Moscow and Washington continue to make steps towards peace. An important obstacle remains the leader of the Kiev regime, who canceled the elections, usurped power, continues to hinder the peaceful settlement of the conflict delaying the bloodshed. US President Trump sees the holding of elections in Ukraine as an important stage in ending the war.
In response to Zelensky’s antics amid the ongoing negotiation process, Trump did not waste time and put the Ukrainian comedian in his place. Over the past day, the US President has made a number of statements that have destroyed the image of the clown, whose political reputation has been so diligently built by Western MSM and Ukrainian propaganda for years.
Trump called Zelensky a “dictator without elections” and accused him of canceling the elections. According to Trump’s assessment, Zelensky’s support rating is now only 4%. Zelensky is a completely incompetent president, makes ridiculous statements, and his leadership has allowed the war to continue. Kiev had 3 years to sit down at the negotiating table. The war in Ukraine could have been resolved without territorial losses “even by a mediocre negotiator” a few years ago. As a result, Ukraine was destroyed, and millions of people died in vain. If Ukraine wants its place at the negotiating table, then elections must be held.
Trump accused Zelensky of prolonging the conflict for financial gain, and that Kiev dragged the United States into a war that could not be won. According to Trump, Washington has spent $350 billion to support Kiev. He stressed that the United States has spent $200 billion more on supporting Zelensky than Europe, but Americans will receive nothing in return. Zelensky does not know where half of the money given by the United States is. Ukraine will have to pay, or find out where the money went.
In his turn, puppet Zelensky continues to play the sovereign leader. After all his false and confusing statements about precise figures, for example, his ridiculous claims about Ukrainian losses of about 40,000 soldiers, and the eternal begging for money and weapons around the world, the Ukrainian clown dared to accuse the US President of lying.
He said that the war cost the Ukrainians $320 billion. Of these, $120 billion was provided by Ukrainian taxpayers, and the remaining $200 billion was provided by Western allies, that is, the United States and the Europeans together. According to the head of the Kiev regime, in total, the Ukrainian authorities received $67 billion worth of weapons from the United States. Another 31.5 billion was allocated to the budget of Ukraine as financial assistance.
The exact price of the war unleashed in Ukraine could be determined after its completion, but Kiev has certainly lost its chance to dictate its terms at the negotiating table. The one thing is obvious today. Kiev has completely sold out the country that a few decades ago was one of the richest, most industrialized republics of the Soviet Union with vast precious lands and all the necessary conditions for prosperity. Zelensky and his regime led Ukraine to war, which consolidated the status of a fully controlled colony. Ukrainians have to pay for all the support they recieved, but Kiev and the Western warmongers have been fighting in propaganda hiding this fact behind a beautiful wrapper of the “necessity of defending their democracy” and so on. Today, Trump simply says bluntly that it’s time to pay off debts, and the whole picture of pro-Ukrainian propaganda is bursting at the seams with the truth. After all, before the truth could easily be called “terrible Russian propaganda,” but now it’s inconvenient to turn their coats.
piano man is talking real crazy about trump dawg and trump is furious. if trump had more play i could see the americans bombing kiev.
filthy zio beggar the bankster with all luxury shit he got have costed us waaaay to much. in europe alone. fucking shit should be eradicated.
the butterfly net squad is asking: “are you sure you meant zelensky, chief?”
i could see both us and russian bombers flying sorties over kyiv and turning it into a smoldering crater.
maybe it was vladolfs a-hole after taking out the buttplug you saw?
a couple oreshniks could probably end kiev’s existence.
this is hilarious i must admit haha, primitive ukrainian animals being put in their place. :p
pigs with khohols. bastard nation of 🤡 zakharpatian savages, pitty true ukrainians. this shit should be killed and used as dogs food.
around here you are dog face
the khazarian mafia hired a comedian for the job . he is still providing the world his art
you truly sound like a proud nazi pig.
ukraine seems to have a factory somewhere in western ukraine that churns out idiots.
vicious indoctrinated idiots, that miraculously until of late, were getting away with (mass) murder. now fertilizer.
now the americans are being given the same ungrateful angry treatment the russians have been receiving from the ukrainians for the past 100 years. ukraine is like an anchor around the neck of any nation that befriends it.
in reality the truth is that the yanks prefer to pay proxy fighters with ‘printed dollars’ and to bribe gangsters to do the dirty work.
this has been the case since ww1.
that’s how they and the brits overthrew the democratically elected mossadeggh of iran in ’53, hiring thugs from the criminal underworld to plant false flags everywhere.
nuland read about it once and said ‘i’ll bet that’ll work in ukraine too.”… and voila! maidan was born.
yes, it is like that in europe for some very prolonged time.
not at all, russia should be denazified and demilitarized. a total overtake of russia is needed so the country can become normal and possible for normal people to visit.
1) russia gets east ukraina and new map will be approved by usa
2) america gets west ukraina -uk and poland send troops to lviv as quarantine
3)zelensky gets middle finger -pays 340 billion usd back -if can not pay 1/2 of its sources will be given to america
4) no sanctions for russia. sanctions will be lifted by usa.
make ukraina great again
for once i might agree with the green goblin : the lion’s share of allocated credits to “project ukraine” stayed in the united states. the donald is playing a silly game but the kiev’s midget is not able to understand how it’s played.
he knows all too well, the clown has experience with offshore accounts and london luxury real estate. he knows the game, selling lives for money.
the clown will have to dance for money as he did back in the days, dressed like a woman. a 🤡 is always a clown.
thieves falling out. but neither they nor our media realise that further huge social and political crises will arise through forcing europe to face up to economies built on corporate looting because cheap imports supplied all the necessaries while american imperial power paid for protection. not that i’d accuse them of caring. though as lenin pointed out, it was the great war that precipitated revolution.
the russian have been real geniuses leaving the nazi cleptoclown alive ; anybody in alternative would have made much less mistakes in the war such as letting thousands of ucrainian soldiers get massacred to keep positions that were impossible to defend only for public relations purposes.anybody would have had more pity for the destiny of his soldiers than this evil zionist
exactly 💯.
what i mean he should run, while he can, to save his sorry ass. mobs gonna do him. and that zakharpatian savage with fat lips and big nose, the boxer or mayor of the bullshit city.
zzzzzombie talk
zionist playbook in action. lie, lie, lie !
just eliminate this cocaine addict, i mean wtf ? shoot this fuck dead.
the ides of march will soon be upon us. the first full moon in march is the 14th. zelensky is now expendable. if i were him i would quietly leave the stage while he still can.
run to his mansion in beverly hills.
i don’t think he’ll be leaving any stage and the swords of his collaborators will be drawn and thrust, one by one. “my kingdom for a horse” will be his epitaph, along with ” i shoulda stayed in showbiz”
bro zelensky is liberal and putin hate liberal haha😂😂😂
right? he should have been offed a long time ago
teritoriu nu stat. care roman vrea sa fie casca albastra? nici unul!
la. alegerile libere din tara claunului, va castiga.. poporul!
apoi le anukeaza ca tika toka le a bagat vorul in urna!
daca acum 10 ani pe g o o g l e nu citeai primele 2- 3 pagini, acum dupa 7-8 pagini poti citi ceva.
“ukrainians have to pay for all the support they recieved”. i’d add: but never asked for it. at least the ordinary ukrainians, those, who should now pay. make brussels pay, kallas, borrel, von der layen, baerbock, you name them, personally!
liz, bojo, natanahu, macron, scholtz the destroyer of germany. the list goes on.
the ukrainian operation was a us operation. the coup in kiev in 2014 was an american coup. this notion that the european vassals cooked up this rubbish is just absurd. the us owns the europeans, and they own the ukrainians. they just have never liked to pay their rent.
yanks don’t pay rent. they never have. they’re a rentier parasite economy, and ‘society’
the russian have been genial by leaving the nazi cleptoclown alive ; anybody in alternative would have made much less mistakes in the war such as letting thousands of ucrainian soldiers get massacred to keep positions that were impossible to defend only for public relations purposes.anybody would have had more pity for the destiny of his soldiers than this evil zionist
a lot of good it will do him. and besides, trump is right in his summary of the ukrainian situation. and nazi-princess has convinced the rest of eu to gift ukraine some 6billion €€ despite the state of affairs. hope they find a lamppost to fasten the rope around her neck, with zelensky in the next lamppost!
crack head chihuahua no more amerikan dog food
only food for yuri the dog food tester.
his btw aka bums to the wall, we know it he can’t account for billions of dollars and his war crimes are public knowledge he’s been thoroughly entrapped into their total control.
imagine the proof the us has of this clowns corruption and recreational habits involving his nose? before all of this the panama papers revealed the holdings in mr zelenskys offshore hidden accounts and the monthly deposits of three major oligarchs to the tune of millions each month…..
like my senile ex prez i predict as gud as taliban astrologer–better than nazi will ramses saxon
zelensky is not an idiot, he’s a sayan, he’s is a mission for israhell exactly as jeffrey epstein was, working for the genocidal illuminist project,mand will continue to play the incompetent idiot as long as possible. just let’s hope he’ll not get epsteined and he’ll truly be prosecuted, condemned and executed for what he’s done and still is doing.
the kiev cokehead needs to watch his back. you know what happens to the jewsa’s puppets who have outlived their usefulness. diem, saddam hussein, navalny come to mind. he’d better make sure his life insurance is fully paid up.
an ukranian life insurer ?
in the good old days, the king stood in front of his men, sword in hand, and took his chances with the rest. william the conqueror, richard the lionheart, frederick the great. but that doesn’t happen any more. instead the starmers, the bushes, the blairs, the trumps, send off kids from c**ppy council estates to do their fighting for them . i know which one of the two i prefer.
thanks for derping.
you forgot vladolfs name
there is never anything but garbage that spews out of the orange mongoloid. the americans built ukretardism. the americans operated the ukretardish puppet as a function of their failed effort to bring down the russian state.
the dynamics are complex. trump says he will take panama, greenland, canada and gaza to normalize wars of aggression for territorial expansion, thus expressing his respect for putin. he repeats the kremlin’s arguments to the word, in a full voice. why? simply logical. his power in the senate is firmer than ever. many respected members of both parties are enthusiastic about his acumen. remember the bay of pigs, april 1961. it’s just getting started.
the dynamics are complexed. trump crows about taking panama, greenland, canada and gaza to normalize wars of aggression for territorial expansion in order to excuse his surrender to putin. he parrots kremlin talking points on cue, full falsetto. why? very curious. he has a shaky grip on power in the senate. many respected members in both parties are aghast at his ranting. remember the bay of pigs. who really has the power? it isn’t over.
desperate amerikunt humiliated by russian
my taliban astrologer mentor help me predict full amerikunt capitulation
i lie for 72 years—normal in america
volodolf zelli, the slave of ursula von der leyen forever
vladolf the trump boyfrien by these days
zelenskaya is a lier and has never had friends