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MARCH 2025

“Zelensky, Fuck Off!”: Ukrainian Soldiers Recorded Video Response To New President’s Peace Rhetoric

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During his campaign, the newly elected Ukrainain President Volodymir Zelensky repeatedly stated that he would contribute every possible effort to establish a real ceasefire at a contact line between the Ukrainian Army and local self-defense forces in eastern Ukraine.

Despite these populist claims, Zelensky has made nothing to establish a real ceasefire in the area. Violations and artillery shelling continue there on a daily basis. Units of the Ukrainian Army uses actively mortars and heavy weapons to target civilian areas in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republic. Furthermore, Ukrainian troops seem to be not interested in any kind of ceasefire.

Recently, Ukrainian troops recorded a video message to President Zelensky regarding this situation. The video shows a soldier using a mortar to target the area controlled by self-defense forces. The operator encourages his counterpart vowing to continue the shelling.

“Just, stop shooting… Zelya [Zelensky], fuck off! Get cracking!… Anoher one,” he said.

Such videos are a common revelation of the real situation at the Kiev-controlled side of the contact line, including constant ceasefire violations, robbery and violations of discipline. This situation cannot be changed by a few loud statements about the need of the ceasefire.


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Toronto Tonto

Its Russian troops not selfless defenceless Ukrainians in Donbass that we need to continue to send home via cargo 200 .


Here are some real selfless defenceless peopel for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yVTW5kl6Yg

Toronto Tonto

The Russian troops love to hide in populated areas just like there buddies ISIS


Hide, your hiding you ass in Canada, rather going out and fight the so called Russian demons your stupid grandpa told you about. Your such fucking coward, a hallmark of Canucks.

Toronto Tonto

They kill each other in Donbass stupid , they don’t need me .


No, no, he’s right. People here are accusing Ukraine for sending that civil plane in the war zone so they are bearing the main guilt, right? Why are the Russians hiding with heavy weapons in populated areas? Scumbags, right?


Ditto – the Ukrainian Armed Forces love to shell civilian populated areas just like their buddies NATO.


Yeah, Donbass is inhabitted solely by russian spetnaz. LUL You my friend, are dumber than a unicellular organism.


Yeh sure it is. Cnn told you so ?


‘Defenseless Ukrainians in Donbass’ – that would be the majority regional population, of ethnic and linguistic speaking Russian-Ukrainians, who have been mercilessly shelled in their own homes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, under the advent of the Poroshenko-Kiev regime, and it has now continued under advent of the Zelensky-Kiev regime.

Concrete Mike

If it was russiam troops there, in 2014, they would have been in Kiev, in 2014!


Get over it!

No banderistan!

Toronto Tonto

Sorry they are too drunk and cant read maps .

Concrete Mike

Just like the ukrainian air traffic controllers!


And Canucks like you are to hoped up on fentanyl and opiods.

Toronto Tonto

Yet still far superior to the likes of a troll or you.

Concrete Mike

Your not canadian you peice of shit!


Again Ukie shitstain why don’t you get your chickenshit ass to Ukraine and go do some fighting, or is the living to easy in Canada for you stupid third generation Ukie Canadian who don’t know how to even speak Ukrainian. The Ukrainian Canadians are as pathetic as the Cuban American exiles, get over it idiot.

Tudor Miron

“We”? Lol. Such brave keyboard worriors are really amusing.

Saddam Hussein

What a mess, I have a feeling all of Syria will be liberated from terrorists before the Ukraine situation is over.

Concrete Mike

You know what even scarier Saddam?

Westinghouse is.over there, trying to switch nuclear fuel.for the nuclear power plants, they have no.Fing clue what there.doing, NONE! This is a political project that will end up in another fucking disaster!


Ukraine used to be called The Ukraine, or in English The Borderlands. Ukraine has always been the place where the criminals from Poland Russia Romania Austria and of course Jews have gone to evade the law. Like the Assyrian Harbiru, a refuge for criminals.

The Soviets tried to clean the place up, but it seems to be in their nature to be corrupt.

Jens Holm

Most of that is vertical wrong.

And of course Ukraine is a borderland for most people. We come to the borders by ship and fx from Ukraine get their food, iron and coale.

The locals do the rest inclusive slaves in Africa. Archangelsk, Murmansk, St Petersbourg and fx Riga was made for that.

It seemes like You have forgotten the many millions killed during WW1 being continued by Stalin long time after that incl. starvation and civile war.

It seemes Ypu forget exact the same happend before and after WW2 having Hitler in the middle as a visit focused on jews as well.

Telling other nations are dirty as You descriebe is partly true. Many were Feudal lords just as the ones supporting the Tzars. Like the arab oil sheiks later, they most of the years was in Lodon, Paris, Monaco, Cairo and Beirut. As long as they could live like that, many didnt care for their populations at all.

But of course I dont know how many times a peasant should steal to buy a Fabergee egg :)

Russia again collpased in 1991. You should wonder why. More that kind of people, You name as Jews, should take over. They never would have USSR collapse but have made it into advanced all over being very productive, and You cant be rich like that, if the local Russians can effort to buy most of it.


‘self-defense forces’ that shot down airplanes


It’s been proven that Ukraine did it! Stop with the BS


By Kim Jong-un


When idiots can’t make an argument, they trot out caricatures such as Kim Jong-un, your most likely another Canadian shitstain of Ukie decent. Stupid fucks like you in Canada seem all to concerned of country that they don’t even speak language or have no intention to migrate to. So please fuck off.


I have nothing in common with Canada, and soon I will have even less in common with Russia since they are building a “sovereign internet” to protect its domestic network from external threats https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-10/trump-s-war-on-huawei-risks-destroying-tech-world-russia-says

Toronto Tonto

Russia shot down MH17 and all the world knows except the Russian trolls .


Hi captain idiot. Where’s your proof?

Toronto Tonto

Typical Russian answer , putin and lavrov have seen the proof you are not good enough .


You did not answer you stupid Ukie Canuck faget.

Concrete Mike

Where is the ukrainian radar data that would prove you right?

Toronto Tonto

Ask putin he saw it dikcheese .

Concrete Mike

I texted putin, he told me to tell you that he fucked your.mom last night.


Again proof you Canadian Ukie faget.

Doom Sternz

The stupid just keep on with Russia Russia Russia. MH17 was shot down by a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet.

All norms of the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO were violated in the investigation of the crash of Malaysia’s MH17 flight in eastern Ukraine. Ukraine’s security services are directly involved in this investigation yet much of the evidence suggests that Ukraines security services could well be responsible for the demise of flight MH17.

For instance what was a military plane doing on the route intended for civilian flights? A Russian monitoring system registered that there were Ukrainian Air Force jets, probably SU-25’s in the immediate vicinity, eye witnesses say at least one was climbing and approaching flight MH17. Why was the military jet flying so close to a passenger plane? Why was eye witness evidence excluded from the report?

Why did flight MH17 leave the international corridor? Flight MH17 stayed within the corridor until it reached Donetsk but then it deviated from the route to the north. Was flight MH17 leaving the route as a navigation error or was the crew following instructions by Ukrainian air traffic controllers in Dnepropetrovsk? Why was the altitude of MH17 reduced? Was this to make it within combat range of an SU-25?

Why was a large group of air defense systems deployed to the militia-held regions just before the tragedy? Especially considering that the self-defense forces have no planes. Also on the day of the crash Kiev intensified Kupol-M1 9S18 radar activity, key BUK targeting system components. Where they providing targeting information to the SU-25’s?

Why did Ukraine (US/NATO) shoot down MH17…..because Ukraine needed air power to defeat the Donbass and the shooting down of the airliner was an attempt to stop the loss of Ukrainian military aircraft and NATO pilots.

Captain Vladislav Voloshin, the Ukrainian pilot who repeatedly was accused of downing MH17 took his own life in March 2018. He shot himself twice in the back of the head, He was 29.

Toronto Tonto

That’s all BS and you can look at what the findings of Russian involvement were , sounds more like a Russia hit 2 fucking slugs to the back of ones cranium . keep living the great life loser .


You don’t speak for “all the world” by a long shot. Stop your campaign to make all Canadians look bad and stupid.

Concrete Mike

Well i.doubt he is.canadian, i asked him who the raptors were the other day and he didnt have a clue= NOT CANADIAN.

But there are stupid people everywhere, and im willing to say we are all stupid, just not 100% all the time stupid.


There is no proof of any Russian involvement, on the contrary, Russia even provided the serial numbers to the UN investigators of the BUK used by Ukraine to down MH-17.

Concrete Mike

Ah yes, and whl was the idiot in control of thr airspace that day bacon?

Who sent that plane there?

Thats who shot down that plane, if the air traffic control didnt send the plane there, there would be no plane to shoot!

The ukrainian army had radar control, not Donbass.

Your smarter than that.bacon!


Yeah ok Ukraine is guilty for the missiles Putin gave to those idiots. Of course Ukraine is guilty too, and even the company that owned the airplane, they should had basic info about what is going on in the world, and turn back…but not as guilty as who shot it down, probably Strelkov and Putin by giving the missiles to those wanna be cowboys

Concrete Mike

You.dont even know who.fucking shot down the plane bacon come on!!!

All you are doing is asserting.

Even the investigation is shoddy, since when does one of the accused become a stakeholder in the investigation, as is the case with the Ukrainian military in this case.

The fox is in charge of the henhouse.

And your ok with this? Can you give me anything that isnt alleged? In engineering probablies dont cut it, so your probably strelkov shot it is a pretty weak argument.

Matter of fact the whole.investigation is weak and quick to.blame russia. Almost as if the conclusion was there while the plane was still in the air.

The Malaysian PM is of the same opinion as I am.


Ok, it’s a matter of personal opinions, I was in touch with the news and the so called ‘self defence Donetsk militia blah blah’ released a video on Facebook, cheering that they shot down an Ukrainian plane, just 2 hours before the mainstream news announced that the plane is missing.

Concrete Mike

Ah yes that totally uncomprisdd source of information called facebook?? That no one ever planted something malicious, like the anti vaxxers!!

Come on!!!


If you want to believe it’s a conspiration, it’s not my business, but you didn’t come with any evidence

Concrete Mike

Thanks for respecting my.views.

Lets return to my main point of air traffic controllers.

Who in their right mind would send a civilian plane there, when other military planes were shot down days prior?

You dont need a ufo to land on the white house lawn here.

Regardless of who pulled the trigger, that plane had no business there! It violated international aviation rules!

Responsibility falls solely on ukraine! When a civilian plane enter ukrainian airspace, its the ukrainians responsibility, its up to them to make sure the plane enters and exits ukrainian airspace safely.

This was not done on that day!

Thats facts bacon, all of this could and should have been avoided, but for whatever reason it was not.

Did the people of Donbass benefit from this? NO

Did Russia benefit from this? Certainly not!!

But a coordinated media campaign came out in the west simultaneously. The media sure sold alot of papers, they surely benefitted.i can go on and on.

That plane should not have passed there! Ulkrainian air control knew what was going on and they followed orders.


” It violated international aviation rules!” Ok those who launched the missile didn’t violate it or they are immune to logic?

Tudor Miron

I have to disagree on your last statement :)

Concrete Mike

Haha i respect your opinion.

Toronto Tonto

And the air controllers knew the skkankweed Russians brought a BUK into Ukraine grow up fukhead .

Concrete Mike

Your comment is based on a vague assertion.

The ukies knew, as some other planes were shot down before. That is a fact.

Another fact is your a racist morron.

Concrete Mike

Grow up?? I have a.mortgage a paid off car a visa and a lovely wife!

I live in the real.world, where investigations folow chain of custody rules.

All the so called evidence you claim is true, does not follow one bit any real.investigative procedure.

I am a professional Civil engineering Technologist, invesigations is my bread and butter, proper chain of custody of evidence (samples)is.part of my.job!

Anonymous sources and statements like, we know it was russia we have proof butnits classified is nothing more than BS for gullible fools like yourself!

I live in the real.world, where verifiable.chain.of custody of samples/evidence is.necessary to come to a true judgement, anything else is dangerous speculations!

Now take an hour to consult your script and your bosses, and try and regurgitate something new for once, with a chain of custody, for some of us have a real scientific backgroudn and these things do matter!

Toronto Tonto

Your so full of shitt , Russia shot down MH17 and you know it or your an idiot .

Harry Smith

Just my observation. If “bacon” or “tonto” says something is black, you can be sure, in the reality, the thing should be white.


Crimea is Russia

Harry Smith

Great try, bacon. Your immense intellect gave us a possibility to watch the Orwellian doublethink in action. :) https://media3.giphy.com/media/xUA7bahIfcCqC7S4qA/giphy.gif


I’m humbled by the undeserved attention your grate wisdom is according to me


Historically, that is a correct statement. Kievan Rus. All of Ukraine is also historically Russian; while Crimea liberated from the Turks and Tartars has Russia’s only warm-water port, the home of Russia’s fleet; and has enormous strategic significance. Ukraine is also the birthplace of Russian Orthodox religion.


That’s like saying England is American

Jens Holm

Very well compared.

Jens Holm

A lot is missing in the history book of Yours.

Crimea wasnt liberated from Turks. All muslims there fighted hard against the Russians and so hard, they were deported and killed and even today are not allowed to go back.

Russia as we see today was made around Moscow and took Kiev by force. The importance for Russia is their ID according Christianity ignoring their past. Russia also is a Scandinavian name because its importance grew by develloping the area by trade to Byzants and the rivers there. You should add Novgerod to it as well as supplement to Moscow.

Its a typical Moscow attitude, they deny the importance of the Balkans as a trade and devellopment center long time before some Mongols took over from Moscow – which they did.


Mongols like Putin or Yeltsin

Jens Holm

It was about the past long time ago.

Here its true many more are/was from north and east. You have to addd the many tribes, which also populated the Moscow region, which by that was different from the Kiev/ Novgerod Region Regions/Countries. Many of them was from the socalled Finnish etnic language group.


How long until Zelensky appears before Ukrainian media dressed up in digital camo uniform, a-la ‘Commander’ Poroshenko?


Rob, how come you, an American couldn’t learn English but you know so much about Ukraine?


What I don’t get about these Ukrainian Canadians idiots like bacon or tonto, is their obsession over a country they never grew up in that their ancestors left long ago, and that they speak the language anymore. I guess saying shit on the comments is easier then learning Ukrainian, then immigrating to Ukraine, then having to live in the basket case of Europe, amid shitty mismanaged economy and corrupt to the bone government officials, and finally go to the war front. To potentially get you ass shot in the Donbass, nah its easier for chickenshit ignoramus Ukie Canucks like tonto or bacon to spout their shit on comments sections in the comfort of their moms basement in some dull grey box like suburb somewhere in mediocre Canada.

Harry Smith

I think they are Ukrainian and Croatian. Just pretending to be USA/Canada citizens to get more credibility.


Hasbara, Jewish, they always hide their true nationality.


So, you are hasbara.


Oy vey.



we know, you are an aborigin :P

Jens Holm

Thats right. He sometimes is sinfull and bad in history.

Jens Holm

If Jews were as many as You assume, they would be a majority of the world and by that be our Goverments.

Jens Holm

Yes. They might. Maybee they also could be some kind of diaspora wishing to help or/and invest. Ukraine has a great potential.

Toronto Tonto

I have NO connection to anything in that part of the globe , except for maybe some favorite foods . Its putins aggression that irks me . I want to see him gone and Russia to be the great place it can be .

Ivan Freely

Aggression? Yeah, sure. Bad Putin for all the military bases around the World. SMH.

Jens Holm

A typical reaction the other way around. It confirms very well, what he writes about it.

No Russian bases in Ukraine. No pressure for Neocolonialisme again. Russia never has taken all Sibiria and made Vladivostok even Alaska was sold.

Its also stupid to compare like it seemes You do. The Russians has beeen big backyarders. Other has needed to use transportation by sea.

Jens Holm

I think You and others should downseize the importance of that kind of socalled bacon and tonto. Its not usefull.

In the other hand it is allowed to have other oppinions then 1 with patent.

Tudor Miron

Another confirmation that Kiev has little control of their armed forces around Donbass. Low disciplin, looting of locals, mass alcoholism and abusing drags – thats the state of ukro fascist army..


Weren’t the fascists the organized ones? How about hippie army?


German fascists are organized, they had the trains to the gas chambers running like clockwork. Ukrainian fascists are confused fools, they work for Jews, but also want to kill them. They would also have gas chambers, but their Jewish bosses stole all the gas.


More precisely Italians were the fascists, Germans were the national socialists.


Just … wow. Since Ron Unz’s articles I’ve become a bit agnostic about the whole gas chamber narrative, but when it comes to the Ukie condition you’ve nailed it. Memorable! :-)

Toronto Tonto

Nobody in the entire world believes the Russia anymore , just lie and deny is there motto for years now and changing history to suit there needs and make the populace obey poofaces needs , good luck learning Chinese but it will help you .


You clearly know a very tiny, tiny, tiny portion of the “entire world” if that is what you think. You will probably be shocked if you ever got to travel to the various parts of Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa where I often do business,and get to engage with real people. By far (and I mean overwhelming so) the most common topic I hear is the threat of the US and occasionally the wider one of NATO – and this is even in countries that are politically considered US allies. Russia and China rank extremely low on most people’s concerns about the future except in a small minority of their neigbouring countries; and even there the opinions of the politicians, the media and the average person in the street differ massively: examples being in the Baltic countries and even in Ukraine itself. Have a look at the overwhelming Ukrainian televote support for Russia (and vice versa) in the Eurovision song competition each year, and you will get an idea of the difference between the propaganda you see in the mass media and what is happening on the ground. You really need to get out of that armchair a bit more: You will be amazed about how much there is to know that cannot be learnt through trolling the internet, especially when it comes to the opinions of the average man on the street.


Of the ex-Soviet republics, Ukraine has hit the lowest point as clowns and Zionists are running the place into the ground, while NATO militarizes the corrupt regime and spreads destabilization in the region. The Don Bas freedom fighters need to liberate all of Ukraine, or it will turn into a eastern European tumor like Israel.


Donbass is a trouble spot run by local mafioso gangs and militias. Most leaders are killed in internal fights, like Motor-Ola and others. In fact I don’t think Ukraine wants it back now when it’s a ruin. Think of the football championship few years ago – Donetsk and the new airport in perfect shape. Now everything is destroyed and civilians are mass fleeing.

Jens Holm

Thats expected. Just like Makron in France long time solutions are not possible unless You use long time.

Zelensky is taken in as a wild card, because the rest was too bad and could make no progress.

We will see if he has it. Even so I dont expect or hope for miracles. I see him as a step being the first of many small ones, which probatly might be able to make smal, but important changes.

Or of course can be of no use.

Does the 2-3 other political parties give hope, if people again vote for them. Unfortunatluy I dont see that. You still has the same greedy infected contraproductive and corrupt parlament runned by Oligarcs.

Its ironic the only good solution seemes to be, the Proletarians removed and destructed them making power to the people.

The same partly foes for USA and GB. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtvlBS4PMF0

Moderate American

Fuck the Ukraine and fuck Europe!!!, let the EU deal with it and let the EU have NATO!!

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