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Zelensky Dismissed Defence Minister Reznikov After Counteroffensive Failed (18+)

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Zelensky Dismissed Defence Minister Reznikov After Counteroffensive Failed (18+)

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov has submitted his resignation to the Verkhovna Rada.

On the evening of September 3, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced the replacement of the Minister of Defense. Alexey Reznikov, who headed the defense department since November 2021, should be replaced by Rustem Umerov, the head of the State Property Fund, an ethnic Crimean Tatar, born in Uzbekistan.

The decision to dismiss Reznikov was not a surprise. During his service, he faced numerous scandals. For example, there were rumors about his resignation in the winter of 2023, when it was revealed that the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine was purchasing foodstuff at extremely inflated prices. Documents on catering for military units in six Ukrainian regions were earlier leaked to the media.

The MSM explain that the public scandals and criticism led to Resnikov’s resignation. However, Reznikov was more likely punished for the failed counteroffensive. Amid the protracted conflict, Kiev needs to at least somehow increase the public trust. Thus, the change of the military leadership is an important political step, aimed at giving some hope to the Ukrainian population.

Reznikov, who already stole all money he could, may be appointed ambassador the UK, where he will waste them.

In his recent interview, Reznikov claimed that one day of war costs Ukraine $100 million. He clarified that the citizens of Ukraine actually provide the army, because they work and pay taxes sent to the state budget, and from there – including to the army. He did not clarify where are all the funds provided by Kiev’s patrons.

Reznikov will cede the minister’s chair to a more discredited figure, Rustem Umerov. 41-year-old Umerov is a Crimean Tatar by origin. Since 2007 he has been engaged in business in the field of telecommunications and finance. His skills should help the Kiev regime continue fighting in the MSM but not on the battlefield and stole mone from the foreign military aid.

He was also an assistant to the head of the head Crimean Tatar Mejlis. In 2019 Umerov was elected to the People’s Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada from the Voice party, but later actually entered Zelensky’s team. As a reward, in 2022 he received the post of chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine.

In February 2022, Umerov was member of the Ukrainian delegation at the negotiations with the Russian Federation that ended in failure. Umerov is also believed to have extensive connections in the United States. As a Crimean Tatar he also has close ties with Turkey.

Translated by FearlessJohn:



Even before being appointed the Defence Minister, Umerov has already discredited himself in public scandals. For example, obscene videos of the married man with three children were leaked online. Nobody can humiliate Ukrainian officials more than they humiliate themselves.


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not gonna lie, he doesn’t really look like a defense minister. most countries choose a person that looks like someone in control, with power, just the look of that person should i still some kind of respect or even fear. that guy looks like he runs an ice cream truck on the weekends, selling rainbow colored popsicles to all the kids that had their father killed on the frontline.


what is shoigu doing? faggot things with vowa and dima? hehehe


winning the war.


actually shoigu sticks his dick inside lithuanian men’s assholes like your father’s


ahahahaha, come get some asshole

ukraine's a pain

i’ve been to kaunas, just before it was turned into a nato brothel. pretty soon there’ll be little mulato kids with kinky hair running all over the place.

ukraine's a pain

funny thing about lithuania, when i was there i discovered that i’m a distant ancestor of gediminas, the father of your country, and here i think the ukrainians are dick-licking a-holes. if i was there, i’d order all the nazi-lovers there to go fight the russians and get rid of all the nazi-lovers and improve the country. the country’s nice but those nazi-lovers are really nazty turds. plus their politicians have their heads up their asses.

Last edited 1 year ago by ukraine's a pain

a good description of yourself loser faggot

ukraine's a pain

poison popsicles, so the kids don’t grow up to hate him & maybe raid his daughter’s villa and throw her out a tower window like in braveheart.


when everything else fails and your stupidity and corruptness is unveiled create scapegoats to keep this fiasco going.


one sick pig replaced by another swine, welcome to ukronazi land.

ukraine's a pain

piggy number one wanted more of what piggy number two was skimming off western aid.

plus, it’s an old trick. when everybody’s on the take, pick a few like reznikov and kolomoisky and skewer ’em, then they can say ‘look, see how we’re cleaning corruption from ukraine? now give us more money.’

it’s an old scam and nobody better at it than a ukrainian. ok, maybe a jewish ukrainian’s a bit better at it but prob. not by much. they’re all class a scam artists.


loser ruzzia is fucked up


look at kremlin shithole…only useless scum there


southfront told us yesterday that 31 abrams tanks were destroyed but hohols didn’t get them yet, how is it possible then?


at least put a link for the article your talking about,smh 🤦‍♂️


he cant link what he invented in his brain


look at your fucking stupid kremlin propaganda

ukraine's a pain

they drew from past experience. lol

ukraine's a pain

msm told us yesterday that robotino was captured and that ukies had penetrated the sulovikin main line of defense and are halfway to the azov sea but it was all bullshit, so how is that possible then?

tend your own garden. too many weeds in there. they’re choking off oxygen to your brain.

Last edited 1 year ago by ukraine's a pain

you r fucking bullshit just as all ruzzian scum


russian* ( filling text)


well he is a wanker.


don’t confuse yourself with others

John Kesich

how can little vlodymyr think the counteroffensive failed? they captured 90 sq miles of no man’s land including several inconsequential villages. time to add him to myrotvorets?


ahahaha ruzzian wet dreams


one kike replaces another kike on behalf of the clown kike. the kike circus continues… apparently, they have money for things that really matter, like giving crank (speed) to their troops… and clown kike wants the eu nations to force military age men (which means any man of any age and health (and/or adolescent boys) who fled ukraine to fill in the ranks of his doomed military to die on his vain insane behalf. i warn all uke men in the eu to flee the eu now.


and there are ukraine nationalists(nazis) taking orders from this scum. you can’t make this up. azov are fake ns.

ukraine's a pain

reznikov looks like an old bolshevik poster. all he needs is one of those pointed hats.

what d’ya guys think? will his daughter have to return that $7 m mansion she just bought in france or does he get to keep all the skim off western aid so far, just no more?

cia will probably dispose of him soon enough, pesky bolshevik looking nazi pest.


look at the fucking kremlin mafia


i’m polish and i’m sick of these ukie freeloaders. there were five young punks staying in the house next door, drunk 12 hours a day and turning the neighborhood into a pigsty. i sent a letter to the ukrainian embassy with their names and addresses and i think a van came by this morning to send their asses back to ukraine to the front lines. when they surrender, russia can feed them. we’re sick of them.


tak, odvolal, hm … a čo už vyfasoval aj povolávací rozkaz? už je na ceste do bojovej zóny do prvej línie? alebo sa teraz ide vyvaľovať nikam na floridu? ozaj kde sa nachádzajú ostatné fašistické prasatá čo ukrajincom vládli? myslím porošenka a spol!!! tí nemusia do prvej línie?

John Wallace

he needs to jump off a tall building so he can be replaced.


not every country uses ruzzian style demissions


schluss mit lustig, ausser spesen nix gewesen und das portmonet ist leer!

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