British soldiers with the Queen’s Royal Hussars conduct the Offensive Operations lane during the Strong Europe Tank Challenge, June 5, 2018. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)
On February 3, the Sudoplatov Battalion, manned by volunteers in the Zaporozhye Region, has announced a reward of 12 million rubles ($170,000) for each working Challenger 2, M1A2 Abrams or Leopard 2 main battle tank that gets captured within the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.
“The Sudoplatov battalion officially announces that it will pay 12 million rubles for each operational Leopard, Abrams or Challenger tank seized,” the battalion said on its Telegram channel.
The Sudoplatov Battalion is one of several pro-Russian volunteer formations which were formed after the start of the special military operation last year.
The reward came as Ukraine is preparing to receive dozens of Western-made main battle tanks from its allies. On January 14, the United Kingdom announced that it would provide 14 Challenger 2 tanks to the Kiev forces. Later on January 25, the United States announced its intention to send 31 Abrams tanks. On the same day, the German government confirmed that it would transfer 14 Leopard 2 tanks and issue re-export permission to other countries.
Earlier this week, Russian company Fores offered five million roubles ($72,000) in cash to the first soldiers who destroy or capture a Western-made tank in Ukraine. The Urals-based company, which makes proppants for the energy industry, also pledged to pay 500,000 roubles ($7,200) for all subsequent attacks.
The supply of Western-made tanks to Ukraine is meant to gear up Kiev forces for a large-scale offensive against the Russian military in the Spring.
Russia’s state tech corporation Rostec has already warned that existing Russian anti-tank missiles and shells are more than capable of destroying Western-made tanks, specifically the German Leopard 2.
Pro-Russian military Telegram channels are already sharing posters pointing out the weak points of Challenger 2, Abrams and Leopard 2 tanks.
Speaking at an event dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad, President Vladmir Putin said that Russia has more than just armored vehicles to respond to the threat posed by Western-made tanks.
“Those who are dragging European countries, including Germany, into another war against Russia, making especially irresponsible statements about it being a foregone conclusion, and seeking to defeat Russia on the battlefield, apparently, don’t understand that a modern war against Russia will be completely different for them. We aren’t sending tanks to their borders but we have something to respond with, and it won’t be just about using armored vehicles,” the president said.
All in all, it appears that the Russian military is preparing to launch a hunt for Western-made tanks in Ukraine. The failure of these tanks would be a major blow to the Kiev regime and its allies, who are trying to keep the conflict ongoing for as long as possible.
So the armed forces of the failed Ukrainian CIA project have the backing of the entire world except COBRA and SPECTRE as they face down the Russian drive to the Seine, and some time down the road they can possibly have some tanks. Does this look anything like what the Americans do when they care about the outcome: “Additionally, the C-5 transported outsized cargo including 155mm howitzers, 175mm cannons, M-60 and M-48 battle tanks, Sikorsky CH-53D helicopters, and McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk aircraft fuselages. No other USAF aircraft had that capability. NICKEL GRASS further constituted the first real test of the C-5 under wartime conditions.” https://amcmuseum.org/history/operation-nickel-grass/
“The United States is rushing about 25 F‐4 Phantom jets to Israel to replace some of the supersonic fighter‐bombers lost by the Israeli Air Force in the war, Administration officials said today.
The Administration has also informed members of Congress that it will replace all American‐built planes lost so far by the Israeli Air Force. This would include 50 A‐4 Skyhawk light attack bombers, which will be delivered later. Most of the 25 F‐4’s have reportedly arrived in Israel, ferried nonstop across the Atlantic and Mediterranean with in‐flight refueling by United States Air Force pilots, who on arrival change into civilian clothes and return on the nest supply flight out.” https://www.nytimes.com/1973/10/17/archives/us-rushing-25-phantom-jets-to-israel-replacing-some-lost-in-mideast.html
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I am still waiting when will the libtards send their flying niggers and their screaming faggots to do anything 😆😆😆😆🏳️🌈🖕🐒🖕🐒🏳️🌈🖕 The hippie nation of cucky JFK and the sissy nigger MLK is dead.
yeah, now I wanna see that too. who knew they could fly?
I wonder if China and Iran will be offering their own competing rewards for the capture of intact Western weapon systems so they can reverse engineer them.
Germany sends to Ukraine 14 Leopard 2A6 and 88 Leopard 1. I repeat, 14 Leopard 2A6 and 88 Leopard 1 …
Leopard 1 is worse than T-62/T-64
Leopard 1 is weaker than my grandma with her walker
Leopard 1 is more a gun platform than a MBT. Have some speed and manevrability, a decent gun and not any heavy blindage. it resist only at machineguns of 12.7 mm. Anything over can penetrate it, including any kind of antitank portable rockets.
Worse than T-64, but the same generation with T-62 – 2nd generation of after-War tanks. T-64 – 3rd. But there is one more thing. 14 L2 and 88 L1 is 14/88 — neo-nazist sign. 14 stands for 14 words of neonazist David Lane and 88 stands for eighth letter of latin alphabet, HH or “heil Hitler”. Adolf Scholtz, alias the liver sausage, is following in the footsteps of his grandfather who killed himself in bunker.
T-55 has upper hand in duel with this kaiserkrap
The inference being they are already in country!?
Canada reported yesterday that they landed leo2 in poland already. we waiting for the fairy ministers interpretive dance later today on the cuck broadcasting corperation.
No need to capture one,any Ukrainian tank man will sell one cheaper than that.
These tanks will be sell in dark web for not expensive prices
As for the Russian military destroying the nato tanks it will be easy for them to do capturing them before they are burnt-out will be a possibility say 3 out of every 4 destroyed and the other captured in operational condition before being brought to the Donbass and Moscow to be displayed to the Russian Public
In tank museum in Kubinka, it is a part of park “Patriot” now.
Americunt Pete Reed killed in Bakhmut today.
Bonus: 2 norway dumbfuck nazi piece of shit in hospital with severe condition
The incentives, the rewards for the destruction of means have already been used by the Russians in this war. In addition to medals and honors, it’s a nice spur to improve the day. I think that sending a few western tanks is symbolic and pointless! The Russians have armored divisions galore.
Russia should start using “father of all bombs”, as many cities already level and completely destroyed. Furthermore, Russia should start using napalm against military tranches.
Where is that German guy who’s always hanging out here? The one who says he’s proud of Germany’s remilitarization.
I told him about the 31 people in my family gunned down by German soldiers in WW2, including cousins who were children.
Where’s did he go?
Like yourself half of my family was killed in concertation camp JASENOVAC(CROATIA) and many were taken to Germany only mu grandfather survived !! Germany should have never been allowed into the International community on the political level, at least for a 1,000 years !!
it should never have been allowed to exist past 1945.
I’m German, and I advocate remilitarization of Germany. We absolutely need it, seeing how much we are “encircled by friends”, and in particular, to get rid of our very special friend who has ~100 bases scattered around the country, complete with large amounts of troops and weapons of all kinds. As far as our previous war against Russia is concerned, I think it was done with a very wrong ideological background, and thus conducted in a very wrong way, too. We should have supported, not fought against, the Russians, and only killed communists and the Jews behind it all. From my point of view, the Russians are our friends, not our enemies. If you are not a communist and also not a Jew, I feel really sorry for your loss.
FOR SALE : Brand NEW WESTERN TANKS of all makes including NATO trained crew of 4 for 50% of the Russian offer !! Supply is limited so 1st come 1st serve !! Call Z- Elensky at : 1-800- TANKS-R-US !!
Nice. It is more clear now why Russia didn’t finish this war in one month as it sould have been the case. They just want to test NATO capabilities in a direct clash … makes more sense now, yep. Russians are palying chess with a bunch of pocker cheaters ..guess who will win. Lol!!!
… in a direct clash scenario I mean
So this is either a lie or the Sudoplatov Battalion is incredibly stupid. Why the hell would they not spend the money on their own men, instead of a pointless hand out of money for a ‘working tank’. Especially since there is going to be many more than just a handful of men involved in its capture… what are they going to do split the 170,000 usd up between hundreds of men….
Its time for some nightmare PR for NATO piggies. Seizing tanks and putting them in the museum where Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte’s artifacts lie would be hilarious
How lpissble is it to scan? Set up an array under a bridge they have to cross then x ray the fucking thing in higher definition…..reverse engineering thermal whatever they got you can figure it out. Microcomponents are critical as well ressupply fleets have the key stuff.
We used to do this for a 2KM long led epplin wants a british wank tank….
Led ZEpplin baby not a morrocan bathhouse flaoting over the ATlas Led epplin baby. Heard the Earths core stopped spinning and they bolted! Black Sabotag! Can’t stand it because we dont’ even need to fucking plan it to make the Earth Move!.
Alladin INsane and Ground control to major tom? Look at fucking ROnaldinho he thinks the British aren’t gonna pell his balls like a grape and eat them…..
Can’ stand it the British planned it! SOmewhere between vanallens Belt and Never Land for eternity!
You have to avoid the logic of the chinese in replicating Western tech because its expensive. Its their paraidgm financially. They prepare for dessert warfare and shock and awe and train tank drivers and gunners differently. Remember the Beast of the Caspian. SOviet ingenuity was destroyed by the Zionists.
Victor rothschild the KGB asset in British science department. Theyhave no secrets from israel the whole fight is a shell game. Engineering as an application of the human mind and a applied science. A true artists would destroy tanks like beating a spy in parts of his bodies he most uses. the legs, the arms never the face or the eyes that until last. Like a jewish women who doesn’t know her place…..
Volence is an art……love thy enemy….
NATO ar emindless hungry ZIonist whores. Treat them as such. The vibrtion problem in the British tank allwoed the MIC to increase costs. Trying to exploit that weakness will get the contractors sniffening around for more shekels. Likely the engine and axels working with an overcharge system that failed or wasn’t applied in cheap prototypes for intelligence reasons.
They’ll be bodies all around the the veil will have fallen. If you have a personnel list of veteran tank drivers amongst the ukraininas mind games can be played. The sound effects of the engine can be sued to force them to hesitatte and hunger and nausea and issues with the air con system smells. Outside their will be corpses and broken souls.
Flares and laterns will add to the fer of the ghost lights……check for the sounds to fall into coherenc. William Burroughs the mad rapist of Tangier and scientologist recorded the sounds of the mosques of FEZ and MI6 are well aware of the encyption of random sound. Their wills and neurlogial systems will likely be exposed to complex chemicals, plutoniu tinged shells, cordite, phsphorous, make them fear their own weapons. they ar eunclean for service to Israel and theosophist…..reminds them of the chemical burn and the sacred dull crack of tank armor shattering their mortal forms…..
Remember the Fire Breathes in the Night! Look to start fires in abandoned buildings. A symphony of light and shadows along with embedded light anti tank weapons. Like looking into the falling with the western sun. ALways fight with your back to the Inferno or the lash of the Narayn whether it be wileded by the divines of the Israeli harlots we all know and never trust……
German sensors will likely be mounted on more mobile vehiculs built for industrial power warfare but the CHallenger may have more obscure uses after afghanistan IEDs and also planned fighting for windsor bunker complexes. Ranges ar einteresting. Trcer fire on a strafing run will crete Havock even if the DOgs of War can only feast upon the dead.
Fight for the Illulinates and burn like the Dragon. In the Name of the Sol Invictus and Imperial Eagle Hold fast to your crosses and Fear Not Death!
Tell the proud American divided between the politics of the genocidilist vs the SUicdialist liquid fire is not for little vietnamese girls but stong men to blind tanks and lower NATOs pension budget. Drink the fire know the fire they will know it for eternity for serving the false gods wallstreet and Hpuse of Mouse Bordello perversion we now call ZIonism. Rap them in poison blankets so their ancestors know those burn wounds are justified. It IS THE WAY! HAIL GOD EMPROR TRUMP AND KUSHNER OFF THE 666 TOWER! BEGIN THE GAMES!
Hehehe, whichever way the US Globalist Empire turns, its arse is still pointing backwards, as we say in Sweden :p Best luck to the Sudoplatov Battalion and the volunteers of the Zaporozhye Region in their endeavour to teach the US Globalist Empire a lesson in humility!
Ukrops will desert for the reward money and a chance to live. The western war planers are now s hitting in their collective pants. Counter measures are always cheaper than the systems they are designed to defeat.
It makes Russia look bad if they put bounties on the heads of people, even if they are foreigners.
Ukraine already did that, and it wasn’t good.
The bounties for military assets is a huge morale and motivation boost and it emphasizes that Russia is interested in ousting NATO interference and doing it symbolically with bounties put on their hardware.
Happy hunting guys!