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Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant Under Fire

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The Kiev regime continues provocations, threatening the world with a nuclear catastrophe at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

On August 27, two attacks by artillery units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the territory of the nuclear power plant were recorded. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, a total of 9 shells have been fired, 3 of which hit the area near the Special Building No 2, where TVEL’s fresh nuclear fuel and solid radioactive waste are stored.

As a result of the first attack, the pipeline was damaged by shrapnel. As a result of the second attack, one shell fell in the area of the 6th power unit, and five others – opposite the sixth block pumping station, which provides cooling of this reactor.

The shelling of the nuclear power plant by Ukrainian artillery was conducted from their positions in Maryevka in the Dnipropetrovsk region. The AFU use foreign equipment for attacks on the plant, including US-made M777 howitzers. During the counter-battery struggle, the AFU units that fired at the NPP were suppressed by return fire.

“Currently, a full-time technical staff monitors the technical condition of the nuclear plant and ensures its operation. The radiation situation in the nuclear power plant area remains normal.” the report by the Russian Ministry of Defence reads.

A day before, The APU fired at the Zaporozhye NPP three times. A total of 17 shells were fired, 4 of which hit the roof of Special Building No 1, where 168 assemblies of US WestingHouse nuclear fuel are stored. 10 more shells exploded 30 metres from the dry storage facility for spent nuclear fuel and 3 more exploded near Special Building No 2, which houses TVEL’s fresh nuclear fuel storage unit and solid radioactive waste storage facility.

Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant Under Fire

Click to see full-size image

At the moment, the NPP works in normal mode but the authorities of the Russian-controlled part of the Zaporozhye region have worked out a plan to evacuate the population in case of accidents at the NPP, said the head of the military-civil administration of the region. Since July 18, the Zaporozhye NPP has been daily shelled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the right bank of the Dnieper.

Electricity from the fifth and sixth power units of the Zaporozhye NPP is supplied to both Russian-controlled and Ukrainian-controlled territories.

“The fifth and sixth power units are in operation. They are not working at full capacity. Electricity is supplied on both sides of the Dnieper,” the head of the local administration declared.

The Kiev regime tries its best to bring the Zaporozhie NPP out of operation. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have two ways to achieve their goal. The shelling is aimed to destroy a nuclear fuel storage facility or a nuclear waste storage facility in order to cause a nuclear disaster. They are also trying to disable the key components of the nuclear power plant, such as power lines, battery groups, electric generators, pumping stations, water supply and cooling system units of the NPP. Such damage can cause reactive uncontrolled processes and lead to a disaster that can surpass the Chernobyl and Fukushima catastrophes. Recall that the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant is the largest in Europe.


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Ukrainian Soldier talks about the irony of life during times of war https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/ukrainian-soldier-talks-about-the-irony-of-life-during-times-of-war_88rWw5kriumsoUk.html

(WARNING GRAPHIC) Gook Soldier Castrates Ukrainian POW https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/warning-graphic-gook-soldier-castrates-ukrainian-pow_vrkJSzukSDTbkvH.html

Mongol Sergeant of Russian Army slaps junior soldier https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/mongol-sergeant-of-russian-army-slaps-junior-soldier_cko4fdA7W9b3651.html

https://i.imgur.com/3MnZNCD.jpg “Now they are back again, the Huns; caricatures of human faces, anxious dreams that have become a reality, a slap in the face of all that is good… Allied with jungle creatures and the scum of the earth, but appropriate in the hands of the Eternal jew, the master of organized mass murder; camouflaged only for the stupid in civilian dress.”

https://holodomorfacts.wordpress.com “I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,” Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs. “Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?” he asked. “Exactly” replied Lenin. “Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.” — Orlando Figes, A People’s Tragedy, Penguin Books, 1997, pp.732-733

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans

Holodomar = Stalin = Georgian

Russian soldiers castrating ukronazis? Finally. After being abused, castrated and tortured for months, now they are reacting.

Why don’t you write about the crimes of the ukronazis? Starting with their use of civilians as human shields.


Thanks for proving my point. You’re a braindead, anti-white commie that cannot distinguish reality from the lies you swallow. You are proving your savagery to the world. *clap clap clap*


That was a fake video.


The video is uncensored, was it a dildo? Let me guess, you assume the scores of other videos are false, only as long as the “Russians” from Asia *cough cough* are doing something wrong.

Both sides occasionally film themselves committing war crimes, I am sure they are both inspired by the Soviet method of military deception for the purpose of propaganda. Both sides are behaving like barbarians.

Meanwhile, there are several other videos from before 2022 that look so obviously fake. From imprisoning people in kennels, hanging dummies from a rope, burying people up to their necks, and visiting public schools to teach brainwash the kids into thinking Russians are animals.

By contrast, the Soviet Union manufactured the most widespread atrocity propaganda in history, much has since been disproven, or deemed uncredible due to lack of evidence.

I am sure you will claim that the Russians bombing a shopping mall was “faked” too, as with the children’s hospitals and subterranean transit stations, all of which the Russians claimed were housing soldiers and ammunition.

I suppose this is where the claim of Ukraine using civilians as shields comes from?

They said only Ukraine uses the Tochka-U ballistic missile, yet it has since been confirmed that Russia has deployed the very same missile system to Ukraine and previously showcased them in military parades. Then Russian media acts surprised when Ukraine targets Russian infrastructure and industry.

Russian media insists it did not bomb Ukrainian cities to rubble, it actually blames Ukraine. Even Mariupol was unscathed before the invasion started in February. Yup, Ukraine did all of that didn’t they? Just to make it look like the Russians did it.

Meanwhile Russian and Belarus’ media claimed Poland committed a holocaust against 2,500 Muslim migrants last year, this was after Russia and Belarus had flown these “refugees” in from Iraq and Syria for the sole purpose of sending them across the border into Poland.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans

Not to mention that Russia is also no stranger to crafting atrocity propaganda of their own, they are an accomplice in creating the biggest lie in history (the holocaust).

The fact you avoid the subject matter like the plague, deeming historical revisionism on WW2 and the holocaust as fraudulent, is undoubtedly a cowardly display of servitude.

If the narrative were really true, it wouldn’t need protection from scrutiny.

There would be no laws banning discussion of the subject in 20 countries worldwide, both sides would be equally presented. Instead all you have is a cult of death and a new Inquisition to sniff out apostates who question the new religion.

WW2 and the holocaust are indeed New Age religions, and to question them is deemed an unpardonable sin analogous to blasphemy.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have censored any facts on the subject that have since come out exposing the widely disseminated lies about the war.


Holodomor was Lenin and the Troskyite Jews. Stalin actually reversed much of the stupidity that caused the Holodomor to occur. Stalin let the farmers have their own plots and grow their own products.


Information unearthed from the Russian archives in the 1990s revealed the Katyn forest massacre was carried out by the NKVD. When Germany excavated the graves in 1943, the Soviets framed Germany. Descriptions of how the crematoriums and gas chambers operated in the German Stalags (concentration camps) defy logic.

Intro: https://archive.ph/1RE3U

Stalin’s War of Extermination: https://archive.org/details/stwxt/

An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account: The Tall Tales of Dr. Mengele’s Assistant Analyzed https://castlehill.shop/product/an-auschwitz-doctors-eyewitness-account-the-tall-tales-of-dr-mengeles-assistant-analyzed/

Curated Lies—The Auschwitz Museum’s Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions https://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1011

False Documents Used As “Evidence” At Nuremberg: https://odysee.com/@didi18:e/CarlosWhitlockPorter-MadeInRussiaTheHolocaust:0

Fred Leuchter Report: https://odysee.com/@Fashbird2814:7/The-Second-Leuchter-Report:0

Holocaust Stories Versus Science: How Does Open Air Cremation Work? https://odysee.com/@Fashbird2814:7/NHolocaust-Stories-Versus-Science-How-Does-Open-Air-Cremation-Work-(documentary-Film):7

Cremation technology and the Holocaust: https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/avof-37-cremation-technology-and-the-holocaust_188qepFXHvlZZU6.html

Germar Rudolf: The Chemistry of Auschwitz—Buna Rubber, Zyklon B, Prussian Blue and the Gas Chambers:

Description: https://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1014 Video: https://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/ChemistryOfAuschwitz-5th-hb27.mp4

Stalin’s Jews: https://i.imgur.com/j39lfoF.jpg https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html

The rehabilitation of Stalin does not withstand scrutiny, unless you are a brainwashed Ivan that was never allowed to think for himself. You are not looking at facts, you hold a confirmation bias catered to what you want to believe as opposed to the hideous truth of the matter you are unwilling to accept.

Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin all committed genocides of their own. Stalin’s genocides exceeded the mass murders committed by the First Bolshevik government.

The holodomor of 1932 on the other hand was the result of Stalin’s Jews confiscating all their grain, I blame the jews because they organized the Bolshevik revolution and were in charge of the NKVD that ran the death camps. Jews remained disproportionately represented in the Soviet bureaucracy before and after Stalin’s death, the myth of Stalin’s antisemitism is laughable.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans
poked mole

nazi poko molo inferior kansas hillbilly—trolling for new bf—husband divorced senile moron in 1967


Stalin’s homoeroticism: https://youtu.be/8H_y5YRwJEs

I’m not the one who glosses over bad things America did, no American does. And surprise, surprise! I’m not an American. You fail to understand that jews control the world, Russia and America included.

You meanwhile excuse all your side’s crimes and celebrate them like the psychopaths you are. All evidence proving you wrong are things you idiotically assume are lies, no matter the evidence presented. It is no different than claiming the sky looks green when it really looks blue.

You lack the capacity for critical thinking and idiotically assume that anything exposing the war crimes of the Masonic allied powers (Soviet Union, USA, UK) is false information, no matter the evidence presented.

You are the mirror image of the atrocity propaganda you believe about National Socialist Germany, the only difference is you behave like a retarded child and totally lacking any self-awareness due to your general lack of education and ignorance of the world outside of your backyard shithole.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans
V for Victory

What’s precisely the mental illnes you’ve got, ‘Hans’?


You call me inferior when I am more intelligent. You call all westerners “racists” no matter what they do or say. You will awaken the latent “racists” in all of us out of the sheer will to survive. Because you are mentally retarded and can only figure anything out when you live in fear of retribution.

You believe the Soviet Union was attacked unprovoked in spite of the massive military buildup. You pretend that the Soviet Union did not mass murder of tens of millions of Russians, Ukrainians and many others.

Then you have the gall to blame the Germans for things they didn’t do, especially there is no evidence to prove they ever holocausted millions of jews and Slavs.

Meanwhile the Soviet Union had done exactly that under the jewish controlled NKVD. The Soviets even framed Germany for crimes the NKVD committed. Putin admitted his father served in the NKVD which means he was involved in mass murder himself.

Now the Russian Federation continues on that legacy by committing war crimes and blaming them on Ukraine, they have forever ruined their relationship with Ukraine and many other east European countries.

Since you cannot understand the jewish problem, you will not understand any of the nuances of the subject. All you do is exhibit broken English together with an IQ no higher than 70. This IQ is commonplace throughout Africa, an IQ lower than 74 is deemed mentally retarded.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans

Funny that is exactly how I feel about Western Europe and the USA, just a bunch of fools run by Jews who have hordes of foreigners running roughshod over everyone and everything.


You fail to understand eastern Europe is being subject to the same process.

Russian army plagued with sex slavery and male prostitution https://english.pravda.ru/society/87441-army_prostitute/

Photographs: https://i.imgur.com/LLzyZHJ.jpg

Russia’s jewish oligarchs: https://t.me/visegradball/283101

Russia ranks third place in the world for opiate addiction, has a higher abortion rate than any EU country, more STDs than any EU country, and won’t outlaw bestiality: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2022/06/12/russia-is-nigeria-with-snow/

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans

Facts about Vladimir Putin: https://t.me/omgbasedrussia/41

[Forwarded from Eternal Muscovite 🇷🇺=☭=✡️]

[ Photo ]

>Bans nationalism in Russia

>Destroys the Russian right wing

>Bans criticism of Islam

>Bans criticism of the government

>Makes it illegal to call the war in Ukraine a war (15 years in prison)

>Makes it illegal to talk about Soviet War Crimes like the Katyn forest massacre

>Says the fall of the USSR was the worst thing in history

>Supports BLM

>Supports China

>Supports the WEF

>Supports Oligarchs

>Highest AIDS rate in all of Europe

>Country is literally Somalia but with snow

What do you think about that?

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans

Russia is filling up with shit skins. They have the largest Muslim population in Europe. It is not some moral conservative vestige, it is less than 75% white.

You must be living under a rock to think that shit. I can find you plenty of photos and videos of Russian girls whoring themselves out to the niggers and goat fuckers.

You probably assume that sodomites represent the core demographic in North America and Western Europe when they represent less than 2-4 % of the population. Probably lower due to the excessive queer propaganda targeting children and teenagers.

Ekaterinburg/Yekaterinburg is in the Russian Federation.


Ultra based school graduation in Ekaterinburg🏳‍🌈🎓



Eurasian Tranny Special🏳️‍⚧️: Ziggers/Ztards singing Russian🇷🇺national anthem at gay🏳️‍🌈club in Ekaterinburg, Russia

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans

If the Russians get intel telling them that the Kiev junta definitely are going to attack the Zaporozhye NPP, then they are fair game and could (should?) be taken out. Lunatics can not be allowed to be in charge, and anybody who even is contemplating an evil deed like this is without question a lunatic. But this is the way these “people,” these subhuman scum, actually are. They are not normal people but evil to the core, like demons. To kill millions of people in Ukraine and leave the country in ruins is not beyond them, but an actual possible outcome of their coming actions. Only problem for them is how to make absolutely sure that Putin and the Russians get the blame…

Censors KEEP OUT

What intel does Russia needs to dig? everyone can see that the ukroNATOnazis were shelling the Zaporezhye NPP on daily basis aiming to pollute the lost territory with radioactive poison, soon RF forces would regret their lame decision to spare Kiev of hypersonic retribution.


The Kiev junta and its Nato masters are hoping for Putin to lash out and do something drastic. The war is now something of a forgotten war. It is now longer headline news, and must therefore be brought back into people’s daily life again. It is that energy that the enemy wants, the energy of the masses is very powerful if you know how to harness it, which they do. So it is therefore good news for Putin that people in the west no longer care that much about the Ukraine. But going back to the question of what intel Russia needs. It needs to be intel like the intel Putin got a few days before he decided to intervene in the Donbass. It doesn’t matter what the worlds thinks if you know that the only option still available is to strike before the enemy does. That is the time when Putin will strike, and he will strike hard.

Jean Paul France



Why aren’t they fair game for attacking Donbass for eight years? Why aren’t they fair game for making all the opposition parties illegal? Why aren’t they fair game for codifying discrimination against ethnic Russians?

Last edited 2 years ago by Vanya

interesting how those cities were relatively intact before February 2022. Interesting how the Russian-speaking residents of Kharkiv slandered Russian soldiers who invaded their city in March and February, and telling them to go back to Russia.

“Russian” prisoners of war (the non-Russian ethnic minorities) were told they would be welcomed as heroes, instead the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians gave the Russians a hard time.


“All leading politicians pray for the reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple, which, according to Jewish prophecy, will be the throne room of the world government, ruled by a direct paternal descendant of the Davidic line.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans


7 years ago, Peskov denied the presence of Russian forces near eastern Ukraine, he keeps repeating that they are separatists and not Russian, so if they are not Russian, Russia cannot interfere there, he evades the questions of the British reporter, Years ago, the Russians told lies to the world to justify the invasion of Ukraine and the occupation of Crimea, and today they continue the same policy.

V for Victory

Hans, just another troll on steroid.


There hasn’t been a shell fired at the plant that wasn’t guided by American Intel.

Southfront resident nigha

Really, nigha? Is the nuclear power plant with all 6 reactors running around, hiding between the bushes and doing evading manevouers?

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

I quit performing at shoprite and currently I create $80h – $120h…how? I’m operating online! My work didn’t precisely make Maine happy thus i made a decision to require an opportunity on one thing new… when four years it had been so onerous to quit my day job however ;Zl’13} now I couldn’t be happier. Heres what I do……….𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐩𝐚𝐲𝟐𝟒.𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐭.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Last edited 2 years ago by Gloria

If the Kremlin would conduct a proper offensive with actual Russian soldiers they could push the Ukrop out of range. But the Kremlin has on numerous occasions arrogantly announced that after Mariupol it won’t storm cities. Instead handling the situation the Kremlin appeals to Western globalist organisations for assistance. Does anyone else find this situation to be insane?


Yes they could, but what would the cost be in human suffering? If Russia goes all in with its army, a hundred thousand ethnic Russians or more may be killed or maimed in the process. Why should Putin do that when he is winning the war by the tactic he is implementing at present? It doesn’t make sense. Patience is a virtue, and Putin knows that.


Could russia retaliate by depriving Ukraine of energy?


I suppose they could, but I don’t think Putin wants to harm the millions of ordinary people in Ukraine who already are finding life hard enough the way it is. Hopefully, these people are soon, when the SMO has been successful and liberated them from evil, going to be living in Russia as Russian citizens. They are his people, but many still haven’t understood that. But soon they will be happy again.

WT Baker

Russia is handling this crisis within a crisis correctly. Many are saying Russia should strike back targeting energy infrastructure. Russia will never do that. The world is finding out the true nature of this Wash.D.C-London-Brussels crime against humanity regardless of YOUTUBE censorship.

Last edited 2 years ago by WT Baker
Dick Von D'Astard

Every time Kyiv does this, it should suffer one days power cut for every shell fired.

Yu Suk

The comments on this fiction site are hilarious! Yo trolls, you can’t write in correct English by creating something in Russian and hitting ‘Translate’. Ёб твая мать!

Dick Von D'Astard

UK to run out of funds to help Ukraine by year-end – report The United Kingdom will run out of resources to provide assistance to Ukraine before year-end, the Sunday Times reported citing a source with the British Department of Defence.

The source also claimed the new government will have trouble supplying Kiev with weapons once Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s successor takes office.

In late June, the UK announced it will provide a further £1 billion in military support to Ukraine in addition to the £1.5billion of humanitarian and economic support provided to the country since February.

Florian Geyer

Slava Rossiya,


Perverts do not know to mind their business. Why are the Brutos(Britis) acting strangely ?

Yu Suk

Deleted already?! Ha ha ha……

Dick Von D'Astard

Defeated already?! Ha ha ha…


Estos ataques de los nazi-ukranianos a la planta nuclear es claramente por órdenes de USA-OTAN, quienes estarían encantados de provocar una catastrofe nuclear en Ukrania y culpara a Rusia de tal, pero el Mundo ya tiene bien identificados a los “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION”.

Max Schmidt

By now it’s pretty much Russia against the whole of NATO. And Russia is wining. Quite frankly “slowly” winning. But winning nevertheless.

Zelensky JEW you will DIE soon FAGGOT!

Dear President Putin, #1 fan from USSA here. Please for the love of FUCK take that JEW motherfucker out! PS…please liberate patriots from the USSA when finished vaporizing ukie JEW! Bring some nukes! Thank you! Team Putin for the win!


A dirty bomb is a spent fuel ⛽️ rod. Maybe 30 to 50 kg. These dry casts contain up to 10 tons of spent fuel. If the spent fuel ⛽️ of just one of these dry casts burn and you atomize the waste stream, you will release approximately 10 million curries of radiological waste 🗑 and create a dead zone half the size of Ukraine. That dead zone will be uninhabitable for the rest of the lifespan of this species. When this incident happens, the world will regret the day we did not nuke Kiev and DC in a pre-emptive strike. Kiev wanted nuclear weapons. Kiev now has a whole lot of them.


Hitting DC and Kiev will not make the world a safer place. To start with there will be some serious retaliation and then of course the dirty bombs you speak of will still be somewhere in Ukraine, when or where they will be used is anybody’s guess. The better option here is to continue on the path that has a proven track record and will lead to the liberation of Donbass and the rest of Novorussia. As long as the SMO is working we are on the right track. Lashing out is not a solution but a way to worsen the situation. A cool head and patience is the recipe for success.


primitive amerikans more desperate—-the moron rednecks like children—maybe monkey pox can improve their genetics

War Watcher 55

I can hardly believe, that someone would think the Russian’s would shell their own position, cause a nuclear disaster, ruin their war moral completely. Logic has left the planet.

Paul Citro

A reactor meltdown would be catastrophic not only for the Ukraine but for other countries as well. Negotiations should begin immediately to protect the facility. Meanwhile it should cease operations and all radioactive materials should be placed in secure locations.


Nuking Warsaw and Kiyev it is the only way to get out from this clusterfuck!!!

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