Arabs and Muslims have send for development purposes.Hidden in mansions,put in overseas accounts while we are still staying in sacks.Be thankful that I am having a source which I picked up at a dumping site and rebuild to communicate to you.


He likely will once you have taken your anxiety pills.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Please send me some pills because my medical bill is exhausted by old people complication.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Raising a terrorist YPG flag along Russian flag in a sovereign Syrian territory.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Unfortunately no cooperation or peace between terror organizations YPG=SDF and Arab State Syria.Turkey and Syrian Government will sort out those traitors with Iran and Hezbollah.Let Putin and Lavrov take their oil container S-400 shield and fuckoff to Crimea.We’re fat fuck Trump will control them.


Overreacting, much? Russia always maintained decent relations with Kurds, they can be useful to Russia if Turkey betray again (and you can never trust Turkey). It’s a game of chess, not ‘russian roulette’.


Exactly my thought. So far only 5 countries in the world have consistant long term strategic view. These 5 countries don’t play the game of short term deal making: 1-Russia (Consistant) 2-China (stays the course) 3-Iran (stays the course no matter what) 4-Syria (could have abdicated to Saudi and Israel a long time ago, but stayed loyal to the palestinian cause) 5-North Korea ( Totally sovereign )

They also happen to be considered the biggest threat to the US

You can call me Al

I so want to agree with you 100%, but regards your No. 2 “China (stays the course)”, I just no longer have that staunch or strong, good feel about them and I have no reason nor further argument to explain why.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Thank you.


Russia and Syria with Iran ,Hezzbollah, Palestinians and all other allies, even Turkey, are looking for an enduring peace , not chaos. For that to succeed terrorism has to stop and for terrorism to end the US coalition will be obliged to go away. Diplomacy and reality with face saving measures will in time achieve that.

The alternative is an Afghanistan scenario where the US has been bogged down for 16+ years in an unwinnable war that the US people do not want to fight anymore , that has cost the US taxpayer vast amounts of treasure because the US does not want to be seen as losing as she did in Vietnam.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Very right but USA will never stop using Kurds as and excuse to split Syrian division. Russia kick in for every USA demand for exchange deals.


First paragraph is nonsense, though I agree with the second paragraph. Difference is that in the PYD and allies the US has a grass root partner with a huge and experienced militia. The costs to US, financially , politically and militarilly are minimal.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Very true but this superpower actions are complicating things on ground.One absorbed all terrorist and the other one make friends.


A major issue of the US ‘absorbing terrorists’ into other groups their proxies is the fact that terrorists by nature have little loyalty to anyone but themselves.

World terrorist gangs today are a mirror examples of what the USA has become. A nation ruled by oligarchs who will cheat, lie and murder to achieve their venal personal goals, with help from insane criminals as their paid foot soldiers.

John Trudgian

Russia has successfully integrated military and diplomatic endeavours. That cannot be said of the US – they will forever be playing catch-up. In this instance Russia can respond immediately to the Kurdish offer. I doubt the US will be able to respond for weeks. I believe Tillerson is honourable and wishes to have “normal” diplomatic relations with Russia, but he is not allowed to be effective.

You can call me Al

“It’s not likely that the YPG is not ready to give up “…. one “not” too many SF in my view.


Doloroso retweets a movie of a nighttime convoy in Rojava. Seems like all SDF designated supplies are pushed into Rojava before ending large scala resupply of SDF.

After ending supplying offensive arms, can one expect the US to start supplying defensive arms like ATG’s and manpads?


Wait until ISIS completely defeated ,Syrians under Assad will demand all land returned to Syria.

Russia owes as much to Syrians as Syrians owed to Russia don’t forget that.

Solomon Krupacek

putin today again told, syria is freed, no fight further.


Of course Russia is being diplomatic and is not an enemy of the Kurds. You have to give credit to Putin for that.

It is well understood, in the negotiation a United Syria will arise and all become one again .

Kurds will return home as other Syrians will too.

Federalisation is out of the question and any gain will be the gain of Syria as a whole.

That I believe will be the outcome and Assad will take part in the election and Syrians will decide.

The problem is the opposition cannot win in any election just as US coalition partners know very well.

So just watch what I think will be the outcome

Solomon Krupacek

aha, diplomatic.

we call this betray.


Sorry disagree . Currently there is no real battle between SAA and YPG . Both are fighting terrorists .

Aim by all sides are to rid of terrorists supported by your friends.

When that is over , Russia shall be the mediator between all parties without your friends US coalition.

Capturing an area does not mean you are entitled to it only immature guys think.

Aim is a United Syria as before and the winner has said no federalisation .

So everyone goes home So I call this diplomacy by Putin which surely it erks you to your bones.

Sometimes face the truth, your side is a downright failure AS USUAL


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